All Episodes

August 13, 2024 • 41 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Business Happy Hour radio show with your host,
Frank the Bank Kodo, president of Lincoln Lending Group and
he won three mortgage for twenty years right here in
Tampa Bay, joined by his incredible co host Rosa Bahiti
and Sinia Akishna, top producing real estate agents with Mahara
and Associates. These three bring nearly five decades of experience

in the local real estate market. If you're looking for
real estate or business advice, no matter what your experience level,
the Business Happy Hour team has been there for you
for almost a decade right here on NewsRadio WFLA. Now
sit back, relax, and get ready for some serious real
estate and business talk with three of Tampa Bay's top experts.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Here's Frank the Bank. Hey, Tampa Bay, welcome back to
the Business Happy Hour, your number one shoe for all
things business and entrepreneurial. I'm your host, Frank the Bank Coodo,
the owner of eight one to three Mortgage and Lincoln
Lending Group and now reverse Guru dot Com for all
your reverse mortgage needs. That's right, let me prove you
that reverse mortgages are not the best mortgage product ever

created for somebody over sixty two or maybe over fifty five.
We might even have a proprietary product for you. If
you're fifty five and you have equity in your home.
I do want you go. Friends, please prove me wrong.
Go to reverse guru dot com. Watch the one nine
minute video on there, Call me up, text me, let's
debate it. Let's talk about this product if it is
good or bad for people. We're gonna play some fun
clips today. The ladies and I have been having a

lot of fun in the studio. If you're on Instagram,
you have been witnessed to some of our crazy banter already,
and we want you guys to like and share. We
do want you to join us on Instagram every Tuesday.
We're usually getting started about twelve fifteen, right, it's about right, yes,
maybe twelve ten on a good day, twelve twenty thirty

on a bad day. Today it's twelve thirty. But we
will always be on for a nice forty five minutes
for you right in that pocket. Don't forget. We're also
a podcast which you can find on iHeartMedia. Just search
for the Business Happy Hour podcast and you can listen
to all of our shows. And we do like to
title them so you can find the one you want
to listen to. But please please join us on social

media on the old Instagram, and you'll be able to
join and ask questions. And by the way, if you're
listening today, please ask us some questions. The ladies have
some questions for me. I've got some questions for them.
Let me tell you're going to be talking about today
and then we're going to introduce the team and get rolling.
So last night was what could be the biggest social
media interview in history. And I'm not just saying that

because it's Donald Trump and people know that I do
like the guy. But it was Elon Musk, the richest
man in the entire world, interviewing like probably I don't
even know what do you call Trump? Like the most
consequential figure of our time, the most loved and hated
birds and oh girls, what do you what do you
call Trump? What do we call him? Like, the most infamous?
I don't know. I mean everybody knows Trump, I mean
every other country. I mean, yeah, I was looking for

the word is infamous? The word like I think that
might be infamous that has famous in it. Right, Usually
I'm good with the words, But I don't know. What
I don't know is I think this is going to
go down in history, because first of all, there was
a cyber attack that tried to shut it down, and
Elon was pretty prepared for it. I saw about just
under two million people at one point, like one point

six I think I saw when I was listening to it,
and they were they were shut down to go lower.
And I believe they said at different times they had
almost fifty million last night, and they think with replays,
it's easily got across one hundred million. So that's that's
a lot of people.

Speaker 3 (03:28):
That is a lot of people.

Speaker 4 (03:29):
That is a lot of I just can't believe you're
the first person I'm hearing this from. I would not
have missed. This sounds very entertaining.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
By the way, I stupid funny story like I fought
social media forever. Okay, actually hold on, This is Sinia
and my other amazing co host Rohiti, also from Maharanassiah. Yeah,
so they know who you are. But maybe there's going

to talk about this. He was like, okay, let's skip
all the intro. Well we started getting into it, but
but I do it. So funny story I fought social
media like me. You think Frank the Bank, crazy social
media guy. I literally remember, do you guys know who
Ryan Yarbrough is. He's a local realtor or kW guy
I've been around forever. He sat me down and I'll

probably go on Facebook and tell you when this happened,
but I'm going to say it was in the last
I don't know, eight ten years something like that, and
I was not on Facebook. I was on nothing.

Speaker 3 (04:24):
I can't believe that.

Speaker 2 (04:25):
Can you believe that? Nothing? Can't Like I was kind
of that guy that was like, I don't want everybody
knowing all my dirty laundry. I don't want him. I
don't want him to know what I'm doing every day.
And the dude took me to lunch and I wanted
to do business with him, and he literally looks me
in the eye and he was a big Facebook guy
and he goes, I can't do business with you unless
you're on Facebook. He goes, I communicate with all my
clients on Facebook. I did. So I literally went back

to my assistant. I was like, all right, Alex, I
needed a Facebook page, and she was like twenty two
or whatever, and she's like, got you, boss, I go
go bring me my rolodex. She's like, what's that anyway?
Some people get that right, right?

Speaker 1 (05:00):

Speaker 2 (05:01):
So so anyway, so she creates me a Facebook page
and I barely use it, but I obviously now I'm
freaking crazy on this stuff. But I'm saying all this
because Twitter, Like, I never liked Twitter. I never signed
up for I'm like, who in their right mind is
gonna sit there and like say these little tweets all day?
And then I just never got it. I thought it

was freaking stupid. But what one day when we had
an earthquake that affected Tampa. Do y'all remember that? I mean,
I had to be like, I wasn't on Twitter. Well okay,
so Sanya, you just literally reinforced what I'm saying is
the I literally signed up for Twitter that night because
I had people who had Twitter like telling me, dude,

did you feel the shakes? Did you hear this? There
could be a psunomi, there's like all these things. I'm
just like, Okay, how do these people know this stuff?
And I don't and I don't have a clue. And
I'm on the Facebook right anyway, So I signed up
for Twitter, never used it like, never really touched it.
Just recently, I you know, when to switch over to
X and all that. I'm like, all right, well I'll
teck my profile picture and I'll do this because now
you know, we got websites and stuff and people are like,

you have to be on these things. So I did it.
And then thank god because last night I could listen
to this whole interview thing, but I'd never see.

Speaker 4 (06:11):
How you found out and know that thing is addicting,
so be careful.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
It is and I don't want it on there, here
and there. I can't. No, no, no, I couldn't. But
I did hear about it. And there's funny because I
message a few of my friends. I was like, you
guys listen, is like, we don't have that Twitter thing,
and I'm like, dang, I'm old. So anyway, the whole
point is it. I think it could have been. It
may go down in history as like one of the
most famous interviews that's ever gone down a the amount
of people be I mean, when do you have First

of all, Elon Musk is not an interviewer, okay, And
you'll figure it out when you're listening to it, right,
Elon Musk is like, pick a guy out of this
iHeartRadio place who's never been on air before, and give
him a list of questions and tell him to start
asking the Donald Trump questions. That's what it's kind of
sound like. And then the end he was very nervous.
It was kind of interesting. He's kind of stuttering and
stuff and being nervous when he was trying to express
his own political views, which I found very interesting. I

told the ladies we can talk a little bit about
politics today because it is on everybody's mind. And I
think if eventually I'll find the clip and I'll maybe
I'll play it next week for us. But there was
a clip of Elon Musk explaining he's a lifelong Democrat,
like basically never vote Republican, very you know, liberal, I mean, dude,
like solar panels and electric cars, you know what I mean,
You don't get much, you know more whatever. But he

laid out a few very important reasons that that politics
are going to affect our economy and they're going to
affect our housing market and our inflation and our dollars
and all this stuff, which brings me to a funny
clip and Sennia, I might just need your reaction to
this one but funny clip of a Trump supporter talking

about inflation. This is the working man talking to us.
Let's hear it.

Speaker 5 (07:46):
I remember before Trump got out of office, but I
only had to put ten dollars in my truck, go
back and forth to work. Then all of a sudden,
that's thirty to forty, and then prices on bear goes up,
and hey, that's the working man's right there.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
What do you say, that's the work of gears. But
you've made a funny comment about gas when we were
on break.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
That's so well.

Speaker 4 (08:11):
Yeah, for one, I don't know when gas was ten
dollars to fill a tank before, but I mean, listen,
things have gone up. Yeah, you know, I don't know
the difference between my gas, but I mean it's it's
still significant for you know, most families.

Speaker 2 (08:26):
Let me ask both of you, what is the cheapest
price per gallon? Do you ever remember putting in your
car the absolute cheapest price per gash? I don't know
if I ever.

Speaker 4 (08:36):
Paid attention that much, because it seemed reasonable right to you.
Rich people don't thirty nine? I mean, does that sound right?

Speaker 2 (08:44):
Or no? Maybe I'm going to date myself but go ahead.

Speaker 3 (08:48):
I want to say, I do remember it being under
two dollars.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
Definitely, Yeah, definitely it was under two dollars, you know,
in the in the somewhat. Yeah, I'd say mid to
high ones. I'm sure there's a chart we can look up.
I remember in high school. Right, this has been like
in the late nineties, I filled up my car for
a ninety eight cents a gallon. I know, I don't
think I've ever right, but I'm eighty, I am forty five,

but ninety eight cents a gallon. So like when your
buddies used to give you gas money, they literally give
you like two three dollars. If a dude gave you
five bucks, it was I mean it sounds like like
I'm the guy walks up hill to school, but this
is like I'm like, oh my god. So it did
make a difference. Like back in the day, you have
five bucks. I mean, dude, five gallons. I mean you're
getting what thirty miles a gallon? Do you driving to
freaking Gainsville? You know in back on five bucks? Right?

But to this guy's point, you're right, ten bucks. I
mean whatever, But it's a great point. Things are so
much more expensive, because if the gas is twice the price,
then you're going half the distance on ten bucks.

Speaker 4 (09:46):
No, but everything, not just beer, I meant, right, bread, milk,
I mean, everything's going up, even just your prepackaged things.
There used to you know, getting fro that used to
be a dollar ninety nine, Now it's three ninety nine.

Speaker 2 (09:57):
I mean the reality is that, yeah, everything it's got leuchables.
Have you noticed that they're like double the price?

Speaker 3 (10:01):
I don't lunch.

Speaker 4 (10:03):
I mean if you had your grocery bill that used
to be you know, sixty seventy bucks and you feel like, Okay,
I got everything that I need for the week. Now
it's like for one hundred for just a small family,
a small thing, you know, and probably a frugal bill.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
I mean, I was like, can can you really get
out of the out of publics for less than a
couple hundred bucks? I mean, is it possible if you're
doing your full grocery shop? No?

Speaker 4 (10:21):
No, I mean and I do almost daily, you know,
every couple of days you need the milk or whatever,
and I mean it's still just fifty bucks.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
Like are you big? Are you big? Anything? Eggs? Eggs?
Eggs have gone up so much. Holy crap, yeah right,
I mean, weren't they like two three dollars a yeah,
a dozen, right, dude, those organic ones and those pretty
little packages, they're like eight dollars.

Speaker 3 (10:42):
No more organic over here, I know.

Speaker 1 (10:44):

Speaker 2 (10:45):
My wife's like, don't you eat them non organic eggs? Like,
holy crap though, dude. So you got to figure, like
all of us are hard working, like we are in
the uh not that everybody else is in, but we're
we're kind of in the prime, uh income producing years
of our life. You're going into it, you know, I'm
kind of in the middle of it, right, So maybe
we don't feel it as much, right, But all of
a sudden you think about seniors, right, or people on

a budget. You know, I'll speak to this real quick.
We got a minute. But this whole reverse mortgage thing
that I've been pushing, you're hearing these commercials, you're hearing
them on our show. You're hearing the stuff. I want
to make a big point because when we say fixed income,
it doesn't mean old retired people, right, Like my mom
is a retired school principal. She has a darn good pension,

and she has Social Security. She is still affected by
this inflation.

Speaker 3 (11:31):
Because she has a fixed fixed income.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
Thank you, yes, so fixed income. It doesn't matter if
you're making one hundred grand fixed or you're making thirty
grand fixed. You were hurting when your expendable cash is
taken away from you. So last night's interview and Elon
broke down what is inflation? And it's basically like when
you're printing money but nothing to spend it on. Right,
it's not people, it's the government doing it. So there's

too much money. Therefore things are money's worth less, therefore
the prices go up. It's absolutely crazy. He offered last
night on the interview to head a council to get
the national debt under control. Elon Musk, Elon Musk, and
I'm thinking of myself, my god, if you don't take
him up on that, that would be genius. Anyway, we
got to take a break here on the Business Happier.

We be back with Sennia and why do we get back?

Speaker 4 (12:16):
You want some bullet points that this is a great
interview that I missed. I'm enough to watch it tonight.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
John, as soon as we get back, will bullet point
that in just a minute on the Business Happy Hour.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
Now We're back with some serious real estate and business
talk with three of Tampa Bay's top experts, your host
of the Business Happy Hour, Frank the Bangkodo, Rosa Bahiti,
and Senia Akesha.

Speaker 2 (12:36):
All Right, friends of the Business Happy Hour, politic people,
non politic people, business people, inflation people. If you love inflation,
turn the channel because we are going to talk against
inflation right now. We have Senya and Rosa from mahar
And Associates, two of the best realittors in Tampa Bay.
We're gonna finish up this conversation. Then we're gonna get
into the real estate stats because we know you love

hearing that for the first time ever. We didn't do
it in the first segment, going to do it in
the second segment because we sayding is going to have
to tell us what is going on in this real
estate market because it is an interesting one. We're going
to have some good news today about interest rates. Where
are they are they staying down? What's happening? I'm going
to pull that up for you today. We're going to
talk about the house that Never sells thirteen ninety five
days Road, which is going for auction in about four weeks.

So that'll be interesting first experience with that, and then
we're going to have the auction year on our show.
I think it's actually going to be the week before
the auction, so that's going to be really cool. What
else are we talking about today? Buyer's Agent broker agreement.
What do they call that form? Just the buyer's.

Speaker 4 (13:35):
Agreement, the exclusive Yeah, buyer Well, there's a couple of
different ones, but yeah, for the most part, it's what
the BBA is, the acronymer agreement.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
Yeah, yeah, okay, So we're going to talk about that.
We're going to talk about should you be scared to
sign that or not? What does that mean for you
as a buyer. That's a question that I've heard a
lot in this last week. We've been able to help
some agents on it. We're going to talk about the
changes for what happened with the Buyers Commission, with this
nar settlement. Are the lenders doing anything? That's a question.

You're gonna get that question answered by the four segment,
I guarantee. So it makes you stay tuned. And if
you're on Instagram, please like and share that little button
so more people can join us and watch, and please
watch us every Tuesday live right here on Instagram between
the hours of twelve and one o'clock. We will guarantee
to excite you and give you some great information during
that time. By the way, if you have some real

estate questions, there's only one website that you can go
to in that therealdeal Tampa dot com. The realdeal Tampa
dot com. You can check out the ladies anytime, and
they have a very easy to remember phone number you
can reach out to that. Yeah, I was just gonna say,
we like phone calls. Let's talk about it. It's eight
one three, seven five five reel. That's it's very easy
to remember. Seven five to five are reel. It's the

real business happy hour over here. You have a couple
of real ladies selling you real estate. I'm so freaking
funny today, but anyway, seven five to five reel. Please
call the ladies if you have any questions, you can
all that number. If you have financed questions too, talk
to the ladies about the real estate and then they'll
put you in touch with Frank the bank. That's how
all this partnership stuff works. So seven five to five

real please check it out. Jimmy by link. How are
you doing, Sarah? Watching us on Instagram like and share.
Jimmy has forty four million followers, second only to Donald
Trump himself. Totally kidding, but you should check out his
web page Jimmy Brylink on Instagram. Okay, so before we
were talking about this interview, right, Yeah, because I didn't

hear about it, I'm gonna have to watch it. So
you said it was three hours long. It was almost
three hours long. Yeah, it ended almost at eleven o'clock
last night, started after eight o'clock after the cyber attack
on X they tried to shut it down. And I
know you can watch it on YouTube and all these
other stuff, but it was it was not face to face.
You were asking me that it was Trump in I
guess one of his offices. I think at Mayri Lago

was showing a video of him on his iPhone is
what it looked like. And then Elon from wherever he was,
you know, on the moon something like that, on Mars,
I don't know, probably in a tesla, but he was
doing he was asking him questions and it was just
a very real conversation and there was one rather funny part.
It was just a very so it wasn't like your

typical ABC News or even Fox News interview. You know,
it was just two dudes having a chat. And so
Putin came up, and there's a little funny fifteen second
clip about Trump telling, you know, selling the world on
this interview how Putin and him were close, you know,
but Putin was also basically scared of him, you know,
like he knew that Trump was serious, and he was
saying that he wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if he was president.

So this is the funny exchange. Everybody remembers Bill and
Ted's Excellent Adventure. Anyone anyone, Oh, listen to this? Rose like,
come on, you gotta hear? Oh, oh yeah, oh yes,
please do oh yeah, here we go. So here are
instagrammers can listen. Here we go.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
And again I said to Vladimir Putin, I said, don't
do it. You can't do it. Vladimir, you do it,
It's going to be a bad day.

Speaker 5 (16:55):
You cannot do it.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
And I told him things that what I do and
he said no way And I said way and.

Speaker 2 (17:06):
He said way. Sounds like back from Bill and Ted's
Excellent Adventure. Back. I'm totally dating myself. Have you girls?
Even seen that movie. Oh my lord, I am where's
your Rolodex? Where's it at? I need your rolodex? Do
you really? Oh my god, if you had a rolodex,
I would a I'm totally getting you two rolodexes for
Christmas and it was funny you will use them?

Speaker 4 (17:24):
Yeah, I would. I like stuff like that. I'm still,
you know, very pulling on with you know I do.

Speaker 2 (17:30):
I like cards like I know it sounds. So what
do you all think? Okay, business question, business happier? Digital
business cards? Yeah? Your name? What do you have? Digital
or paper?

Speaker 3 (17:39):
I think you have to, but I think you should
have both.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Okay, have both.

Speaker 4 (17:42):
But you know what, I will say that me and
Rosa came prepared to our little conference thing for all
the networking we were doing with business cards. We passed
out a couple maybe and got a couple from others.
Other than that, people like to do their Okay, here,
let me see your phone and are you do the
tap thing and.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
The iPhone tap thing? I will say, I think that
is a game changer. By the way, Burland is Rosa's mike.
Oh yeah, okay, she's got it on. Okay that all
of a sudden yeah. I was like, well, there went Rosa.
She's gone, but I'm still here. But so I asked you,
what did you like? Digital or or physical business card?

Speaker 3 (18:15):
So I like both. I think that it's best because
a lot of people are going towards the digital part
of business. Okay, so I think it's good to have both.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
So here's here's my problem with digital. You tell me
what you am? I am I just old or not? Yes,
don't answer that anyway. So you go, when you tap,
you meet somebody, you get all their compto. It's really cool.
You get the picture, you get all the stuff. But
how do we remember that?

Speaker 4 (18:37):
I have a solution you do, because I'm curious because
that's been my issue too.

Speaker 2 (18:40):
It's like you collect it and then I'm like, oh god,
like what was her name?

Speaker 3 (18:43):
I started, I started doing it. I actually implement it now.
So what you do? And I learned this in your
little picture got from miss Glenda Baker, who is like
huge in real estate. Okay, she said, I take a
picture with them, I get a selfie and then you
put it on their contact card and the little bubble
and then there's you and them. How can you not
You're not going.

Speaker 4 (19:01):
To well only they call you though, But you can't
search by picture, right, So if you're like a home,
what was this girl's name?

Speaker 3 (19:07):
You put notes and you put keywords, so like if
I met them here iHeart, I'm gonna put iHeart in
there somewhere.

Speaker 4 (19:12):
I did try to do that when I guess and
put somebody as like some kind of keyword where. Okay,
if I look, I do that, I'll find the person.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
Do you do that in their name? That's what I
try to do it in the name field. So is
I you know, Rosa can't pronounce her last name realtor
from mahar Associates, so.

Speaker 3 (19:30):
I would put realtor uh huh blah blah blah blah blah.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
So what I used to do back in the day
is and I don't know if there is a solusion,
but I when I created the contact, I put C
space and then put the name for contact or client.
So that way, if you go on your phone, if
you search the c's, you see everybody. But I still
my thing about when you get home after the event,
and when you' all in Vegas and you get home
and you open up your suitcase, your person, You've got

all these business cards. At least then you can look
through them with a lot of people got pictures on
them and you can be like, oh yeah, I definitely
wanted to talk this guy. I wanted to meet this person,
I wanted to have it blah blah blah. But when
it's in okay, so I my problem still rose. I
don't know if it solves the problem because I still
have to remember. So that means what I got to
go through my got like, I gotta figure it out.
So do you remember?

Speaker 3 (20:14):
You like to follow up right away?

Speaker 2 (20:17):
Well I find If I don't, I don't matter. If
we gotta take a break. When we get back to
the Business Happy Hour, We're still we're talking business stuff.
This is fun. We're going to talk more about strategies
on digital versus paper business cards on the Business Happy
Our Real Deal Tampa dot Com will be back in
just a minute.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
Welcome to the Business Happy Hour radio show with your
host Frank the bang Kodo, president of Lincoln Lending Group
and he won three mortgage for twenty years right here
in Tampa Bay, joined by his incredible co host Rosea
Bahiti and Sinia Akishna, top producing real estate agents with
Mahara and Associates. These three bring nearly five decades of

experience in the local real estate market. If you're looking
for real estate or business advice, no matter what your
experience level, the Business Happy Hour Team it's been there
for you for almost a decade right here on news
radio wfl A. Now, sit back, relax, and get ready
for some serious real estate and business talk with three
of Tampa Bay's top experts.

Speaker 2 (21:11):
Here's Frank the Bank. Hey, Tampa Bay, welcome back to
the Business Appy are your number one show for all
things business and entrepreneurial. I am your host, Frank the Bank, CODO,
owner of Lincoln Lending Group eight one three Mortgage and
as just created here reverse guru dot com. We do
want to help you guys with all your reverse mortgage needs.

We want to help you guys if you're having problems
with inflation. We're going to get into a little more
detail about that in just a few minutes. I've been
having a great business convera conversation with my amazing co
hosts here Rosea, Vihita Vhiti and Senya Akishina. Did I
tell you I met another Senya x e n I
A oh yes, and she says it same as you.

Speaker 4 (21:53):
No, but I know you had another one though in
your phone, a whole other one with.

Speaker 2 (21:57):
Your spelling that I've totally packed. And she's like, I
heard a lot about her. A lot of you are like, oh,
I thought you were so and she's a real and
apparently in our area. Yeah, yeah, So you know, I
think the two of you probably should have a coffee
one day, and you know, double Visenia. I don't know.
So anyway, we were talking about digital business cards. You
ladies just went to a conference in Vegas and you

got a bunch of digital cards, you got some paper cards,
and that the thing I'm trying to solve here, trying
to solve the world's problems is and you had a
great idea. You take a picture with him, you save
in the contact. So that definitely what Rosa said. When
I when the person calls or whatever, I'll see it
and I'll be like, yeah, Oka, one hundred percent, I
met him in Vegas. I know who they are. Blah
blah blah. My question is, how the heck do I

remember who I just met and who I taped business
cards with? And it's happened to me literally in the
last month when I'm out of town at the trade
show and people were doing the iPhone tap, which I love.
But I got back and I'm like, no clue.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
So I have a whole process, oh Lord, that I
actually stick to for the most part.

Speaker 2 (22:58):
And it's good.

Speaker 3 (23:00):
Yeah. So I get their contact information, I send them,
I share them my contact card, and then I take
a selfie with them, of course, so I don't forget
their face. I put in the notes a quick little
snippet of something meaningful that will remind me of them,
and then I also text them right away after I
send my contact card in the text.

Speaker 2 (23:20):
That's a good procedure that I was going to say.

Speaker 4 (23:22):
That's the one thing that maybe saves me there is
I do try to just do at least a text,
because then I could go through my threads and then
find that person that way. But if it's just contacts,
then you met you know, a couple of different joes, and.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
You know, I'm very easy. I'm really going to limb.
I think she's got a great system. I think that
I think that works. I think you text them and then,
like you said, I was at the show on Saturday,
go through my Saturday. Text, I've got their contact information.
Now I see the contact, now I see the picture.
It's all coming together, Rose.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
I text them, and you text them where you met
them or like, hey, it was great meeting you at
iHeartMedia today. I look forward to doing referral business with
you or whatever it is.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Okay, So I think that is a good one. I
think that's better even than what I was going to say.
I Yeah, texting him is good if you Another great
piece of advice with people is if, especially if you're local,
is invite them to lunch right away. So I was
at an open house thing a couple three weeks ago,
and I actually have a meeting last week that Senny

a girl, and two meetings this week all from that meeting.
I was at right, So I booked the lunch ahead
of time and then save the infro in my phone. So,
but I like your idea text him. I was gonna
say another one where you could do the picture idea
that you had and you could even maybe take a
screenshot of their contact as soon as you save it
in the phone. And I've become a big I'm a

big fan. Now I'm gonna show this to Instagram. Show
it to what you ladies I do. I've really started
using my photo albums more for business and like, look
at this, So of course you always have your resents.
There's mortgage, loans and statements. Now that one is actually
somewhat personal. You know, if I have like mortgage statements
or something.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
I put it in.

Speaker 4 (25:04):
Because all my screen shots and one that's really smart.

Speaker 2 (25:10):
On this one's my social Security card.

Speaker 4 (25:14):
Instagram and we totally talked over no no, no, no, that's
super smart to kind of categorize it. And I need
to do that because then I just have, you know,
pictures and screen shots. But even that it's radio.

Speaker 2 (25:29):
Those are all of our pictures that we may albums
special four like you guys are good, Frank, Frank's reels,
m l O meetings, m l O recruiting. Oh here's
one for Scotch. Apparently I like Scott.

Speaker 3 (25:44):
You can learn a lot about Frank.

Speaker 5 (25:45):

Speaker 2 (25:46):
Oh my god, if somebody got ahold of this, I
have to put my kids off of this.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
Yeah, I'm not even gonna go never mind.

Speaker 2 (25:53):
But I love it. So so these are all really
good ideas. Roses. Idea is a great idea. Send yourself
a text. Another one is is just save the images
into a folder, so create it.

Speaker 3 (26:03):
Like, that's a good idea for me. So with my projects,
with my houses, I create an album for each house.
So I have before and after pictures and I love that.

Speaker 2 (26:11):
I think that's awesome.

Speaker 3 (26:12):
Because you know, when you're showing someone you're before and afters,
you don't want to dig through all your pictures.

Speaker 2 (26:18):
That can get That's another good reason for albums right there,
So you're not you know, it's like funny when somebody
like they're like, oh, yes, here's my phone. Lead bit,
scroll to the right, don't scroll left?

Speaker 3 (26:28):
Yeah, and then you go left.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
And that's why we don't scroll.

Speaker 3 (26:34):
I wanted me to see this.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Yeah, and you know that means ye, scroll left.

Speaker 3 (26:38):
Yes, that means definitely you have to yes.

Speaker 1 (26:40):

Speaker 2 (26:40):
It's like when the wife says she's not mad at you,
it means oh yeah, that makes sense. All right. So
we got a lot to talk about. We've totally deviated, Cinia.
Let's do some stats. I don't want to let our
listeners not hear the stats because every week we got
to tell them, what's up? What do you how things going?

Speaker 4 (26:54):
Well, let's just do you know a little bit actually,
Like on the personal front, I do feel that things.

Speaker 2 (26:59):
Have picked up a okay good, you.

Speaker 4 (27:01):
Know, at least for me. Like, we have a listing
now that we've got multiple offers on. It is priced
well and it is a really pretty lot, but multiple
offers there. I finally got my my mama listing under contract.
That one's been a little bit of a struggle. Nice,
but my my seller is getting a price that he wants.
He really stuck it out.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
Mama are selling.

Speaker 3 (27:22):
Davis Road is going to sell.

Speaker 2 (27:26):
Da Road a plug here thirty nine. David Row is
going for.

Speaker 3 (27:29):
Austen four Weekslorida.

Speaker 2 (27:30):
That's right, Donny, she's a great realtor. Duneied in Florida.

Speaker 3 (27:33):
I'll see you guys there, Yes, both.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
Of you will be there.

Speaker 3 (27:35):
We're going to be there and we're going to hype
it up.

Speaker 2 (27:37):
I don't know if I'm allowed to say I'm the
owner and be there, so I might just be like,
I'll be with you all, can I don't?

Speaker 3 (27:42):
You could hang with us. We'll have a whole table
set up. Oh yeah, well make it fun.

Speaker 2 (27:45):
I'll be like, yeah, I'm a realtor. Real, hold on,
do you all get mad when people say realtor or
is it real tour. I don't take it that I
have gotten my booty busted so many times in the
last couple of weeks, and it's real. Really, people correct you,
and you know who you are. If you're watching, you
have corrected me, and I do my best. I promise

I don't get offended.

Speaker 3 (28:06):
No, Yeah, would the status.

Speaker 2 (28:08):
How we looking? You think personally? It's getting better?

Speaker 4 (28:10):
I mean, yes, I'm curious to see what they're going
to be, you know, next time around. But just from
our you know, year to date for June numbers, I
just wanted to actually go by county for the media
and sales price in Hillsboro it was four hundred and
thirty five thousand, and Panella's four hundred and eighty five
and Pasco was at four hundred and five thousand, which

actually from Pasco, I think that is the first time
that they've actually gotten into the forest.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
One hundred percent agree, So I.

Speaker 4 (28:37):
Think that's pretty great for Pasco and for the average
sale price numbers, So Hillsborough went up three point four percent,
Panella's five point two, and Pasco five point seven.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
These stats say at all. I literally had somebody yesterday say, well,
I'm waiting till all the foreclosures start before I buy.
I'm like, yeah, so it'll be waiting for ever. I
used your stats when you educated everybody last week talking
about a healthy market is six months, and an unhealthy
market more of a seller's market is less than that.
And we said we're at three point three and is

that holding about true?

Speaker 4 (29:11):
And I mean yeah, And that's why I feel like
even that little jump that I'm just personally feeling an activity.
I think because when rates took even just a little
bit of a drop, right, you know, people react right away.
They do so I think, you know, even maybe not
all of them are coming off the fence, but I
mean it's nice to see those little signs. And I
think if rates do, you know, maybe do that bigger

drop that we've been talking about, then I'm hoping that
activity will pick up even more. And I mean I've
talked to agents even it's like, oh man, it seems
like we're messing out on some properties with multiple offers,
and I mean it might be certain price points.

Speaker 2 (29:46):
Right well, what tell was the price point of the
one with multiple offers three thirty five? So that's and
where is it yeah, where Yeah, river Review.

Speaker 3 (29:53):
Okay, well that's a nice way, mama.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
But I like Riverview.

Speaker 4 (29:56):
I think Riverview is very convenient, good for you know,
the air Force base people, good for commuters to downtown.

Speaker 2 (30:02):
It's a cute house. It's a new were built home. Yeah,
ne were built home.

Speaker 4 (30:06):
Beautiful lot, and I mean I'm not surprised that there's
multiple offers.

Speaker 2 (30:10):
Well, and that's Hillsborough, correct, Hillborough County is still Yeah.
So when you're looking at the medium price in Hillsboro
is four thirty five and you're one hundred thousand.

Speaker 3 (30:18):
Less, that's a deal to a lot of keep ye, thank.

Speaker 2 (30:20):
You, Rosa. Yeah, that's a deal. But Riverview I would
not consider a super sought after area, right, more so
now than ever. Right. But I think this is a
very good indication of market because it's not like this
is in Westchase. But it is the right price, so
things are moving.

Speaker 4 (30:37):
The other thing, I will say that we probably did
price it just a little bit lower than we could
have and still gotten you know, some showings and stuff.
I think that that does show I don't know, it's
a perception for buyers when they feel like they're getting
a better deal and they're looking at comps and they're like, man,
they're actually priced really well. Yeah, and I've heard that
from a few agents that I've been talking to. They're like,

that's been our strategy lately and there's seeing a lot
of success with it and the homes moving and potentially
having other people interested in it.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
So that is the exact reason that I've opted to
try out this auction. And I was told, you know
that is a good strategy that people if you go
in a little lower, you create more excitement. So the
whole thing Rosa. You asked about the auction price of
thirteen ninety Fi Davis Road. Yeah, they put it back
up at four ninety nine, the original list price, and
what they're going to do the strategy is they're lowering
it every week up until the fifth week, and they're

going to get it down under I think the lowest
we had it listed was like four forty nine, Is
that right, Yeah, something like that, And I think they're
going to drop it into the four twenties right before
auction day. And the idea is then that brings people in,
they start and then they create excitement. And I'll let
the guy explain it to us when he's on the
radio here in a couple of weeks.

Speaker 3 (31:44):
That makes sense though, And that's an interesting strategy because
we don't do a lot with auctions. I've never had,
so I'm excited in.

Speaker 4 (31:50):
The buisorder dealt with it. But is this one of
those that will still have it on the MLS. It is,
It is on the MLS, and it is on all
they'll keep it on there. But just like on the
you know, private things that'll behave.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
This as auction.

Speaker 3 (32:02):
I think it says it like it's advertised, like you
know where it's real estate owned or probate would be
up there.

Speaker 2 (32:09):
Yeah, so I didn't notice that. But it's gonna be interesting.
It's gonna be a great learning experience. I mean, we
be together, all of us. We have like sixty years
of real estate experience in here. We've never none of
us have done a freaking auction. So we're about to
learn something and we're gonna have them on our show. Actually,
is Ray Mahara himself coming on our show next week?
He said he would, So, guys, listeners, this is going

to be a big show. The owner of Mahara and
Associates will come on next week. So it'll be live
on Instagram and we'll get that on Facebook as well,
and right here on iHeartRadio. You can find us on iHeartMedia.
So that'll be next Tuesday, and then the following Tuesday
is just going to be us unless we bring in
somebody fun. And then after that we're gonna have the
auctioneer come on the radio show. Stay tuned. We got
one more segment. We're about to have a great ending

to a great show.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
Now we're back with some serious real estate and business
talk with three of Tampa Bay's top experts, your host
of the Business Happy Hour, Frank the Bangkodo, Rosa Bahiti,
and Senia Akeishna.

Speaker 2 (33:04):
Hey, Tampa Bay, welcome back to the Business Happy Hour,
your number one show for all things business and entrepreneurial.
Don't forget. Next week we are going to have the Man,
the Myth, the Legend, Ray Mahara, the owner of Maharran Associates.
This guy has sold more homes than McDonald sells Hamburgers.
I'm going to tell you that I think I think
he's got like literally half a billion dollars sold already.
H and we're barely past the halfway point of the year.

By the way, kids are back to school. Oh man,
is that a good or battle? Man? Uh?

Speaker 4 (33:32):
You know what, it's the car line. Yeah, and we're like,
Stella started a new school, so middle school now, uh huh. So,
I mean it's gonna be some growing pains. I think
hopefully it gets figured out. They did prepare, say, the
first couple of weeks is going to be chaotic. Yes,
I mean it's probably like a you know, account for
an hour in the morning, an hour in the afternoon
for pickup.

Speaker 2 (33:50):
And pretty much.

Speaker 4 (33:51):
Yeah, you know, I'm like, all right, Stell, let's start
maybe like a new Netflix show or something. We could
just kind of keep it on the background and we
just sit there, you know, before you can actually get
out of the car.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
Oh oh, that's right, because oh yeah, she's young, so
you got to do like the drop off thing and
the line and how the whole thing is. But what
school she started it?

Speaker 4 (34:08):
Well, and she's in a middle magnet school too, so
it's not like the bus system is not like it
is for you know, the regular public schools. There are
some available, but I do live close to the school,
so you just take her very close. Yeah, but I mean,
like that traffic gets backed up.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
Yeah, you're like a mile away. And I do feel
bad for the people that don't have kids in school,
that are just trying to get to work. I'm like,
oh my god.

Speaker 3 (34:29):
Yeah, James our producer, Yeah, and a whole thing on
Instagram about it.

Speaker 2 (34:33):
Oh really Yeah. So I my son started Jesuit this
year as a freshman high school. Oh my god. Anyway,
so I'm doing something. It's changed for me. I've never
taken the kids to school before. I mean randomly, you know,
here and there to help the wife out. But I
am now taking him to school every day. So I
am experiencing these things you're talking about. We we had
a decent line on both sides of Hymes Avenue to
get into the school, and I'm just saying to myself,

is this like gonna change better? Actually? Full disclosure. I
went home and went to bed after this, and I'm like, Okay,
Daddy's got to get used to this. This is you know,
but I'm gonna work on it. It's gonna be a
change for all of us. I do want to mention
rates before we go into the buyer broker agreement here
on the show. So, Senio, you were talking about prices
and people jumping in the market. And you've seen people

put their foot in the water a little bit more
and I have too. The TV is still not talking
about rates, although last week they did say something nice.
They said rates have gone down, blah blah blah, but
the FED hasn't lowered yet. That's what we're waiting on.
Even though the FED rate really is not the thirty
year fixed rate. People don't get that, but that's what
the TV will talk about. So that's why people will

jump in the market. So that's what we're waiting on,
and it will be supplying demand. So we're still telling
all you buyers, it is the time to buy right now.
Rates today's rates thirty year fixed rate at par meaning
meaning you're gonna have to pay a little something for this.
FHA and VA five in a eighth and five and
a quarter APR five point four and five point five, okay,

trying to be client here, and the conventional rates five
six two five. We are officially in the five. The
conventional APR is five point nine to two. We are
in the fives.

Speaker 3 (36:11):
Happened five and a quarter. You can buy right.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
Now oldly if you're a veteran's eighth five point one
two five. So could you buy into the fours right now? Yes?
You could?

Speaker 3 (36:21):
Oh you can, you can't, Okay.

Speaker 2 (36:23):
But I'm not gonna talk people into doing it, why Rosa,
Because they're.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
Gonna read we got the math lesson last time? Because yeah,
you broke it down for us, and that's it. It
just doesn't make sense.

Speaker 2 (36:35):
It's just wait, wait till we're so close to the fours,
Wait till they get in the fours, and then you're
buying down into the low fours on your refine, maybe
the threes. I don't know, wishful thinking, but I do
know if you don't buy now, then when these rates
go down, you're gonna have a lot of competition because
Senny has already seen highest and best on the right
priced homes. How about this any buyer's agent agreement, This

form that the buyers are now being asked to sign
by every single buyer's agent that says that they're going
to pay the buyer's agent real estate commission. How's that
going for y'all? Have you had any trouble with this
or you know it's going.

Speaker 4 (37:07):
It's the biggest change our industry has seen and this
is you know, nationwide, this is every agent dealing with this.

Speaker 2 (37:13):
I mean, it's going good.

Speaker 4 (37:14):
I think all the agents that I talk to were
actually happy for the change because it really outlines, you know,
our responsibilities to the buyer. It just makes it more serious.

Speaker 2 (37:23):
It does.

Speaker 4 (37:23):
I feel like before, you know, anytime you work with
a buyer, it's just oh, you know, I know, the
service is free, yadda YadA. Maybe they don't care so
much who they're working with. It's the first person they call.
And it just wasn't as serious as we'd like it
to because it's a serious gig. It's a very serious thing.
Whether you're listing a home or helping a buyer buy it.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
It's a big deal. You spend a lot of time.

Speaker 4 (37:43):
You spend a lot of time. I mean, you have
to be knowledgeable. There's you know, lots of nuances, there's
things that can go wrong, and you know it's important.
And I think this is actually perfect opportunity for us
to tell the buyers, hey, this is my value proposition,
this is what I will do for you, and you know,
just outlines the terms more in terms of the signing
the agreement. It's the tough part has been is like

when you haven't really met the buyer yet and they
probably want to get to know you more. The way
that it is right now, we cannot show you a
single property without having something signed. It doesn't have to
be the exclusive agreement. But if I'm showing you a property, hey,
if you do, you know, buy this property. This is
the commission we're agreeing to, which still most of the
time sellers are willing to pay it. We just ask

for it on the contract. So it's just more contractually
how it's done. It's going to be different. Nothing really
that is.

Speaker 2 (38:31):
The most important thing of all this. I need every
buyer to listen right now for thirty seconds. What Sinia
just said is the meat and potatoes. Yes, they are
requiring you to sign these documents. Yes they are putting
a lot of time and effort into helping you find
a home, and before they would never there's no guarantee
they'd get paid. But people, this document you're signing does

not state you are paying the realtor. No matter what
it says, you're paying them. If you, as the buyer,
choose to buy a house that the seller is not
paying the commission, that means you can look at a
hundred houses with Senny and Rosa, and if those the
ones you like, are not paying the commission and you

don't want to pay the buyer agent commission out of
your pocket, you are in control. I have had two
agents in the last week come to me having them
trouble with eight with buyers signing these, and I got
on the phone and I explained, you know, the old
second voice thing, and I just said, listen, it just
comes down to this, you're in control buyer. A lot
of them feel like they're not, and I agree with you.
If they haven't met you first or anything like that,

then why am I going to sign this with you?
You know, listen, sign it you're not well before. It's
if they've just never had to do it.

Speaker 4 (39:41):
Especially for people that have been in the market before,
it just probably feels, you know, awkward, like, oh man,
you're making me commit. You know, people have some buyer phobia,
even like committing to a house when they find the
one they like.

Speaker 2 (39:51):
So I mean that's probably part of it.

Speaker 4 (39:53):
It's going to take if you want, then it'll be
we can send them properties, we can discuss properties. I
just can't go physically show it to you unless we have,
you know, an agreement signed in writing, and there's nothing
saying that it's got to be oh, three percent or whatever.
This is whatever you negotiate with your buyer's agent. And
again the majority of that be Ideally all of it
would be covered by the seller if you wanted to

make an offer on the house. But actually this is
the question I want to ask you, so for loan purposes,
like I know, the concern before was especially with like
VA loans, yes and even FHA, you know, because we
know there's caps on concessions. Like what's that looking like
for us on the lender side.

Speaker 2 (40:31):
I'm gonna do real quick. We got twenty five seconds.
We say here hop right, here we go. Is the
VA is now allowing the seller's the buyer's agent commission
up to three percent to be included in the seller
covered closing costs. They've always allowed it, but they've limited
it to four percent previously. Now they will allow a
customary commission, which is about three percent, to be added.
So that's the biggest change we've seen. Non QM loans

are allowing us to add it into the loan. Fanny
Man and Freddie mac Nothing, no change as of right now.
Stay tuned next week we'll talk about it on the
Business happyr Have a gat day listens my by bye.
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