All Episodes

April 15, 2024 21 mins

Garrett and Rob get you caght up on what went on during the weekend! OJ Simpson Estate: The Goldmans Will Get “Zero, Nothing. Golden Bachelor; Gerry Turner Wanted Out of Marriage. Siri Cruise celebrates a BIG birthday! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Oh Shoots, it's hell no no, no, no, no no.
Welcome to the Naughty but Nice Show. I'm your host,
Ram Shooter. It's Monday, which means our dear friend Handsome
Garrett Vogel jo, I answer Bobby, Hello.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
Our I feel even though I did not go, I
feel like I was at Coachello this weekend just from
being tired and I feel dirty, so I listen to music.
It probably had a few drinks, so it was like
I was at Coachello, but I wasn't. But I looked
at it all on my Instagram feed.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
Oh yeah, it's I don't know if that's the best
way to start the week tired and dirty. But if
you're full of music and memories that didn't actually happen,
but nevertheless, talk to your therapist about that. Not me,
but if you're full of those happy memories. Sometimes I
get that I have to away from my Instagram because
I can scroll and scroll and scroll and get more
jealous and more jealous and more jealous, and I have

to remind myself that this is an edited version of
people's lives. It's not the reality. They only put the
highlights of Get out of Here. What But you forget
that when you sit there scrolling and scrolling and scroll.
I stop. Now. I give myself maybe ten minutes of scrolling,
and then I find myself more miserable than when I started.
So I stopped.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
Yes, no, and I put that filter on Instagram because
you can put You know, hey, they tell you pretty much, Hey,
why don't you step away from us for a little while?
White not but I mean Will Smith was on stage
with j Belvin and the Men in Black.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
Miss that Taylor Swift was there getting hugs in the crowd.
You can't miss that. I get it. I get it.
I get it. Okay, let's jump into at show and
hopefully give you all a good smile. You're gonna feel
better after listening to this. What time is it? My friends?
It is tea time. Big story. At the top of
the show, O J. Simpsons lawyers and executors of his

state are saying that they're going to fight to prevent
any money going to the gold Man family. So the
Goldman family was awarded thirty three point five million in
a civil suit, but OJ has not paid any of that.
I don't think it's bloomed up with interest to about
one hundred million dollars. Now. OJ's lawyer and executor of

his estate. His name is Malcolm. He is saying he's
doing interviews where he's saying, my hope is that the
Goldmans get zero, nothing, he said, and I want to
do everything in my capacity as the executor or personal
representative to try and ensure that they get nothing. Oh

that feels hard.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
So jerdy. And you know what, I think you might
have seen the story over the weekend too that OJ
sneakily over the last you know, dozen years, anything that
he did to make money, it was an all cash offer.
So nothing is technically on the book, so you can't
argue like, well he did this appearance, it was all
done in cash, like almost like a sleazy mafia movie

type storyline of like nothing exists on paper.

Speaker 1 (03:13):
He made no money, which implies that he did it deliberately.
He knew what he was doing. He was scamming the system.
He had this huge, huge financial settlement waged against him,
and he said, no, I'm just not going to pay.
It makes me so mad. I don't want to get
political on this show, but we've seen recently some big

political payouts, and I don't think the victims here will
ever see a penny just because you hear somebody gets
twenty million dollars or fifty million dollars nine times out
of ten. I'm told by my legal friends that you
never see any money. All you get are the press
releases and you get your name in the headlines and
you're vindicated because somebody now owes you all these millions.

But the chance of you getting them it's not good. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
No, the court of public opinion, you're either filthy rich
or super broke after a lawsuit like that, you know,
but the reality, like you said, it doesn't really happen.
You might get a sliver of something like that, or
you know, they set up, you know, an installment plan
for about you know, one hundred thousand years where you
get you know, fifty bucks a month or something like that,

but you don't get that. You'll never see one hundred
percent of that money ever because they'll get tied up
in court always.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
It makes me sad. Maybe I'm being naive here. I
have some girlfriends who have had child support from their
exes and the ex just stopped paying and they could
didn't think about it. My sister when she got her divorce,
there was meant to be some sort of child's payment,
and he just stopped paying after a couple of months,

and so for eighteen years, Christine paid all those bills herself.

Speaker 2 (04:53):
You hate to hear that. But on the other side
of it, where this OJ's story is, I mean, I
see the Goldman family maybe just going after the book
publisher that the book is at, because that's where you
got to just find them. It's weird to say find
the money trail, but anything that is, that's what it
is associated with him, that his estate is making money.

That's where you go after it. At the end of
the day.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
Yeah, yeah, I mean I think what's really difficult here
is what you said. That report is by Ollie Coleman,
a friend of mine. Hey, Olli hello, La Heloe. Listens
to the podcast. He's a brilliant reporter and it was
so eye opening. He said that OJ would basically sign
anything if you gave him cash. If you gave him
one hundred dollars, two hundred dollars, he would sign anything.

It didn't have to be football related. He'd sign a
baseball bat if you wanted to give him money, and
said that's really hard to trace. But there's got to
be a way. It's twenty twenty four. If we can
put a man on the moon, and if we can
now talk about maybe flying cars one day, there has
to be a way to trace this. Now I'm being here,

there's something.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
But just like the storyline of this OJ's life in general,
I believe the guy or maybe one of the members
of his estate who has said they're not getting an
ounce of money. Oh, J robbed him, you know, you
know years ago. Yes, the man that OJ robbed is
now protecting said man that is now passed away. Life

is so freaking weird at times.

Speaker 1 (06:23):
Right, right, people that that in a certle I would
hope that the executors who you choose, you pick the
executors of your estate. Pick me, Garrett, you can be
my executor, because I want somebody really decent in charge,
because when I go, I don't want to leave this
world in an awful way. I want to leave doing
the right thing. And it felt to me as if

till the very last minute, even if you believe OJ
is innocent, and I don't, but I know some of
the listeners, I know of people people that do. But
even if you believe that this was still a court
ordered mad thirty three point five million. You can't accept
one judgment and not the other. You've got to accept

both of them. So I accept he was found not guilty,
but I also accept in a civil court he was
found guilty and had to pay up and he didn't,
which brings us to our pole question of the day.
I can't wait to hear what you think about this.
Naughty is pole question of the day. Ojay's estate is
saying that the Goldmans will get zero nothing. Our question

is should the family fight? If you were the Goldman's,
would you fight or is this just another battler, you
picking the scab off the wound one more time. You're
probably never gonna see this money, but would you fight? Hey?
Go vote on our Twitter paycheck Naughty Knights rob Our
facebook page is Naughty Gossip and be sure to check

back tomorrow to hear your results. Hey, Garrett Love, what
are you?

Speaker 2 (07:57):
Let's talk about love or life? Thereof of course, Old
and Black Bachelor, remember them? I mean the first?

Speaker 1 (08:03):
I love the Old. I love people falling in love.

Speaker 2 (08:06):
They pretty much just redid the you know, they took
a different spin on the Bachelor, but with all grandma's
and grandpa's out there. So Jerry and Teresa they're not
they're not going to make it. They're they're getting a
divorce after what three months of engagement slash marriage. Yeah,
you know, Jerry wanted uh he wanted out of the

marriage right away, and Teresa not so much. And the
interesting thing was, you know the story that we're getting,
you know, uh force fed is distance. You know, like
she's in Jersey, he's in South Carolina. They both have
grandkids and family. And you know, normally when we talk
about the Bachelor and Bachelor right we're like, oh, whatever,

you know, they'll just end up on another reality show.
But you know, the age that these two are at,
you kind of like you want them together, you know
what I mean, Like, yeah.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
I wanted them to gat. I wanted them together. I
feel like a must have been tricked by them because
not only did they get together on the show, they
had a televised wedding. Yes, like at some point, wouldn't
you say to ABC, oh, maybe we should put that
wedding on hold just a little bit while we figured
this out. At all? They didn't they do that. I'm
told that they both were just so into the fame

of this, and I get it. I'm not putting that
down any person I think would be Suddenly this guy Jerry,
who nobody knew, is on the cover of magazines. He's
getting offers to go on Good Morning America and television shows,
and I think he really enjoyed it, only feared what
my sources are saying that if he didn't get married,
that would all just dribble away. But the problem is,

it's not about getting married. It's about the next day
and the next day. You don't have to be on
TV to do that. If you don't want to see
me a week after our wedding, then we probably shouldn't
get that.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
That's the part too, where I think people realize after
the fact that once the glitz and the glamor of
the beautiful, glorious wedding happens, you know, that's where reality
comes into play, even more so on these shows where
where cameras that that's Jerry emailing me. Now where cameras
are gone and it's just you and them, and you're like, wow,

we don't have to we don't have to whisper or
we don't have to play the camera. This is weird,
you know, like I think if the camera stayed with
them twenty four to seven, we might still have a marriage,
even though it might be for you. But here's the thing,
hear me out, ABC, I'm talking to you right now.
If you're working for ABC or near the production of
The Golden Bachelor, how dare you if you give us

Jerry for round two of He Needs to Find Love?
If you give that to us, I don't know to do.
You know when a friend gets married for the second
time and you're like, I want my money back? Like,
how do I get my money money from ABC?

Speaker 1 (10:43):
I want my hours back. I I was watching these
two forward enough. I watched the wedding. I was so
into these two. I actually bumped into them at an
event in New York, where, once again I was a
little suspicious. Have how much he was enjoying being a
celebrity there? I think they are and he seemed to
be talking to me more than he was Teresa, you
enjoyed the press well figular fag you very much. But

it just it makes me mad. I'm told ABC is
mad too. So don't worry, Garrett the all not not
only will he not be the Bachelor, again. I think
they're gonna kind of move on. You know how sometimes
they pretend that season didn't happen. They just sort of
keep Yeah.

Speaker 2 (11:21):
I think artist makes that won so many and they
make like a fulk album and you're like, what.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
That's all right, We're going to see his picture removed
from all the promotional materials. He will be disappeared. I
don't remember in the lobby of ABC, He'll be disappeared.
It's like if you go over to NBC now there
are no pictures of It's right, no, I don't remember you. Okay,

Moving along, Mega Markel had a very awkward request asking
a lady to not pose next to Prince Harry. So
she was captured on video. It's going around on social
media and she politely, let's be clear how she polightly
redirected a woman who was trying to stand next to
Harry to take a picture. They were at a polo match,

which is now their new Netflix thing. So we're going
to see them out at polo games a lot. I
believe they're in Palm Springs, spending seven thousand dollars a
night on a fabulous hotels and they're filming this. It
looks like it's going to be a real insight into
the world of polo, which is a very fancy, rich
person sport. However, after the match, they were doing some

photographs and who doesn't want a picture with Harry? So
a lady came over and came in for a picture.
It was a professional picture too. It was in front
of a step and repeat. It wasn't a selfie, and
Megan gently redirected the lady saying, quote, do you want
to come over here and stand next to me? Basically

and not Harry. And so Meghan was in the middle
of the picture. One side was Harry, one side was
this fan, this lady. But it does look a little bit.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
Old, but you know what it is credit to Megan
Markle for thinking outside the box, because what would happen?
You would get said photo? Like if it was me
and I was standing next to Harry and I just
maybe happened to like him a little bit, I would
crop out, Meghan, you know what I mean, like for
for Instagram, So like when you're posting it online, so
your friends go, oh, you met Harry and looks like

you two are dating, But look.

Speaker 1 (13:25):
At Megan's not Rob Shooter like that's a big star.
Like to crop that, beggar, it's like cropping a big star.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
But if you're a hungry if you're if you're someone
who is hungry for the attention, uh, to have a
photo to look like it's just you and Harry, even
though his wife is standing right next.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
To it, you know you're onto something, You're really onto something.
That's when I go to events. It's no, it's not.
When I get to events and I see celebrities, I
always try to be in the middle of the picture
so they can't crop me. Right, So if it's two
housewives and Rob shoote, I'm out of the picture. But
if it's a housewife, same thing at work.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
So if you ever take a work photo with anyone
group of photos, like oh hey Christmas, let's take a photo,
always be in the middle because you know what, they
may not forbid anything more to happen. That photo also
leaves with you, you know what I mean, Like they
can't post it anymore because you're no longer there.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
We're awful people, but we're telling the truth. Okay, before
we go to break big birthday news, Siri has turned
Siri Cruise eighty.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
Yes and It's interesting as she is now an adult
and it feels like she's still a kid like I
still you're Siri Cruise and you think of like a
little like five year old running around. She has turned eighteen,
but just like just like most of her life, she
still remains a strange from dad, Tom Cruise, and Katie
Holmes has even you know, has done the damnedest, hardest,

best job possible to make sure she keeps her daughter
just safeguarded, just from just the craziness of life, the
craziness of you know, being related to a megastar like
Tom Cruise, and just the life of scientology that she
she has no affiliation with, of course, and she just
wanted to make sure she was a normal child. And

it'll be interesting to see now that she's eighteen and
she does have some rights as an adult, does she
speak out on herself? Does she does she say anything
about her dad that you know, she really doesn't have
a relationship with. I think time will tell, but I
think Katie Holmes has done such a great job that
I don't think we will hear really anything about it,
just based off of the way Katie is raised. Series

so kind of interesting hopefully she has a great eighteenth birthday.
I mean, I don't even remember what I did for
my eighteenth birthday, but what did you do?

Speaker 1 (15:36):
I think I went out to the Dome nightclub in Birmingham,
England and dance to Madonna.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
I probably danced too, Probably not Madonna, but something.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Who would you dance to at eighteen? Who was your
POPSA bon Jovie? Well?

Speaker 2 (15:49):
No, well that was on the We're talking Britney Spears
and InSync and Reckney.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
Yes, Christina Aguilera, go out and dance, dance, dance. You're right,
we should point out Katie has done an incredible jar
raising sery by herself, like Tom has not been around. Okay,
we're going to take a quick break and we promise
we will be around in just a moment. Welcome back

to the Naughty but Nic Show and Rob Shoot with
our dear friend Garrett Vogel. Hey, Garrett, let's get to
the polls. Thank you, darlings. Last show we talked about
Chloe Kardashian. Social media has been inundated with condolences following
the death of O. J. Simpson, so people think maybe
that she is still the daughter of O. J. Simpson.

Remember all those rumors that Chloe is not really a Kardashian,
that Chris Jenna and the affair with oj Simpson. She
was friends with him, she was friends with Nicole and
that resulted in her baby. Our question was do you
think people were actually concerned for Chloe or were they
mocking her? It was hard to tell by the comments. Yeah, yeah,
it went, didn't it? And that's exactly what the naughties say.

Let's have a look here at oh sixty percent said
mocking though I think more people think mocking than genuinely concerned.
I think I'm probably with you. Don't forget to vote
on today's Paul will get an a Twitter page at
nase your Noise, rabore our Facebook page which is Naughty Gossip.
I'm be sure to check back tomorrow to hear your results.
And now I love this. It's time for any of

the day.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
Well did you get to see Ryan Gosling hosting snl
over the weekend?

Speaker 1 (17:28):

Speaker 2 (17:28):
It was? I had My stomach was hurting, like you
know when you laughed so much and you're just you
can't catch your breath and your stomach starts to hurt.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
It was.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
I had such a smile on my face watching Ryan
Gosling over the weekend. But the story that I want
to talk about is the fact that he just fits
into anything, from whether it's work life, including when he
first met his wife, Eva Mendez, his family, all according
to her, Eva's brother, Carlo, So Carlo Mendez was saying
that Ryan quickly integrated into the family and embraced the

Latin lifestyle and culture and elements, and you know, Carlo
mentioned that Gosling's fondness for salsa and Spanish and Cuban
aspects of their culture helped, you know, fit in seamlessly.
Especially I'm sure with the you know, with the elder
people in the family, mom, dad, uncle's aunts, you know who. Obviously,
you know, we're judging a little bit. But then once
seeing how open and you know, curious that Ryan probably was,

made it like even more welcoming. And Ryan's personality alone
on screen at least, it just seems like he is
the the guy next door that can also make you
laugh and also open the door for you, you know,
when you're coming out.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
So, yeah, he's a good guy. It's great. He's a good,
good guy. All the reports I hear from him is
just the best. It's important, isn't it fitting in to
your potential spouse's life, which means their family. Do you
fit in with their routine. Part of the success of
Bruce and I, my husband, is we do fit together.
Even though now we look very different to people, I

understand that I grew up in a very similar way.
Our families were both working class kids, and we worked
hard and we hustled for our success, and I think
was really handed to either one of us. I know
Bruce's family's store because it's the same as my family store.
As different countries, but there's a familiarity there. How about
you and your wife?

Speaker 2 (19:19):
No, definitely, Well, so my wife's family is very Italian
and so uh, you know, wanting to fit in as well.
The amount of pasta and salmon. Like, I was never
a fish guy. I never liked sushi whatever, but they
love sushi and they love salmon. My father in law
now would cook salmon almost like twice a week and delicious, yes,

but it is delicious. But when you have salmon for
almost like a year straight, two to three times a week,
you get sick of it. But I couldn't say this,
but salmon I have PTSD when he says, hey, you
want to have some.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
This is the nicest of the day garage, but ultimately
overall you fitted beautifuy. Okay, listen at Naughty is the Day? Naughty, Naughty, Naughty. O. J.
Simpson's book If I Did It has skyrocketed to number one.
There is nothing more to say about that, and naughtyous
that the day. Let's end with a moment of rum. You're
get to Robbie, rubb good room. You don't lose your motivation.

What you lose is focus on why you are fighting
for this. So remind yourself all the time. Why are
you doing this? If you wanna lose some weight, why
are you doing it? If you want to go back
to school? Why are you doing it? In life? If
you can figure out the why, the fight gets a

lot easier. Hey, that is it for today. Thank you
so much for listening to The Naughty but Nice with
Robin Garrett Show, a production of iHeart Radio. Don't forget
to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app Apple podcast. Wherever you listen,
leave us a review if you can, and remember all together. Now,
if you're going to be naughty, you gotta be nice.

Take care of everybody pipare it's it's not even nice
with bro
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