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Hey, it's Neil Savedra. You'relistening to kfi EM six forty the fore
Purport on demand on the iHeartRadio app. Hey everybody, it's the Fore Report
all Things Food, beverage and beyond. And that makes me your friendly neighborhood
Fork reporter Neil Savedra, Thanks forhanging out today on this beautiful Saturday.
Much different week than, much differentSaturday than last Saturday. And one of
our guests, a buddy of mine, Adam Gertler from Doghouse, was going
to come on and the fit hitthe shand so we switched gears and he's
back with us today celebrating July asNational hot Dog Month. And we'll move
on to even more hot dogs laterin the four o'clock hour when I chat
with Henry from the Hoffee Brands andwent down there and checked out their hot
dog production facility and everything. Thisweek it's just been I'm a huge fan
of hot dog so this is athrill. So without further ado, we'll
get into father, husband, andbeloved personality in the food world, Adam
Gertler, the first marker for Doghouse. How you know him? Brother to
be back. Nice to see you. Yeah. Always nice to see you.
Man. We probably don't live thatfar from each other, and we
still don't see each other unless it'sin the studio here. I know,
it's unfortunate, very rarely in thewhy I told you, I want you
you got to come over and checkout our outdoor kitchen. I want to.
It's vices, fun, fun place. There is nothing better than it.
Like you learn something about you know, even people you know when you
check out, what like this iswhere I cook. This is my set.
It's like someone's drum set or something. It's like, yeah, this
is how I like to snare here. I like this here. So what's
going on over at doghouse? Well, you know, it starts with Memorial
Day, increases with fourth of July. You got National hot Dog Day,
which just happened last week. That'swe we're gonna come to talk about.
It is the time for hot dogs. Hot dog people. They're everywhere.
This is the time people go outside. They love hot dogs. Hot dogs
are on the glow up too,you know. I mean there is a
while where everybody was like, ah, you don't want to know how the
sausage is made, to which Iwas always like, but I do.
I mean, I know that's athat's a great expression to apply to other
things, but when it comes tofood stuffs, I really do. I
really do want to know what's instuff. As you know, Doghouse,
we always we put excellent quality ingredientsinto our hot dogs that are proprietary hot
dogs. I think what I broughtyou today is the best hot dog I've
ever had a part of making forDoghouse. So I'm speaking not just about
side the build, yeah, butthe actual hot dog itself. For a
few reasons, As a hot doglover, I love a natural casing.
Right when we say in natural casing, A lot of pork sausages are in
pork casing. Hot dogs come insheep casing. But most hot dogs that
people have are skinless because don't reallyneed the casing anymore. Right, The
factories are such that they have likea silicone mold so that they are they
are made usually informed in a moldthat is then stripped away so it's skinless.
But when you get a natural casing, sheep casing is much thinner than
pork. It doesn't need to berendered in the same way, which is
why you could even boil it andsnap into it. But there is just
something really satisfying about the farce,right, which is pressed up against the
casing when you cook it. Allthe all the liquid ingredients inside the farce
press against that casing and then youbite into it and there is that tension
and snap, and before we're eventalking about flavor or anything else, there
is just a textual satisfaction that happens. So that's the first reason I'm excited.
The other is that it's really long. It's really big. It's long,
it's a it's a it's a quarterpound hot dog. So you can
see it's like nine inches coming outof our boxes here and in this one
because thank you, yes, thankyou, because we made this hot dogs,
especially for a partnership that we're doingwith the Amazon series Sausage Party,
which I don't know if you've everseen it, but it is a bit
R rated. It's a bit yeah, it's r rated, and beyond it's
a bit naughty. It's naughty sodeeply philosophical. Yeah, it is well
as a lot of their stuff is, which is why I like a lot
of their stuff that they make.But so this is called so one build
is called the naughty dog right wherewe took this beef jalapeno. I missed
that part. Yeah, it's gotlapeno in it. So not only is
it a be all beef hot dogin natural sheep casing, not only is
it four ounces nine inches long,it is it has roasted halopeno, a
little bit of cayenne, a littlebit of holopeno powder in there as well,
so you're getting the flavor just enoughof the heat, as you know.
As you can see, we wewe put everything on King's Hawaiian rolls,
which have a sweetness to them.So I like Michael and Magical.
Yeah, yeah, they're they're They'reawesome. We've partnered with them for a
long time. We raised money forcharities with them, and it is really
what makes Doghouse separate. Right ifyou if you go all of our chicken
sandwiches, burgers, dogs, sausages, they're on grilled King's Hawaiian rolls.
And if you haven't been a doghouseand you're hearing this, google doghouse d
O g h A US and you'llsee what I'm talking about. The rolls
are all grilled with clarified butter,so they get that brown golden top.
You get that bit of crisp uhand then the real soft pillowiness that you
get when you warm up the dough. So what I brought you today was
the actual naughty dog, which isthis guy. This is a build.
What we did was we kept itsimple for that one, and that is
the jalapeno beef snap dog and ithas a mustard a oli. And then
we took like a triple pickle relish. What we took a classic green pickle
relish, our red pepper relish,which is sweet and spicy and pickled jalapenos.
So you're getting this spicy on thedog, in the pickle and in
the dog. And that that isthat build right there. So the you
know hot dogs, like you saidthat the age old saying you don't want
to see how the sausage is madeis garbage you and I do. And
it's a beautiful process. And thenyou go to the marketing of the name
the farce. Yes, okay,so explain uh the emultification. Explain what
separates a hot dog from a sausagethat is chunks and fat or like a
meat loaf even or anything. Soif you're familiar with making mayonnaise. Right,
Mayonnaise is a multifying fat and protein. Right. You have egg yolks
which are fat and protein, andthen oil that you had. Oh is
it a great hot It's a reallygood hot. I mean I just took
the tip. I just well,okay, so no adult about it.
Kayla's right, okay, because beingan adult, what I love about this
extra long dog do is that that'sa quarter pound hot dog. I love
that you get that bite. Typicallyour dogs are usually six inches, so
you get bread and topping and withevery bite, but with this one,
you get that first bite, whichis pure wiener. It's pure dog.
You know what I'm saying. Kaylaknows what I'm talking about. Seven Yeah,
I know. I'm just we're justexcited about Yeah. Well, you
don't wow, geez, you thinkwe'd have a mature show with all women
in the leads. But wow.And that the amount of spice and the
bright orbaciousness of the chili rather thanjust the heat comes out in both the
dog and the topping. Yeah,well that's because we're using roasted jalapeno in
there. And when you get theroasted halopeno, you're getting the fruit,
right, You're getting the fruit flavor. That's why we actually went back.
We tested this several times. Weadded more holopeno powder, which is a
little bit more concentrated some of thatgreen flavor. You're very astute to call
it herbaceous. There is a greennessthat comes with jilapeno. And like with
all chilis, it's not just thecapsation we're looking for. They all bring
a unique flavor to it. Sothat's why we also added a little cayenne
for back of the throat heat.But but that's great, great to see
that that you like it. Obviously, I'm the verse hanker. I make
a lot of hot dogs. Thisis this is what I'm so proud of.
That's why I also brought you otherbuilds. What what I'm encouraging people
to do at Doghouse this month whilewe're while we're featuring this dog is you
don't just have to get the NaughtyDog. I brought you the so Cali
with the halapino beef Snapdog. Ibrought you Chili the Kid, which has
got American cheese, chili, chipotleoli, crispy onions with the halapeno snapdog.
Brought you the Old Town with theJlapino snapdog and also the Cowboy Cheese sauce,
barbecue sauce, crispy onions with thehalapeno snapdog. So normally I come
in here and I bring you alldifferent kinds of sausages. This time I
did the opposite. I brought youway of when we were talking about we
were talking about tequilas and we weretalking about mezcal recently on the show,
and the different expressions of different mescal. These are like the different expressions of
the same dog. So you callthem builds and they're all no, please
and take care of yourself. KalasKaylas. She actually climbed up on her
hands and knees on the top toreach over and get something. I appreciate
she wanted to while it was stillwarm. No, she doesn't care about
us. Is the reality? AllRight, we'll come back. We'll talk
more with Adam Gertler from a Doghouse. He's the vest Maka. He's making
these hot dogs as we celebrate hotDog Month. July is National hot Dog
Month and we're doing it big today. If you want to learn more,
doghouse dot com, dog ha usdot com. You'll find the locations near
you. They're everywhere and I highlyhighly recommend them have since day one.
All right, go nowhere, we'llbe back with more. You're listening to
The Fork Report with Nil Savedra ondemand from KF six forty. Hey everybody,
it's the Fork Report. Happy Saturdayto you. I am your well
fed host, Neil Savedra. HOWEdo you do? I invite you to
hang out with me on social media. You can find me at Fork Reporter,
at fork Reporter, on x onGosh, Instagram, even on Facebook.
I'm not on there as much,but Instagram you can find me all
the time, and of course threadsas well at fork Reporter at fork Reporter.
And if you're curious what I looklike with hair back in the eighties,
the Flashback Friday will be a particularinterest to you. Oh how times
have changed times. Adam Gertler fromhe is the first mocker. He makes
the sausages there at Doghouse, andhe has outdone himself for July Hot Dog
Month, the Naughty Dog, andthat sausage is spectacular. It is just
delicious and completely balanced, not surprising. I've had tons of your work before
and always enjoyed it, but thatyou should be real proud. Oh I'm
real hit that, mic Well rightthere, thank you? Yeah, oh
there it is. Yeah, No, I'm real proud of this one.
We you know, when we makethese, we do these limited time kind
of offerings, and it's it's alwayshard to predict how much to make because
we have about sixty stores across thecountry. You got to ship them to
the stores, so and you wantthem to run out. You don't want
them to have too much, youknow of that inventory hanging on. But
with this one, we we madeextra and I'm because I was like,
I wanted to encourage people to justlike just say, any house dog,
just say make it naughty, youknow, like for like a two dollars
up charge or something like that.Take our normal house dog if you like
a little spicy, if you likethe snapdog experience it like this and it's
just so much fun. I meanit's it's really great. So is the
dog itself limited? Yes? Yeah, I mean like with it, how
could that not go on the menuthough, I mean I feel like that
all the time, and and youknow, some this is how things do
make the regular menu. But youknow the truth is it's really hard to
get like really good feedback with thiskind of thing, because it's like if
it sells out, like if youdon't have it long enough, like how
do you know how much people reallylike it and demand it? So we
really look encourage people to kind ofjust like leave feedback and post reviews and
stuff and let us know. Youguys have a special hashtag for it.
Oh yeah, hashtag naughty dog.Get that going. Honestly, you can
go to any one of our youknow, go to Doghouse Dogs on Instagram
and like leave comments because you'll seelots of our videos we're posting. We
also do I didn't bring it foryou, but you know we we make
breakfast burritos at Doghouse that are arguablysome of the best things we do.
We also have another brand called BadassBreakfast Burritos. So, oh, I
wish I brought one for you.We're doing a burrito with this hot dog,
but we're keeping it whole so thatwhen we close the burrito, imagine
it kind of looks like a giantpig in a blanket. Oh my goodness.
So normally when we chopp a sausageor a hot dog, make you
think about that. So I wasjust doing a little photo shoot with this
guy on Instagram called the Vulgar Chefwho was like hot dog specialty. Okay,
great, So I met him andI was featuring him on these hot
dogs. I was bringing him outthe regular house dog and then the naughty
version of it. And then Ijust had that epiphany. I was like,
Oh, because he's I think becauseI was in the context of him
taking pictures and making content, Iwas like, this is gonna look cool.
I haven't tried this, and ithad to be kind of tricky and
how you folded up the burrito,But basically what I'm describing is that you
know when you you fold the tortillawith the with the contents, and then
you lay on that hot dog andthen you continue to kind of roll around
that so it sticks out on bothends, and then we toast the burrito.
And in that burrito is also threeeggs, either sunnyside up or scrambled
caramelized onion tater tots, which Iknow you've said could bring about world Peace's
a little spicy male in there.So it's really the same ingredients as our
house burrito without bacon. It's gotthis jalapino beef snapdog and it is it's
the naughty burrito. Wow, thatis really cool. This is a really
fun and special sausage. It's justeverything about it, from its texture,
its appearance, the way you guysprepare things at doghouse. It all comes
together. I mean the details.Listen, clarified butter, Clarified butter has
it removes those butterfats, so it'snot gonna burn. It's just gonna caramelize.
It's just gonna bring out the sweetnessand a crunch on that. Those
types of things are the little detailsthat I think separate the fact that you
were going for different types of heatthat you wanted that greenness as we talked
about of the jalapenos in there,as well as the kind of dryer heat
in there that kind of coats theback of your you saw palette and stuff.
All those things are just they makefor it one a great taste,
but a really enjoyable consumption experience.Man, it's really it's really not.
You really get it, man,I love it at me, brother,
you know it. You know it, Adam. It's always good to see
you. I know you're a busyman these days, and a proud papa
and has been. And I justbeam with a huge grin every time I
go through your social and see allthe things you're doing and hanging with the
family and stuff. So thanks fortaking the time as always to bring in
these delicious dogs. Find out more, you just go to doghouse dot com.
Doghouse dot com. House is hA U s. They're everywhere.
I remember when they weren't. They'reeverywhere, so take advantage of that and
enjoy yourself. It just really isvery well thought out food that is approachable
but delicious. Good to see you, brother, you too, man.
All right, it is the ForkReport Board to com including coming up in
the four o'clock hour, we aregoing to talk to the folks over there
at Hoffey Brands hot Dogs another alocal brand. You gotta love that a
local brand still hear a SOCl favoriteand how they came about and what they're
doing now. And I'm going toget into something called surprise bags coming up
next. I know right you're gonnawant to know, so go nowhere.
You're listening to the Fork Report withNil Sevedra on demand from KFI AM six
forty. If you find yourself splurgingon groceries. Chance Star, you've already
been a regular of Whole Foods.I like Whole Foods, but there's the
joke about Whole Foods being whole paycheck. They're not cheap, is what I'm
trying to say, so not beingthe cheapest option. It's still a very
popular chain. Like I said,we have one here right across the street
from the radio station, and wego there. They have great pre made
warm food, food salads, allkinds of stuff that they've got there.
Well, they've rolled out a coolnew way to tackle food waste and it's
with an organization I'll tell you alittle bit more about. But they're offering
what they call surprise bags, sonear closing time they're packed with goodies and
all kinds of things at a steep, steep discount. And that's all thanks
to this organization that is not onlya website but also an app, and
it's called too Good to Go.That's the partnership that makes this work.
Whole Foods is giving customers amazing dealsthrough this app. So imagine paying nine
to ninety nine for thirty bucks worthof ready to eat meals and soups and
the like. They've also got bakerybags filled with fresh bread, muffins,
scones for only six ninety nine thoughthey're actually worth around twenty one bucks.
So if you've not heard of itas of yet, good to go.
We've talked about it a couple timesbriefly on the show. Is about cutting
food waste, and there's just way, way, way too much. The
numbers are too high, and there'stoo many people that could utilize that food,
enjoy that food, and benefit fromit without it going into some landfill
or something. So they're about cuttingfood waste. Their app connects people with
eateries, restaurants, and in thiscase, whole foods that have unsold food.
Yeah, that's it. It's supersimple. It offers these surprise bags
of leftovers for five bucks, eightbucks, nine bucks, ten bucks,
whatever. It is. It's massiveas far as it's reach. It's huge
in like seventeen countries including here inthe US, and it benefits not only
businesses but customers and yeah, theplanet as well. Everybody wins on this
one. The reason why is becausethis food would normally get thrown out,
So you know, donut places,pizza places, places, that have not
necessarily just buffet style, but foodsthat would literally go to waste. They
put them in the bag. Andthe reason why it's called these surprise bags
is because you don't get to choosewhat goes in there. You can say
baked goods, but you don't knowwhat it's gonna be. It could be
bagels, it could be a scone, it could be donuts, whatever it
is. So this whole foods dealis a massive godsend for fans, but
there's a little bit of a catch. You gotta wait until the end of
the day. Instead of forking outtwenty five bucks on muffins, you can
get this massive, great bargain that'sgood for your wallet in the environment,
but it's going to be in certaintimes of the day that you go to
pick up the bag. So onthe app you can go ahead and reserve
the bag and say, yes,I want one of those. Maybe they
put a handful of them out eachday, and then it'll give you a
timeframe, so it might be atthe very end of the day, but
it might be just at the endof lunch period. It depends. Really,
it's kind of a little bit ofa hunt. You kind of hunt
a little bit about what foods youwant and the location, how far something
is from your home, that typeof thing. So how do you get
your hands on one of these surprisebags? You just download the app,
you go to wherever you get yourapps, and you download the two good
to Go app and you bat youbuy your bag through that. Like I
said, maybe they say, hey, we're going to we expect to have
ten of these bags at the endof the night, and you say,
okay, I'm in. But keepin mind that it'll give you a window.
And if you and I've heard thisstory by the way, many times,
if you fall asleep and don't pickit up, you still pay.
It's part of the system. Yougotta be ready, willing and able to
go out and do your part.And that is to follow through. When
you put aside a bag and say, okay, I'm gonna go ahead and
get one of these, you haveto be willing to go ahead and get
it at the time. When dothey give you donut shops and the like,
they may give you multiple times duringthe day to go do it.
But with your local whole foods itmight be different depending on how the rhythm
of you know, what they're sellingcomes into the appropriate time period for you
to go pick it up. Soyou download that app, you buy your
bag through it, and then youswing by your local Whole Foods within the
pickup time that they give you.Remember, you pay in the app,
so any other shopping you do willneed a separate checkout. So like if
you go and say, I'm gonnago pick up this bag, but also
I have a couple of grocery thingsI need to get as well, well,
you're going to pay separate. Theapp is only for these bags and
these bags alone, and I thinkthis is great that a grocery store is
doing this now. I believe thisto be specifically when it comes to Whole
Foods specifically, they're pre made items. So these they you know, they
have barbecue, they have a fullbuffet during the lunch. I'm imagining they
have it during dinner as well.They have pizza slices, They have all
kinds of things that they're preparing preparedfoods for people to go in and enjoy.
And I think that's going to bethe primary focus of these bags,
is that part. It's the preheatedstuff, the soups they had, chicken
you know, they have a lotof non dairy or vegan options as well.
Well. If I remember correctly,Whole Foods has this pretty killer vegan
mac and cheese that I liked,even above their dairy mac and cheese.
So there's a lot of different optionsfor you and something to think about.
First thing to do is to downloadthat Too Good to Go, Too Good
to g O and get that appfirst. You know what, I'll tell
you what when we come back,I will go ahead and tell you a
little bit more about that app andwhat to expect from my experience with it
and other people's experience with it aswell. So go nowhere. You're listening
to the Fork Report with Nil Savedraon demand from KFI AM six forty.
Hey everybody, it is the ForkReport. It is Hey everybody, it
is the Fork Report, all thingsfood, beverage and beyond. I am
your well fed host, your friendlyneighborhood Fork reporter Neil Savadra. Wow you
do. Happy Saturday to you.Much better Saturday than last Saturday, when
we had to pivot for some horrificbreaking news the assassination attempt of former president
and current presidential hopeful Donald J.Trump. So better day today. It's
lovely outside and we were talking beforewe got some news there. We were
talking about an app called Too Goodto Go, very cool app. It
might be limited in your area,so you've got to check out or you
have to see if maybe you're willingto drive a certain amount of mileage to
take advantage of it, but ifyou're just tuning in. So the key
to this app Too Good to Goand the organization is to save and protect
food well, to protect the planetbasically, and people that are hungry and
have less food waste a noble causeacross the board. Quite honestly, you
save money though, because what endsup happening instead of companies throwing out food
or doing any of that, basically, what they end up doing is making
these surprise bags their surprise because youcan't you can't dictate what goes inside them.
You can't say, hey, Iwant X, Y and Z.
Basically they say, our bakery isgoing to put together a surprise bag.
It may be a full loaf ofbread, it may be some scones,
it may be some bagels. Whateverit is, you're going to get it
for a fraction of the original cost. So you help not wasting. You
also help your wallet because you getfood for less and I got to tell
you if you like donuts, pizza, coffee places, these types of places
tend to be reoccurring, maybe Chinesefood, even all kinds of stuff,
so you save money. You canenjoy good food for a fraction of the
usual costs. That's great. Secondthing is reduced waste. That's the key
because you're rescuing food that would havebeen thrown out and that doesn't help anybody,
and it doesn't help the environment either. You also get to discover new
places. Great way to try outnew dishes from either your local favorite shops
or some places that you've been meaningto check out but just haven't yet.
So what are some of the foodsyou can find. It's all over the
place and it really depends on yourneighborhood. Pizza, pastries, groceries,
sandwiches, even smoothies, muffins,burgers, sushi, poke bowls, burritos,
donuts, salads. Basically, it'swhatever is around you, and certain
neighborhoods are going to have more ofone thing than the other. Possibly you
kind of have to check it out, so using the app is easy pasy.
You discover things. You open theapp, you see what surprise bags
are available nearby, and you choose, You pick what you want, you
reserve it, and you pay rightthere on the app. That makes it
super convenient, very easy to executeand deal, and then you pick it
up. You head to the storeat a specific time, you show the
app and you collect your goodies.Like I said earlier, if you fall
asleep, like maybe it's a latercollection or something. If you fall asleep,
you're still paying. So if youreserve the and then it goes to
waste. So if you reserve thebag and you pay for it, make
sure you go. The key isto find places in your area that you
dig now really popular places. Ihear people get very addicted to this app
because they like try and get thegood stuff. So it's like, if
there's one really popular restaurant or bakerythat everybody loves, that those surprise bags
are gonna probably go out early.So I just open the app right now,
and those of you just tuning inthe app is too good to go,
too good to goo, too goodto go, And so let's see
Burbank, Burdbank, so Krispy KremeDonuts just down the street from here on
Victory Place for six sixty seven.You get a bag worth of donuts or
whatever they have there Krispy Kreme foryou that is worth about twenty bucks.
And in this case you can pickup says pick up today between ninety thirty
pm and or nine pm and ninetythirty pm, so that's the end of
the day donuts, but they canbe your beginning of the day donuts tomorrow.
Big Gym's Donuts another surprise bag,but you can pick up between five
am and eleven fifty nine pm,so five ninety nine for eighteen dollars worth
of donuts. Lotus Chinese Cuisine.The Chinese Surprise bag you could pick up
between eleven am and nine pm forseven ninety nine and it's twenty four bucks
worth of food. Now, someof the things that I've learned about this
app is a lot of places you'regonna end up getting sides. Okay,
it doesn't mean that you won't findproteins either, but it does mean that
on average you're probably gonna come acrosssides at some of these restaurants more than
others, so that might be agood thing for you. Maybe you have
proteins at home, or you're like, I got to slice the chicken or
something and I'm looking. I don'tknow what a slice of chicken is,
maybe a breast or something. Soyou've got some chicken or you've got some
steak or whatever it is, andyou're looking for some sides. This is
a nice way to do that,so you can kind of see how it
works again, Too Good to Go. It is an app and basically you're
rescuing food instead of it going inthe garbage at the end of the day.
At some of these restaurants and bakeriesand the like, you save it.
It's great. If it's stale orsomething like that, then you know,
maybe you don't go to that placethe next time. But it's most
often from what I hear, there'sa lot of places to give you really
wonderful fresh food and it helps everybodyin the long run. So something worth
checking around out. You've been listeningto The Fork Report. You can always
hear us live on KFI AM sixforty two to five pm on Saturday and
anytime on demand on the iHeartRadio app.