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March 14, 2024 28 mins
Amy King and Neil Saavedra join Bill for Handel on the News. Boeing is unable to provide key information in door plug blowout investigation, NTSB chair says...
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You're listenings KFI AM six forty theBill Handles show on demand on the iHeartRadio
app three one four. You knowwhat that is? That's pie day,
not the kind of pie that Ilike to eat, as we discuss,
that's Neil and I. But I'mtalking to pie, the numeric, the

number Pie, which is one ofthose numbers that cannot be divided at all
under any circumstances. And it goeson forever. It does go on forever.
And then you get these weird savants, you know, people who can't
tie their shoelaces, people that don'tknow what shoelaces are, and they now
and even kids go through Pie intothe hundreds of numbers and they just rattle

it off three point one four andthen it goes on and on and on
point one four, five, nine, two six, five, yeah,
whatever, And they're absolutely right.Computers supercomputers brought it to the thousands of
the number. And you know whatthat's uh, you know that's interesting.
I hate siri, oh boy ona lot of pie number that a human

being was able to figure out itsokay, right now, it's uh June
A twenty twenty two, one hundredtrillion digits on Google. It doesn't say,

it doesn't say a person, bythe way, bill and looked at
that please. Okay, by theway, Bill, I heard rich on
with Amy yesterday I think it was, and he was talking about an app
called Perplexity AI. You should downloadit. It's pretty amazing. So it
uses AI to get the information toanswer your questions. And it's way better

than Surrey, way better. Okay, but all right, pretty easy to
use. The series more fun becauseyou can get you talk to that app
or do you have to sort ofplan? That's fine, but that's no
fun. Well, you can turnon your microphone so you can talk to
text. Yeah, I don't knowhow to do that. Do you need

somebody? Yeah I do. I'mjust I'm not real good at this.
I still don't understand how cell phoneswork without a wire to the wall.
I mean, I'm at that point. Hey, Surrey, what is the
longest pie number that a human beingwas able to ascertain? Here we go,

Japanese one hundred and eleven thousand,seven hundred digits. No what it
says? A guy memorized it inJapan. That's memorization though, that's not
figuring it out. Hey, sorry, how long is this bit gonna go
on a long time? So thisthis Japanese guy who took him sixteen hours

and thirty minutes. Holy moly,telly shoelaces for his birthday. Okay,
hello to everybody, and we'll getgoing on with the show. I guess
it was Pie Day. I'm gonnado a whole story on it because it's
fascinating how it started, who startedit. So that'll be coming up at

eight thirty in the meantime. Hello, Hello, Amy, good morning,
Well hello Bill. And we're celebratingthe pie Day differently here we're having actual
pie wow okay, into one hundredand sixteen thousand slices because that really commemorates
pie. Yeah, and good morning, Good morning, and Neil, good
morning, Good morning, Willie Wolfand Robin by herself today. Hi Robin,

So how long do you think it'sgoing to be before you made your
miss first major screw up. Igive it three minutes. You know,
I just had a freak out withtraffic, but so far, yeah,
I don't think that was your faultthough, that was not your fault.
I'm waiting for your fault. Andby the way, I just want to
point out that I will not letit slip. I will bring everybody's attention

to your screw up. I don'tdoubt it good for you. All right,
guys, it'll have to be abig one, though, Bill,
to shine through all your mistakes inthe moment. That's part of the show.
I do it on purpose. Fit, Yes, every one of those
mistakes. All right, let's doit. Handle on the news, Amy
and Neil and me lead storry numberone. No, what's what's the the

FAA and the NTSB on National TransportationSafety Board interviewing or try investigate that door
plug blowout on the United Boeing flightthat Boeing seven thirty seven. As they're
investigating, the oversight doesn't exist.They don't have video because that's been a
race. But they do that everythirty days. And you know, every

bit of maintenance and every replacement part, according to regulations, has to be
noted and it has to be signedoff on the person who does it.
For example, the bolts that holdthe door plug, which we found out
were not even installed when the blowouthappened on that United flight. Thank goodness,
it was a sixteen thousand feet hadit been a thirty five thousand feet

had been in an altitude, itwould have been a god awful mess.
And they don't have the records.They're just bowing. The good thing is
we've got a whistle blower and heshould be Oh wait what we don't.
Oh you talk about a plug blowoutman? That was really tough, speaking
of that was rough? Yeah toosoon? Yes, okay, well nobody

was killed, so I guess,oh no he did. Oh well,
he did talk about the whistleblower whocan't whistle anymore? Hey, Surrey,
who is Bill Handle? You're listeningto Bill Handle on demand from KF I
am six forty. Good week forholidays, which I think are holidays just
fun stuff. For example, tomorrow, the IDEs of March are upon us,

and I'll get into that, ofcourse, which I do every year.
And this is the year when Neiland I stab each other in the
back, and I will explain thata little bit later on let's return two
hand day. Yes, oh,I got them all in too, brute.
And then I will go on andon and then we have a little
contest that we go around in circles, and I'll explain we do this every

year. Okay, and it's fun, great fun for a Friday. Let's
back we go to handle on thenews, Amy and Neil and me.
Crazy story out here locally in themountain areas, Big Bear area. The
man held a teenager seventeen year oldgirl captive for six days. She was
raped, she wasn't given much foodor water, she was forced to drink

alcohol, and he I guess thisguy, twenty six year old Zachary Duraso
anyone that she was able to escape, escape from his locked vehicle and there
on village Drive, about about fivemiles from from our little cabin up there.

And I will tell you this areawhere he was working is one of
the main drags there in the villagearea. But since March first, he
had her scary as hell. Here'sI don't understand this part of it.
He was booked on charges of kidnapping, false and imprisonment, rape and he

was released on thirty thousand dollars bail. So what is the thousand dollars?
You would think it'd be five hundredthousand or a million, although there's an
argument that that means effectively no bail, but thirty thousand bail. I thought
the same thing how do they dothat? Bill? I don't get it.
And you know how hard it isto come up with thirty thousand bail
All you need someone that you knowowns a house, that puts it up

and you pay thirty three thousand dollarsto the bail bondsman ten percent and you're
out. Wow. Yeah, Iwas the one. And most of these
guys have family members who have equityin their home. I mean, do
they have three thousand dollars of equityin their home? Yeah. I wouldn't
bail anybody out under those charges.I'd say, sit in jail. Yeah,
three quarters My family asked for it, but damn it. I'm not

going to risk my house with youguys. Well, are you putting me
in there? I do? Okay, here's a VERST Vice president, Kamala
Harris is going to be visiting aplanned parenthood clinic in Minnesota. There has
never been a vice president who hasvisited an abortion clinic until today. It's
part of the Biden administration effort todraw attention to the threat to abortion services

and other reproductive rights ahead of theelection. Yeah, Biden is going full
force, balls to the wall onreproductive rights. On this one. He
figures because most women in the countrybelieve that they should have the choice,
that may do it, bringing thehuge number of women over to the Biden

side that otherwise would either not voteor be independent. And they're that upset
about it. So that is hisplatform, one hundred percent. He's going
in that direction. Judge dismisses sixcounts against Trump in the Georgia election interference
case. So the rest of,you know, the broader case remains intact.

But as far as Trump and otherhigh profile code defendants like his former
lawyer Rudy Giuliani, there they arefree from these at least six. Yeah.
A couple of things about that.First of all, they can be
recharged. The judge just said thatthe language was not appropriate, and they're

open to recharging Trump and the otherthing. Two other things, Rudy Giuliani.
I know a guy who knows aguy actually I know people who know
people that are very very close toRudy Giuliani in the world of radio.
He has a radio show, youknow, and so there's a connection there.

And I asked this person, ishe as nuts as he comes off?
And I was told he's even morenuts than that the guy is completely
over the top. I mean hehas crossed that line. That's one and
number two. I always wondered whyit was even charged. In his phone

call to Brad Raffinsberger, who isthe Secretary of State in Georgia Republican,
because that one phone call that ofcourse is now famous. Here is Trump
telling Raffinsburger, I want you tofind eleven thousand votes. I want you
to find them. I won thestate. That alone says, I want

you to me there's enough doubt whereit can be argued. I want you
to find those votes that have beenlost or were not counted. Because I
won the state. That's enough reasonabledoubt to say, Okay, he was
asking for votes that weren't counted,go find them, as opposed to manufacture
those votes. So I don't evenknow why that charge was put in there.

That's a pretty aggressive prosecutor. Imean, the rest of them,
Yeah, they're gonna fly. He'sgot ten other counts, and I think
there's going to be a conviction becauseof the overwhelming evidence. So Biden's trying
to win back some some in theMidwest. Senior White House officials are going
to sit down today with Arab,Muslim and Palestindian American community leaders in Chicago.

It's part of an ongoing effort bythe Biden White House to hear directly
about concerns over the situation and probablytry to win back some support because he's
getting a whole lot of pushback frompeople in the Midwest who don't like the
US's support of the Israel Hamas war. Yeah, well this is all political.
Trump does his thing, Biden doeshis thing, going after trying to

get the Muslim American vote but reallyengaging that part of the population. I
mean, look what Trump did interms of the travel ban, what he
said about Muslims, and Biden istrying to take that and take advantage of
it. So there's you know what, I was just about to say something,
and I think you guys are goingto say it's now you can't say

it. Do I say it?I'd say no, okay, And do
I say it? No? Letme think about it. That it's a
hard no. If you questioned yourself, Oh, I'm questioning myself. You
don't do that often. Yeah,I know, I'm going for it.

Hey, look it's sick. I'mgoing I'm going for it. I'm going
for it. It's time for usto go to break. There is,
but I'm going for it, Ladiesand gentlemen. Biden visited there's a gay
section of the Muslim community, andhe was actually at a restaurant called Humos
for homos. That's what we waitedfor. Yeah, humos homos. Okay,

never mind that was it wasn't worthit. I understand it was you.
They can't all work, Neil.They can't all work. You can
only throw so much against the walland have it stick. Oh, this
is sticking. It's just not whatyou thought you were throwing up against the
wall. You're listening to Bill Handleon demand from KFI forty. It's fun,

fun holiday or you know that's nota holiday. Actually it is a
holiday because it's been recognized by Congress, and the story is just absolutely not
hilarious but fascinating. I guarantee youthat's at eight thirty and why it has
its own day. So I'll bedoing that. Let's return to Handle on
the news with Amy King and Neiland me. Biden administration is discussing using

Guatanamo Bay to process Haitian migrants,so as they have this mass exodus to
the US obviously because of the crappyconditions there in the country they're going.
They're talking about using it now.This center. This it's separate from where
the terrorist suspects are held. It'sbeen used before, back in twenty ten

for US military prepared this particular sitefor anticipation of Haitians fleeing after a massive
earthquake, if you remember back then, So that the first time that it's
been used. But not a badidea. Okay, here we go,
a useless factoid. The jerbil hasarrived. Guantanamo Bay was part of Cuba.
It is in Cuba. It's athis little enclave literally in Cuba,

and it's several hundred acres and thereis a lease that exists. It was
signed in nineteen oh three of whichthe United States leases the property from the
government of Cuba. And that leasehas continued on and it's a lease in
perpetuity and it's about four thousand dollarsa year. And at one point it

was paid in gold until nineteen thirtyfour when gold was you know, the
government controlled the gold, and thenit became checks. Effectively, every year,
the US government sends four thousand dollarscheck to Cuba, which they don't
cash because they don't recognize the Cubangovernment, particularly under Castro. Castro always

refuted that. So although couldn't didn'tdo anything about it, wasn't about to
throw Guanto, Guantanamo Bay out ofthere. The GITMO, the GETMO facility,
the US American base four grand inrent and to this day, a
US Treasury check goes to the governmentof Cuba for the rent on GETM and

they don't cash it. They cashedit once by mistake, but they always
turn it away. Well you can'teven rent a house for that here and
now, well this goes back tonineteen oh three, so even then it
wasn't very much money. But it'sjust thought. I tell you that.
You know, in case you watchedJeopardy. Oh you know, I was
watching Jeopardy last night, the championsChampionship version people had won, and the

questions were so obscure, and theseguys got it absolutely right every single time.
I mean, the number of wronganswers were like nothing, And I
mean, I'm going this. Itwas scary to me that kind of knowledge
in Minutia. I like Minutia,you don't remember any of the questions.

No, of course not. Thiswas just it was astounding. I was
just sitting there just odd by theobscurity of the questions on how these guys
jumped on it. Different languages,obscure history facts, I mean, jumping
to various words that at first glancedon't connect, but they did connect.

It was It was wild. Oh. I met somebody who was a CAFI
listener and she was just delightful andshe writes questions for Jeopardy. She and
her husband came in. Her husbandused to do security for the Kings or
something, or maybe still does andthey came in on the Conway Show and
hung out with Conway and I gota chance to talk to her and she

was amazing, just amazing human.Did she come in and just start Who
is Tim Conway? Yeah? Everythingwas broadcast. What is six forty?
It hurts? Yeah? What isI have to urine? Where is what
is the bathroom? Yes? Tothe moon. Alice SpaceX has successfully launched

its starship, the most powerful rocketever built. It's going to eventually go
to the Moon. For right now, it launched and it's up in space
and it was successful, and that'sa big deal. Because the first two
attempts to launch the giant SpaceX rocket, well they blew up. Yeah,

but that was almost on purpose becauseit was sort of testing. You know,
Elon Musk when he first tested theFalcon rocket, he I think had
three attempts and he's saying, I'mgoing to run out of money, and
he cobbled together the fourth attempt.We're talking about the landing part of it,
where the booster lands itself, andhe was able to figure it out

through all the testing, all theexplosions, and he said, this is
merely us learning what's going on.And today's SpaceX is the largest uh purveyor
of spacecraft that a spacecraft that launchessatellites. I mean, they have what
I know, sixty seventy percent ofthe market. And so he has no

problem. I mean, this isthe this is the most powerful rocket ever
built, smaller in size I thinkthan the Saturn five. What about when
the Tesla's batteries explode? Is thaton purpose? Yeah? That's a little
different. Hey, siri, Ohboy, is the Starship spacecraft smaller than

the Saturn five? Do do do? Here's an answer. It's four hundred
feet tall. Yeah, it's uhoh, it is bigger than the five
by ooh by forty five ooh alot bigger okay to fifteen meters, No,
thirty five meters big big Okay.Uh So, I just I wanted

to question that. That was notme being wrong. That was a question.
Okay, put that down as Handleis not wrong. Just didn't know.
Oh that. In the manager's meetingthis morning, I'm going to pitch
Surrey having the morning show instead ofyou. I agree. I gotta find
out, you know, I utterthese facts and we have to test them.

I mean, that's just fact checkingin real time. Huh. Yeah,
you don't have to test facts.You have to test you to make
sure they're facts. Okay, there'sa difference. That's the whole point.
You're listening to Bill Handle on demandfrom kf I am six forty Pie Day
March fourteenth, eight fifty. I'mgoing to No. Eight thirty. I'm

going to get into what Pie Dayis. Great story, You're gonna love
it, Just fascinating. Okay,Back we go and we finish Handle on
the news, Amy King O'Neil andme, Oh it happened again? Sixteen
year old Off More at Calabasa's highschool. This time says that she was
mortified when she learned that a formerfriend allegedly spread images of her that she
claims were manipulated to show her notonly nude, but in compromising even pornographic

positions, so they put her faceon it. This is what was going
on in Beverly Hills as well,at one of the schools there. You
think it's a little strange that theyboth happened to be in well off neighborhoods.
This one's in Calabasa's high school.The last one was in Beverly Hills.
Wait, wait till the first younglady kills herself because of the shaming

on this, And it's going tobe inevitable because of the humiliation that overcoming
nude photos in compromising positions. Ohyeah, you can't, and you can't
tell the difference because AI is sogood now. And this is what's crazy.
Not only are they spread by Snapchat, but air drop, So if

you have your air drop on,people can just send these out to you,
so they spread like wildfire. Andthis has to do with apparently maybe
some fight over a boy at aconcert or something there, and there's no
way to know, and this isgonna go completely crazy, except if it
gets so prevalent. If so manyof these are flying around about students,

no one's gonna pay attention. Butcould you sue? Could you? Yeah,
sue this? Yeah, you couldsue who initiated it, and could
you sue the person who then quoterepublished it by putting it out there.
But when you have kids, hundredsof them sharing this stuff around, uh,
you know, what do you do? It's gonna be tough. I

mean this, Uh, this wholeAI and internet and bad actors, we're
gonna be dealing with us for forever. Panty Hose optional. US Marine Corps
has announced that women in the Marineswill no longer be required to wear panty
hose with their uniform skirts. Wow, didn't know that. Yeah started with

nineteen forty eight. I didn't knowthere were pantio it well, penny hose
in nineteen forty eight. Oh yeah, they were just harder to get on.
I can still wear mine though,right, of course you can.
So does that mean that women Marinescan go forward with their thongs that is
not pantyhose? No, that Thepoint is that they no longer require There

is a calendar okay, that ismarine women and they're in thongs, but
voluntary, voluntary. It is likefiremen, you know, good looking guys,
I mean good looking guys, thekind of guys that I would no,
never mind, and that that's allvoluntary volunteer police force. What But

these are you know mil death,you know Marine corps. They're fighters.
So it could be used as aslingshot as well. Well said, okay,
Well said, I don't know howmany marine women marine are actually combat
or in combat. I'd like toknow that if because there was a long
period of time when women were notallowed to be in combat. I mean
the first fight, the first pilotfighter pilot was not that long ago.

I clearly remember top of her class, by the way, in the Naval
academy, and the top of theclass gets to choose I think the top
several get to choose where they go, and they're giving it to it.
They're giving it to them automatically,and that is and they all go for
marine aviator, you know, fighteraircraft off aircraft carriers, top gun.

Yeah, yeah, all right.James Crumbly, the Oxford school shooter's dad
won't take the stand in trial.We remember not long ago, Jennifer Crumbley
was convicted of four counts of involuntarymanslaughter. She faces up to fifteen years
in prison when she's sent in April. On April ninth. But this these

are the first parents of a schoolshooter that have been our face criminal accountability
in a kid's school shooting. Right, same charges that Jennifer Crumbley had,
same defense. But she took thestand, right, she took the stand
and he I think is going totake well, he did take the stand

but said I'm not talking about it. But the defense said what happened?
And then he did not did notgo on the stand and say yes I
did or no I didn't. Butand this does happen. One jury goes
one way, another jury goes theother way. In the same case when
they're separated. When you have someonecharged with the same crime, not necessarily

prosecutors have the ability to charge andtry them separately. All right, we
do one more well, Bargain huntingjust got harder. Family Dollar who has
announced it's going to close nearly onethousand stores six hundred in the next year,
and then three hundred and seventy overthe next several years. As their
store leases expire. They say,persistent inflation and reduced government benefits continue to

pressure the lower income consumers that makeup a sizeable portion of family dollars customer
base. It's getting harder and harderto be poor in this country. It's
a tough country to be pooring.We do have time for one more Neil
Okay, well from the obvious desk, playing with dogs helps you relax focus

in a new study, So ifyou want to decompress and you want to
play with dogs or even checking themout, you know those really adorable videos
on social media, you might beonto something. This new study, very
small study, published just this pastWednesday, says that it's good, boosts
your enemy, your energy, increased, positive emotions, blah blah blah blah

blah blah. Animals are awesome.Yeah the end. What makes this particularly
interesting is the study was commissioned bythe National Association of Korean Restaurants. Why
what Why what? Because you spreadthings that's garbage and then very nice people

are harmed by it. What's thematter with you? No people are harmed
by it. This is all aboutthere. You look at people. Restaurant
owners that are Korean have to dealwith this kind of garbage all the time.
You wing that. I know becauseI am the Fork reporter. Okay,
coming up, you hear about badcops or let's say, any kind

of law enforcement teachers, and it'sobvious that they do horrible things and they're
put in an administrative leave and they'repaid. What is that about, especially
cops. I'll share that story withyou. And Okay, I like Korean
food and it's not okay, let'sI hope they spit in your food.
You've been listening to The Bill HandleShow. Catch My Show Monday through Friday,

six am to nine am, andanytime on demand on the iHeartRadio app

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