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September 25, 2023 21 mins

Jessica Chastain showed Sophie Turner public support amid the latter’s nasty divorce and custody battle with her estranged husband, Joe Jonas. Taylor Swift is really fueling those Travis Kelce dating rumors. The Duke of Sussex must give due notice if he wishes to stay on a royal estate after he was denied a room at Windsor Castle earlier this month.

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Advice Shooters.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Welcome to the Nordy but Night Show. I'm your host
of Shooter and it is Monday, which means a dear
dear friend. Garrett Vogel joins us. Hey, Garrett, are you there?
Hello Love, Hello Donald, how's your rady Monday?

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Ah, you know what it was. It's it's eh, but
you know, it was a packed weekend. So you do
a lot of things during the weekend if it's raining
like it is here in New York and it just
kind of like flies by, and uh, you don't really
think about the rain, you know. And plus we're in
the fall season, so not a lot of things are
planned outside. You go apple picking, pumpkin picking, and pretty

much you stay inside for the rest.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
So that sounds so romantic. I want to do both
with you. I sort of like this. You have to
remember I'm from Edinburgh, Scotland, so in Scotland this would
be considered a glorious days away.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
You're from Scotland, Well, I.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
Went to school there. I'm from England. I was born
in England, but I went to university. Very fancy.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
You almost blew my mind.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
I'm like long, I went to school. I went to universe.
I failed Oxford and Cambridge they're the two fancy universities
and the third choice is Edinburgh. So I shipped up
to Scotland to be like Harry Potter and I loved it.
I loved it. I loved it. So today it's a
glorious day and we're with you noughties, which makes it
even better. Let's jump into the show. What time is it,

my friends? It is time, Thank you very much. Big story.
At the top of the show, Jessica Chastay in the
Oscar Winner is supporting Sophie Turner and she retweeted something
really cutting about Joe Jonas being manipulative. Oh so this
is getting really nasty between Joe and Sophie. She's actually

a filed a lawsuit against him to get her children back.
Her children are with her right now. She wants to
bring them back to the UK, which is where she lives.
He wants them to stay in America. She is arguing
that he won't give her the passports. He has the
kids passports, so they can't leave the country now. Jessica

Chastaian saw this tweet that was going around getting a
lot of attention, and she re posted it it said
the following, and it's pretty interesting, it said. Quote the
way Joe Jonas miscalculated his popularity with his transparent attempts
at pr manipulation, particularly when the North remembers, is fascinating.

They also go on to say, whoever is trying to
keep their kids passports from their mother, what sort of
person are they? Well, now this has been retweeted, Garrett,
what do you think about this? Is Hollywood going to
start picking sides?

Speaker 1 (02:54):
Well, I think they already are, and just as I've
learned throughout my year, and I think and as you
as well, Rob Shooter, where it's yes, we tend to
pick sides based off of the Internet facts, you know
what I mean, So like we don't know the true story.
We like everybody's close friends and sources to both. I

didn't realize how many people are close friends with Sophie
Turner and Joe Jonas, you know, like everybody apparently are
so close friends that everybody is talking to everybody and
we're left to be like, wow, this is bad.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
It's bad.

Speaker 1 (03:32):
Well, that's the thing. Like the other story did you
read over the weekend was that this all stemmed from
an argument during Joe's birthday two weeks ago, pretty much,
and I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm in
the world of like, what is true?

Speaker 2 (03:49):
What You're in the right place, my friend, my sources
are telling me this is bubbling up for a long time.
We forget that even though they are superstars, they're regular people.
We know this from ourselves, from my friends. Marriage is
just and yes, marriages don't end overnight. They take a
long time to fall apart. And they just had been
living separate lives. She wants to go back to Britain.
He wants to say in America, they just to quite

different people and what was working for them months is
not working now. The difference is that they have two
young children, so they're always going to be in each
other's lives now. I think Taylor Swift opened the floodgates
when she went out with Sophie around town twice while
she was in New York. We have a Taylor story
coming up, so hold on for that. But while she
was in New York, she went out twice and they

did it quite publicly, and so I think Taylor opened
the floodgates on this one.

Speaker 1 (04:38):
Yes, and the fact that it's so weird. Like I
was thinking about this over the weekend. I'm pretty sure
the children were born here in the US. They were, right,
so the argument could be made that they're Americans. They're Americans.
So like, this is where it's going to get messy,

ra where it's you know, there's going to be some
battles and you know she's going to say, well, he's
he's busy working for the next two years. I only
have a project right here or there and vice versa.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
And it's messy. I know you like the Jonahs brothers.
I know that you know some of them, and it's
really tricky, isn't it when friends break up of people
you know sometimes are you sucked in into taking aside?
Like initially I think I was more Sophie and you
were more Joe on this, but as time has gone by,

it's much more complicated than that. And ultimately I want
what's best for the kids. I do think that they've
been slammed the views slammed both of them really for
using the children here, and so I just want what's
best with these kids. And I got to say generally,
and don't get mad with me, dads, I think children
are best with their moms. That's where I would probably

form now as a dad, Garrett, that must be more
complicated for you.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
Well, even if you're a dad out there and you're
listening right now, shout out to you for being a
great dad. Whoever you may be right now. But you know,
as a dad, whether you have one child, two, three,
you're always in last place as a dad, you know
what I mean? Like Ma, the kids first, then Ma,
maybe the dog and the cat, and then dad. You know,

you're always fighting for last place. There's there's no participation trophy.
You always come in last. And it's just a way
of life, you know. Like that, That's how it is.

Speaker 2 (06:29):
I think about my family. My dad is the same.
It's very very tricky this one, which is why we
want to know what you think. Let us know. So
the pole question of the day is Jessica chestay In
is supporting Sophie Turner after a very cutting tweet about
Joe Jonas and manipulation was put out there, she reposted

it will Moore stars take a side. So we've seen
Taylor Swift, now we've seen Jessica Chastain, and are we
going to see people come forward and support Joe Jonas
obviously his brothers do, but are going to be more
vocal about it. People are not being shy about this anymore.
At first it was a little slow. Everybody wanted to

give everybody the benefit of the doubt. We did see
quite an aggressive, it felt like pr campaign against her
right after the announcement that they were getting divorced. That
has stopped a little bit rightly, so she's not pushing
back that hard. But friends are is this gonna get nasty?
Is Hollywood gonna take aside? Hey? Go vote on our

Twitter page at naughty Nice Rob. Our facebook page is
naughty Garsett and be sure to check back tomorrow to
hear your results. Hey, Garrett, what are you working on?

Speaker 1 (07:46):
Well? Rob Shooter. The NFL got even more fans yesterday.
For many it was a very music centered centered NFL Sunday,
as they say here in sports and in the NFL
are with Tayler Swift. So the rumors were that she
was potentially dating Kansas City chief star Travis Kelce. You

might know him from a few commercials he did SNL
last year. And it all started a few few weeks
ago where Travis Kelsey was on his podcast with his
brother and said, Hey, I wish I had the opportunity
to give Taylor Swift one of those friendship bracelets I made,
not for just because because it had my phone number
on it. And then from there the rumors started. Then
the pictures came out of them traveling into Miami one weekend,

and then yesterday here was Here was the Big teams
the four o'clock game, which essentially they call quote unquote
America's game. All of America is watching this game most
most most people get this game on their television, and
before the kickoff even happens, all the announcers go as

they as they grasped their pearls. There's Taylor Swift sitting
in Travis Kelce's luxury box with no other than Travis
Kelsey's mother on what we can only call maybe the
second date ever. And started from there. Touchdowns, touchdown, touchdown, touchdown.
I'm happy for Taylor. I do just as like a

big brother, I do question Tlor Travis's motives, you know
a little bit. Taylor seemed excited, it seemed like she
was into the football game. And then there was video
right after Taylor went down to the locker room to
meet her potential date before but well no, no, no, you
know what I mean. She went down to wait for
him by the locker room, and Taylor, if you see

the video, she's excited. She's like, They're like, hey, how
should I Travis has this look on his face, like,
you know, he comes across to me at times as
like a bro, you know, like yeah, yeah, great.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
I love the video. I love the photographs I posted
on on Instagram. She's so so smart. The only thing
that could have been better is if Taylor had taken
Sophie turn with her to the game. It's just the
biggest game arguably of the year outside of the super Bowl.
Everybody's watching. She still hasn't commented on this relationship, but

Taylor tells us so much without saying a single word.
It's a masterclass in public relations. Like I would argue
any publicist that there anybody that wants to get in
the play game, or even any celebrity out there, start
watching Taylor Swift. It is so clever. The best, the
best couldn't come up with a strategy this good.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
Well you want to hear you want to hear another
conspiracy of mine with this relationship, so there's another announcement
coming up in just a few of who's performing at
the super Bowl this year.

Speaker 2 (10:46):
We've got yeah, we've got the news.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
We got the news. Taylor has been the white elephant
of the nfls for years, years, years, and she has
said no and no. The day the Super Bow all
announcement comes out, Taylor Swift pretty much steals the headlines
from the person who says that they're doing the super Bowl.

Speaker 2 (11:08):
We're going to tell you who is performing at the
super Bowl in just a minute. But you know, normally
when that's announced, my phone blows up. My phone was
already blowing up with Taylor Swift. So you're onto something
like and if you look at the cover of the
New York Post today or websites, it's Taylor Swift. It's
not the person who's performing at the super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
Normally that's a big deal, all right, yes, woh.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
Yeah, wow, Garrett, you are so smart. I love having
you on this show. Taylor, We love you too. Okay,
Moving along, the appalled Malibu mayor. That sounds fancy, doesn't it.
It's the mayor of Malibu, Canty. Imagine that would be
a lovely place to be. The mayor, a mayor of Malibu.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
You think he wears a tap, has one of those watches.

Speaker 2 (11:48):
Absolutely claims that caught the Kardashian lied about getting a
permit to throw a party.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
Ghastly, Yeah, but it is.

Speaker 2 (11:56):
But you know, I at first was like, oh, this
is so silly, but then I was like, no, it's
just not fair. And this is why people get really
annoyed with government with celebrities because the city basically bent
the knee to a kardash him. It's not right if
it's true. So his name is Bruce Silverstein, and he
has accused the wellness guru. That's what Courtney is now

presenting herself as as mister representing the nature of a
pool side push party that's the name of her company,
at a sprawling estate in Malibu. He went on to
say that I understand that the event was presented as
a baby shower. Very nice. I'll give you a permit
for your baby shower. However, they think now that the

event was not a baby shower at all, but.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Rather switch room.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
Yes, rather, it was an influenza party to promote her products.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
Oh well, let's be honest, rupture to we're in Malibu
pretty much every other person is an influencer to some degree.
So I can understand, like where the fine line is
drawn there, but let's be honest, everybody the mail carrier
is even an influencer in Aliboum. I'm sure like so,
I mean, I can understand it, and maybe on a technicality,

but really I don't like it.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
I don't like it. I don't like cheating. I don't
like bending the rules like this because I'm not part
of the fabulous elite that would get away fit. Now
get me, don't get me wrong. If I was part
of that elite, I'd bend all the rules. Yes, I'd
be terrible, but I'm not, and I don't know. I
just grew up with this terrible sense of fairness. And Garrett,
if you were applied I you and I applied for

a permit for our baby shower and then we did
a switch around and it was a naughty but nice party.
Sounds a good idea to me. We would be in trouble.
We would get in trouble.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
We would be behind bars, you know what I mean?
Like that, we would need the swifties to come protest
outside and free Robin Garrett, I mean.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Do you think the prisons in Malibu and nice?

Speaker 1 (13:57):
You gotta think that, right, You got to think they're
a little bit more possing. Yeah, there's no barbed wire,
you know. It's it's more more like, you know, you
have a flip phonepool and a Kendall.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
I love it. We should get arrested in Malibu. Kury Kardashian,
if you're listening, you are very, very naughty, but not
the naughtiest of the day. That is coming up. Okay,
big news. We've been teasing it. Who is headlining super
Bowl twenty twenty four, which is the only reason I
even know this event is going on because I.

Speaker 1 (14:26):
Like the performer well and it's not Taylor Swift. So
early on Sunday morning, it was announced that Usher is
officially headlining super Bowl twenty twenty four in Las Vegas.
Usher has had his residency there in Vegas. He has
made the pitch now for a couple of months, how
much he would like to do it. He started dropping

hints that he wanted to do it. Kind of lost
the luster once in Sync got back and everyone thought
that everybody was going to get a boy band halftime Showeah,
that got put to rest. But it was announced yesterday
in a very cute video where where young Usher talked
to current day Usher saying, hey, you're doing the super Bowl.
But here's the other thing too. If I noticed that,
you know, I'm full of conspiracies today, Rphshooter. Who else

is in that video? Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham. So
the surprise they're quote unquote hanging out right, But was
that more of just get the ball rolling well.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
As they get her three hundred million fans to follow him,
like they're a little nervous about Usher, Like, don't get
me wrong, You've got you've got a guaranteed audience because
you are between a football game. Oh of course, and
so the audience is going to be huge. But Usher,
let's be clear here, and I'm not putting Usher down,
hopefully I'm not. He's not had a hit in twenty years.
He's not as relevant as a Beyonce or a Tailor
Swift or even a Justin Bieber. And so I think too,

he falls between two stones. He's not as legendary as
the Rolling Stones and some of those groups that are
just the legendary groups, but he's not quite as relevant
as the young musicians. He's sort of in that middle
ground where we really fall. It's not Madonna, it's not
legend right, but he's certainly not somebody that's on the
charts right now. It's an interesting choice.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
The question is will he be with guests? Yes, you know,
because artists artists like this, like Bruno Mars and Justin
Timberlake and even Madonna, they brought out a guest or two.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
He was a guest. He was a guest in two
thousand and eleven, a special guest during the Black Ideas.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
Will he bring out the Black Eyed peas?

Speaker 2 (16:24):

Speaker 1 (16:25):
I think he think a few.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
Yeah, I think you will, and I think he should.
But I do like this. It is in Vegas, and
he does have a residency there. I would have got
Celine Dianna. Know she's not very well at the moment,
but I would have. If we're doing it in Vegas,
we could get like a LIBERACEI type, like maybe Barry Manilow,
maybe Tom Jones maybe else.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
Would that be your first super Bowl? Would that be
your first super Bowl? No? Super Bowl?

Speaker 2 (16:48):
Two super Bowls? Isn't that crazy? I went there for work.
I went to interview Madonna when she was doing a
Super Bowl and I went to another one. I think
it was Beyonce's Don't come after Me behive. You should
be remember that it should be on my bright Okay,
we're gonna take it break and when you're thinking about
that and we will be right back. Welcome back to
the but nice. It has been revealed that I have

been to a Super Bowl, which is really a waste.
You should be angry with me. Those tickets should go
to like a football fan.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
I mean this happens every year when when a big
artist performs at Super Bowl, all those fans go, hey,
I'm going to I'm going to the Beyonce, I'm going
to the Rolling Prints concert. Nsconser, Who was.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
Your favorite Super Bowl performer?

Speaker 1 (17:35):
See the earliest one I remember. I remember waking up.
I remember waking up to see new kids on the block.
That's excited, like in the middle, like I fell asleep
during the game because it was on late. You woke
up and that was the first one I remember. The
best one. I don't know. There's something about like there
was a Bruno Mars one that happened. He brought out
a it was like it was Bruno Mars and friends

but he did this whole big drum solo.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
And you remember that.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
I was just like, wow, that's pretty good. She was great.

Speaker 2 (18:07):
Lady Gaga was great. They're they're great.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
It's falling from the.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
Morning, jumping catching that football. Amazing. Okay, let's move on
with the show. Let's get to the polls. Last show,
we talked about Saphie Turner is suing Joe Jonas demanding
the kids be returned to England after being quote wrongfully
detained that strong language after their split. Should she get
the kids? Let's have a look. Wow, a whopping ninety

one percent said yes, she should get the kids. Don't
forget to vote on today's poll. It's another pole about
Sophie Turner. Do we think Hollywood is going to start
taking sides? Hey, go vote on at Twitter page at
Naughty Knights. Rob at Facebook page is naughty and be
sure to check back to Maraua to hear your results.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
And you don't vote no opinion.

Speaker 2 (18:56):
No opinion. Okay, let's do a niceist of the day.

Speaker 1 (19:02):
Let's let's talk a little intimacy. Rob Shooter. All right,
we all know Jay Shetty. He is a relationship expert,
life coach and he was. He was talking how there's
levels of intimacy and I think we all know that too,
from the slightest touch to you know, sleeping, sleeping in
different rooms after a fight, you know. So, Jay Shetty

was talking about two couples who watched TV together, which
you know, I'm sure a lot of people do. Uh,
they're engaging in the lowest form of intimacy that anyone
could possibly ask for. Now you would think, and here's
what he said, if you watch TV together for two
hundred hours a year, we would potentially be no closer
than we were before. He explained, If you're watching TV together,

I promise you that the relationship is not growing, which
is kind of true because you're not talking. It's like
going on a for a first date. You're not talking.
You're just hanging. You're sitting next to each other, maybe
holding hands at best. But yeah, he says. Contrary to
what he believes, the survey, though, said that sixty six
percent of the couple start they're connecting over good TV
brought them closer together and strengthen their bond.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
I like watching TV with my When you watch.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
A good show, you know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (20:11):
Shuld talk about it afterwards.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
Right, But when you're just like aimlessly going, hey, what's
on right now? Do you know what's on?

Speaker 2 (20:16):
It's passive, isn't it enacted? Something to think about? That
nicest of the day. I know it's the day no
norty Noughty. Prince Harry was denied a room at Windsor
Castle during his visit, so he asked if he could
stay at Windsor Castle. He doesn't have a house in
Britain anymore because he had to give up the keys
to Frogmore Cottage, so he said, can I stay at
Windsor Castle? And he was told no, Oh, come on,
there's lots of rooms there. Yeah, you can sleep on

the couch. Me see, I'm sorry. Do you see the
light outside?

Speaker 1 (20:43):
No vacancy?

Speaker 2 (20:44):
No me? Let's end of the murmur of the choice.
Test of a person's character is what they do when
nobody is watching. When people are watching me or you,
we might do the right thing, hopefully we do, but
it's what we do when nobody is watching. Today, when
you buy yourself, watch yourself, see what you do, and
then you'll know who you are. That's it for today.

Thank you so much for listening to The Naughty Bit
Nice with Robin Garrett Show, a production of iHeartRadio. Don't
forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, wherever
you listen, leave us a review if you can, and
remember altogether. Now, if you're going to be naughty, you
gotta be nice. Take over it is good.

Speaker 1 (21:26):
It's not even nice with bro
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