Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to KFI AM six forty on demand.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
You know, I was thinking, as we were talking about paganism,
there's a game, the college game, many many years ago,
six degrees of separate separation, or six degrees of Kevin Bacon,
where you would you would sit there and you would
name a person, and you try and see how many
times you could get, you know, or name a person
if you could get within six tries or six movies
back to Kevin Bacon. So you'd name an actor and
you'd say Tom Cruise, Well, Tom Cruise was in this
with so and so, and that was and then so
and so was in this with so and so, and ultimately,
within six tries you'd get back mathematically to a movie
that Kevin Bacon was in. Well, it's almost six degrees
of paganism, because no matter where you go or what
direction you run in, you can be brought back to
paganism even in the things you're comfortable with. As we're
limited on time, we can only talk so much, you know,
during during phone calls and stuff like that. But as
we're talking and the mention of Christmas and goes, well,
that's Christmas, and they celebrated and the wise men. Unfortunately
we had to go to a break. But you think
about the concept of the wise men. The wise men
were the magi, they were pagan astrologers, and yet people
have those on cards and everything like that, and during
the holidays and even see shirts saying wise men still
follow him today with a picture of me on it,
you know, either on the cross or something like that,
and things like this. You'd be surprised how much it
is it has infiltrated, not on its own, but willingly
buy different groups or leaders like Constantine and the like
that had shaved off as much of it as they
could and then applied the others so that there was
comfort level in its growth. As a matter of fact,
Christianity can be argued by historians at least I might
have a different thought, but that a lot of that
is what propelled Christianity, you know, Rome, Constantine changing Rome
and their national religion and belief system. At first, it
was opening it up to all beliefs, and it was
more of a okay, listen, you're not going to be
persecuted for being Christian anymore.
Speaker 1 (02:33):
That's the first thing.
Speaker 2 (02:35):
And then slowly he started opening that up and then
he started saying, well, no, paganism's a problem, and we're
going to start not just allowing everything, but now putting
paganism down. And through the process of the years and
so on, came to a point where he says, now
Christianity's mandatory.
Speaker 1 (02:57):
In ways, and then you've.
Speaker 2 (02:58):
Got people going okay, well then I'm just gonna take
this with me, or this with me, or this with me.
Speaker 1 (03:03):
Does that always work?
Speaker 2 (03:05):
Absolutely not. Are there systems that are polluted and perverted
because they've brought things into Christianity. Absolutely, But that's where
discernment comes from. And my purpose for bringing these things
up and pointing them out is even the word holy
day has been muted to holiday, and there are things
like blessings and the term holy itself that really date
very far back, pre dating Christianity. And if you start
just throwing the baby out with the bathwater, you have problems.
The bath water is dirty, the baby is clean, and
you need to look around and see how these things
are interacting in your life. If they are neutral or
can be neutralized, then that's fine. If they're infiltrated by
way of someone with an agenda or something or these
types of things, then yes, you are to defend yourself
and your faith against those kinds of interruptions. But many
of these things from thousands of years of filtering have
become benign. You know, the practices that these things once
held have nothing to do with it. A child is
not running around in a costume of their favorite superhero
thinking that they are warding off demons and spirits and
ghosts as they dance around a bonfire. It's simply them
trying to get candy and dressing up. When it says
in scripture that you are created in the image of God,
some argue that that is that you have intellect, will,
and emotion. Others would say that your very creativity and
the desire to be creative or create and to build
in any way, shape or form, is antithetical to the
devil himself, who wishes to to destroy. So when you
find children having a desire to create or be creative,
it is something that should be encouraged. Others will look
at Halloween and the concept of death in Mayhem and say, oh, well,
it deals with the death or death or skeletons. And
I've always appreciated the look of our brothers and sisters
that have cultures rooted in in Mexico and their understanding
or they're at peace with the concept of death, and
they celebrate the Day of the Dead, not as something
that worships the dead, but as something it's kind of
like All Saints Day, where it's a time to look
back on those from your family that have passed on
and to celebrate their life. But it's done with imageries,
the imagery of skulls, and you know, people get confused,
what is this about? Is it's it looks dark and sinister,
and really it's not. It's about life. Even the place
where I died, Golgatha, is the place of the skull.
Christians are taught not to fear he who can kill
the flesh, but he who can kill the spirit, or both,
and so the concept of combating the fear of death
is a scriptural one. Though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death, I show fear no evil,
and that kind of attitude can be healthy and productive. Now,
as an adult, you need to have discernment in all
things and apply it to your life and the life
of your children absolutely and find where that line is
for you and how you would want to practice something
like this. But I will tell you that when you
when you kind of sequester a child from something that's
going on in the world and it's not explained properly,
or it's just well that has demonic roots, a kid
doesn't even know what a pagan is or any of
those things, then you end up cutting off much more
than you think you are because environmentalism. Yes, on one side,
you can say I'm being a good steward with the
world that God has given. But on the other side,
early pagans were worshiping and taking care of the world.
So is it about taking care of the world that's
good or bad? Or is it about why you're taking
care of the world and to who that glory goes?
These are the things that I think are lost in
these battles of well, it's just bad or it's just good.
God is just good. And there are a lot of
Christian liberty and a lot of battling that went on
in the Church of Corinth, And oh, should I eat
this if it was given to idols or sacrifice to idols?
Should I do this? And in many cases it's like,
eat what you want. If it glorifies God, you're fine.
And then on some cases, if there's somebody who's going
to stumble by the very fact that you're doing that.
You don't want to cause the lesser minded, as Scripture says,
or those that know less, to fall, but you also
want to educate them. In educating them, then they won't
stumble on the smaller stones. They'll see the bigger picture.
And that's my only hope here. It's not to champion
a particular holiday or to tear another holiday down. It's
to be reasonable, partially because if when you're reasonable, others
will see you're reasonable, and they'll believe what you say
about your faith and about God if they're non believers,
if you're unreasonable.
Speaker 1 (08:56):
They will reject what you.
Speaker 2 (08:58):
Say and what you do and your belief God. Rebecca,
Welcome to the Jesus Christ Show.
Speaker 1 (09:08):
Hi, I was wondering if you're tell me what your
thoughts are on the way man seems to be destroying
the earth and the skies and the oceans. Well, make
no mistake about it.
Speaker 2 (09:19):
I know it gets politicized and it seems wrongly so
that to become a political issue. And I know that
there's different pundits from different sides going, oh, well, you
know such and such wants this, or so and so
wants that. But Scripture is very clear. Scripture talks about
the importance and the beauty of creation and how humans
have stewartship over it. And the term stewartship is very
specific in the sense that you're there to take care
of it. And so does that mean that you should
cease doing anything that deals with production or anything. No,
it's not about that. But taking care of the earth
is part of the commission of God throughout the entirety
of Scripture, and the balance there you have to understand
as to how to do that in a way to
leave the smallest print and damage on the earth as
you exist on it, so that others can exist on
it as well. And both sides politicize it in a
way that I think is vulgar and upsetting. One group
plays the heartstrings and manipulate science to get their point
and the other does the same thing in the other direction.
Speaker 1 (10:40):
So if you.
Speaker 2 (10:41):
Scrape all the politics off it, God says you should
take care of the animals. That doesn't mean that you
can't eat them. Strangely enough, so likewise, God says to
be a good steward or take care of the planet.
It doesn't mean that you can't use its resources, but
you have to be reasonable in doing those things. And
I think the Bible is very clear in that, Rebecca,
And there's a balance there. A lot of the pollution
that comes from greed and people wanting to make something
cheaper and faster and all this stuff.
Speaker 1 (11:11):
It's a problem.
Speaker 2 (11:13):
That's a problem, But in a capitalistic society, the United
States is governed by the Constitution, not by the Bible.
So I think the individual Christian should be governed governed
by a scripture. And know that as an individual, if
they own companies or if they go out and use products,
that they should be aware of how these products are,
the things they're doing affect the world around them, and
if it may lay harm to someone else, and these
types of things. You've got to keep it all in balance.
And unfortunately politics doesn't bring much balance. So steer away
from the political talk about it and just know that
you've got to be sensible. You're not going to throw
trash or garbage on the ground, don't put it into
the air, don't put it into the water. James, Welcome
to the Jesus Christ Show. Yes, Hi, James, I'm well, sir, quickly,
we only have it a moment a moment or so here, okay, help, Yes.
Speaker 3 (12:16):
I was just wondering, why should we, you know, promote
those evil holidays and give it a bad example to
the kids.
Speaker 2 (12:26):
Okay, well, I think that's a legitimate question. What would
you say about the Halloween holiday, which really is a
derivative of a Christian holiday, All Saints Day, and not
necessarily sow in the Celtic festival which preceded them, But
it is more mutation of All Saints Day and All
Hallows Eve, which came from the Christians. So what part
of Halloween do you find to be evil?
Speaker 3 (12:54):
Well, that's in the night, and everybody studies who whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa whoa.
Speaker 1 (12:59):
Why would why would be in the night? Why would
something be in the night be evil?
Speaker 3 (13:04):
Because that's when evil people celebrate, you know, So.
Speaker 2 (13:07):
If you not necessarily, there were many pagan rituals that
were in the morning. So if you go to church
at night, that's.
Speaker 1 (13:14):
Evil, no necessary okay, So anything you do at night.
Speaker 3 (13:19):
Is evil, not necessarily.
Speaker 1 (13:22):
Okay, So why is it evil in this case?
Speaker 3 (13:25):
Because of all this evil masks and.
Speaker 1 (13:29):
Okay, so what would be an evil mask?
Speaker 3 (13:33):
Well, they got you could go out there and see
yourself all these evil masks they're weorrying, you know.
Speaker 1 (13:38):
Okay, are there not some non evil masks?
Speaker 3 (13:41):
Very few?
Speaker 1 (13:42):
Okay, but there are some few. Okay.
Speaker 2 (13:46):
So you're saying if they wear an evil mask and
maybe go out at dusk before it gets too dark,
it's okay.
Speaker 3 (13:53):
No, but the whole point is that pretty much we're following,
you know, taking holidays.
Speaker 2 (13:58):
No, actually, it's not anymore. That's that's the true point,
is that it's not anymore. And if anything, if you
could imagine an old, decayed building that was used as
a as a you know, selling crack or something James,
that has been repainted and refixed up to be something
that is more productive and better, then that should be honored.
It's not about what it used to be, it's about
what it can become. And that that really is on
the shoulders of the Christian parent to direct their children
in a proper way. But really saying because that night
is silly or because they're evil masks, you can change
the evil mask things, and certainly not everything at night
is evil. Dennis, Welcome to Jesus Christ show. Hi Dennis,
how can I help you?
Speaker 4 (14:50):
I'll just listen to them other two callers there about
Halloween there, Yes, sir, I wouldn't think that anybody would
really think of it as being evil unless they worship
it as evil. I look at it as fictional and
fictional characters just like anything else, and fun for the kids.
I mean, unless you worship them and them evil, if
they think they're evil, the mask and whatever that would
like say, ghost in goblins. I don't believe in ghost
and goblins and whiches and stuff.
Speaker 5 (15:20):
Like that anyway.
Speaker 4 (15:22):
Well, no, he worshiped them and put them before God.
It's just a holiday for the kids.
Speaker 1 (15:29):
I think that is well said.
Speaker 2 (15:31):
I think there's a lot of people that see it
for something that it's not, or that it was once,
But it doesn't involve those things. And truly it lands
on the parents to make the decision in the life
of their child.
Speaker 1 (15:44):
But be careful.
Speaker 2 (15:46):
There are things we say on the program often that
there are wounds you bandage and wounds you amputate so
it doesn't pervert the rest of the body. And there
are some things you want to cut from your life
possibly and say, well, we don't want this, we don't
want that. But there's also things that you can rebrand
or structure in a way that are fun and healthy
and it can have a good time. And I speak
to many many Christians, and inevitably you ask them and
they say, well, I just don't want to do them
in a child, And I say, well, were you brought up
in a Christian household? Yes, but my parents let us
celebrate it. And how long have you been worshiping the devil? Now,
it's not necessarily the way the path goes. And you
want to protect your children to the best of your ability,
but also keep in mind that if you're oversensitive on
things that are benign or neutral, or that you can
you can put an understanding of Christianity on it, then
sometimes it confuses and causes great rebellion. And that's not
to say to be lukewarm and wishy washy without bringing
because you don't want the kids to rebel.
Speaker 1 (16:56):
It's not my point.
Speaker 2 (16:58):
The point is that makes sure that the things that
you're trying to cut from their life, that you make
a good case for it, and that it's understood across
the board. Otherwise, truly, as they get older, and start
doing their own research search and seeing that there's all
kinds of things in your home that have pagan origin
and customs and things like that. Then and then I'll
start turning it back on you, and of course that'll
be a problem. Paul, Welcome to the Jesus Christ Show.
Speaker 3 (17:32):
Speaker 5 (17:33):
I live in rural West Virginia, and my neighbors down
the down the road for me are kind of like
my second family. And it's a married couple with two
dispautiful young girls eight and ten. And the wife laughed,
I guess about six or seven weeks ago, and I've
kind of been his third ear and you know, his support.
And I'm spending a lot of time down there now.
And the other day there there are two dogs killed
one of their cats, and and and and my friend
and his girls are just just getting devastated. I'm like,
I mean, I said, man, evil is just coming in
and ripping his family apart. And and I offered, give
me your gun and I'll put the two dogs down. Now,
I mean, I wouldn't do it in front of his girls,
but you know I would put the dogs down because
I mean, they're they just destroyed something that they loved
and on top of that, they lost their mom. And
I was wondering, if you give me any words of
encouragement that I could share with these people and bring
up back into their heart.
Speaker 1 (19:02):
Well, I'll tell you won't do it causing more destruction.
Speaker 5 (19:06):
Will not.
Speaker 2 (19:08):
And I know that when you see people in pain,
that the desire, Paul is is to defend them in
that sense. And this is not the type of pain
that you can defend. This is the type of pain
that you work through. Proverbs twelve twenty five says anxiety
in a man's heart weighs it down, but an encouraging
word makes it glad. And that doesn't mean going out
and killing things or destroying you know, God's creatures is
going to bring beauty just because there was pain that
was brought by them and the dogs didn't know they
were bringing pain on anyone. And in this particular case,
what these people need is time to express themselves, time
to feel their pain, and somebody who cares. And you
seem to be that person. You seem to be someone
who genuinely loves I can hear it in your voice
and cares for them, and right now they need that
somebody just to love them and be with them. Bring
beauty not destruction. Make a meal, share a meal, spend time.
Listen above all, listen and let them speak. Because people
run from people who've gone through tragedy.
Speaker 1 (20:16):
Don't run.
Speaker 2 (20:21):
Charlie, Welcome to the Jesus Christ Show. Hi, Hi, Charlie.
How can I help you?
Speaker 6 (20:26):
I I just had a question about, like, how do
I give glory to God in the like everyday simple
things in life, like going to a movie with friends
or mowing the grass or everything like that.
Speaker 1 (20:44):
You know, well, there's it really comes down to.
Speaker 2 (20:48):
If you hear a child talk about their parents and
you ask that child what you know, would you give
your life for your parent? They'd say yes. But you
asked that same child if they'll mow the lawn or
do the dishes, and they'll go, ah, I don't want to.
And Christians do this sometimes too. It's like you would
lay down your life for your God if necessary, but
you won't live your life for God. And that means
every little boring thing your parents don't want to be
you to be at their foot every ten seconds going Gosh,
you're the greatest parents in the whole white world.
Speaker 1 (21:24):
I love you.
Speaker 2 (21:24):
They want you expressing that in the things that you do,
showing them that the life they've given you will be
a life that's productive and righteous and filled with purpose.
And God wants the same thing. Yes, God wants you
to worship him. God wants you in church. God wants
you to pray. God wants you to do all those
things that have become religious in nature.
Speaker 1 (21:50):
But truly, God wants you to.
Speaker 2 (21:53):
Live a life that is filled every single day with creativity,
with exploration, with curiosity. And for instance, it says in
Scripture to pray without ceasing, and truly it's it doesn't
mean NonStop like a mantra.
Speaker 1 (22:14):
It means kind of like an incessant cough.
Speaker 2 (22:18):
It means always be in that state of knowing that
God is there and that you're thinking about God. And
that's kind of what you do with everything. And if
you partake in something Charlie where you feel like how
can I bring God into this and it doesn't quite work,
then maybe that's something that you want to not do
in your life.
Speaker 7 (22:37):
Yeah, yes, I had a question about like what about
like going to see like scary movies, Like to me,
it doesn't affect me, like I don't think it's bad,
but like, is it not giving glory to God?
Speaker 6 (22:51):
Like if I were to go see like a scary movie.
Speaker 1 (22:54):
Well, it's what the purpose is.
Speaker 2 (22:55):
There are many scary parts to scripture, and I know
that movies picked.
Speaker 1 (23:01):
You know, angels and demons as.
Speaker 2 (23:04):
Particular types of creatures, but if you saw a good angel,
it would creep you out at first. The concept it's
not the single pair of wings. Some angels have multiple
pairs of wings on their feet, on their shoulders, on
their backs, and there are things that would be quite frightening.
As a matter of fact, there are times in scripture
where people were frightened of good angels or godly experiences.
If you put scripture on camera and on film in
a very articulate and legitimate way, there would be horrible
sex scenes, there would be horrible scenes of violence, there
would be scary things, there would be exciting things. So
really it's not about those things. In general. There's a
whole psychology that surrounds the concept of fear and why
people like to be afraid and get scared when that's
why they go on roller coasters. A scary movie, within reason,
is no different than going on a roller coaster. Or
experiencing something else that would give you a thrill, But
it's the context of what's being done. And the divider
really is if something's prescribing you to do something bad,
then you're not a part of it. But if something
is describing something bad, then that's just a description of
things that are taking place, or something that is causing
you to think about the way the world works, or
things like that. So different people go see them for
different reasons. Some people see them because they're movie buffs.
Then they're fascinated by the concept of special effects or
the storyline, or they like the thrill of not knowing
what's coming next. But you could say that about a
lot of things that, you know, some people would think
are benign. You know, some people think of Stephen King
novels okay, but Freddy Krueger movie is not, or you know,
and go back and forth in these concepts. Having said that, Charlie,
there are some things that really focus and are done
by people with dark intent and really focus on evil things.
And in that case, I would use great discernment as
to whether you were bringing those images or those thoughts
or those concepts into your life. You have to decide
where that line is for you, Because like many things,
there are specific commandments and admonitions by God that are
for everyone. Don't murder, don't steal, these types of things,
and then there are ones that are specifically for you.
For the alcoholic, they can't drink period. That becomes a
new commandment in their life, because any drinking becomes a sin,
whereas someone who's having wine with dinner or something, it's
not necessarily a sin. So with you, you may have a
tolerance for certain films because you like the genre, whereas
for someone else it could be a problem because of
tendencies in their life or things that excite them in
a way that shouldn't, or things like that. And you
have to just be honest with yourself as to why
why you explore those things or why you're curious about them.
Are you a horror fan?
Speaker 7 (26:26):
Buff I am? I.
Speaker 6 (26:30):
I just I like to watch them with my friends
and we like to laugh at some of the scenes,
and it's just it's just kind of amusing, and it's
not I don't ever really get scared by them. But
I have a friend who thinks that it's it's glorifying satan,
and I just don't know if that's.
Speaker 3 (26:46):
True or not.
Speaker 2 (26:47):
Well, some may be, and that's that's a decision you're
gonna have to make as you look at them. There
have been some. Now I don't think they're going to
throw you into the arms of the devil if you're
a Christian and that is that is your faith, and
on the contrary, it may make you run closer to God.
But these things are our judgment calls on your own
to say all things that deal with violence or ugliness
or different spirituality are bad would really put you know,
everything aside.
Speaker 1 (27:20):
Think about the.
Speaker 2 (27:22):
Christian police officer who is in crime scene investigations that
ask to come on actual scenes of these things every
day or see even ritualistic killings or things like that.
Speaker 1 (27:35):
Does that mean that.
Speaker 2 (27:38):
They would cut that out of their job and say
I can't go on those. It depends what the purpose
of these things are and as to where they are
and if you're using them for good and how you're
applying them. If you think that it's something that's become
to you know, it's kind of a rite of passage.
Speaker 1 (27:53):
Passage for men.
Speaker 2 (27:55):
A lot of them see these things and kind of
a lot of gallows humor and laugh fit the things
that are. They're nut sends to build a thick skin
and to establish yourself into manhood and things like that
kind of the part of the warrior process.
Speaker 1 (28:10):
And that can be fine.
Speaker 2 (28:12):
If it becomes an infatuation or something, you know that
you're the that you're getting just totally caught up into macabre,
then you've got to check yourself a little bit.
Speaker 1 (28:24):
Fair enough. Yeah, you're very welcome.
Speaker 2 (28:28):
It doesn't mean that every single thing that deals with
the macab or oh my gosh, I'm throwing out all
my Tim Burton stuff, or any of these things. It's
just it's not fair to the concept of of different
types of literature and art and filmmaking. There is many
types of art, paintings or otherwise that could be considered
macob that are quite brilliant and wonderful and insightful. And
that goes for movies as well. But you have to
use the discernment. If it starts to be come a thing,
then maybe you should check it, check yourself every once
in a while and be introspective about it, pray on
it and think that way, Ah, discernment. Isn't it just
easier to just say no to everything one of my
pet peeves, if you will, is the concept of zero tolerance.
You see this a lot in schools, so that a
child that brings an aspirin to school is considered as
big of a problem as someone who brings illicit drugs marijuana, whatever,
it might be, cocaine, but they're all drugs. Even though
it's aspirin, everyone gets expelled. So that kind of concept
of all or nothing, that it really points to laziness
than it does anything else. And if if you're going
to be lazy in your faith and not use discernment,
then why did God put you here and give you
the tools like scripture and prayer and say things like
there is wisdom in a multitude of council so the
people around you to get insight if you're just supposed
to go, okay, not doing this ever? Are there not
doing this ever?
Speaker 1 (30:23):
Type things?
Speaker 2 (30:25):
Sure there are. But even the Ten commandments you talk
about thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not kill, because
if you're in law enforcement or military or things like that,
that could become an issue. And you know, not bear
false witness. However, if you're a Christian in nineteen forties
Germany and the Naziss comes to your door and asks
if there's Jews in your floorboard.
Speaker 1 (30:53):
Being hidden? You say no.
Speaker 2 (30:58):
So the the context is very important and the purpose
in which you do things, and that has to be
part of your decision making. If you just throw out
all your skills of decision making, that just becomes spiritually.
Speaker 1 (31:13):
Speaker 2 (31:15):
You're just looking for a reason not to have to
practice your faith, not to have to apply your understanding
and scripture. Well, you know what, if I don't just
cut it out now, I have to read scripture and
really understand things and know whether this is right or
wrong in this context, and it just takes too much effort.
Speaker 1 (31:33):
I'm just going to say no.
Speaker 2 (31:35):
And that kind of spiritual laziness is permeating the church
in a way that the concept of being a sheep
becomes the negative or the pejorative of being a sheep
and just stupid and doing whatever. Whoever in front of
you says, that's not the purpose. The concept of sheeps
in scripture is to show the purity and the kindness
and the simplicity of following your Master. But doesn't mean
you do that in everything you do at church, and
all of those things and I want you to be
able to think through things and use that brain in
the top of your body.
Speaker 1 (32:21):
KFI AM six forty on demand