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November 21, 2023 25 mins
PG&E can’t be sued over safety related power shutoffs. Outrage against Univision grows after Trump interview. Wages are rising, jobs are plentiful. Nobody is happy!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You're listening to Bill Handle on demandfrom KFI AM six forty. Ladies and
gentlemen, you'rtection what I just likewaking up to the sound of your sweet
voice. And now it's showtime,Bill Handle. This is kfi AM six

forty Bill Handle. Here it isa Tuesday morning, November twenty one,
as we continue with the show,a couple of days before Thanksgiving. Love
that holiday. By the way,I'm off tomorrow. I'm leaving a day
early, so I believe Wayne isfilling in tomorrow. Neil Savadra on Thanksgiving,
who always does Thanksgiving and he hasfor I don't know how many years

and gives you tips on cookie.So let's just move on a big story.
Some of the big stories we're lookingat is what's going on in Israel.
Looks like a deal may maybe announcedtoday, hasn't yet. That is
a deal between Israel Kamas exchanging wellprisoners for hostages and also a pause for

four or five days in the fight. So that is pretty good news,
especially for the families of the hostagesthat are being held by Hamas. Now
I want to talk about a lawsuit, a little bit of a handle on
the law this morning and this isa lawsuit. Well, here's the issue.
Here's the question. How do youhave a situation where you get sued

if you don't or you get suedif you do. And this is a
lawsuit that was filed against PG andE by a plaintiff, one specific,
but there are plenty of people thatare part of this, and it has
to do with the losses that weresustained, not during fires, the losses

that were sustained when PG and Eshut off the electricity because of the risk
of fires. One of the thingsthat PG and HE has done to ameliorate
the risk of the fires at thebase of these transmission lines that have gone
down. As a matter of fact, the campfire was caused by a PG
and E line going down. Oneof the risks that they're trying to basically

get around is saying, we're goingto have blackouts in those areas when the
wives are that tough, we're goingto just do the blackout. Well,
here's the problem, and here's thelawsuit, and that is look what you
did with Mike Black with my homeand my life when it comes to those

blockouts. Now, keep in mind, PG and E is saying that the
shutoffs were necessary to maintain the safety. The plaintiff says the shutoffs were necessary
only because PG and HE had failedto properly maintain the power grid for decades.
So what are the damages of whathe's asking two point five billion dollars

for himself and others? Loss ofhabitability of their dwellings, loss of food
items and the refrigerators, expensive foralternative means of lighting and power, loss
of cell phone connectivity, dangerous darkconditions, lack of running water, loss
of productivity and business, and thebig one, unable to go on tinder,

which is what this plaintiff really enjoydoing more than anything else. Well,
guess what the court said that PGand E customers can't sue for losses
incurred during those shutoffs. You're done? Why because those shutoffs are designed to
protect the public from wildfires. Sonow we have a system where they have

a system saying we are now goingto protect the public and we're going to
have these these are shutdowns, that'sall. What a tear rough power?
Or you can't do that, orif you do do that, look at
the losses. But if you don'tdo that and there's a fire, we're
gonna sue you too. You can'twin here. Now, the court didn't
use that argument. The court didnot say it's a lose lose for PG

and E. But the court didis look at it legally, of course,
and simply said that under state law, PG and E can't be sued
under these circumstances. That's all.If you have a problem with that,
change the law. The state canchange laws where PG and E can be

sued. They just haven't done it. So going up the courts, I
mean, I don't understand how theplaintiffs are still dealing with this. I
don't know how lawyers are involved inthis. You know, how much more
can you spend on this, becauseyou're talking about they went to trial,
they went to the appeals court,they lost, They went to the Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals, lost,they went to the Supreme Court, which

says no, thank you. Imean, they went on and on and
so it's they're gonna lose, lose, lose, And of course the attorneys
for the plaintiffs are saying, thisis a bad day for the people of
California, for the customers of PGand E. Clearly, the utilities have
won and the people have lost,and that's typical. I think that mainly

means they've sort of stopped at thispoint. I don't I'm not hearing,
well, we're gonna appeel it,We're gonna win it on appeal. When
lawyers say this is a bad dayand the people have lost, without saying
we're going to appeal, that's basicallyover. By the way PG and E
in response to all this, Imean, it won the case, but

it did say improvements are in theworks, including updating forecasting, fire risk
modeling, and proving technology tools toidentify scope and potential impacts. I mean
they're spending tens of billions of dollarsto do this. I mean, so
they are coming to the table afterthe act. By the way, they
had to go bankrupt, as youknow, because they were sued, and
they were sued by the victims offor example, Paradise, California, the

campfire in which eighty five people werekilled and the entire town was destroyed.
Those people were allowed to sue PGand E, and PG and E wrote
a check for like thirty billion dollarsto those folks and then had to go
into bankruptcy and came out of bankruptcyand at least this is good news for
PG and E gee, we wehave to not do the shut offs.

But then if we do do theshut offs, we get sued. And
on the other hand, we getsued too. And the court said,
nah, no, thank you,especially when the shutoffs were for public safety.
The whole point of the shutoffs isto save lives, and you got
the plan and saying we don't care. I can't go on tender, I

can't use my computer. The foodin my refe regerator is no longer viable.
Okay, Yeah, a life ortwo against the steak cubot at Costco
that now has gone bad. Thatthere's no comparison. There is there not
at all. Let's move over toan interesting thing that happened at Univision.

There was an interview that aired Novemberninth in which Donald Trump was interviewed.
He gave the interview to Univision andit was a very warm interview. He
didn't receive He received almost no pushbackwhen he gave his statements on border security

and immigration policies that he instituted aspresident, and the backlash was instant and
it was severe, including calls fromthe Latino com community telling Univision, hey,
what are you doing? What areyou doing? We want more balanced
reporting, and some were asking foran outright boycott of the network ahead of

the twenty twenty four elections. Solet's start with the fact that Latinos are
considered a really crucial voting block andbasically upfgrabs the next election. Latinos used
to be solid Democrat Democrats could relyon the Latino vote and not worry about

it, much like Democrats could relyon the black vote and not have to
worry about it and merely go afterthe independence, non Latino, non black
because they already had them. Well, those days have changed. Republicans are
making big inroads and Democrats are injust a little bit of trouble there they

don't have the automatic vote. Andkeep in mind that this is crucial.
Why because it looks like there's goingto be a rematch of the twenty twenty
election. Looks like it's going tobe Trump and Joe Biden and Joe and
I'm going to do a segment nextsegment talking about why Joe Biden is in

a world of hurt and doesn't deserveto be in a couple of different areas,
and I'll explain that coming up.So it was an exclusive interview and
it raised all kinds of alarms withinthe Democratic Party. Doctor John let me
get this rights, lou Gia Zamo, do I have that right? I've

always mispronounced that name. Okay,thank you a million Instagram followers, and
he criticized Univision for softballing Trump.It was an hour long interview conducted by
Enrique Acevedo, an anchor from TelevisaMexican network, not a Univision journalist,

and that the two media groups mergedlast year. It looks like Jared Kushner,
Trump's son in law, who reallyhelped to organize this whole thing.
Univision said yes, because I guessTrump is a get and normally he doesn't
go on these kinds of network interviews. I mean, you'll never see him
on CNN, You'll always see himon Fox. So Univision got him.

And here's what he said in thefirst few minutes of the interview. And
he was asked about Latino voters andpolls showing him defeating Biden in twenty twenty
four, not by the Latinos,just in general the overall vote, and
he said, all you have todo is look at the owners of Univision.
They're unbelievable, entrepreneurial people, andthey like me. They want to

see security, they want to havea border. In other words, he
is saying that the the owners ofUnivision are on his side when it comes
to how he dealt with the borderseparation of families the remain in Mexico as
far as as asking for asylum.And so he also made some claims about

the partial wall that he built alongthe southern border, and he said it
was made possible by Mexico providing thousandsof soldiers free of charge. No,
remember when he first talked about thewall, Mexico was going to pay for
it, and then that disappeared,and you know why Mexico did not pay

for it. And now he's saying, well, they helped us. And
the only way it was made possiblethat we got free of charge thousands of
soldiers, and that it was formerPresident Obama that laid the groundwork for the
policy at the border to deter illegalcrossings that became known as the faply family
separation crisis. Really was Obama thatstarted all that as the Vedo didn't push

back on that one either. Itwasn't just a friendly interview. According to
Anna Navarro Cardenas, Nicaraguan American politicalstrategist, very well known, she's a
commentator, it wasn't just a friendlyinterview. It was an embarrassing one hour
puff piece with lots of smiles andno pushback from a guy who relishes in

attacking and bullitting, belittling and otherizingLatinos and Latin American immigrants. Basically,
it's what are you doing? Univision? And to give you an idea of
how influential this network is, statecentater Susan Rubio, who is very well
known, she's a part of thelegislative caucus in California, says the network

is absolutely influential, influential in householdslike hers. It's a new source that
she and other Latinos rely on thatSpanish speaking parents view is trusted, unbiased,
to be truthful. More than seventyorganizations have come down very very hard

on Univision. And what's going tohappen with the vote. Well, yeah,
I'm gonna tell you why Biden isin so much trouble. In one
instance, which I'm going to sharewith you, he doesn't deserve to be
at all. In another Yeah,you know, he got a lot of
hubris there. America deserves me kindof thing. I look at politics a

lot, obviously, you know,I'm a news junkie and I'm a political
junkie on top of that. AndI'm looking at the polls that as of
right now, between former President Trumpand President Biden in the twenty twenty four
race, if it were to happentoday, Trump wins and probably the biggest
factor that's going against Joe Biden.And we're talking about around that literally all

over the spectrum, the political spectrum. Even those who are in favor of
Biden and like his policies and thinkhe's a good president, it's he's too
old to be president. It's thatsimple. He's eighty one years old.
He just celebrated his birthday yesterday,and he's running for president. He'll be

the oldest president by far to run. And if he wins to be the
president of the United States. Andhere's the problem. Some Democrats and others
are saying, wait a minute,he's eighty one. Trump is almost seventy
eight. I mean that's old too, isn't it. Well, Compare the

two. Joe Biden shuffles like anold man. He stutters a lot,
but that has to do with thefact he overcame a huge stuttering problem when
he was young, which I wishpeople would give him more credit for.
But he is perceived as old.He is fairly slow in returning answers.

Donald Trump isn't a President Trump.What do you think of He's a loser.
The world's falling apart. He doesn'teven let people finish their sentence as
he jumps right on it. Imean he is vibrant. He does not
appear old. I mean he isone of the youngest seventy seven year olds
I've ever seen. So that isthe big problem with Biden, the biggest.

So let me give you the secondbiggest problem, even though Joe Biden
doesn't deserve to be nailed on thisone. And what is it? Well,
The economy is actually doing well,Jobs are plentiful, wages are rising.

No one's happy. The perception isthe economy sucks, and it doesn't.
But I'll tell you exactly what DonaldTrump is going to do. And
I think this is a very goodguess he's going to take a page out

of Ronald Reagan's playbook. When Reaganran against Jimmy Carter, and Reagan said,
are you better off now than youwere four years ago? And remember
that was a time of raging inflation, And the answer was no, we're
not better off than we were fouryears ago. Reagan won in a landslide.

So that's what Trump's going to say, are you better off now than
you were when I was president?Well, when he was president, historic
and I mean historic low inflation rates, mortgage rates, interest rates way way
down. People had plenty of money. And also keep in mind that COVID

hit, and it hit big time, just as who became president, Joe
Biden, and the attack Biden andhow he handled COVID was unrelenting. Even
though I believe that Joe Biden handledthe COVID, the COVID fiasco that we
had, it was just it's beyondthat. It was just a horrible,

horrible instance for all of us thatwe suffered through COVID, and I think
he handled it very well. Well, he's going to be blamed for COVID.
He is truly going to be playingfor COVID. You watch the Republicans
go at it. And certainly ifthere are any debates between Joe Biden and

Donald Trump, and there has tobe if those are the two that are
going to be the nominees, whichthey are, I believe. I will
tell you I think Trump's going torip him a new one. I mean,
Trump's going to make stuff up.Trump is going to do the attacking.
Trump is going to literally accuse himof stuff that he never did.

Right before we go on with thetopic at hand, and that has to
do with Joe Biden is probably goingto lose. The thirteenth annual KFI Pastathon
has arrived. A Chef Bruno's charity, Katerina's Club provides more than twenty five
thousand meals every single week to kidsin need in Southern California. And the
only way this work is all aboutyour generosity. You have made it happen,

you will make it happen. Andthere are three ways to help.
Donate atpastathon dot com, shop atany Smart and Final store, donate at
checkout. You can go to anyWendy's restaurant in Southern California and donate.
And this station, the entire station, all of Us on the air will
be broadcasting live all day from theAnaheim White House on November twenty eight.

Come out and see us from fiveam to ten pm. If you come
out between six and nine, actuallyprobably nine, five and nine, we're
going to be giving you real jewbagels with shmeer that means with cream cheese
and in case you ever get askedthat on Jeopardy and coffee, So that

is always available whenever I do abroadcast out in the morning. All right,
back we go to the poll thatI just mentioned that if the election
were today, the presidential were today, between Joe Biden and Donald Trump,
Trump would win. WHOA. Now, I'm not a big fan of Trump,

but I'll tell you I believe thatDonald Trump's a lot younger than Joe
Biden. And it's not just aquestion of being three years younger. A
lot younger. It's going to killJoe Biden his age. The hubrists.
He goes, Oh, I'm gonnarun no matter what, even if I
shuffle and I appear to be anold man. He is running, and
the Democratic Party always backs up ifthere's a president in office second term,

one percent doesn't matter if the presidentis drooling and can't even talk or walk.
It doesn't matter. So what isgoing on the other thing is going
to kill Biden is the fact thatpeople think the economy is terrible. It's
not. The economy is actually great. Inflation is way down, jobs are

plentiful. I mean, we're doingfine. And here is a contradiction in
terms, right or this is counterintuitive. We talk about and feel that the
economy is horrible, yet we're spendingmoney like it isn't restaurants expensive restaurants.

Friend took me to lunch a coupleof days ago, and it was a
Mexican restaurant, not inexpensive. Theplace was jammed. I'm going, wait
a minute, this is brunch aswhat fifty bucks ahead or sixty or whatever
the hell it was because I didn'tI would never buy anybody a meal that

expensive, but the place was totallyjammed. To go, what's going on
with that? Well, here's oneof the problems. Even with inflation down,
even with wages up dramatically, inflationcaused everything to be super expensive.
So when you look at a restaurantmeal that a couple of years ago,

let's say pre pandemic, was fortypercent less than it is today. It's
just insanely expensive. And the perceptionis life is really expensive. And as
I said earlier, Donald Trump isgoing to and if I were, I'm
sure he is. And if Iwere advising him, I go. You
take a playbook. You take apage out of the playbook. Ronald Reagan,
Are you better off today than youwere pre pandemic? I was the

president pre pandemic. Joe Biden isthe president while inflation went crazy, while
the pandemic went nuts, while thingsare so expensive, look at how miserable
you are now. And the perceptionis that miserable. The pandemic hangover is
still there, and it's emotional.I mean, people feel like the prices

are out of control. They wereout of control, rising dramatically, but
they have already hit that point.Mortgage interest rates, instead of being three
percent as it was during the Trumpera, is now seven percent, even
though Biden has almost nothing to dowith it. That's the Fed. The

economy was heating up too quickly thanwhat ends up happening is the Fed then
raises interest rates to solow everything down. And they're right, it did,
but it's still seven percent. Geta car loan. Oh, by the
way, get a car loan ona car that costs more money than it
ever did, and you're paying moreinterests. The perception is that the economy
just isn't doing well, and that'sthe shame of it. Now, why

is that, Well, he gotpartisanship. Keep in mind, whenever he's
a Democrat in the White House,Republicans are saying, it's the worst time
in the history of the United States. It's exactly what Donald Trump is saying.
Joe Biden is the worst president we'veever had, and it is the
worst time we've ever had. Forgetthe Depression. This is far worse than

the Depression or the Civil War.Joe Biden's presidency is far worse than the
Civil War. Per Donald Trump.And so you have that, you have
everybody is so much more biased,and you've got the conspiracy theorists who all
line up in favor of Trump.That's not to say that Trump wants a

while. Of course he wants them, because anybody that is on his side
is a good guy. But they'regetting more and more powerful. We're talking
about the conspiracy folks to the pointwhere news outlets don't exist anymore. They're
liars. Newsmacks is the truth andwe've just gone and it's all negative.
And who's negative right now? I'lltell you one thing. The conspiracies,

the naysayers are a lot more powerfulthan those that are saying, hey,
here's the truth, a lot morepowerful than I am guaranteed. So you
have that. Here's the bottom line. Even if you make it in America,
making it in America today doesn't feellike you've made it in America.

And that's going to kill Biden inaddition to him looking like he's one hundred
and forty years old, and forthe first time, as much as I
am genuinely frightened, but Trump presidency, I think we're looking at one as
of right now. And then yeah, well you just wait as to what's

going to happen. It's a killerand you have the Latinos and you have
the black voters that are no longerlining up automatically with the Democrats. I
mean, there's a lot of problemsgoing on. Kf I am six forty
live everywhere on the iHeartRadio app.You've been listening to the Bill Handle Show.
Catch My Show Monday through Friday,six am to nine am. And
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