All Episodes

September 11, 2023 20 mins

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis say they “support victims” after it was revealed that they had written letters in support of leniency in Danny Masterson’s sentencing. New claims about Joe Jonas nude photo requests are also coming to the surface. Robin Roberts and her longtime love are officially married.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
Advice Shooter, it's time.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Hello, Hello, Hello, welcome to the Naughty but Nice Show.
It's Monday. It's Monday, which means joining us today is
our long lost friend. We've not spoken in two weeks.
It's been a vacation for our mates. But he is back.
The one, the only Garrett Vogel.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
The Summer of Garrett is officially over. Rub Shooter.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
I am back in action. I'm all yours until you
kick me out of here. I thought you were going
to change the locks and the password on the zoom room,
but no, here we are.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
How are you you're going nowhere? Hey, I'm glad you
had a hot girl summer. I'm glad you had a
hot boys summer. You were dancing and singing, seeing shows.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Oh yeah, And I have a question, is is things
okay in the home front? Because I saw that Bruce.
It looks like he picked up another job. He was
furious working.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
Are you kid?

Speaker 2 (01:06):
Thank you for asking, Bruce. My husband is a songwriter,
a playwriter. He has a show coming to Broadway called Harmony,
and it's a lot of work. They started rehearsals last week.
They opened the box office. I shoved him in the
box office window with his collaborator, Barry Mandelo. They sold
tickets and then they started rehearsals. It was wild. They
had like a line around the box office. People don't

go to box offices anymore. They buy them on ticket Masters,
so we wanted to recreate this like old school feel.
And so the two of them were in the box office.
I think they signed like the first hundred tickets, maybe more.
They didn't leave until the line was done, which was
an awfully kind thing for them to do. But it
was really exciting. And then on Saturday, I was lucky
enough to sneak into rehearsals. So everything isn't just okay, Garrett,

It's flipping fabulous at the moment.

Speaker 3 (01:52):
Let me tell you a little little hint about buying
tickets at the box office. If you come to New
York or go to any Broadway show you see. I
love the extra charger, all those charges, you know, the
the forty five dollars tissue fee, you know like that
you get online, like the sixty five processing fee to
print a digital tickets go my mom has. Every time

we get Broadway tickets from my mother and she goes
to the box office, she drives into the city.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
She buys just she says.

Speaker 3 (02:22):
She probably she probably loses the money on the calls
and she breaks even at the end of the day.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
But but still it's the it's the idea of that.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
It's a good tip. Go to the box office. You
don't have to pay those fees. Okay, let's jump into show.
What time is it? My phone's tea time? Okay, this
is a serious story. At the top of the show,
so me, Lacunas and Astro and Kutcher are now saying
they support victims following the backlash over their letters supporting

Danny Masterson. Let me explain. So Ashton and Mila, they
wrote several letters asking for leniency in the Danny Masterson sentencing. Now,
let me remind you what that is. Masterson was sentenced
to thirty years in prison after being convicted for two

counts of rape. They starred alongside him in the seventies show.
So they sent letters to the judge, to the court
asking them to be lenient in the sentencing. Now those
letters have come out and these two are really in
a firestorm. This is now a convicted rapist that it

looks like they were supporting. They said, quote, we are
aware of the pain that has been caused by the
character letters that we wrote on behalf of Danny. We
support victims. We have done this historically through our work
and will continue to do it in the future. Now
you know things are bad, Garrett when they have to

issue a statement about.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
That immediately, not like a week, It was immediately.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
And it's interesting because then the stories start coming out too,
of people going, I don't know, though, he might be
a good guy for the past thirty years, but what
about thirty years ago when he was acting this crazy?
And I mean even Lea Remi was chiming in, going, well,
it looks like scientology can't help him out here here.

So I mean, we hear about these underlying stories like
oh the dark Hollywood, but now we're actually, you know,
seeing it in this you know, like did you see
the clip of Conan O'Brien from a few thirty years ago.

Speaker 2 (04:31):
Yeah, he seemed to know there was a secret, he said,
one day, you'll be caught. Christina Ricci too, She put
out a statement on social media really slamming Ashton and Miela,
saying that sometimes we can love people who do horrible things.
It's very complicated. It opens up this whole discussion, doesn't
it that just because somebody's nice to me does not

mean they're nice to other people. And you've got to
really take that into account. If you want to write
a less a reference, a recommendation for a friend, really
think about it. Really think about what your words are
saying and what you want the outcome to be. Here,
Like now, I think it's quite an easy jump to

put the dots together and to argue that Meela and
Ashton believe somebody who committed two rapes should get a
light sentence. Now, that's what their letter is saying. I
know they wouldn't say that personally, and they're pushing back
on that really hard, but it feels a little bit
like they want it both ways.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
Yeah, that's why they wanted it.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
And the other interesting thing too, is do you remember
the e true Hollywood story one wants all around that
that seventy show about the dynamic of the cast on
and offset. Everyone thought that Telfer Grace was just a
complete diva able because he wasn't hanging out with Meela
and Ashton and Danny and Wilmer, and everybody's like, oh,

he's secluded from the cast Tolf. It looks like Taufer
is coming out on the positive side thirty years later
because he saw this way of acting and he's like,
not for me, want.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
Part of that? Yeah, it's really interesting. Careful who your
friends are, Be careful who you hang out with. It
does say a lot about you. I don't want to
take the emphasis of him here. I don't want to
take it off. This awful, this this danny, this monstrous person.
But Miela and Ashton did it to themselves by sending
these letters. Legally, they didn't have to send them, they

wanted to send them. It's very interesting. I'm trying to
think of another example of this, and I remember when
Katie Kuric found out about Matt Lauer and all the
terrible things that Matt had been accused of doing. Matt
did not go to court, though, let's point that out.
Katie said she didn't know this Matt, the Mat that
she knew wouldn't have done this. However, she totally believed

what was being said. She totally supported the victims, and
it changed her friendship fundamentally with this person. I think
Katie handled it maybe a better way than Ashton and Mela.

Speaker 3 (07:01):
Well, I think they're a little bit blinded because again
they're like, oh, you know, we know it's kind of true,
but we also he's our friend, you know, and we're
gonna we're gonna support our friend to the end. And
it's it's just such a It's one of those things
that confuses your mind because Ashton and Mila, you know,
you know, are such big advocates behind stopping sex trafficking, yes,

and and all these things, promoting people that that that
are being affected by by, you know, sex crimes and
underade sex. And then to see them support this, you're like,
what that's what you get. There's no right answer, and
there's no yet Like it's weird.

Speaker 2 (07:45):
It's weird, isn't it. That's what I'm talking about it
here on the Naughty but Nice Show. We're friends here,
we can we can do this. But it brings us
to our whole question of the day. I want to
know what you think about this. Amela and Ashton say
that they do support victims following the backlash over their
letters supporting Danna. Do you think they want it both ways?
Do they want it both ways? That's a tough question. Hey,

go vote on our Twitter page at Naughty Nice rob
at Facebook pages Naughty Gossip and be sure to check
back tomorrow to hear your results. Another tough story, Garrett,
What are you working on? All?

Speaker 1 (08:17):

Speaker 3 (08:17):
So we all know Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, the back
and forth up until last week of are they married?

Speaker 1 (08:23):
They're not married?

Speaker 3 (08:24):
Well, they are getting a divorce unfortunately, And it turns
out that all these other stories are coming out now
of like a Nickelodeon alum, Alexa Nicholas said that Joe Jonas,
she was on Zoe one on one by the way,
with Britney Spears's sister back in the day that when
they were teenagers, Joe Jonas asked for nudes on Twitter

or X I met Joe Jonas when we were teens.
Let's just say he's the guy who who wore a
purity ring but asked for nudes. Here's my feelings towards that.
I get that it could have happened, but why why now?
Why not bring that up then in the midst of
the divorce. You know, he's not getting divorced over these
these pictures or the claims. It's just it feels like

bad timing on that one, but Joejonas even on over
the weekend, him and the Brothers were out in Dodger Stadium,
and Joejonas kind of addressed all the rumors that are
out there pretty much just said, if you don't hear
it from my mouth, don't believe it, which you could
take it anyway you want, but at least he kind
of addressed it because there are some crazy rumors coming

from both sides of the Sophie Turner Joe Jonas divorce,
of ring cameras and drinking, and so Jojonas kind of
addressing it, which you really don't see really. Everybody just
normally stays quiet and let their quote unquote friends and
closest to them right.

Speaker 2 (09:46):
Talk to people like me. I sort of agree with
you here, However, Joe didn't tell us anything. Telling us
only to believe what he say is right is something
that I'm not totally buying here. He's not the messiah
like Joe. Just because you don't say it mean it's
not true. Like Joe didn't really tell us about the
divorce reporting did. Joe didn't tell us about these nude pictures.

The lady in the Nickelodeon show did so there's a
lot of really good reporting out here. I think what's
going on there when you talk about timing, is that
when they broke up, it felt to a lot of people,
maybe even Alexa, that Joe's team, Let's not say Joe,
let's say his team, his friends were pushing this narrative
that Sophie was a terrible mother. He even had some

paparazzi pictures taken of him and the kids in La
being all perfect together. They looked very stage to me.
And then we hear about a doorbell. Well, there's not
a lot of people who can know about that. It
feels now like her team are saying, if you want
to play this nasty game, we'll fight back. I've been
through this. I went through it with Jessica and Nick
when I was Jessica's publicist. Jessica played rough. Jessica played rough.

I went through it with j Lo and Ben Affleck.
Jennifer doesn't lie down either. So I'm not saying too
much here. But what I am telling you is that
when these divorces happen, you have a choice, and you
have this in your private life. You don't have to
be a celebrity to agree here, do you want this
to be decent and do you want this to be
amicable or do you want to play dirty and your
feelings are hurt. You're probably upset, you want to slap somebody.

You want to throw a punch, not a pinch. And
that's a horrible spiral that I think these both of
them are going down.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
If it's any anything amicable, you would think at least
in some form of way. Yes, they put out the
quote unquote joint statement together, but you would think after
you see these stories of you know, Sophie just likes
to party, she does like to be around the kids,
Joe Jonas would at least say, you know what, none
of this is true. Yes, he said, you could say

he kind of addressed it over the weekend, but I
would have gone further. But then the other interesting thing,
and I think you could tell us a little bit
more too, is you were talking about him being outside
having lunch now in La of all places. And I've
learned that if you want to be caught having doing anything, you.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
Eat outside, they can't catch you inside. Yeah, right, If
I take you out for lunch for dinner, and I
insist that we sit outside and we sit in the window,
there's probably a paparazzi across the street. Now, if we
sit in the back of the restaurant, there's no paps.
So this is all feels very, very staged to me.
It makes me, you know, as a gossip columnist, I
love all the drama. I love talking about this, but
as a human being, it just makes me sad. And

that's why all these stories are coming out now, because
people feel like he's attacking her, the mother of his children,
and that's why people are coming out for their Joe's stories. Okay,
let's move along. We've got so much to get into
today's show. Jimmy Fallon has apologized after accusations of a
toxic work environment, and now an old video of Martin
Short's rest in him has gone viral. So Martin Short

was talking to Jimmy years ago and was really sort
of having a few digs at Jimmy, saying that he
knows that Jimmy only pretends to be a nice guy.
So he made these jokes a long time ago, and
I must admit they look like jokes to me. And
Martin is known to do this. He's known to make

fun of celebrities but with Jimmy, he said, I know,
you pretend to be a nice guy, implying that you're
not really a nice guy. And now people are saying, oh,
did Martin Short know? That's the question that everyone's asking
inside NBC. NBC is a small building, thirty Rock is
pretty small, and everybody that I know who is working there,
I'm not doubting that Jimmy was naughty. He's apologized, he's

admitted he was not a great guy. What they're saying
now is who knew about this? Did Savannah and Hoder know?
Did Lester Holpe know? Who knew about this?

Speaker 3 (13:41):
Here's how I also look at it too, because you've
been I've seen some other viral clips too, where it's
like just a few people you know, and then others
are like Jerry Seinfeld even came out and said, how
ridiculous they're rolling stone story.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
He did, he did, But Jerry did did defriend Kramer
for using a racist term too. So Jerry's not the
best baby barometer here on defending people. He has defended
sort of some some shady things in the past.

Speaker 3 (14:07):
Well, yes, and and and I can't argue that part
part of it. But I also see that. You know,
I liked how follon quickly.

Speaker 1 (14:14):
He didn't.

Speaker 3 (14:15):
He didn't wait. He didn't wait a month. He didn't
let this thing die out. He goes, you know what,
I'll get in front of it. I am sorry.

Speaker 1 (14:21):
He got, he got. He got everybody on.

Speaker 3 (14:23):
Zoom like during a whole strike where you're not getting paid.
Everybody got in the Zoom room. For him to make
a public apology.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
Yeah, no, he did. He jumped on it quickly with
his staff, but not the public yet. Should he sit
down on the Today Show? Should he do a statement?
Should he tell us his made mistakes? Ellen did eventually,
but he took her a while to get there.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
I don't.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
I don't think so, because here's the thing. I mean,
I think we know how the show, the show dynamic works, right.
It's not like everybody that works for the show reports
to Jimmy. Jimmy has, you know, kind of like a
a source around him, like a like an outside layer
of people, producers, executive producers, and then they come to
him with, Hey, here's the idea, here's what we're doing.

So they're just watching Jimmy like Jimmy might come in
and we've all come into work like all, and then
people judge, you know what I mean, Like you're not
necessarily interacting with Jimmy, you're seeing him walk down the hallway,
and then you're forming an opinion based off of that.

Speaker 2 (15:16):
By now, but people are not saying that he's not friendly.
People are saying that he was really toxic. And there
is a difference. Like I would guess if you interviewed
everybody that worked with me for me, around me, you know,
maybe twenty percent of them would say he can be bossy,
he can be grumpy. It's all true, but I'm not toxic.
I mean, I know the difference, Like you know the difference.
We've all got jobs. Think of somebody you work with

who's difficult. We've all got them in our office wherever
we work. But there is a lion, and I think
that's what happened with Ellen. I'm scared that that's what's
happened with Jimmy here. And I think apologizing to the
staff is smart. I think he should sit down with
Savannah and Hoder and tell the world that that Jimmy
is no longer and moving forward, this is not the

way it's going to be.

Speaker 3 (15:59):
Yeah, you know, and I think that's the conversation. The
whole world is having just about everything in life, you know,
Like there's a bunch of people where you know, just
in life, everybody's not going to be happy, right, you
know what I mean? And everybody wants the best, you know,
And there's some people and I think we all work
with them too where it's like I deserve this. We're

in a world right now where you can turn to
Rolling Stone and Rolling Stone goes. Let me get my
pen and paper.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
In defensive roaming Stone though, And I do know people
that work there. They are a real news outlet. Like
you can't just call them up and say, Jimmy was
rude to me at Starbucks. Like you can't just call
up and say, oh, as a wayter and Jimmy was rude.
They're fourteen staffers. We've got to take a quick break
and we will be right back. Welcome back to the
Naughty but Night Show. I'm up shooting. It's a different

Garrett vocal. Hey, Garrett, let's get to the polls. So
tonight show staffers claimed that Jimmy Fallon is a erratic
and often seemed drunk in a toxic workplace. I question
Mark should they replace him with Tina Faye. What do
you think about that? Is it time to have a
female in late night on the network? I know we

have Samantha b Or we did. I don't think her
shares around anymore. And Chelsea Handler we had her on cable.
Is it time to have Tina Fey? Let's have a look.
Eighty two percent said yes, it is time to switch
Jimmy out and get Tina in. Don't forget to vote
on today's poll. Go to our Twitter page at not
too Nice rob Our facebook page is not what he
got him. I'm is sure to check back tomorrow to

hear your results. Now it's time for our nicest of
the day.

Speaker 3 (17:34):
All right, here we go. Well, let's talk about Marilyn
Monroe too. I mean I've only seen pictures. I wish
I kind of was around when she was there, just
to see the impact she had on the world, from
from dating to movies being captured every sing. I feel
like that's what kind of like a Kim Kardashian is

right now? You know what I mean? Marilyn or and
role see.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
What you say, No, it's excitement, it's that star power.
We don't have movie stars anymore do we We don't have.
Maybe Julia Roberts is the last one, or George Clooney,
maybe Brad Pitt. But she's a movie star.

Speaker 3 (18:11):
So her Brentwood home out in LA was granted a
temporary reprieve from demolition. Uh, you know you got you
gotta love real estate moguls out in count nell A.
You know what, Let's let's take Marilyn Monroe's home, the
history behind it and just knock it down.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
Knock it down, put up a two family you know,
like why.

Speaker 2 (18:32):
They're gonna knock down Marilyn Monroe's house?

Speaker 1 (18:34):
What like you you would like?

Speaker 3 (18:38):
But but you know what, if you go on the
Hollywood Tours, Rob, that would no matter. If there's a
brand new house there that was Marilyn run there.

Speaker 2 (18:46):
I'm glad it's been saved. I'm a big fan of history.
If we're going to save a celebrity's house, let's do
Marilyn Monroe's. And nicest of the day now and not
is the day naughteen? Naughty naughty, Yes, the only person
who could actually manage to facilitate peace between William and
Harry I know that person.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
I guess you have a guess you rub Oh.

Speaker 2 (19:05):
My god, No, I'd caused more trouble. I'd cause more trouble,
and I'd make them do peace on this show so
we could listen to it. They're saying it's Kate. So
Kate is a peacemaker. She was spotted in twenty twenty
one after the Oprah interview trying to make the brother
speak again. Now, Diana's former butler, Paul Borella, who I know,

is saying Kate is the only one. There was a
time when these three were so close. He called her,
Harry called her his sister. Now, maybe Kate can fix this.
There's a lot of pressure there on one person. Let's
end with a moment of rob rob. Almost everything will
work again if you unplug it for a few minutes,
including you. I love this quote because it just reminds

you that it's okay to unplug, it's okay to reset.
It's ok head, Smack it in the head, pull the
plug out let, rest for a minute. If you feel
like your brain is going to explode, if there's too
much going on, too much to process, turn off the computer,
go and have a cup of tea. I'm a huge

fan in this I've really learned the power of being
still and just for a couple of minutes doing nothing. Hey,
that is it for today. Thank you so much for
listening to the Naughty Bit Nice with Rob and Garrett show.
Welcome back, Garrett. Thank you production of iHeartRadio. Don't forget
to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, Apple podcasts
wherever you listen, and leave us a review if you can,

and remember altogether. Now let me hear you singing along.
If you're going to be naughty

Speaker 1 (20:40):
Nice, It's not even nice with Rah
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