Episode Transcript
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You're listening to KPI AM six forty, the Bill Handles show on demand on
the iHeartRadio. F Yeah, theywere filming an episode of for Shark Week,
and I think the show is sharkseating people? Is the show very
very popular? She was actually swimmingwith her five year old child. Oh,
okay, thank you for that.You wound it for me, all
right. I had to save you. Oh you saved me when I was
joking about her being eaten by ashark and you say, oh, she
was swimming with her five year oldall right, I retrapped and now handle
on the news. Ladies and gentlemen, here's Bill Handle, and good morning
everybody. It is a Friday morning, December eighth, and if you hear
my voice a little bit raggedy,it is yesterday. I was not here,
as you may have known, andso we'll try to make it through
the rest of the show. Throatis okay. I'm drinking a lot of
throat coat or coat throat tea,whatever the hell they call it, and
we'll we'll see if I can doit. As a matter of fact,
let me say hello to Neil Zavedra, Good morning, sir. Right,
who is Filly in for Wayne,and as a matter of fact, I've
asked him to go through the entireshow with me to save my voice.
So Neil will be joining me andit'll mainly be a Bill and Neil show
today, although I have told him, you know, if you start going
a little bit too crazy in termsof, you know, involvement in the
show, you'll hear me say onthe air, hey, who show is
is this? And I'll say,shut up and rest your voice. Yeah,
So it's gonna be a good showin any case. Neil, I
don't know how you do it,because tomorrow you work, you work full
time at the station, you're fillingin, you're promote tonight too. Gee.
Wow, it's all meal all thetime. Yeah. I don't even
like listening to myself that much.Yeah. I have to tell you when
I was doing uh weekends and thiswas over thirty years ago, when I
first started doing general talk here onKFI, having started with a handle on
the law, and I would befilling in for people and during them because
I did over we had overnight showat that time live and I would be
doing overnights and fill ins and vacations. Boy, you talk about baptism and
fire. You gotta do what yougotta do around here, Yeah, you
do. Kind of the Swiss armyknife of KFI. So yeah, you
got to pay your trash today too. You've got to absolutely pay you after
thirty years. I got to paymy dues. I know you don't have
to. Dows are paid. Yeah, your dues are paid. But you
have to quote one has to payhis or her dues, uh in verse
anything, I would think. Allright, So it's a hello to Neil.
Wayne comes back on Monday. Kno. Good morning morning Bill, Oh
excitement, mister excitement. Okay,much better, much better, and good
morning, Good morning Bill, andgood morning Neil. Well hello there.
Yeah, all right, that's enoughof this sickophantic crap. Okay, so
weird you've got You've got nice,healthy, mindful people around you. Boy,
it's gotta suck, yeah oh itdoes. And then Amy, good
morning. Happy seventeen days till Christmas? Yeah, yeah, seventeen days till
Christmas, and happy second day ofHanukah. Oh yeah yeah. Lit the
candles yesterday, all of them.I thought you were supposed to do just
one. I did, look thecandle. Actually, you you like two
candles because you have the shumash,which is the candle that you used to
like candles. I used to goto the Schumash casino. Yeah, I
know, right, and great.It's a little different though. Yeah,
the candle that lights candles, it'sa lot like lighting a fuse that then
goes to the bomb and explodes.So you have to light the thing that
lights. And yesterday was light numberone, and tonight will be light number
two. And as I do everyyear, what I am going to do
is tell you about Honika and howit is sort of the weird one of
the weirdest Jewish holidays. And I'llexplain, and I was supposed to be
miracle of miracles and it isn't.I just want to let you know it
isn't. And I'll explain that you'llnever look at Hanikah again now that you
think it's stupid. Now yet,wait, that's not fair, that's not
fair. It's it's a festival oflights, which very interesting because Jews do
not put up lights outside their house, and they don't put up Christmas trees.
I always Yet it's the festival oflights, right, I know,
it doesn't make any sense. It'scount intuitive they sell blue and white lights.
I know, but that's still that'san ersatz Christ get it? But
well, it kind of all ofit is. Yeah, I'll explain more.
It's kind of a fun story thathas a lot of history in it.
And of course a lot of historyis metaphor because a lot of religious
writings are metaphor. And I we'llget into that. In the meantime,
let's do it. We got plentyof news. It's time for Handle on
the News with Amy King and Neilin for Wayne Today and me and Lead
Storrytop. Well, I wouldn't wantto be Hunter Biden. He is now
looking at nine pretty serious criminal chargesin a federal tax case. Federal tax
cases are no joke. They reallyaren't. And if you remember that first
deal in which he was going todo no jail time and the judge tossed
it and said, oh no,I'm not expect accepting this. Well,
the special prosecutor, who is thesame special prosecutor I think it is,
who is looking at looking at PresidentTrump if I have that right, the
election, he said, and he'sarguing, oh my god, Biden,
Hunter Biden spent millions of dollars onfifty six page indictment subverted the payroll and
tax withholding process of his own company. The allegations are crazy, paid for
an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying taxbills, drugs, escorts, girlfriends,
luxury hotels, rental properties, exoticcars, clothing, items of a personal
nature and short, everything but histaxes. And he is now best friends
with George Santos. Clearly the twoare just hanging together. And how do
you do that? How do youpull that off? Paid lot strippers?
But I mean so he's got aCPA that just goes, what do you
want me to put this under?I again, he goes, that's what
she said. Well, I don'tthink so. I think he tells the
CPS. These are the deductions Itook, and the CPS the CPA can
only do taxes based on the informationthat is given to the CPA. As
a matter of fact, you'll seethat whenever there's an audit, whenever there
is a tax return done by aCPA, it's this is based on the
information given to me by the client, and that is it. So I
don't think that's a big issue.But the government went into it, you
know, to be the president's sonand do this kind of crap is stupid,
beyond stupid. Don't you think you'regoing to be put under a microscope?
Come on, guys, wasn't thisthe vast majority of this done before
his father was in offices? Yeah, it was done. It was done
while he was vice president president.Yeah, and during the drug fueled years.
Yeah. Yeah, it goes backposting pictures of him doing correct.
We're gonna talk a lot more aboutthis because this is there is a story
here for sure. So a winin court for abortion supporters In Texas,
a judge has allowed a woman who'stwenty weeks pregnant to get an abortion.
It's a rare case of a womantrying to get a court order to get
an abortion since Texas passed it's almosttotal ban on abortions. But Kate Cox
is thirty one years old. She'sthe mother of two, and she sued
to get an abortion because she foundout last week that the fetus basically was
not going to survive, no wayit was going to happen, and if
she did carry the baby to term, it would jeopardize her ability to have
more kids, which she says shewants to have yeah, I mean it's
of all the times you would thinkabortion would be allowed, you would be
this one. So the judge goesahead and she's the order yes to the
abortion. The Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, super conservative, says
that he's threatening legal action to appealthat decision. And I love that the
elements were necessary a fall within theexception to Texas abortion law. For example,
the mother's health. The mother's lifehas to be at risk, so
it didn't fall within that exception.And then my favorite, the judge was
not medically qualified to make this determination, which means you never go in front
of a judge unless they unless they'vegone to medical school and probably have to
be board certified in OBGYN, whichI'm sure the vast majority of the legislators
who passed this law took off fromtheir board certification and their practice of OBG
y N and became legislators. Ajudge would have to be an expert in
everything that's correct, because anything thatwent before the judge that's correct. How
do you know that? Are youa mechanic? Yeah, I mean,
it's it makes no sense. Andby the way, if he succeeds at
the appellate level, and she is, well, she'll go out of state,
of course. But as a matterof principle, let's say a doctor
does agree to do the abortion inthe state of Texas, Paxton will go
forward. I'm convinced to that.And it is a life imprisonment sentence for
a doctor who does this. That'show crazy this is. I got to
tell you THEO the undoing of Roeversus Wade is not what the conservatives hoped
it would be. There's a lotof backlash. Anthony Pallito, if you
don't know that name, he's theUNLV shooting suspect. And what a story.
So he had a list of targets, strangely enough, at the school
and at East Carolina University in NorthCarolina. Strangely enough, East Carolina University
in North Carolina. So the policesaid that he had a list, but
none of the people that he actuallyshot were on the list. Yeah,
it's a weird story. I'm goingto interrupt you for a moment here because
I'm doing this story and I'm goingto dive into it at seven twenty.
So, Neil, that was notonly to tell everybody that I'm doing the
story and expanding on it. Butto cut you off, well, you're
the one that needs to rest yourvoice, sir. I know in your
head, I know, but I'vebeen doing this for so long. I
immediately but this, I default,there is so much Yeah, you know,
they are twenty two letters that wentout to potential victims I suppose with
white powder turned out to be talc. It just this is a guy who
was obviously mentally unstable to begin with, and it just is weird. Why
it, as a matter of fact, if you're going to shoot people,
it just it is a weird,crazy story to it. As a matter
of fact, here's gonna do.I'll start the story at seven twenty and
then you'll end it by reading everysingle one of those letters. Oh that'll
be great. Yeah. Hey,is this talk radio or what? Yes
it is, sir. Yes.Keeping things light for the Festival of Lights,
the police have stepped up patrols duringHonka celebrations in Beverly Hills. Of
course, Honka started yesterday and goesfor eight days, but a lot of
people have in the Jewish community havesaid they're worried about the rise in anti
Semitic sentiment because of the war betweenIsrael and Hamas, and some are worried
that observing the tradition of Honkkah andtheir Jewish symbols and religious practices could make
them targets. You know, isweird. We've normally not had this in
my area. I'm on the eastside of Los Angeles, but yesterday we
actually had a at a nearby park. As I was coming home from work
last night, there was a bigHonukkah festival and I've never even seen that
in the neighborhood. Yeah, fair'sgoing both ways. You've got people Jews
that are saying, oh, we'redoing this, and we're doing this publicly
and screw you to the anti Semitesof the world. And then you have
others who, you know, ourlittle frightened. Yesterday I was at some
friend's house when we lit the honikatCampbell's and we did it in a safe
room. So, by the way, that's not true. But oh,
I thought you met the room withall your safes in it. No,
it's oh too much, Yeah,Neil, too much? Okay, not
really all right. You can tellwe haven't done this a whole lot.
I're just getting it by next week. Neil will sort of fit in when
he's the longer he yeah by strideYeah. Biden administration. Now, of
course, Biden has been known forwanting to forgive debt loans, of course
for college. And he's put fivebillion more, almost five four point eight
billion more in student loan debt formore than eighty thousand borrowers. So he's
now at about one hundred and thirtytwo billion of debt erase. Conservators are
not particularly happy with this one twoown programs. You got to wonder if
maybe you know what it says tome, says our colleges aren't worth anything.
Let us pay you back, yeah, or forgive the loan. Yeah,
borrowing they don't have to Yeah.But you've got a couple of You've
got a couple of issues here.You have the income driven Repayment Forgiveness plan,
where people just simply can't repay theloan, their loan, they borrow.
They want to go to school,they don't have the money, and
we have programs that allow you toborrow the money. Problem is, by
the time you finish, you're insuch debt. You're in debt for the
rest of your life. And wewant a system like that and should the
government jump in and help, whichthe Biden program does. And the other
one is public service loan forgiveness.You work in public service for ten years.
I think the loan is forgiven youwork as Now, if you go
into social work, is that publicservice and you're going to do that anyway?
What do you do with that?There's no easy answer here, there
really isn't. Yeah, what woulddefine public service? I don't know the
I mean the income driven one.You at least understand it's based on what
you make and it's a percentage ofthat. But this is public service?
Yeah? What if you want tobe a school guard, across guard?
Across what? Crossguards? Crossing guards? Crossing guards? Cross guards come from
my people? Uh huh right,a crossguard comes from people who never mind.
I was going to go on thatone. Okay, let's do one
more for the break. Another dayin court for former President Trump. On
the stand yesterday was an accounting expertwho was trying to beef up the defenses
argument that company valuations are a subjectiveprocess. Outside before the trial, Trump
said the trial is corrupt. Hecriticized the judge presiding over the trial and
also New York Attorney General Letitia Jameswho brought the case against him. Now,
yeah, he brings in this CPAand this is it's talk about marl
a Lago, for example, andTrump valued mar al Lago for the purposes
of the loans and purposes of hisfinancial position at over a billion dollars,
over a billion dollars. Marrol Lagoit is assessed tax wise at about thirty
seven million dollars. Now, assessmentis obviously very very low. It usually
is very low until you sell thehouse. And he's had it for many,
many years, so it is probablyand I'm guessing now, I'm not
a real estate expert, but Iwouldn't be surprised if the market value of
marl Lago would probably be in onehundred and fifty two hundred million dollar range,
wouldn't it off? You look atthe way other properties are sold.
But this guy says there's wide latitude, So we could have said five billion
dollars. Why not because there's widelatitude. I think they're going to rip
this guy a new one. Can'twe just go on Zillow and check it?
Yeah, you know what, let'sdo that. Let's take a break
and we'll go you know what.You're absolutely right, moral lago on Zillo.
That's a great idea. You knowthe name Joseph Emerson, maybe maybe
not. He's that ex Alaska Airlinespilot who tried to cut the engines mid
flight. It was originally that hewas going to be charged with attempted murder
charges. Well, he pleaded notguilty to a lesser charge of reckless endangerment
and now he's ordered to stay awayfrom drugs and alcohol and not come in
within thirty feet of an operatable aircraft. You know, they're really just giving
him a slap on the wrist.And he said he's kind of nuts too.
He was ordered to undergo a mentalhealth evaluation. He wanted to see
his family, is what he said, and that's why he cut the engines
or tried to cut the engines.Yeah, well he maybe, yeah that'll
work. So he won't be ableto fly ever, not right, Oh
yeah, yeah, he'll never flyagain. Oh yeah, I saw.
You know. You get to seeyour family a lot, yeah, or
maybe not if they're out of stateor yeah, and you get to sell
drapes or whatever you do. Oh, here's a story, amy. Yeah,
the shelters are packed and the animalsneed to be fed. So the
SPCA Los Angeles is asking for petdonations because of the huge surge in animal
intakes at adoption centers. We justtalked to somebody about this couple of days
ago at the Inland Valley Humane Society, and they're having these surges at the
shelters because during the pandemic they weren'tspay and neutering the dogs and cats.
They were diverting stuff over to takecare of people for the pandemic, and
so now these dogs and cats arejust breeding like crazy and the shelters are
full and they need help. Sothey need about thirty three tons of food
to make it through a year.And that's just the SBCA. Well,
I mean that's the call. Yeah. I know people who keep bags of
cat food or cans of cat foodand dog food in the back of the
car and when you see will work, you know, please God bless you.
I need food and there's an animalthere, which happens quite often,
they give the food for the animal. Here's a bag. Yeah, you
know, it's that's a good idea. I've got, I got I've got
to get into that much more,because you know, these poor animals.
Oh God breaks your heart and Ihate to admit this, but I am
truly a dog lover and humans andthe smaller, the easier the art of
kick across the room when they actout. It's the big ones that you
know are more difficult to do that. Wow. Okay, okay, when
don't we move on? Yeah?Speaking of crazy Bill Alan Hasteeder who was
at the January sixth what do youeven call that insurrection? Yeah? So
he was there with a hatchet inhis backpack. Well, a lot of
people probably were. The only problemwas this is a former Lahabra police chief
and now he's sentenced to more thaneleven years for his role in that January
sixth capitol riot. He is oneof the third let's see, he's the
third longest January sixth sentence. Nowhe has that claim to fame out of
those not charged with seditious conspiracy.So you know, this was somebody doing
law enforcement, the chief of lawenforcement in Lahabra, and he was there
and he is one of those thatbelieved in a lot of the conspiracy theories
and one of them was brought upduring the last debate Republican debate by Ramaswami.
If you remember, he was sayingit was an inside job, and
that's one of the things this guybelieves. And he's saying, see it's
been legitimized, it's on the debateplatform. This I don't understand Ramaswami.
Let me start with that. Hetalks about these crazy conspiracy theories are no
longer fringe theories because this guy becauseRamaswami said it, and therefore it must
be true. If Ramaswami would saythe Earth is flat, therefore that must
be true. Ramaswami is out ofhis mind. And Ramaswami portrays himself as
a little Trump. How does hego against Trump when he said, I
admire Trump and Trump is my guy, So I don't get and Trump loves
him. Now, this guy,who is completely out of his mind,
he true believer all the way downthat the riot was an inside job.
It was a red flag that thegovernment created itself so they could take control,
and of course the election was stolen. It just goes on and on,
and he's going down and he kepton saying to the judge, he
kept on screaming this stuff. Inthe case of Ramaswami, do you think
that he's pitching to be vice president. I don't know. I don't know.
Maybe maybe there's a Senate seat openingup, maybe he's going for that.
But I have to tell you ifwell, you know, it's welcome
to politics. Marjorie Taylor Green.You know the pedophile ring under the Federal
Capital that Hillary Clinton ran? Imean, yeah, yeah, what do
you do with that stuff? Thepizza shop and oh yeah, the pizza
shops very important politics. Basic wordstudy Paul meaning many ticks, meaning blood
sucking bugs. Sad, many bloodsucking bugs. Talking about bugs and yeah,
there's already death and destruction. Nowadd disease to the mix in Russia
and Ukraine. So there was apparentlyalready high rates of an an try anti
microbial resistance before Russia invaded Ukraine,but now all the wounds and the overwhelmed,
whelmed healthcare systems have increased this antimicrobial resistance and it's really becoming an
issue in the AMR. Anti microbialresistance consider one of the top global public
health threats according to the World HealthOrganization because it causes more deaths around the
world in HIV or malaria. Sothey can't keep the bacteria away when they
take care of people. Yeah,and you've got to of course Russia pounding
Ukraine. You have Israel pounding Gaza, and you know, not a good
time. Not a good time tobe Ukraine because of Israel. Great time
to be putin because what's happening inIsrael. In Gaza, there's a home,
a residential care home called a DotShalom at least that was its original
name, and it was a homefor the elderly. One hundred and forty
eight workers claimed that they were victimof wage theft. They were paid two
forty to two eighty per hour,sometimes working twenty four hours a day while
they got their money. They wereawarded five point five million after being paid
that two dollars and change an hour. The center, the home there,
changed its name again. But they'rethrilled that they were able to get that
compensation back compensation and we'll see ifit happens again. Yeah, they changed
their name. They had to.It went from a Dat Shalom to no
Jews here assisted living center, justto clear their name. Oh yeah,
pretty much. Elon wants Iger out, the owner of X, went on
a bit of a rampage yesterday againstDisney's chief executive called him out for his
decision to pull advertisements from the exsocial media platform. Musk says he should
be fired immediately and went on tosay that Walt Disney is turning in his
grave over what Bob has done tohis company. How nuts is elon Musk?
How nuts were none of his advertisers? Fire your guy, your CEO,
because you're not because your company isnot advertising on my platform. But
this is after in an interview hekept saying, you know, f yourself
when asked what do you want tosay to the advertisers that are pulling out?
And then he comes after and saysthat he cares. Either you don't
care or you do care. He'shemorrhaging advertisers. I mean a lot of
people think that X is not goingto survive, well, not without advertisers.
No, I know, but I'msaying he's not going to survive period,
that it is going to go underbecause of that, because there's just
not enough money made in selling datato everybody who needs it, you know,
to that taken down? Pardon wouldthat take him down? Do you
think what not having enough advertisers?No, if X goes away, if
x implosed. No, no,no, no, no. The guy's
worth one hundred and sixty billion dollars. No, no, no, he's
one of the wealthiest men and attimes he's the wealthiest man on the planet.
No, he'll just have lost.Well, his he paid forty four
billion dollars for a company that atbest was worth twenty five billion dollars.
But keep in mind it wasn't hisforty four billion dollars. I think his
was twelve or fifteen and the restwere investors. Now, my guess is
he's going to have a hard time, you know, for example, buying
a subway franchise, subway sandwich franchiseand getting anybody to invest in it.
But yeah, he had move andit was a point of purchase. I
can go to the supermarket and yousee the mento's right there at the clerk
at the checkout counter, and youbuy him. That's what he did with
Twitter yet Twitter the freshman. Yeahtill this, you heard Amy talking about
this during the news. You've gotthis young law clerk in to Larry County,
where my dad was born. Bythe way, and the super bright
law student entered high school at theage of thirteen and he graduated law school
earlier this year, and now he'seighteen and an attorney because he passed the
bar. Wait, so he startedhigh school when he was thirteen and then
graduated law school when he was seventeenyears in a span of four years.
He did like ten years of education, four years of college, three years
of law school and taking the bar, which is no joke. And he
can't practice can't practice law until Idon't until he is eighteen. He just
turned up. Now then he canpractice law. So he was just sworn
in. Ye now, many manymany years ago. When I first started
my practice, I ran into alawyer from Kentucky, very young lawyer.
She passed the bar at eighteen likethis, but couldn't start practicing until she
was twenty one. So she hadto just sit there and wait, I
think two and a half years atthat point to start practicing law. You
know, the kid was very exciteduntil one of the reporters asked, have
you ever heard handle on the law. It's really not that hard to get
a license law license in California.All you have to do, all you
have to do is pass the bar, and I've got I used to give
I used to go around and givespeeches on behalf of the law school.
And I'd be asked that college studentswould ask, because I was part of
the recruiting to law school, andthe college students would ask, So,
what do you do to prepare forthe bar? I go cocaine. That's
that's the magic formula. Why isthe California bar exam so difficult? It's
just considered the toughest exam in thecountry. And there's a lot of states
that give reciprocity. You pass theCalifornia Bar, they'll give you automatic they'll
let you into the bar. Andthe other states all you do is apply.
It is a state you know,I don't even know. I don't
even know. But the bar inCalifornia, there are New York is considered
pretty high, pretty difficult. Butit is the worst three days I've ever
spent in my life. I gottatell you that it was no fun.
There's a there's a lot of vomitingthat goes up, and now you go
to the bathroom during a break orduring the course of the exam and you
hear a lot of puking. Itis not easy to rave. Yeah,
all right, one more, Yeah, this homeowner could very well have saved
his very own life. Okay,So we told you about a guy in
Granada Hills, a homeowner whose housewas broken into and he shot and killed
the intruder last weekend. Turns out, LAPD says the guy who broke into
the house with two other people wastwenty year old Abdenago Anddre from Inglewood,
and he had been acquitted in atwenty twenty one drive by shooting case.
So he had recently been on trialfor murder. Wow, and he got
killed. You know, I meangood for him that he took himself out
of the gene pool. You know, sometimes it's just appreciated. Okay,
guys, we are done. KFIAM six forty live everywhere on the iHeartRadio
app. You've been listening to theBill Handle Show. Catch my Show Monday
through Friday six am to nine am, and anytime on demand on the iHeartRadio app.