Episode Transcript
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First of all, I want tosay usually I'm like a sweatpants jim shorts
guy in the studio. Uh.I wore actual like button up, zip
up like shorts and a polo likea collared shirt for jelly roll. Don't
lie. You got court today.Quit These people that public intoxication finally came
back to bite you. I coulduse some legal advice. I'm yeah,
yeah, I know I got Firstof all, I gotta tell you we
were lucky enough less than two yearsago. You walked in this studio and
you had lunch out there and nobodybugged you. Yeah. It's crazy.
I'm looking now there's people out therewaving at me. Hello everybody. Let
me ask you, hello, howdo you process? How do you process
the last two years? Because youwent from a guy who could walk into
a Walmart unbothered, and now Imean we met a security guy, I
saw another security guy. I thinkI see Emertz guys out hawking T shirts.
But how do you that's the bootlegger. Everybody's got bills, just grunted
high school friend. Uh, butlet me ask you, how do you
process? How crazy different your lifeis in the last two years? Man,
I'm just grateful. I'm honored.I mean, dude, it's a
really cool situation to just like Ithink I'm also blown away a little bit,
like I don't really do anything specialright, Like I'm not I'm not
a Keith Urban guitar player, youknow what I mean. I'm not like
I'm not really good at anything.Particularly, I'm out of shape, kind
of ugly, bad tattoos, uneducated. I check all the boxes that should
involve people not standing outside of awindow waving at me, you know what
I mean. So I think it'sreally cool. Man. Have you ever
seen the movie Cinderella Man? Yeah? Absolutely, I thought about that.
I'm still thinking about calling out aCinderella Man. I've never talked about this,
but the reason I didn't is becausea lot of people didn't understand the
reference. Oh for sure, Iget it. Is it's like James Boxer,
James Brack. I feel like him. Do you remember, like it
was that time and he was juststruggling and he was like too old to
win a title and he was likethe biggest underdog ever. And the scene
in the movie that makes me wantto cry. That maybe one of the
name of my album, Cinderella mans. He's running through the streets and everybody's
cheering for him, and he's confusedas to why it's happening, right,
so he grabs his manager. Hegoes, why are they cheering for me?
And the manager goes, they thinkyou're fighting for them. He just
gave me goosemuops man. And that'show I feel. I feel like that's
been the jelly roll appeal, youknow what I mean. It's kind see
I'm getting tear out, I swear. It's like that rocky thing, you
know what I mean? Like,why did they start following them up to
the final run? You know whatI mean? People started seeing themselves in
this guy. So I think that'skind of been what's cool about it?
Let me ask you this then,knowing that you have made that connection,
you are the underdog's champion. Maybeanother album name right, right, that
champion that feels more like a rapalbum, but right, we'll get that.
I might have one of those leftin. I'm not fifty yet,
but but that title is so fittingbecause you have become that. But with
that comes weight. There's a lotof people that, uh, regardless of
the song, have a story howyou change their lives or the song she
how they had a family member whopassed and that brought back So knowing that
you wear that that heaviness because ofthose stories and you become you know this,
You're friends with Dwayne the Rock Johnson. So I'm ste I'm gonna steal
the people's champion. You do youdo embody that? So what extra weight
do you put on yourself when itcomes to whatever step is next? When
it comes to that, well,when we use the word weight here,
Wayne, I'm trying to get itoff as much of as post you look
great. You look great. I'velooked at my closers, need to do
almost I'm about thirty pounds a wayfor having to get new clothes again.
Listen, you better slow down.We're gonna start sharantee, She'm gonna start
looking like you baby. No,it's a you know what, I don't
feel it as much as people wouldanticipate, because I appreciate the vulnerability of
brings. I was hoping that Icould create the kind of music that would
bring meaningful conversations back, you knowwhat I mean, not just like there's
a difference between Schnorkelin and going intoa shipwreck. You know what I mean.
I wanted people to start getting eachother shipwrecks, and I think that's
how we'll start to see humans forhumans again, because right now we see
them for political alliances or belief systems, you know what I mean, We
don't see them for humans anymore.I wish, I'm hoping that's the beginning
of us seeing people as children andmothers and fathers and uncles again. So
as you say that, it immediatelybrought me back to when I was a
kid. Everybody was welcome at everydinner table, every period. It's not
like that anymore. Everybody was welcomeat every dinner table. You didn't talk
about religion or politics at the dinnertable because you don't fight with your family.
So being a guy who who ispretty much invited to any dinner t
you transcend genres, music types,lifestyles, like nobody puts you in a
box, at least from where Isaid, I don't see that. So
what's the table that you're most surprisedthat you have to see that? Oh?
Goodness, man, what a fuckyou? What a good question?
Like the most surprised I was surprisedat how many people from the church were
gracious of me and let me decidea word with this right. I was
surprised at how many people from thechurch accepted me and the way I believe
in Jesus. I knew there wouldbe some blowback, and I got a
lot of that. A lot ofmega pastors wrote sun discernments about me and
how I was, you know,hypocrisy or all that stuff. But I
had way more mega church leaders andway more pastors and our servants of God
reach out to me and go,man, we believe what you're doing is
helping the Kingdom of God. Webelieve people are here the name Jesus for
the first time because of you.We know you cuss, we know you
smoke, we know you're a littlewild, but like the message you're saying
is right and we believe you.I didn't expect that. I expect you
to be complete blowback from the church. So it was really really cool to
have some real, real God fearingpeople back me up. Speaking of churches.
Uh, that was deep, butthat was the sorry, that was
the real answer. No, Ilike it. Uh. With sit Chapel
crazy successful, the album cover backup one second. People knowing who I
was at the Grammys blew my mindto just like as a reference point,
like such a country in Tennessee,driven dude that like to be all the
way in California, and like realpop stars were like, we love you.
Jelly Roll was really cool. Myfavorite is the face you have meeting
Paul McCartney and Jay Z. You'relike, your face says I don't belong
here, but your smile is likeI'm here anyway. Is that what's happening
in the back door again? Baby? Take me to Witseit Chapel. Obviously
it was massively, uh impactful inyour life as a kid. We talked
about that before. Uh what hasthe feedback been from that congregation because obviously,
number one, you talk about itbeing a part of childhood. Number
Two, I'd imagine it's a massiveselfie spot for jelly World fans. Now,
Oh yeah, there's a lot ofpictures. They said they would come
in and steal the Bibles, butthe pastor was cool with it because the
Bibles say Wits and Chapelin. Hewas like, Man, if we're giving
away bibles here, we're doing great. They were really cool. I only
hung out with them right after Inamed the album that because I felt like
I owed it to them to gotell them what was up, even though
by law it did and have to. I studied all that too, but
I just wanted them to know.And they were really great people. Many
were. The pastor was sweet,as sweet as it could be, and
they didn't ask for anything. Theyjust wanted to love on me. It
was crazy, you know, youstumble into an old, little church like
that, and I kind of expecteda little like, hey, can we
get you know, start kind ofpouring it on what the church needed.
But they were very specific about wedon't want any money from you. We
want you to always know you cancome here on a Sunday and you can
sit back here and nobody's gonna askyou for a picture, and you can
just come be a part of ourfamily and our church anytime you want to.
And that meant a lot to me. You know. The problem is
I haven't been home with two Sundaysand three years. But you know what
I mean, if I ever elmhome on a Sunday, I'm gonna swing
by Wits at chapel. Uh.You brought up Cinderella Man potentially being the
name of the next album. It'sone of the ideas. The other one
is the beautifully I'm Gonna get somuch from. Don't pick that one,
but the beautifully Broken title that wecalled the tour. So we're torn between
Cinderella Man and Beautifully Broken. Ilove beautifully Broken because that's what we named
the tour and I just love thattitle. It's I think it epitomizes who
I am and who my fans are, that we're kind of all here beautifully
broken together. But man, CinderellaMan just feels so so me, you
know, so, I don't knowI'm telling it fits for some reason.
My problem is I say Cinderella Man, and Wayne D's like, hell yeah.
And I could have looked at Tayand been like, do you know
what that reference is? And Taywould have been like no. But that's
been my problem. Let it be. Let the people that know it on
it and that let everybody else goon like some inside stuff. What do
y'all think? Leave a comment?Pick my album title. Sure, there
are going to be some people thatsays, oh, if he doesn't leave
by midnight, he's gonna turn intoa pumpkin or something. Already, impkin,
You have so much great music outthere. You have already uh some
amazing collaborations. And as much aseveryone wants deep thoughts and deep quotes on
songs, I'm gonna go a differentdirection. Oh please, what is a
line? Can I tell you?Some artists don't tell people. But we're
friends. I can tell you.We hate talking about songs, and I
try not to because when they're like, so tell us what the song's about,
we're like, did you listen toit? You know what I mean?
Halfway? Why am I explaining yoursong? You know what I'm saying.
Hey, I love y'all too happy. I hope y'all are enjoying your
Friday or Monday in Nashville. That'sa good career right there, their day
drinking Monday noon. Did I tellyou? How? Did I tell you?
Did I tell you how? Thisinterview ends? You're gonna go sing
on the stage out there? Stopit. I'll go out there right now,
out there and sing a song.You're crazy? Hey, So back
to the song question. Everybody praisesyour song, songs, your music.
I love it. I love you, but there has to be a lyric
or a line that you're like,this is cheesy, all right. I
don't like this, but you leftit anyway. That's the story. I
want to hear. What's a lyricor a line that you're like, maybe
it was too cheesy, or you'relike that don't fit. But you I
don't want to say you gave up, but you're like, no, I'm
just gonna roll with that. Look, this is dracty sound language of me.
I can't understand it. Sorry,this is so distracted. I'll give
you one off the new album.I tease the song the other day called
Liar. Yeah, it's not evenout yet. I could probably still change
it, and I might, butat the end of the chorus it goes,
and now why I ain't scared oftelling you where you can go?
Because I know you know what Imean. I think it's dope, but
it's also felt a little grannyish,like and now I'll tell you where you
can go. I just feel likeI should my finger and pointed people.
We had one that we wrote onetime behind the scenes that never got released.
It could be the best song Inever released. That was like run
in emera thumb. We were rockingmy shoes right, It's how it started,
and I thought it was the greatestline ever but it made me feel
like run in amerathumb we're rocking inmy face like jazz hands, you know,
like kind of like and I justcould not hear it that way.
Every time I sang it, Iwent and I was like, I can't
put this out. I was like, I can't do it. When it
comes to award shows, we obviouslyjust saw you win another at the ACMs.
I got to ask, at whatpoint, and maybe the answer is
never do you go from I can'tbelieve this is happening, I'm just happy
to be here to I worked myass off, Yeah, this is what
happens when you do that. MaybeI don't think it'll ever be like that.
I'll always just be happy to behere, but I still have a
lot of proving to do. Igot really emotional with the ACMs because it
was for save me. I couldhave won Entertainer of the Year and I
might not have got that emotion,you know what I mean. But that
song was truly the song that didit for me. Like that was like,
oh thank you, because that wasthe song that a lot of the
jelly roll people, like people thathave known me a little while heard me
the first time from that song intwenty twenty. You know what I mean,
you talk about one of the guysthat got you to start, Adrian
Michaels, is that is that song? That is one of the That is
the song that brought Adrian Michaels andJonathan Lowe to my door. Every label
in America called me when I droppedsave Me, the first original version of
any forgot to remember the original versionof save Me was platinum, almost double
platinum. Before Laney got on it. You were like, don't mess this
up. Yeah, no, Ididn't have to worry about that, dude.
What I could have never predicted wasI believed she was gonna be the
biggest thing in country music. Butman, I don't know if I've made
a bet that right in my life, you know what I mean? Like
I felt it and I was like, we should get her on it.
She's awesome, My lover would havebeen friends, and I've known her a
long time. She's got a greatvoice, a great story, she's a
great human. This is a nobrainer, and I think she's finna go
be big in the next you know, five ten years. It ended up
being the next fifteen months. Sheended up being the biggest thing in country
music. Well, I had arecord with her. You want to talk
about good luck for all those yearsof me having to eat poop, I
had a horseshoe up my button.Boy, it showed when I needed it
the most. You know what Imean? I could even now I got
to say about this Inside Baseball mynew album. I got a song.
I'm trying to get a collab ona girl, and it's like the perfect
song. The problem is every girlI think of. There's one girl in
Nashville I want to do it with, but I haven't asked her because we're
friends and I don't want to ruinour friendship. But I couldn't imagine it
being too many other people because I'vehad Lanny Wilson before. I know what
it's like to have the best duetpartner ever, to have one on a
rocket ship ride. I know whatit's like to have a partner. Lanny
Wilson sung that song with me atprivate shows, two hundred person shows,
four thousand person bar shows, footballstadiums, TV seven o'clock in the morning,
seven at night, noon in theafternoon. Laney Wilson showed up every
time we called her and asked herto sing that, you know what I
mean, You can't ask for abetter part. It's because y'all are team
no sleep and no days off.Country music is more the lines are more
invisible than ever, right, Andmaybe you should get credit for kicking some
of that door down, at leastpart of it, because now we're talking
to talking about names like Beyonce,Post Malone, Shaboozi obviously's track is gone
Insane. What does it mean,number one, to be a part of
whatever this new version of country isand to see those names, what are
those people mean to you? Well, I think it's awesome, dude.
I mean country music is pop music. Now. Country music is bigger than
pop music, right, Like morepeople cared about Stage Coach this year than
they cared about Coachello. This islike a fact. This isn't a disc
This is love. I love pop. We all love pop. We're all
big fans of pop. They're bigfans of ours, obviously, you know
what I mean. But to havelike mega stars like post Malone, who
is offen clear country too. He'sgonna be on your new album, right
man? I hope god I doanything to work with post That's my boy.
Yeah, that's my boy. Iwould work with post Malone. No
we uh, I would. Icould only I can't talk about it.
I would only have you got mein Trump. Fuck you Wayne, how
about that? I'm not talking aboutit. Post Malone's my friend. I
hope we do music together. Howabout that? You know what I'm saying.
No, I love post Man andhe he knows. He is a
country music buff, like he reallyknows country music. Beyonce, Lonna del
Ray. I just went out andsung with Lonna del Ray and hang out
Fest the other day. It wasthe coolest thing ever. She loves the
what's happening in country music. Butthe other side of that that I want
to talk about. It's important.It's Tyler Chillers, Stergel Simpson, Zach
Bryan, you know what I mean. And then you got Morgan Wallen.
You know, really, let's behonest, dude, Morton Wallan did all
this right, Like Morton Waller wasjust him and Zach Bryan just exploded in
such a big way, you know, Like I'm glad that me and Hardy
and Ernest get like a little bitof credit for that, you know what
I'm saying. And it's like andwe really don't deserve any at all,
you know what I'm saying them dueto the biggest artists on Earth man and
the fact that their country and Igot to be alive in this era.
This has gotta be what it feltlike to be around in the nineties.
Yeah, right, Like could youlike being a new artist with a couple
of hits in the nineties and beinglike, I'm in the era where George
Straight and Garth Brooks are king,where stadiums are getting sold right now,
Like you're telling me there's country musicartists right now selling out football stadiums.
That's what was that? That's happeningagain right now, Like we're in the
middle of how many stadium acts?Does country music really have? Five?
Yeah? You got Kenny, yougot Garth, you got Morgan Luke Combs.
But I think that's it. Butwhat was the package Stapleton was just
on that went out all American roads? So but he did some arinas Straight
George Straight, Ye, Straight cando a stadium still, dude, you're
talking about you know what I mean? Caine did a stadium in Chattanooga.
Yeah, it's you know, it'sa great time. What Zach Bryan,
Like, we're talking about a bunchof real This is crazy. What a
time to be a part of countrymusic. It's not like Beyonce technically,
right, we can steal that oneTaylor started in country music. Yeah right,
you know what I mean? Postthat dude's done stadiums. This is
like, stop it, get outof here, y'all. The more I
think abuse this clip, that iswhen people are like, this is so
bad. I miss old country music. You're like, when fucking it wasn't
the hottest thing on earth? Whata hater? You know what I'm saying?
Like this has got If I wasan I am an old school country
fan, but like if I wasa real, like old school, old
school country fan, I would belike blown away to see the seventies in
the nineties come back. And ifyou think about it, it happens every
twenty years. It happened in theseventies, came back in the nineties,
two thousand. Tip. Think abouthow big Sam Hunt was when he exploded
on the scene. That was abig crossover moment. Florida Georgia line.
You skip every ten years and weget one. You know what I mean?
Country music hotter than it's ever been. Dude, We're in the coolest
place country music, and that we'renot even be counting arena acts. We
just talked about the stadium acts.Yeah, there's more. There's more stadium
acts right now than there used tobe arena actions and country music. And
there's probably twelve arena acts and countrymusic ten arena actions country music right now.
It's absurd. It's absurd. There'smore arena and stadium acts and country
music to pop music right now.Oh that yeah, absolutely, let's talk
about it. It's unreal with it. I'll die on that heel. Listen.
I know that it is a travelto get down here, but you'd
made it and we appreciate it.Why thank you. The travel is gonna
be getting out of here. Y'allknow I snuck in. Don't think I'm
going to sneak out. Do youknow what? The real challenge what y'all
have in this place at the baris I'm kind of like I kind of
want a grilled chicken sandwich and atequila. Well, I got to tequila
here. We'll talk about you're notgonna You're not gonna blow my whole afternoon.
Like we've done that. To mebefore. I'm a professional. Now
you're not gonna talk, Bunny,and we apologize Bunny. Sorry. This
is a big week. We're celebratinghalfway to Hell. You would be nice.
Love you brother, Love you brother,