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October 16, 2023 19 mins

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce packed on the PDA into the early hours of the morning at a star-studded New York City party. Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith’s marriage has been the subject of many rumors, including whether they’re in an open marriage, are swingers, or one of them is gay. Prince William appeared to give son Prince George an stern talking-to during the Rugby World Cup.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Oh, Shuter's bice, it's time alone. Welcome to the Naughty
but Nice Show. I'm your host, Rob Shooter, and it's Monday,
which means the one and only, our dear friend and
maybe even a birthday boy. Garrett Vogel joins us. Happy birthday, Garrett.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Ah, thank you.

Speaker 3 (00:30):
You know, another year around the sun, as they say, right,
so season thirty nine, I'd like to put it in
TV show terms.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
So, thirty nine years old? Are you in a good place?
Are you happy? How do you feel about this big birthday?

Speaker 4 (00:43):

Speaker 3 (00:44):
It's great, you know, and I think as we get older,
you'll catch up one day, once you reach thirty nine,
Rob Shooter, you'll realize the way.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
I feel right now.

Speaker 3 (00:52):
But it was great family, some friends, some laughs, some dinners.
Then you know, looking at the price of the dinner going,
oh my god, you're getting older when you look at
the dinner price and you're.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
Like, that's right.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Well, lets you get a little to you hopefully collect people,
gather people, so that's more mouths to feed at dinner
with you. You've got your whole family. Yeah, it's quite
a few of you. There's there's the four of you.

Speaker 3 (01:17):
Yet Oh yeah, they're there. There's four of us, you know,
but it's you know, in ingrements. You know, so you
got you got the the the immediate family, you know,
the kids, you know want to bake a cake and
you know have have their have their little time. And
then your friends are like, hey, let's let's do some dinner.
And then it's like okay, great, uh, no problem. And

then you know your your your family, like your mom
and dad and your hands, and we want to say,
I feel like it's more of a job.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
It's a job.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
At this point, I'm glad you had a lovely, lovely time.
Happy Bethter. Let's jump into the show. What time is it,
my friends? It is?

Speaker 1 (01:54):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
More. Taylor Swift reporting over the way, and she was
started kissing at Travis after they both made surprise appearances
on Saturday Night Live. So the two of them packed
on the PDA in the early hours of the morning
at a Star studied party. So the pair of them

made a brief appearance Garret on Saturday Night Live. I
thought it was very very funny, very clever. She introduced
her friend who was the musical act. He made fun
of himself, which I thought was really funny talking about
how the NFL is no longer about football, it's really
about Taylor Swift. So that was really adorable too. Then
after the show, and I remember, the show doesn't end

until very very late, and then around two am the
party starts. You heard me right. The party doesn't.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
End at two am.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
The party starts at two am. Were told that Taylor
and Travis arrived hand in hand together around two twenty.
They left around four am, and throughout the night they
were very much together. They didn't even have eyes for
anybody else at the party. Garrett, if we were at
that party, I don't want to say hello to Colin

jos and all the celebrities, all the cast members. These
two kept themselves to themselves, pretty much in a corner
and just enjoyed one another's company. It's young Glove, that
would be us.

Speaker 3 (03:18):
We'd be sitting in the corner, but you and I
would be sleeping. You know, we're like so late? Why
is this so? Why is this party so late? I mean,
come on, what can we do this at four o'clock
before the show starts. But but you know what's interesting,
Rob is that if you look at the entire week
so Taylor had her a big movie premiere on Wednesday
night and Travis couldn't attend because he was getting ready

for next night in Kansas City. Taylor shows up at
the football game in Kansas City, straight off of her
world premiere, of hanging out with Beyonce at her at
her movie premiere in Los Angeles, they go, she stops
off in Kansas City, and then they from Kansas City.
After Kansas City wins, they jump on a plane. They
hang out in New York all night, which they still are.

And here's the thing, a little little known fact for
people that are unfamiliar with football. Most football players play,
you know, Saturday, Sunday. Travis played on Thursday, the one
exception this week. But they pretty much have an off
day on Monday unless you're playing, so they really don't
get back to work until Tuesday, Wednesday. So we can
even say probably Taylor and Travis are still hanging out.

Speaker 1 (04:25):
What was like that?

Speaker 2 (04:26):
You know, that week sounded really crazy busy when you
describe that, but I think your birthday week might have
been a little bit more busy.

Speaker 3 (04:33):
It kind of got overshadowed, but it's all right. But
you know what I did go see Taylor's movie, and
I've never been a part of an experience in a
movie theater like that ever. Now we've all been to
the theaters where they clap at the end. It's like, oh,
all right, I'm gonna guy Rob Shooter. This is almost
It was as if we were at the concert itself.

People were standing, people were singing. People know, you know
the front of the movie, know how it has that
open space A dad's.

Speaker 2 (05:01):
Yeah, I love it. I mean, she's incredible. I'm not
putting down her concert at all. But what really sent
me over the edge and made it really special is
I've never seen an audience react like that, and I've
seen some really big shows. This was as much about
the audience as it was Taylor, and to translate that
into the cinema is something that I think I really
want to see. Let's jump in and do our whole

question of the day. So Taylors and Travis were spotted
kissing throughout the night late night after an SNL at
an SNL after party. Our question is could he be
the one? Now? For a long time, we have followed
Taylor's love life like it's one of her own songs.

We've been really invested in her love life. We've seen
the ups, the dance. We've seen guys before. We hope
they were the one. They weren't. She's had some awful breakups.
Is this the one? Could this be the one? Her
friends are saying? Maybe? What do you think? Hey? Go
vote on aur to Paige at Naughty Nice Rob or
at Facebook page which it's naughty go zip amby. Shall

I to check back tomorrow to hear your results? Garrett,
what are you working on?

Speaker 3 (06:10):
Well, we have spotted Ariana Grande post divorce settlement, her
big divorce settlement, and I want to ask you about
that in a second. But uh, so, Ariana Grande was
actually spotted right near my family's house out in Bucks
County Playhouse in New Hope, Pennsylvania. She stopped by to
see her her brother Frankie's performance. He's out there doing doing,

doing some some theater.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
He's not doing though, by the way, that's the show.
That's that's the show to be a part of.

Speaker 3 (06:38):
I'm just saying shameless plug one on one. So, but
but he is so, as we know, the first time
we're seeing Ariana Grande after the divorce.

Speaker 1 (06:46):
Here's the thing.

Speaker 3 (06:48):
She paid her ex one point two million dollars to
pretty much go away, you know what I mean, and
they were married two years in change, Rob Shooter, I
ask you this question if a pop star and you
got married, not to say you're not already married to
a pop star, but if you were, and knowing that

you're only getting married.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
For two years, it's a lot of money. It's a
lot of money before you do it. To us, I
wouldn't probably get married for money. That's just me. Money
is not my biggest priority. But that's easy for me
to say because I've got some. It's hard for people
to say that when they don't have any. When I
was in Edinburgh broke where I literally had to like
look under the sofa to find pennies to buy dinner,

like I was really broke, then money meant more to me.
But now I'm lucky enough to not have to worry
about it that much. There's a couple of things here.
Now that million dollars comes with some very strict rules.
He's never ever allowed to talk about Ariana Grandly. Well,
right there, I would have to give the money back.
So I've got a big mouth. There's no way I

could keep that a secret. I would talk about it
all the time if I if I knew Arion Grande,
if you get married her, I'd be gossiping. She moved
into my building once and it was a terrible mistake
because all I did was sit there, like watching her
horseit in the lobby, or I was asking the dorman
what time she came in, and so like, never move
into my building because I want to know all your business.
So I would probably have to give them money back,

although I think Dalton her ex is quite private, so
he didn't want to do a tell or book. He
doesn't want to sit down, so take the money. I hope.
I hope she's happy with Ethan, her new guy. They
are living together, and also too, let's give a shout
out here to brother sister love. Her brother's doing the
Rocky Horror Picture show in Books County. It's not on Broadway.

And I'm not putting this down. I'm really not great.
Theater can exist anywhere, but for somebody as big as
Ariana Grande to turn up at a regional theater to
support her brother, I think that's just swell.

Speaker 3 (08:52):
So to put it in perspective, if you know where
New York City is you know, in the in the world,
in the perspective of the world, Bucks County is properly
probably about an hour and a half to two hours
beautiful out of New York City, and it's not and
it's not like ten minutes outside of Philadelphia just to
it's almost like yeah, so it's not like she could

she could take a helicopter to Bucks County.

Speaker 1 (09:16):
She was in the car for a quint while.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
And that's something that you know, I don't know if
my brothers and sisters would do for me, and they're
not Ariota Grande. I think this is really great supporting family,
particularly when you're as big a start as she. He said.
Let's be honest, too, I didn't even know Frankie was
doing this show until she turned up. Now I've seen
the photographs everywhere, She'll be in People magazine. I think
that this is really nice. If I had that level

of celebrity, I think I hope that I would use
it to help other people, particularly my family.

Speaker 3 (09:45):
I wonder, like, looking at the photos, you were talking
about how they're going to appear everywhere, and I saw
that she went to the New York the New York
Broadway show of and Juliet, and she met the cast
because they sample her song in there.

Speaker 1 (09:57):
That that hairstyle she has now, is that still from
She's trying to.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
Transition, so we know her forever with the ponytail, and
she had that signature looking almost the cater years now,
she looks a little different.

Speaker 1 (10:07):
She still looks fan tactic.

Speaker 2 (10:09):
And her brother Franky because he was playing Frankenfurter in
the Rocky Horror Picture Show. He's in suspenders and lipstick
and mag It's an amazing picture of the two of them.
And she's really been able to shine an enormous amount
of publicity attention on this smaller theatrical show. I get
it sold out now because everyone's going to want to

go to see if Ariana turns up just lovely, lovely, lovely,
and Dalton got a million dollars.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
Do you think you're do you think you're family? Yeah?
I know you said that.

Speaker 3 (10:40):
You know it's it's it's something for a pop star
to go an hour and a half from New York
City to go see her brother.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
I think they come in, we will come from they.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
All come in. Okay, no more because I don't want
to get in any trouble. Okay, moving along, dude, McDermott
has been spotted holding hands with somebody that apparently is
his new girlfriend and mid his split from Tauris. These
two are a couple that I don't really understand. They
get so much attention. I'm not Yeah, I'm not that

into Tory, I'm not that into Dean, but whenever I
write a story about them, it goes through the roof.
I think it's because people grew up with her that
TV show was so big, and her life has been
so messy. And I also think too, there's something fascinating
about watching somebody who grew up with hundreds of millions
of dollars, like one of the richest people in the world. Finally,

after being on off, on, off, on off, it is over.
He's been spotted with a new person. Do you think
the new person realizes that they're going to be sucked
into this media storm? Oh?

Speaker 3 (11:42):
You got to think just name alone, you know what
I mean? Like, this is not like you're on Tinder
and you found someone random and be like, oh Kim,
Like if you were to date any type of celebrity,
whether it be whether it be a Tory Spelling or
an Ariana Grande. Like just the name alone, you know
what you're getting into, just like Travis Kelcey. Travis Kelsey
knew exactly what he was getting into. It wasn't like

a shock. So if you're dating someone like Tory Spelling,
you'd know what you're walking into, whether what you knew
from on screen or yeah, just.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
Walking in the newstandency in the magazine covers or going
on websites. It's all Tory, Tory, Tory. I wish that
both of them, Well, let's remember too, there's a lot
of children involved in this, So I do hope that
the split is amicable, and I do hope too that
they both can earn some money. That's a lot of
mouths to feed. Garrett, I don't think she's really had
a job in a while. I don't really know what

he does. But her dad gave all the money to
her mom. So when the dad died, who was a
TV producer who invented some of the biggest shows nine
O two one oh, Dynasty, DA massive shows, hundreds of
millions of dollars and so Tory, I hope you're doing okay,
and maybe it's time that you met somebody two okay,
talking about moving on, maybe not moving on. Jaylo was

spotted without a very special piece of jewelry.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
Tell us all, yes, so she was spotted and she
was snapped with the chain mid rumors of Ben Affleck
and her having issues and she's read this and the
chain has been on and obviously and uh, you know, everybody,
I just love not even a wedding ring.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
It's the she's not wearing Ben's name.

Speaker 4 (13:23):
That means she's single and they're fighting, and you know,
the poor j Lo cannot you know, go work out
or you know, just go play some pickleball without someone
already like ap shoter, you worked with Jennifer Lopez before?

Speaker 3 (13:38):
Was this the number one issue that you've got a face?
Whether are they breaked up? Are they engaged? Are they
are they fight?

Speaker 2 (13:45):
It's the same with our own personal friendships. Love and
romance is at the top of the list. Marriage divorce
is at the top of the list. When you go
for drinks with your friends, you talk about their love life,
that's sort of like the number one thing. And it's
no different with celebrities. Although I hit the phones, I
spoke to my j Lo, my Ben sources everything is fine, okay,

quickly before we get a break. I love this story.
Prince William scolded Prince George and a rugby game. So
the two of them are watching a rugby it was
the World Cup, and it looks as if the Prince
of Wales was wagging his finger in his ten year
old son's face while attending. Now it's unclear what he
said or what he might have done to deserve a scolding,

but the Prince looked quite quite upsets throughout the rest
of the game. You have children, Garrett with a sharp
wag of your finger me in the right direction.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
But you know what like it is like I'm always
curious of what did Prince William take away? You know,
it's always about with the iPad. Did he take away
did he take away the right ice cream? His right
hand butler? You know not on no, let's be honest speaks.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
He lost the butler. It's a did he take away
his actual horse?

Speaker 2 (15:01):
Okay, well we try and figure that out. We're going
to take a quick break and we will be right back.
Welcome back to the normally, but n I show. I'm
your host, drop shooter, my dear friend Garrett Vogel. Hey, Garrett,
let's get to the polls that last year we talk
about Sears reportedly going after Justin Timberlake, her ex hard
in her new memoir. We're going to find out it's
out in just a few days. Should Britney tell all?

Should she keep some things private? Let's have a look
of naughties. I love you, that's this is why we're friends.
Eighty seven percent said tell all, I can't wait to
get this book. I want to hear every detail.

Speaker 1 (15:40):
It is.

Speaker 3 (15:40):
It's so funny. The naughty is depending on how they vote,
like it's like no, everybody needs their price.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
They want to know.

Speaker 2 (15:49):
We like that with that that mates, though, Garrett, I'm
always like, you know, oh, you don't have to tell me,
but you can. And I hope you picked the latter option.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
I want to know you do four for every time
you do that, I'm with you.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
Naughty. Don't forget to vote on today's pole a page
that notty nice rob or our Facebook page which is
Naughty Gossip, and be sure to check out tomorrow to
hear your results. And now it's time for a nicest
of the day.

Speaker 3 (16:18):
Yes, and it's and it's funny seeing the inception of
Live with Kelly and Mark over you know, the growth
of they had. But but it's like this every time
when it was Regis and Kathy Lee, Regis and Kelly Kelly,
and it's always there's this this tension that's like you
love them, you hate them, or there's nowhere in the middle.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
But but the couple.

Speaker 3 (16:37):
Mark was joking that he can't help if they're they're
too sexy for morning morning hours. You know, people are
just waking up and Kelly and Mark look like they
they literally just rolled out of bed and perfect ten
out of ten, you know what I mean? Uh and
and uh. Kelly even clarified that despite the recent raunchy headlines,
the couple doesn't do many sexy stories on their show,

which is true. They talk about being a couple. Do
they post a one. That's another story. But still, you know,
I think they're finally getting into their groove of their
their their they're bringing their lives to the show.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
I like it.

Speaker 3 (17:13):
I kind of relate to, you know, in the sense
of like, all right inside, look.

Speaker 2 (17:18):
A little pole.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
I like it.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
Now, somebody who's a bit of a prude, I don't
like talking about sex. I don't. I certainly don't like
talking about my own sex life. In fact, I won't
absolutely not moving along never, I don't like to think
about it. And so there have been moments I watched
Kelly and Mark most mornings, and there have been moments
that made me a little bit squamish because they're a

little too sexual. But I think they're hitting their stride.
But but I gotta say that too, even when they're
being quite I think, quite cheeky, quite raunchy, I do
have a bit of a smile, at least internally. So
you two are just delicious. Okay, let's I noticed the
day naughty, naughty, naughty Jada Pinkett Smith is now confronting
Bill Smith gay rumors. So basically, here the takeaway is

that she's saying he is not gay and she is
not gay. However, what is annoying here is that it
feels like she's bringing up another issue to sell books.
I feel like, Jada, just take your foot off the
gas a little. What do you think you know?

Speaker 3 (18:19):
You know it's funny, I I and it started after
this interview. Yet again, Jada is just forcing herself into
my life.

Speaker 1 (18:26):
Like I was. I wasn't googling.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
You know, you normally google things like hey, Jada, Like
I felt like Google was like.

Speaker 2 (18:34):
Life a lot, Jada, It's a lot, he said. He
kind of woke up to how resilient and clever and
compassionate Jada is. So his team Jada here.

Speaker 3 (18:44):
And even so the caption of his Instagram post was
was kind of telling, even though it was simple. It says,
notifications off as he's sleeping on a boat that's going
like probably a thousand miles per hour, just to kind
of so he does get to it like he doesn't
care like good.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
Same with a moment of rob. You get a rob,
you get a rub, you get a roub. Thank you
very much, Garrett. That of kindness, no matter how small
it is, is ever wasted. Do something kind today. Do
something kind to yourself when you brush your teeth this
morning or tonight, before you get to bed, look at
the mirror and say hello, gorgeous. Be nice to yourself,
be nice to others. That's it for today. Thank you

so much to the to the naughties, the nicest people
I know, and also to our dear friend Garrett Vogel.
Don't forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio, app, Apple podcast
or wherever you listen. I've learned to be really nice
to myself. Some people would say delusional. I say nice, Okay,
don't forget to leave them with you today. Do help
her remember altogether. Now, if you're going to be naughty,

you've got to nice, take care of everybody.

Speaker 1 (19:51):
It's start even nice with Rah
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