Episode Transcript
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You are about to witness amost amazingdemos ut comding Living Month's property of all
time. Yes, my bow suckon year about down to your master you
can you dig it? Can youdig it? I turn you digger.
Come out to play, Come outto play, Come out to play,
Come up to play. This horse, the Crystal horse, and the sun
is rising God, Oh, wakeup, wake up now, don't worry.
We're all here to show you howJanowitz horses. Rostation k MJ Home
of the Listeners is a family.Don't turn that time, just wait and
see. Are you ready? Areyou ready to drive? It's time to
start to show. Clastiline of myFresco Whistippe, Maddie Morny Show, Welcome
to the Working Me. It's allsuch a war kake that make up mashing,
make it hardcore, hanging with meand mless. Pick up your phone
there line you're on the air.Good morning, It's the Big Man Morning
Show. Six zero KMOD can alsotext BMMS and then what you want to
say to eight two, nine fourfive. Listen online the website the rockscmod
dot com. Past shows are availableon iTunes search under BMMS. Listen with
your cell phone. Get the iHeartRadioapp, available from the app store of
your cell phone provider. More onthat at iHeartRadio dot com. And we
are on Facebook, Facebook dot com, slash BMMS six nine. That's where
you can hang out with us eachand every day. Good morning, Lindsay,
Good morning, Corby, good morning, give Well, good morning.
We got tickets to see Motley Crueand def Leppard. They're gonna be over
at Chapman Stadium on August sixteenth.Tickets available livenation dot com. We've got
cut, We've got Willy Nilly.Our final patio party of the year is
tonight. Not only is it thefinal, but it is also a giveaway
Inner Circle Bar downtown right across frommcames three dollars Miller Lights and we're giving
away the Miller Light golf package.So if you're an affluent eBay reseller or
you're a golfer, this might interestyou. Must be present to win,
so make sure you come and ifyou haven't got sign up, you can
do some last chance sign ups Boomthere as well. Three dollars Miller Lights
and it's freaking Day Friday case ofBlue Moon Belgian Ale, which is delicious
on a hot day, and apair of tickets to the Crimson and Cardinal
Classic, where OU and Arkansas basketballplay at the Bokay Center on December ninth.
That's a big deal for those whodon't know, So that game,
we got tickets for you. Ifyou answer this question and we get you
on the air, what statistical improbablething happened to you? If you're the
one person who's been hit by spacedebris in this town, I just got
to hear from you lightning struck twice. Yeah, no, someone from Tulsa
has been hitting by space. Solike, if you're one of our I'd
love for you to win the BlueMoon and the tickets to the Crimson Cardinal
or anything. Doesn't have to bethat extreme space junk whack me in the
face, man, that'd be exciting, would it? Oh? Yeah?
Why? I mean, and gettinghit in the head with anything plumbing from
the sky does not sound like agood time. Typically, I say,
don't do news interviews when things happento you in life, kidnapping, whatever,
you get hit by space junk,you should be doing interviews. Well
there, I was just walking alongmy own business and all of a sudden
thing think I get hitting the headwith something. Yeah, and I looked
down and I said, what thehell was that? If your wife goes
missing and your suspect number one,you're gonna get asked questions you won't know
the answer to and look like afool, right and look guilty. If
your kid gets abducted, right,Yeah, you're gonna get asked questions to
make you look like a fool.If your company that you've been running for
twenty years shutters its doors, you'regonna look like a fool. If you
say something that can be misinterpreted ortaken out of context to look like a
racist or a bigot or whatever,you're gonna get asked questions or put under
scrutiny for that. Absolutely get itby Space Junk. Nope, none of
those things happen. Yeah, you'reabsolutely right. They just want to hear,
like the amazing story, what happenedof the statistical improbable thing that happened
to you? So we want toknow what yours is BMMS, and what
that is to eight two nine fourfive BMMS and whatever that is to eight
two nine four five. That's astatistical improbable thing that happened to you.
Megamillions is tonight one point two billionwith a B, not the biggest one
it's ever had. The biggest lotteryjackpot would be Powerball is like two billion
in like November last year. Thebiggest Mega millions has been one point five
billion. Yeah, okay, soI mean still good chunk of change,
no doubt. Yeah, So it'sjust not the biggest one, is what
I'm saying. You're like billion tostart asking the question, is this the
biggest one that there's ever been?No, so the next one should totally
surpass megamillions as the biggest one.Did you buy tickets, lindsay not yet?
Are you going to? Of course? Well not, of course,
I feel like you would have doneit by now can't And if you don't
play, so I will, youcan play and not win. As true
statement, that's why I don't play. I like. I like the idea
of talking, especially when you talklike billions. Yeah, come on,
billions, right, that is definitelife changing money. Even if you're taking
just the lump sum. It's whatone point two so you'll get your lump
sum, you're still getting what likeeight hundred and something million dollars. Yes,
I think the payouts five something fivemillion dollars five or five hundred million
dollars more than five. It's like, damn, they're really raping you,
aren't they. Uncle Sam's like,give me all you got six six twenty
five, six hundred and twenty fivemillion dollars only matter. I'm even one
only million dollars is still life changing. Yeah, I'll give you two a
million dollars. You can split itanyway. You want just one million dollars,
Yeah, you're welcome. I've gotto split that with her. That's
only five hundred thousand each. Andyou gotta pay taxes on it, and
I gotta pay taxes on No way, dude, you've already been okay,
No, you have to. Igave money to you. That's an income,
and that's a gift only to yourspouse. At least according to Shoshing
b s under the table, notno, not on the radio where everyone
can hear us. Lindsay, yeahright, I mean still even then,
five hundred thousand dollars would make ahuge difference in r But you you did
exactly what people do like you haveso much, right, why don't you
share more? I don't know,how about your welcome. Yeah, that
reminds me of the story when Iwas seventeen. I had just gotten off
work and I was hanging out withsome some people, some older folks,
and there was this black crackhead namedCharlie. Okay, and I'm hanging out
with these guys and we're doing whatever, and Charlie asked me for a cigarette,
and I was like, man,I only got three left. I
only have three cigarettes left, andI don't have any money, and I
don't know what I'm gonna get anymore, only have three left. This guy
got pissed. You have three,I have none. I'm like, yeah,
bro, I'm not gonna give youone of my last three cigarettes because
I don't know what I'm gonna getanymore. You were probably gonna go sell
some crack and probably get some herein a little bit, But I'm not
gonna give you one of my lastthree cigarettes that I have no idea what
I'm gonna gets. I'm a hegot passed through this big old fit,
just kind of like that, Ah, you've got this and I've got none.
You can't give me just one?A no, a no. Yet
so pissed, and yet you didthe same thing right right, that's fascinating
exactly. That's how you work.Man. It's like you got all this,
I've got none. Help a brotherout, man. But instead of
being grateful for getting zomthan Yeah,obviously I did, crack fan didn't get
anything. No, I didn't giveman, I didn't give crack I think
he had a little bit more ofa reason to get all beefed up,
I guess, But I mean,doesn't it make sense? But when it
comes down to like a million dollars, I'm gonna give it to you.
Guys got to split it. That'sfive hundred thousand dollars. Yeah, all
right, that may okay cool,But it's like it's three cigarettes. It's
just I only have three. IfI had an entire back of smokes,
chances are crackhead Charlie probably would havegotten one. But I only have three,
So sorry crackhead Charlie. Yeah,it gets none. Yeah, I
think biblically speaking, which is aweird reference, and like philosophy speaking,
you'd be better off giving one ofthose away because of good intentions and helping
lift people up and like how that'sgood for your cortisol and like karma,
if you believe in it, allthat other stuff that if you give one
you'll get two back at something.That's the mindset i've heard, rather than
no, no, yeah no,because I don't know when I'm good.
It could be another two weeks.I'm saying. So you could also get
hit by space junk and not anddie with three. You were absolutely right,
and then he'd pickpocket you. Butthey both sound like crackheads, right
right. I think I've seen thatargument in front of a rap. I
think I have. Yeah, Ilisten, I don't mind helping people out
if I don't know, you've givenzero evidence of that. I do.
I do if I've got enough togo around. But you had three to
go around, but you got totake care of number one first, man
you had Again, I'm just playingDevil's advoct this conversation, man totally.
I'm just saying you had three,so you had enough to go around.
You were you were planning as ifyou never got more. Ever again,
absolutely one hundred percent, because Ididn't know when that would come around.
So you got to look for numberone. You gotta look out for number
one yourself. And I'm looking outas I've got three don't know where I'm
getting any anymore. So sorry,chuck your s out of luck. Yeah,
I mean, I get it.Be a good Christian person, just
give them a smoke. It's totallyone cigarette. Man. I don't remember
that person the Bible, but Iunderstand what you're saying, like Mark,
you know, four twenty something likeright, But you know it's to me,
it's like you got to make surethat you're taken care of because nobody's
gonna take care of you at allwhatsoever. So sorry, man, I
may be a dick in this positiona position, but I don't know what
to tell you. I hear you. I think a lot of people have
that attitude. It is extremely selfish, and I think that the idea is
that even in your worst you shouldgive, even if you don't know where
the future leads you, you shouldgive. Yeah, I'm good on that
lesson. I ain't telling you you'rewrong. I'm just telling you that they
say they whoever they I mean biblicallyspeaking, you should even you should give
as much as you can, alwayswhen you can, even if it's your
last, because you don't know whatyou know. I can help. What's
the story. Hold on I'm tryingto remember the story. I am not
good with this theological stuff, butthere is a verse or a story in
the Bible where this kid. Maybeit was in some Maybe I might be
confusing my religions. But he waspassover and he wasn't He didn't have anything,
but he went to go see someoneand that person was like, can
I come to your house? Andhe was like yeah, and he came
to his house, unknowing that thiswas the biblical person. I'm mutilating the
story biblical person that you do passover for, and he showed up a
note. They didn't know it washim, and he was at the house
and provided them with everything, becauseyou don't know who you're helping. I
think in my particular case, knowingthat he is a crackhead, I think
I was safe. Charlie didn't provideme with nothing but a laugh, and
then he went on to create pillows, like you don't know what it's how
it's going to turn out. Ioften wonder whatever I happened to crackhead Charlie.
I'm sure he's dead. He mightbe. He also might not be.
He could be listening right now,be like, I remember that kid
he might be rich, now Igot it. He may have. He
may have bought a Mega Million ticketor a Powerball ticket one day and thought,
if only Gimpy would have given mea cigarette and then spent it all,
I would have given him a milliondollars. Sure whatever, All right,
So we got beer and tickets.We're gonna give away what statistical improbability
like Gimpy giving happened to you?A case of Blue Moon Belgian Ale and
a pair of tickets to the Crimsonand Cardinal Classic. Oh you and Arkansas.
That's going to be at the bOka Simmer in December, b Ok
Center in December. So get yourattention to us. What statistical improbability thing
happened to you, BMMS and whatthat is to eight two nine four five,
Good morning, and it's the BigMan Morning Show six z KMOT can
also text BMMS and then what youwant to say to eight two nine four
five. We want to know fromyou, what statistical improbable thing happened to
you BMMS and what that is toeight two nine four five. We're gonna
give away some beer and tickets tosee Arkansas and oh you play basketball in
December at the Bok Center. Butyou've got to get that text to us
to be eligible. What statistical improbablething happened to you? Bmms and what
that is to eight two nine fourfive. On Friday's for news quickies,
we do headlines only time for newsquakes, world news, local news and
news that just makes you say,what the Here's Corbyn Gibb M Lindsay with
what's going on news quakes from theBig Man Morning showing ninety seven five MD
Past the Potatoes, Indiana Building.Gravy themed roller coaster, A gravy thinged
roller coaster. Huh, like withthe log ride when you come down and
its splashes watery were just like abig pool of gravy. No, it's
gonna be all like animated. Iwould imagine that would be awesome. Like
you're not you know the ones thathave the clouds you let you're not really
in the clouds right of course,but being splashed with hot gravy that doesn't
surprise me. You speaking of pilotdraws deepick in the sky after flight diversion,
Florida Sheriff please stop calling cops onManatee orgies right. Oh wait a
minute, I have the same thingmanate's washing off shore for orgies. Yeah,
TikToker, dubbed a chugging influencer,can drink anything in ten seconds.
Anything anything which can't chug bleaching tenziggins. I bet you can. One
time. New York City consumes moreweak than anywhere else in the world.
Mm's been pretty big concentrated population.So yeah, I'll see your chugging story.
Lindsay real estate agent find twenty thousanddollars for chugging container of milk in
seller's house. It's just thirsty.Let us here, you let me use
the bathroom. What's the difference?Right? It was gonna go bad.
Truck spills. Truck spill covers ArkansasHighway in nacho cheese, ain't you cheese
either? I mean, I'd liketo be there for that one. Are
you really gonna get your chips outand start eating asphalt cheese? Come on,
it would still be good. Thatstuff doesn't diet. You just get
the top, right, You don'tscrape the bottom of the pile. Right,
He's gonna stir it at that filmoff the top online challenge leads man
to getting lightbulb stuck in his Oh, I'm glad you said mouth. Yeah
for once, that was the firstplace he started. Manatee dies of injuries
from sexual encounter with brother at FloridaAquarium. Yeah, I read that story.
I guess they don't know the difference. Or brother was just like come
there and ended up tearing like apart lining in his like colon or something
like that, and he ended updying because of it. Oh, their
eyes look like little bholes, sosays cup Dave's Weird Morning. Yeah.
Florida woman wanted for swiping six hundredthousand dollars and roll lexes from man after
night out at the bar. That'sa scary thing about dating, right,
You take somebody home, might getlucky, you might know whatever, but
you expect everything to go fine.So let's say you go, you get
together, you hook up, youget laid, you fall asleep, she
wakes up in the middle of thenight and robs you f blind or he
and it's just as wild as tender. Yeah, and read the headline again.
Florida woman wanted for swiping six hundredthousand dollars and rolexes from man after
night out at bars like two watches. Yeah, like you can buy a
six rolex yeah, yeah, anotherFlorida leprosy is flaring up in Florida leprosy.
I think they issued a warning.I think the CDC was like,
hey, leprosy is on the rise. There be careful. We were passed
all that leprosy. Whereas you yourlimb just falls off right where your skin's
falling off. Sin okay, uswoman eighty seven fights off teenager home intruder,
then gives them snacks and then callednine one why it was eating?
Like you can't be more? Eightyseven right behind you look hungry? Sit
down, let me make some spaghetti. Yeah. Massachusetts principle charged with spending
your forty thousand dollars of school fundson all inclusive tropical vacations. I was
thinking, because I know the storythat it happened a few years ago,
like almost I think it was likein twenty sixteen or something, and how
much taught Like could she have doneit and then felt remorse and then never
did it again? Yeah? Yeah, it does make it okay, not
say she shouldn't get punished, butthen came clean and said I'm going to
reimburse I put the money back andthen and then an investigation app They're like,
wait, what's these weird line items? Would that be better if she
if she put the money back?Yeah? Should the penalty be less because
she put the money back? Yeah? What do you think? I think
she's still committed a crime, whetheror not she tried to do the right
thing and put the money back ornot. So you still have to be
punished. Yeah. I agree,it doesn't matter that you put the money
back. That's almost even worse becauseyou're trying to especially when you're trying to
shape young minds and be an example, right, because now you're trying to
cover it up. Yeah, youcouple of wrongs there in Massachusetts. I'm
sure that they get paid a lotbetter and also principles they get paid well
anyway, So I love that.Sure, sure, because it's in the
eastern part of the United States.There's no poverty stricken areas ever heard of
Baltimore. Yeah, yeah, that'sit all mean. Yeah, plus size
plane passengers stuck in seat three hoursafter landing. Damn Yeah, imagine that
anyways, in the center seat,Milty Ice reveals remains of climber lost on
glacier thirty seven years ago. Wow. Global warming, Florida Florida woman arrested
after seapap battery. Oh she gotbeaten with the sea pap. Okay,
now read the headline again. Floridawoman arrested after pap battery. Right,
Okay, she beat somebody with ace pap machine ap. Yeah, okay,
now I'm with you. I wasthinking like battery, like election at
that point, though, TikTok trendhas people consuming cyanide to fight acne.
Do it right? Just save usright, one at a time. What's
what's the lawyer joke? Good start? Right? Yeah, Mattel. Mattel
wants to pay someone almost eighteen thousanddollars a month to play. Oh,
no, I draw full bits.I'm in I'd do it, but I
read the stipulations and you got tolike be in New York and like live
there to actually, ok get thejob. Okay, eighteen thousand dollars a
month, right, right? ButI mean how I didn't see how long.
I didn't read too far into life'san adventure. I don't really tell
you, man, I have tolive in like a friend's apartment or anything.
I mean, right, eighteen thousanddollars a month, You're you're clearing
ten easy, right. I guessthe rest of it could go to rent.
I don't give a damn living acardboard box right next to the building.
Yeah, a hotel hostile eighteen thousanddollars a month is no joke to
play cards to play Uno. Whoawhoa, whoa whoa gon insult? You
know. I love Luno, Ilove Phase ten, I love all those
games. Man. I have Brunoon my PlayStation, so that's how much
I love the Uno game. BressLindsay, Oh is Lindsay man born with
two Schlans speaks? So this guy, I know the story. He's trying
to take a ton of credit andembellishing about how great it is to have
two penises because he has what isit called dysphoria or whatever. Yeah,
super rare condition. And it ain'tpretty right from Marcel from what I read
it was, it was cool fora little while, but then I guess
he got tired of having two dingdongs and ended up having one removed.
So he's really just a one dongman right now. So statistically improbable that
he was born with two dinglings.Yeah, could have got him a case
of beer. And if you linedthem up it would not be that impressive
either from the pictures that I sawright right, because usually when something like
that happens, one's like way biggerthan the other. Any appendage, right,
not just a dingling, you know, because the one is just an
extra growth or whatever. So soyou might have this regular average one and
then Neil's just a whittle bitty guy. This guy hilarious, give him too.
Let's just do an anomaly. Wasn'tthere a lady that had two vaginas?
Yes, I mean yes, theycould have gotten together. You know.
Oh, man, what a crazyporn. That's a match made in
heaven? Was it's a real thirtyfour? Like? Hell, yeah,
worm has been wad Yeah it happened. Hey, breasque milk could prevent and
treat separal palsy, except I wouldneed to see the number of people that
have cerebral palsy. And did theyget breastfeed as kids? Right right?
Maybe they didn't. Oh, Iread this story. I had to read
it three times and it wasn't tillthe fourth time I realized it didn't say
women. Okay, a worm hasbeen revived after forty six thousand years in
the Siberian perma frost worm Okay notrelated to Lindsay's story. All these stories
are on our Facebook page at facebookdot com slash bmms six nine. We
need to know from you what statisticaland probable thing happened to you? Case
of blue Moon, Belgian Ale anda pair of tickets to see OU and
Arkansas play basketball at the Bokay Centerin December. Get your text to us
bmms and what that is to eighttwo nine five. The Big Man Morning
Show returns next Tilsa's Morning Show ninetyseven five kmod, Good morning, It's
The Big Man Morning Show nine eightfour six zero kmod. Can also text
bmms and then what you want tosay to eight two nine four five.
We're giving away a beer for freakingany Friday. I want to know from
you what statistical and probable thing happenedto you? Case of blue Man and
the pair of tickets to Oh youArkansas basketball to be Okay Center in December.
For good? Who is this?It doesn't say my screener give us
us, Brad. How are youfriend? Good? Good Brad? What
is a statistical improbable thing that happenedto you? Oh? When I was
in high school? Uh, therewas an event on the weekend I had
to go to for a class andit was the sin senior citizens doing in
special Olympic uh like this normal livementgames and the senior citizens oh man through
a japlin And where I was standingat in the middle of a group of
people, we didn't expect them toreally get it out there. Nobody's been
in throne it that far. Andout of the blue, everybody started scattering
and I went to jump up tomove out of the way, and as
I was in the air jumping atjavelin stuck me right in the side of
the thigh and when I landed onthe ground, I hit the ground.
It's kind of wabbled and then itfell out, and I was like,
oh crap, I just got tobuy javelin got speared by an old man.
Like how far in? Yeah,it probably went about oh half an
answer, so definitely yeah, Imean, it definitely penetrated it, but
it's just a kid. Yeah,how long did it sit in there?
I mean as soon as I hitthe ground, like when our foot planted
on the ground, it kind ofwobbled like up and down, and it
fell out and it just hit theground. No blood came out or anything
which is very shocking. Wow,yeah, that's impressive. A wabbly javelin
reminds me of Lamar latrelle yes onLambda. Uh, hang on the line,
Brad So can give you or tellyou exactly what you're gonna get.
And all the chances that happening toanyone is low. However, the chances
of you enjoying this case a bluemoon Belgian all at least tickets to OU
basketball is really high. Back,coolman, Hang on the line there,
Brad So, gimpe can make surehe's got the perfect info about you.
And uh yeah, so hang on, Okay, all right, thank you
guys. You'll have a good week. It all right, buddy, YouTube
man, see what Lindsay has forBalls to the Wall sports. The Cleveland
Browns stormed back from a nine pointhalftime deficit to defeat the New York Jets
twenty one to sixteen in the twentytwenty three Hall of Fame Game. The
Browns went ahead for good when DorianThompson Robinson connected with Austin Watkins Junior on
a twenty two yard touchdown pass withnine and a half minutes left to play.
The rookie signal caller finished eight ofeleven for eighty two yards and a
touchdown in the win. Zach Wilsonstarted at QB for the Jets and completed
three of five attempts for sixty fiveyards in the loss. I watched like
a few minutes of it, notvery much, yeah, and I was
thinking, how crazy it is.So they have like their third string.
The Jets had like their third I'msorry, the Browns had like their third
string quarterback in I think, right, they're not going to ruin the new
guy. Yeah, And so hethrows an interception and so then like that
third string linebacker catches it, andhe you know that that's a moment that
can change that linebacker's trajectory for hiscareer. Right if all these guys are
competing at a high level, right, Like, if you're there, there's
a chance you can get it.So that little thing can tip the scale
in your favor. And so hereyou have, like that thing is the
measurable thing to change whether you mightmake the team or not. Right,
But in the meeting they discussed like, hey, do we keep you know
Michael right, Like, well,you got that interception in the Browns game.
Nobody goes Yeah, but it wasagainst their third stringer, right,
yeah, or maybe they do.I don't know, but it's crazy to
think that that little moment could changethat guy's career or any of the other
crazy things that happened. Yeah,I'm sure made his day regardless. Oh
yeah, yeah, that's a goodfeeling. Oh he'll tell that story if
he gets cut and you know,sells cars like it'll be the story he
tells forever. Absolutely. The TennesseeTitans are moving on from an offensive lineman
after he instigated another training camp brawl. Jamarco Jones was released yesterday following his
involvement in a second altercation at practicethis week. The right tackle made an
illegal crackback block on linebacker Chance Campbell, which led to Azi's elsher confronting Jones.
Both needed to be separated. Joneswas also at the center of a
pushing match with Jeffrey Simmons earlier inthe week, which at the center of
oh excuse me, which led toboth players getting kicked out of practice.
Why this gets I think it's justthe hunger for football news. Why this
stuff gets attention. It ain't abig deal, right because they're letting him
go because he's off the team becausethey cut him because of that. I
find hard to believe it was becausethat some of these fixtures of guys fighting
at camp, like full fledged punches, right, we gotta have something though,
gotta have something to fill the realright. They're like, yeah,
I guess, well there was afist fight at practice. I guess we'll
go ahead and put that in there, because it's just like a seven on
seven drill. So it's just likeso boring to watch. They're like,
well, who's gonna watch this guyrun a scene passing rout again? And
that's your balls to the wall sports. I'm Lindsay in ninety seven five KM.
Good morning, It's the Big NADMorning Show nine eight four six zero
KMOD. You can also text bmmsand then what you want to say to
eight two nine four five Good morningLindsay, Good morning Corbyn. Hey,
we're welcoming Static X and seven Duston October twenty fourth at the Tulsa Theater.
If you want to go for free, you can sign up to win
your tickets at kmod dot com.Morning Gimby, Well, good morning Corbyn.
Tonight is our last patio party andwe're also celebrating my birthday this week,
and being is that it's on Monday. So why don't you come down
to enter circle and enjoy similar lionscan sign up for the golf brice back
in enjoy a nicey col brew withyours truly. Oh and those two as
well. Yeah, we are givenaway beer like we do every Friday.
Today it's a little special because we'rethrown in a case of blue Moon and
a pair of tickets to see OUand Arkansas play basketball to be Okay Center
in December. We want to knowfrom you what statistical improbable thing happened to
you? More the texts are startingto come in, what statistical improbable thing
happened to you? Get it overto us BM mess in what that is
to eight two, nine, fourto five, and we will get to
a winner for frigging a Friday ina minute. But we're gonna going around
the room, lindsay what statistical improbablething happened to you? I believe it
was five or six years ago,maybe maybe even more, maybe seven or
eight years ago. Actually it wason Mother's Day. I hit a jackpot
on a scratch off lottery ticket sevenhundred and seventy seven dollars on elusty seven
scratch your ticket. It was Kevinhad brought home like five of them,
I think in my mother's day cardand it was the last card that I
scratched, and I could not believeit. The most you could win seven
hundred and seventy seven dollars, SoI never thought that would be possible,
but it happened. It feels likenot that statistically impossible, right of one
cash off of those I haven't wonthe biggin, but that was it was
there. That was it was thebig end, the most you could win.
So it's like hitting the lottery.Let me, technically it is hitting
the lot it is, yeah,but how many we're just talking about it,
but like how many people won thatmuch money? I don't know.
It's a good point. But theeyes of are like one in you're making
a number of right now. Youyou can see it in your eyes.
Yeah, But I would think,and I don't know, having twins would
be more of a statistical improbability foryour second child. M It runs in
the family though, on both ofKevin's side and my side. Of course,
the doctor did say that I justdropped two eggs. It wasn't on
the fact that it runs in bothof our families. It was me.
I dropped two eggs. I honestlythink that hitting the lottery is more unlikely
than having twins. I don't know, we're just having a conversation. I
thought that's what you were gonna say. It was having twins for your second
child was statistically one in six.Oh well that's your first child is one
in six, So yeah, you'reright in that standard age. How old
were you when you had your twins? Thirty one? Okay, I that's
again. I thought you were gonnasay that. But winning seven hundred dollars
seven hundred and seventy seven, sir, Yeah, thank you. Let's see
here the odds. I was lookingat this trying to find out the odds
of winning the seven hundred and seventyseven dollars that Lindsay got. That's one
and five thousand, nine hundred andseventy four point zero eight. Okay,
that's on the red sevens. Yeah, yea, so pretty common. I
don't think out of nearly six thousandpeople, she was one out of nearly
six thousand. Sure got better chancesof win ten dollars off of that one.
All right, what statistical improbable thinghappened to you, gimpy. I
want to go with the fact thatI have most of my limbs. Okay,
think about this, all right?With the litamide at least, that's
the drug that my mom told meshe took to prevent morning sickness. That's
what we're going with that. Ihave to believe it. I don't know.
I have been lied to so manytimes in my life. I can't
believe anybody, even my own mother. So um. With that being said,
oh, it was the litamite thatcaused painis arm okay, And if
you don't know what painis, armis it's like a regular arm. But
I don't have an elbow. I'mmissing a couple of fingers. My fingers
are shorter. They some joints.I don't have whatever, Okay. Like
some people can bend their thumb atthat first little digit right there, like
freely. I cannot do that.So if you look up the lid of
my babies right go ahead and googleit right now, you'll see that most
of the babies that are there,they all have super short Both arms are
like no arm. It's like ahand maybe at the elbow down at the
shoulder, okay, and then thelegs are the same thing. Okay,
so you've got two little flapper armsand then two little flapper legs. Basically
you're like an oblong, you knowthat just kind of has their appendages.
And the bulk of those babies thatyou see online are like that. Sure,
there's a few of them out therethat maybe have one arm or maybe
two legs that are normal, andthen both of their arms are all jacked
up. But for me, Igot the light end of the stick.
I for the most part, myentire body is completely normal. Even my
right hand, my good hand.There are some discrepancies compared to like some
other ones. Like I said withthe thumbdigit thing, my fingers probably should
be long longer than what they are, and maybe I think my thumb is
misplaced. It's like down further towardsmy wrist than what it should be.
But I find it statistically improbable thatI came out with most everything. The
only thing that I have that likelooking at me is my left arm,
and you're like, oh, yeah, totally. But even then even then,
it's not you know, just ahand at the wrist attached to the
to the shoulder, okay, becauseit's it's most of an arm, it's
just missing an elbow and it's missinga couple of fingers or whatever. So
I think looking at it that that'sthat's probably the one that I'm gonna go
with, because I could have endedup like one of these little oblong egg
babies, or my or like mycousin. My aunt took the same drugs
as your mom, and he wasborn with a hole in his heart and
he only lived for two weeks.Oh. I was going to ask if
he was still around, but Iguess I just looked at died. Yeah,
So there you go. Here.I am made forty two forty three
on Monday, and everything seems tobe all right. You know. I've
learned to adapt and overcome and anduh, I just I look at these
these babies here, and I'm like, oh, hell man, life could
have been a whole hell of alot worse than what I got or right
now. And I wonder when theytook that drug off the market, because
he would have been the same ageas gimpy. This This says, This
says that in Europe nineteen sixty one, doctors began to report a number of
cases of babies born with birth toeffects after their mothers had taken it,
and by sixty two it had beenbanned in most countries. But it doesn't
say United st Winning. Yeah.Uh. Doing my research, it got
a resurgence back in the eighties andit was for it was like cancer cells
or some jive like that or whatever. And I don't know. I was
trying to dig around and find outwhere morning sickness came in, because once
again, I just gotta go withwhat my mom tells me. Yeah,
she's your mom. You should beable to trust and believe what she says,
especially when it comes down to this. However, Dad's one of two
people. We don't know who itis. Somebody's lying to me somewhere.
Well, that was the same reasonwhy my aunt had supposedly taken it and
was prescribed it by her doctor.It's for morning, for morning signals.
Yeah, so I mean maybe itdid help. I don't know, but
I mean that's still dude. I'mgonna stop going down the rabbit hole because
I don't want to churn anything elseup for you. Oh, it don't
bother me, No, But whatyou got. I mean it says it
was banned in sixty two. Yeah, and it got a resurgence back in
the eighties. I did the sameresearch you did. But but band means,
why did it get a resurgence ifit's banned, They don't go,
we've changed our mind, right,I guess somebody figured something out. I've
seen the same thing that you're lookingat um at the Europe you know,
banned in the sixties or whatever.But for whatever silly reason, uh here
in the States, they're like,hey, I mean we got this thing
here, uh here. It's youknow, prevents some some tumors from growing
in blood cells and and oh,by the way, I guess it prevents
morning sickness as well. I didn'thave much time to really go deep down
in and find out when it cameback why it came back, but it
did, say. I did findout big bold letters had a resurgence in
the eighties. They said it thissays it came back in the nineties to
deal with leprosy, my aloma andgraft versus host diseases. Oh wow,
okay, And the nineties, researchersbegan to study familia yeah, and found
that it was effective and treating leprosy, a proof for use in the US
in the nineteen ninety eight for treatmentof leprosy leprosy. Uh, that's such
a bad deal, man. Imean, if you knew, you know,
we'll just go with the nineties forexample. Right, if you knew
thirty years prior to that this thingwas an issue, even in the eighties,
you knew thirty years prior to thatthis is an issue and this is
what it causes, why would youeven bring it back. I don't give
a good goddamn what it fixes,or what it prevents, or what they
used it for. Leprosy tumors,morning sickness. If you've got something,
a drug, a man made,manufactured drug that does this, why would
you even offer it to anybody?I couldn't think of any mother parents in
the world who would hear, hey, we've got this drug for you.
Now there are some slight side effects. Well, what's that little heartburn or
something. No, your baby couldbe born, you know, with little
flipper arms or no legs or whatever. No parent I don't believe would be
like, yeah, sure, signme up, sign me up. And
maybe they didn't disclose the side effectsare weren't aware of it right now,
They're like, if you're pregnant,you can't you know, good luck with
yours. I have a hard timebelieving because it was originally banned in the
fifties and sixties, right that theyweren't aware of the side effects and said,
well, we saw we we didn'tknow. You are full of cramp
and you're trying to I means mustible. It's possible they didn't know. How
do you look at these pictures fromthe fifties from the sixties and say they
didn't know. I'm just saying it'spossible they didn't know, right. They
probably tested it, and let's say, you know, four thousand of the
twenty thousand they tested came back finethey are weren't pregnant. They were like,
yeah, it must be. Youknow, science evolves over time.
I don't buy it. I don'tbuy it. I believe it's a big
farm of trying to cram medicine downUnited just to make a dollar, you
know, And it's a bunch ofcrap, all right. Black helicopter ain't
a black helicopter. It's a littleblack helicopter. We want to know from
you what statistical improbable thing happened toyou a case of blue moon and compared
ticket see Arkansas basketball and Ou basketballas they take on each other at the
Bok Center in December. Texted tous BMMS and what that is to eight
to nine, four to five statisticaland probable thing happened to me is that
my six month old daughter got backto himaningitis. That's a very small number
one and one hundred thousand happens totype of event, and if it goes
untreated, seventy death rate, Sostatistically impossible that she got it, that
we caught it, and we gother help, because when we went to
the doctor, like something isn't right. One we had to wait two days
to see the doctor, and whenwe did they were like, hey,
just go to the er. It'sfine. And when we got to the
er, they were like, youshould have been in an ambulance. You
should have never been in a car. So that for me is the easy
one to land at right amongst otherthings. Now, I could get philosophical
on you and go with the ideathat my mom, after she met her
first husband, then met my dadand then they had a kid and then
decided to have another kid, andwent through all the obstacles of life,
and then I met a woman,got divorced from that woman, and then
met my now life and had mykids. That is a statistical improbability,
right And yeah, here we are, so I could go that route as
well. What statistical and probable thinghappened to you, bmms and what that
is to eight two nine four fiveA case of Blue Moon and a pair
of tickets to the OU Arkansas basketballgame at the Bok Center in December.
We're gonna give away some more beerand tickets coming up, so get your
text to us. Telsa's Morning Showis coming right bad a big mid morning
show, Tulsa's Rock Station ninety sevenfive KMOD. Good morning, It's the
Big Man Morning Show nine one eightor six zero KMOD. You can also
text bmms and then what you wantto say to eight two nine four five.
Time to play a game because ticketsto Mottley Crue and def Leopard are
up for grabs. Mila Krue defLeppard are gonna be at Chapman Stadium on
the campus of the University of Tulsaon August sixteenth. Tickets available Live Nation
dot Com. Numbers game you gottatake on, Lindsay nine eight, four
six zero kmod Pick the category youwant, numbers, percentages, or averages.
You'll get asked five questions, Lindsay, you'll get the same five questions.
Whoever gets the most right, closestor the most closest to the answer
is gonna win. Let's go tothe phones and get our contestant. Good
morning, you're on the air.What is your name anyway, Stephen?
How are you today? Pretty good? You, Stephen? What category do
you want? Numbers? Percentages oraverages? Let's go with percentages. It
is. It's five questions from Gibbey. Just answered them the best that you
can. Are you ready, sir? Yeah? Here we go. Hey
Stevie, what percentage of men climax? Quote most of the time? What
percentage of men climax most of thetime? A percent? Eighty percent?
All right, Steve? What percentageof men can't find the woman's magic button?
What percentage of men can't find thewoman's magic button? Let's go with
eighty five percent? Hey, Steve, what percentage of women cannot find a
woman's magic button? School with fortypercent? Steve? What percentage of college
men were unable to identify the woman'smagic button twenty percent. All right,
Steve a man, what percentage ofmen have faked in orgasm? What percentage
of men have faked in orgasm?Twenty he says. Lindsey's gonna come back
in. She's gonna get the samefive questions, and we'll see if she
can get closer to the answer thanyou. If she does, she's gonna
block you from getting those tickets tosee Motley Crue and def Leopard at the
Chapman Stadium on the campus University ofTulsa in August. Are you ready?
Lindsay yes, lindsay what percentage ofmen climax most of the time? I
would say at least ninety three percent. Lindsay what percentage of men cannot find
the woman's magic button? Forty eightpercent? Forty eight? She says.
All right, lindsay what percentage ofwomen cannot find a woman's magic button?
Forty eight percent? Forty eight.Lindsay what percentage of college men were unable
to identify the woman's magic button?Sixty seven percent, seven percent, she
says. Lindsay, last one here, what percentage of men have faked an
orgasm? Sixty sixty percent. Ohshappening? All right? How do you
think she did? Stephen? Ohno, it's gonna be a good one.
Let's find out, gimpie. Whenthe question wasn't asked what percentage of
men climax most of the time?Stevie Boys said eighty percent. Lindsey said,
damn hear all of them? Ninetythree percent of them climax most of
the time. The answers thirty twopercent. I think everybody's shocked by that.
So Stephen got that one. Theclosest sees up one. Nothing,
Stephen, you need two more toget those tickets to see def Leppard Motley
Crue at the Chapman Stadium on theUniversity of Tulsa campus on August sixteenth.
Question two or two, what percentageof men cannot find the woman's magic button?
Stevie said eighty five percent of themmost men can't find it. Lindsay
said forty eight percent, and theanswer is twenty five percent. Lindsay was
closer. It's tied one to one. When the question was asked, what
percentage of women cannot women cannot finda woman's magic button? Stevie said forty
percent of them. Lindsay practically Priceis righting him and said forty eight percent.
The answer is thirty percent. Stevengot that one right. He's up
two to one. Needs one moreto get those tickets. The question here
is what percentage to call him incollege men can call them? What percentage
of college men were unable to identifythe woman's magic button? Well, Steve
said twenty percent of them. Lindsaysaid sixty seven percent. The answer forty
four percent. Lindsay got that oneright. We have a tide coming down
to the last question for Para takesCe Motlacrun duff Leppard August sixteen. Tickets
available livenation dot com. The questionis what percentage of men have baked an
orgasm? Stevie said twenty percent.Lindsey said sixty percent of men have baked
it. Damn it's a lot.Have you corbon maybe once? I have
once before? Maybe once? Yeah, none of them doesn't doesn't stick out
most of the time. As sixtyfoods. Well, the answers twenty five
percent. Yeah, congratulations, Steve. When you're getting those tickets, you're
gonna see Motley Crue def Leppard onAugust sixteenth. Hang on the line friend,
Okay, alrighty, we want togive away some beer for freakin a
Friday. We want to know fromyou what statistical and probability thing happened to
you? BMMS and whatever that isto eight two nine four five case of
Blue Moon and a pair tickets tosee OU and Arkansas play at the b
Okay Center in December. You needto get those texts to us BMMS and
what that is to eight two ninefour five Kilsa's Morning show them being bad,
Morning Show the assaults congenious. Nextnine five KMO, Good morning,
It's the Big Man Morning shown foursix zero kmod can also text BMMS and
then what you want to say toeight to nine four five We're giving away
beer frigging a Friday. What statisticalimprobable thing happened to you? You just
got to send a text with ananswer to that. If we get you
on the phone, you're gonna geta case of Blue Moon and a pair
of tickets to OU and Arkansas basketballat the bok Center in December. But
we got on the line here itlooks like David is on. Hi David,
how are you? Good morning David? What statistical improbable thing happened to
you people? Do you know thatyou could honestly say got bit by a
copperhead and a recluse? What inthe same hour? What? I'm not
idiot? Okay, tell me wherewere you and how did it happen?
Where did they bite you? Coincidentally, I was looking for pigmy rattlers because
my niece has seen one, soat my sister's house, moved some boards
out of the way, got piggedby the snake, moved some wood around.
After that little fiasco when it gotbit by spider, I was like,
really, and where did you getbent? On the ankle from the
snake and right on the finger fromthe recluse? And when that happens,
did you have to go to thedoctor? It was a drive byte and
I only knew that because I've beenbit before. So funny how many times
I'll take debate, how many timeshave you been bitten by a snake?
Three total? Yeah? One onetime invenimation happened. So the two of
them were drave bytes and all copperheads. Luckily, Yeah, you've never
gotten spit on by one of thosespitting snakes. Man. I pitched up
the timber rattler that fell out ofthe tree on my shoulder, and the
cop came over and I kind ofput it in his face and he slapped
at it. And when he did, snake almost got my wrist on that
one thing you shook up. Youfound a snake and shook it in a
CoP's face. Yeah, hedn't believeme. I must have been a small
snake. What is so different aboutyou and I's lives that you have that
that many encounters with snakes. I'mjust an idiot that ghost and looks for
him. I'm the guy that hey, y'all, watch this. Okay,
all right, well listen to this. Can me tell him exactly what he's
gonna get? You know, it'sstatistically improbable for a kid from Iowa to
know everything under the sun. Yethere we are now in case a blue
moon, Belgian ail and a fairthinke us to see the suitors take on
razorbacks and basketball macked. You guys, hang on the line, friends,
so Gimpy can get your info andhave a fantastic weekend. Nice guys,
you too. All right, buddy, don't go anywhere. Let's see what
Gimpy's gotten his four by four.Well, Comma says here that Otter attacks
and injures three women an otter.Three Montana women are recovering following a rare
attack by an otter statistically improbable.Montana Fish Wildlife Imparts says that the trio
were floating on inner tubes down theJefferson River when at least one of the
animals attacked. One of the womenhad to be life afflighted to a hospital
once they got out of the waterfrom an otter. Now, why would
it have to be life flighted onlyfor like a raby's thing, Like a
raby's concern would be the only thingthat I could think of unless they hit
like the otter attacked and hit likea major artery and they were just gushing
blood everywhere. Right. The folksat the Discovery Channel right now are like
otterweek, right, And it's abouttimes you know something besides sharks or cocaine
Otter. Two US Navy sailors arearrested in connection to Chinese spine. The
Justice Department announced the arrest of thetwo active duty members yesterday, A twenty
two year old sailor based in SanDiego and a twenty six year old sailor
based at the naval base Bentura Countynorth of Los Angeles. They were taken
into costody on Wednesday. They areaccused of sending national defense information to Chinese
officials in exchange for cash. AssistantAttorney General Matt Polson said because of the
sailor's sensitive military info ended up inthe hands of the People's republic obtaining I
always think when it's like this scenariothat it's always like, you know,
a slug slug worth thing, likethey're meeting under some bridge, you know,
like in Willy Wonka, right right, like here you got the cash.
Yeah, you got the information.You got that lever lasting gun.
Step right, one of us passinghim Manila envelope, you know with like
flat papers and the other ones.Here's a folded envelope cash. We'll see
you leader, And it says herethat Trump pleads not guilty to the latest
charges. He appeared in federal courtin Washington to see after being indicted earlier
this week. Faces four counts,including conspiracy to defraud the US. The
first hearing in the case of schedulefor August twenty eighth. He was released
under the condition that he doesn't speakwith any of the witnesses and in the
case unless it's through or with lawyerspresent. The DOJ claims that the January
sixth Capital riot was fueled by bywhat it calls Trump's lies, and that
is not being charged for the violence. Says here that Tulsa Community College launches
a new cybersecurity program. TCC haslaunched a new Associate of Applied Science degree
program focusing on cybersecurity. New degreeprogram will help grow the field and provide
career paths to diverse communities. Thenew cybersecurity classroom was made possible by federal
and state funding, as well asa partnership with Dell and Intel to help
develop artificial intelligence. The PAC twelveis getting smaller by the hour. The
University of Arizona is close to leavingthe conference for the Big Twelve after the
Big twelve approved the Wildcats application tojoin the conference on Thursday. Arizona's Board
of Regents still need to vote andformally approve the move, but they met
on Thursday night, so the switchis all but finalized. The Wildcats would
officially become a part of their newconference in twenty twenty four, and the
move would give the Big Twelve atotal of fourteen programs. The Big twelve
has also courted Arizona State and Utah, according to reports, and apparently at
the University of Washington solding regents meetingsto decide to. And that's your Balls
to the Wall sports. I'm lindsayon ninety seven five Kames, Good morning,
It's the Big Mad Morning showIn eightfor six zero kmod can also text
bmms and then what you want tosay to eight to nine four five Time
for the struggle is wheel time forcutt. This is a Plinko game we
play where we dropped, where wedrop Plinko chips down and you have to
do whatever it lands or drink whateverit lands in. We'll get to that
in a second. But good morning, Good morning, Corbet her heart skipt.
I could hear it from over ye. I'm like, what hey,
Stephen won those Motley Cruft and defLeppard tickets, But if you want to
go, you can buy your waythere. Tickets are available online at live
nation dot com. Good morning,give me morn and Corvin. We're just
mere weekends away from rock Lahoma twentytwenty three, prior USA Labor Day weekend
and on Thursdays. We just gaveaway a bunch of tickets yesterday, so
all month long, on Thursdays youcan win a pair of weekend GA tickets
to Rocklahome. You just gotta listenfor the que to call and be the
right callers. Pretty simple. Allright, now we are going to play
cocked. This is where we playPlinko. We dropped these chips down,
they fall into a slot. Ifthey land in a slot, say with
peach Snops, you get announced tothat. You drop your other chip and
whatever it lands and you get anounce of that and have to drink it.
If it lands in cucked, thegame stops. No one else has
to go who hasn't gone? Andthen you have to answer three trivia questions.
You've got to get at least twoof them right to avoid getting one
ounce of everything that is on theplinko board. Uh. This week cut
has moved down. It's three spotsfrom the right, So we have from
right to left peach snops, yummy, pure maple syrup, uh, chocolate
milk okay uh mirr or if itwas right, set up and say rum
olive oil, uh, some alcoholicseltzer and barf in a bottle, which
is what GIMPI. That is twistedtea whiskey. If you've had twisted tea,
the hard iced tea, well,this is a whiskey version of it.
And I haven't had any, butfrom what I hear, it tastes
like vomit in a bottle. Andso I will draw. Since I went
last last week and landed and cutyea, I will decide who goes first
by randomly pulling someone's name out ofthe fish bowl. And so the first
person that's gonna go this week isme. Uh fun, Will he get
cooked again? I hope not.I'm staying all left man right, But
yeah, I know it can move. I get it. I get it.
It likes to launch itself across theboard and land in the cooked That's
what happened last time. That's howI got cooked. Yeah, but I'm
just gonna stay all the way tothe left. Worst case scenario, I
get barf in a bottle twice,are olive oil twice and I could use
a good clean and so it's allbeen honest. So yeah, left hand
side of the board all the waydown and it's landed in barf in a
bottle. Nice fine, first timewe've done that, right, Yeah,
and that's whiskey tea, yes,yes, which I've had some some sweet
tea whiskeys before. Sweet tea vodkasmy bad. Sweet tea vodkas not that
bad. I've never had a sweettea whiskey, and I just I don't
know what we're gonna find out howgood it is. So worst case scenario,
I'm having a shot of whiskey,yeah, which you don't like.
I don't I mean certain whiskeys,yes, but not that isn't my go
to um so I really don't wanta double, like I really don't want
to double. But that isn't theworst punishment on the board. I'm staying
in the same spot. It's goingdown, it's working its way in the
middle. And olive oil, okay, I mean the tame the olive oil
is gonna bat it down right.Starbucks has that line of coffees with olive
oil. Maybe I'm opening a venturehere. Maybe this is going to become
a thing. Maybe olive oil whiskeyis going to become No, okay,
listen, I didn't think coffee andolive oil would be a thing. Ob
Yeah, that is separated that isone separated. I don't like that at
all. Looks like something I putin my motorcycle. Can I stir it?
I guess if you want to,if it'll make you feel better,
But I don't know if it'll doany good. You know, I use
the last spoon this morning. Ithink, yeah, you could. You
could use your finger, just ramit down in there and world around a
few times. I don't even thinkI would cook with that. Oh yeah,
some chicken with it, okay.Whiskey and olive, yeah, yeah,
but iced tea whiskey though maybe someregular bourbon not mixing. You know,
I didn't think it would. Ididn't think that it would because that
oil just, I mean, itjust separates. Yeah, it's starting a
little Okay, it's starting to mixa little bit. He's got to get
on. I can already feel myselfgetting hot, all right, So,
olive oil, whiskey tea. Yeah, I'm curious. I don't I'm curious
how this is going to work out, because from what I've been told about
the whiskey, you know, wecall it barf and a bottle for a
reason. But I think that Ithink that the olive oil is going to
overpower that flavor. Okay, that'sjust my opinion though. Taste like smells
like a shot really yeah shot,yeah, pretty matted down whiskey. All
right, So conked my turn.I landed in olive oil and bar for
the bottle, which is a teawhiskey or whiskey tea. Yeah, and
I'm currently stirring it so I can. I don't know if it's gonna do
any good it is, is it? Yeah? Yeah, okay, yeah,
I'm agitating it. I'm curious talkingto it. If if the Twisted
Tea you're not even real liquor,oh oh yeah, you getting agitated.
But I'm curious if the Twisted Teacompany paired up with a good whiskey.
Oh, yes see. I don'tknow. I don't know. I don't
know anything about that except for whatthey told. Man, that was it
tastes like it tastes like you've drankall the whiskey, all the vodka,
all the tequila, and all thebeers and that's the only thing left.
So you drank all that and thenbarfed it up and then drank your vomit.
So this is sweet tea. Thisis so that makes a difference.
Too. Yeah it does. It'sgonna have a high sugar concentrate. Yeah.
I think it's gonna be nothing.You don't think so Okay, the
whiskey part's gonna be the only badpart for me, right, all right,
here we go, sweet tea whiskey. We call bar from the bottle
an olive oil cheers. The hatchseem to take it pretty easily. Yeah,
um um, I'll give it asix point eight okay, and would
recommend Really I don't get the barthpart, okay. And it could have
been that they were hammered when theytried it. Man, who knows.
I don't know anything. I wasjust like sounds, you know, dis
constant. Let's use it. Andthe olive oil is like olive oil is
like butter, so like, itjust lubricates it. It makes it very
The viscosity is super slippery, makesit easier to go down. Yeah.
So um yeah, I had likea twoty fruity taste to it, kind
of okay, Okay, any syntheticthing like that is going to be weird
tasting, I think so. Yeah. Not not the worst, okay,
not the worst. That's disappointing.Yeah, didn't even have a strong whiskey.
It was very sugary. Really yeah, I had all that tea in
there. Yeah. Next person goinglindsay, all right, all right,
lindsay, where are you shooting forit? I am going to stay too.
They far left as a well,I I'm hoping for the Seltzer because
I do not like tea at all, not at all, not a tea
drinker. No, but I dolike whiskey. So there's that. But
I'm hoping for seltzer. I amgoing to stay far left. Okay.
So she's staying all the way left, dropping it down way in the middle
and seltzer Seltzer? All right?Is this the same marks type of seltzer?
No, she was supposed I did. It's in the it's in the
fridge in your office. Okay,So what do you want to go with?
Hopefully a double Seltzer? Is thatwhat you'd like? Becau is a
double Seltzer? What flavor did youbring? It's I believe it's a black
cherry that was on the fridge.Ye, yeah, yeah, easy,
all right, So she's gonna dropit and try for a double of seltzer.
Yes, and same left side sidesmoving around it's all the way over
to the cut. Oh, andhe opened it already. You may need
it. Oh my gosh, giveme deadness tracks. She was all the
way on the left hand side ofthe board, and it moved over six
slots and landed her right and cutto the last minute. Did I say
at the beginning of the segment?Man, that thing it loves it's jump
across the board. It has beenon a tear with the cut. That's
four weeks in a row, right, right for cutt right? All right?
Are you ready? Lindsay three questions? You only got to get two
right, so you should be ableto hand this should be, should be.
It's not like it's a statistical improbability. Question one, What astronomer is
called out in Bohemian Rhapsody? Whatastronomer is called out in Bohemian Rhapsody?
Kali Leo? Is that your finalanswer? Are you sticking with that?
Yes? Okay? Question two?What are the first names of the brothers
that make up the Jackson five?What are the first names of the brothers
brothers that make up the Jackson five? You should know this. You are
a mark for that sort of thing. Yeah, right, there's Michael Okay,
let me write us down, Okay, Machael, Tito Jackson, Tito
his teasing? Okay, right lightvodka? Would um? Oh boy,
I don't think they named their childdead. What are you gonna name it?
Oh boy? Oh boy? Maybean ol? Right? Oh boy?
Okay? Um. What are thefirst names of the brothers that make
up the Jackson five? Oh?Oh is that a name? Go with
that? Okay, Tito Jackson,Michael Jackson. I want to see Jesse
Jackson keeps coming to my Yah,you're right, it could be. Um.
Oh, what was the dad's name? What are the first names of
the brothers that make up the Jacksonfive? Michael Cheeto, we'll go.
Let's go to question number three?Please okay? Question three? Who wrote
the star spangled banner? Question three? Who wrote the star spangled banner?
Um? I'll give you a hint. It's not Jesse or Tito or Michael
or old boy boy who wrote thestar spangled banner? Betsy Ross came to
mind first, and it was theone that did the flag, I believe,
Okay, the flag. Um,maybe she was humming a song while
she uh sung on the flag.Oh, what's going on in your head?
Keep going. What who wrote?I'm sorry? Did I thought we
moved on? Okay? Who wrotethe star Spangled banner? What you're answering
for is a chance to not haveto do a shot of everything on the
board Peach snaps, Sarah, chocolate, milk, rum, olive oil,
saltzer, and barf in a bottle. You gotta get two of the three,
right, You've answered one question,You've passed on one to come back
to her own question three, andthat question is who wrote the star Spangled
banner? Yeah, I'm I'm right. I just wrote down Betsy Ross.
Betsy Ross. That's your final answer, Betsy Ross. Okay, let me
all right back to question two?Who are the What are the first names
of the brothers that make up theJackson five? Michael Tito Um, there
was Oh gosh, what are thefirst names of the brothers that make up
the Jackson five? I know,but I gotta fill We can't have silence,
alarm start going off, Michael,first names of the brothers because they
were related? Yeah, of theJackson five. Not sisters. No sisters
in the Jackson five. What arethe first names of the brothers that make
up the Jackson five? All thesejays. I've said that before. What
am I gonna do? Smoke themall at once? Um? Oh my
goodness? And how many uh um? How many times have they been in
the news? Is not a lotlately now, probably for at least two
decades something to that effect, atleast since uh Michael pass anyway, I
mean he got them in the newsevery time. He ain't that the truth
riding in coattails? Who the thought? Man? You see that little guy,
You're like, you're gonna be waymore famous than any of us one
day. Why does he get tosee? All right? He's so cute?
What are the what are the firstnames of the brothers that make up
the Jackson five? H h it'sMarvin in one of them. So Marvin
you want to get I just needto get to answers. Yeah, um
yeah, I'm writing man down right. Two more? Janet was the sister.
Do you want to put Janet down? Okay, they haven't transitioned yet.
Um, all right, Michael Tito, don't forget Marvin. It's not
Jesse. Why can't I think oftheir names? He's got so many children.
Oh, we only we've got towrap this up. What are the
first names of the brothers that makeup the Jackson five. I've got Michael
and Tito. That's all you're goingwith. You're just gonna take it as
a loss. You don't even gonnathrow in three other names for just maybe
some sort of statistical improbability. Idon't know why I asked that, Like
Ray, we're gonna be here foranother twenty five minutes, um, but
I do still have Marvin written down. I need to know if I need
to scratch Marvin out of there oror add more name to the list.
Yeah, I'm drawing a blank.Okay, so nothing, Okay, all
right, So she's going with twoanswers, Tito and Michael. It sounds
like, okay, yes, noMorvin, okay. Question one? What
astronomer is called out in Bohemian Rhapsody, Well, she fired off after a
little bit Galileo. Answer is Galileo, of course. Question two, which
will count as a loss because youdidn't fill it out correctly. What are
the first names of the brothers thatmake up the Jackson five? Michael and
Tito is all she gave me,Tito, Michael, of course. Then
you have Jermaine Jermaine. Then youhave Jackie which sometimes gets missed, but
Marlin gets missed the most. SoJermaine Marlin, Jackie, Tito and Michael.
Which is now where Lindsay will go, Oh, yes, yes Marlin
Marvin not connected? No, no, begin with an M. That's it.
Marlyn Marvin who wrote the star letter? Who? No mini letters?
No A V? And not marVaughn? Right mar who? Okay,
all right, calm down? Whowrote the star Spangled banner? Well?
Uh, the infamous songwriter Betsy Ross. I gotta go whoa Betsy Ross made
the flag? Francis Scott Key,you're celebrated too early, by the way.
I give the and the correct answer. Right, how long have you
been here? I'll go ahead andstart mixing. Got this? We gotta
take a break and we will getthat ready as Lindsay got cocked. The
Big Man Morning Show returns next HilasMorning Show ninety seven five Jmot, Good
morning. It's the Big Mad MorningShow nine eight four six zero kmo D.
Don't forget we're giving away beer,frigg and a Friday. What statistical
improbability happened to you? O caseof Blue Moon and pair tickets CEOU and
Arkansas play basketball at the Bok Centerin December. You gotta get a text
to us, though, BMMS,And what's the statistical improbability thing that happened
to you, BMMS? And whatthat is to eight two nine four five
playing cuked and Lindsay went her secondship dropped and cuked, and she couldn't
name the Jackson five. And shethought Betsy Ross did the star spangled banner,
and so she lost and has everythinginside a cup. One ounce of
peache schnops, one ounce of maplereel maple, one ounce of chocolate milk,
one ounce of rum, one ofolive oil, one ounce of black
cherry saltzer, and one ounce oftea Sweet tea whiskey. And it looks
like some sort of caramel coffee drink. Yeah, it doesn't look now that
she stirred it up. It's allright. But like when it was separated,
it looked like something I left behindme this morning, it looked bad.
It looks like a coffee drink.And thankfully there's four different types of
booze in here, right, Idon't think it'll matter. That's just more
reassurance, right than anything else.Still gonna taste like hot garbage. Yeah,
and what if just what if?Not saying it's gonna happen, but
what if that doesn't stay down?Then the four liquors are no good?
Okay, yeah, yeah, wellthen fine, I'm not then I'm not
taking in any calories. Silver lining. It's a way to look at it.
Yes, exactly, exactly, Sohere we go. I think it's
stirred up pretty good. Okay,So Lindsay got cut in here. She
has all seven ingredients in one glass. Cheers, guys, she's drinking it
going down. Oh she's not.Oh she ain't hasn't hating No, No,
she's a trooper that way. Ithink she likes it. Boom down
done. Um, My lips feelnice and moistened from the yallave oil.
I could taste the rum the mostokay, um, not bad. Got
a little carbonation from the seltzer.Now I'm tasting the peach taste that maybe
even more so than the rum.Now that I think about, these flavors
are coming in. There are comingin waves. You know. I think
it interesting. Yeah, flavors.Yeah, yeah, the peach and the
rum came in the strongest. SoI'm not hating it. Okay, I
would actually probably recommend to this one. I give it as solid six.
Oh yes, wow yeah, notbad, not bad at all. Huh
yeah, word for chaser, noteven a chaser. Look at you take
it like a troop. Thank you, thank you. I know what people
that do, uh you know,improvn style take that. That's trop all
right, yeah, well, goodjob. We want to know from you,
what statistical improbable thing happened to you? Impressive? How fast you did
that? By the way, thankyou. Only we can get answers that
a case of blue Moon and apair of tickets to see how you and
Arkansas basketball at the Bokay Center BMMS, and what's a statistical improbable thing that
happened to you? To the phonenumber eight to nine four five. Untilsa's
Morning Show continues next to The BigMan Morning Show un Tilsa's Rock Station ninety
seven five KMOT, Good morning,It's The Big Man Morning Show. Nine
one eight four six zero KMOD canalso text BMMS and then what you want
to say to eight two nine fourfive. We are giving away beer for
freaking a Friday. Not only that, we're throwing in the pair of tickets
to see ou and Arkansas play basketballat the Bok Center in December. You
just got to answer this question.We have to get you on the phone,
the question what statistical and probable thinghappened to you? Bmms and what
that is to eat? Two ninefour five Alec is on with us.
Hey, Alec, how are youall right? What's going on? What's
statistical and probable thing happened to you? Well? I was younger, about
six grade. Me and my stepbadwas load cattle over me Mint and Bill
Arkansas. He told me to gooff and go play cattle get at wild
bo went and done my thing.Gaff broke a piece of a bar through
the air out the hand sitting inthe hospital and hand a life slotting me
all a little little up. Holy, so a piece of metal came off
of what a piece of the fence. Caff hit the fence since the re
bar flying through the air, standardpat me out in the side of the
head. Wow. How far wereyou from the fence? Probably about fourty
or fifty yards? However were youagain okay but still a young child?
Yeah? Sorry, I'm laughing atthe the livestock in the background. I'm
here, um, and how badof an injury? Did you have Do
you remember what it was? A? Yeah, I got a about an
eight inch by one gash crossed thetop of my head. Any residual damage,
yeah, you know, he's gotthe dent in the side of his
head. But wow, you gota dent in the side of your head.
How long were you in the hospital? Yeah, uh, week and
a half. I think, justtesting to make sure you had all your
marbles. Yeah, you got apretty wicked scar. Besides the dent in
your head. Yeah, it's it'spretty good. Also, when you went
back to school at nineteen years old, how often did you show off the
scar and dent in your head?Like, hey, guys, look what
I got? Oh all the time? Does hair grow grow through the scar?
Yeah, it's all it's all grownback now. Normally I would ask
a question, uh, like,hey, do you still work with livestock
or whatever? But I I've heardthe answer already in the background. Yeah,
we're actually we're actually working set rightnow. So have you ever looked
at a a cow heifer and beenlike maybe? Yeah, I think about
it every time I need a hamburger? Oh God? That code? Is
that farmer cud for something? Idon't know? All right, give me
go ahead and tell me, Bessie. Let me show you the handburger,
give me telling me what he's hitting. You know what's statistically improbable for someone
to be as cool as me?Which proves that gimbing an easy. Here's
a case of blue Moon Belgian aleand a fair basketball ticket. Man to
you, Calvin, I appreciate you, man, hand on one. Just
gotta get your infa, all right, I appreciate it. All right,
buddy, see you later. Let'ssee what Lindsay has for balls to the
wall sports. Well, speaking ofbasketball, Michael Jordan's run as the majority
owner of the Charlotte Hornets has officiallycome to an end. Jordan's sale of
his majority steak to a group ledby Gay Plotkin and Rich was finalized on
Thursday. The six time NBA championsaid in a statement that he is thrilled
to be able to pass the reinsto two successful, innovative and strategic leaders
in Gabe and Rick. Jordan willcontinue to hold a minority stake in the
team following the approximately three billion dollarssale. So I wonder why did I
say why he's selling? Does helike need the money to pay off gambling
debts. Is he just tired ofbeing part owner? I know he just
want debts debts. Well, youknow he has the biggest sports brand in
the world. Oh for sure,absolutely, But you don't know what's happening,
like on the dark side of things, right, there's always that what
they don't tell you. So therecould simply there could be, you know,
because we know how he's got agambling problem. It could be like,
you know, I got I gottado something here to take care of
this. His net worth is twobillion dollars almost. I think he's fine.
Yeah, he's good. Yeah,So Johnny Manzille walked into a bar
because he owns the place. Theformer Texas and m football star is getting
into the hospitality industry. He's openingup his very own watering hole in his
old stomping grounds of College Station.The place is called Johnny Manzelle's Money Bar,
which is a clear nod to thefamous nickname he was given after getting
suspended for selling his autograph has completeYeah right. He has not been shy
about his love for having a goodtime, recently revealed in his upcoming Netflix
project, he once went on afive million dollar bender. He says,
I thought I played better the harderI partied, he said in the Untold
documentary. He also previously opened upon his NFL experience, saying he felt
bad for losing the respect of histeammates for his off field lifestyle during his
time in Cleveland. He who hehad a stint in rehab into that fifteen.
He's content with how his career playedout and appears to be in good
spirits post football. The bar isslated to open in time for the Aggy
season. He went. Also inthat documentary talks about how he was diagnosed
with bipolar and he bought a gunand was going to kill himself. Oh
damn, I did not know that. I didn't mention that in your news
story. Yeah, I didn't knowthe kind of documentaries. By the way,
the Bishop Sycamore, remember remember thathigh school that existed in the school,
like high school football team and theykilled everybody like seventy to nothing or
whatever, and then they found outthere was no school. Yeah, HBO
is dropping a documentary about it,about the scandal of how bad the guy
who ran it was. It looksvery interesting, so crazy, wild good.
I'll watch that one. The ChicagoWhite Sax are going to be without
their closer for the remainder of theseason. Liam Hendricks underwent Tommy John surgery
Wednesday to repair a torn owner collateralligament in his right elbow. The typical
timeline for a return from Tommy Johnsurgery is twelve to fourteen months, which
means Hendricks is in danger of missingthe twenty twenty four season as well.
The thirty four year old missed thestart of this season after completing retreatment for
non Hodgkin lymphoma. He announced thathe was cancer free on April twentieth and
made his season debut on May twentyninth. And the Philadelphia seventy sixers are
dealing with a major injury to oneof their rotational players. The team announced
Wednesday that Montresal Harold tore his aclafter a workout. The twenty nine year
old averaged five and a half pointsthree rebounds over fifty seven games with Philly
last season. The Sixers resigned Haroldto a one year deal last month.
The center was expected to play abackup role behind Joel Embiid and Bomba,
who also signed a one year contractlast month. And that's your balls to
the Wall Sports. I'm Lindsaya ninetyseventy five. Good morning, It's the
Big Night Morning Show. Nine eightfour six zero kmod. Can also text
bmmss and then what you want tosay to eight two nine four five.
Good morning Lindsay, Hey there,Corbyn. Habby twenty third birthday to Gabby
Carter, this mattress actress. Shemakes mouths of water in below the Belt
two Gabby gets her way. Isit below the belt and below the Belt
to license to drill vegetarians too?And where the magic happens? Yes,
Good morning Gibby, Good morning Corbyn. Hey tonight Patty A party five to
seven Downtown Inner Circle, three dollarsMiller Lights. We're given away a price
pack. Come join us, timefor Willy Nilly, your chance to own
the show. Talk about anything youwant, bring back, something you can
get in on, it doesn't matter. It's your chance. Down the sho
A couple of ways to get innine eight four six o kmod or you
can text BMMS and then what youwant to say to eight two nine four
five. I was just going downthe rabbitle because Jake Paul and Nate Daz
are fighting this weekend and down inDallas. They had the press conference and
they faced off and the security guardsgot in a fight with each other.
Wow, like a pushing shoving.One guy got dropped event. Wow.
I don't see how this is goingto sell a lot of pay per views.
I don't see the draw really,I don't know. I think that
there are a lot of lovers andhaters of the Diaz brothers, and I
think that there are a lot ofhaters of Logan Paul. I think it'll
sell. I think it'll be aI think it's a good seller. There's
what like ten years age difference betweenthe two of them, and I believe
there's a weight difference. And thereason I don't think is a draw.
Of course, people like them,but people know it's a gimmicky thing,
and the Diaz fan base, thetried and true, might come out,
but it's gonna be an exceptional matchup. Is ideas retired now from m may
I believe, but I don't.I don't. I don't see how this
is gonna be that exciting, AndI don't know if he's gonna beat him.
You cannot underestimate the Paul brothers andtheir work ethic. Yeah, I
know, I think Logan's gonna win. He doesn't have the experience, but
he's got the power, and he'sgot accuracy an age that doesn't always mean
anything. Yeah, but they're notrunning around chasing each other. Boxing doesn't
like that. Yeah. But ifif if Das is retired, you don't
know if he's if he's staying inshape or not, if he's keeping up
with with his fitness. I thinkif you make that your rear, no
matter who you retire or not,that's your regiment, so you're going to
stick to it for the most part, I think anyway, Right, I
don't know as much as I don'tcare for the For Paul Logan, I
will yes, exactly whatever whoever.I hope he takes meekly as his ass.
All right, Willie Nelly Elizabeth ison hauled high Elizabeth, how are
you were great? How are youguys good? What do you have for
Willie Nilly? So I was callingin of about them statistical improbabilities in so
far? I am twenty seven,um, and I've had two in my
life so far. Okay. Thefirst one was when I was in middle
school. Um, it was afteryouth grew It was super dark outside.
We're all hanging out in the parkinglot um and it was super dark out.
I couldn't see what anyone was doing. We were just talking and I
walked by at the perfect time.An older kid was hitting rocks with a
plastic baseball back and one or twowent directly into my right eye and um,
yeah, it's it instantly started bleeding, of course everywhere. We couldn't
see what exactly was wrong before wegot to the hospital and my like cornea,
the colored part of your eye wascompletely filled with blood because it was
leading on the inside. And thenalso the white part of my eye was
completely bloody as well because it wasleading in there as well. Skip forward
to today. I have a cataractin my right eye that was cost from
that trauma. It is still presentto this day and I have to see
my specialist every year to monitor it. So what they do for like,
did you have to have surgery?What happened? No? So they said
that the pressure in my eye Iwas fine. They didn't know how because
it was filling with too much blood, but somehow the pressure was regulating itself.
But being a middle schooler, Idid have to wear like you know
those old lady like they just wentto the eye doctor, big black,
blocked out glasses. I had towear those. And then once they confirmed
like the pressure was really going down, to make sure that no more trauma
happened to it until it fully heardhealed, I had to wear an eyepatch.
How many times did you get pickedon? Oh, my gosh,
so many times. I actually wehad a substitute teacher in my band class,
and she did not know about thecondition, and she thought I was
refusing to like not be funny inclass, and she sent me to the
principal's office because I was wearing thoseglasses and an eyepatch. You said there
were two. What's the other statisticalimprobable thing that happened to you? Yes,
in high school. It was myjunior year of high school. Um.
We me and of friends were outriding on gravel roads and in razors
and we came across a really tightturn that we didn't know about, and
I blacked out. The girl thatwas with me and my razor blacked out,
but I was driving. It wasa left hand turn and I ended
up by the passenger rear tire.Somehow. I was ejected and it was
I ended up like fifty to likesixty foot from the curve and I have
no idea what happened or how Ifell, but I was lifelighted to a
hospital and I saw every specialist therethat night, and every single one said
they did not know how I survived? Did okay? Uh? Like,
was it a five point harness youweren't wearing or do those even have harnesses?
So I believe some of them do, but the one set I was
in just had lack belts. Butof course, being teenagers, were like,
oh, we're not going to experienceanything. We're just like cruising on
roads. We're not gonna go likein any like dirt trails or anything like
that. So yeah, we werenot wearing anything. How fast do you
think you were going? We wereonly going like thirty six. It was
only Yeah, it wasn't that yougot lifelighted. You don't get to say
that, right, You have cataractsand we're riding around an open air vehicle
with no seatbelt on. No,but it has a role change, I
mean, nothing to back that workout. Yeah, you're hilarious, I
know, awesome. No, II even had to get two places on
my face flute, and I hada four inch on my scalp that I
had to get stapled. So soyou had a gash on your face.
Yep, Oh yeah, I haveit. I have kind of Harry Potter's
scars. And then on the leftside of my head, I have a
really long cut on the scar onmy head. Now that's you are lucky.
You may have used all your luckbefore your twenty eighth birthday. I
know, I know. My momsays that she just needs to bubble at
me right on. All right,girl, Well, thanks for sharing with
us. Have a great day youas well. Happy Friday. Happy Friday.
I see you later. You'd thinkit would have straightened out the eye
thing, but apparently not. Jayis on the line, Hi, Jay,
how are you hey? It wasgoing on, guys, all right,
So I was also calling about thestatistic probability thing. So I was
about I want to stay twelve yearsold, and a little bit of context
for the story. The first Expendablesmovie had just come out and I've seen
it like a week prior to disincident. Well, me and my friends
went on like a like a churchUS group thing down to Bricktown in Oklahoma,
city and there was like this crowdof people like just kind of in
the area and we're like, oh, so we thought it was like a
fight for something, and we uhmade our way over. And at the
time, I didn't know who itwas because I just didn't know his name
or anything like that, but Ijust remembered him from the movie and I
was like, hey, that's adude from that movie. Well he starts
like walking away from this group ofpeople, and I'm like, I'm gonna
go get my picture taken with it. And I went up and I'm like,
hey, man, I've seen youin that Expendables. Man, we
get it. Can I get apicture? Man? It was really cool,
and he screamed fu and threw aCoca Cola at my face, like
a bottle of coke. And Ilater went home to like research who it
was and it was Mickey Roy Wow. So worldmund actor Mickey Yorke tried to
assault me as a child. Idon't think you're alone. I think he
had a history of that. Ourhas. Yeah, he's uh. It
was very interesting. I would liketo say it was traumatizing, but look
back at it now, and Iwas till funny and anything. I've never
you know, had beef with acelebrity, So yeah, does that count
as beef or as just he wasn'tcooperative? Beef means like you got to
settle some beef. I mean Igot I'm old and grudge. I'll fight
him right now. So elders inyour rolling decks, high wing, set
this up Jake Paul style. Imeet him in the ring. I mean,
he actually is a highly trained boxer, so I don't know if that
would be the smartest move. Buthave you seen that video of that hundred
thirty two years old I think Ihear you. Have you seen the video
of that old man who was aworld class boxer taking on like three kids
and whooping their ass? Uh?No, I haven't, but I do
believe it. So I do believeit. Yeah, this is this is
my official calling out of meet mein the ring. But you heard it
here about you, pussy mickey,you old man. Put your teeth in
and get to work right on.Man, Put you in a second nursing
home. All right, Jay,I appreciate you. Man. See you
later, all right, go golater, see you later. Everybody wonders
what makes us number one? Well, that's calling up the elderly. Aaron
is on, Hi Aaron, howare you? I'll live in the dream,
Bob Good, what do you havefor Willie Nilly? What do you
want to talk about? Let ithappened yesterday, do it? What do
you want to talk about? Uh? Well, I had to do with
what I heard on All Show yesterdayabout some day want you all to marry,
wanting you to marry him and hisold lady. Okay, and so
I think he might have been fightingthe case and he needed his old lady
to be married to, so sheshouldn't testify. I don't think it works.
I don't think it. I don'tthink it works post Yeah, I
don't know. I was thinking aboutfans, like, man, most people
will do that at the fun Ilove that angle though. I love that
angle. I love that angle thatthat maybe he was maybe had a murder
rap and he shared the details withher and they can't make her testify against
him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I love that. Have you ever
used that the argument? No,man, I ain't never been married.
I was thinking you'd say the otherthing. But okay, so you might
have somebody right, you might havecommitted a crown no, man, I'm
a good I'm a good Uh,I'm a good Samaritan. I've never pred
to law. I'm an angel,says the person that is always not Yeah,
we're right, we're right, allman, What do you have any
else? Force Aaron? Uh no, man, that's all I heard.
All right, buddy, Hey,what are you doing this weekend? I
don't know. Probably will take likekid, probably go to the lake.
Okay, well, I appreciate it. Man. If you're not doing then
i'd come by our final patio partyat Inner Circle Bar downtown. All right,
all right, I'll appreciate it.All right, man, see you
later. I mean, if hehas committed a crime, I'll buy it.
Let's be friend, right, uh, taxi him? And do you
have to go to space to bean astronaut or just train and never go
and push paper? This is afun question. It's kind of a take
of what we did when those guyswent to the outer atmosphere of Earth.
Right, and then another group fromanother company went further and actually we're in
space. And we had that argumentwhere we never talked about if you train
to be an astronaut, you couldsay you're an astronaut if you train to
be an astronaut. Yeah, thenyou're an astronaut if you go through the
training. Definitely. Yes, SoI went through training to be a pilot.
I get to say I was apilot. Ye, finish your test,
that's right. I don't have mypilot's license. No, then you
know if you don't have a life. No, you just said you train.
Hold on, you just said train. All you gotta do is train.
But when you go to school andafter the training, you're going to
get a license for it. Idon't know if they do an astronaut license.
Your words, train you are Ithink so, then I'm a pilot
by your standards. But you knowhow to play a planet, then you're
a pilot. You've flown a plane, you're a pilot. Yeah, I
agree. Yes, I'm just sayingthat doesn't make sense just because you train
for something that you are. Ifhe was flying a plane and got pulled
over by the air police and they'relike, let me see your your pilot's
license, he can be like Idon't have one around be like all right,
we gotta take you to jail andimpound your plane. Yeah. If
I flew a plane and then theyafterwards they could get me on whatever charge
that would be. If that's athing. I can't fly a plane.
I'm no pilot fly a plane.You're a pilot. Give me, what
do you think? I think?Here's my take on this. If radar
O'Reilly from mash who was a clerk. My grandpa was also a clerk in
the Korean War. You train becausehe went to boot camp right basic training,
and they went to war, neversaw any gunfight, never fired a
rifle, never shot anybody. Buthe's still a war vet. I think
it counts. Yeah, I thinkcomparing it to veterans is maybe not the
right thing. The only thing Ican think of, because if you go
against it, you might be underminingveterans, which feels like a weird optic.
I'm just saying. I think thatyou get to say you were training
to be an astronaut, but Ithink you're not an astronaut until you go
to space. Just just my take. Otherwise you'd have a lot of people
that are astronauts. Is that monkeythey sent to space an astronaut another time?
Absolutely not. Training. Training doesnot equal status. Yeah, do
you guys prefer wet or dry ribs? And why lindsay wet wet? I
like sauce, gimbe. I couldgo either way, to be honest with
you. It depends on really whatthe seasoning is on a dry rub or
what the what the barbecue sauce ison a wet one. I guess if
I had to pick one, gunto the head, I like it wet.
I like it wet. I likeit all salcy all over my face,
you know, or taste roll thepaper towels to clean yourself up.
So there's two things happening here.Um, if you're putting the sauce on,
and they're putting it on after theycut it and put it on your
plate, you like, that's dry, okay, right? Wet would be
either sticky, right at least that'sthe way I've been taught, where they
put sauce and then put it backon the grill and they get kind of
candied, which is not what I'mup for. So I like it when
they do the sauce after it's beensmoked, dry and all that. I
don't like the candied sugary, likeit's almost like crystallized on there and get
sticks to your fingers like that.Some people love that, but no,
no, I like the sauce likeyou guys described where it's on there and
it's more wet and yeah yeah,yeah yeah text. I know you guys
like horror movies. I talked abouthorror movies last week, but there's a
movie theaters right now that is beingcalled the best horror movie so far.
It's called Talk to Me eight anda half out of ten. Also go
down the rabbit hole of directors.They have such positive, chaotic energy and
an inspirational story. I haven't heardof this movie on Rotten Tomatoes seven and
a half out of ten on IMDb, three point nine out of five on
Google reviews. Uh yeah, Idon't. I don't know anything about this,
but I love I love a goodscary movie. When a group of
friends discover how to conjure spirits usingan embalmed hand, they become hooked on
the new thrill until one of themgoes too far ununleash's terrifying supernatural forces.
Well, you never mess with anembalmed hand. Man A right. I
like this text. Do you thinkadult bullies need to be confronted or ignored?
Adult bullies, Wow, probably ignoredbecause they're never going to change if
they're an adult, So poking thatbear is only going to make things worse.
I mean, do you feel likefighting them, because I feel like
an adult bully is just looking fora fight. Gimby, confront them bitches.
Let them know what they're doing iswrong. It doesn't matter. They
may be stuck in their ways,but at least you gave it an effort
to try to correct it and letthem know that, Hey man, this
isn't cool at all. And ohyou're picking on and elderly, you're picking
on a child, you're picking ona woman, you're picking on somebody,
whatever the case may be. Bullyingis bad, no matter why. So
yeah, confront them bitches, andif it takes a punch in the mouth
and make sure it you know theyget the point across, then so be
it. Yeah, that's tough.If you have a boundary and you think
something is not okay, you're definitelyshould stand. I don't know about the
bully part. Definition of bullies differentfor a lot of people, but for
me, if I think something's wrong, I'm gonna say something. And I
don't I think you resort like violenceis the absolute last thing, because now
you're them now you're in it,and using your anger has never solved.
Nobody's been like, man, I'mglad I got so angry. So that's
kind of a tough pickup. Dependson what the bount like, what it
is, like, what are wetalking about, Like somebody's calling you fat,
or just be like, hey,don't call me fat. That's not
cool, and either're gonna hear youor they're not. Because people be people,
but you should and have a alwayshould stand up for yourself at your
age. Who is a celebrity thatyou still fan girl over? Mark Paul
Gossler? Oh he was. Youknow, there's been a ton of new
celebrities since him, Right, I'mjust saying, like from Saint by the
Balls who were talking about right,Yes, exactly, Zach Morris. When
I was a kid, I crushedon him and I still to this day.
Isn't bald and he's And they're sayingyou still fan girl over? So
yeah, that's one what I didas a kid and I still do today.
So you think it's implying that it'ssomebody from when you were younger?
Yeah, okay. Gibby Solier anda man lead singer Godsmack, Always have,
always will I did when we methim here, and I'm hoping to
meet him at rock Lahoma again soI can go. Oh, Sol,
I'm gonna go off Lindsay's definition ofit. That's not where I was,
But I'll go without Lindsay's. Andthat's George Brett from the kans City Royals
baseball famous World World Series champions thePine Tar Playoffs. Yeah. Uh,
Mona Zuma's revenge is diarrhea usually onvacation. What would Corbyn's revenge, Lindsay's
revenge, Gimpy's revenge be I don'tknow how to answer this. I guess
because on vacation that, I guessthere's got to be a plan, Like
what time are we leaving for theairport? We'll get up in the morning.
Yeah, what's your revenge? You'regetting up at the butt crack of
dawn? Yeah? I mean thatanyway, what's the that would be mine?
If we're talking about vacation Lindsay,Yeah, yeah, there is Uh,
it rains on vacation. Okay,Okay, Gimpy, you have a
never ending hangover? That would that? All right? We want to know
from you what statistical and probable thinghappened to you BMMS and what that is
to eight two nine four five.We're gonna give away some beer, blue
Moon and tickets to see Ou andArkansas play basketball at the Bok Center in
December. You got to send usa text to be eligible BMMS and what's
something statistics? What statistical and probablething happened to you? To the phone
number eight two nine four five.Jilsa's Morning Show, The Big Bad Morning
Show, The Assaults Congenius next ninetyseven five kmod, Good morning, It's
the Big Man Morning Show four sixzero kmod. You can also text BMMS
and then what you want to sayto eight two nine four five. That's
when you send a text. Andthey're like, when you whoop a bully
in front of his kids, ittakes the bully out of them, okay,
or the bully just then beats uptheir kids, right, takes it
out on them and the dog andthe wife. All right, So we
are giving away beer for freaking aFriday. What statistical improbabil thing happened to
you, bmmss and whatever that isto eight two nine five. We got
somebody on the phone right now.Casey is on Hi, Casey, How
are you Casey? What statistical improbablething happened to you? Okay, So
we were on the way home fromfamilies in Kansas to day after Thanksgiving.
It was probably about eleven o'clock atnight. We were coming around a curve
on the highway and there was atruck stalled in the middle of the road
and so my wife's kind of doarto go around it and overcorrect it to
the right, so she went backto the left. We ended up in
the centermedian while we were spide andthen all of a sudden, we just
started tumbling and then my three kidsare steap belted into the back seat while
my daughter's seatbelt naps and it throughoutthe window. Um. We didn't realize
this too. Of course, wegot done moving and I was like,
is everybody okay? Is everybody okay? And my sons were like, doll
was gone? That was gone?And uh, my wife jumps into the
backseat and I guess I should thatthis. We had a crock pot full
of meat balls in the in theback of the Highlanders, so they were
just freaking everywhere, and uh sowe didn't know what wait, wait,
wait, what kind like were theyItalian or Greek? Yeah, that's how
it's how he met both. Yeah, with sauce. We we we we
marinate them and barbecue sauce. Yeah, you know, use use bread and
like egg or do you do breadcrumbs? Um, sir, I'll believe you.
Sure, all right, continue withyour story. So balls everywhere.
Anyways, So we saw my daughter'sshoe under like the side of the car,
and so we just instantly thought shewas like under the car. And
so I'm standing in my broken windowon the passenger side and I literally like
kicked the car up probably a footin the half, like just because it's
on its side. And my daughteror my wife was like, it's just
her shoe. It's just her shoe. So I crawled out of the top
of the car. I don't evenknow like how I did it, but
I opened the driver door and crawledout all at the same time. And
she go find my daughters and she'sjust laying over and probably the thought this
patch of grass we could find,and she's like trying to move around,
and I'm like, I'm I quickmoving, what's going on? She's like
my leg hurt and she keeps movingit, and I'm like, well,
stop moving, I don't know whatelse has hurt on you, you know,
And they ended up sending a lifeflight out. They ended up flying
her to Which Tall, so Ihad to have family from Mark, Sydney
come pick me up and drive meto Witch Tall. And turns out she
just fractured her hip and it wasthe seat belt whenever it snapped it like
it is when it fractured her hips. And somehow she just catapulted out the
window perfectly and flew like ninety feetin front of our rolling car and landed
saftly. How many nightmares do youhave about that night? Oh, dude?
Is it was the most terrifying thingI've ever experienced. I never wanted
to experienced anything like that. Again. Yeah, there's probably eleven when it
happened. And you know, myyoungest is in his car, so he'd
hanging up down. He's like whyand kids are like, remember that time,
dad, you rolled our car?Right? Um? And she said,
she said, I felt actually learnedthe water. Huh. I have
a question I've always wondered about this. I'm sorry, it just so happened
that we were in front of theShowoco Indian School where her grandparents of both
attended school and pat school. Soit was kind of like, we feel
like there was don't only help youfeel like there was some extra supernatural thing
happening. Yes, she definitely usedthat family there with her and they set
her down and the like. Yeah, I've always wondered this, when someone
gets lifelighted, do they take afamily member as well or do you they
just so your loved one goes andthen you got to try and catch up
to wherever they're at. Yeah,we don't have to go on the top
there. We had to drive upthere. Wow. So and how far
were you from Wichita? Um?Probably about an hour? Maybe, I
don't know, I was. Iwas just in the Oklahoma south of Ark
City. Longest hour drive of yourlife? Oh, yeah, for sure.
And then my wife she ended upbreaking her ankle and she didn't she
was walking around, you know,doing all sorts of stuff, and all
of a sudden she sat out andcouldn't move and her ankles broken. She
didn't even realize, but she hadso much a journaline going, yeah journal.
They put her on an ambulance andtook her to Ponka. Yeah,
and so was there a debate likegood luck, honey, I'll go to
our kid like oh, and I'mlike, I I'll see you in a
wha whall. I'm going to whichtall you know? I know that song?
Right on? Man, we're gonnahook you up, Giby, tell
him exactly what he's gonna get.It is statistically improbable for lindsay to give
an answer in less than thirty seconds. There's a case of blue Moon,
Belgian hall and a bare thickets togo watch. Oh you played basketball at
the field case Center, Mack toyou guys. Okay, so we just
got a text in question that somebodyhad casey and what happened to the meatballs?
They were? That happened to themeetples. They were just everywhere.
Man. Yeah, you couldn't savethe brutal Oh no, that car was
That car was total too, Imean it was. It was. It
was a little Toyota Highway under STUV. I mean it was. It was
thrashed. Was it a good crockpot? Did you get to save the
croc pot at least? Oh?Yeah, crock pot was fine? Yeah,
good deal. All right? Theyare yeah, hang on the line,
so get you all right, man, don't go anywhere, all right,
we gotta take a break. We'llcome back find out what everybody learned.
Tilsa's Morning Show continues next Jack theBig Bad Morning Show on Tilsa's last
station, ninety seven five. I'ma Star, Good morning, It's the
Bid Mad Morning Show. Final patioParty. The tonight final patio party of
the year is tonight Inner Circle Bar, Downtown across from mccains five to seven,
three dollars Miller Lights, and we'regiving away that Miller Light golf package.
You want to win it, showup, if you got signed up
for it, you're in the running. You've got to be present to win,
though, Sure so, Inner CircleBar, Downtown, five to seven.
I don't hear no crying like Ididn't know. We literally have told
everybody. All right, lindsay whatyou learned today. I learned that Florida
has been hit with an outbreak ofleprosy, which means buying tickets at Disney
World isn't the only thing that couldcost you an arm and a leg.
And also the fear of getting robbedby your date scares gimpie. What's she
gonna take your last three cigarettes?Gimbe what you learned today. I learned
that Corborn watched a video of anold man beating off three kids. And
I also learned, if you seean otter in the wild, you simply
say you oughter, not bite me. I learned a half inch was more
than Brad could handle. And Ialso learned this show has two dicks.
Corbin saying, make sure the discassis loaded right soundtracking my cycle, this
is gimpy and sorry, Daddy Bro, it's a noise. Enter password new
messages. Mad Morning Show like totake a minute to thank troops from Oklahoma
and all over the United States.These soldiers have sacrificed. Did the Big
Mad Morning Show before you to backlike the total douchebags that they are total
douchebags. Hold total dotal bag,little and complete douchebag. We honor and
respect you. We honor and respectyou. We honor and respect you.
Dot bless, Rock and Roll Circusless Tulsa. We try boys,