All Episodes

March 18, 2024 20 mins

Meghan Markle has attempted to extend support to her estranged sister-in-law, Kate
Middleton, through back channels. Amy Robach drew parallels between herself and
Elizabeth Taylor with their respective experiences with failed marriages. Elon Musk latest jab at former CNN host Don Lemon compares him to the character Veruca Salt
from Roald Dahl Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Oh sure. Welcome to the Naughty but Nice Show on
your House from shoost And if I sound super excited,
it's because I am. Because our dear friend Garrett vocals back. Garrett,
welcome back. It's been a minute.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Bobby, come here, give me you I missed you.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Well, you know what, Let's let's pull the curtain back,
because we love to be honest here on the Naughty
but Nice Show. I've been away on a special mission.
I've been honing my my photoshopping skills. I think you
may have seen some of my work recently. It's not
quite there yet, but we're getting there, and hopefully, hopefully
by Christmas the family photos look fantastic and we'll be good.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
We missed you. You're so naughty, doughty, doughty, we miss you.
But you're nice, nice, nice, and that's why you are
iresistible Garret. Let's jump into the show. We've got tons
of gossips. Everything's pretty good, pretty good. Let's jump into
We've got We've got a ton I thank you very much.
I'm sitting here in a T shirt. That's why I
almost look naked. That's a visual gosh. I hope it

doesn't turn off our our fabulous naughty ok let's jump
into the show. We have a ton of Kate gossip
to get to what time is it? My friends? It is?
Did I? Okay? Kate and Meg and Markle might have
actually spoken. So sources are saying that Meghan has genuine
concern about what's going on and it's reached out to
Kate through back channels. Let me explain. So she's very

upset about her sister in law. Now, a lot of
people are going to be rolling their eyes because you
believe this narrative that Kate and Meghan hate each other.
That's not true. They are not friends. But I'm told
they don't hate each other. They'll never be best friends. But
just as human beings, when somebody is suffering, you can
have empathy. You should have empathy. And I'm told that

Meghan went through this. Even if you don't totally believe
everything that she has said and Harry has said, there's
been some inconsistencies, there's no doubt the time in the
royal family was very, very difficult for Meghan. It's a
tough job. Think of it as a job, not a family,
or maybe think of it as joining a family. Have
you ever joined a family that didn't want you that

we're not that kind to you. Have you ever married
somebody or dated somebody and their parents, their brothers and sisters,
they didn't really like you. So Meghan knows what it
is like to be a loyal at the level that
Kate is for about a couple of years. It's not
as long as Kate I get it. But she was
in that bubble which we are not in. My friends,
we can only imagine what it's like being that famous,

being that powerful, being that privilege. Meghan walked it. They
say that you only know someone's life if you walk
in their shoes. Well Meghan did. And now that she's
got out of it, she's safe. She's happy in California.
She's reading all the press like the rest of us,
and it's really concerned about Kate. I think this is
quite a beautiful thing.

Speaker 3 (03:04):
Do you think Meghan has said these words to Kate
at any point and go, I know how to get you,
you know, like maybe even if it was like a
joking man like like like kind of like just to break.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
Do you have a sense of humor? Meghan's cheeky and funny.
She's got a sharp tongue. She's really witty and Kate
has a great sense of humor too. So I wish
Derek that I know you're joking, but I wish that
she did do that. The only part of this story
that I don't love is don't go through back channels.
She's got Kate's phone number, and she's got her email.
They have emails. She's even got her private Instagram account

DM a slip into Kate's private DM. So, Meghan, if
you're listening, Galowa loo loo, I love that you're doing this,
and I like that after everything you've been through, you
get a choice in life, don't you. You can either
be really cruel or you don't have to be, and
you make that decision. And she's decided, after everything she's
been through that No, she doesn't want anybody else suffering.

Speaker 3 (03:59):
Have you ever played that game telephone growing up, when
you tell a friend something and their job is to
the game is to pass along to someone. There is
no way it started at Megan and went through back
channels and got to Kate word for work, you know, Like,
people are like, oh I can I could I could
tell her this anyway?

Speaker 2 (04:14):
I wish?

Speaker 1 (04:15):
Right, Yeah, People you have to be so careful. And
Megan's experienced this firsthand. She complained a lot about rumors
inside the palace, and she called them the men in suits,
the gray figures that were standing in door. Yeah, they'd
been bachelors, So I wouldn't trust the back channels. Here.
Now another report that's coming out on Kate, And to
be honest, I quite like this one is that people

are now really looking closely at William and King Charles
and accusing them of abandoning her. Let me explain this one.
So William actually took that picture, not Garrett. It was
William who took that picture. However, once it was exposed
that the picture had been manipulated, Kate apologized, just Kate,

no William. There was no joint apology. He took the picture,
but only Kate took the blame. And also too, people
are saying, where's King Charles. He could put out a
statement so easy, saying lay off Kate, leave her alone,
let her recover. But he hasn't he said nothing.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
Isn't he recovering too?

Speaker 1 (05:16):
He is recovering, But you can still fire off a statement.
I find this is something that I am actually quite
good at I don't bury my head in the sand,
and I don't blame others. If my wife was in
trouble and I took the picture and I'm part of
the reason she's in trouble, I stand up. I do, Garrett.

Speaker 3 (05:32):
And that's why you're not in the royal family. All right,
let's let's let's be real with that. You're too nice
and human of a person to be here. Here's again
conspiracy theory, Garrett. Over here, we weren't talking much.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
About the Royals. Rob It was very good wife for
a very long time.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
I mean post maybe post I mean the start of
this was, you know, when both Kate and King Charles
had their you know, prospective surgery and whatnot.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Then it kind of picked up a little bit.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
Now we're back of full blown as if this is
the Royal wedding all over again. We're talking about them,
you know. So it's very Kardashian like it is.

Speaker 1 (06:12):
It isn't funny about that funny you should say that
our last story on the royals before we go to
our pole question is Kim Kardashian is now in on it.
She issued a joke, Garrett, She said, I think it's
funny some people are saying it's rude. She said on
Instagram quote on my way to find Kate Middleton. On
my Way to find Kate.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
Now she goes in one Paw Patrol movie and she
thinks she's a digitative I mean she is.

Speaker 1 (06:37):
Maybe when Janet Jackson was going to find the people
that killed Michael Jackson, her brother, we called her detective detective. No,
it wasn't Janet, it was LaToya, Detective LaToya. So maybe
she could join up with LaToya and find Kate. I
find this funny. Some people don't, but it brings us
to our pole question of the day. Megan Markle has
expressed genuine concern and has reached out to Kate Middleton

back channels. My question is quite easy today. Should Kate
accept the help? What do you think? Can you trust Megan?
Is she going to do an interview? Is Harry gonna
write a book and they got to tell this story?
Can you trust her? Should she take the help? Hey?
Go vote on our Twitter page at Naughty Nice rob
Our facebook page is Naughty Gossip and be sure to

check back tomorrow to hear your results. Hey, Garret Love,
what a thick?

Speaker 2 (07:27):
All right?

Speaker 3 (07:28):
Well, let's turn into a couple that is trying to
take over the podcasting world. Amy Rollback, Robock and TJ.

Speaker 2 (07:34):

Speaker 3 (07:35):
You know they're on Good Morning America. They were both
married at the time, and then they fell in love
with each other. Then they got kicked off a Good
Morning America. Then they tried to find their job, and
they found a home right here on the same network
that we broadcast as Fine podcast on. So they did
their first live podcast.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
That's one thing we haven't done, baby, I've a live podcast.

Speaker 3 (07:55):
So Amy Rollback drew parallels between herself and Elizabeth Taylor,
joking that their prospective experiences with failed marriages, of course,
and of course t J. Holmes chimed in with just
suggesting that Roeboch was halfway to matching Taylor's record of
failed marriages.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
They're not married, right, They're dating.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
They are dating, not married, not engaged. I saw them
a couple of months. If this feels like they're married
because we've done so many stories, a couple of things.
I think the podcast is quite fun. I've listened to
some of them and it's really finding what it is now.
Like our podcast, it's quite clear we're already but nice
and we do celebrity gossip. I don't really know what
Amy and TJ's podcast cast did. I think it was

a lifestyle one. They talked about themselves a lot, so
congratulations on the podcast. I love the idea of doing
a live one. They did THEIRS at the Soho House,
which is a little too fancy for us. We can
do ours Apple Voice.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
We're more like like that.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
We'll do that. I'm quite happy to do that would
be fun to do it. But I promise you that
during our life live broadcast, I won't compare myself to
Megan Markle, Elizabeth Taylor, Kim Kardashian, even Andy Cavin. I'll
go that far more. I love her, She's my favorite celebrity.
It's it's tricky, isn't it, Like let other people do

this for you. If people want to compare you to somebody,
you should let them do it. I don't actually like
it when they do. You are you, You're not anybody else.
But to compare yourself to one of the great loves,
the great beauties of all time not flattering it? What
do you think?

Speaker 2 (09:28):
Right? Like, just let's let's roll play for a second.
Rob Shooter. So if I say Rob, you know, I'm
very much like Channing Tatum.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
I sound like a douche, you know what I mean.
But if you tell me it's more like a compliment.
You're like, you know what, you remind me, Garrett? You
remind me of that Channing Tatum. I'll feel flattered, but
I won't come across as like this egotistical maniac. By
saying that I look like him, you're telling me even
though I don't see that. But still it feels good
and it's and it's okay. So if if maybe TJ

was like, you know what, you kind of got remind
me of of Liz Taylor, it would have been all right.
But since she's comparing herself a kind of like how
big is your ego? About?

Speaker 1 (10:09):
How big is your ego? The other thing too, And
I've learned this from experience. Only compare Garrett or me
to Channing Tatum. Don't compare me to Bruce falanch who's
a funny comediant. LL like, I don't want you to say.
Somebody as at a restaurant and somebody kept staring at me,
and I was like, oh, I'm so famous, Garrett, I'm
so famous. And then I was with my friend and

I was like, they're coming over to ask me for
a self They came flying over to the table and
they were like, you're my favorite designer. They thought I
was Isaac Missa Rahi. Now I was a little heavier
at the time.

Speaker 2 (10:47):
I wasn't quite what is that why you started watching?
That's the real secret, you know who?

Speaker 3 (10:52):
I've gotten this to waye Once it was I was
in Disney World riding you know, you go from point
A to point B two these you know, buses, these trams,
and one person gets off the bus and is like, hey,
love you on the show, and I'm like, right, Jersey short.
They thought I was the situation because I had these

glasses on it. So the second time, I'm walking in
the mall in New Jersey and someone goes, hey, can
I get a selfie?

Speaker 2 (11:22):
And I'm like all right.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
They be like and be like, oh, where's Vinnie, Where's
Polly d And I go.

Speaker 1 (11:30):
Once it happens more than ye oh no, I have to
stare at Karen. Maybe I can see it. Oh no,
we just said don't do that. I see Channing Tatum. Okay,
this story might be my favorite story of the day.
It is so naughty and it makes me laugh. Have
you heard about this few that's going on between Don
Letmon and Ema. Don was going to be on his
platform X with a brand new show that actually launches tonight.

I just got an email from Don saying tune in
so best of look with that. Apparently he had a
list of demands including he wanted five million dollars up front, Wow,
an additional eight million dollars in salary, a steak and
get this I love this part. A free tesla, throwing
a Tesla suaally you own tesla? I want a free Tesla. Well,

that was reported. Don's people said it was not true,
but Elon took to X claiming that Don reminded him
of Rruca Salt, who is from Charlie and the Factory Daddy.
I want more, I want more. Such a fabulous, naughty,

delicious response, I laughed out loud. What do you think?

Speaker 3 (12:40):
Well? The one thing I learned though, because this comes
this is all stemming from the interview that he By
the way, you, as a former publicist, do you think
that this is just promotion for his first show and
there's a big fight beat and.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
The kiss her maker could be But they're both so
what I don't want to say unstable. They're both so
a radic. They're both so that's a good one. They're
both such hotheads. I know Don very well. I know
Elon less well, but he is a he's an unpredictable chat.

Speaker 2 (13:12):
But why would you interview your boss.

Speaker 1 (13:14):
When you think you're gonna get attention? So what he
wanted to do someone really big? He couldn't get Oprah,
he couldn't get Megan Markle, we couldn't get Kate Middleton.
He could get his boss because he brings the networks.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
It sounds like me.

Speaker 1 (13:25):
That's right. He's also his boss, but he's also a
really huge, controversial celebrity. So I understand why you'd want
Elon to be your first guest. The problem is.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
It's going to be your boss. You don't you want
to kiss, then don't don't.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
Can you imagine interviewing your boss and saying to them, so,
you used to do drugs, you used to do this,
you used to do that. Yeah, not a good ida?

Speaker 2 (13:49):
Like why not? Not smart?

Speaker 3 (13:52):
Like he's taking it from the perspective of as if
he's still on CNN and not the man who literally
is signing right and the least for his truck right.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
But it's interesting when he was at CNN, he really
sucked up to Jeff Sucker, the boss. I saw them
out drinking together. I saw them at a Billy Joel
concert together like you should have treated Elon like he
was Jeff Sucker, your boss from CNN, and you would
never ever have done this to Jeff. And so Elon
writes the Chicks, it's his company, and he said, I'm
sick of it. I don't want to do it. But
now we're finding out there's a little bit more to

it than that. Don wanted them to give him a
Tesla truck, not just the car, but give me a
Tesla truck. They said no, And now Elon is saying,
DoD is. I thought it was Ironica, it's not. It's
rukerruker result. I want it made me lap. Okay, we're

gonna take a quick break of what will be right back,
Welcome back to the Daughter was Britten. Garrett, Hey, Garrett,
let's get to the pills that the Duglas Show. Once again.
We were talking about Kate Middleton as the lead. Kate
is plotting to step away from her royal duties after
being painted as a villain and a racist. So he
talked about how this bad press, how all this attention,

not good attention, has made Kate want to just step
away from her royal duties. She doesn't want to do
this anymore. Our question was, do you understand why she
wants out? It's a bad job, it's a toxic job.
Do you understand why she wants out? Eighty percent said yes,
you do. I agree with you. I do understand it.
I hope it doesn't happen, although if this is going

to be right for Kate's mental and physical health, I
hope it does happen. But I'm with you. I do understand. Rtease,
don't forget to vote on today's pool. Get to a
Twitter page at Naughty Nice Rob a Facebook page which
is Naughty Gossip, and be sure to check back tomorrow
to hear your results. And now, my favorite part of
the show and nicest of the day.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
Well, let's keep with that Keith Middleton. Uh, you know
trend going So, Keith Middleton is poised to address the
mysterious health concern at an upcoming public event now according
to a royal source.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
And by the way, Rob Shuter. You have your royal sources.
I have mine. Mine just happened to be you.

Speaker 1 (16:08):
That's a good source.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
But yeah, but this is not you, though, this is
one of your sources.

Speaker 3 (16:13):
According to a royal source cited in These Sunday Times,
Kate may choose to discuss her recovery openly while interacting
with members of the public, kind of like the optics
of like she's a woman of the people and out
and about, and she and Prince William tend to be
most candid during these engagements, and they wanted to emphasize

that Kate and Prince William value transparency but will only
speak on her health when they feel prepared to do so,
which makes sense, you know, when they are ready.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
To do it.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
The report also suggests that addressing her health concerns in
the public setting could provide Middleton with an opportunity to
reassure the public and share updates on her recovery process. Now,
we just don't know if this will happen or not,
but that's what the talk around town is. So, you know,
good for Kate having the opportunity to have.

Speaker 1 (16:59):
Con that's her story, Kate, we want you to tell it.
You don't have to sit down with Oprah Winfrey. It
doesn't need to be a big Carry and Megan type special.
You don't have to write a tell old book about it.
But you can talk about this. When they do, they're
called walkabouts and it's when the royal family walk out
and they talk to people in the crowd, often peopled
in the public. Now, because of cell phones, all that
stuff is captured, So fingers crossed. The other little bit

of good news too is Kate was spotted over the weekend.
She was at a farm, a country farm store with William.
There's no photographs over there. It was a shop she
was at, but inside, as I say, eyewitnesses are saying
that she looked happy and healthy. She just watched her
three children participate in a sports event. So Kate is
back out and about. So even more good news are

nicest of the day and now and naughtyest of the day, naughty,
naughty did he is hanging out with Kanye West, so did.
He has been going through a lot of drama. We've
spoken about it on the show. Several now accounts of
sexual abuse have been made against him. But instead of

laying glow the hip hop Mogul went out to support
the controversial rapper. He made a surprise appearance at Kanye
Is Very Loud, Rolling Loud in Fact set in Los Angeles,
hinting at maybe a potential collaboration between the two disgraced artists.
He was there with his two daughters, and fans were

a bit disappointed there because Kanye did not perform live.
He opted to play a recording. But nevertheless, I think
we're missing the point here at the moment, did he
Kanye West? Probably not the best idea Puff. I used
to do Puffy's pr and I would have advised him,
this is not a good look with everything that's going
on at the moment, to be associated with somebody as

contravers down Yeah, double don't, don't. This is all the
people at the moment. Kanye West is not a good
look for you. Puffy. I naughtyust of the day. Let's
end with a moment of rob Rob. You get a rob.
So someone's behavior is the most trusted indication of who
they are. Ask if this person you're talking to that's

in your life, that maybe you love isn't going to change?
Is this the person you really want? So watch people
listen to people and they tell you who they are.
Their behavior is the best indication of who they are,
not what they tell you what they do. Garrett, have
you ever had to just have this realization that there's
been somebody in your life, maybe somebody in your life

for a long time, that you've outgrown, that you've changed,
that they've changed, and you've got to say goodbye.

Speaker 3 (19:35):
Yeah, you don't want to do it because you know
they're they're at one point of friend ers so, but
you also think they they're just holding me like I
gotta gotta move on, gotta gotta gotta do it from it,
from my own better self.

Speaker 2 (19:48):
So yes, no, it definitely.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
I agree with you, Channing Tatum. Okay, that is it
full today. Thank you so much for listening to the
Naughty but Nice with Rob and this feels good and
ga At Show. Let's say that again, Garret Show. I
love it back together. We're a production of iHeartRadio. Don't
forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app Apple podcast. Wherever
you listen, leave us a review if you can, and

remember altogether, Now, if you're going to be going to
meet it, you gotta be take care of everybody. It's
not even nice with bro
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