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July 10, 2024 16 mins
WHY DID THE GOP DITCH FISCAL CONSERVATISM? The new GOP platform is out and it's missing any mention of the debt, deficit spending or any of the hallmarks of fiscal conservatism they've allegedly been known for. What gives? I'll ask Trump economic advisor Steve Moore that question at 1pm. Read the platform here.
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My next guest, I think wentcompletely off the deep end a long time
ago, but he managed to findhis way back. Steve Moore is part
of the economic team advising Donald Trumpfor his re election campaign. He is
an economist now with a Heritage Foundation. Steve, thanks for showing up late,
my friend him many good to bewith you. Storry to be a

few minutes late. I you know, I'm trying to follow this intrigue that's
changing minute by minute with who theDemocratic nominee for president will be. We
still don't know, Mandy, Steve, it is, it is. It's
very interesting to see the progression thatis happening in DC around the pressure to
get Joe Biden to step down.Yes, yeah, so I was just

starting to say, sorry, Ithink maybe Biden is scrambling our signal or
something. But look, the let'slet's go over what happened, because I
think it's important for people to understandthis. You know, we've known for
four or five years that Joe Bidenis an advanced age, that his mental
faculties are declining the way mine aredeclining. On only sixty four, so

it happens all of us. I'mnot trying to be snide here. I'm
just simply saying that, you know, he's suffering from old age, as
many of us are. And butmy point is, thenocus knew that.
They knew that. Remember do youremember many four years ago they lacked him
in the basement. They wouldn't lethim come out yet, and remember that,
And so they knew that he hadreal mental problems. And we've known

for the last four years. They'vegotten more severe as he's continued to age.
They knew that at the beginning ofthis year, and yet that did
not stop them from, you know, basically telling all Democratic workers go out
vote in the primaries for Joe Biden. He got millions of votes. He
was duly elected man many through thedemocratic process, right, this is the

way it works. And then hegoes out and he and by the way
they hit him. He didn't goout in public very often, but people
dutifully voted for him. That thepeople spoke. Then he has this disastrous
debate with Donald Trump, and nowthe Democratic established saying, oh, we
got to get rid of this guy, you know, we have to replace

him, and thinking, look,I don't agree with much of anything Joe
Biden says, but he is right. He has been the duly nominated person.
The people have spoken, the votershave spoken. They have nominated him
to be their five bearer for theirparty. And they are not trying to
dump him because of his mental problems. They are trying to dump him because

he's falling behind in the balls.And all these people care about is his
power. Now they say, well, maybe we'll move with We'll make it
Kamila Harris. Maybe it'll be Gressiawhitm or the governor of Michigan. Maybe
we'll make it the Gavin Newsom,the governor of California. Mandy, how
many votes did those people get?Oh god, I have no idea.

Zero? Yeah. One. Sohere's my point. All these people care
about his power. They don't careif if Joe Biden won that debate,
they be all four and for him. But they're terrified of losing. And
now they're saying, screw you tothe voters. We're going to choose,
we're going to get Remember the oldcigar chomping backroom deals of the nineteenth century.

That's what we're facing today. Andhere is my maiden boy. These
are the same people, Mandy,who say Donald Trump is a danger to
democracy. Really, as you watchthis first that's going on, they said
Trump is the danger democracy when theywant to overturn someone who is duly nominated
by their own party. Well,see, I mean, and this is
why I have zero sympathy for thepositions of the Democrats right now, because

they could have signaled, you knowwhat, you guys need to primary him.
They should have signaled and gotten themselvesanother candidate. That then the people
in power could not be assured ofremaining in power. So they put their
own needs. And let me justsay this, the Bidens family, if
you ever thought that they were decenthuman beings ever before, did you put

that notion to rest? Because theyare basically weekend at burning him through his
days at the White House in orderto stay in power so they can keep
making money selling access with the Bidenname, because that's all they have.
Right. That's disgusting what's going on. You're right, and it's elder abuse,
it really is. I mean,Joe Biden is you know not?
I mean, look, everybody agreesit's not meantally fit to be president.

The looner probably hasn't been for thelast several years. It's dangerous for our
country. You know, it's dangerousto have a president like this who doesn't,
you know, not playing with fulldeck of cards. And you're right,
they knew this. Do you rememberwhen the special prosecutor came out and
said, I can't really prosecute Bidenfor this crime because he doesn't remember.

Remember that, Yeah, because he'san elderly man, a sympathetic old man
with a bad memory. Yeah,And the Democrats attacts special Oh this is
a political thing, blah blah blah, how dare you say that about him?
Et cetera, et cetera. Andthen renumber was just three weeks ago,
Joe Biden was in Europe and allthe European leaders said, you know
what, America, you got aproblem here. This guy isn't all there.

And the democratsident, we ignored allthat. Why because at that time
I was leading or at least tiedin the polls. Now that he's fulling
ten points behind, Oh my god, we throw this guy over the side
of the boat. Well, NateSilver's got a really good call him at
his substack today where he kind oflays out the points that the Democrats have
before them, the options they havebefore them, and I think what's happening

now with the messaging where we startedlast week with you know, Joe Biden
has just been the most successful presidentwe've ever had. He's just been such
a genius. We know he's goingto put the country ahead of everyone else,
and he's going to put the countryabove himself as he always has done.
So the shameless flattery portion is over. And then today our absolute milk

toast, a generic Democrat, SenatorMichael Bennett is now saying Joe Biden is
going to lose to Donald Trump,and not only lose the presidency, but
could take the House and Senate withhim. Right, So, now now
we're in the You're going to turnthe country over the Republicans entirely, and
this is going to be your legacy. Part of the conversation, Well,

here's the thing in terms of Iagree with everything you just said. Here's
the thing though for Republicans. Now, look, I'm a Trump guy.
I'm part of this campaign on oneof the economic advisors. The Democratic narrative
now is, BOYD, Joe Bidenwas a great president, was he?
But he's he's now just too old. We have to find someone else.
Let's be honest, he wasn't agreat president. He's been a horrible president.

I mean he gave us, youknow, twenty percent increase in prices.
He has lost complete control of ourborder. Our cities are falling up
ower, we got our what's happenedon our campus. This is crazy.
We've got two wars going on thatdidn't exist when Trump was president. I
mean, somebody showed me what's goingin the economy. So this idea,
Oh, we just need to putanother Democrat in with the same agenda.
But who's a little bit more mentallysaid No, we need a complete one

hundred and eighty degree reversal of thesepolicies. I agree, but that's not
why I brought you in on theshow. I wanted to bring you on
the show because and I realized thatparty platforms are just a bunch of things
that people want to write down ona piece of paper. For as much
as they make up the policy positionsof any president or or Congress, they're

just big liptok right, But thetwenty twenty four GUP platform did not have
a single mention of debt, ofdeficit spending, of any of that stuff.
Now I know, greented these arejust bullet points. But have we
now just conceded that there isn't aparty of fiscal conservatism? And if so,
Steve, we're done. You knowthat as well as I do.

So it's a good point. Firstof all, let me say that I
like the platform, I think,but you point out an important flaw in
it. But overall, I reallylike this platform. I mean, it's
basically restating the positions that are commonsense that we should. Yes, we
should be all in for producing everybit of energy that we can in this

country so we don't have to relyon the europe and the Chinese and the
Russians and the Iranians. Yes,of course, we should secure our border.
It's obvious. Yes, of coursewe have to do something about bringing
down prices in this country. Yes, of course we should make the Trump
tax cuts permanent so people's taxes don'tgo up. One of the ones that
I love, love, love inthis This is the first time Republicans have

ever said this that in America today, every child should have access to universal
school choice, so that every childin America can know to the best school
possible for their family. You know, those are heroic ideas. So there's
a lot to like in the platform, but I was struck by what you
just said that there was really nomention about of control government spending. Now,

there were some platitudes about, well, we can get rid of some
of these green energy profiles, whichabsolutely we should, but it has to
be the highest priority that we growthe economy and get government spending down.
But I hate to tell you this, you and your audience because I'm a
Republican, but Republicans like to spendas much money as Democrats. You,
yep, And that's the problem Steve, and you and I both. I

mean, I've been interviewing you,I think probably for ten years now,
and you are the biggest deficit hawk. I know, you are the guy
who has been talking about inflation forten years now. And so here we
are. We're still trying to getinflation under control, as the Fed titans
the money supply. But ultimately,if both parties are just elect me,

and here's what I'm going to givemy favorite section of the population. This
country is absolutely spiraling, and there'snothing we can do to save it that
worse. I would simply say,though, in defense of the platform,
that there's a lot of talk aboutdoing everything we can the economy. Now,
the economy has grown at about aone and a half percent snail space

under Biden. Hasn't been recession,but it's just been really kind of meager
growth. We're just kind of treadingwater. If we can get to three
to three and a half percent growth, you get a lot more revenues and
you start to bend that curve downward. Where the most important thing right now
in the short term is get theeconomy growing faster than the debt. That's

not happening. And even when youlook where quote where the economy is growing,
you know what the fastest growing sectorof the economy is today, I'm
getting the government. Government. Yeah, I mean look at the past reports.
Every job report of the last twelvemonths shows, you know, one
of the leading sectors of job growthhas well been healthcare, which is fifty

percent government, right, and governmentemployment. Now here's the thing, Mattie,
and I'm going to ask you thisin your you know, you know
millions of listeners. If you wererunning an institution, if you are the
president of institution and it was losingtwo trillion dollars a year, would you
go out on a hiring spree.Oh god, no. But you know
the answer for that coming from me. I mean, you know everyone knows

the answer to that, except JoeBiden. They keep hiring. They think
that we're going to get rich byhiring more and more and more government workers.
Well guess what. Everybody can't workfor government. Who's going to pay
their bills? Exactly? Exactly.And but that brings me to my next
point. You're on the Trump advisor'steam. Yeah, when you talk to
the president, And this was mybeef with him in twenty sixteen, and

I made this point over and overand over again that this is my concern
that President Trump doesn't even give lipservice to wrangling down the dead, like
it's not even a part of theconversation. You know. Well, yeah,
I've talked to him a lot aboutthis. By the way, I
had a conversation with him about amonth or so ago and he did bring
up the debt and he said,Steve, you know how big of a

problem is this? And I toldhim, mister president, it is a
giant problem. I mean, youknow, this is a row and road
to rule. You know. Bidencame into office with this crazy idea called
modern monetary stuff where they basically said, all we have to do is just
put money, you know, likeit's monopoly money and it's play money,
and we can just spend and spendand spend and spend. Well, they

were tragically wrong, of course.They did great damage to UH, to
our economy. It's gonna and I'mgoing to tell you we're not going to
fix this problem overnight. This isgoing to take off. We've dug ourselves
into a very very very very deepdick. The most important thing is,
hey, let's stop digging. Yeah, I'm not and don't get me wrong.

I do know that government growth wouldbe a huge, well, it
would definitely have an impact. Butas you said, bend the curve down.
We're spending a trillion dollars. Atrillion dollars, Steve, you said,
you said government growth you mentioned,I mean private sector growth would would
definitely work to bend it down much. When we're spending a trillion dollar dollars,

then we bring in our debt serviceis now larger then our in our
defense budget and medicare. Okay,so we know we're reaching a very very
precarious position. And I'm not surethat with you know, too many people
in DC have bought into modern monetarypolicy, which is observed. I mean,
it's just it's failed everywhere it's tried. I am concerned regardless of who

becomes president, because no one seemsto be taking this seriously so that you're
not going to solve this problem.I mean, what is what is the
bite in Kamala Harris solution? We'regoing to raise tax on the rich manby
even if you take every penny fromevery millionaire billion are in this country,
you could you could maybe pay forthe government for two months solve the problem.
Yeah, I know, I know, and you know we know these

things. Can we talk for asecond about tariffs, because I think that's
a terrible idea. I'd like toknow what your thoughts are because this has
been a big talking point and Iknow where Trump is, I know what
emotional response he is looking for,But economically it's not a good choice.
Yeah. So, uh, I'ma free trade guy, as you know,

you tell me, you know,to trawl fifteen years and so I
don't like tariffs generally. What Trumpis talking about is a ten percent across
the board tariff. You know,look, if you were to use that
money if you could raise because wedo about two trillion dollars in imports a
year, so you've put ten percenttariff. My math is right, that's
two hundred billion dollars. That's alot of money. And what Trump said

a couple of weeks ago, wecould use that money to reduce income taxes
or other maybe the payroll tax orsomething like that that that might make sense,
you know. I mean a tariffis mostly just a it's a consumption
tax on imported when you consume importedgoods. Trump thinks this will create more
jobs in America. Maybe he's right, maybe he's not. I tend to

think he's not. But you know, tariffs, income taxes are much worse
than tariffs. You know, incompaxesdestroy working centives. But I do I
get to say this. I lovethe guy's idea. I haven't talked to
you about this, but I lovethe idea of Matt taxing tips. You
know, I was a tipped workerfor my first four years of my working
career, and you know, forservice workers, you know, that's how

you make a lot of your moneyis on the tips. Yeah, but
see, you probably made a tonof money as a male dancer. I
mean you probably were just raking itin hand over fist. Yeah, I
love that, you know it.I made a lot of money doing that,
you know. And then look,I'm just I've got a great body.
Okay, Steve, I gotta go. I gotta take a break.
But we'll talk more as we getcloser to the election. Didn't Yeah that

was yeah exactly. I I'm flustered. Now, see if I have to
go fan myself outside for a moment. No, honestly, Steve, just
just tell the president I'm concerned.Okay, Well, President Trump, I
tell him you're talk show hosting Denveron your show. That would be that
would be great. And you gotto defend yourself, mister. I did

the best I could. And bythe way, I just want to assure
your listeners because people in liberals areso serious and take average deliberally. I
was joking, folks. I wasnever a male dancer. Well, as
far as you know, all right, Steve, I'll talk to you later,
my friend. I'll about your one

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