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October 2, 2023 20 mins

Within minutes of the Senate Feinstein passing, phones “lit up” with speculation that
Meghan Markle might look to be appointed to fill the seat. Sophie Turner picked an
interesting dinner spot for her girl’s night out with Taylor Swift. Things seemingly got tense between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck while the two drove around Los Angeles.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Sure, it's it's.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Welcome to be nice. I'm your host shoot Out every Monday.
We are lucky enough to have our dear friend Garrett
Vague or join us.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
Hey Garrett there, Hello, good morning, rap Shooter. How tired
are you because you stayed up to watch one Sunday
night football? American football for those listening across the pond,
you know, not soccer, but for one reason and one
reason only, rap Shooter. First off, how do you feel?

Speaker 2 (00:40):
You're absolutely right? I think I've got a new hobby.
I loved it.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
I loved it.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
It's the first football game I've watched in its entirety.
Now being in America, you can't get away from this game.
It's everywhere. It's very exciting. And the Super Bowl every
year is so thrilling because of the commercials and Beyonce
performing or whoever it may be. But last night Taylor
Swift turned up. We're going to jump into the show

and that's going to be our first story, Garrett, because
that's all anybody is talking about. Hey, what time is it?
My friends time? Absolutely, I feel like it's her world
and we just live in it. So a few details.
So we spotted Taylor turn up at seven forty five.
The game I think started about eight point fifteen, so

about half an hour before she got there. That's a
good time to arrive, I think. Get up to your box,
get yourself a drink, sit down. Half an hour's plenty.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
That is what us normal people would love to do
at a game, you know what I mean? Like, just
show up right before the game, avoid traffic, and sit
down and no problem, not have a problem scanning our tickets.
Taylor Swift literally could pull up ten minutes before a game,
no problems, getting into the stadium, walk through security aimlessly,

and there she is right kick off starts.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
Got it? So that wouldn't happen for everybody else. I've
not been to a live football game. I saw it
on TV last night. But if I was going to
go with you next Sunday, we'd have to get there
a little early, is what you say?

Speaker 1 (02:08):
No, Like, so if the game was at eight o'clock,
Rob Shuter, we'd be leaving around like three or four o'clock. Traffic, right,
you know traffic? Yeah, And then on top of that,
it's a stadium, you know, so there's at least twenty
five to thirty thousand parking spots. Oh, and you have
to find the parking spot where you could get out

of the parking lot where you're not sitting in it
for another hour and an other hour.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
Yeah, when I left the Taylor Swift concert at the
same venue, took like about an hour to get out
of the place. So Taylor turned up just before she
entered with spotted video she entered. This is very interesting,
Ryan Reynolds. That's her good friend, Break Lively is really
her best Hugh Jackman and we also spotted Sophie Turner,

who she's been hanging out a lot with since the
split with Joe Jonas all so too. We spotted her brother.
Her brother was there, Austin and Sabrina Carpenter, who I
believe is a Disney star who's going to be opening
up for Taylor in the UK. That's a good posse.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
Yes, oh, very strong, And you know me, I'm more
I like the B level, like behind the scenes type people,
so I kind of look past the celebrities and see
who else is there. So the director of Dead Paul
was there with Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds. Because as
we know, the strike is coming to an end very soon.

Which means production starts to ramp up again, and Hugh
Jackman and Ryan Reynolds go back overseas to finish Dead
Paul three.

Speaker 2 (03:39):
Oh that makes sense now, Hugh Jackman and Taylor, that's
a new combination. We've not seen that before. Now, hughes
going through a divorce, and I'm told he's really leaning
on his friend Ryan Reynolds. They're really close. They've been
spotted out walking around New York. So I think Ryan invited.
Hugh Blake was invited by Taylor, and I think Taylor invited.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
So Fee Turner, do you think at one point, after
a few drinks, because you know, when you drink, you
start to play matchmaker, Taylor goes, Sophie, have you met
my friend Hugh?

Speaker 2 (04:10):
Hugh, Sophie, that's a rumor to stuff, right, though, maybe
we did see them.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
I like this.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
They did have to go through security, so we saw
Taylor Swift go through a metal detector. She had to
put her coat in the bin and her bag. She
had to open her bag. So I love that. Now
he arrived, Kelsey arrived much earlier, so the players get
there much earlier. Just some information here that I find riveting.
This is the impact of Taylor Swift on this NFL,

on everything around him? His jersey has increased four hundred percent.

Speaker 1 (04:46):
You know, they're calling it the Taylor Swift economy.

Speaker 2 (04:48):
It's the economy. So not just that I have more
facts here. The ticket price to this game once it
was announced that she was gonna be there, Garrett, it
jumped forty Now inside, as are saying, the NFL is
loving this because it's an attracting a younger female audience
that they've had a little bit of trouble getting well.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
Just in general. Yes, because they just rely on the
Super Bowl. And and that's why everybody's like, why are
they going all these pop stars for the Super Bowl?
Because they're trying to find that audience that normally doesn't
come in during the regular season. Now this is now.
Are they leaning into someone's relationship? Yes? And is Taylor
Benning benefiting from it? One hundred percent? Because if you

if you realize the game was on NBC last night,
so right, you know, they did a big intro with
with Carson Dally's voice explaining everything about about football and
Taylor Swift and you know, but but also think about it,
you know, look behind the curtain very Wizard of oz ESK.
That was a commercial for the voice. It was a voice,

it was you know. And then after the first commercial break,
you know, they go straight to Taylor Swift because that's
where the most people are watching them for a few minutes.
What comes on right after that first commercial break Taylor
Swift's movie that comes out in a week from this Friday.

Speaker 2 (06:11):
Genius. It's all so genius.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
I'm getting played, but I also hope we're not getting
pleaded you now, I.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
Think what I would say here is we're not getting played,
but both sides are using this to their advantage and
it does benefit both sides. And I argue in life,
the relationships, just your personal relationships, your business relationships, any
relationships are the strongest when both sides benefit. When I'm
only benefiting and you're not, it doesn't work. But if
we both benefit, this will work. We have more details.

So she was spotted leaving the game separately from her
boyfriend Travis. So he was spotted leaving the locker room
to the MetLife Stadium without Taylor. He got on a
buzz with the rest of the team at She was
spotted leaving locked arms in arms with Sophie Turner. It
looked to me as if Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, and

Blake Lively were in a separate car. So Taylor left
with with Sophie. Last week, if you remember, Travis and
Taylor departed the game to get.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
I Got this one for you, Rob Shooter. So it's
a little bit easier because last week they were in
Kansas City, and you know, Travis lives there, so he
could drive to work essentially to the stadium, and that's
why they could, you know, literally drive away in their
getaway car. A little bit different when you're on the road.
You know, he he flies on the on the team
the team jet with the whole team, they go to

what they go to the team hotel. They're on the
bus together. His bags are literally at the hotel. So
so to show favoritism, Taylor can't hop on the bus
with the team, you know what I mean, like the
the you know, Patrick Mahomes can't be kicked off the
bus because Taylor needs a seat, So the whole team
literally goes in there. You know who else is benefiting

from this whole relationship, Patrick Mahomes's wife. Patrick mahomes wife
who no more than a year ago. Was the bane
of the Internet's existence, in the sense of being the
Internet's evil villain. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
The Internet really treated her, terror.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
Her and Patrick Mahomes's brother, who I'm sure is just
dying to get close to any of those people in
that box. But Patrick Mahomes's wife has gone from evil
villain to Internet darling in a matter of a week
because she went out to dinner. She want to have
dinner with them on Friday, with Blake Lively, We're talking.
She went from just being a football wife to an

A lister to almost being a part of the A
List group with Hake Lively, Sophie Turner, Blake, Taylor Swift,
and then Brittany. Brittany Mahomes.

Speaker 2 (08:41):
Yeah, yeah, I didn't know her name until now, So
that's that's certainly true. Let's let's give with a few
details of what happened at the actual game. So I
love this. So we spotted Taylor in a v IP box.
This is four months since she has been at that stadium.
In fact, I was there four months ago to see her.
At one point, she flashed that hearts symbol she makes
with her two hands to the adoring crowd. That was adorable.

Speaker 1 (09:04):
YouTube TV so that here's another, here's another how we
got played. But I think they're leaning into the whole
Taylor Swift thing. So if you have YouTube TV, you
know you could scrawl like so if you watch and
the little the little button wasn't a circle as I'm
showing you on the zoom. It was an emoji of
the heart, just like Taylor Swift last night. So even
YouTube TV because was falling in love with it.

Speaker 2 (09:26):
Clever, clever. We spotted her speaking to Brittany in the box,
also to his mom, Donna, and at one point it
did look as if Taylor was explaining the rules to
Blake Lively, who seemed a little bit confused.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
That was because her husband is super into football. With
this buying of rexims.

Speaker 2 (09:47):
And a lovely, lovely game, congratulations, I'm so into this.
I might even buy one of those jerseys. Okay, Moving along,
there was speculation over the weekend that Megan Markle would
replace Dianne Feinstein. So the senator passed away at ninety
years old, one of the lions of the Senate, and
the Internet lit up within minutes saying, Meghan Markle wants
that seat. Now, we don't have any evidence that Meghan

reached out to Gavin Newsen. He is the governor of
California and he will appoint somebody. But sources are saying
a top Democratic insider said Meghan is definitely a long shot.
But in the craziness of the US politics these days,
it's not impossible. Where we have found out just this morning,
it is not Meghan Markel. It is EMI list's presidents

Lafonza Butler, who is somebody actually that we should have
known about because Davin Newson pledged he would select a
black woman to fill Feinstein's seat if it became open.
Butler will be the first black woman in the US Senate.
I think it's probably a good thing it's not Meghan Markel.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
Oh. If it was Meghan Markle, I mean I think
the world would just explode at that point where where
like literally everybody's heads would just be like the emoji
where your brain is just going, you know. But but hey,
look look at Arnold. Arnold did it?

Speaker 2 (11:06):
You know, Don Reagan, Donald Trump.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
You know, it's not impossible, but you have to start somewhere.
You just can't be like, well, I'm married into this
you know that is not the That is not the
fast pass ticket to become governor or or any type
of political seat. You need. You need to do something
you need.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
You can't be built up here resume a bit built
up if you listen and built up, you resme, which
brings us that whole question of the day, Senator Megan
Markle Good idea or bad idea? Go vote on Twitter page,
at Facebook page shake back tomorrow. Hey, what are you
working on? Garrett?

Speaker 1 (11:43):
Sophie Turner? Turner dined with Joe Jonas at Joe Jonas's
ex favorite restaurant for a girl's night out. If that
is not little Uh, you know, we're just talking about
going Telshoft going out to dinner with Blake Lively and
Brittany Mahomes. Uh, you know, before the big football game
this week, and they went to Emilio's bateello in soho Fact,

which not too far from Taylor Swift's house slash Sophie's
you know, rented apartment, I guess you could say. And
Blake Lively lives in the city too, so and and
Brittany Mahomes was in town for the game. So you know,
it's quite the squad. You know, Taylor has this way
of building these these clicks, these strong female clicks, does

you know, And it's almost like the Avengers. She finds
a way to assemble them and then all of a
sudden they all become powerful in their own right. And
in a simple dinner where it's just I'm sure they
you know, like hey what you you know?

Speaker 2 (12:39):

Speaker 1 (12:39):
Did you do you see that thing online? I bought it?
You know, a simple conversation. But to us, they are
just these powerful women. I love exactly.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
I love seeing them there. The point of it is there,
which I think is so interesting. This is Joe Jonas's
favorite restaurants. He's on the record saying this is my
favorite restaurant in New York. His friends with Emilio, the owner,
the family works there. He's even recommended the chicken Parmesan.
Now a few little tips here. They don't take reservations,
although I'm guessing wink wink they would for Taylor Swift
or Sophie Turner. And you can't go with many people

because the tables only really hold for so maybe this
is why Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds were not invited.

Speaker 1 (13:16):
You think they went to the bar. They were sitting
outside in the car.

Speaker 2 (13:19):
They could get it. What do you think about this?
When you break up, you often have to split up
your friends. Do you also have to split up your
favorite restaurants, your places to go?

Speaker 1 (13:28):
Well, I tell you Rob once, once we end our friendship,
I don't know who's going to get Scato's either you
or me.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
We'll have to do will have to figure it out,
okay quickly before we got to break I love this story.
So Travis, it's been a Taylor Swift day. Travis spent
the night at Taylor's apartment. He was started leaving about
eleven a m. Just before his big game, so the
relationship is really heating up. We didn't see him arrive
at the apartment Saturday evening, but about eleven am we

sported him. Some people would call it the walk of shame.
I'm not sure. He looked like he was shameful, and
he certainly wasn't walking. He left her parking garage in
her black Range Rows. It was her car. She was
not driving, but it was her car that took him
to the hotel. Yeah, I would have to get you
a yellow taxi. Did This is interesting that the night

before a big game. He was at Taylor's house. Now,
had they lost, they didn't, everybody would have blamed Taylor.

Speaker 1 (14:31):
Oh you know, it's eventually gonna happen. And when it does,
just realize, if you're blaming Taylor Swift for a loss
of almost forty grown professional sports athletes, you two are
the problem. Okay, Like like you look yourself in the
mirror and go, you're right. I shouldn't be blaming a

female for distracting a guy like, no.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
No, it's his. Okay, we're going to take a quick break.
We're not going to get distracted, and we will be
right back. Welcome back to the middle. A nice sham
shoulder with our dear friend Garrett.

Speaker 1 (15:07):

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Hey, Garrett, let's get to the poll. Thank you very much, Darling.
That show we talked about Harry and Meghan on a
very secret vacation with their last royal friends. These two
can just disappear when they want to. What do you
think should they disappear a little bit more? Are they
over exposed? Let's have a look. Oh seventy percent said yes,

maybe it's time for Meghan and Harry just to disappear
a little bit. Don't forget to vote on today's pole,
go to at Twitter page at Naughty Nice rob Our
facebook page is noughty Goncy of Hanby. Sure to check
out tomorrow to hear your results. And now it's time
for our nicest of the day.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
All right, Well, I can't make any reasoning for Beyonce
dating Travis Kelcey in the near future, but Beyonce is
doing just like Taylor Swift did bringing her tour to
the movie theaters.

Speaker 2 (16:03):

Speaker 1 (16:04):
So not only did both women pretty much just save
the the economy with their summer tours, but Taylor's bringing
her tour to the to the movies in about a
week and a half. Beyonce in talks to bring her
Renaissance World Tour to the big screen December first. According
to Variety, she's developing, she's been doing, She's developing this

idea for years, and we will see the visual album
along with the tour, and it's going to be interesting
to see if Beyonce can pick up where Taylor Swift
leaves off at the movie theater and just like the
two women did during the summer, can they carry this
through the winter and save the save the movie industry? Essentially?

Speaker 2 (16:45):
Yeah, I'm really into this. These these shows are so
expensive to go to and they're really difficult to even
get a ticket forget if you've got the money that
I think taping them a they last forever. If they're
on film and b it means a lot more people
can actually get to see these incredible shows. I'm really
into this. I did not go to the Beyonce show.

I went to the Taylor Swift one, and I'm really
looking forward to it. So I love that they're doing this.
Madonna did it. I think she did a documentary a
long time ago, twenty years ago about her tour, and
for a lot of people that was the only way
they could ever see a Madonna show. So I'm all
for it. And nicest of the day now and naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty.
Bethany Frankel is lashing out, calling Andy Cohen gross.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
The hand that fed you.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
Yeah, he really did, so she's bit him a couple
of times. Now she's really going in. She had a
conversation with Nini Lenks. Nini Lynx accused one time Andy
Cohen of being a racist, So these two together are
an explosive combination. And then Bethany said The last time
I went on his show, Watch What Happens Live, I
was with my daughter and he was asking these questions like, quote,

who's the ugliest housewife? And she was like, this was
so toxic and wrong. Well, we looked back and the
last time Bethany was on his show, he did not
ask that. He didn't ask those questions. He's andy, cheeky.
Is he naughty? Does he push the envelope? Absolutely?

Speaker 1 (18:09):
Yes? But yeah, you know, you can't have your cake
and eat it too in the reality show world, you
know what I mean, Like, you can't go what is
this world that I live? And this is what I
to me?

Speaker 2 (18:19):
And I just walked up shopped about this. You flip tables,
you you you spat on one another in an episode
of the Real House. You pull each other's hair, and.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
You call each other the sea word.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
It's a really it's a says pool of which you
were part of.

Speaker 1 (18:35):
I love all.

Speaker 2 (18:36):
Maybe I don't love how Bethany is trying to like
dissociate herself with ten years of her life.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
One person, guess who could save Bethany?

Speaker 2 (18:45):
Tell me who?

Speaker 1 (18:46):
Taylor Swift?

Speaker 2 (18:47):
Taylor? Can you imagine if Bethanie turned up in Taylor
Swift's onto Rage. Oh my goodness, what I thought. Let's
said with a moment, be successful by learning to be prepared.
When I'm the most successful, it's because I'm the most prepared.
You have to do the work behind the scenes. This morning,

I'm going to shoot up town to go on Good
Day to York with our friend Rosanna. I did the work.
I've got my notes and in the car. It takes
thirty forty minutes to get uptown in rush hour. I
will read little cards. I will read my notes. Be prepared.
Anybody that pretends they are not prepared when they are
successful is not telling you the truth. You have to

do the work.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Hey, are you trying to win points with Rosanna in
case we get divorced? So I know what you're doing it.
You know, I think you're prepared. You're prepared.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
You're being a little bit cheeky here because you're prepared, Garrett.
When you are prepared, you're successful.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
It's that easy. Agree.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
Now, we try to make this podcast look as effortless
as possible, and I think we're successful in that, but
we do come prepared. Hey, that is it for today.
Thank you so much for listening to The Naughty but
Nice with Rob and Garrett Show, actually of iHeartRadio. Thank you,
don't forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast.
Wherever you listen, leave us a review and remember Taylor
Swift if you're listening, singer long. If you're going, you've

got a to be yes, okay down.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
Anybody don't sing me, you might have to pay. It's
not even nice with Roun
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