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November 27, 2023 21 mins

Meghan Markle named two people in royal household who made ‘racist’ comments.
Jamie Foxx denies sexual assault accusations in “frivolous” lawsuit. ‘Cordial’ Britney
Spears, Sam Asghari close to finalizing divorce.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Advice Shooters.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
It's time. Hello, welcome to the Naughty but Night Show.
I'm your host, Rob Shooter, and it's Monday, which means I,
dear dear friend Darret Vogel is back. We missed you
last week. Darret? How are you?

Speaker 1 (00:24):

Speaker 2 (00:24):

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Yes, so I missed you too. But you know what,
what what do they say if you let it go
and it comes back to you, It means true love?
Right that? Oh? I mean? Here we are? How is
your holiday?

Speaker 2 (00:36):
Absolutely lovely? I have a lovely life. Every day is
a holidays for me. I just had this really magical life.
I'm so lucky. I worked quite hard to get it,
and so it's a lovely, lovely holiday. How is yours?

Speaker 1 (00:47):
It was great. I spent a lot of it in
the city. I went to the Thanksgiving Day parade. I
saw I was lucky enough to have those those TV
seats you know you see on TV, And I saw
a Share in person that's Christmas in person. It was
so loud that the TV people had to ask the
crowd to turn it down. When she she she walked

out of Macy's and I started thinking, what was the
last time Share was literally in Macy's, like, because that's
where the waiting rooms are. You know, for all the
celebrities that you see on TV. They walk out of
Macy's and then they're they're on the street, and then
it looks like they've been walking the parade for the
last two hours. The share walks out and it was
so loud, like people on the rooftop scream a throwing confetti.

The TV producers like ex plays before we go live
in thirty seconds, just a little bit quiet. I know,
we want to be loud, but not too loud.

Speaker 2 (01:41):
There's no one like her, super superstar. I'm seeing her.
Actually I'm not seeing her. I'm thinking I might be ruined.
Ruining a little bit of TV magic here. I've been
invited to the Rock a Fella Center Christmas tree lighting
the tree this year. I amn't gonna light the tree
with her. Match. Now, how do you like that tree?
I think you flick a switch. And so the Today
Show has their offices in Rockefeller Center. They overlook the

tree and they're on the third floor, so you're right
at the level of the top of the tree. And
every year they have a party there and they invited
me for a glass of champagne a glass of wine
to watch the tree. But get this, chaer is lighting
the tree. But TV magic, she's already done it. Oh
it's pre take.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
Well, can we pull the curtain on back on something?
In New York City, they have a very similar thing
once a week here and there where you like the
Empire State Building. Yes, right, Hey, So everybody comes and
there's a big switch and obviously you know that switch
really isn't turning on the Empire State Building in theory,
and it would be cute if that was the case.
But they do it at like two o'clock in the afternoon,
and all the cameras get there and then as soon

as the sun goes down, the lights go on in Look.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
It's amazing. It's amazing the tricks of TV and were
happy to share them on then already. But nic show,
let's jump into the show. What time is it? My
friend's big story At the top of the show, it
is tea time. Megan Markle has nay named two people
in the royal household who made quote racist remarks. So
it's not just one person, it is two people, two
members of the royal household who made racist remarks towards

her little baby Archie. This is a new claim in
a shocking new book.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
So, guys, do we get names?

Speaker 2 (03:20):
We do not. And that's what makes me a really
bit suspicious here. I know the author of the book
only to Scobie and he writes that the Duchess of Sussex.
Meghan wrote a private letter to King Charles in which
she named the two people. She named the two people
who had these conversations. Now, if you remember she first

revealed all this to Oprah in a big tell all
interview in twenty twenty one. Remember Oprah was shocked and
she said, quote about how dark your baby is going
to be, potentially, what this would mean, what it would
look like. It was quite a shocking interview. Now, after
that interview, William went out of his way, Prince William

to defend the Royal family, saying the Royals are very
much not a racist family. But now we know from
this new book which Omid wrote, and he's a very
good friend of Megan Markles, now we know there are
two people and Charles knows who they are. It's not Charles.
Charles knows who they are because Meghan sent him a letter.

It feels to me, like, this story's never going to
end until we know the names.

Speaker 1 (04:29):
Yeah, but do you also think that this time next year,
because it's been about a year, we'll get there were
three people, you know what I mean? And then the
year after that, oh there was four people. Now you know,
like I get it. Like, but this seems like one
of those family issues as we come off of Thanksgiving,
and I'm sure a lot of people had some family
discussions about you know, family matters, but those are at

the dinner table. This is this seems to be like
airing the grievances in public. You know, this seems one
of those things that needs to be done hind closed doors.

Speaker 2 (05:01):
Maybe right right, No, When Meghan threw down the gauntlet
on the opraal Win three interview and brought this up,
the whole world exploded and I hit the phones. I
tried to call all my royal sources and they didn't know.
They gave me a few names, and what they said
is that they speculated just what the baby would look like.
They also thought, oh, will the baby have red hair?

Because Harry is a redhead. If I had a baby,
the first thing you'd ask is is it got that big?
Rub shooter nose? Is it gonna have a big nose
like Rob? When you had your children garrot, were you
curious about what they would look like? Oh?

Speaker 1 (05:33):
Of course, And everybody has that conversation too. So part
of me thinks that maybe that this is not to say,
you know, races is not important. You know, it shouldn't matter.
But when you have a conversation with your friends or
your family or significant other, it's like, Hey, I wonder
what they're gonna look like with their skin tone?

Speaker 2 (05:54):
Is gonna be get me tall?

Speaker 1 (05:55):
Get me a short, short, little nose, big nose, and
someone who is in a mix relationship. You're curious because
you don't. You do not see it a lot. And
and I think that's maybe where we are. And people
took it the way they wanted to take it of
oh they're being racist, or others took it as that's
not racist, you know, and here we are now discussing

what it really means.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
My sources tell me in the palace that conversations were had,
but they were also had about William and Kate's kids.
Will the kids be bald like William? Or will they
be tall and skinny like Kate? And this is a
conversation that I'm told us more about curiosity.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
To Dad going he did not children.

Speaker 2 (06:40):
Yeah, I want to I want to defend Meghan here
I do. My instinct is to say that this is
just so wrong. But when I hit the phones and
when I spoke to my sources, they said it really
was about curiosity rather than being hateful. It wasn't meant
to be mean. I think the family can really think
about this. They have also to What I find so
interesting as a former PR expert, is that this is

the worst sort of rumor because it never ends. It's
like you're being killed by a thousand cuts. It's a
little cut every day, every week, and it adds up.
I think it would be better if these two alleged
people were exposed and then they could tell their side
of the story and what they really meant. And maybe
it was awful, but I think that then we can

all move on. At the moment, there's this really ugly
guessing game. Whenever I see the royals on the balcony
at Buckingham Palace, I'm literally guessing through my mind, who
said it? Did you say it? Did you say it?
And I remember at the time people thought it was
the Queen or Prince Philip who had said this. He
said some dodgy things in the past, and they actually

put out a statement through Oprah saying it was not
it was not the Queen, it was not Philip. Now
we know it's not Prince Charles, because she wouldn't have
sent a letter to Charles naming Charles. He would have known.
And so it's very a complicated situation.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
Here in the library with the candlestick, it.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
Could be the chef in the library. And then and
then get this, this has changed too. In the book
it says a member of the royal household, so it
might not even be a member of the family. The
royal household are all the people that work in the palace.
So this could have been a butler, It could have
been an assistant, It could have been a publicist, it
could have been a senior advisor. And so then no

necess right, the net now has got a little bit wider,
which brings us to our pole question of the day.
A new book claims that Meghan named two people, not
one person inside the royal household. That's the keyword here,
not the royal family, the royal household. Who made quote
racist remarks. Should these two people be revealed? Should they

be revealed? Hey, go vote on our Twitter page at
Naughty Nights rob Our facebook page is not yours, and
be sure to check back to morrow to hear your results. Hey,
Garrett Love, what are you working on?

Speaker 1 (08:57):
Oh? Well, you know what is the holidays? And now
everybody gets their holiday photos together and they go to
they go to Macy's or j C. Penny and you know,
sit with Sanna Well, Will Smith and Jada Pick and
Smith didn't do that. They decided to post their own
photo on Thanksgiving, saying, hey, we're together, look at us.
A very cute black and white photo that that they posted,

coming off of the rumors that Will had sex with
a former friend slash actor in his dressing room, all
according to his former assistant, which both Will and Jada
have adamantly more. Jada so denied and saying that they
will be seeking, you know, lawsuits once everything's settled. But

back to the photo, of course. The photo was shared
by all their children, of course, and said perfect Thanksgiving.
I hope yours at yours as well. Ja. That's what
Jada put in there, and you know it's it's it's
kind of kind of interesting seeing how this is all
played out since Jada's book has come out, and Will

has done been there in support. You know, he's bad
signings and he uh, he's He's taken photos and spoken
very very highly of her, even though she maybe has
taken the low road in some parts of her book,
but then has come back and supported Will. So it's
it's a very I feel like this is an emotional

roller coaster. We're on, you know what I mean, where
it's like, Okay, what are you going to say to
us today? Make us feel good? And now I feel
bad for for everybody. Now I feel great. The photo
we're on the high right now, so you know what
means after a high on a roller coaster, the low,
the drop, the local come, something is coming.

Speaker 2 (10:39):
I hope no. I think the cliche is a picture
is worth a thousand words, but it really does say
a lot that beautiful pictures that are on Naughty Gossip
dot Com. They have a complicated relationship. And what I
do admire about this couple is they don't pretend otherwise.
Let's be honest. A lot of us have complicated relationships,
but we never let you see that side of our
lives on Instagram and social media, we always just put

the positive stuff out and that's not true. Everybody fights,
even Bruce and I fight. We do have disagreements, not
very often, but we do. What about you and your wife?

Speaker 1 (11:09):
There must be no more of course for those that
say we have like my I was talking to my
sister and her her husband, who have been married for
about a year now, and uh, you know now that
one of the trends when you get married is friends
give you, you know, like a case of wine, and each
thing is like a moment in time of you know,
first this, first that first Christmas, you know, first fight

and they're like, we haven't opened that yet. I go, liars,
you liars. There should be a first lie and that's
because we're liars.

Speaker 2 (11:42):
Will and Jada complicated, but it's lovely to see them together.
And she did say that they're not divorced, they're separated
and she's going to fight to save the marriage. So
fingers crossed. Hey, Vivie Gelong, this is quite serious. Jamie
Fox has denied sexual assault acctualzations, calling the lawsuit frivolous.
So Jamie Fox was hit with a lawsuit in New York,

in which he was accused of sexually assaulting somebody in
two thousand and fifty, A spokesperson for Fox said the
following quote, the alleged incident never happened. In twenty twenty,
this individual filed a nearly identical lawsuit in Brooklyn. That
case was dismissed shortly Shortly afterwards, and also on the

same topic, did Hiss head of security has come forward
and had a very cryptic post about Cassie. Now, if
you remember last week, Cassie accused did He of rape,
of sexual assault, and then that lawsuit was settled, lots
of money exchanged hands, and it went away. However, in

the original filing, Cassie did name the head of security,
Roger Bonds. Now he's responded with the following this is
not meant to be a threat or snitching or any
think like that against Cassie or did He or anyone else.
This is me telling my truth as I truly remember it,
for two reasons only. He goes on to say that

those reasons are his daughter, he saw it, and he
now is not going to be quiet. So I think
these two are far from over, Garrett.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
And it's interesting too, especially in New York because there
was a statute of limitations coming to an end in
New York and if you just live in the area,
or maybe you're just up on some just news there.
There was a lot of sexual allegations and lawsuits dropped
over the last week one including Diddy's and then Jamie

Fox is the mayor of New York City and like
now is the time friends at the offices downtown in
Manhattan said it was almost like a line, like trying
to get into a club of people lining up of
not just celebrities, just people that regular people, regular regular people.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
So it was it was a law that was put
into place. It ended on Thursday, right, but you had
a year to come forward and talk about this. The
statue of limitations was three years. So if this had
happened before, then if this had happened four years ago,
well three years and a day ago, it was too late.

You couldn't file. Well, they put in a special law
and it was only applicable for a year. It has
expired on Thursday. But we're going to certainly keep you
up to speed on all these lawsuits. Hey, quickly, before
we get a break. Some nice news Britney Spears and
Sam's divorce seems to be quote cordial.

Speaker 1 (14:36):
Yes, according to some TMZ sources that the couple is,
you know, seeing our eye on their pre natural agreement,
which I mean, how can you fight it if you
have a pre nub. Yeah, it's solid, Like it's pretty solid,
and you know it favors Britney, right, and I'm sure
she is giving her ex husband a very nice farewell

package of sorts where he also probably has speak very
highly of her m hm. And you know, normally you
don't see it. You see everybody trying to fight for,
you know, every last inch of penny. And like, who
what was the guy from Will and Grace that was
over the weekend.

Speaker 2 (15:15):
That Eric McCormack's and the divorced after over twenty years?

Speaker 1 (15:19):
I hope that courtiers, yeah twenty seven and but yeah,
so Brittain, here's the interesting thing. And this is just
me kind of stirring the pot. Do you think once
Sam gets his paycheck or maybe it's over time, does
he come out and give a little tidbit here and
there about I think, of Brittany, No.

Speaker 2 (15:37):
I think that when he gets this check, he's going
to have to sign an nda, and I think he's
going to be happy to do it. I know Sam
a little bit, I know his people. He's actually kind
of a good guy. He's not really for the money.
He'll probably get a million dollars out of Brittany, but
he's not going to get half a fortune. She's worth
about sixty seventy million. And I think that he's going
to be happy with the million. I think he's going
to try and move on with his life. This is fine. Listen,

good news. We're going to take a quick break and
when we'll be right back well alone nice.

Speaker 1 (16:06):
Hey, let's get a longer breaks.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
It's a short break on the show. Now. Our last show,
we didn't do a poll. We were talking about a
subject that just wasn't right to do a poll about.
I think it was the Jamie Funks allegations. And I'm
not going to ask stuff about that. So don't forget
to vote on today's polls, so we will have those
results for you tomorrow. You can vote by going to

our Twitter page at Naughty Nice Rob or our Facebook
page Nordy Gossip. I'd be sure to check back tomorrow
to hear your rest.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
By the way, credit to you for still calling in
Twitter because it's weird saying go vote on X. You
know you know what I mean, Like it's week.

Speaker 2 (16:46):
It takes me a moment. Yeah, Its like.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
I think if you normally use it, it's still Twitter
to people, and rightfully.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
So like I still call it Twitter.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
I identify as Twitter.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
You know, I'm a Twitter, I'm a tweet, I'm a tweet,
tweet tweet. Okay, let's do our nicest.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
Of the day, all right. So Sophia Sophia Va.

Speaker 2 (17:06):
I love her.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
Oh she she she is. I think she there's there's
something there, like there's there's there's this major comeback. She's
she you know, she was a host on AGT. She
she hasn't acted really since Modern Family. But I have
a feeling I think this is like after now the
Divorces final, she is gonna come back and do something big.
What I don't know, but.

Speaker 2 (17:28):
I think that's there.

Speaker 1 (17:29):
But she is shutting down a grating room or regularly
her old that women in Hollywood. She has been subjected
to uninvited guest in the comment section on our social
media accusing her of getting plastic surgery and keeping her
youth youthful appearance more times than she could count, so
a lot of people coming at her going, oh, look

at all the work you've got done, money bags, you know.
Like she said, I'll always want to say, no, it's
called aging, it's called it's called effing. I'm old, that's
why we look different. And credit to her for saying
that I do both talks in my eyes and in
my neck regularly, and products I like products.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
You know.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
It's just like Joey Fotone just a few a couple
of weeks ago saying that he got hair plugs in,
some stomach work done, you know, And it's because you know,
you get old and you want to look and feel good.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
So yeah, there's no shame in this. There's no shame
in it. Talk out about it, Sophia. You look gorgeous
inside and out. And now I noticed the day Nord
naughty knows to be. So in this new book that
I'm devouring, Queen Camilla reportedly thanked one of Megan Mackl's enemies.
So the book is claiming that Camilla reached out to
Pus Morgan and thanked him for defending the monarchy. Now,

if you remember back in twenty twenty one I hate.
Morgan was on Good Morning Britain and he said he
wouldn't believe Meghan if she read him the weather report.
He nicknamed her Pinocchio Princess. He got fired from Match.
Now this new book is claiming Camilla made it very
clear to Pierce that she was grateful for all his kindness.

Now he's also took some jobs at the late Princess Diana.
He's taken jobs at Harry and Megan. But two people
he's been very kind to over the years are King
Charles and Camilla. Now, people are going to have their favorites.
That's part of life. I will always defend you, Garrett,
no matter what you do, but you should not send

me a thank you note. That is where it gets creepy, creepy,
creepy and mortist.

Speaker 1 (19:36):
But here's the thing, Run, if you and I ever dated,
and you know who's to say that will never happen.
I will then not go on my radio show and
talk ill of you because you decided to go off
and marry a famous, famous producer that now has a
Broadway show. You know, like like, I will not hold
that grudge for.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
So many others. If somebody does something nice for you
putting somebody else down. Be careful about your response. That's
the moral of the story. That's said with the moment
of rub People that love you care about how they
make you feel the end. That's it. People that love
you do care about how they make you feel. Every day,

I try to make Bruce feel great. I want him
to have a great day. I love him, Darren, I
love you. I want you to have a great day.
I want you to feel good every day.

Speaker 1 (20:29):
Speak to you outside of this show. You do that
for a lot of people, which and not not to
toot your own horn, And I know you won't because
that's not the type of person you are. But when
you speak to people, you leave them with feeling like, hey,
there's this like great feeling, you know, like a like
a ray of sunshine coming through the phone as you

walk up and down the East and West side of Manhattan.
I do I did realize I am your fluffer during
your during your walk.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
You're good to kill it out if I'm going to
hell about you.

Speaker 1 (21:00):
Make people feel good, no matter make whether people thank.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
You, make people feel good, make people feel good. Let
me say it again, People that love you care about
how they make you feel I want you to feel great. Naughties.
That's it for today. Thank you so much for listening.
They're need have been nice with Robin Garrett Show, a
production of iHeart Radio. Don't forget to subscribe on the
iHeartRadio Apple podcast. Wherever you listen, leave us a review
if you can, and remember all together now, if you're

going to be naughty, you've got a beat. Nice, take
care of everybody. It's not even nice with rom
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