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May 1, 2023 • 16 mins
Mike Dugar, covers the Seahawks via The Athletic and shares his thoughts on the Seahawks draft class, what led to the Seahawks not taking a QB, could this be one of the best offenses in the NFL this upcoming season, did the Seahawks do enough to address the defensive line, and the much more.
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Episode Transcript

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Chid the studio. Sweet talked toMichael Sean and Mike joins right now in
the Bacon Plumbing hotline. Hi Mike, how are you not as excited as
you guys? Oh my goodness.Yeah, that's disappointing news. I have
a given a key for the cashword yet. Uh it's a draft cash

for the twelve man your chance towin a grand right now into the nationwid
keyword on the website bank that's bankto ninety three three kjr dot com.
Let's do a sidebar quick question here, because I see you tweeting all about
it. They've kind of they've they'vekind of ranged you in here a little
bit the crack and you've been tweetingabout them all season long and then certainly

during the playoffs. Yeah. No, it's been very fun to watch the
cracking. I'm a cord cutter,um, so it's very it's very hard,
but I have ESPN Plus so it'skind of frustrating, and all the
cracking games are like blacked out.Um so, now that they're nationale it's
actually, uh, it's un prettyfun to watch all the games, t
MTSPS stuff like that. And they'vebeen they've been very financially beneficial. These

cracking games have, particularly the onelast night. So I'm an opposite of
Jim wore this morning. So you'rewell, you're, hey, do you
want to give him some give himsome gambling advice? He certainly needs the
help. Uh, if it's NBA, just stay away from Chris. That's
some good advice I would I wouldsay, because as you guys know,
Chris is a big basketball guy.He could pick a series pretty well.

So if he likes the team,stay away from the opponent and you'll probably
keep your money. Yeah, buthe's not being loyal to the Lakers in
the next series. I mean,he loves Lebron, but only to a
point. That's because he's following themoney. See, he's think, do
not take the Lakers, Jim,do not try to win it back.
I know that gambler's mindset. Youwill you will not get it back in
the next series. Hey, Mike, before we go through, maybe some

of the individual players, just yourquick thought on it, not necessarily the
breakdown of each one in terms oflike what are they bringing to the table,
but just the position in which theydraft and how that fits Seattle.
Give me just an overarching view ofwhat you think that they did over the
last three days. I thought itwas good that they at least addressed pretty
much every need except inside linebackers.I say addressed instead of like filled,

because you never really know which oneof these guys is going to pan out,
particularly all the guys they took onDay three. But I do think
they at least took a swing oneverything of importance, again with the exception
probably of inside linebacker depth. SoI thought that was good. They went
early at most of the positions thoughtwant them to go early at, with

the exception of defensive tackles. Thinkthey rated a little too long to do
that. I do think, likemy just you know, way too early
projection. They probably got three startersin this class, which is just right.
There is usually the mark of agood draft class, like a lot
of these dudes are not gonna makeit, and the guys that make it

a part some of them are notgoing to be impact players. It is
going to be around until their contractexpired. It's gonna nature of the draft.
But I do think these guys gotat least three dudes who should be
in the starting lineup for multiple years. So I think they should be encouraged
kind of coming out of the weekend, and fans should be too. H
Yeah, I thought they had agood draft. I heard coach Holmgren this
morning talking about the quarterback and thatthey didn't pick one in the draft,

and that it leads him to believethat they're they're comfortable with Gino Smith and
they're probably more than comfortable with projectingDrew Locke. You think it had more
to do with that or more todo with the fact that there weren't really
any good quarterbacks left when they itwas their turn to pick at five.
Yeah, I think it's It's closer, it's both, but the latter is
a big part of it. Youknow. I watched a decent amount of

this quarterback class on film and inperson. A lot of those guys in
the later rounds I watched in personbecause I think half of them reaped the
Senior Bowl. Cunningham think O'Connell wasthe BYU kid, So I watched a
lot of them throw. I watcheda lot of the top of the draft
guys on film, and I wasof the impression that there was really only
three first round quarterbacks. In mymind, it was Anthony Richison, TJ

Strout, and Bryce Young. Ididn't think, well, Levis was the
first round guy in the league.Agreed with me. Um, I didn't
think Hooker was even a second roundguy. Um. I pretty much one
of you guys lost the bet onthat one. Um. But Jim,
Jim lost the bet on that way. Yeah, Jim, Jim lost the
bet. I did him. Ididn't they listen, Michael Sean, I

didn't specifically ask you anything about himand Hooker. Yeah, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry. Jim. Where didthe hooker? Where did he go?
I think he went in the thirdround to Detroit. Wow. I want
to say yeah, but but Ido think that's probably where he should have
gone. So I do think thatall of the quarterbacks after Anthony Richison would

pick that four. We're not worthSeattle taking the swing on. I think
they could easily just wait until nextyear's class, see how how Gino looks,
and assess from there where they didand drank it in the first round
or not at all because you kiit again, or when we look at
the veteran free agent class for anotherbackup, or just whatever. I thought
they could have waited, so yeah, I think part of that as they
loved you know, you know,you give it one hundred million dollars,

you better love them. But also, yeah, after Anthony interesting got picked
up four quarterback, probably pretty muchit have just been off the board unless
someone like Levis failed to like thefourth round, then you definitely jump on
him if you're Seattle. Hey,Mike, you mentioned three stars. I
assume it's a Witherspoon and then Smithand Jake. But being two of the
three, who's the third one?In your mind? Za Charbonager, I

imagine him getting a lot of touchesearly. That's just kind of the nature
of his position. It's just soeasy to envision a guy get in touches.
I felt the same way about KenWalker, even though I don't know
at this time last year if weeven knew what was up with Chris Carson.
But it didn't matter. I wasjust like, running backs just get
hurt so much that I figured Kenwould get the start eventually, and I
think he made it first, startedweek six and never looked back. I

could see something similar with Zack.I'm not like wishing injury I Ken.
I'm just I'm just seen running backs, right like we all have seen how
this. You know, you can'tjust give a guy through any carries seventeen
game season. He just makes itall the way through, plus the playoffs.
It's just unrealistic. So, um, I think Zack sent me a
lot of touches. I can seehim being like one hundred hundred total carries
guy to start. So I thinkbetween him and Ken, if they had

to split like two hundred and fiftycarries this year between the two of them,
it'd be great. I could easilysee both of them having great years.
That's a really good runner. Ididn't like the value of the pick.
I think they should have took thedefensive tackle at fifty two, specifically
Byron Young Atabama, instead of takinga running back. But I understand why
you take a guy like Zach.I had like a second round feel on

him, so I get why theytook him. Um, And yeah,
I think he'll be an immediate impactplayer year one. Hey, is it
far fetched to say that they mighthave one of the better offenses in the
league? Now? Oh? Farfetched? I'm not sure. I mean,
there's there's some other offenses that Ithink will be better, you know,
just some of the ones that werejust really good last year. None of

them really got worse, you know. I think Buffalo will be fine again,
the Bengals will be good again,the Chiefs, the Eagles. M
I don't think it really even mattersif the Niners quarterback is just because of
their coach, Like, those willprobably be some of the better offenses.
I quietly could see Detroit having likethe top five offense. I don't like
some of the value picks that Detroitmade, but they did get like good

players, so I could see themhaving a good offense. Chargers are probably
going to have a good offense nowthat they have an offensive coordinator with a
brain. They coached the guy fromfrom Dallas, So I think the Seaffs
are probably be like the top seventop eight range. If Gino just goes
nuts, maybe they rise up totop five. But I still think that's

really great. Like, if youhave a top twin offense in this league,
you're going to be a contender moreoften than not. May you think
they did enough to address the needsof their interior defensive line Miles Adams,
Brian Money, Jaron Reid, DraymontJones, and then the two rookie scammeron
young Mike Morris. I think that'sI think that's tough. I think they
need to make at least one moremove on the interior. They signed a

bunch of guys and rookie free agencytoo. I think they got like three
interior dudes coming in. But Ithink they need another veteran. I believe
after either tomorrow or Wednesday, theycan start signing veteran free agents and it
doesn't count against the compellatory pick formula, which is important because you know that
formula is based on by how manyguys you lose versus how many guys you

gain in any one offseason. Thatformula, it doesn't matter with guys signed
I think tomorrow or Wednesday, soI would look at maybe it's just bringing
Poona back would make me feel alot better about the group, because right
now you really only have one nosetackle, and that's camra young guy who
just pick up in the fourth round. I think Cameron could be a fine
player, but that's just a lotof pressure to put on a fourth round
rookie to be your starting nose tackle, you know what I mean. That's

that's a lot of snaps You're you'reexpecting from that dude. So I would
say, bring Poona back on whatevertype of money makes sense for both sides,
and start him as your nose andthen have Cameron kind of learned from
him. Think that make me feela lot better about the good What about
Al Woods because there was talk abouthim maybe returning too, Yeah, bring

them both. You probably got twobetween one of them. If I had
to choose, I would go withPuna. If you can get them both,
obviously that would be great. Eitherone would be fine with me,
but yeah, I would probably leantowards Puna. I think Al visited the
Browns. I want to say beforethe draft. I could see the Browns
and you're spooking him up, evenknow they had a good draft as well.

Ye, I would probably just preferPuna between the two. No,
Poonam might be more expensive just becausehe's younger, But yeah, either won
would be fine. They I thinkthat's a need. I would classify that
as you need to bring one ofthose guys back or find another defensive tackle
on the veteran market. I justthink it would be unfair to Cameron,
or even during reads or in MilesAdams to just ask those guys to play
nose full time this year. Well, even if they make small moves in

free agency to show up that defensiveline, what do they have to do
salary cap wise, restructure somebody orcut somebody in Who would that be?
I don't think they have to cutanyone as long as whoever they add as
like a veteran minimum guy and someonedoesn't have a super high base salary.
So I think for Puna, ifhe was a minimum guy, which I

know he probably doesn't want to be, you know, he just came off
making like twelve millions on his lastdeal, But if he wasn't vet minimum
guy, for a guy with hisnumber of years in the league, I
think it's only like one point onemillion dollars or something like that. They
can afford something like that. Theproblem with their situation is I don't think
they can afford much more than that, especially with like they signed like twenty
rookie free agents. That's a hugenumber. It might even be more than

twenty, might be twenty five.So I don't think they have to like
cut anyone of significance. Restructuring wouldprobably be a little difficult just because that
requires given a dude a lot ofcash upfront depending on who it is,
like you can restructure Quandre digs forexample, you have to take a portion
of what's remaining in his base salaryand just push it up. So that
might mean saying, hey, Quandre, here's twelve million dollars tomorrow, so

we can free up some cash downthe raids. Know how practical? That
is the goal that these guys,if they're adding someone, should be convinced
someone to come back for a bargain, you know, for the love.
I guess I don't know what theother motivation would be, just because other
than just loving the culture and soundlike you're coming into a winning environment.
Well, I get with the OlewiTimmy a pick there, the young man

the center out of Michigan. Butit really seemed like they got a great
value with this, the fact thata fifth round pick, who was I
mean the top center in the incollege last year by winning the Remington he
also won the the Outlet, whichis not only just given to me,
it's given to the top offensive ordefensive lineman in college football. What talking
to people over there, why doyou think he lasted to the fifth round?

Yeah, that's a good question.I don't think it was a super
strong central class. I think thefirst guy I didn't go and play the
second round, which is kind ofnormal, but we've seen some where the
you know center goes in the inthe first round. The other guys,
though, were pretty good. Ithink the Whippler kid might have went before
him. I know, Tipman,did I believe John Michael Schmidt? Did
you notice all these dudes are likeBig ten guys like the Big ten just

had good centers and there was somemore depth. There was better depth at
other positions in this class, Sothat would probably why you see our teams
not addressing you know, center specificallyas they get in the Day three.
Like I thought, there was reallygood receiver depth on day three. There
was really good running back depth onDay three. There was really good cornerback
depth on Day three. So whenyou look at it from what other teams

needed, I think the flide makesa little bit of sense. But yeah,
I'm with you. I think theygot to steal like one thing I
kind of default to when I'm lookingat some of these Day three guys.
If you're just super decorated and ahide a really good conference like the Island
clear if you tore up the sunBelt, for instance, but if you
were like the best in the Bigten or the best in the a SEC,
the best in the SEC at yourspot, like, I'm just gonna

feel good about you, just translatingto the pros. I thought the same
way about Kobe Bryant last year.Jim Thorpe Award winner, which is the
best to be in the nation.Dude lasted those fourth round I was like,
Oh, that's gonna be a steeland then what do you know,
He's a starter as a rookie.I could see Olu being the same way,
just a guy who was super goodat the highest level of competition that
pretty much was other than the SEC. See. I like that thick.

I could see him fighting Evan Brownfirst starting reps. You know by the
end of Kent Okay. Now thatthe draft is over, I'm just looking
Nuosu and Darryl Taylor tied for themost sacks last year, nine and a
half each. Do you think it'sgonna be a better pass rush this year?
Sacks by committee? Is anybody gonnajump out and maybe have thirteen or
fourteen sacks this next season? Idon't see a double digit sat guy on

the roster, which like isn't theworst thing in the world. You know.
I was talking to someone in theorganization over the weekend and we were
talking about the d line. Thiswas the four day three of the draft,
and we're I was like, man, I was looking you tonight.
You guys are seventh in sacks lastyear. And he was like, yeah,
we were like people talk like weweren't like we were just this awful

pass rush. And I was like, yeah, it's a good point.
And you guys did get to thequarterback at a decent level. So I
do think this they have, youknow, in Chenna just gets nine and
a half again and Darryl gets nineand like, boy only have three if
he just gets five next year,for example, you know, Derek Hall
contributes three or four. I thinkif they do it by committee, it
can be fine. I do thinkthe adjustment they're gonna have to make,

and this is where Devin Winterspoon isa great pick for them. They're gonna
have to blitz a little more thanthey did last year. I don't have
the exact number in front of me, but I'm pretty sure they were like
a bottom three blitz team last yearbottom five or something like that. Them
in Tennessee just believes in not blitzeninglast year, and I would guess that
part of that is hurt. Probablyfelt like if I blitz, can the

guys on the back end hold itdown if we don't get there and the
end team some of the time wasno this year. I believe what Julian
Love Jamal Adams Quandre did. Andthen Devin Riverspoon opposite Tarik willand I do
think if he sends, you know, some heat a little bit more often
than will get the sack numbers upas well without having to have, you
know, like a mild gear typeguy commanding double teams every singing. Michael

Sean Newgard from the Athletic Guy,he joins us to a breakdown the draft,
and it was. It was agood draft there for the Seattle Seahaks.
You can read all of his workup at there at the Athletic and
follow him on Twitter at Mike Dugard. They end up there with seven picks.
Kenny Man. We didn't get toKenny McIntosh, but again you end
your draft with getting him in theseventh round. That seemed like a good
value pick there as well. Mikeappreciate it. I'll plug what you got

up on the website right now.I've just got the most recent depth chart
breakdown right now. This later thisweek, I'm gonna look at the undrafted
Rickie class again. It's like overtwenty guys. That's absurd. There's gonna
be some young guys who make thisteam with both type of numbers. I'm
watching film of Devin Liverspoon and JacksonSwift and Jibber. I talked to similar
position coaches. Um, I gotsome good insight from them. I believe

you guys have you guys have Devin'sposition coach coming on at some point if
he hasn't already. He's a goodguy to talk to, really coldful and
Henry Um so yeah, I gotsome insight on them coming um, Jim
stop Bed and Chris there God alsoGokub

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