Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
You are about to witness as amazing Emo has comes
in living Man's property of all times. Yes, my bow
suck on you bow down to your master. Then you
did it. Then you did it?
Speaker 2 (00:36):
Where you did?
Speaker 3 (00:43):
Allowed to play, Allowed to play, Come out to play,
Come out to play.
Speaker 4 (00:59):
The crystal wos.
Speaker 5 (01:02):
The sun is rising. God, Oh wake up, wake up.
Speaker 1 (01:10):
Now, don't worry.
Speaker 6 (01:13):
We're all here to.
Speaker 5 (01:14):
Show you how jan Witz horses Raw.
Speaker 6 (01:18):
Station k m o G. Home of the Listens is
a family.
Speaker 7 (01:22):
Be don't turn downtown, just wait and say.
Speaker 1 (01:28):
Are you ready?
Speaker 8 (01:29):
Are you ready to jove in time to.
Speaker 7 (01:32):
Start to show crapstick apl about Fresco, Whisping Man Marny Show,
Welcome to the Working Week.
Speaker 5 (01:47):
It's on such a bore kick back, makes up the offing.
Speaker 4 (01:52):
And they get hardcore.
Speaker 5 (01:54):
Hang your whisby and then mess pick up your phone
there line you're on the air, dot time dot SA.
Speaker 1 (02:24):
Good morning, It's the Big Man Morning Show. Nine one,
eight four six O k m O D. Can also
text BMMS and then what you want to say to
eight two nine four five Listen online the website that
Rocks kmod dot com. Past shows are available on iTunes
search under BMMS listen with your cell phone. Get the
iHeartRadio app available from the app store of your cell
phone provider. More on that at iHeartRadio dot com. And
we are on Facebook, Facebook dot com, slash BMMS six
nine that's where you can hang out with us each
into every day. Good morning, Lindsay, Good morning Corbyn, Good morning,
givebe well, Good morning Corbyin tickets to Tesla Band not
Car hard Rock on November thirteenth. Tickets available hard Rock
Casino TLSA dot com. Do Taste time trivia, We'll do
Willie Nilly and we're giving away beer for freaking a Friday.
Beer and food actually today, case of cors Light and
a free sandwich of your choice from Caprioti. What's a
bad habit you're not willing to break? What's a bad
habit you're not willing to break? Bmms and what that
is to eight two nine four five. If we pick
your text to get you on the phone and you
tell us about it, you're gonna get that case of
cors Light and a free sandwich or your choice from Caprioti.
Speaker 9 (03:47):
Is off friggin' a Friday.
Speaker 1 (03:50):
Welcome back, Lindsay, Thank you very much.
Speaker 6 (03:53):
Good to be back. Hooray.
Speaker 1 (03:57):
I don't know what to ask now because I don't
know what your comfort level is. I mean, yeah, can
I ask anything I want?
Speaker 6 (04:06):
Sure? Sure?
Speaker 9 (04:10):
How's your back?
Speaker 1 (04:13):
My back feels okay despite being on a plane. I
find being on a plane extremely uncomfortable. Well it's only
and you have back problems, right right, right?
Speaker 6 (04:24):
But since my epidural it's been a lot better.
Speaker 1 (04:28):
Right they shut Yep, yeah, the backside exactly.
Speaker 6 (04:31):
And a trip to Chicago from Tulsa really isn't a
bad flight.
Speaker 9 (04:36):
It's like a little over an hour, right.
Speaker 6 (04:38):
Yeah, exactly exactly. If anything, it's the cost of a
last minute flight that hurts the most.
Speaker 1 (04:46):
Uh didn't Did you get to use man? It's a
special word for when someone dies.
Speaker 6 (04:52):
Yeah. I don't really think that that exists anymore. Really, Yeah, so,
I I think it was when my my mom's mom
passed away that I had called about that. They used
to call it bereavement and bereavement flights, bereavement flights. Yeah,
and no, I'm sorry we don't have that, okay, of
course what airlines used to I used United, but my
father in law actually had miles on his credit card,
so he's like, listen, I'm not going anywhere you use.
Speaker 1 (05:28):
Them, so it didn't cost you anything now, so you
don't even know how much it costs. You were just
saying that.
Speaker 6 (05:33):
When I looked up when I when I looked them up,
it was going to cost around six hundred and eighty
six bucks.
Speaker 1 (05:40):
It says here that a lot of airlines stopped using
the bereavement flights in twenty fifteen. And it says here
you got to provide a bunch of stuff, right, bereavements,
death certificate. Do you get that? Yeah? It says you
have to provide like a death certificate, a hospital statement,
or funeral home contact information. Oh I mean you don't
get the death certificate instantly. No, No, it takes a
little while. Also tack e absolutely right. I guess the
funeral home contact information will probably be the easiest to
provide for them, and the airline's going to be the
whole place, right right right. It's wild. Now I could
understand why they maybe they got rid of it because
people probably took advantage of it for real.
Speaker 6 (06:31):
Sure, But wow, yeah, yeah, No, it was so Wednesday, No,
when was it Monday or Tuesday? I had gotten my
aunt had called me and said Hey, Grandpa's on hospice,
and they think that.
Speaker 1 (06:49):
Yeah, Monday of last week. Yeah, not this past Monday,
the Monday before. Yeah, Okay, I just want to clear that up. Yeah,
because you weren't here Monday. We don't want people to
think you were just sitting at home.
Speaker 6 (07:01):
Yeah, And they think that he'll be gone, possibly by
Friday at the latest.
Speaker 9 (07:11):
Jimmy Carter right, right.
Speaker 6 (07:14):
And so that was a little bit surprising because I
had just talked to my grandfather like two days before
her phone call, and he was in good spirits and
he was like, you know, I am on hospice now
like that. I just don't want to fight this bladder
cancer anymore. Like they told me that they had gotten
rid of it all and I'd believed him, and then
my next checkup, Nope, it's still there. And I just
don't want to go through this right anymore. Like I'm done.
I've lived a really good life and I'm just.
Speaker 9 (07:43):
I He was at peace with it.
Speaker 6 (07:45):
He was, he was, and he said, you know, honestly,
my he was worried about my grandmother because of her
Alzheimer's and he wanted to be there for her. But anymore,
she doesn't know who he is for the longest time now,
she's thought that he was either her dad or her grandfather.
On their wedding anniversary they had that was their last
good day last month where she knew who he was
for most of the day and so they had a
nice celebration. They went to dinner or lunch and it
was nice. And so he says, I will take that
memory with me. I'm at peace. So I you know,
it was really good. We had good conversation and yeah.
Speaker 1 (08:32):
Yeah, So you get the call a week ago that
he's on hospice.
Speaker 9 (08:36):
Fast forward to.
Speaker 6 (08:38):
Last Thursday morning, a week ago yesterday, and my aunt says, Islands,
I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay.
I go, okay, awesome. What's going on? She goes, well,
I'm reverend Fine. Has been really really busy and I'm
not sure what kind of services we're going to have
for grandpa. And I said, hold on, is is he passed?
And she goes, yes, he passed away this morning.
Speaker 1 (09:14):
Just left that details right right. It's like, OK, but
you're having to play catch up. Yes, exactly, So happy
that skipped you.
Speaker 6 (09:21):
Yeah, so she said, he went peacefully. She said yesterday.
On that Wednesday, my grandmother had come into his room
and for forty five minutes she actually knew who he was.
She had a good forty five minutes and so that
was her last moment with him before he passed, so
she knew exactly who he was. Perfect. Great. Then on Thursday,
I guess she had said, oh, I can't believe I
have to bury my grandfather, which I don't know. I
guess that's kind of nice that she has the memory
of her husband still alive.
Speaker 9 (09:58):
I don't knowrandfather.
Speaker 6 (10:00):
Yeah, yeah, because she thinks she's burying her grandfather.
Speaker 1 (10:04):
Speaker 6 (10:06):
But when I got there, it was my grandma knew
who I was. High lends. I don't. I don't see
anyone with you. Did your dad bring you?
Speaker 1 (10:18):
Speaker 4 (10:19):
Speaker 6 (10:19):
I came alone until your dad passed away in two
thousand and eight.
Speaker 9 (10:23):
Yeah, so it's been a while.
Speaker 6 (10:25):
Yeah, and that's her son.
Speaker 1 (10:26):
Speaker 6 (10:27):
So she said, well, maybe he's coming later. He must
be working. I said, yeah. I mean with Alzheimer's, you
don't you learn not to correct the ill. You just
go with it. Yeah, because it just confuses them more so,
which is is.
Speaker 9 (10:43):
Tough, right, It's confusing for you as well.
Speaker 6 (10:45):
Yeah, absolutely, and I felt, you know, what was hard
for me was like this was my last connection to
my dad, really losing these to their parents, and for me,
my grandmother is pretty much already.
Speaker 1 (10:58):
Gone right mentally, Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you get that.
So then you get to calling it.
Speaker 6 (11:04):
So that's Thursday, Yeah, And I went Sunday is when
my aunt told me about arrangements. We're going to have
a funeral on Tuesday and it's going to be small.
And so I flew out on Monday and was there.
And when she said small, it was going to be
a small gathering at their church. I mean there was
probably eighty people there.
Speaker 9 (11:32):
Now, your mom's visiting.
Speaker 6 (11:33):
Did she go to No, she stayed and she thank god,
because she helped with the kids and stuff. So just me,
I went and she after my parents got divorced, she
wasn't really close close to my parents, so it was
a big help for her to be here. But yeah,
lots of familiar faces, especially from my grandparents' church, and
it was just.
Speaker 1 (12:00):
Are these the grandparents that had a shooting at their
liquor store?
Speaker 9 (12:03):
Is this the liquor store parents?
Speaker 1 (12:04):
Speaker 6 (12:05):
No, they've been gone many years. Yeah, Yeah, but I,
you know, looking thinking of it, like, I'm forty two
years old, I'm thankful that I had grandparents alive this long,
you know, say that? Yeah, exactly so. And then when
I got back, I kept the kids home yesterday and
hung out with them and it was nice. I didn't
even think to let them have a day of breathment and.
Speaker 1 (12:30):
Just we did they go too?
Speaker 6 (12:32):
No? Just me?
Speaker 1 (12:33):
Did they know them? Were they close to him?
Speaker 6 (12:35):
Yes? My Marcus was the closest because he was the oldest.
He knew them the best. The twins kind of were like, eh, yeah,
I'm sorry. They've only seen them a handful of times
when we've gone back, right yeah. And I think there
was probably only one time where my grandma wasn't sick
that the twins knew who she was. Yeah, and vice versa.
Speaker 9 (13:01):
So did you have to deal with a state or
anything like that.
Speaker 6 (13:04):
No, nope, my aunt did.
Speaker 9 (13:06):
She deals with She's dealing with all that.
Speaker 1 (13:08):
And they had already moved out of their house and
all their stuff and exactly had been dealt with because
they were in a home, right yeah.
Speaker 6 (13:14):
And so now my grandmother is still in that nursing home,
right yeah. So yeah, I mean, I'm at peace with it.
My aunt's at peace with it, and it's and he's
being cremated. And he actually went to the medical university
and he said, well, maybe they can use my body
and I'll fight. They'll find a cure for cancer with
my body, right, and what they couldn't use their cremating.
Speaker 1 (13:46):
So I'm going to ask him be a question. Yeah,
don't give any response until you're cute. Okay, Okay.
Speaker 9 (13:52):
Do you think she cried at the funeral?
Speaker 1 (13:53):
Gimpee more than likely?
Speaker 9 (13:55):
Yes or needy?
Speaker 1 (13:56):
Yes or no? Sure? Yeah, she's a woman, of course
she's gonna I.
Speaker 9 (13:59):
Don't know what that means.
Speaker 1 (14:00):
Uh, let me cry along? Sure, sure, because I don't
crying one way or another doesn't mean the amount of
love you had for that person. I'm gonna go with.
I'm gonna go with not crying. Tear maybe, but crying,
not sobbing, but maybe a little weeping. Yeah, okay, Yeah,
so I'm gonna go with no Lindsey yeah like like
like like cries like NonStop, needed tissues.
Speaker 6 (14:36):
Needed Tissuesky for sure.
Speaker 1 (14:38):
Didn't fall over into the floor the God not like that.
Speaker 6 (14:43):
No, No, I wasn't uncontrollable.
Speaker 1 (14:46):
Did anybody act a fool, because it's some sometimes at
funerals you always get like one person that's acting a fool.
Speaker 6 (14:52):
No, we were nervous about my grandmother because did she go?
Speaker 1 (14:55):
You guys took her?
Speaker 6 (14:56):
Yes? Wow, Well the nurses they're at at the nursing
home said it's probably memory care, yes, and in memory
care thought and one of them went with and thought
that she should go, and we thought okay. And she
really didn't know what was like, why are all these
people here from my grandfather, you know? And she was confused.
But then when her best friend showed up, she calmed
her down the most and took her to the side
and said, let's sit down together, and they did and
then it was all good.
Speaker 1 (15:35):
Do you have any reflection or epiphany that happened either
while traveling there at the service or flying back?
Speaker 6 (15:46):
Actually I so no beforehand. So it was that Friday,
the Friday after he died, I was in my car
and I was kind of talking to myself and saying,
I just hope, thinking, I hope that my grandfather is
with my dad. That's all I hope, because I know
that's what he wanted. I know he wanted to go
and see his son so bad. Yeah, because you couldn't
even talk about my dad to my grandfather. It really did.
And later on that night, I always think that my
dad speaks to me through music, and I had turned
on some random music at home and the first thing
that came on was heart and Soul piano music, and
my dad used to play that on the piano, and
I felt like that was him his way of connecting
with me, saying, yeah, Grandpa's here with me. And then randomly,
the second song that came on was Joe Cocker is
Feeling all Right, which was a karaoke song of my dad's.
He loved to sing Joe Cocker and that song, and
I thought, you know what, maybe that's simceit hit another
song of him saying, yeah, he is with me and
he's feeling all right now he's good. So I had
that and I look for those signs big time after
someone passes. Always they say look for the signs. So
do they?
Speaker 1 (17:18):
Who says that that?
Speaker 6 (17:20):
Yeah, I've always I've always heard. I've always been told
and heard from just random people like look for this every.
Speaker 1 (17:27):
Time you stop me on the street, and got time someone.
Speaker 6 (17:30):
Dies someone close to me will say, Okay, look for
the signs of those that have passed.
Speaker 9 (17:33):
Okay, yeah, that's interesting.
Speaker 1 (17:37):
So I have that's never happened to me. That's interesting.
Speaker 6 (17:39):
Well I'll tell you when someone close to you passes,
look for the signs.
Speaker 1 (17:45):
Speaker 6 (17:47):
Speaker 1 (17:47):
Yeah, everybody needs to deal with grief and whatever capacity.
If that gives you peace, then so be it for sure. Yeah, well,
I'm sorry for your loss. That sucks. I can't speak
for Gimpy, but I try to give you plenty of yeah,
wide birth, so you could do whatever you needed to do,
because having dealing with grief sucks. And Andrew Garfield recently
did a thing with Elmo Stick with Me where he
talked about grief and he said that a lot of
people are sad when someone passes, and that's okay, but
also we should be happy because that means we had
someone that loved us for sure. And that's a really
cool way I think to think about grief, because it
definitely can be sad, but you can definitely also make
it like a happy thing, Like how lucky am I
that I had someone that loved me and I have
memories with that person?
Speaker 9 (18:46):
How great is that?
Speaker 6 (18:47):
Yes? And that's how I feel too, like, how lucky
am I that I had a grandparent for forty two years?
Speaker 1 (18:52):
Speaker 6 (18:53):
Yeah, and that got to see my children? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (18:56):
Yeah, neither none of my grandparents knew my know my
children or my wife.
Speaker 6 (19:02):
I'm sorry that I don't say sorry.
Speaker 1 (19:04):
Well, that's the way life works. Yeah, unless you played
a part in it? Did you?
Speaker 9 (19:10):
Speaker 1 (19:10):
Then no, you don't need to say sorry. Yeah, you
didn't have to do with my grandfather falling on a
space heater. Are my grandma getting cancer or my grandma
getting old age or my grandfather having heart problems? Did
you play a part in those? Okay?
Speaker 9 (19:22):
Speaker 1 (19:23):
That would have made this really uncomfortable. You think I'm
a dick? Now wait till I find out the role
you played in their death. All right, we got tickets
to Tesla We're gonna give away. We've got frigging a Friday,
of course, what bad habit are you not willing to break?
Bmms and whatever that is to eight two nine four five,
A case of cors light and a free sandwich of
your choice from Gapriot's bm mess and whatever that is
to eight two nine four five.
Speaker 9 (19:48):
We'll be back Telsa's.
Speaker 2 (19:50):
Morning Show, The Big man Boarding show. The assault continues
next study seventy five.
Speaker 1 (20:06):
Good morning, It's the Big nine Morning Show nine eight
four six oh kmod can also text BMMS and then
what you want to say to eight two nine four five.
On Fridays we do news quikies, but we do just
the headlines.
Speaker 10 (20:22):
It's time for news quakies, world news, local news, and
news that just makes you say, what the Here's Corbyn
Gimbean Lindsay with what's going on? News quakies from The
Big Nine Morning Showing ninety seventy five.
Speaker 6 (20:36):
Newly discovered snake species with numerous teeth named after Leonardo DiCaprio.
Speaker 1 (20:44):
Well, don't all snakes have numerous teeth? They have more
than just one tooth.
Speaker 9 (20:52):
I didn't know we're naming teeth.
Speaker 1 (20:54):
Are they naming the teeth or the name of the snake?
Speaker 6 (20:58):
I think they're naming this a.
Speaker 1 (21:01):
You're not supposed to give us anything line, you're not
supposed to give us any interpretation of the story.
Speaker 9 (21:06):
It implies, you know it true.
Speaker 1 (21:08):
I'm gonna assume they're naming snakes. A woman takes care
of her paralyzed husband for six years and gets dumped
after he recovers.
Speaker 9 (21:19):
Yeah, and I get bitter.
Speaker 1 (21:21):
Sh I'm done.
Speaker 9 (21:24):
Handcuffed prisoner escapes in maserati.
Speaker 1 (21:28):
Hey, if you're gonna go, go out style right right.
Speaker 6 (21:31):
Pennsylvania man found drunk on a vehicle's hood in the
middle of the road.
Speaker 1 (21:36):
Hey, he wasn't driving, absolutely, and he wasn't even in
the car. That's right, I just got here. Man robs
a convenience store and tells clerk to tell the police
where he'll be found. Just let him know, catch me
over here.
Speaker 9 (21:54):
I'll be right over here.
Speaker 1 (21:57):
Inflection is a really important part of that commonversation, I'll
be right over here, rather than like I'll be over there.
Attorney General argues abortion pill will hurt the state by
lowering teen pregnancies, so he's promoting teen pregnancies.
Speaker 6 (22:18):
Juvenile charged for assaulting carjacking a pizza delivery driver.
Speaker 1 (22:25):
Was he in it for the pizza for the car?
Probably not?
Speaker 9 (22:29):
Who wants a beat up? Citation?
Speaker 1 (22:32):
Speaker 9 (22:33):
Or ford escort?
Speaker 11 (22:36):
Speaker 1 (22:38):
Or an s ten that just says yo all right.
Airport introduces time limit on hugs. I know this story.
It's in another country and people are holding up the
departures drop off, and so it's like it's like, it's
a pretty fair amount of time. It's like seven minutes,
that's plenty of time. Yes, yeah, say your goodbyes at home,
have a final goodbye there. Seven minutes is still like okay,
I love you, no, I love you, No, I love you, no,
I love you. It's still long enough for that game
or park and go in right for sure. Man accused
of using rubber ducks to intimidate witnesses. You want to
wind up like him floating down the river.
Speaker 6 (23:29):
Here. Man accused of being a serial church burglar used
phone to search where do you church keep money?
Speaker 1 (23:38):
Church burglar sounds like something I need to look up
on urban dictionary. A man jailled on felony spaghetti battery.
It's good, Spahetti's good, right. I don't know why people
be wasting food all the time when they getting domestic
A starving kid. They clearly never heard that phrase starving
kids in India, they never collected for unisef Clearly at
Halloween here, you are just flinging spaghetti everywhere like some madman.
Passenger on flight accused of snapping picks of women masturbating. Okay,
were the women masturbating or was he masturbating? Somebody obviously
is masturbating in this headlight.
Speaker 9 (24:23):
It's a fair question.
Speaker 1 (24:25):
My initial thought when I saw the headline was this
happens a lot, and as someone who just flew, I'm
being completely honest, not looking around to see if people
are masturbating. It might be hear me out. It might
be the best place to masturbate because nobody's looking for it.
Oh no, I mean, okay, people are looking straight ahead.
You were just on a flight. You're looking straight ahead,
you're watching your phone. You are not looking unless it's
happening right next to you, uh huh. Or you might
see it on the way to the potty or during
the cookie dispenser, you know, dispensing. Yeah, bag of nuts. No,
I got some right here, saltines right here. Seems so
weird though, just to just to whoop it right there
on the plane. Not if that's your kink, I guess.
I mean they do have the mile, it doesn't count right,
No mile high club if you do it with yourself, No,
I think the male hot clubs with someone else, I
would No, I have no idea. Put little eyes and
a mouth on your hand. Oh we're going to have
fun tonight now now, that's weird. Now it's with unarguably weird.
Speaker 6 (25:37):
It's a different kink now.
Speaker 1 (25:39):
No, that's just weird. Kink is something you do that
not everybody agrees with. Okay, you be you sure making
your hand into you know, mister puppet, I love you, No,
I love you. I'm gonna love you longus.
Speaker 6 (25:56):
It's done in seven minutes.
Speaker 1 (25:58):
I think it. Mysterious chase right, that's fine.
Speaker 9 (26:05):
I'm thirty on my hand.
Speaker 6 (26:08):
Mysterious winged and horned creature caught on camera at zoo.
Speaker 9 (26:14):
Like a horned owl, like a zoo.
Speaker 1 (26:17):
Animals have a lot of animals they do. Men charged
for digging into grave to retrieve voodoo items. Can't leave
them down there. We got to use them. Surfer stabbed
in chest by swordfish quote died doing what she loved
off Indonesia coasts, says colleague. Okay, they all died doing
what they do.
Speaker 9 (26:42):
I know, technically we can't ask them.
Speaker 1 (26:45):
Some people are forced into thinks and then they can't
give them up because it's their identity and it's just
because mom or dad made them do it, or they
are that's how they get paid. And they're like, I
make a lot of money why should I continue to
do the morning show like it's all good.
Speaker 9 (26:56):
I mean, I don't know where that came from.
Speaker 6 (26:58):
Projecting scariest haunted house leaves visitors stripped, shaved and humiliated.
Speaker 1 (27:09):
Yeah, we've macin a Macinnanny whatever mansion. We've talked about
this before the fact that the place still even exists
is bizarre to me. You can go down, go down
the rabbit hole of the lady that's been through it
and succeeded like twice, good for her, and she comes
out like no teeth, eyebrows, She's like, they're like you
did a ya, And she's like huh really coming hair
out like she's so out of it. To do it
and go through it once completely, I get it, you know,
prove that to yourself. But to do it twice, yeah,
I would argue it's not an accolade, Like you may
have something deranged wrong with you to be okay to
let somebody let you do it again, because you know
the second time they're coming with the gusto.
Speaker 6 (27:49):
Yeah, if they remember who you are.
Speaker 9 (27:51):
They absolutely remember who she is.
Speaker 1 (27:53):
You have to sign a bunch of waivers, you have
to do an interview, you have to do a drug.
It is an intensive process before you can even enter
the haunted house, bring it back a dog and it's free.
You have to give a dog food to the which
is no. No, we're helping, I help out. It's so weird.
Maybe that's the only attention she gets from anybody, and
that's why she does. I'll buy that. Yeah. Couple sued
over loud crowing rooster.
Speaker 9 (28:23):
Roosters make noise that they do.
Speaker 1 (28:26):
Remember those chickens we had over at the old studio, Yeah,
those apartments that we had over there, they just be
sitting up there on that fence, just crowing away all
goddamn days. Yeah. I went down a rabbit hole just
the other day of people that have their pumpkins carved
by chickens. Excuse me that. It's a thing. Yeah, and
you like poke holes in it kind of, and then
you'll set it out and the chickens will just peck
out where you've made holes.
Speaker 9 (28:52):
Yeah, it's a whole thing, dude.
Speaker 1 (28:54):
Yeah, I have to dig in on that man complaining
of indigestion had live cockroach and isn't tested.
Speaker 6 (29:00):
Oh my god.
Speaker 1 (29:01):
They will live through anything, won't they.
Speaker 6 (29:03):
They really will.
Speaker 1 (29:04):
Stomach acid and all get there?
Speaker 6 (29:06):
How did they get there?
Speaker 1 (29:08):
What they say you swallow six cockroach? That's that's what
they'll say.
Speaker 6 (29:13):
AI toilet camera snaps pictures of your poop for you.
Speaker 9 (29:18):
I mean is it? AI means not real?
Speaker 1 (29:21):
Right? So is it just making up pictures of dookie?
Is it a motion sensor? Because AI is making an
assumption of when something's happening. It's taking data, right, Like
last night on Amazon Prime during the Thursday Night game,
they showed AI like they would flash like a certain
color if this was the person expected to rush, and
most of the time it was right. That's not knowing
something ahead of time. That's taking data and making a decision, right,
AI snapping a deuce a picture of your snapping a
picture of your snapped deuce would be like emotion sensor
or so it's not going based on what we know
about your poop cycle, we think you'll poop at this time.
A camera in the toilet is hardly AI.
Speaker 9 (30:08):
I'm gonna have to read that. I'm fascinated.
Speaker 1 (30:11):
Camera in the toilet also an urban dictionary look up
in a movie Lindsay will put it on Church flash
is adult content instead of him lyrics Whoopsie Doozy Satan
just answering us anywhere. Be all the lookout, please pass
the pan ahead round. Boss laid off member of staff
because she came back from maternity to leave pregnant again.
What a bitch?
Speaker 9 (30:38):
Can you believe her?
Speaker 1 (30:40):
The nerd just had nine months off. She's doing it
on purpose. I need another nine months or people get pregnant.
That just happens. Yes, all these stories are on our
Facebook page, Facebook dot com slash bmms six nine.
Speaker 2 (30:56):
The Big Mad Morning Show returns next till this morning show.
Speaker 1 (31:06):
Good morning. It's The Big Mad Morning Show. Nine one
eight four six oh kmod. You can also text bmms
and then what you want to say to eight two
nine four five. We are giving away beer for freaking
a Friday. The way it works as you answer this text,
I'm sorry you answer this via text? What bad habit
are you not willing to break? What bad habit are
you not willing to break? Jackson is on the line,
Hey Jackson, how are you?
Speaker 12 (31:37):
I'm doing good?
Speaker 1 (31:38):
How are you good? Jackson? What bad habit are you
not willing to break? Uh?
Speaker 12 (31:43):
My bad habit I'm not really too concerned about it
is forgetting to put on deodorant.
Speaker 9 (31:48):
Okay, how old are you?
Speaker 12 (31:51):
Thirty two?
Speaker 1 (31:52):
Thirty two? If you don't mind me asking, how much
do you weigh? And how tall are you?
Speaker 12 (31:57):
About a buck sixty and I'm five foot nine.
Speaker 1 (32:00):
Okay, So not what I was thinking was, you know,
if you were some sort of job of the hut
scenario that you know you might earn something to cover
that up. But that doesn't sound like that. Have you
ever won worn deodorant? Or as you've gotten older, you
just don't care.
Speaker 12 (32:14):
As I've gotten older, I just don't care. Like if
my wife asked me to, I'll put on deodorant and
cologne to go out with her. But I drive a
trash truck during the day. Now there's there's ain't nobody
gonna smell me over my truck anyway.
Speaker 9 (32:26):
So no, that's fair.
Speaker 1 (32:28):
The stinch from under your arms hardly's going to rival
the stinch from the trash exactly.
Speaker 12 (32:35):
Yeah, I really don't see a point in taking the
extra I mean, I know it's supposed to be like
five seconds, but that's five seconds I could be doing
something else in the morning.
Speaker 1 (32:43):
Hey add that up all week, man, that's like twenty
five seconds. I don't wear deodorant. Very rarely do I
wear deodorant.
Speaker 12 (32:53):
I mean, I'm not trying to impress anybody. I got
the woman I want.
Speaker 4 (32:56):
I just don't.
Speaker 1 (32:57):
I don't feel like I stink. No, that's fair too. Yeah,
all right, man, Well here you go, stinky. Hang on,
gim peek. Tell them exactly what he's gonna get.
Speaker 13 (33:05):
Being stubborn and stinky just earned you a case of
kers like and free sandwich of your choice from Tapriantti's
back to you, Coln.
Speaker 1 (33:15):
Hang on the line, gip. He's got to get your
infocer and have a fantastic day. Do you do residential
or commercial trash?
Speaker 12 (33:21):
I do the rural route. I do residential out in
the country.
Speaker 9 (33:25):
Right on, man, all right, brother, have a good day.
Speaker 1 (33:26):
Hang on the line, thank you. All right, let's see
what Lindsay has for.
Speaker 8 (33:29):
Balls to the Wall sports.
Speaker 6 (33:42):
The World Series gets underway tonight with the Los Angeles
Dodgers taking on the New York Yankees. The Dodgers are
at their home ball party for the start of the
twenty twenty four Fall Classic. Los Angeles hosts the New
York Yankees tonight in Game one of the World Series
at Dodgers Stadium. Right hander Jack he is scheduled to
start opposite New York writing Jared Cole. The Dodgers are
looking to record their second championship title in the last
five years, after winning the World Series back in twenty twenty.
The Yankees are looking for their twenty eighth championship, last
winning back in two thousand and nine.
Speaker 1 (34:19):
The Yesterday, the manager for the Dodgers, said, there's not
that show. Yotani is not going to be pitching now.
He hasn't pitched since August of last year, where he
suffered an injury at surgery rehabbed his elbow, and that
even show. He said, I have no plans, no desire
to pitch in the postseason. You're telling me, Yeah, they
get put up against the wall and they need a guy.
You can't see him coming from the bullpen to right.
Come on, man, I ain't doing it, and I ain't
doing And the idea of seeing Shoeyotani throw to judge, yeah,
to historical goal players. Yeah. He don't duel into it.
He don't want to do.
Speaker 6 (35:04):
In the World Series.
Speaker 9 (35:05):
He probably just didn't have a wager on it.
Speaker 6 (35:08):
Matthew Stafford shine to help the Rams take down the
Vikings in an NFCEED show down on Thursday Night. Football.
Los Angeles beat Minnesota thirty to twenty in the primetime
matchup at SOFI Stadium. Stafford completed twenty five to thirty
four passes for two hundred and seventy nine yards, four
touchdowns and one interception in the team second straight victory.
Pooka Nakua had seven catches for one hundred and six yards,
while Cooper Cup tallied five receptions for fifty one yards
and a touchdown and then returns to the lineup. DeMarcus
Robinson had two receiving touchdowns and Kyron Williams had one
to go along with the ninety seven yards on the ground,
the Rams improved to three and four. Minnesota QB Sam
Darnold was eighteen of twenty five for two hundred and
forty yards and two touchdowns in the losing effort. Justin
Jefferson finished with eight catches for one hundred and fifteen
yards as the Vikings slipped to five and two.
Speaker 1 (35:58):
There was controversy in the end of the because about
a minute forty five left in the game, Darnold was
in his own end zone dropping back and he got
face masked and the refs were asked about it after
because they completely missed it. The refs were asked about
it afterwards. I just sent you the video. They said
they could not see. The referee who's responsible for the
quarterback in those situations, says he was obstructed. He could
not see, and then the other ref said he could
not see. You look at the video. You tell me
if the ref's got a clear line of side of
what's happening in that shot.
Speaker 9 (36:27):
To me, he's looking right at him.
Speaker 1 (36:29):
Absolutely wild story too, right, Yeah, And people are freaking
out because the Vikings had eighty percent of the money
out in the betting world on the Vikings to win,
and they didn't win the game. There were two of
seven and third down conversions penalties, felt like on every
third down they went for, Like, what's going on? This
team imploded. I did not watch last night and I
was like, you know, I see who it was, Rams Vikings.
Vikings got this one, sowed up. Yeah, I'm not even
gonna watch the game. And I get up this morning
just to see who won. And I was shocked. I'm like,
holy cow, all right, good for them. I was telling
my wife last night, I love football because of the
soap opera of it. Cooper Cup coming back. Is this
gonna be the thing that the Rams need to kind
of bounce back and have a respectable season, or will
the Vikings?
Speaker 9 (37:22):
Are they going to bounce back after their loss?
Speaker 1 (37:24):
Or we're gonna see some interpersonal problems like it's your fault, No,
it's your fault. Everything's all good when everybody's winning, but
when somebody loses, and we saw it last night with
Justin Jefferson. He did not handle the loss very well
and Sam Donald did He is going to resort to
being Sam Donald again, right Sam? Yeah?
Speaker 2 (37:41):
Speaker 1 (37:41):
And he wasn't. They had some messed up things, but
it was a very intern I love the soap opera
of it. Over it, mc mc sean McVay said. In
the postseason post game interview. He says, I love having
Cooper Cup back. Yeah you do, Yeah, exactly. And that's
your balls to the wall sports. I'm Lindsay on ninety
seventy five. Good Morning, It's the Big Mad Morning Show.
Nine one eight four six, oh kmod. You can also
text bmms and then what you want to say to
eight two nine four five, Good morning, Lindsay.
Speaker 6 (38:23):
Good morning Corbyn, kmo d in cors Light, present, Crimson
Cream and chill. You can win tickets to ou Versus,
Alabama on November twenty third, and a cooler full of
cores light and a lot more. All you got to
do to sign up to win is go to kmod
dot com.
Speaker 1 (38:40):
Good luck, Good morning, gimpee, Well, good morning Corbyn. The
Black Crows are bringing their Hot Penis Best Herds Tour
to the River Spirits on November seventh. If you want
to go for free, just hit up the website that
rocks kamodie dot com. All right, we're giving away beer
for freaking Friday. What bad habit are you not willing
to break?
Speaker 8 (39:00):
Speaker 1 (39:00):
A text answering that question, bmms and whatever that is
to eight two nine four five case Corse Light and
a free sandwich of your choice from Capriaties could be yours.
What bad habit are you not willing to break? Lindsey, hmm, you.
Speaker 6 (39:13):
Know I was thinking probably uh, vaping because I need
my nicotine fix. But I am willing to break that eventually,
just not right now. So I think my bad habit
that I'm not willing to break is cussing like a sailor.
I don't do it on the air, of course, but
in regular conversation I do. I do cuss like a sailor.
Can't help myself, and I will cuss in front of
my children, and sorry, not sorry, it's just who I am.
Speaker 1 (39:44):
Of the three of us, I think you swear the least.
Speaker 6 (39:47):
Not when I'm at home, like I'll even if I'm
in a mood. And if if I've told my children
something three times and they're still not doing it, I
will get your a's down here and clean up this
effing mess. Or do you know I'm yes, don't get
on my bad side.
Speaker 1 (40:07):
Okay, Yeah, you said some about vaping that you will
when it's the right time, all right, paraphrase there, But like,
what what does that look like to you?
Speaker 6 (40:16):
I feel like when I I feel like it'll it'll
come a day where you know what, I just I
don't need it. I can put it down and not
need it maybe when my stress levels aren't there, but
right now I feel like I still need to rely
on it.
Speaker 1 (40:31):
Let me know when you get to that place with
no stress, get there, all right? What bad habit are
you not willing to break? BMMS? And what that is
to eight two, nine, four, five case scores, light and
a free sandwich of your choice from Capriotti's gimb What
bad habit are you not willing to break?
Speaker 11 (40:47):
All right?
Speaker 1 (40:48):
Here we go somebody, that's somebody all of them now naps.
I love naps. I'm addicted to naps. I can nap anytime, anywhere,
any place, doesn't matter, all right, and usually crank one
off a nap every day, even on the weekends, even
on the weekends.
Speaker 6 (41:08):
Is that a bad habit?
Speaker 1 (41:09):
It could be, It could it could get and it
has gotten in the way of some things. You know,
I got stuff to do. Ah, do it later. I'm
gonna take a nap, you know, and eventually it gets done.
But it could have been done at this point in time.
So after that, I'm taking a nap. What a nap
shows a sign of maturity. You don't see a lot
of five year olds out there going, you know what.
I could go for a nap right now. Yeah, I mean,
I don't know if it's the best practice to go, Hey,
I'm mature because I take naps and then equate it
to what a five year old would do. But whatever,
And I think I'm with Lindsay on this the whole
part about a bad it's pretty subjective and based off
what we do and what time we get up.
Speaker 9 (41:51):
I don't know if it's a bad.
Speaker 6 (41:52):
Habit, right, it's healthy.
Speaker 1 (41:54):
You think so I do. Even on the weekends. You
think nappings healthy.
Speaker 6 (41:58):
Yeah. I think it's good for your brain. I think
it's good for your heart definitely, especially when you get
up early and if you go to bed late on
the weekends. I think a healthy nap, I think it's
good for you.
Speaker 1 (42:10):
Yeah, but if you stay awake. If I stayed awake
right during the day, even during the week or on
the weekends, I could accomplish so much more in my life.
But I don't. I take a couple hours to sleep, Yeah,
a couple hours, like your naps are a couple hours. Yeah,
that's not a nap. That's sleepy, right, it's only what two, three,
sometimes four hours? Has it? Ever? Maybe if you rephrase
it a little different, like, Hey, I'm gonna because I
decided to get up early and play video games, I
take naps. That's a bad habit. I'd like NAH to
break because you could you could play video games during
the day. Absolutely, those two hours more two hours, absolutely,
And I can come in here in the morning and
sound like I just rolled out of bed, and I
refuse to do that. That's why I get up and
play video games in the morning, so I'm wide awake.
You know. Coffee's good and all, but coffee don't do it.
It doesn't do it completely. So the video games get
my brain a pumping and get it to moving to
where I don't sound like because we've had people that
you know as well as I do. We've had people
in here before that roll straight out of bed. Oh yeah,
come in and you can hear it in their voice. Yeah,
And that drives me bananas. You know, we're here to
wake everybody else up, and I feel like if I
come in here sound like I just rolled out of bed,
that's one. It's not very professional. I don't think anyway,
you know, And it just it's it makes us sound
and look bad.
Speaker 9 (43:39):
Okay, I don't disagree with anything you're saying.
Speaker 1 (43:42):
If you need five hours, though, to get ready for
that moment, I don't disagree with what you're saying, But
five hours everybody's different. Sure, how many.
Speaker 6 (43:53):
Different games or how many games will you play in
the morning?
Speaker 1 (43:56):
Usually only one or two. Like usually I'll play like
a round a man and that takes about an hour,
you know, before I got to get ready, and it
gives me like thirty minutes. So then I'll switch over
to call the duty or something to burn the next
thirty minutes and then get in the shower and get
ready and your am and work. I feel like I
remember reading something about naps, and I'm not against naps
one way or another, but I feel like I've read
something about naps that they aren't beneficial. It doesn't take
away your sleep debt. It doesn't you don't get good
enough sleep to kind of do what the purpose of
sleeping right is for, which is to deal with your brain,
and that there's no you're not getting to that place
of ram that really is the beneficial part of sleeping
when you take a nap. Now, but if you're taking
two hours, that's not a nap, right, that's sleeping, that's
half sleeping. You're supposed to get like eight hours, right,
eight hours of I mean it's different for everybody, but
I think the average is eight yeah, yeah, yeah, So
I get it to just break it up, you know,
four hours in the overnights and four hours in the afternoon.
And yeah, yeah, again that's not good either.
Speaker 9 (44:56):
Yeah, probably because your cortisols.
Speaker 1 (44:58):
Anyway, I'm going to it. I last year's two years ago,
I really took a conscious effort to do get better
sleep because it's really hard doing the show to get
go to bed at a decent time. With two kids,
it's even more difficult because to make them go to
bed early in the summer is not really fair. And
so but since I've done that, getting eight hours of
sleep game changer in my life. Yeah, yeah, I don't
take nearly as many naps, actual naps, not not sleep sessions,
not sleep studies. But yeah, I could not get up
in the middle of then I'm all for like sounding good.
I get up at three, and I feel like that's
good enough for me. Also, you also do work in
the morning. You're not just sitting there sipping coffee and
watching the news or you know, you've got other stuff.
That's I'm working on the brain to work exactly. It's
causing your brain to actually function and move and work
and wake up essentially, is what I think it's doing. Yeah,
you know, as opposed to somebody that's there video gaming
sits there and you know, drinks their coffee and watches
I don't know cougar Town or what I mean. If
you watch Cougartown, that's the same thing as playing video games.
There is something happening to function your brain. Yeah, yeah,
different for everybody, right, But I don't know who these
people are that I've tried, like just wake up, take
fifteen minutes just drinking your coffee and staring into space
or whatever, and I'm like, I find myself checking the time, like, God,
it's only been one minute.
Speaker 9 (46:29):
Right, not to do yo? Uh, we want to know
what bad habit are?
Speaker 1 (46:35):
You not willing to break a case of cores light
in a free sandwich of your choice from capriotes. I
was really thinking about this since we talked about it yesterday,
and you both kind of fell into the trap that
I was falling into, and that is it's really hard
to identify your bad habit. Yeah, to have the self
awareness of what your bad habit is, right, because to
you it isn't bad, right. You think naturally a human being,
if they think something's bad, they will not do it.
For example, touch the hot stove. You're not going to
continue to do that because you don't think it's bad.
They even found people that are addicts. They don't think
what they're doing is bad. So it's really hard to
identify your bad habit. I even asked my wife, I'm like,
what's the bad habit you think I need to break?
And she's like, I'm like, settle down. The re education
will continue after you answer this question. But like, I know,
I have bad habits and I'm having a hard time
picking one. Like, for example, I leave my shoes in
the closet. I just leave them in there. We have
a walking closet. They just sit there on the floor.
I don't put them back on the rack. I don't
do it. I'm sure it's annoying. I don't care. It's
not important to me. I stack stuff up on my
dresser like it's pretty high. Yeah, And I know it
drives my wife crazy. I don't care. No one sees it.
I just see it. She doesn't even see it. So
I'm like, that's not a bad habit to me. And
the only one that I landed on by her guidance,
is that I keep receipts. That's not necessarily a bad thing.
I don't when something pays dividends. Right, It's not a
bad habit now, granted it happens once every seven hundred
and twenty days, but there have been times like I
wish we had that receipt and I go, I have
it right, right, I would think that your box collection.
I broke that habit. Yeah, right exactly. You know that's
the only other one that I can think of. I'm
all aware. I've got tons of bad habits. I smoke,
I drink, you know, I smoke weed. I got all
this stuff, you know, touch tunes. Yeah, yeah, exactly exactly.
That's what I'm saying, Like to have your to have
self awareness to go this is a bad habit means
you don't care, right, right, So that's why I like
swear and you're like, am right napping him? Right? Receipts, men,
they're not real bad habits. But I turnmind my my
wife when she complains about me not putting my stuff
away off my dresser or which she doesn't really or
receipts or even the boxes. Was it ain't cocaine, It's true,
could always be worse. Sounds like you're not practicing gratitude.
I'm not playing golf every Sunday.
Speaker 6 (49:20):
It's not a gambling addiction.
Speaker 1 (49:21):
Yeah, it's literally not a bad habit in my opinion.
And that's what's so hard about doing this. This exercise
is not an easy one, Like what bad habit are
you not willing to break? If I had to really
have some inner personal self reflection, I would say that
it would be not letting other drivers inability to comprehend
the road bother me.
Speaker 6 (49:48):
Right, that's your biggest pet peeve?
Speaker 1 (49:52):
Yeah? Yeah, I cannot be passive about it. And when
we were in New York, the most fascinating thing. Everybody's
like New York, they're so rude. They're so rude. It
was the most accommodating city I've ever been in, watching
people drive like people do. People cut each other off. Yeah,
it happens, but you know what happens. No one cares.
They understand it's part of driving. Yeah, it was really
fascinating to watch. So if I could have that attitude,
because I'm like, look, you're not directing me, you're not
a police officer.
Speaker 9 (50:21):
Move along, text, or I'll just sit there and steree you.
Speaker 1 (50:25):
Like you've you got an egg on your face, or
like I'm smelling a fart. Yeah, that is a hard
thing to decide. What is your bad habit? Everybody's got one, everybody, Yeah,
but you gotta rely on other people to really tell you,
like you have to have an x be like you
never did this. Yeah, okay, right? What bad habit are
you not willing to break? A case of cors light
in a free sandwich of your choice from Copriotes Kapriaties
is up for grabs, bmmss and whatever that is to
eight two nine four five. What bad habit are you
not willing to break? Bmmss in whatever that is? To
eight two nine four five. We come back. We're gonna
play a game and give away tickets to see Tesla.
Speaker 2 (51:04):
If you're listening to The Big Mad Morning Show, this
is Tulsa's Morning shown Kim.
Speaker 1 (51:10):
Moulton, Good morning, It's the Big Mad Morning Show. Nine
one eight four six, Oh kmod, We want to know
what bad habit are you not willing to break?
Speaker 9 (51:31):
Bmms and whatever that is? To eight two nine four five.
Speaker 1 (51:34):
We will be giving away beer and sandwich of your
choice from Capriotes coming up here to a minute, so
get your text to us. But right now it's time
to play a game, because tickets to Tesla are on
the line. Tesla will be playing the hard Rock on
November thirteenth. Hard Rock Casino Tulsa dot Com is where
you go. We're gonna play the Numbers game. Nine one
eight four six oh KMOD You call up beside? What
category numbers, percentages are averages? Lindsey will leave the room,
give you us five questions to ask you answer them
the best that you can. Lindsay will return get the
same five questions. Whoever's closer winning tickets to Tesla on
November thirteenth, nine eight four six oh kmo D nine
and eight four six oh K m o D. The
listeners have overwhelmingly beaten Lindsay on this, so you have
a pretty good chance of getting these Tesla tickets. Nine
one eight four six oh kmo D. Let's go over
the phones. Good morning, you're on the air. What is
your name, Daron? Aaron? How are you today?
Speaker 11 (52:28):
Good Aaron?
Speaker 9 (52:29):
What category do you want? Numbers? Percentages or averages?
Speaker 1 (52:33):
I'll do percentages, percentages. It is five questions from Gimpie.
Just do the best, can you ready, sir? Yes? Here
we go, all right, a Ron? What percentage of the
American population was killed during the Civil War? What percentage
of the American population was killed during the Civil War?
Five percent? All right, Aaron? What percentage of the ice
in Antarctica is made of penguin? P What percentage of
the ice in Antarctica is made of penguin? Pe? Uh?
And that's a lot of this, all right. What percentage
of the world's population lives above the equator? What percentage
of the world's population lives above the equator? Uh? Alrighty
the Aron. What percentage of the world's lakes are in Canada?
What percentage of the world's lakes are in Canada?
Speaker 11 (53:49):
Speaker 1 (53:54):
Let's alive. Percent last one here, boss, Libya is what
percent desert Libya is? What percent desert? Eighty eighty percent?
Have you ever been to Libya?
Speaker 6 (54:08):
Speaker 1 (54:09):
Speaker 9 (54:10):
No, Okay, you never know, man, you never know.
Speaker 1 (54:13):
Nowadays, Lindsay's coming back in, say five questions. Percentages is
the category? Are you ready, Lindsay, Yeah, lindseay. What percentage
of the American population was killed during the Civil War?
Speaker 6 (54:28):
Fourteen percent?
Speaker 1 (54:30):
Fourteen percent, she says, Lindsey. What percentage of the ice
and Antarctica is made of penguin? Pe penguin pe. Yes,
what percentage of the ice in Antarctica is made of
penguin pe?
Speaker 6 (54:45):
Fourteen percenteen percent?
Speaker 1 (54:49):
Again all right, Lendsay. What percentage of the world's population
lives above the equator? What percentage of the world's population
she lives above the equator? Are you doing math?
Speaker 6 (55:05):
No talking?
Speaker 9 (55:07):
So I'm trying to figure out what you're doing.
Speaker 6 (55:12):
I'll say sixty percent. Me another number, sixty one percent.
Speaker 1 (55:19):
One percent? All right, Lindsey. What percentage of the world's
lakes are in Canada? Nine percent, she says, al Lindsey,
last one here, Libya is what percent desert? Libya is
what percent desert?
Speaker 6 (55:42):
Seventy two percent?
Speaker 9 (55:43):
Alright, Then how do you think she did there?
Speaker 1 (55:45):
Speaker 11 (55:46):
Uh, I think I did better.
Speaker 1 (55:49):
Well, let's find out question one. Very competent, a wrong,
love it, Aaron. Let's see here what percentage of an
American population was killed during the Civil War? That's the
questionnaire said thirty five percent. Lindsay said four fourteen percent,
and the answer is two percent. Yeah, yeah, exactly, Aaron.
Lindsey got that right. She's up one to nothing. She
needs three total to block you from getting those tickets
to see Tesla at the hard Rock Hotel and Casino
on November thirteenth. Question two, which number two? What percentage
of the ice in Antarctica is made of penguin p
Aaron said ten percent, Lindsay said fourteen percent. Again the
answer is three percent. Yeah, how much Pedy think is
down there? Aaron got that one right. It's tied one
to one. Question three, best number three, what percentage of
the world's population lives above the equator? Well, Aaron set
sixty percent. Lindsey deliberated for a long time, said sixty percent,
and then Price is riding him with sixty one percent.
The answer is ninety percent, ninety percent. Lindsey got that
one right. She is up two to one. One more
and you ain't getting those tickets Aaron. Question four, best
number four, what percentage of the os Lakes are in Canada? Well,
Aaron said twenty five percent of them are. Lindsay said, up,
you're nine percent. The answer is sixty percent.
Speaker 9 (57:10):
Sixty percent. Aaron got that one right.
Speaker 1 (57:11):
It's tide comes down to the last question for tickets
to see Tesla November thirteenth at the hard Rock. The
question is Libya is what percent desert Aaron says it's
eighty percent desert. Lindsey says it's seventy two percent desert.
Libya is ninety percent desert. Aaron, congratulations, you're getting those
tickets to the hard Rock to see Tesla on November thirteenth, Dude,
hard Rock Casino Tulsa dot com. If anybody wants to
get their tickets, Aaron, I need you to hang on
the line so you can talk to gimpees and get
the hook up on those tickets and makes you have
a great weekend.
Speaker 12 (57:45):
Right sir, Yes, sir, thank you again.
Speaker 1 (57:47):
Awesome, good job, and we're giving away beer for freaking
a Friday. What bad habit? Are you not willing to break?
Case cors light and free sandwich off your choice from
Caprioties could be yours. Get that text to us bmms
and what that is to eight two nine four five
to give away some of that stuff when we come back.
Speaker 2 (58:02):
Tulsa's Morning Show is got a right back, A Big
Mad Morning Show Tulsa's Rock Station ninety seven.
Speaker 1 (58:20):
Good morning, It's the Big Mad Morning Show nine one
eight four six O kmo D. You can also text
bmms and then what you want to say to eight two,
nine four five. Let's go ahead and do some giveaways
here for a frigging Ay Friday, for good? What bad
habit are you not willing to break? For good? Brady
is on? Hey Brady, how are you good?
Speaker 11 (58:50):
How are you good?
Speaker 1 (58:51):
Friend? What bad habit are you not willing to break?
Speaker 11 (58:55):
Oh? I picked my nose and tibet from time to time.
I can't stand having like krusty boogers in my nose.
Speaker 1 (59:04):
Yeah, and you feel like there is no other option,
the other options.
Speaker 11 (59:10):
I just got to the point where I just don't
really care.
Speaker 1 (59:12):
Sure I get it. Just a quick question, what do
you do once you grab the booger?
Speaker 5 (59:20):
Speaker 11 (59:20):
Dude, I'm a flicker. I act like a cat with
a tape on his paws, you know what I'm saying.
Like she has off of me as fast as I can.
Speaker 1 (59:28):
And what about people in the splash zone?
Speaker 11 (59:33):
Oh, I ain't that much of an animal. I like
try to flick it away from people unless it's like
one of my buddies or something, and then you know
they're getting it.
Speaker 9 (59:43):
I gotta be honest.
Speaker 1 (59:44):
When you're trying to get something off of your hand,
you're flicking it off. The control is not really there.
Speaker 11 (59:51):
Oh, you're in like you got like a thirty degree range. Anyway,
in that little angle out there, you might get hit and.
Speaker 1 (59:59):
Has one forgotten in your hair because you're flicking it around.
Speaker 11 (01:00:03):
I was sitting in a tree stand the other day
and I tried to do it and it landed on
my nose. I yeah, that's kind of ironic.
Speaker 1 (01:00:11):
Yeah, And don't answer this for me just yet, Brady.
But I'm gonna ask Lindsay and Gimpy, and then I'll
ask you Lindsey, do you think he wipes his boogers
anywhere in his car? Yes, Gimpy, like the car itself,
because that's kind of a trick question. Not a trick
question in the car, in the car, light, on the
seat or something in her head? Yeah, right, right right, No,
I think he rubs it on his jeans. Okay, I'm
going with yes, he wipes it somewhere in the car,
like on the carpet or the top of the part.
All right, give us the answer there, Brady, Where do
you wipe your boggers in the car? I hate this
so we'll never know. We'll never know. Our phone on.
Speaker 11 (01:00:55):
Your shoe, bottom of the shoe.
Speaker 1 (01:00:57):
That's a good spot for No, it's not. Why not
because now whatever germs are on the bottom of your
shoe are now on your finger.
Speaker 11 (01:01:09):
You're not a double dipper animal.
Speaker 1 (01:01:11):
Yeah, settle down there, Brady. I'm sure you're a real
hand sandy type guy. Your fingers for different ones in
different angles, so I mean you use the same finger over.
Speaker 3 (01:01:21):
Speaker 11 (01:01:22):
Hey, hey, I'm sorry, bro, I'm sorry, I thought about it.
Speaker 1 (01:01:29):
I'm not a savage, all right. If you go ahead
and tell him exactly what he's getting.
Speaker 13 (01:01:34):
No matter how much you beg him, Corbyn will never
stop having to be right even when he's wrong. Have
a caskers light and a free sandwich of your liking
from Caprianti's man to you guys, hang on.
Speaker 1 (01:01:48):
The line there, booger and uh, we're gonna hook you up.
Don't go anywhere, okay, buddy, all right, love you man.
Speaker 9 (01:01:54):
Let's see what Gimpi has in his.
Speaker 1 (01:01:56):
Four by four boogers Well, corvin as says here. UK
Chancellor says no to slave trade or reparations. Chancellor or
Rachel Reeves made the comments yesterday after the BBC said
that the heads of government across the British Commonwealth were
preparing to have a meaningful conversation about reparations. Reeves said,
We're not going to be paying out the reparations that
some countries are speaking about. She added, I understand why
they make those demands. That's not something this government is doing.
Nebraska woman also suing McDonald's after E coli outbreak. McDonald's
is being hit with another lawsuit after an ek outbreak
was linked to their quarter pounder burghers. Clarissa Debach of
Nebraska says that she fell out with intense abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
cha cha cha, and nausea after consuming McDonald's five days earlier,
conversation for lost wages, medical bills, and physical and emotional suffering.
A Colorado man also filed a similar lawsuit after contracting
E coli from a quarter pounder. The outbreak killed one
person and sickened at least forty nine others across ten states.
They're gonna deter you from eating a uh No, not me,
because I don't eat McDonald's really anyway. Now. When we
left the corn concert Wednesday, my girlfriend stopped. She's like,
I gotta have a big mac. And I was like, okay,
we'll stop and get your big mac. I'm gonna go
home with I already eat, right, But it was like
I saw her pull another drive through and I kept
on going and I was like, oh, yeah, crap. Oh
they're going through some stuff right now. I hope you
come out all right. So it again, it wouldn't have
turred me any because I don't eat. It doesn't alter
me at all.
Speaker 6 (01:03:54):
Lindsay, uh no, but I'm with Gimbia. Really I haven't.
I can't even think of the last time I had
anything from there.
Speaker 1 (01:04:02):
Yeah. Well, I mean we only know because they told us.
So there are other places. A lot of places are
pulling onions because they say it's an onion issue. Yeah, yeah,
that's we'll here, so okay. Ozimpic could lower Alzheimer's risk
among those with type two diabetes. That's according to a
new study using data from the CDC. Researchers at Case
Western Reserve University School of Medicine studied three years worth
of records of almost million a million type two diabetics.
It found that those prescribed seemaglue tide, the main ingredient
in ozempic, had a forty percent to seventy percent reduced
risk of developing Alzheimer's compared to those who took other
types of diabetes medications, and then lastly here Broken Aerow
Public Schools proposes middle school boundary changes at their October
Board of Education meeting. At the October fourteenth meeting, proposed
boundary changes were presented as a part of an ongoing
middle school redistricting efforts to ensure balanced enrollment, keep class small,
keeping small class sizes, and prepare for the opening of
the Sequoia eighth Grade Academy. The main redistricting goal is
to balance student populations across Broken Airs Middle School and
keep classes class sizes small. As an estimated one hundred
and ninety five students and seven hundred and eighty two
households are expected to be affected by these changes. If approved,
no student transfers or grandfathering into previous schools will be
allowed to support the balanced enrollments. The final approval of
the boundary change is expected at the November length Board
of Education meeting.
Speaker 6 (01:05:54):
Though the Vikings did poorly last night, the Minnesota Timberwolves
picked up their first of this season with a thrilling
one seventeen to one fifteen win over the Sacramento Kings
at Golden One Center, Anthony Edwards knocked down a pair
of free throws with two seconds left in regulation before
Keegan Murray missed a game winning three at the buzzer.
Julius Randall port in thirty three points in the victory,
while Edwards chipped in with thirty two. The Timberwolves are
one in one. Damar DeRozan scored twenty six points in
the losing effort, while Domantus Sabonis finished with twenty four.
The Kings are zero to one. Bronco's wide receiver Josh
Reynolds is recovering from a shooting last week in Denver.
The twenty nine year old wide out was one of
two men injured in a shooting early last Friday and
received treatment for minor injuries. Reynolds was shot in the
left arm and in the back of his head. Team
sources confirmed that he was treated and released from the
hospital hours after the shooting. Reynolds is currently on injured
reserve due to a finger injury, but has been present
for t TE activities. This week. Denver police announced that
two men have been arrested in connection to the shooting.
The Cleveland Browns host the Baltimore Ravens Sunday in a
battle of AFC North foes. The Ravens lead the division
with five and two record and have won five straight games.
Running Back Derrick Henry is on his way to his
second two thousand yard season of his career. He has
eight hundred and seventy three yards and eight touchdowns through
seven games. Three time Pro Bowler Lamar Jackson is tied
for second in the NFL with fifteen touchdown passes. He
also has four hundred and fifty five yards rushing and
two touchdowns. The Browns are last in the division with
a one and six record. Cleveland is starting Jamis Winston
at quarterback this week, following the season ending achilles injury
starter Deshaun Watson suffered last week. Winston has appeared in
five games this season, completing fifty percent of his passes
for eight three yards and a touchdown. The Browns are
also switching up who's calling plays for the offense this week.
Offensive coordinator Ken Dorsey will play calls or will call
plays instead of head coach Kevin Stefanski, and an exciting
quarterback matchup could go down when the Commanders host the
Bears on Sunday. If Washington QB Jaden Daniels can go
following his rib injury last week. The QB matchup will
be a battle between the first two picks in the
twenty twenty four draft. Yeah Chicago QB and DC native
Caleb Williams was drafted first overall while Daniels was drafted second.
Both players look to be what their teams hoped for.
So far. Daniels is leading the NFL in completion percentage
while throwing four four hundred and ten yards, six touchdowns
and just two interceptions. He also has four rushing touchdowns.
Williams has tossed for three hundred and seventeen yards, nine
touchdowns and five interceptions. Both players have their teams in
good spots. The Commanders are five and two while the
Bears are fourign two. Daniels did not practice Thursday, but
ESPN reports that the team will try to have him
at practice today, and a former Clippers strength and conditioning
coach is suing the team and President of basketball Operations,
Lawrence Frank over wrongful termination. Randy Shelton is alleging that
he was wrongfully terminated in part for raising concerns about
the way the team has managed Kawie Leonard's health and injuries.
The Clippers have issued a statement denying the allegations. Shelton
is seeking significant but unspecified damages at trial. And that
is your Balls to the Wall Sports. I'm Lindsay on
ninety seven to five KMO.
Speaker 9 (01:10:08):
Good morning, It's the Big Man Morning Show.
Speaker 1 (01:10:10):
Nine one, eight four six oh kmode can also text
BMMS and then what you want to say to eight
two nine four five, Good morning, Lindsay.
Speaker 6 (01:10:18):
Good morning Corbyn. Our friends at Miller Light want to
send you to Arlington to see the Dallas Cowboys play
listen before nine during your next Balls to the Wall
Sports for your Dallas Cowboys update, and I'll tell you
how to get those tickets.
Speaker 9 (01:10:31):
Good morning, Gimpy, Well, good morning Corbin.
Speaker 1 (01:10:34):
If you want one thousand dollars, you just heard a
special word, a very special word. I couldn't tell you
what that word is right now because I wasn't paying attention.
But you pay attention thirteen times throughout the day and
it could score you one thousand dollars cash as we
rock the bank, Little Taser Time Trivia. The way this
works is you have to answer three questions written by
somebody outside of the room, and if you get one wrong,
you get shocked. Brady put these together with us for us,
and we have no idea what they are, and uh,
we draw names out to see who goes. I went
last last week, So I drew the first name, and
I drew myself a slimmer. How about that? So there's that.
Take you and Lindsay's got the questions. She's going to
open the envelope and I'm strapping on. Let me give
you the shocker. Yeah, this on. And the way this
works is they're not hard questions, but yeah, I feel that,
but they could be challenging questions based on where you
are in your headspace at the time.
Speaker 6 (01:11:44):
All right, you ready?
Speaker 1 (01:11:45):
Speaker 6 (01:11:46):
Question number one? What is the world's largest retailer?
Speaker 9 (01:11:52):
The world's largest retailer.
Speaker 1 (01:11:56):
It's a fun question. It's definitely no longer bed bathroom beyond.
Speaker 6 (01:12:02):
They are still online.
Speaker 1 (01:12:05):
I am gonna go it's either going to be Walmart
or it's going to be Amazon. And uh, read the
question for me again.
Speaker 6 (01:12:15):
Please, what is the world's largest retailer?
Speaker 9 (01:12:18):
Yeah, I'm going with Amazon.
Speaker 1 (01:12:20):
They are worldwide and though I don't think they have
Walmarts and other parts of the world yet. I think
there may be some in the UK. Okay, but I
think that might be it. But there's Amazon everywhere. I
think that's a good No. I don't know if you
yeah those Amazon in other countries? Yeah, do they have Amazon?
And you goda? Yeah, no, because I've heard Yeah, I'm
going with Amazon Amazon.
Speaker 6 (01:12:46):
Final answer, what is the world's largest retailer? You say Amazon?
Correct answer? Walmart?
Speaker 1 (01:12:58):
What what? Maybe he's Maybe it's because Amazon is online
retailer and Walmart is actually brick and mortar, right, But
I don't know. I'm with you though. It says worlds right,
but I don't think. I don't think retailer is defined
as brick and mortar, right, is something that somebody else
selling something? I think? I mean they that online retailers,
and then you have terrestrial retailers, and I don't think no,
I think there's a retail that's not what it said.
It said retailer. Kay, Okay, I mean you're right. I
wonder what they sell in Walmart Japan. Yeah, I don't
think they have Walmart Japan. I'm about to do some research.
That's interesting. That was a very interesting question, and I
went with Amazon. Because I watch a home Hunter House
Hunners International and it shows them like moving to Thailand
or something like it was Amazon stuff, but it takes
a few days.
Speaker 9 (01:14:00):
Get it in two days, and you're like, okay.
Speaker 6 (01:14:02):
All right, question number two? Right? Okay? Even when I
googled what is the World's question retailer and came up
question number two? What was Hillary Clinton's profession before entering politics?
Speaker 1 (01:14:19):
Speaker 9 (01:14:22):
He gets a restaurant own her. All right again?
Speaker 1 (01:14:25):
Speaker 6 (01:14:26):
What was Hillary Clinton's profession before entering politics?
Speaker 1 (01:14:34):
I feel like she's a lawyer. I feel like she's
in law, like she's a lawyer. Ah, I'm okay not
knowing this. This feels really niche down. He was some
hard ones this week. I ain't hating that. It feels
like it was in the law off field. I feel
like laws are background. I I'm digging in my brain
real quick to try and see if I'm seen her
being like well I did that, or if I remember
how it said how they met?
Speaker 9 (01:15:13):
I think lawyer. I'm going lawyer. Final answer?
Speaker 6 (01:15:16):
All right, what was Hillary Clinton's profession before entering politics?
You say lawyer? The correct answer ils a lawyer.
Speaker 1 (01:15:27):
Oh look at that. Good just saved by the Clinton
this time. If I'm not here tomorrow, you know why?
Speaker 6 (01:15:36):
Well, question number three, how long does it take for
the moon to rotate around the Earth?
Speaker 1 (01:15:50):
How long does it take for the moon to rotate
around the Earth? See, this could be a trick question,
right you looking at me for answer. I'll finally look
at the doorknob. My deep sigh, which is what I
was doing. Everybody gets turned Hey wait a minute or not? Yeah?
This the quick answer would be twenty four hours. Though
that isn't I don't believe that that is accurate because
the Sun doesn't revolve around us. We revolve around the
Sun and then the Moon. I feel like it's the
rotation of the Earth. It's not where the moon moves. Okay,
I don't feel like the moon moves. I feel like
the moon stays in one spot and we rotate. It's
our rotation, which is different, Like the Sun doesn't move.
We rotate around the Sun, and then we rotate on
an axis. I don't know if the moon can't. I'm
not clear on the moon also roteating because there's a
dark side of the moon. But that has to do
with the Sun. The way we go around the Sun.
This is a fun.
Speaker 9 (01:17:11):
Question now, because it's you got to dig into some layers.
Speaker 1 (01:17:15):
I think out of all of us, you're probably the
most nerd when it comes to space style.
Speaker 9 (01:17:20):
That's fair, that's fair. How glad are you right now?
Speaker 1 (01:17:23):
You didn't give this? Lindsay, okay, so let's see the moon.
How long does it take for the moon.
Speaker 6 (01:17:33):
To rotate around the Earth?
Speaker 9 (01:17:36):
Rotate around the Earth?
Speaker 1 (01:17:40):
I am I'm gonna say this is the number that
just popped in my mind. I have no rhyme or
reason to it. I'm going to say thirteen hours. Thirteen
hours really wrong? Based on her answer, yeah, final answer.
Speaker 6 (01:18:00):
How long does it take for the moon to rotate
around the Earth? You say thirteen hours, and the correct
answer is one month.
Speaker 1 (01:18:10):
One month, thirty days if you think about that, because
the moon cycles full moon, half moon, quarter moon, it
takes thirty days for it to go. Don't educate me,
just push the button.
Speaker 6 (01:18:22):
Did you know it? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (01:18:24):
Yeah, it was either it was I was kind of
on with him, like twenty four hours. No, it's not.
I knew it wasn't twenty right, is it twelve hours?
Speaker 4 (01:18:31):
Speaker 1 (01:18:32):
Because like you were saying, the Earth is spinning, right,
and then the moon kind of goes. We go around
the Sun and the Earth spinds at the same time,
and that's where that twelve hours right comes in where
we have daylight. On the other side of the planet
has night time. But you got to think of moon
cycles where it's the whole full moon, half moon, quarter moon. Yeah,
blah blah blah. So that Yeah, that takes thirty days
for that to happen. I thought I thought about that.
I thought that's where the sun was in correlation to
a rotation. Uh, smart ass is going I mean, GIMPI
is going next, here's exactly what's happening. Here's go that way. Yeah,
make it easier. Uh and uh yeah you probably need
that part. I mean I don't need it. Meet it
by two out of three. Not my best performance, but
uh it felt a little more bitey this time than
it normally. Always gonna give it a full charge, overnight charge.
It always has more to it. We're doing Taser time trivia.
Three questions written by somebody outside the room. You got
to get them right to avoid getting shocked. Can be
as all strapped on and here we go with question one,
how do you write fourteen using Roman numerals? How do
you write fourteen using Roman numerals? Here you go, sir,
thank you very much. I'm pretty sure I got this correct,
but I want a visual experience for myself. So fourteen
using Roman numerals, X is ten and then I would
be one, and then V is five. When you have
the im V next to each other, that's what makes
the four right. So you put your ten in front
of the I in the V. So I gonna say
XIV XIV. Final answer, how do you write fourteen US
in Roman numerals? You said XIV with a thorough explanation,
and the correct answer is XIV. Job question two. Russia
is the largest country in the world in terms of area.
What country second largest country? In Okay, Russia is the
largest country in the world in terms of area. What
country is second? Okay? Country? See, Now that's the tricky
think country not continent, all right, because Russia is not
a continent. Europe would be a continent, but there's a
lot of countries that are in Europe. Okay, Asia is
a continent, but there's also several countries in Asia that
make that continent. So with that being said, I am
going to have to go out on a limb and
I'm probably gonna be wrong. This is just an educated guess.
I'm gonna say China. Final answer, Russia is the largest
country in the world in terms of area. What country
a second? You said China? The correct answer is Canada? No? Shoot, wow, okay?
And really is fighting hard today?
Speaker 9 (01:21:36):
Why I started sweating on the first chuck?
Speaker 1 (01:21:41):
Okay? I didn't even think about Canada, because you know,
nobody really does. Nobody does. I look at Canada like
in US, like we split North America right right in
half capoon, right, so I look the same size though
exactly right in the United States of America half of
the continent, Canada the other half. I really didn't think
that it would be more larger than than Russia. Yeah,
I guess I learned something. Okay. Final question. You've gone
one for one. Will you get this one right and
just get shocked once? Or will you match me and
go two for three? Question three? Root sixty six began
and ended in what two states? Route sixty six began
and ended in what two states? Runs right through town?
Sure does? Sure does?
Speaker 9 (01:22:30):
And I blew whale.
Speaker 1 (01:22:32):
Yeah. When I went to the Grand Canyon, I took
Root sixty six to get out there. Now here's the thing.
I didn't start in Illinois where it starts, and I
didn't end in California when it ends. I just went
from Oklahoma to Arizona. So your answers and you didn't
even go on Root sixty six. He went on a
modified Root sixty six. I took for the through Oklahoma
all the way down to Texas. I took the old route. Yeah,
small towns and stop absolute leone. I loved it, and
my ex that went with me hated it. Sure you
wanted to be on the road, let's go, and I'm
gonna stop and go. Man, this is this is beautiful.
So just to clarify, read the question again. Route sixty
six began and ended in what two states? I wanted
to make sure you said states and not cities. I
want to say Illinois and California. Final answer. Route sixty
six began and ended in what two states? You said
Illinois and California. The correct answer is Illinois and Hippie Nation.
You got that, which is also known as right Illinois
in California. We got to take a break.
Speaker 9 (01:23:42):
We come back. It to be Lindsay's turn. What bad
habit are you?
Speaker 1 (01:23:45):
Not willing to break BMMS and what that is to
eight two nine four five. Case course light and a
free sandwich of your choice from Capriotes is up for grab.
Speaker 9 (01:23:52):
We'll do that all when we come back. Tilsa's Morning
Show continues.
Speaker 2 (01:23:57):
Next Jack the Big Bad Morning Show on Telfish Rock
Stasia ninety seven five kmo D.
Speaker 1 (01:24:22):
Good morning, It's the Big Mad Morning Show. Nine one
eight four six Oh k m O D. You can
also text BMMS and then what you want to say
to eight two nine four five. We're giving away beer
frigging a Friday. What bad habit are you not willing
to break? A case of COR's Light and a free
sandwich of your choice from Capriotes could be yours. Answer
this question, what bad habit are you not willing to break? BMMS?
Whatever that is? To eight two nine four five. We'll
give away the beer and sandwich coming up here in
a bit. But we're in the third phase of Taser
Time Trivia three questions they're gonna be asked. You got
to get them right to avoid getting shocked. It's now
Lindsay's turn. Are you ready?
Speaker 6 (01:24:58):
I am?
Speaker 9 (01:24:59):
Question one to.
Speaker 1 (01:25:00):
Do me a favor real quick and close your computer?
All right? Are you ready? Now? Are good?
Speaker 14 (01:25:06):
Speaker 1 (01:25:07):
All right, Lindsey, what color is the letter E in
the Google logo? Oh? What letter? What color is the
letter E in the Google logo?
Speaker 6 (01:25:17):
Good question?
Speaker 1 (01:25:18):
That's why I want to make sure your computer was
shut just in.
Speaker 9 (01:25:21):
Case Brady bringing the heat.
Speaker 1 (01:25:24):
Huh Right, at least they're not word problems, so we
wouldn't go right. So, Lendsy, what color is the letter
E in the Google logo?
Speaker 6 (01:25:38):
This is a total guess. I see it every day.
I just hmm. I want to say that the o's
are yellow. I think that e it is asking for
the e? Right?
Speaker 1 (01:25:54):
What color is the letter E in the Google logo?
Speaker 6 (01:25:57):
I'm gonna say red? Finally answer all.
Speaker 1 (01:26:01):
Right, what color is the letter E in the Google logo?
Lindsay says read. The answer is read.
Speaker 9 (01:26:07):
Yeah, that's a good answer.
Speaker 6 (01:26:09):
Thanks. That was a total guess, but stands out.
Speaker 9 (01:26:14):
You'll look harder next time, though.
Speaker 1 (01:26:16):
Good job. Question two, Hi, Lendsay. Question number two? What
do you call a castrated bowl? Dealers? Right, you are
the only one that's kind of that's castraighted. It's castraighted
around here. Yeah, yeah, Lindsay's castraighted, just in a different way. True, Dad,
you can't have kids either, free dad. Oh my god,
it's all up to me to reprocreate. Oh God help us.
I've been trying to get you castraight for a while,
which sounds weird as I say it. It does doesn't,
and it's something I'm heavily thinking about. We got two
weeks coming up at the end of the year, and
I think that's what I'm going to You can be
back in a weekend, do it on a Friday, and
I know, I know it's not that bad, it's not
gonna take that long, but you know, it's just when
I have the most time, you know, off. You could
do it on a Monday and be back. You could
handle it. I've seen you handle discomfort, right, So lindsay,
what do you call a castrated bull?
Speaker 6 (01:27:07):
My first thought was neutered, but I don't think.
Speaker 1 (01:27:17):
What do you call it anymore?
Speaker 6 (01:27:24):
Retired? Maybe? Yeah?
Speaker 9 (01:27:31):
I mean, I'm.
Speaker 1 (01:27:34):
Right, exactly right, the same team.
Speaker 6 (01:27:38):
I'm sure I've heard it many times, like, oh, he's
you know done?
Speaker 1 (01:27:46):
You can't, So, lindsay, what do you call a castrated bull?
Speaker 6 (01:27:50):
I think I'm just gonna have to go with neutered
and man, yeah, there's a different term for it, but
I just it's not coming to me.
Speaker 1 (01:28:03):
So what do you call a castrated bull?
Speaker 6 (01:28:06):
Speaker 1 (01:28:06):
Finally answer, Okay, what do you call a castrated bull?
You say neutered? The answer is an ox. Oh an,
I was gonna say marrid, but that obviously is not
correct either. That's horses. Yeah, yeah, I think mayors are
female horses. Anyway, you know what it is neutered is doug.
Speaker 6 (01:28:30):
But is there another term that I'm that they might
use in like bull riding or something that an ox?
Speaker 1 (01:28:35):
Yeah? Hold on, let me tell you about it, as
I've never done that, no knowledge of that industry at
all other.
Speaker 9 (01:28:41):
Than what the dudes come in.
Speaker 1 (01:28:43):
Yeah, rad bulls, it's good. I've been doing it all
my life. Twenty four broken bones. I don't care. Rich
as hell those guys are, though, man, and they deserve it.
Speaker 9 (01:28:54):
They deserve No, they are a different breed for sure.
Speaker 1 (01:28:57):
Sure, all right, lindsay, last question?
Speaker 6 (01:29:00):
Are you ready?
Speaker 1 (01:29:01):
What director was Madonna married to from two thousand to
two thousand and eight? What director was married to Madonna
from two thousand to two thousand and eight. I'm gonna help.
It's not right.
Speaker 6 (01:29:13):
I can see him blonde hair. I didn't think he
was attractive. Still done? I think, Uh, Guy Ritchie, Guy
rich Uh.
Speaker 1 (01:29:24):
What director was married to Madonna from two thousand to
two thousand and eight?
Speaker 6 (01:29:28):
I think it's Guy Ritchie.
Speaker 1 (01:29:29):
Finally answer what director was married to Madonna from two
thousand and two thousand and eight? You say, Guy Ritchie?
The actual answers Guy Richie. Yeah, I was thinking because
I didn't hear the dates the first time. You thought
you asked it because Sean Penn is a director, but
the time didn't match up.
Speaker 6 (01:29:49):
Were they actually married or did today?
Speaker 1 (01:29:51):
Okay, yeah, that's a good question. Yeah, no to speed
on my Sean Pitt and Madonna trivia nor am I? Yeah,
one excellent job by both of you. Do you want
to win beer and a free sandwich? What bad habit
are you not willing to break? A case of course
light and a free sandwich of your choice from Capriotes,
BMMS and whatever that is to eight two nine four
five When we come back, we're going to give beer
and sandwich away. We just want to know what bad
habit are you not willing to break? BMMS and what
that is to eight two nine four five four.
Speaker 2 (01:30:22):
Of A Big Mad Morning Show is.
Speaker 1 (01:30:24):
Next ninety seventy five KMOD, Good morning, It's the Big
Mad Morning Show. Nine one eight four six Oh kmod
can also text BMMS and then what you want to
say to eight two nine four five On Fridays we
give away beer freakin a Friday bur good. We want
to know what bad habit are you not willing to break? BMMS?
And what that is to eight two nine four five
Quita Qita is on Hi Keita? How are you pretty good? Quito?
What bad habit are you not willing to break?
Speaker 14 (01:31:11):
Not making plans?
Speaker 1 (01:31:14):
You you don't make plans and you don't want to
break that habit?
Speaker 4 (01:31:19):
Yeah, well there's a story behind that, okay, okay, Well,
because every time I actually do make plans or there's plans,
you know, somebody makes plans always.
Speaker 14 (01:31:30):
At the last second, either you know, someone has to
cancel or we just end up can't be able to
go for some odd reasons. So I don't make plans.
I just like doing the whole like, oh, spread the moment, Hey,
let's go here for today. But when I actually do,
and there's times that I have, you know, I make plans,
and I'm.
Speaker 12 (01:31:50):
Just like, okay with it.
Speaker 14 (01:31:51):
I tell us I you know, I do reminders like, hey,
we have a concert this day. Oh, it's getting closer
and closer. And then by the time that day it's
just like, what didn't you tell them I have? I've
been saying it all this time.
Speaker 1 (01:32:04):
Speaker 14 (01:32:05):
Sean's like, you know what I don't. Well, I was like,
I'm done making plans, which is it's whenever.
Speaker 1 (01:32:10):
Right you you don't handle disappointment very well. No, right,
So what's the plans this weekend?
Speaker 14 (01:32:19):
H nothing at the moment?
Speaker 9 (01:32:25):
What are you having for dinner tonight?
Speaker 14 (01:32:28):
That I actually did the plan? It was actually going
to be homemade pizza.
Speaker 1 (01:32:32):
Okay, all right, give me go ahead and tell her
exactly what she's going to get. If you think for
a second.
Speaker 13 (01:32:39):
That I'm going to give up any of my bad habits,
you are sadly mistaken.
Speaker 1 (01:32:44):
I'm perfectly fine being a degenerate.
Speaker 13 (01:32:46):
Here's the case, girls, light and a free sandwich from
Caprioti's Man to you, Calder any one found little question
for you is saying you're not going to have a plan,
actually a plan.
Speaker 14 (01:33:00):
Think of it that way. Yeah, I guess so.
Speaker 9 (01:33:02):
You're no plan is the plan?
Speaker 14 (01:33:05):
Speaker 1 (01:33:06):
Right yeah? Hang on the line, all right, so Gimpee
can get you in. We'll have a great no planned weekend.
You all right, girl, hang on the line. We have
our NFL predictions. We need to do as right now.
Lindsay is fourteen and seven, Gimpi is fourteen and seven,
and I am thirteen and eight. And everybody's playing this
weekend and the Chiefs are the first game. I believe
that this weekend, and it's a Chief's Raiders. Chiefs are
a nine and a half point favorite that is actually
down from ten point favorites. Say what that means to you?
Whatever that means to you. It is in Vegas, it
is where we won the Super Bowl. And they're saying
that the uh, the trade is gonna take effect immediately,
like he's going to play this weekend. So we'll see
if that plays out. The Raiders have a ton of
injury problems and chemistry problems. Max Crosby hasn't played the
last two practice, the last two days, So, uh, what
do you think, Lindsay, Chiefs and Raiders? Chiefs easy, Gimpieiders, No, No, No,
that's a stupid ass plan, right, it's the Raiders against
a yet undefeated team. Yeah. The only thing I will say,
any team, as we saw last night, can be any
team on any given day.
Speaker 9 (01:34:26):
Absolutely so. And this isn't a normal game.
Speaker 1 (01:34:29):
It's a big rivalry, interdivision game, like it's a big deal.
I understand that completely. I'm still going for the Chiefs
because I don't think the Raiders can pull it out.
And the Raiders go to the super Bowl twice every
year because this is their game. They're like, we gotta
win this game. I'm not joke Raiders fan. This is
their game. They have their own super Bowl, they take
their own little head.
Speaker 9 (01:34:50):
This is the one they feel like they've got to win.
Speaker 1 (01:34:53):
I am going with the Chiefs because last time I
went with the Raiders and I lost. So I'm sticking
with the Chiefs on that one. Yeah, there is no
way in hell I would take the Raiders. If the
role was reversed, I would be picking the Chiefs.
Speaker 6 (01:35:04):
What if Patrick Mahomes was out.
Speaker 1 (01:35:06):
I'm just picking the Chiefs, right, even the backups better. Yeah,
it's not that I can't pick the Raiders, right, I'm
a Chiefs fan. It's the rivalry. You don't understand. Like,
I can't moving on Bears at Commanders. Bears are three
point favorites in this game right now. It's unclear if
Jadan Daniels is playing.
Speaker 6 (01:35:28):
Yeah, I don't know. This is tough because it is
first and second pick, but I think he kind of
will play Daniels and that's gonna be a tough one.
But I'm gonna stay loyal and say, Chicago.
Speaker 9 (01:35:44):
Gim pie.
Speaker 1 (01:35:45):
I'm gonna go with the Commanders on this one. I
just I feel like, oh, yeah, it's the Bears. Yeah,
it hinges on Jaden Daniels playing. That is literally it. Yeah,
Bears are four and two, Commanders are five and two,
but like you just said, last night's game shows that
anybody can beat anyone. However, Bears are on an uptick,
Commanders are Mariota had a great game as the backup. Yeah,
I'm picking the Commanders on this one. If that same
chemistry exists. Yeah, if that same chemistry exists, I'm gonna
I think they.
Speaker 9 (01:36:34):
Can beat the Bear.
Speaker 1 (01:36:37):
If it's Jane Daniels, there's no ifsands or butts, So
Lindsey's taking the Bears can be's taking Commanders red Skins. Yeah,
last one forty nine Ers and Cowboys forty nine ers
or four and a half point favorites Cowboys Mika Parson.
Speaker 9 (01:36:55):
Still it's unclear if he's playing.
Speaker 1 (01:36:57):
The kicker is on Drury duty, and forty nine ers
are dealing with their own thing. Samuel is expected to
be back, so we'll just have to see how that
plays out. Four and a half point favorites in Jerry world,
what do you think, lindsay.
Speaker 6 (01:37:10):
I'm going with the forty nine ers, Gimbi.
Speaker 1 (01:37:14):
Yeah, it's a It's a home game for the Niners,
all right, and this is a very tough one because one,
you know, the Dallas is the Dallas. The Cowboys have
been ran over, seems like. But they're three and three.
We're three and four. We have been playing like hot garbage,
the hottest of hot garbage. Deebo is supposed to be back. Kittle.
I think he did limited practice this week, so I
think he's expected to come back. But regardless, I'm never
gonna go for Dallas f those guys, forty nine ers
all day.
Speaker 9 (01:37:49):
Speaker 1 (01:37:50):
I saw a report came out this week something I
was unaware of. It's something the Cowboys do that the
only team in the NFL that does this, and they
allow tours at their facility now tour many stadiums, but
this is a daily tours of the facility. And players
have been complaining that they'll be working out or doing whatever,
and like fans will be, you know, on the other
side of the glass, like knocking on, like hey, trying
to get players attentions and distraction. And Jerry Jones was
asked about and he's like, we'll never get away from that.
They'll just need to accept it. And because well, to
be fair, you didn't have to say circus. It's that
way every team, right, but to do it every day
usually it's just on Sunday, right, but to do it
every day, that means it's never about the team. It's
about the logo, the brand, the brand. And with that
being said, and that kind of animosity, and there's a
lot of turmoil. I don't I feel crazy saying this
as we're still in October, but I think Cowboys season's over.
You think so. I think it's over, and I think
the forty nine ers are still trying to prove something.
Not that the Cowboys aren't not that those guys aren't
given at all, but the forty nine ers feel like
they got a run chance still, And yeah, I think
they can't get over the hump of what they're dealing with,
especially if Parsons doesn't play, Especially if Parsons doesn't play.
Uh so, I think they've got something to prove. But
I think the forty nine ers do too, And yeah,
agreeing themselves. Yeah, so I'm gonna pick the forty nine
ers on that. I'm sorry, Cowboys fan. I know that hurts,
but I have there's no sign of hope. All right,
we're gonna take a break and we'll be back. Good morning,
It's the Big Mad Morning Show. Four six oh K
M O D. You can also text EMMS and Dan
what you want to say to eight two nine four five.
We can talk about anything you want. Oh wait, I'm
gonna have myself. Good morning, Lindsay, Good morning, Corbin.
Speaker 6 (01:40:04):
Happy fifty third porn star birthday two. Maxie Mounds see
your claims to fame in Battle of the Big Ones.
Speaker 15 (01:40:14):
Boob A Cruz two thousand and Boob's ahoy, she is
six foot tall. Oh her raw topped out at a
hearty sixty one oh cup size.
Speaker 6 (01:40:28):
Oh my goodness, they are you mongous?
Speaker 1 (01:40:33):
Yes, Good morning, gim Pie, morning Corbyn. Hey you just
got another keyword the rock the bank. I can actually
tell you what that keyword is this time. That keyword
is dollar one dollar. You put that into the website
the rockscamedy dot com and you can score yourself one
thousand dollars. You got a couple more chances throughout the
day to do it all. Right, now it's time for
willing Nelly. Anything you want to talk about, bring up
something new, go back to something. Maybe he tried to
get in on you couldn't. My will and Elliot is
this crazy story out of Catoosa where a kid showed
up at school and they had to take him to
the hospital because he had a gunshot wound to his stomach.
Speaker 6 (01:41:13):
Oh my god.
Speaker 1 (01:41:16):
The kid says he was shot somewhere near thirty first
in Garnet and then went to school. Officers say he
went to the nurse who then discovered he was shot.
They called the police and an ambulance. So many questions
besides the obvious one of like what happened? But why
did this kid think he had to go to school
and not go to the maybe get help in assistance?
His blood not an alarming thing. Maybe he's dedicated to
his studies. Maybe he is striving for that perfect attendance record.
Maybe his parents beat him if he doesn't go to school.
Maybe his parents shoot him if he doesn't go to school.
Speaker 6 (01:42:01):
Didn't say what type of bullet?
Speaker 1 (01:42:04):
Gunshot wound? Yeah, gunshot wound? Yeah, right, I didn't say
what caliber? Was it a twenty two nine to zero?
Was it a forty five? Was he hit with a
slug from a shotgun? Why?
Speaker 9 (01:42:14):
That's wild to me?
Speaker 1 (01:42:16):
Now, maybe all those things are true, that can be saying,
but also your shot. Yeah, I ought to go way
straight to my parents and then like, hey.
Speaker 6 (01:42:26):
I would have went straight to the ground.
Speaker 1 (01:42:29):
I would have called police or an ambulance if I
get shot. I'm just cleaning this up for anybody. If
I get shot, I will start screaming like a baby
and acting like a giant child, as you should a
giant or's child.
Speaker 6 (01:42:50):
Maybe more of didn't have a cell phone on him.
Speaker 1 (01:42:54):
You see someone get shot, you're like, let me help you.
That's another thing, is how come nobody else called at
the time when he got shot? So there's no other
details in this story at all? Whatsoever? No? Wow, No,
I mean they got investigated, right, yeah, right, and it
involved in mine? Oh no, I said it was eighteen,
but right, right, right now, this happened just yesterday, just
the other day. Yeah, okay, you figured that'd be enough
time to get you know, some kind of information out
from the from the child, from the team. Hey, what happened?
How'd you get shot? Who did it? Was it a
drug deal gone wrong? You know? Which is another thing
now that I know that he's eighteen, Well, typically what
happens and I I can think of two stories that
involved kids or teenagers in the past two months where
something really crazy happened and when I found out what
really happened, and then it was never really reported and
it didn't make the kid look great. Okay, so maybe
that's the case here.
Speaker 9 (01:43:54):
I'm just saying it ain't my job to out some people.
Speaker 1 (01:43:58):
But right I could think the two stories where the
kid in both scenarios, the kid was in the wrong, right,
it wasn't an innocent situation. I'm not saying that's what
happened here, but typically the news doesn't follow.
Speaker 9 (01:44:13):
Up and clear all those things up.
Speaker 1 (01:44:15):
Maybe all the kid knows is the nurse's office as
a safe place because the text that came in not sure. Yeah,
but they from what I understand, they went from thirty
first in Garnet to Katusa.
Speaker 9 (01:44:33):
That's a lot of distance.
Speaker 1 (01:44:35):
Yeah, foot, that's unclear. Yeah, if you're traveling that far
on foot with a gunshot wounded the stomach, he would
have bled out by that. He would have led out
before he even made it to Katusa.
Speaker 6 (01:44:49):
See, that's what I want to know. What kind of
a gunshot wound? It was like, maybe it was a
pellet gun.
Speaker 4 (01:44:55):
At home.
Speaker 1 (01:44:56):
Pellet guns are gonna make the news.
Speaker 6 (01:44:59):
Yeah that's not Yeah, well maybe it's range.
Speaker 1 (01:45:03):
No, no, no, a blank I might buy you, I
might take your what you're saying, like if you got
shot by a blank, right, but it's safe to say.
If they're saying gunshot wound, then they are referring to
an actual bullet. I'm looking. Uh, it's it's nine miles
oh my to the high school from from thirty first
in Garnett. Yeah, there's no way. If he was walking,
you would have blood out before he even got there.
He didn't walk. It's a three hour and five minute walk.
It's a forty four minute dry on bicycle. It's a
fifteen minute car ride. Yeah, it's wild to me. That
is nuts. Yes, yeah, Will and Nelly comes from the
obsolete phrase will I nil I, or I am willing
I am unwilling. The original definition, whether one likes it
or not, gradually evolved in today's meeting, I learned something
new today. Okay, sure, Will and Nelly means all over
the place for us. Who would win in a three
way target shooting competition? Gimpy with a sling shot but
not the wristlet rocket kind, the one you have to
spin around Corbin with a set of unbalanced frisbee golf discs,
or Lindsey with a fifty cow heavy machine gun that
is mounted on a tripod, has a belt of bullets
but is not loaded, and you have one minute to
hit as many targets as possible fifty feet away. Oh,
shooting competition. We're not shooting each other? Yeah, got it?
Speaker 6 (01:46:43):
Target? Uh yeah, I'm gonna win that one, even after
I load the gun. It's on a tripod, right, so
it's also a fifty cat.
Speaker 1 (01:46:56):
Yeah, not understand I don't think she understands.
Speaker 6 (01:46:58):
It's yes, they're really really fast, and but again it's
on a tripod, so I don't have to really hold
it that steady.
Speaker 1 (01:47:09):
No, there's still a massive amount of recoil, absolutely, even
on a tripod.
Speaker 6 (01:47:17):
Yeah, but I've shot them before.
Speaker 1 (01:47:20):
So you've shot a fifty cow. Yes, you've shot a
fifty cass fit cal a heavy machine gun.
Speaker 6 (01:47:26):
Yes, where on private property for my husband haunts?
Speaker 15 (01:47:32):
Okay, okay, he'll take you, he'll.
Speaker 9 (01:47:38):
Take you, GIMPI.
Speaker 1 (01:47:43):
Yes, it seems like, yes, Lindsey would be the one.
But again, I feel like there's a lot of recoil
going on there. I feel like, you know, because she
got one minute to hit as many targets as possible
fifty feet away, I think she's gonna kind of be
all over the place on that one and won't be
able to really control it. Corvin, I've never seen you
throw a frisbee at all ever in my life, so
I don't know exactly how well you are. I don't
know if I if you've ever thrown a disc golf
frisbee before, because they are different than regular like frisbees
you play with your dog or throw in a front yard.
And I get stuck with the goddamn David and Goliath slink.
Come on, I've never used one of those. I don't know,
regular wrist rockets, sling shot, sure, I don't know. I
think just because I think it's gonna be Lindsay, because
she's got more AMMO and it's more even as erratic
as it could be, I think she's gonna be able
to hit more targets. Yeah, just the odds are in
her favorite. I think there is a reason highly trained
officer military people don't use automatic weapons like a fifty cow.
Fifty cows belt load has a certain purpose spray and
pray is an actual term suppression fire that is not
a aim shoot thing. Not to mention the float that
will happen once you start firing the fifty cow. If
she hits the target, it would be luck. There is
no and I'm not undermining Lindsay's ability to shoot a gun.
I have no idea same thing with me that has
a natural ability to float up right, and you have
to have a certain strength to be able to hold
it in the spot you want it. So I'm gonna
say I think, I don't know if there's a clear answer,
but if you got to pick somebody, I'm gonna pick
GIMPI only because with the frisbee, there's outside interference that
I can't control when when I release it, and it's
like just a hair off could make a dramatic difference.
Though that holds true. Oh, with the slingshot, you can
correct it pretty fast and your discs are unbalanced. Yeah,
so I have no idea what's gonna happen? Okay, I
guess I want to. I guess can I get Do
they still make those type of slings Yeah, where you
gotta whirl them around and take down a giant. I
don't know. You'll see if I can get one on Amazon.
Start practicing.
Speaker 9 (01:50:39):
I know it feels like a crap shoot either way.
Speaker 5 (01:50:45):
Speaker 1 (01:50:46):
You you have all worked retail at some point in
your life, right, What was your weirdest and most memorable customer?
Speaker 9 (01:50:53):
Speaker 6 (01:50:54):
Oh, I've talked about her before, the one that had
asked me for a pair of ug boots.
Speaker 1 (01:51:03):
She was a size shoe salesperson.
Speaker 6 (01:51:06):
Yes, I was working in the shoe department and she
had asked me for size ten UG boot and I said, uh,
I'm sorry, our largest size that we have left is
a size eight. And she said, okay, I'll try it.
And she tried and tried really hard to squeeze her
foot because the shoes were on sale and she could
not get her whole foot in there, obviously, but she
got her foot stuck in the boot trying to get
it past just where you stick your ankle in.
Speaker 1 (01:51:42):
So, yeah, Gibbie, I have never worked retail to where
I had to deal with customers. I've always worked stocking overnight.
So I cannot answer that question for you. I have
worked retail would be close, right. I've worked in restaurants.
I don't feel like I've worked retail. It doesn't click
in my brain. But I've also worked in radio pretty
much since I was eighteen, and so I have blocked
a lot of that out as not important anymore in
my life, so I couldn't recall at all. Oh wait, no,
I got it. I worked at home depot while I
was to get an engagement ring to my first wife,
my practice wife. And this guy would come in and
he had a growth out of the side of his ear,
and he had a pad on his shoulder to catch
the drippings, and it had hair and would ooze and
it would smell so bad. And if you're listening, bro, sorry,
and he would stare you right in the eye to
see if you stared at it. I mean it must
have been the size of a softball sticking out of
his ear. Bro when you need a pad on the
side of your shoulder to catch the oozing. That's gnarly. Yeah,
And of course you're gonna stay around it. Yeah yeah.
And it would be like one of those like I'm
deliberately stelling you straight in the eye. I'm not here's
your money? Yeah? Uh, this one Mary bang kill Trump
by Obama.
Speaker 9 (01:53:26):
We are not answering this. And this is why you are.
Speaker 1 (01:53:29):
Not gonna get me. And I'm not gonna let the
other two say the word kill in a past or
a current president's name. That is a quick way to
get a visit. And I don't need that smoke. Nice
try though, Uh gimpy. How many samples for the Cowboy
Cup have you made it through so far? And have
you found any standouts? I have made I'm halfway through almost.
I guess I've got twenty nine samples and I'm on
number fourteen. I gotta do number fourteen tonight. Well, what
do you when are you gonna be? When do you
have to turn it back in December? First?
Speaker 9 (01:54:15):
Oh, bro, you're flying.
Speaker 1 (01:54:16):
I got plenty of time. This isn't like before, like
you're managing this way better. Yeah, I'm doing pretty good.
So so far. Is there any that stand out? This
is a little different because like the ones that the
ones that I think are great, right, I'm like, that
was amazing. After the ranking comes through and I put
my numbers in and blah blah blah, the ones that
I that I'm like are just kind of meant are
scoring higher than the ones that I think that we're
super fantasticised on the formula method. Yeah that makes sense
to you. So, yeah, there's been a few that jump out.
Do I have any perfect tens?
Speaker 4 (01:54:54):
Speaker 1 (01:54:55):
Do I have any nines? Uh? No, I've got I've
got some high Let's see here. I think the highest
is eight point four two? Yeah, whoa? What is the qualities?
Tell us the things you have to rank based off of. Okay,
let's see it's a give me a second. I just
I got that's whine. I got it opened up right
now so I can go through it.
Speaker 9 (01:55:20):
So those that do know, Gippy does this thing for
the Cowboy Cup.
Speaker 1 (01:55:22):
He's a judge and he does the flower category indoor
flower and so he judged that he gets twenty nine.
Is that right? That's what I got this year. It
varies from year to year. Twenty nine samples that he
has to smoke. It's terrible man, and then judge and
then turn back in and it is for the Cowboy Cup.
That is December. Yeah, it's it's December fourteenth, Yeah, twelveth
through the fourteenth or whatever is what it is. The
categories are uh so far as like what you got
to do with how you rank them or whatever goes
based on appearance, aroma, taste, smooth this, and overall experience. Now,
when you're looking at like appearance, it's not just pulling
the butt out and be like, yeah, that looks good.
I've got a jeweler's loop. If you know what that is.
You know, it's a magnifying glass. So you really get
down and you're you're looking in the buds and you're
looking at the tri cones and the density and how
well trimmed it is and how well put together that is.
When it comes to aroma, the smell, how intense is it,
how complex is it? Unique taste, how does it taste
when you take a dry hit as opposed to whenning
to light it up and smoke it?
Speaker 11 (01:56:35):
You know?
Speaker 1 (01:56:36):
Is their uniqueness? You know? How long does that taste last?
Smoothness is another one? Does it burn your throats when
when you smoke it? You know? Or is it nice
and smooth? And then of course the overall experience is
how long was your buzz? How strong was it and
how was how'd you feel afterwards?
Speaker 6 (01:56:55):
So have you gotten any Do you ever get any
of the seeds from the stuff that you smell?
Speaker 1 (01:57:01):
If they have some in there, I would totally keep it.
Speaker 6 (01:57:05):
Yeah, but I.
Speaker 1 (01:57:05):
Haven't come across any yet. They're pretty good. Cowboy Cup
has gonna be said December thirteenth and fourteenth at Tulsa
expos Square cowboy cup dot com if you want anything
on that, And then a lot of people asking I
missed it?
Speaker 9 (01:57:22):
Where was Lindsay?
Speaker 6 (01:57:24):
Yes, I was at my grandfather's funeral.
Speaker 1 (01:57:28):
Last one, What is one food you would eat every
day for the rest of your life? What is one
food you would eat for the rest you would eat
every day for the rest of your life?
Speaker 6 (01:57:39):
Eggs? Eggs. I love eggs and you can change it
uplet over medium, scrambled I love eggs.
Speaker 1 (01:57:54):
Gimbi one food that I could eat for the rest
every day, for the rest of my life. Bread I
mean pretty broad, but okay, you could use it for
anything and everything, right, bread crumbs in your meat lobe,
you're making sandwiches. You know what I'm saying. I don't
like a lot of it, but listen, it's something that
you can eat every day for the rest of your life.
You can eat a single slice of bread. Fill you up,
and I'll make turd get you where you need to go.
My answer surprises you. You don't know the show, and
that is pizza. I would eat pizza every day for
the rest of my life. And I tried in New York.
What sit down chain restaurant that everyone else seems to like?
Speaker 9 (01:58:37):
You don't?
Speaker 1 (01:58:38):
This person says, Texas Roadhouse is exhausting. It's someone's birthday
every ten minutes watching my server line dance is just confusing.
And most of the customers looked like like they wanted
to go box for twelve more free rolls and are
gonna tip five dollars no matter what the tab is.
What do you think there, lindsay, what's sit down chain
restaurant that everyone else seems to like?
Speaker 9 (01:58:58):
You don't.
Speaker 6 (01:59:01):
I'm gonna go with beat Ups Buffalo Wild Wings. Yeah yeah,
I yeah. I've never been a huge fan of that place.
I kind of the first time I ever went in.
When I go to a restaurant, I like to eat
on plates, and it wasn't. I didn't even get my
food wasn't in a plate. It was in a little
cardboard paper plate type thing. I didn't like that.
Speaker 1 (01:59:29):
So, yeah, I feel like they give you a tray
that's got the cardboard little trays in them.
Speaker 9 (01:59:35):
Maybe not a metal tray. Yeah, how long has it
been yours?
Speaker 1 (01:59:39):
Gim me? Uh the garden that's made of olives. I
think there are a lot of people that like it.
I don't, not only because I'm not a huge, huge
fan of Italian food. I will eat it from time
to time, but uh, their's stuff is just really isn't
that good? Really?
Speaker 4 (01:59:58):
Is that?
Speaker 6 (01:59:58):
See? I love that place.
Speaker 1 (02:00:00):
I love the olive garden my own.
Speaker 6 (02:00:05):
Here's okay, that's that's my problem. I feel like, no,
I feel like when you order your food's up way
too soon, Like I didn't have time to enjoy my
salad and breadsticks because here's now here's my meal already.
So that's my only problem with it, But you like it?
Speaker 1 (02:00:23):
I do, okay, Yes, I mean I was gonna say
olive garden because I don't get it. I don't get
why people like it. I don't get it. But to
pick something different, I'm going to pick on the border. Okay, Yeah,
that's another. That's a good, good choice.
Speaker 9 (02:00:42):
I'm not clear what's happening there.
Speaker 6 (02:00:47):
They have the side, the table side, guacamole.
Speaker 1 (02:00:49):
I have no I have no idea. I haven't been
doing on the border forever.
Speaker 6 (02:00:54):
I haven't either.
Speaker 1 (02:00:55):
Last time I win, I was like, why am I here?
Because there's so many differ it's I'm not clear of
the food. What kind of food are we eating? Well,
they're on the border, so just pick a border. Yeah,
now they're on the fence. That's for sure. That's for sure.
And I've no hatred on those places. I just it's
not my thing. Man, all right, we're giving away beer
for figuring a Friday? What bad habit are you not
willing to break? Bmms? And what that is to eight
two nine four five A case of cors Light and
a free sandwich from Caprioties could be yours? Bmms? And
what that is to eight two nine four five. What
bad habit are you not willing to break?
Speaker 2 (02:01:31):
Tulsa's Morning Show is coming right bad a big Mess
Morning Show, Tulsa's rock Station ninety KMOD.
Speaker 1 (02:01:48):
Good morning, It's the big Man Morning Show nine eight
four six oh KMOD. You can also text BMMS and
then what you want to say to eight two nine
four five. We're giving away beer for freaking a Friday.
We've been asking all morning, what bad habit are you
not willing to break?
Speaker 9 (02:02:09):
And it looks like on the line is.
Speaker 1 (02:02:11):
No one for good. I thought I saw someone there
a second ago. We'll come back to that here in
a second. We've gotten some really good ones all morning
from people. Some of them I thought were really funny.
One of them is speaking my mind. When I should
hold my tongue depends on what you are and what
you do for a living, right, if you are a pastor,
and maybe not. If you are a doctor, maybe you
should be saying your opinion right. Another one that somebody said,
chewing tobacco.
Speaker 6 (02:02:55):
Yeah, that's I'm sure it's a tough one. I wish
you could stop it. Gross.
Speaker 9 (02:03:03):
No more gross than tobacco.
Speaker 6 (02:03:05):
Absolutely one.
Speaker 1 (02:03:07):
Uh Clint is waiting, Hey, Clint, How are you good?
I dom good friend?
Speaker 9 (02:03:13):
What bad habit are you not willing to break?
Speaker 1 (02:03:17):
Not necessarily not willing to break it?
Speaker 12 (02:03:19):
I just can't break it by my nail.
Speaker 1 (02:03:22):
That's a nasty habit.
Speaker 9 (02:03:23):
How old are you thirty?
Speaker 1 (02:03:25):
Two? Thirty? Okay?
Speaker 9 (02:03:29):
And what is it that makes you bite your nails?
Speaker 12 (02:03:34):
I have no idea.
Speaker 1 (02:03:35):
I just driving down the road.
Speaker 12 (02:03:37):
I buy my nails all day, every day.
Speaker 6 (02:03:40):
It's like, maybe you should try smoking cigarettes instead.
Speaker 1 (02:03:45):
I choop obinatd but but no, I have no idea.
Speaker 12 (02:03:50):
My finger nails are.
Speaker 6 (02:03:51):
Just nub But have you ever tried to put anything
on your nails that'll keep you from chewing on them?
Speaker 1 (02:03:59):
Speaker 11 (02:04:00):
I just lived for simple life.
Speaker 12 (02:04:01):
I'm not too worried about it.
Speaker 1 (02:04:02):
I don't. I don't think you can say that, sir.
I don't think you can say you live a simple life.
You may think you do, but chewing tobacco and biting
your finger that's hardly a simple life.
Speaker 6 (02:04:12):
Speaker 9 (02:04:13):
Yeah, you're probably two health concerns that.
Speaker 14 (02:04:17):
Speaker 1 (02:04:17):
You know how my grandma got me to not cheo
my nails. She told me no, She told me she
would go out to the pig trough and put pig.
Speaker 9 (02:04:27):
Duty on my on my hands.
Speaker 1 (02:04:29):
If I continued to do it, and I was like,
I'm good, never did it again. So I'm not saying
you should do that, but maybe it might deter you.
It also might not, you know, because you're a very
simple man. You said, yeah, probably not.
Speaker 12 (02:04:44):
I mean I work in the oilfield. I've always got
oil and dirt.
Speaker 1 (02:04:47):
And everything my finger out. Okay, what do you do?
What do you do in the oil field?
Speaker 12 (02:04:53):
Me and my dad owned some well together and contract
punk for some other people.
Speaker 1 (02:04:58):
And yeah, but what do you do in the oil field?
Speaker 12 (02:05:02):
Check o Well engaging the tanker.
Speaker 11 (02:05:04):
Now poo Well's haul water?
Speaker 1 (02:05:07):
Do it between right on? Right on? Man, all right,
give me tell him exactly what he's gonna get.
Speaker 13 (02:05:15):
Lindsey, you won't never break her habit of taking three
days to tell a story. Joy this case, Kurrs light
and a free samit to your choice from Capriani's come
back to you.
Speaker 1 (02:05:26):
Hang on the line so gimpee can get your info,
sir and have a fantastic day.
Speaker 11 (02:05:30):
Yes, sir, you do appreciate you.
Speaker 1 (02:05:32):
Speaker 9 (02:05:33):
A list is putting put together. This is pretty good.
Speaker 1 (02:05:36):
These are the Halloween movies, ranked from best to worst,
best to worst okay. Uh. And Halloween the brand. Yeah,
not Halloween movies, Halloween the brand. Okay. And I'm just
gonna do the top five because I don't know this
movie Halloween ends.
Speaker 6 (02:05:57):
Yeah, that was the I believe the last one.
Speaker 9 (02:06:01):
Let me guess Jamie Lee Curtis, isn't it Yep?
Speaker 6 (02:06:04):
She puts an end to.
Speaker 1 (02:06:06):
It killing Okay? Uh. Number four Halloween four, the Return
of Michael Myers. Okay, do you know that one? Lindsay?
Speaker 6 (02:06:15):
I don't think so.
Speaker 1 (02:06:18):
Um, Daniel Daniella Harris, Ellie Cornell, Donald Pleasants, George P. Wilber. Yeah,
there's nobody of note in that, all right, So that's
number four. Number three Halloween h two to twenty years later.
Speaker 6 (02:06:39):
That's the one with I believe buster rhymes.
Speaker 1 (02:06:43):
It's Jamie Lee Curtis, Josh Hartnett, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Michelle Williams.
There's some studs in this LLL cool J. They all
look the same. Uh.
Speaker 9 (02:06:55):
Yeah, that is that's got some stud.
Speaker 6 (02:07:01):
Yeah, that's the one.
Speaker 1 (02:07:02):
Paul Rudd's in it. He is, so it says, that's
what it says. So that's number three. Number two Halloween
three season of the.
Speaker 6 (02:07:12):
Witch, didn't see it?
Speaker 1 (02:07:17):
Yeah, okay, number one the original nineteen seventy eight.
Speaker 9 (02:07:23):
From nineteen seventy.
Speaker 6 (02:07:24):
Eight, Okay, yeah, I think you would have to go
with the original to be the best, right.
Speaker 1 (02:07:29):
I have no idea. I would think nineteen seventy eight,
it's not scary anymore.
Speaker 6 (02:07:32):
Speaker 1 (02:07:33):
Yeah. I never was a huge fan me, neither of
the Halloween franchise at all.
Speaker 6 (02:07:38):
Speaker 1 (02:07:39):
If I had to pick, like, because you got to
think of the big ones, right, Halloween, Friday thirteenth, Night
Mary on Elm Street, and I would even go so
far as to say, Hell Razor, Right, Okay, those are
your big ones. It was always Friday thirteenth that was
the top, and then Nightmary on Elm Street. I think
so anyway, I just I don't know. I've watched them.
I've watched quite a few of them. It's just it's
just because it's on TV. Okay, so take it for
what you will. These are the best franchises for Halloween,
no particular order, Child's Play, Scream, Evil Dead, Saw, Friday
the Thirteenth, Halloween, Paranormal Activity, Texas, Chainsaw Massacre, which I
think is probably bigger than the Hell Raiser, should be
in there. I guess Final Destination, Exorcist, nine of the
Living Dead, Final Destination. The franchise, I should say, Psycho, Hannibal,
Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween. Those are all the most
successful franchises.
Speaker 6 (02:08:44):
Okay, feels like those are all the most successful scary
movies period.
Speaker 1 (02:08:50):
I mean, if they're they yeah, that's why they made
them franchises. I would think, right, But I would when
you cause when you said hell Razor, that's what cued me.
Speaker 9 (02:08:58):
I was like, hmm, yeah, because it's good.
Speaker 1 (02:09:01):
When I think of like the best Halloween movies, I
don't think that movie. Yeah good.
Speaker 6 (02:09:05):
I still I mean, you still see Michael Myers Halloween costumes.
I don't see many Freddy or Jason that much anymore.
Speaker 9 (02:09:14):
I feel like they're pretty equal.
Speaker 1 (02:09:16):
But you mean, I don't know a lot of kids
that are psyched about Halloween the movie, right, I don't
know a lot of kids psyched about Friday the thirteenth,
the movie.
Speaker 9 (02:09:25):
Speaker 1 (02:09:25):
I would say, yeah, yeah, okay.
Speaker 9 (02:09:29):
All right, we gotta take a break. We'll be back.
Speaker 2 (02:09:32):
Tulsa's Morning Show. Yeah he's coming right back, A big
bad morning show. Telsa's rock station, ninety seven five KMOD.
Speaker 1 (02:09:53):
Good morning, It's the Big Mad Morning Show. Thanks everybody
that's saying a text in for given away beer. Thanks
to Capriottes the Where's Light for helping us out today. Lindsey,
What'd you learn today?
Speaker 6 (02:10:06):
I learned that Clint choose the dirt and oil from
his fingernails and eats his nails for lunch. And I
also learned that Gimby takes more naps than a toddler.
Speaker 1 (02:10:17):
Gimpy, What'd you learn today? I learned that there's no
control when you're flicking off. And I also learned don't
eat the ice in Antarctica. I learned pick and roll,
pick and roll. I also learned Gimpy a toddler taking
a nap. His words, Corbyn saying make sure that dishwashers.
Speaker 6 (02:10:38):
Loaded right if Lindsay stopped tracking my cycle?
Speaker 1 (02:10:41):
This is gimpy and I'm shot.
Speaker 8 (02:10:48):
Can get.
Speaker 4 (02:11:01):
Me to do?
Speaker 1 (02:11:03):
Makes a noise interpassword Corbyn new messages.
Speaker 10 (02:11:12):
The Big Mad Morning sho would like to take a
minute to thank troops from Oklahoma.
Speaker 11 (02:11:15):
And all over the United States. These soldiers have sacrifice.
Speaker 1 (02:11:17):
Give the Big Mad Morning Show before you to back.
Speaker 11 (02:11:20):
Like the total douchebags that they are total douchebag.
Speaker 12 (02:11:23):
Hot bag sag a little incomplete douchebag.
Speaker 11 (02:11:25):
We honor and respect you.
Speaker 12 (02:11:27):
We honor and respect you.
Speaker 1 (02:11:29):
We honor and respect you. DoD Blass rock and roll,
blessed Tulsa.
Speaker 11 (02:11:35):
We try boys,