All Episodes

November 6, 2023 20 mins

Garrett and Rob are back from the weekend. The boys talk about Matthew Perry's funneral and answering all rumors form the past week! Britney Spears is a New York Times Best Seller! After a crazy weekend at Bravocon in Vegas, we find out that RHONJ will be INSANE this season! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Advice, sugar spice.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
It's time nice, no no alone, Welcome through the naughty
but nice show. I'm your house from Shooter and it's Monday,
which means our dear friend, Garrett Vogel joins us, Hey, Garrett,
are you there?

Speaker 1 (00:25):

Speaker 3 (00:25):
I am feeling cheeky on this Monday, and that only
means trouble can be had over the next twenty minutes
or so, so strapping' God only knows what I'm going
to say and do to you.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
So why so punchy today?

Speaker 1 (00:39):
I love it.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
I'm encouraging it. Well happen.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
You know what it is?

Speaker 3 (00:41):
It's that stupid one hour that we obtained over the weekend.
I think it's I think I have a little bit
more pepping the steps, you know, ready to go?

Speaker 2 (00:49):
I don't, And forgive me, I should understand this. The
clocks went back an hour or forward in an hour.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
It's it's the great debate, you know, It's like, oh,
well we losing, so we go the clocks went backwards,
so at two o'clock it became one o'clock.

Speaker 2 (01:06):
I see, so did we gain an hour or lose
an hour?

Speaker 3 (01:09):
We again, another debate that a lot of people have like, oh, technicality,
we gained an hour of rest lost we lost an
hour of sun essentially, So that's why the sun will
go down in New York around like two o'clock in
the afternoon, more like four.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
But being facetious, but we didn't.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
Lose that just yet. So at the moment as we
are taping this podcast, we're getting all the benefits of
that at extra hour. Yeah, we're not getting the downside
of the darkness that will happen tonight.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Yes, that will happen tonight. So when you're when you're
like finishing up lunch and you're like, why is the
sun going down?

Speaker 1 (01:50):
And that is why the sun is going down?

Speaker 2 (01:52):
A little science, Thank you very much, Thank you very much.
That set us all straight. Okay, let's jump into the show.
What time is it? My friends? Tea time? So Matthew
Perri's friends and family celebrated his life at his funeral.
That's a really important word there. They wanted this to
be a celebration. It's so tragic, he's so young, the

circumstances are just so awful, Yet they decided this was
going to be a celebration. We spotted Jennifer Aniston there
Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudro, Matte LeBlanc, and David Schwimmer. They
all attended. It was at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park,
which is where a lot of celebrities are buried. Get this,

it's just minutes away from the NBC studio, the Warner
brother studio where they filmed Friends for all those years.
We also spotted his father, his stepfather. We didn't see
his mother, but I'm assuming she was there too. Just
days ago, the Friends issued a joint statement about how

sad they are about losing not just their co star Garrett,
but also their friend. What I find interesting about this
is that this group now there's five of them, there's
not six anymore, but they've really come together. First of all,
they did not issue individual statements. They got together and

did one big statement from all of them. And I'm
told they arrived at the memorial at the service together.
They all met beforehand and all arrived together. They're really
putting on a united front.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
I mean it goes back to you know what we
learned from back in the day when they all negotiated
their contracts for the show. They said, all for one,
one for all. We're doing this if you want us,
you got to pay us all the same. Everybody gets
the same amount of money, you know. But it's interesting
after someone passes away and I think we know this

for everyone, you learn so much more about the person,
and you know, I kind of I kind of like it,
but it's also like, how come I didn't know this
about him when when they were alive? But like, for instance,
the final episode of Friends, I was listening to Matthew
Perry's book over the weekend. He said that he asked
the show runner, Hey, I know this is not going
to mean a lot to everybody else on set, but

can I have the last words from there? And it
was such a simple, silly, stupid line. He closed the
show when they said, hey, let's grab some coffee, and
he goes where. Of course it's central perk, but typical
Chandler in that character says where. And then if you
notice David Schwimmer's face as if like he didn't expect

him to say it, because it was like thrown in
there last second like that. That that was That was
pretty That was that was I found that. I found
that pretty amazing in the sense of like the little
things like that that you learn about someone after they passed.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
I love the details I do. That's what makes me
so good at this job. I'm really curious, somewhat say
nosey person. I love knowing all these details. Other stuff
that's coming out to is that they've already set up
a foundation. He did a lot of work at the
Perry House, which was a place where people could go
and get sober, could get counseling, could talk about their addictions,

and so he put a lot of money into that.
Now he's still going to make a lot of money.
We've learned this from Michael Jackson from Prince. When celebrities pass,
the money still keeps coming in. And it's a really
sort of odd think here, particularly with Michael Jackson. He
was worth more dead than alive because there was nobody
spending the money that was coming in. So now all

this money is gonna still come into Matthew from friends,
and they're going to use that money to set up
a foundation. They want his wealth, his power, they want
they want this horrible tragedy to at least do some good.
I think this is a wonderful idea.

Speaker 3 (05:58):
I think they should just rout it straight to his
straight to the Perry house, you know, like just let
it stay there, because with the exception of his mom
and dad, he didn't have.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
A wife, child, children and children.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
You know, and he could, I guess, you know, could
have done something silly like leave it to his dog.
But I think that's the best bet that they should do.
His family should just say put it straight to the
Perry House. You know, we'll we'll go from there and
we'll establish different things here and there, but at least
that knowing, knowing what friends was making and what's.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
The continue to make.

Speaker 3 (06:38):
Exactly and it will forever and ever and ever. And
that means that house will stay open forever and ever
and ever.

Speaker 2 (06:45):
Do good. We should just clarify a little point too.
So a couple of days ago, it blew up online
that Lisa Kudrou was taking Matthew's dog. That's not true.
He didn't have a dog, so he had a dog
called Arthur with his X and when they broke up,
she took the dog. So the dog is still with
his ex. So it's a lovely story, but we love

the truth even more than a good story.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Here on Monday, last Monday, you even said you go there.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
There's a story going around, But I really don't think
it's true that it's not passed away like you, you
being as good as you are.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Thank you knew that that. It just didn't feel right.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
It didn't feel right. It didn't feel right. But what
does feel right is this amazing organization charity that they
are setting up. Now. Normally this is the point in
the show where we do a pole. However, what pole
am I going to do on somebody passing? I mean,
what what respect could I do? Look the best at

the funeral? Did Jennifer wear a better dress than Courtney?
I mean, we're just not that show. So there's no
poll today and we're going to move straight along to
actually some silly fun out of Vegas. What's going on?

Speaker 3 (07:57):
Well, first, Bravo kan I guess this is the second installment,
the second year of Bravo Con remember more.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
I think it's four or five, four or five.

Speaker 3 (08:06):
Well, you know, last year it was in New York
and it was a complete mess, like almost almost fire
festival esque, where you know, people were like eating sandwiches
off the floor. Vegas it seemed like it was kind
of more controlled, yeah, and a well oiled machine, as
if they learned so Bravo, Bravo, de bravo for an

Andy Cohen to to fixing all the messes from last
year's Bravo con But let's talk about Melissa Gorger from
Real Housewives of New Jersey. She thinks the show will
be better and refreshing now that she and Teresa have
stopped playing nice. So Melissa and Teresa, you know they're related,
of course, and Melissa's Teresa's sister in law, but they

haven't been talking. So the only time they will they
will be talking is when the cameras are rolling. So
imagine all those things that have been built up or
want to be said and haven't been said, will all
come out with the cameras on. I think it's smart
for both of them as a creative mind of a

show and the reality genius that is Real Housewives. But
when I asked, because they all did panels Jerry O'Connell,
how is the lack of communication change things for season
fourteen of Real Housewives in New Jersey? And this is
what Melissa said. It's very different from last season because
there's a lot of not a lot of communication, so

it's going to be better, so which only means cameras
start rolling, We're going to see all that communication that
hasn't been said off camera.

Speaker 1 (09:39):

Speaker 2 (09:39):
I like this, and I like this in life too.
When you tell the truth, things get more interesting how
many people, And I'm not encouraging you to do this,
only you have one hundred percent of all the details
about your life. So don't go in and tell your
boss you don't like them at the moment. Just do
think it through. Let's not just jump into the I

lost my job tells me I should tell the truth,
and I really dislike you, so don't don't do that
just yet. But I do think in life, when the
truth is said, when the truth comes out, even if
it can be a little bit painful, a little bit ugly,
life always gets better. And so to see you Melissa

and Trisa now unvarnished and being honest for me, is
gonna be really exciting to see.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
But I felt like they were being honest when we
did see them on camera, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
So like what we.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
Knew they didn't like each other. We've known that for
a couple of seasons. But now they're not even gonna speak,
or they're not gonna they're not gonna even varnish this
or polish this. So I think we're gonna really get
to see what what this is in real life. And
I think that's when reality TV is at its best,
when it reveals the truth.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
Well, but that's where that's where the the that reality
show thing comes into play, where it's like that little
part of my brain goes, they're.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Playing us, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (11:03):
Like again, if you know the personalities of Jersey and
just if you're Jersey, from Jersey in general or in
the New York area, you know these people camera or
no camera, they're going.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
To tell you like it is.

Speaker 3 (11:13):
Yeah, we don't hold back, right exactly, So you're going
to tell me that these two people that are from
Jersey have have Italian hot blood inside them?

Speaker 1 (11:22):
Are just going to no, not going to say a word.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
That would be very British. That's what I would do,
and it's very royal, it's very Brittich.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
That's why I think a part of me is.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
Like, are they're already told us the truth? Yeah, you're
probably right. Okay, Moving along, Bruce Willis's ex wife Demi Moore,
it's allegedly devastated that he no longer recognizes her. So
he has been suffering with dementia. It is getting progressively worse.
His wife, Emma, was on the Today Show and she

said they don't know anymore if he understands them or
how serious the condition is. They're trying to fill his
life with happiness, with joy. However, Closer Magazine are reporting
that Demi had a heart wrenching moment during her last
visit with her ex husband and he no longer recognized

her or their daughter's rumor, Scout and Tallula. Dementia is
so hard, not just on the person that has been diagnosed,
but really hard on the family too. A friend of
mine is going through this, a publicist friend of mine,
her mother now has late stage dementia and she goes

to visit her mother and her mother doesn't really recognize her.
Just heartbreaking.

Speaker 3 (12:40):
Yeah, and it's but you know, and with that there
are great days and then there are not so great days,
and those great days mean the world to a lot
of people. That you know, all of a sudden that
a loved one will hear a song and you know,
be like, oh, we danced to that song at your wedding,
and you know, and then there will be days the
where they like we just said, they they don't even

know who you are. And just as that person on
the other side of it, as long as you realize
that that person still loves you deep down inside, they
just need some help realizing that, you know.

Speaker 1 (13:15):
Just always remember that.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
So always remember that. Now Britney Spears finally has some
good news.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
Guys, one point one million reasons to celebrate because Britney
Spears has the number one book. She is a New
York Times bestseller for her book It Means the World
to Me. So uh, it's it's so the Woman in
Me is her book, obviously, and she she put it out.

It means the world to me, is what she said
online celebrating. Here's the interesting thing, though, you know you
put out a book, rob sure do you put out
a book?

Speaker 1 (13:51):
And you know this, you go out on tour on
every TV show they're still talking about, which I'm not
I'm a fan of, but I'm.

Speaker 2 (13:59):
Just I'm still plugging this book.

Speaker 3 (14:02):
But you know how hard that is, right, Britney Spears
didn't have to do a single thing. No, she just
had to put it out. She had to say, here's
my book, enjoy it if you wish and look the
number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Wow, and the woman in me. Have you read it?

Speaker 2 (14:20):
I have read it page to page. I read it
really quickly. It's a really, I don't want to say
easy book to read, because there's parts of it that
are really difficult. It's a heartbreaking book, but also a
book of inspiration for me. The takeaway it's not the
gossip on Justin or all the scandal and I love scandal.
I do this for a living. For me, the takeaway was,
this is a book about a survivor. This is somebody

that ultimately survived. We should point out too. Though it's
not the biggest celebrity memoir of all times. Somebody else
quite recently put out a memoir that sold one point
six million topics in the first week. Who is it?
Prince Harry, Prince Harry Harry. Okay, before we get a break.
Travis Kelsey, it was asked if he's in love with

Taylor Swift. He was doing a press conference in one
of those cheeky international reporters.

Speaker 1 (15:08):
I love him was playing in Germany.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
That's right. I love that they can ask these naughty questions.
They asked the status of the relationship, and Travis replied,
I got to see her last week. And then the
follow up question was are you in love? Okay, this
this took him a little bit by surprise. It's such

an odd the body on the nose question. He said,
I'm going to keep my personal relationship personal. But it's interesting.
And the big question here is how long did you
wait before you say those words?

Speaker 1 (15:44):
How long?

Speaker 3 (15:45):
Well, that's that's the thing, like that is such a
that's such an easy question in the world in the
scope of things. You know what I mean, you know
you can I love you? You know you know what
I mean? How easy is it to say? They're not
getting it's are you going to marry her?

Speaker 1 (16:01):

Speaker 3 (16:02):
That that's a question of like, okay, let's let's pump
the brake. So it's only been a month, but you
could be in love.

Speaker 2 (16:08):
You know, you're right, you've changed her mind. It's a
good question. Should have said yes, Okay, we're going to
say yes to take in a quick break and we'll
be right back. They're commart to the not aniho. I'm
should have had different Garrett vocal, Hey, Garrett, let's get
to the poll. So last show, we talked about some
private text messages that were revealed about the cast of Friends.

So the director of the show spoke to Jennifer and
Lisa and Courtney following Matthew's death. And then if you
released those text or at least talked about them to
the Today Show, should those texts have remained private? Let's
have a look, Oh, Naughtie, you're such good people. Ninety
two percent said yes, it's too soon, and they were

private texts. This was a very sensitive subject. It was
just wrong to release them. I agree. Don't forget to
vote on today's poll going to Twitter page Naughty Nice Rob.
Her Facebook page is Naughty Gossip and be sure to
check back tomorrow to hear your results. And now it's
time for our nicest of the day.

Speaker 3 (17:10):
Yes, well, let's all pack up and go to Dollywood
because Dolly Parton, according to the Holly Hollywood reporter Sorry
About That, says that she has turned down performing at
the Super Bowl halftime show. Several times they asked her,
she said no. But here's the thing, And I guess
this is a testament to who the type of person

Dolly is. And I think it's like many of us
she doubts herself. She didn't think she was big enough.
You know, she thought the show was so big, but
she wasn't the type of performer that deserves to be
at the super Bowl. And this is not the first
time she's done it. You know, it turned down things.
Just last year she was nominated to go into the

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and she turned down
the honor because she didn't feel like she deserved it.
So like, I think it's a testament to how normal
she is, just like us. She might be Dolly Parton,
she might be very famous, but at the end of
the day, she has self doubt, just like you, just
like me, Just like we all have it.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
We all have that nasty little voice telling us a
lie that we're not good enough. Let me tell you,
we are all good enough, especially you. Dolly part and
our nicest in the dalect are now a naughtiest of
the day, Oh naughty. Andy Cohen still regrets turning down
Meghan Markle. So Meghan Markle. When she was on Suits,
she approached Watch What Happens Live, Andy's talk show, and

she wanted to come on the show, and they passed.
Andy said, I didn't really watch suits, and so she passed.
She pitched and we passed, and my executive producers said
that we could have had video of you doing shots
with a member of the royal family. So now, in hindsight,
Andy is kicking himselfie also to the little cheeky devil.

He knows how to get pressed. He's hinting that maybe
if they did another Housewives, maybe Meghan could be on
that show. I hit the phones and I spoke to
some of Meghan's stages and they said, there is zero
chance that Megan Markle is ever gonna be a housewife,
but it still is just such a delicious, naughty thought.
Let's end with a moment of letting people be wrong

about you. It's the most misunderstood power you will ever have.
It's okay if people are wrong, and to be honest,
if they're wrong, you saying something is probably not going
to change their mind, so just be okay with it.
I'm okay now if people don't like me, if people

are wrong about me, I'm actually okay about it. And
that has become a power move. Everybody doesn't have to
like you, and that is just fine because we love you.
Naughty is that is itful today. Thank you so much
for listening. It's the Naughty but Nice with Robin Garrett Show,

a production of iHeartRadio. Didn't forget to subscribe on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast. Wherever you listen, leave us a
review if you can, and remember altogether now and you
hear you singing along. If you're going to be naughty,
you've got to be nice. Take care everybody.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
It's not even nice with bro
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