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August 19, 2023 33 mins
ICYMI: Later, with Mo’Kelly Presents – ‘This Weekend, with Nick’ (Pagliochini) sharing details on everything from the “El Sol de Los Angeles - Lucha VaVOOM Summer Spectacular” at the Mayan to the “Spectrum Night Fever/Spectrum Silent Disco” in Irvine and more…PLUS - Mark Rahner has reviews of the latest film and TV releases in the ‘Rahner Report’ AND Actress Sophia Lillis (IT, IT: Chapter Two, Dungeons & Dragons, Asteroid City) previews her new Savage Rose film "The Adults" - on KFI AM 640 – Live everywhere on the iHeartRadio app
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You're listening too. Later with MoKelly on demand from KF I am six
forty. Oh yeah, yeah,what's up weekend? If you know what
to do for this weekend? Justlisten to Nick. He's your friends to
fund, fun things to do andsee and all that's on the scene from

Fessibles Museums, not very farm ofdisney Land. You can bet the nickns
once around so cow this weekend ishumping with Nick Faliokenny, So tell us
what's doing? What should we gonnado and see? This weekend is jumpand

with Nick fali Okini. For nowthere is the plan. Nick, tell
us all you can this weekend.Nick, what's going on? Sweet?

And speaking of this weekend? Okay? If I am six forty we're live
everywhere on the iHeartRadio app. Atthe end of the segment, we're going
to be giving away another two pairsto Rhythm Tribe, the Latino Soul Fusion
sound band. They have a performancetomorrow night at Loss Globals which is three
zero four zero Sunset Boulevard and LosAngeles. Showtime's at seven thirty pm.
We're gonna give away two pairs oftickets at the end of this segment,

so you might want to stick aroundfor that. But right now, Nick
Pablio Keini joins me in studio.What's going on, my brother, Hey,
probably good to see you, goodto be here, Good to see
you. As always. It isa popping weekend and I had to kind
of change things over because of whatcould be, you know, with Hillary
rolling in this weekend. I hada lot of outdoor activities. Had to
really, like, you know,eleventh hour figure this out because we can't
be contradicted talking about prepare for thestorm. And by the way, I

go out and have fun on Sunday, it's gonna be amazing. You should
definitely go to Manhattan Beach, whichis we're just funny because I am going
to talk about the volleyball open that'shappening in Mahantan Beach or at least maybe
planning on so for tomorrow. Itwill be so really quick. I want
to talk about first and foremost though, El Soo de Los Angeles, which
is Lucha Baboom Summer Spectacular. Now, this is something that I love and

as we are coming up on HispanicHeritage months, so a little less than
a month away. Starts in themiddle of September really interesting and I haven't
figured out why. I got todo some more research, but Hispanic Heritage
of a Month runs from September fifteenthand until October fifteenth, so it's a
unique breakdown there. But if youhave not tried Lucha Baboom, they are
always at the Mayan in downtown LA. They also do at least twice a

year at the Yos Theater in downtownSanta Anna they do another show. Lucha
Baboom is based on luchador wrestling,which means free wrestling. If you have
not experienced lucha wrestling, it isa if you're familiar with like a soap
opera, it's a telenovela that has, you know, a very specific experience

to it. So with Luca Lucas, there's always a pre plan of who's
going to win, and you usuallyknow as the audience that night who's going
to win because of the way thestoryline unfolds. But with Luchavavum it's such
a different experience because there's burlesque involved. They have a live band they javrancio
or some kind of music going,there's dance breaks, it's involved, and

it is a great date night.It's a good time to go out,
So that's happening at the Mayan.Also going back to the beach, so
the Manhattan Beach Open is going onnow and they are just wrapped up as
the sun has gone down for today'scompetitions and it will be going on tomorrow.
So this is one of those opportunitiesfor you to get out and try
something new. It's also with Sundaybeing possibly a challenge with Hillary Rollands of

town allegedly, you may want toget out and get a little bit of
sun and get your vitamin dion.So heading down to Manhattan Beach in the
South Bay area. It runs throughSunday at least now. And what I
like about this event is it isfree ninety nine all the way straight on
through to two thousand, two hundredseventy five dollars. So that's kind of
a it's kind of a who it'skind of a woun a woo, more

like a whoa. So you cando there, there were, we go,
Thank you. The live and studioaudience is really on it tonight.
I'm very impressed. The higher endexperience is going to be courtside on the
sand with the volleyball players that areopen as opposed to you can be just
strolling down the strand in Mahan Beachand you can catch this and it's free,

so so you kind of play thewhole nine in there. Kkon La
is going on this weekend, whichis really fun if you are into K
pop, if you're into anime,if you're into a lot of things from
the Asian culture. So even thoughit is specifically Korea that is being celebrated
here, it really does expand outbeyond that. And so that's taking place

in downtown a at Crypto dot ComArena today through Sunday. That could be
as inexpensive as thirty bucks, whichanymore is kind of like going into the
movies or if you want those reallyinvolved experiences and getting autographs and whatever.
There's a one hundred all options forvi ip with all that fun around it.
Yeah, it's but it's the thingthat's impressive is there are a lot
of K pop artists and groups thatwill be in town that are already in

town if you tune into any ofour sister stations on the FM side of
things, they've had a lot ofthe K pop artists in this week so
it's definitely worth checking out again.You can check on Instagram this weekend with
Nick or k if I am sixforty dot com forward slash Nick for all
the details so that we're talking aboutnow and get for you to plan ahead.
Chalk Walk is also going on thisweekend. Now, this is gonna
be a little bit different. ChalkChalk Walk is Children's Hospital Orange County and

I do a lot of things withalso Children's Hospital LA, but this is
something I've been doing since I wasa cast member at the Disneyland resort with
Chalk and they're celebrating their thirtieth year. I believe it is maybe thirty first.
But Chalk Walk in the park isa unique experience before the park opens.
You're raising funds for Children's Hospital toOrange County by getting donors, but

you get to go into the parkthe theme parks, you get to go
all in the areas, cast memberareas, in the backstage areas to walk
the park before the park opens.So it's a really cool background thing.
You can still sign up to doit. It is one hundred and fifty
dollars minimum of the donations for theevent to be able to get it and

those will be due by tomorrow,but it's really a lot of fun if
you can't do it this year,Chalk Walk is something Chalk Children's in Orange
County. It's a great organization toreach out and do some volunteer work.
I do a lot of things withthem and have for years now. But
they also have a partnership with usbecause they have what used to be called
Radio Lollipop and is now part ofRyan Seacrest Foundation, but they have a
live in house radio station for thekids at Children's Hospital Orange County, so

they are able to be DJ's justlike you and me, which is kind
of sick. So also, you'vegot a big shout out to my friends
Casey and V who will be runningthe front desk over at the All American
Collectors Show going on in Glendale thathappens tomorrow from ten to four. This
is a great opportunity for you toget really fun, unique collectibles. Now.
V and Casey are definitely if youfollow me on Instagram, you see

them with me on my adventures fora lot of Disney activities. They definitely
fallow down that influencer path. Butthis is a great opportunity for Disney and
more. So you can head inthere ten dollars cash at the door,
a six bucks for parking. Andthen the last thing going on this weekend
is in the Inland Empire, becauseI don't want to leave out Riverside in
Sanmartino County. The fourth annual InlandEmpire Dance Festival will be happening in at
downtown Riverside tomorrow from noon until nine. The reason I like this is if

you are a dancer and you're aperformer of any skill set or any age
level, you can go to theworkshops for free and work with some really
world class talent free free ninety ninebaby all right, you can work with
jazz, lyrical, ballet, classical, the whole nine. And then to
attend the performance, which literally willbe based on all the things learned throughout
the day, that's just twenty fivebucks. So it's a great opportunity to

support the arts in the Inland Empire. Well, that's a lot to digest.
Well, while you're trying to digestand think about what you're trying to
do tomorrow, if you want to, probably go to one of those events
that Nick was talking about, orsee Rhythm Tribe and they're Latino soul fusion
sound. Give us a call ateight hundred five two zero one KFI eight
hundred five two zero one five threefour. Rhythm Tribe will be joining on

stage with a full horn section.The band will be unveiling some cool Latino
vibes, sudo bachata grooves, andambient R and B sounds at Los Globos
tomorrow night at seven thirty. Ifyou and a guest want to go,
we're gonna give away two pairs rightnow, so call her six and call
her seven. Caller six and callerseven. You and a guest will go
see Rhythm Tribe tomorrow night at LosGlobos in Los Angeles. More this weekend

with Nick on Later with mo Kellyin just a moment k if I am
six forty Live everywhere on the iHeartRadioapp. Let's go Kim six forty.

It's late with Mo Kelly Live everywhereon the iHeartRadio app. And don't forget,
we're gonna be playing name that moviecult classic in about a half an
hour, so you may want tostart calling in about five to ten minutes
before the top of the hour.Get in the queue nice and early.
Now we come back over to Nickpolio Chini as we talk about Last Call
Free ninety nine, what's going away, what you gotta do, why you

can before Hurricane Hillary should hit ourshores. Right now, I want to
make sure that we show some lovefor the coastal areas before Sunday comes to
pass. So starting out this goaround in a big shout out to my
friend Melissa hay who has Hey hasthe Handmade by Hayes Candle company that is

part of Crafted in the Port ofLos Angeles. But this is specific to
an event that is going down tomorrow, so ten to four at the West
Harbor Promenade. If you're familiar withthe South Bay San Pedro towards Slamida,
this is the Maritime Museum. Soif you know, getting off of the
events of Thomas Bridge and you're headingdown anything like right, No, but
you and I grew up in thesame area, so this is nothing new

for our world. But you know, if you know Gaffe and you know
everything of how to get men andaround. So this is a gathering of
about two dozen local makers and artiststhat you can check out right on the
water line there. So if youhave not been to the Maritime museum that's
definitely worth checking out. But thisis especially good because again for ninety nine,
you know how we like to roll, but it also gives us an
opportunity to really support those makers andthose crafty people in our own backyards.

So this is a great opportunity foryou to check it out. Food trucks
will be there. Also, aSan Pedro podcast or Hello San Pedro podcast
is sponsoring the kids play area,so it's a good opportunity to bring out
the entire family. And this isbeing sponsored by Sam Petro Today, the
local magazine there, so it's kindof all about San Pedro. So if
you're a Pedro, I if youare familiar with that, or if you're
like Petro Harbor City, I no, I get it. We don't claim

Sam Petro, so they don't claimup. I was gonna say no.
My grandparents lived at Torrents Crunch andLamida in Torrents for the vast majority of
my time growing up. Right,exactly right. But the funny part is
if you know you know that waswhen we randomly at as Smith's that you
are you're a purchase from a certainage in the South Bay. If you

know where Smith's was because that isnot a local supermarket brand that we are
familiar with. And it was alsovery short there now exactly so, and
it was even a John that wasthat weird thing for time period, So
you have to with the Vonds letteringslike yeah, it's so you had to
have sued somebody. So head onout there. If you see Melissa and
her crew, be sure to tellthem that I said, what's up.

Also looking at something that Amy Kingand I talked about on wake Up Call
this morning is going to be clearthe shelters that's going on right now and
specifically with Pasadena Humane Society, Andthis is a partnership that we've had long
going since Jennifer Jones Lee and knowshe was part of the wake Up Call,
you know, I mean she wasthe host and the part of the
KFI family. But going on tomorrowin Pasadena at the Pasadena Humane Society that

as an adoption event which is freeninety nine So if you are ready to
bring a four legged for a friendor critter, and trust me, we
saw some turtles and a couple ofother animals that are available for adoption there.
That is for you Tomorrow, Augustnineteenth from ten to two, so
you can head over to Pasadena enjoyyourself a little bit and if you've not
visited Pasadena Humane, the facilities amazing. They also do have certain days you

can go in and play with theanimals there, so even if you're not
ready to foster or adopt, youcan also do that. If you don't
want to, head to Pasadena SouthPark Doggy or Resort and theme park,
which is a you know academy ifyou will. It's a plaid party party.
Yes, that's also going down andthey are having an adoption event in
downtown to life. So you canget this information again this weekend with Nick

on Instagram or KFI AM six fortydot com Ford slash Nick for those details.
Head not to the San Fernando Valleyfor eight one eight Day, which
is actually today obviously August eighteen,but they're going to celebrate it all the
way straight on through the weekend.This is an opportunity for not just those
from the valley from San Fernando Valleyto get together and kind of celebrate,
but they've got a retro arcade setup there. You can go to the

Valley Relux Museum if you're not familiarwith the valley. A lot of things,
including Burbank, where we're coming toyou live from right now, are
part of the valley, so fabulousBurbank's light and that's perfect. So yeah,
a lot of Hollywood and a lotof television is specifically from this neck
of the wood. So that isgoing down all weekend long, or at

least as long as Hillary doesn't rollthrough. Same story for Syclavia, that'll
be happening allegedland on Sunday. ButI was gonna say this is a challenge
because that's from k Town through hWood. So if you're doing for Koreatown
through Hollywood, and it looks likeas I'm looking at their website right now,
it's officially been canceled and postponed.So I'll keep you updated for that.
See that's even in this weekend whenNick, we keep you up to

the minute with cancelations and things arehappening on. So Cyclavia will have a
Koreatown to Hollywood sometime in the nearfuture, and then they will have their
next event, which will be Septemberseventeenth, and that'll be in North Hollywood.
So I'll keep you updated on thatheading down the Long Beach real quick.
The International Mural Festival has been goingon all week long. This used

to be called pow Wow and theydid a name change and a branding change
to it. But Long Beach,Walls, Southern California overall, and kind
of the nation have been experiencing thisstreet art mural installed. We've had those
here since. Like I remember ineighty four for the Olympics, they did
a lot of stuff up and downthe one ten Freeway. You can still
see some of that stuff to thisday. This is one of those things
that Long Beach really embraces as aninitiative, so you can actually see the

artist, the muralists that are thereworking. You've got LinkedIn Park, which
is in downtown Long Beach. That'san opportunity to be able to check it
out if you are in Orange Countyand looking for something on the free ninety
nine scale. For tomorrow, it'llbe six to nine pm at the Spectrum
you can enjoy one of their finalsilent discos of the season as the summer
is wrapping up. So are alwayscool. It's so much fun. If

you've never seen it's wild because youjust go in and see It reminds me
of if you watched the Peanuts movieare like the Thanksgiving when they're doing the
dance sequence and you put it onmute and then you just got people are
dancing and they're feeling themselves. That'sexactly what it is. So there's a
DJ that is live, they're spinning, whatever the situation may be. This
is specifically themed to disco and onlythe people with the headphones are able to

hear that, so that is areally fun experience. It's all ages again.
Tomorrow night from six to nine.Also have an Orange County the plum
Fest, which is going on atOld World, the twenty eighth annual plum
Fest, and that'll be docks andracing and German food. But that's free
admission, free parking, free livemusic, free dog races, free ninety
nine across the board. So thoseare yeah, pretty much it. And

then the one final thing to wrapit up is we are obviously back to
school, and that doesn't just meanyou know, lower education K through twelve,
but also higher education tomorrow. Alot of cities this week have been
at their local community colleges have beenhaving events. Welcome Day twenty twenty three,
for Riverside City College will be tomorrowand so you can actually go through
and walk the campus. If you'rea brand new freshman coming in, it's

a great opportunity to see some ofthe more senior members. They've got the
clubs out there. And not onlyis it happening at Riverside City College,
but it's this week and next week. A lot of like Longbase City has
had it, Bulletin College has hadit, you name it, any of
the smaller colleges, Golden West inWestminster, Huntington Beach. So yeah,
it's one of those things. We'regetting back to school and you can see,
as opposed to last week, Ididn't have hardly anything. This week.

I got too much stuff to talk. Two bouts and someone's got canceled
already, That's exactly. And soyes, no, I'm just saying,
we gotta got some housekeeping we gottado. Just gotta let people know we're
going to continue our ongoing monitoring ofHurricane Hillary. You may hear some reports
on KFI. We're gonna keep youin the know, So just keep it
right here. If you're wondering thestatus. Nothing has changed since we've last

discussed it. It's Quincey hit sometimethis Sunday, so we urge you and
encourage you to prepare just in case. Not expecting disaster destruction, but just
prepare so you are ready and yourfamily is ready for Hurricane and Hillary,
which is supposed to hit land Sundayafternoon. It's Later with mo Kelly.
It also get ready for named thatmovie called Classics. At the top of

the hour. We're gonna want youto call in early about maybe eight fifty
eight fifty five, so plan onthat now. The RNA Report is coming
up next. You're listening to Laterwith Mo Kelly on demand from kf I
AM six forty. R Mark Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark,
Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark Mark. Okay, let's

pot that down food. It's agood thing. My self esteem is healthy
Mark Mark Mark. Yeah, that'senough of that. Welcome back to Later
with Mo Kelly on kf I AMsix forty in the iHeart App. I'm
Mark Ronner and this is the RUNAreport still in theaters. The Last Voyage
of the Demeter, which you didn'tsee, you know how I know you
didn't see it. Nobody did.It made about nine billion bucks on a

budget of forty five million. Itis bombing and it shouldn't be. Horror
movies tend to be critic proof,they tend not to cost a lot,
and they tend to be profitable.The only reason I can think this has
gone down like Elon Musk in acage match is that no one's really famous
in it. No familiar face forthe poster. And that's how shallow we
are. That's how crappy movie yardhas gotten. All glamour shots of the
stars. You know who's in it? Liam Cunningham, one of the older

guys from Game of Thrones and thatWerewolf movie Dog, Soldiers, Crickets.
You know who else is in it? David dast Melchin. Hello, Polka
dot Man from the Suicide Squad.All right, all right, Corey Hawkins.
H aw The Real Star is acool looking vampire inspired by the one
in Salem's Lot, which was inspiredby the one in Nose Ferratu, which

was an illegal rip off of Draculaback in the twenties. Here's the elevator
pitch vampire on a boat. Seenow we're talking. Think of how much
better that would make the reality showslike Below Deck or The Real Love Boat
Kill him off one at a time, sometimes more Today the Master feeds on
Gopher. Will he turn him?If you ever read bram Stokers Dracula,
you know there's a part involving Draculabeing brought by ship from Transylvania to Linda,

and it goes even worse than oneof those cruise lines where everyone gets
crippling diarrhea. It's bad, butthat's not a big part of the book
at all. Think about Star Warsand how every single word phrase reference from
the first movie is just strip mindand blown out into its own thing.
Han Solo did the Kessel run intwelve parsecs. Let's make a whole crappy
Solo movie and flesh all that stuffout in the dullest way possible. This

is like that, except it's betterthan Solo, which I understand is kind
of like saying that ameliare about toeat is even better than a bag of
medical waste. What I'm saying,to be clear, is that the last
voyage of the Demeter is far betterthan a bag of medical waste. Publicist
listening, there's your pull quote.The director's andre over it all. He
did the respectably creepy autopsy of JaneDoe and Troll Hunter, which is much

better than it sounds, although amovie about taking out d bags on Twitter
is also something I would watch rightabout now. There's lots to like about
Last Voyage for starters. It's playedcompletely seriously, a bit like the Old
Hammer films with Christopher Lee and PeterCushing, no tongue in cheek, no
wink at the audience. Corey Hawkins, who you've already forgotten about, plays
a doctor who gets passage on aship transporting lots of suspiciously coffin sized boxes

to England. I'm not going tosay much more about the plot because it's
fairly simple, but has some twistsyou're gonna want to enjoy. Vampire's Got
to Eat. The depiction of Draculais really creepy and cool, and the
ways he is revealed and shown areespecially well done. But I should warn
you that if you take your parentsto it, they're going to be constantly
asking you why it's too dark tosee anything. Leave them in the lobby.
This isn't for them. And thatsaid, the whole movie is gorgeously

lit and photographed. It's a nicelooking movie you want to see in a
theater and not on your TV.Now, if you saw that the movie
only got forty eight percent on RottenTomatoes, the proper response is screw those
guys say it like Cartman. Mainstreamcritics have never been into horror movies and
generally don't get them. This onedeserves a chance. And apart from the
garbage people on the other side ofthe theater who talked so much that I

finally let him have it with theloudest I've ever attempted ever, you could
hear the out of state. Iwas still glad to catch this on the
big screen and you should too.Moving on to Renfield that's streaming on Peacock.
He was the character in Dracula whogoes nuts, becomes Dracula's servant,
eats bugs. There's your cliff notes. In the movie, they're in the

present day. Nicholas Holt plays Renfield, who's reached a point where he wants
more out of life and eating bugsgives him super Dracula powers. Nick Cage
hams it up as Dracula. He'ssuch a ham that if you're Muslim,
will you get the idea? Renfieldis a comedy and not what you call
dry or sophisticated comedy. It's likean SNL sketch with some moments that approach
being good, occasionally with some actiongore set pieces thrown in. In fact,

all that over the top carnage seemsintended to make up for the fact
that the rest of the movie isn'tvery funny, and your mileage may vary
on the gag of Cage's joke castingas Dracula. One cool thing Renfield is
from Universal, which is the homeof the Universal Monster movies. And the
insert Holton Cage into the nineteen thirtyone Dracula. That's really cool. It's
a harmless, wasted time that you'llnever get back. And finally, well

almost finally, the third season finaleof Warrior on HBO I Mean Max is
out. It's one of the highestquality martial arts productions ever made. And
it's also this sprawling, mean crimeepic about tongs, cops, Irish laborers,
political backstabbing in nineteenth century San Francisco. It's all based on some ideas
from Bruce Lee, and it starsAndrew Kogi, who is magnificent. But

every single actor in it, eventhe smallest part, is top notch.
I mentioned how lousy movie poster arthad gotten a minute ago with the Demeter
movie, and I think one reasonWarriors stalled after a couple of seasons and
took so long to get this thirdone is that the image is made it
look like an Asian soap opera.It is not that I don't know if
there's going to be a fourth season, and if there isn't, the finale
of the third is downright operatic andmerciless, with some enormously satisfying action.

If you slept on it, getcaught up, threaten the people on Max
do they call their office the Maxipad? We don't know? Make them
do another season of Warrior and let'sget Andrew Kogi on later with Mokelly.
One final tidbit. You may stillbe distraught over the death of Exorcist director
William Friedkin a few days ago,but that's no reason to bother with The
Pope's Exorcist, which is new toNetflix after a really surprisingly successful theatrical run,

successful enough that we could get asequel that we don't need. It
is not worthy unless you wants someyucks from Russell Crowe playing an Italian priest,
and we don't further affiant saith notmo. Yeah, I don't want
to say Rinfield spot on. Icouldn't finish it. I just it just
almost. It took three tries toget through it couldn't do it. But
yeah, you're spot on. Greatjob. Next segment, I'll be joined

on the line in a previously recordedconversation by Sophia Lillis. Just to make
sure this is a pre recorded conversationbecause as an actress, she's not supposed
to be doing interviews. This wasrecorded a while ago. But she's going
to tell us about the new moviewhich came out today the adults you're listening
too Later with Moe Kelly on demandfrom KF I am six forty. Hey,

that's still how you hug people?Why don't you hug me like you
haven't seen you for three years?Who aren't even staying at a hotel?
I get a good rate because Itraveled so much and I like hotel rooms.
I told you it was going tobe a fast trip. You look
good. When did you dye yourhair a year ago? Okay I didn't.
I didn't really know that. Well, you would have if we'd ever

scyped her face timed her. Whatever, how your sister's doing, Rachel living
on her own now after mom died. Maggie went to college and then she
just suddenly quit, doesn't Rachel seemeda little off to you. She did
say she's depressed. Okay, Well, I've never seen her depressed. Maybe
it's more to do with Nathan.We can track him down. I don't

think I would win in a fightagainst Nathan. Do you know about the
party I'm having at my house tomorrownight? You should definitely come. Eric
might favor me tomorrow. It's hardto predict. I'm like waiting for some
phone calls. K six forty it'slater with Mo Kelly. We're live where
on the iHeartRadio app. This wasa prerecorded conversation with actress Sophia Lillis well

before the beginning of the actor's strike. The Adults in Theaters Now follows Eric,
played by Michael Sarah, as hereturns home and finds himself caught between
reuniting with his sisters and chasing avictory with this old poker group, which
is his obsession. Eric finds itincreasingly difficult adjusting to the adult dynamic of
the evolving relationships with his siblings.One of Eric's sisters, Maggie, who

is played by co star Sophia Lillis. You know Lillis from It It Chapter
two, Dungeons and Dragon's Honor amongThieves and more recently Asteroid City. Well,
it's my pleasure to welcome Crown Heightshis own, Sophia Lillis, How
are you suffering? Well? Thankyou? How are you great? I'm
ecstatic to be able to talk toyou. I've followed your career for most

of your career. You've been atthis acting thing for most of your life,
as a matter of fact, havingstarted at a very young age.
What types of roles now motivate youor interest you as you continue to develop
your acting resume. Wow, I'mnot really sure. I think what I've
learned about this job is that there'sso many characters that I never imagine I

would play until like the script,And there's so many creative people out there,
and so, you know, alot of acting is you know reading.
Uh, you get you know,at least in a week practically,
and you have to and and alot of the times you you don't even

never imagine yourself to to do somethinglike that. And you're like, oh
my god, I would love toplay this character. And I guess one
character that I've never played before isa villain. I've always thought that would
be fun. But other than that, I mean, getting to work with
something like this the Adults, hthat was something that I think I didn't

know I've always wanted to do untilI did it, because I feel like
I got a lot from my ownlife, uh that that really helps me
with this role because it's all aboutrelationships with your siblings and kind of what
it is to you know, growup and what it's like with this your

relationship with them. And I hadsiblings myself, so getting to work with
this it brought a lot about fromyou know, my childhood into this role.
So that's it's a lot of fun. It's not fair because you took
my next question because I was wonderingif having a brother, a fraternal twin
brother, influence your approach to playingMaggie in The Adults, So clearly you

did on some level. How doesthat specifically enter into your performance? Do
you look at Rachel, who isplayed by Hannah Gross, or look at
Eric who's played by Michael Sarah andspecifically in vision your brother or someone else.
Yeah, No, I mean they'renone of them are exactly like my
brother or or or you know myI also have a stepbrother. But uh,

there are bits and pieces of itthat really that really did remind me
of really like conversations that I've hadwith them, you know when I was
a kid. Uh, my brotherand I both you know, had you
know, our own voices and charactersthat we made up or or dances or
stuff like that. And so especiallythose scenes in particular, Uh, We're

very funny to do because it likeI don't a lot of times, I
didn't really remember that I did allthat stuff until you know, I got
to create these characters, Like,oh shoot, right, I did this
before, you know, I Ididn't even remember it until you know,
when I was on set and Iwas like, I feel like this is

you know, every single day there'slike I've always had this feeling of deja
vu, and uh no, alsothis is the conversations that I've had with
with them. Uh. Like there'sscenes where, uh, you know,
my brother you know, is offin college sometimes, so there's there's a
kind of a long period of separationthere and then and then when we meet

meet each other again. We're alldifferent a little bit, but we kind
of has the same rapport. Themore, you know, the more times
we get to hang out with eachother. And there are moments in this
movie that, uh, you know, because Eric is gone for a long
time and then when he gets back, there's this sort of, uh,

this feeling of being together for thefirst time in a while. There's a
the way we speak to each otheris very similar. So yeah, I
know there's there's a not exactly oneperson reminds me of Jake, But yeah,
Eric is a complex, I wouldsay, troubled guy. He's trying
to navigate these external gambling issues.Tell me about this poker game and why

it's so damn important to him,I'm not sure. From what I can
tell, I think his addiction toto win something or to achieve something,
which you can kind of see whenhe, you know, tries to see
the same person he was to Maggie, my character. You can tell their

moments like he can't. He's tryingto be that funny person that Maggie looked
up to as a kid, andhe isn't really quite getting that same uh
you know, relationship, same feelingback again, And I guess that's kind
of what it is. Well,Maggie, your character's younger sister to Rachel
played by Hannah Gross, tell meabout their dynamic and what it means to

evolve as the little sister now allgrown up and getting that level of respect
as an adult, right. Ithink, I think what their relationship is
very very interesting because, uh youknow, their parents are both gone and
uh so Hannah's character is more ofa sort of mother figure to Maggie in

a way, but not really becauseshe's a sibling and everything. So it's
just kind of weird in between betweeneither a caretaker or you know, a
sibling, and it's the different dynamics. They only have each other, so
it's a very very close relationship.They have a report there, they have
their own dynamic, the way theylive each other's lives, and I think

when Eric comes in it kind ofdistructs that a little bit. So,
yeah, I guess that's that's kindof what their relationship as actors. Did
you have a chance beyond just atable reads to interact with each other and
get a rapport with each other?Michael Sarah and also head of Gross as
far as getting a feeling for eachother so you could actually develop this on

screen relationship or was it thrown togetherrather quickly in nature, we had like
a week or so prior to rehearsea little bit because we had to create
songs and dances and voices that wedo in the movie. And that really
helps actually because in doing so itwas a very very efficient ice breaker and

getting to know each other. Anduh yeah, we also while we were
shooting, there are a few timesduring the weekends so that we you know,
you know, had to choreographs,so that was that was also very
helpful. You know, you willbe able to see my guest Sophia Lilis,
co star alongside had a gross andalso micro Sara. I cannot wait,

Sophia Lilis. It's been a pleasureand joy to speak with you.
Oh thank you. That of fun. This conversation was recorded back in June,
long before the beginning of the sagafter strike. It's later with mo
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