CEOs You Should Know Columbus •

CEO's You Should Know- Founder Cheryl Krueger, CEO-COB Mark Voltmann: C. Krueger's - CEOs You Should Know Columbus

CEOs You Should Know Columbus

Cheryl Krueger knows cookies. Starting from scratch in 1981 with a single cookie store, Cheryl grew her company into a $50 million corporation. But she also knows compassion and leadership. Cheryl has always divided her time between running her company and giving back. Serving on countless non-profits, Cheryl raises money and has started initiatives for the military, public schools, food banks and Appalachian families in need. She still serves on dozens of boards, chairs numerous committees and leads discussions and lectures on women-focused leadership across the U.S. today.
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CEO's You Should Know- Founder Cheryl Krueger, CEO-COB Mark Voltmann: C. Krueger's - CEOs You Should Know Columbus