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September 18, 2023 21 mins

Katy Perry seemingly hinted at Russell Brand’s secrets years before sexual abuse claims came to light. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were caught sharing an affectionate moment together while in the star’s car in Los Angeles. Hugh Jackman’s sexuality has been questioned throughout his career, but he and his now-ex-wife, Deborra-Lee were always ready to shut those rumors down.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Shooter. It's welcome to the Naughty but Nice Show. I'm
Rob Shooter and it's Monday, which means a handsome friend.
Garrett vocal joins, Hey, Garrett, are you there?

Speaker 2 (00:23):
You know really how to win me over on a Monday, Rob,
you could have one of the like you know, you
wake up and it say, oh, it's Monday, But then
you open up that link on a zoom room and
there you are with a big smile and the compliments galore.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
How can I not be not in a good mood? Oh,
that's why I'm so good. What I do? I make
you feel very comfortable, and then you tell me everything.
Then I tell everybody that terrible. Don't tell me it
annoys Bruce, my husband, he says, I pop out of
bed like a piece of toast. I pop up in
the morning, a minute, my eyes open, I'm on.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
I'm on like lightly crisp, right, I mean like we're
not burnt because you you would just be upset. Right,
that's right, be grumpy enough where you take it out
in the buttermelt ring.

Speaker 1 (01:06):
I've been a melt today. Okay, let's jump into the show.
We've got a really good one today. Some serious stuff today,
But don't worry. It's the Naughty but nine show, So
we're going to keep this happy, happy, Happy. What time
is it, my friends? It is te time. So a
real serious story. At the top of the show, Katie
Perry might have hinted that she knew the real truth
about her ex, Russell Brand, years before the sexual abuse claims.

Let me break this down. So Russell Brand has been
accused accused of assaulting four women, four women over a
period of time. It's an explosive accusation that came out
in London. The Sunday Times reported this. Four women have
accused him of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse. The

incidents allegedly took place between two thousand and six and
two thousand and thirteen. Now people are going back to
an interview that Katie did after her divorce. Remember she
was married to him for not very long, a little
more than a year fourteen months. She gave a really
cryptic interview in twenty thirteen with Vogue, and she seemed

to reference the ongoing allegations against her ex that were
sort of out there. They were not put together in
a big report like the Sunday Times did. But I'd
heard these rumors, and she said the following to the outlet,
and now everybody is wondering what exactly did she mean.

She said, I felt a lot of responsibility for ending
the marriage, but then I found out the real truth,
which I can't necessarily disclose because I keep it locked
in my safe for a rainy day. So Katie is
implying in twenty thirteen, what's that ten years ago that

she knew the truth. She knew the truth, but she
was keeping it under lock and key in case she
needed to use it. Now. I spoke to my Katie's
sources last night and they said absolutely not if she
thought this was happening. If she knew about this, she
would have spoken at. This isn't something that you keep
on the back burner to use against somebody. This is

not that they're a fan of a knaff pop group
or they you know, don't put down the toilet's see.
This is really really serious, serious allegations. And had she
known anything about this, I'm told she would have spoken at.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
Oh, of course, I mean, and I think if we
learned our lesson Ashton Kudremila Kunez, you speak up sooner
and you don't support a friend a quote unquote that
is accused and found guilty of serious allegations. So in
case this does go to court, I mean, at least
Russell Brand has Ashton Kutcher on his side. Oh writ
him a nice letter. Oh you know, and even that

story too. I mean Ashton Cutcher had a step down
from from his sex trafficking organization, yeah pisation where he
tries to help people. I mean, yeah, just so people
are people? Do you see this a lot rob where
celebrities don't think they just a.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
Yes, yes. And I see too that because of who
they are, and they used to being told yes that,
they don't shut up often. I find when I was
in crisis PR after a celebrity got themselves in a
lot of trouble and they'd hire Meal my company, I'd
meet with them and one of the very first conversations

was to shut up, to stop, to turn off your phone,
turn off your social media at least for twenty four
hours and figure out here what is going on. Katie
has to address this, I think because this interview in Vogue,
it wasn't just on a red carpet or a SoundBite.
She did a big interview with Vogue and she said
she knew something. She knows the real truth. What were

you talking about?

Speaker 2 (05:00):
So here's the interesting thing. Katie ten years ago was
still she was twenty eight at the time, twenty seven,
twenty eight. She was still that like, I don't know
how to say it, where she wasn't a kid, but
she was still that playful at.

Speaker 1 (05:14):
It, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
Like she'd be like, oh, I know the dark secrets
of her so brand, you know what I mean, in
a joking manner. But now obviously it doesn't look that
it didn't age well doesn't Yeah, even if she didn't
mean it that way. So she will have some questions
to answer.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
But she's got some questions.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
But I do think she just like in that joking manner, like, oh,
I know his dark secrets.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
Oh absolutely. I asked the friends. I really I called
like three people, really good sources, people that know Katie
really well, and I said, what she was talking about
is that he snores, he foughts right, he wasn't very
nice to her. The truth was he was a bit
of a rude guy. He didn't turn up on time
they had dates, and he just wouldn't show up. He
wouldn't call her to explain what he was doing. He
disappeared for days at a time. That's what she about him,

which is really bad when you're married to somebody, when
you love somebody, it's really bad. But I think that
that's the distinction they're making here. But we want to
know what you have to think about all this. Katy
Perry hinted that she knew quote the real truth about
her ex Russell Brand years before the sexual abuse claims.
Our question is did she know? Hey, go quote on

our Twitter page at Naughty Nice Rob at Facebook pages
Nordy Gossip. Am be sure to check back right here
tomorrow to hear your results. Hey, Garrett, what are you
working on? So?

Speaker 2 (06:37):
I guess you can call these the the coul parents
to look up to, right So, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner,
they were spotted together over the weekend in Los Angeles,
I believe on Friday, and they were they were in
a car, and of course people noticed that, Oh, Ben
Affleck and Jennifer Garner together. They share they share a daughter,
you know, and so I'm sure that there was a

wop or a meeting about their daughter, you know, to
kind of talk about something that's going on in their
lives or checking to see if something's cool, can they
go on vacation and whatever. But it was amicable in
the sense of sharing their child and and I think
they do what a lot of people should be doing.
They look out for their child's best interests. Yes, so

by by fighting or arguing, it doesn't look good first
in the public because then you know, we see those
pictures and we just assume the worst. And so they
were married, I believe like they were married for ten years.
They got married back in two thousand and five. Then
they separated, and of course everybody's moved on. You know,

Jennifer Garner's with Jonathan Miller, who's a businessman, and of course,
as we know, we ben affleck back.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
With Jennifer Lopez. I can you forget they're remarried.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
But you know, you like to see the fact that,
you know, people do speak what they say. It's like, hey,
we're in this for the kids, because I think that
can thrown out and thrown up around a lot, especially
when people announced they're getting divorced or a break breaking up.
It's like we're just looking out for the best. Interesting,
but they're actually showing they're showing you. It's like, yes, no,
this right, it's about our kid.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
Right. There was some affection in the car. We saw
her put her head on his shoulder. They smiled at
each other. There were some physical contacts. But let me
remind everybody their daughter, sad Athena was in the car too.
It wasn't like Ben and Jen Gardner were driving and
pulled over behind a pizza hut and made like they

were not looking for a quiet spot having shooter.

Speaker 2 (08:37):
If you were to make out with someone, you would
you would get in the car and go to a
pizza hut.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
That's where we go. Cart if I said to you
pizza hut, if I was going to if I was
going to have it depends what if I was going to.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
Bring you back garden?

Speaker 1 (08:49):
Where did you go when you were growing up to
make out in the car? Where would you It was
more of the woods? You know, I see you.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
Because like they you know, there's you know, the the
place you would go for the summer, like the pool
and there would be a whole you know, big wooded area.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
Go in the woods. And that's what paper making. As
my people who who are lucky enough to have cars
and a lot of my friends didn't, but they would
drive to like a scenic area or somewhere like the
pizza Hut. I don't know. I was trying to think
about this, but you're gonna hear stories today that Jennifer
Lopez is furious, that she's angry. It's not truly. Their
daughter was in the car. So even if I was

gonna make out with an X, which I wouldn't, I
certainly wouldn't be doing it if our daughter was sitting
in the front seat like Jennifer Gardener was behind Sara Fina.
So Ben was driving, her daughter was in the front seat,
and she was in the backseat, so she leant over
to chat, to talk and gently put her head on
his shoulder. There's affection here, and I think you're really right,

And I'd like to believe I'm the type of person
that could do this. I like to believe they're still
friends after ten years together. You don't have to hate
each other when you break up. How are you, Garrett? Now,
you're not a breakup tie of guy. But if you
if you fall out with somebody, is it, is it
really aggressive for the rest of your life? Or do
you forgive? Or where are you.

Speaker 2 (10:09):
You really gotta f me over you? If you really
screw me over you? Are you?

Speaker 1 (10:16):
You? You made the list, You're on the list. It's
a short list.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
There's a short list of maybe about four people. Then
then that you mentioned their name. Right now, I'll slam
this thisaptop shut and I'll start punching a wall.

Speaker 1 (10:29):
So there is people that are people.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
Yeah, there are people and they know who they are
and they will get theirs one day. Mmmm.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
Okay, let's move along. Q Jackman and his wife Deb
have split. I saw these two about two months ago
walking down the West Side Highway and I stopped. I
know Deb, and we had a little chat, and Hugh
was there. It's really weird because I was talking to
Deb and to my left was Wolverine, like just standing
there and I was like, oh, hello, I love The
Grady Show, but I love that movie. And so they've

broken up. And now there's lots of rumors that he's gay.
It's not true, and they have spoken about this over
the years. He sat down with sixty Minutes in Australia
in twenty thirteen and they asked him about the rumors
and he said, it's no, it's not me and it's
not the most interesting thing about a person anyway. He
doesn't think that's the most interesting things. But he did

say I do get frustrated for Deb because I see
Deb go ah, this is just crazy. Now. Deb has
spoken at about it too, and she said sometimes it
does bug her. And it's like saying Elton Johnny is straight.
I'm sure Elton would be pissed if you said that,
because it's not true. They parted waves they announced it
on Friday's. Sources tell me they broke up a couple

of months ago. They're still friends. They're still talking and
I'm told there's no other person involved here, not guys,
not girls, nobody else is involved. They grew apart. They
have kids too, that they have two kids. The kids
are with her at the moment. He's moved out of
the apartment. He's moved all the way downtown. There were
some photograph of him out yesterday on a city bike.

I'm told they're trying to still be friends, but it
is tricky. Now. How long have you been Marret Garrett.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
Ten years last June?

Speaker 1 (12:10):
How do you stop becoming roommates? How do you remain
husband and wife?

Speaker 2 (12:15):
A lot of work, it's like you could easily fall
into it. Like it's it's almost like you close your
eyes one day and it's like, what the hell happened here?
You know. It's it's almost like you gotta be you
gotta be cognizant, you gotta be vigilant.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
Yeah, you gotta be on it.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
You gotta put you gotta put the work in and
not not just I don't think they they didn't try
to put it in the work, but I do think
over the last let's just say five years, Hugh Jackman
has I mean Broadway every night being Wolverine, going overseas
to film a possible new movie with you know, Ryan Reynolds,

like he like they're they're what, they're in their sixth
they're in their mid.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
Six she's in her Yeah, she's in her late six
sixty seven. I believe he's in his fifties. There's a
thirteen year age app and that's caused a lot of
debate too, But let me once again talk out here
on behalf of deb When they met, she was a
star in Australia and he was straight out of drama school.
So when she met him, for the first many years,
she paid all the bills. So everybody's like, oh, she

married this multimillionaire. I was like, no, no, no. When
they met, Deab was the star. Deab was the millionaire.
It makes me sad after twenty seven years, but I
do get it. It's really easy to lose the romance
and forget that your husband and wife have become roommates.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
Do you think that, I mean just solely based off
of age alone right now, not the difference. But she's
sixty seven, he's fifty four. They have two kids. I mean,
and I think we've talked about this. You know a lot.
You only have one life and it's very short, and
how much time.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
That's part of it. She wants to be in love again.
I'm told it was deb that broke it up. That
Debab ultimately was the one that said this wasn't working
for her anymore. She wants to be in love. She
wants to have somebody in her life, that Gazelle's type situation. Yeah,
it's not anything bad here. We just we're getting to
that age where we think about it, okay quickly before
we get a break. Drew barrymore, what's going on? Finally

big announcement?

Speaker 2 (14:16):
Yeah, a few weeks ago, Hey, I'm bringing the show back.
This is my this is my decision.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
I own it.

Speaker 2 (14:23):
And then on Friday she posted another Instagram, this time upset,
saying she listened to the people out there and that
she she is going to stop it. Which was interesting though,
because when she first posted it she said the show
was continuing, and then that got deleted, and then she
posted another one and saying no, her talk show is
going to go on hiatus until the whole strike situation

gets figured out.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
Yeah, she had a lot of backlash, and I think
this is all aimed at Drew because she set herself
up early on and we loved her for it as
being on the union side. Remember she pulled out of
the hosting the MTV Awards she I would not host
it because of the strikes. Who were like yes, Drew,
And then she announced the show was coming back and
everyone was like oh. And then she put out a
tearful video crying saying she can't make anybody happy, she

doesn't know what to do. Rosie O'Donnell and Debrah Messing
and lots of celebrities said just don't do the show pause.
What I want to take away from this is you
can make mistakes, we're all human, but you ultimately can
listen and make the right decisions. So I'm going to
applaud you Drew here. I'm not going to beat her
up for finally getting which I think is to the

right place.

Speaker 2 (15:34):
It's interesting where we are in the strike right now,
because you know, there are each type of entertainment there's
a different division, you know, so like writers and actors.
So that's the union that they're fighting for right now.
But if you realize Jerry O'Connell is also on the Talk,
the Talk is not coming back because they're siding with
the writers' strike. But Jerry O'Connell also hosts a game

show called Pictionary Pictionary where game shows and different contract
it's a different contact. And you know, it's interesting because
of the strike, two of the biggest you can argue
movie stars at the time don't have anything to film.

Speaker 1 (16:11):
So what did they do?

Speaker 2 (16:12):
John Cena and Dwayne the Rock Johnson have returned to
wrestling where they are allowed to be on TV and
not break.

Speaker 1 (16:19):
Any It's much more complicated, isn't it. I think that's
why people are still sort of learning so much. Hey,
we've got to take a quick break to pay the bills,
and we will be right back. Welcome to the news.
Se I should have made a friend, Garrott Vergil, Hey Garrett,
let's get to the poll. Thank you, Darling lash We
talked about Kaitlyn Jenner, who said that Kim Kardashian calculated

fame from the very beginning. It's not whether or not
Caitlyn was right, because I think we all know that,
and I actually admire her for it. I like ambition.
A question was should a family member be talking about
this like Caitlyn did a documentary about a family member?
Should Kaitlyn be doing is? Let's have a look, oh naughties?

Sixty percent say no. Do you know, Garrett, when you
make it big? Not if? When who and your family
will be sitting down talking about you? Yes? Yes, yes,
and yes Hudson your son.

Speaker 2 (17:16):
Yeah no no, I'll pay off my kids very very
in this process. But yeah everybody else. Hey, hey, mom,
you need to tell grandma.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
To be quiet. Hey, don't forget to vote on today's Paul.
I hope you're voting too, Grandma, And you can go
to our Twitter page. Naughty nice? Were about facebook page?
Is not he goes say manb Sewer to check back
tomorrow to hear your will result. Hey, I love this story. Yes,
it's time for our nicest of the den.

Speaker 2 (17:47):
All right, so now let me test you a little bit,
Rob Shooter. Do you know who Travis Kelson is?

Speaker 1 (17:53):
Not? I do now because of the story you're about
to do, but twenty four hours ago, no idea.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
So actually, yeah, he's a super Bowl champion, and he's
one he was on s n L before the strike,
and he is he's you know, kind of pop culturists.
So the rumor was that or the rumor still is
that he's dating Taylor Swift. And uh with that, the
the his team played this weekend down in Jacksonville. Do

you think Taylor Swift was down in Jacksonville? No, no, no,
no no. She actually was out with one of her
best friends, Blake Lively, for a little dinner and they
they were they were pretty much they were at zero bond,
which is a very oh.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
Very nice. I'm a member there. Can you believe that
I passed by it? I'll take that direct. We'll have
the naughty but Nice Christmas party there.

Speaker 2 (18:40):
Yes, all four of us in some of the naughties so.
But and earlier in the week too, Taylor Swift also
was catching up with Selena Goldman has in Rhode Island. U. So,
so it's interesting. I love the story of of even
though if it's not true, just the it feels like
almost like a romance novel where Yeah, he literally put

it on to social media. Hey, I wanted to go
to the show because I love Telescript, but I also
wanted to give her one of the friendship bracelets. Now
we don't know if he actually did or didn't, but
it actually had started the waves. He was asked, I
don't know if it's true. We're just having a lot
of fun right now. But the way Travis Kelsey's brother
answered it live on TV, it does feel like Travis
Kelsey and Tailorshrift are.

Speaker 1 (19:21):
It does well. They were spotted update update they were
spotted getting off a plane together a private play and
in my ammy boom okay, I noticed the day Norty Naughty, naughty,
Carol Rezwell is calling out Bethany Frankel for giving away
used makeup. So Bethany went, I know to TJ Max
and she gave employees makeup that she had once owned
as a gift. It was open, and somebody went on

TikTok who was at TJ Max and said, be Bethany's
given away to employers her opened once used makeup as
a gift. Nobody wants you use makeup, lady. She is right, Bethany,
You've got millions. If you want to give makeup away,
make sure it's new and not is the day, that's
said with a moment of Rob rub Remember every friend

in your life, every single friend in your life, used
to be a stranger. When you see a stranger, that
could be your new best friend. That is it for today.
Thank you so much for listening to the Not Even
Nice with Rob and Garrett Show, a production of iHeartRadio.
Don't forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app Apple podcast

wherever you listen. Please do we love you, We love you,
we love you, and thank you for getting us back
in the top ten this weekend. We are grateful. And
guess who arrives today in New York City, Prince William.
We'll have all the news about that tomorrow. I might
be seeing him a little later, not one on one
as a whole group, but I'll tell you about That's
a tease tomorrow tomorrow. No, we're not going to zero bond. Okay,

let's have our little ending. Everybody, are you ready? Clear
your throats? Even good voice, everybody. Okay, let's all sing along.
If you're going to be, you gotta be. Thank you guy.
You dit Pip Pip. It's not even nice with Rob
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