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April 22, 2024 20 mins

Taylor Swift made headlines after she liked an unofficial ranking of her past and present boyfriends, with Travis Kelce claiming the top spot ahead of her other exes.
After facing scrutiny and worry from fans regarding his notably lean appearance and
gaunt face, Scott Disick is said to be taking steps to prioritize his health. In an exciting reunion, all five members of the iconic Spice Girls came together over the weekend to celebrate former bandmate Victoria Beckhams 50th birthday in style.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Oh sure, Hello, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lo and Lo. Hello.
Welcome to the Naughty but Nice Show. I'm your host,
Rob Shooter, and it is Monday, which means our dear friend,
Garrett Vogel joins us.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Hey, Garrett, are you there? Bobby? Hello? How is it
already Monday? I mean it feels like we were just
getting ready to celebrate the weekend and uh and and
here we are yet again. It's it's like groundhog days.
We wake up and we're like, wow, I feel like
I've been here before, right.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
I've been here before. But it's a good place to be.
I love a Monday. I have a little bit of
a cold today, Natise, if you are a little bit
concerned about me sniffling away, I'll try not to sniffle
on the show.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
But you've had a very busy weekend. I mean you've
been galivanting throughout New York City with you know, Barry
Manilo's in town and he's here. Yeah, he's left. But
I seem to open up the paper, the newspaper in
New York and scroll on my timeline and there is
like almost every two pictures there's a there's an article

or a photo of Barry Manilow, and I know one
man who is behind most of those photos, and that
is one Rob Shooter. So I didn't know. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
People think I'm much more involved in the Barry machine
than I really am. It's a machine. He is a superstar,
and so he has an amazing team about him. So
to be honest, he I gotta be I gotta tell
the truth. I'm just along for the ride. I do
very little apart from sit there and giggle and clap
and have a good time, which is a lovely thing

to be with him.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
We were each you some tea and honey, and you'll
you'll get back out there and you'll you'll be on
stage performing with Barry tonight a radio city, music.

Speaker 1 (01:52):
Hall, radio city. Maybe not that, but I thank you
for the TK. Let's jump into the show. What time
is it, my friends? It is speak tea time. So
a lot of Taylor Swift news at the top of
the show. If you've been living under a rock, she
has a new album. Out of surprised people because it
is a double Some people say in a triple album

over thirty songs, or released it once. I don't know
anybody else in the music business who releases this amount
of new material that I am excited to hear, I'm
excited to experience.

Speaker 2 (02:24):
And it's successful, you know what I mean. Like, so
some artists, you know, go, I've written ninety seven songs.
You know, I have a conspiracy about the ninety seven
songs thing. So many artists go, I've written ninety seven songs,
specific number, specific right. So a few artists and they
knew who they are, have said that over the last
two years. Maybe, But Taylor has managed to put out

songs where she knows her fans will gravitate towards. And
the great thing is Taylor is growing just like her fans.
You know, there's a lot of parents out there that
are shocked and called that a thirty thirty some odd
year old woman could say the F word in a song.
She's not singing to your teenage daughter anymore growing up too, right,

She's singing to She's singing to the woman that she
is and was in the previous you know years, singing
about the songs that we're listening to over the last weekend.
So if you are offended by Taylor Swift saying the
F word, you might want to rethink things. In life long. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (03:25):
Yeah. And if Taylor Swift is not a good role
model for our kids, I don't know who is. She's
pretty great. But we have some really fun stories about
the album. So Taylor liked an unofficial boyfriend ranking that
put Travis Kelcey at the top. And they ranked all
the guys everybody from Jake Chillenhall remember him, Tom Hidleston,

I remember him, Calvin Harris, and at the very very
top came Travis at the bottom, that Joe Alwyn and
Matt Healey. So Taylor liked this unofficial ranking. She knows
what she's doing here, and I think she's probably telling
the truth. I don't think there's any shade here. Taylor's
had some great boyfriend, She's had some bad ones, haven't

we all. We've all had that one guy. We've all
had that one girl whose bottom of our list. Now
most of us might not say it, but if somebody
else did, we might agree. What do you think?

Speaker 2 (04:19):
Oh yeah, no, And looking at this list too, you
know the top of the list. She has a type.
I think she likes tall guys. You know, she is
tall herself, so I think she likes people that are
of her height. Or maybe even a little taller Joe
and Matt healea little on the scrawny side.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
That's interesting. I didn't do it on physical I did
it on how they treated her. But you might have
a point there too.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
I like that too. That as well.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
I like too On the album that Taylor, which I
thought was quite interesting, seems to be taking another swipe
at Kim Kardashian. So there's a song on the album,
and it's very clever how Taylor has capitalized the title
track to spell out the word Kim.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
That's some Amy, thank you Amy.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
That's right, that's the something I say. Some people are
saying this is about Kim Kardashian. It looks pretty obvious
to me. She also in the lyrics points out to
a spray tand bully. Now Kit has not responded my Kim.
Sources tell me that she probably won't that as far
as Kim's concerned, this is in the past. Plus, Kim
knows this is not a battle she's gonna win, so

it's easier to just get away from this. But Taylor
still has feelings about Kim Kardashian.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
Of course, and I love the ultimate swipe. Though I'm
gonna make this song and only you and I will
know about it. So when you're when your kids come
home singing the song, they're going to be singing it
about you? What an alt like? What an ultimate long
term play for something? You know? Like, I'm not gonna
worry about you right now in about five years when

your kids are singing this song. Just you know what
I wanted to know though, Rob, because you being a
former publicist, like, let's put yourself into Kim mused. Obviously,
Kim is not waking up at midnight on Friday to oh,
listen to Taylor's double album. So obviously Friday morning, Saturday.
Maybe even you're Kim's publicist, how do you break the

news to kid?

Speaker 1 (06:12):
Oh ah, you just say it this sort of stuff
you just say. I mean, let's be honest. Kim has
had worse news broken to her. I remember a very
explicit tape than this. So Kim actually is pretty good.
I think with with not great news. And I think
when Taylor puts out an album, if you're Kim and
Kim smart, Kim must think, oh gosh, what is going

to be revealed? Because I'm told that feud, that drama,
there is far more layers to it. Initially, we all
blamed Kanye West. Remember that moment at the MTV Awards
when he interrupted her, So we all blamed Kanye for
a long time. I'm told Kim was very much part
of this in Taylor. Taylor is not not moving on.

She also too in this amazing collection of songs, she
seemed to talk about her struggles with alcohol. This was
something that came out of the blue. Now, we don't
know if the song is a direct reflection of Taylor's
own journey or if it's just part of her creative
license while writing a song, although a lot of her
songs are about her, and so I think we should

take this as maybe an indication that Taylor did have
some struggles.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
And I think we've kind of all poked fun out
of it in a degree, not knowing the severity of it.
But you've seen her at award shows holding a glass,
you know, drinking, you know, having a good time, and
we just chalked it up to just tailor having fun,
you know. But in the song, obviously she is opening
up a little bit saying that you know, she was
just she was very good at drinking and she realized

that it was a problem.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
Yeah, yeah, she could cover it up. She was a
high functioning maybe alcoholic. But now everything is good. And
I love this song too on the album Nothing to Avenge,
she's off bring insights into how cathartic it was to
make this album, and she really thinks that now she's
spoken about the past, now she can move on. She's

told her story about Joe Alwin, she's told her story
about alcohol, she's told her story about Kim Kardashian. So
don't worry about Taylor here. She's in a really, really
good place. The songs on this album were all recorded
months ago, they were written like years ago. So she's
now in a place where she can look back at
her past have some closure. And I think we're all

glad about that.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
But you know, it's funny though, just like as we
watch reality shows and think like, oh, this was taken
last week, months ago, like the batcheler, like you know
what I mean. So it's like Taylor got it off
her chest when she probably finalized this album, right, So
like she's moved on. But the problem is the bazillion
of Taylor fans just now getting this experience this, So

it's almost like they're reopening and the wound yes after
Taylor has you.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
Know, yeah, it's a time laps there isn't it. So
Taylor's doing fine, which brings us to our whole question
of the day. Taylor liked an unofficial ranking of her
boyfriends that put Travis Kelcey at the top. Is this
funny or is this petty? I'm getting a lot of
response about this from my friends. Some of my friends

are from the school where they don't talk about past relationships,
particularly bad ones, and they try really hard not a
bad knife ex lovers. Taylor here has taken a different approach. Now,
she wrote these songs. She did not do the ranking.
Let's be clear here. It was a different outlet that
did the ranking. But she saw it and she liked it.

What do you think funny or petty? Go vote on
our Twitter page at Naughty Nice rob Our facebook page
is Naughty Gossip and be sure to check back tomorrow
to hear your results. Take Garret, what are you working
up there?

Speaker 2 (09:56):
Well? I mean it was pretty obvious. But Scott dissick,
or as some like to say, a lord, you know,
I was gonna name my son lord based but it
didn't happen, Thank god. Uh so Scott stopped taking ozempic
amid public concern over the weight loss. We've seen the
pictures online and Scott pretty much said he's taking steps

to prioritize his health. It was rumored that he was
taking ozembicu, you know, the medication that pretty much every
celebrity out there has jumped on over the last I
guess a year, and yeah, maybe a little longer for
weight loss. I know you've had a problem just walking
into cvs to get cold medicine because everybody out there
getting ozempic. But but yeah, so Scott dis you know,

you know, normally when we talk about anyone in that
Kardashian umbrella, they usually just do their own thing. But
this time Scott disk is actually listening to people.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
Well and here, I mean, the pictures were alarming, and
I think we all found maybe a lot of us
fantasized about losing a little weight here and there. What
people don't realize too, particularly when you get older, is
you lose a lot of weight in your face and
it almost looks like wasting. So where your big beautiful
cheeks are right now, they will be quite hollow, where

your eyes are They look really sunken into your head. So,
although Scott might have the six pack abs he always
desired and that perfect waste that he always wanted, you
can't do that and not do the face. It all
goes together in the body. Our bodies are all connected.
And so I think he was really concerned about these photographs.

I saw them. I gasped. He looked actually quite sick.
I thought something was wrong. I was really worried about him.
It looks like it's the weight lost drug. And I'm
glad that he least has been able to see it.
Some people go down a rabbit hole, don't they, where
they don't even see it.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
Yeah, And then you feel weird being that friend going hey,
ye you okay, you know yeah where you know, especially
in Hollywood, where I think we all know that it's
a lot of yes people, yes, friends, you know, yes, yeah, no,
I'll help you. Yeah. No one's gonna ever tell it.
No one's gonna say. And if you do that, friend,
could I think that friend might fear like I might

get cut off from.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
These thenc they probably would, yeah.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
You know, but but it's for his own health.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
A friend of mine had her lips done, and she
overdid them and they looked ridiculous. And when I saw her,
I was gentle, but I did notice them, and she
burst out laughing, saying, I've been waiting for somebody to
confirm what I know. She said, I've been looking at
them and I knew they're awful, but I've got to
let them dissolve. But she said, of all the friends,

you're the only one who's actually been brave enough to
mention it. Do it in nice ways if you see it,
but do it in a kind way. Okay, this story
makes me a bit sad. So Hugh Jackman's behavior is
raising concerns amid his breakup from Deb so Hu and
Deb were together for decades. They've broken up, and now
inside his friends are a little bit worried about him.

His odd social media posts, his cryptic comments, his behavior.
He's acting in a way that is very unlike Hugh Jackman,
and that people are worried that he's trying to socialize
with a younger crowd has shifted his demeanor. Do you
see this happen If you've had a friend or even
maybe yourself, who've been with somebody for a long time,

and that relationship ends and suddenly they become a different person,
and not always a better person.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
Well, you know, I also think that it could be
the fact that, again, like you're in a relationship for
so long, you kind of you have your certain set
of ways. You know. It's it's like getting back out
out there. You know, the world has changed a little
bit and you just got to kind of, you know,
find your footing, you know. So let's think of it
as like him, Hugh Jackman, like a baby deer right now,
trying to learn how to walk, you know, like it's

a lot awkward at first, but he'll get right. But
you know what, you know what I'm excited about later
on today, that being Monday, the twenty second that Hugh
Jackman and Ryan Reynolds big long trailer for Wolverine and
Deadpool comes out. So I'm excited for that. Yeah. I
think this is going to kind of give you that

little boost of confidence that he might be looking for.

Speaker 1 (14:20):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, And I think too, as long as
Ryan Rendalls is in his life, he was going to
be Okay, Ryan's a good, good guy. Okay, quickly, before
we get to break.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
What's happening with the Spice girls getting back together this
over the weekend. It put a big smile on my face.
I don't know if it did the same for you,
I'm sure for anybody that saw it. But can you
believe Victoria Beckham is fifty years old? I can't. It
doesn't it doesn't feel right. I still look at her
as like, you know, she's the twenty two year old
taking over the world and spicing up my life. But

you know, they celebrated a big birthday and of course
all of the Spice girls were in attendance. And the
great thing was David Beckham was the ultimate fan. He
was like almost front row as they were on stage
and they were singing stop and for Victoria's birthday, and
it just it it kind of almost transformed me back

to like the day of like me too. That's just
wise girls right there. And then of course it starts
the rumors. You know, it's like, are we finally going
to get that reunion tour? Do they do it? And
they probably will, and then Melby again, we'll you know,
back out their last second, Victoria will like no, not
for me, and then we'll be back to where we
started again and have to wait until like their seventy
fifth birthday, right right, But it's so much fun to

see David, you know, enjoying himself watching his wife perform
with her, you know, someone that she grew up with.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
So yeah, David was the hero here. And David's probably
the only person in the world that could have pulled
this off. It was his encouragement that made them do it.
They don't do this, They never get up and do this,
even in private, private functions. And so I love the
fact we got to see it. It brought me right called.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
You think David called all the.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
Yesen, David did all the invited David, David, David.

Speaker 2 (15:58):
He's like to perform like it's a Vigny's birthday.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
I think it's all David. I think it's all. This
stuff doesn't just happen. They had five microphones. It looked fabulous,
it sounded fabulous. Okay, we're gonna take a quick break
and we will be right back. Welcome back to the
Norsey but nicer, un rub shoot of the different Garrett
Vogel heck.

Speaker 2 (16:21):
Out, Let's get to the polls.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
Last show, we talked about Prince Harry officially renouncing British
residency and declaring that United States is this new country.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
Us one of us.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
He lives here. Is this the right move or the
wrong move? Let's have a look or seventy five percent
said it's the right move. His life now is in America.
It's with Meghan, with his family. He can still love
the United Kingdom, he can still love Britain and England,
but now his life is in America. Okay, don't forget
to vote on today's pole at Twitter page had naughty

nights rob at Facebook. He just naughty gossip and be
sure to check back tomorrow to hear your results. And
now it's time for our nicest of the day.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
I mean, how can we not talk about her? We
started the show and let's end the show with her.
Tailor Swift every chart known to person, including iTunes charts
with record breaking release of the Tortured Poets Department. By
the way, I feel like I'm more sophisticated hearing the
words Tortured Poet's Department. I feel like very classic. I
like it very classy. But so as of right now,

Taylor and these numbers probably will only go up. Taylor
Swift currently occupies an impressive forty eight out of the
top one hundred singles on iTunes, you know, and that's
that's aside from the single. The album Presence are four
out of her albums claiming the top five spots on iTunes.

I mean, we could spend an entire show just going
over the list that she's dominating right now. Only have
twenty minutes, but still Taylor doing what Taylor does best,
taking over the world.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Yeah, I love it. Spotify put out a press release
saying that she had over two one hundred million streams,
and then within twenty minutes they had to update it
and say, no, no, no, it's three hundred million.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
Just just think about Time Square for a second. She
literally had every billboard in Times Square. Some artists, you know,
have like a hey, my song's out. They had every
every single little little inch of Times Square covered on Friday.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
Amazing, amazing, amazing, got nicest of the day and now
I noticed the day. Naughty, naughty, naughty. I hate to
do it, but Swifty is you're being a little bit naughty.
They're trolling Kim Kardashian. So following the release of the album,
and there's definitely a track on there that's aimed at
Kim portraying her as bronze spray tanned bully. Now the

Taylor fans are really going hard after Kim. Taylor would
not want this, so stop it. Knock it off, like,
enjoy the album. Taylor is not a about this. She
likes a little bit of drama and a little bit
of gossip like we all do. But she did not
write and record this song for us all to become
an army against Kim. In fact, the best thing you

could do for Taylor is ignore her, enjoy the album,
enjoy your day, enjoy your friends. That's what Taylor Swift
is all about.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
Annoy cam like, don't mind Kim, She'll find you.

Speaker 1 (19:25):
Kim will find you. That's exactly right, Okay, with a
moment of rob You're gonna rob you, gonna rub you,
roub you a rub. Happiness is achieved by pursuing your goals,
not achieving them. Let me explain. There's a new study
out about people that went to the Olympics, people that
won at the Olympics, and all the research shows they
had more happiness trying to achieve their goals than when

they won the medal. The winning part isn't where the
value is It is pursuing them. So today think about
what you want in life, don't worry about achieving it,
and pursue those goals. Hey, that is it for today.
Thank you so much for listening to The Naughty but
Nice with Robin Garrett Show, a production of iHeartRadio. Don't

forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app Apple podcast. Forever
you listen, leave us a review if you can, and
thank you for sticking with me today and Garrett getting
me through all the share with my feel my voice.
I sound worse than I feel. I feel actually fine.
I just got a little bit of a sore throat.
I will be fine all together. Now, let's remember if
you're getting to be naughty, we gotta be.

Speaker 2 (20:30):
Na take care of it. It's not even nice with
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