All Episodes

December 11, 2023 54 mins

RHOBH season 11, ep 8 “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Leather Pants”

From Selling Sunset to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills…Mary Fitzgerald Bonnet joins Bethenny to discuss the price of partying in their scene, Mary shares never-before-heard details of hers and other TV weddings and what happened during production that left her in utter disbelief. 

Plus, find out who Bethenny refers to as “the most beautiful version of a cockroach.”

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Harry Hamlin's homemade Bognet's sauce spices up Lisa's party. Crystal's
non apology pushes Sot into her boiling point, which turns
into an insult about Crystal's leather pants. Plus, Kathy has
unexpected news for Kyle about their sister. Selling Sunset star
Mary Fitzgerald joins me to recap this episode. This is

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season eleven, Episode eight, The Good,
the Bad, and the ugly leather Pants. Let's get into it.
Nice to meet you and thank you for being here.
How's it going in the entertainment world and your show

and your life?

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Yeah, I mean it just keeps going. It keeps blowing
up and still doing well. I think we're the longest
running show on Netflix.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
And stop really yeah with yeah going on season A
and I think seven is the longest that it's run
and he shows run.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
So that's amazing. Yeah, So that's amazing. Wow, that's amazing.
And it's been a good experience.

Speaker 2 (01:13):
Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you know, there's always ups and downs.
There have been a couple couple of moments where.

Speaker 4 (01:19):
I'm like, I am not doing this anymore. It's not
worth it.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
And then and then you know, I cal him down
and I'm like, okay, maybe it is. I just have
to go out to my punching bag, get a little
workout in, and then I'm like, okay, I can handle it.

Speaker 1 (01:33):
But who are the top five brokers in California? Not no,
it does enough to be famous, But who are are they famous?

Speaker 4 (01:42):
Top five?

Speaker 2 (01:43):
I would say, Well, Frederick Ecklin is out here now,
and he's really good. I mean there's a bunch of him.
There's like Joyce Ray is really good, Brandon and Ranny
Williams are really good. There's a lot of there's only
maybe five or six, like really really top agents that

do all the multimillion dollar homes. I mean, Sean Elliott
is amazing too, but he does all over. He does
New York, Miami and LA. But that man still is
able to get like these hundred plus million dollar listings
all the time.

Speaker 1 (02:23):
So well, I would wonder if, because it sounds like
the biggest people, which I think might be the case
in New York too, the biggest ones aren't the ones
that are necessarily famous because they have very private billionaire clients.
And maybe that that I want to take their eye
off the ball.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
Yeah, I mean there's there's a there. There are quite
a few of them that that are not on shows
and they don't have anything. I mean, Sean will make
appearances on He had something, I'm not sure how well
it did. He had some show on the East Coast,
I think in the Hampton's it's called I'm not sure.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
I think I know what you're talking about because I
saw like a modern sag Harbor house that they were
marketing on there and I don't remember what it was,
but I think, yeah, I think I saw that and
it was not very good, but it was interesting to
me because I'm interested in real estate. I I I'll
buy a house with less hesitation. Then I'll order a

pasta and am not I'm not exaggerating like I because
but I just know out in La, I know, well,
I've thought about Malibu. It's just too far to justify,
but I thought about Malibu. That's I would be in Malibu,
no question. And every time I go, I think about
that as an investment and when it drops, et cetera.

But I always buy personal real estate that I love
and that I am sort of emotional about, but that
I treat like an investment where if I had to,
I could live there. If I had to, I could
sell it in a minute. It's very like marketable to anyone.

And I'm always designing with investment in mind, and I'm
always buying when it's low. And so I just bought
an apartment in Manhattan and I walked it. I just
was Usually it's just a thought in my head and
then when I see the right thing, I just walked
in and I had it by the end of the day.
I literally did have it by the end of the day.
And the same thing happened in the Hampton's because I'll

secret something that I want and then i'll have then
I'll get it. And it happened to me in Connecticut.
I had two houses at the same time Hampton's, two
houses at the same time, and then you're sitting there
going which one am I going to keep and which
one I will have to rent out or sell one.
But I love personal real estate.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
Yeah, that's why I would love to start doing that
as well. And that's the goal to keep adding and
adding to our portfolio. We just did that with this
house that we looked for so long for our personal
house in La and not just felt right, and and
I was like, I'm not. I'm not gonna gonna buy
something until I know, because if we're gonna live in it,

I wanted to be perfect.

Speaker 4 (05:09):
I see homes all day long, every single day.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
Yes, I know when I walk in, and I'm like, yes,
And there's some I have done that. My wedding venue
I did that. It was out of my budget though,
So yeah, yeah, so you know, there are certain holmes
where I'm like, you know eventually.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
This you just know when you you know, but you
also have to be nimble that you may love it,
but you have to think about how it's marketable to
somebody else. Yeah. Anyway, So how savvy on the Housewives
are you? I had never seen this episode, and believe
it or not, I'm not that savvy. I know many
of the people, but I I don't know some of

the people and don't know the conflicts.

Speaker 2 (05:50):
Yeah, I'm not that savvy with it. But funny enough,
I always joke around, like on our show about uh,
the Housewives and stuff. I'm likeme, on, we're not gonna
be like what the Housewives and stuff? But I've really
never seen it.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
So that's funny. Did you say it.

Speaker 2 (06:07):
Yeah, because I just like I've always heard like the
wine throwing and all this stuff. Yes, and watch that
episode and I was like, I should never say that
again actually, because they had more of like camaraderie and like,
you know, supporting each other than we do on our show.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
Yes, that was a tame episode, though I've seen Lisa
throw a wine glass. That was a tame episode. But yes,
Beverly Hills, from my experience meeting them personally and being
on that show, they they're more savvy. Yeah, they're very
aware of the cameras and that you know, so, so
they're very aware of what's going on.

Speaker 4 (06:46):
Yeah, I know.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
I've seen her out multiple times. I was on a
panel with her at what points, and so I know
I know her just from red Carpets and stuff like that.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
Okay, so this is sort of a whole event that
is at the house with Harry Hamlin cooking, and they
sort of lead up and let us know that Harry
is always the one doing the cooking and he's cooked
for this group before and that's sort of his thing,
which is actually nice. They should do a he should
do a cooking show or something. And I've been to

their house because I used to be pretty friendly with
re Lisa. So I've been to this house, and Kyle
is right that it's a nice property, Like it's a
nice property and it's very home me. A couple of
times in this show, and in all shows, I am
watching and thinking to myself, like about clutter in the house,

Like I always am looking at what's everywhere because I'm like,
I'm psychotic about stuff. So I'm looking all over at
all the olive oil and all the dishes and all
this stuff in their fridge. And it reminded me. Recently,
I was talking to another housewife who said to me
that on Beverly Hills, the show never pays for events

or parties and that the people pay and that, and
this person said that Lisa Rinna never wanted to really
have a party because she doesn't want to like pay
for you know, a TV quote quote unquote fake party,
and they really are TV parties. And it's funny because
my parties that I had on Housewives of New York,

they did pay. I definitely, yeah, one hundred percent. I
wouldn't spend for ours.

Speaker 2 (08:27):
Interesting now, Jason, if it's a company party, Jason pays
for everything, but they never pay for any of ours
anything we do because they say, no, it's it's your life,
at your event, you pay for it.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
But they then will make you have an event that
you might not have. And that's not like I would
not normally have a s'mores and whores party.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
We just say no, We're like, well, yeah, fine, but
it's going to be on our terms. I mean, if
you want this big lamb party, that's not what we
would normally do. Like if so many times Jason would
normally do it. He's he's a bit extra, so he
does so big, big, massive things and he loves doing it.
It doesn't bother him at all.

Speaker 4 (09:07):
He's spent he spent so much money on parties.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
Well, it's it's in line with the labels and the
logos and the showing of the stuff that this group
in particular wants to have a big pissing contest party.
Not that that's what this was at all. Lisa's party
was not that at all, But this group wants to
have a made for TV party, just like they wear
made for TV outfits, you know, like that only the
camera people are seeing. Yeah, so and your show's like

that too.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
Yeah it is. I mean, I'm not really like that.
I don't feel as much. I mean, if I'm gonna
throw a party, I'm very low key and very it.
I would throw an intimate dinner party, like very tasteful
dinner party. I would not have like a two hundred
people there.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 4 (09:54):
We planned for three hundred and there's almost five hundred.

Speaker 1 (09:57):
That's insane. Okay. So now we're at the house and
Harry's cooking and talking about the bolgnas, and I like
watching them shop together, and I like their dynamic. There's
always speculation again about their dynamic, and I just think
that every marriage is not one size fits all, and
I like their partnership. I like them together, and I

want to taste his bolognais. And now we get to
and we're at Kathy's and they're doing this tennis and
I'm distracted. And I've been to Kathy's too, but I
don't think I've been to this house. And I'm distracted
by what structure is behind them playing tennis, and there's
like all this stuff in the window, and I'm thinking about,

like what Kathy, who does all these crazy parties and
has so much stuff, what she has in that storage unit.
And I was thinking when I saw this house, because
there's a lot of house talk on this show, that
I personally I like a small house. Now, I have
a very big house, and I have a compound where
I am now, but I also have a different and

homes that are smaller. I've had both. I like a small, manageable,
perfect house, not like all these places where stuff can commumulate,
dust can accumulate, you have to manage it. And so
Kathy's house was beautiful. But I liked Erika's house. I
actually did. I liked. I mean, I don't. I'm not
a renter. So I don't like the word rent, right

because I like things. I like to do things to things,
and I would never feel right improving upon a rental, right.
And I want to actually ask you about rental versus
owning and your opinion, because in some cases, I'm sure
it's smarter financially, But for me, I'm psychologically never a renter.

Speaker 2 (11:39):

Speaker 1 (11:39):
But I liked Erica's home. It just seemed like small
and perfect.

Speaker 2 (11:43):
I agree, I'm not no matter if I were a billionaire,
I would not have a huge home.

Speaker 4 (11:51):
It's just not It's not for me. But I like
the style of her home.

Speaker 2 (11:56):
The whole exterior was of Kathy's was absolutely stunning.

Speaker 4 (12:00):
I think just a smaller scale, right, And I guess.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
For some people would be a huge family whatever, or
if you just like it, that's fine, But I would
have it on a smaller scale.

Speaker 4 (12:11):
I just don't need that much space. It's it's just
more work.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
And she does have three kids, and the three kids kids,
and she loves to entertain, and that does make some sense.
And yeah, and I was going to say they have
a house in the Hamptons too, but those are their
two homes and they really are home people. I thought
it was a relatable conversation for Erica. And you don't
know because you haven't seen the show episode though. No,

I mean in life the historically, Erica has always like
got a brick wall and hard and I haven't seen it.
I've probably seen in my whole life maybe ten episodes
Eric has been in. But she's like a brick wall,
And here she's being relatable and what she's talking about
to me is relatable in that she was on someone
else's program, like she you know, just add hot young

girl married the rich guy, and she was on his program,
which was just insert her, and it felt like now
she liked being on her program, and I also liked
her being vulnerable about that because we watched her do
a song called It's Expensive to Be Me and talk
about fifty thousand dollars a month in glam and travel

with a glam squad to Dubai and really fly on
planes and lay it on really thick and really braggy,
you know, really braggy about money.

Speaker 4 (13:28):

Speaker 2 (13:29):
Yeah, I thought it was extremely relatable. I mean, it
happens all the time at different levels and you know,
in different situations, but so many times in a marriage,
if it's money, if it's just control of whatever it is,
I mean like that is your image.

Speaker 4 (13:45):
And you really don't have a voice.

Speaker 2 (13:46):
So it's almost even if you go through tough times
making that transition, it's really amazing and liberating to find
that voice and that freedom.

Speaker 4 (13:59):
I've had to.

Speaker 2 (14:00):
I've done it many times, and there is something I
think she's much.

Speaker 4 (14:07):
More likable now same.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
Yeah, it's just like you know, if you're she's humanized
and it's the same relatable where you're like, oh my god,
you can feel her emotions and and yeah, I liked it.

Speaker 4 (14:24):
I thought it was very brave of her to do that.

Speaker 1 (14:26):
She has an identity now where before her identity was
a persona an image, a pat the puss, the money,
the plane. No matter what rich person you're married to,
they're counting. On some level. They know what you're doing,
they know what you're spending. On some level. People think
that they are, they don't know, and they don't care.
I had a friend who was with a very wealthy

man years ago. Oh he doesn't care. Oh he doesn't care,
and she was running a muck and he cares. They care,
And even if they don't care, they know. And there's
nothing like not having to ask somebody or answer to
somebody when you want to buy something.

Speaker 4 (15:04):

Speaker 2 (15:05):
Yeah, I think Lisa said said that too on the show,
that they have separate accounts too, Leban she knows everything
going on, but they also have separate accounts, and that's
Mermaine and I do that too. We have a joint account,
but we both have separate accounts and and we mostly
do because I've been screwed over in the past. Wow,

So I will not allow all of my money to
be and Remaine's a polar option. He's so stubborn and
won't I mean, just too much pride to ever take money.
He's like, I don't need your money, he said, he
is so prideful, But I still just for my own sake,
my own piece of mind. No one can take that.

It's only in my name. It's only like, no one
can do that to me. And because my ex husband
did it and I won't, I will ever let that
happen again.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
I don't think I've ever fully shared a bank account
with someone. I think i'd sooner share a toothbrush, I
swear to God, which is disgusting, but sharing a bank
account with someone, And I know I've heard, and I
had it on my talk show a woman say, when
you get married, and you should have one different account
that has a different credit card, that's like for the

house and for the household, And that sounds like organized,
but it also sounds not like bullshit but not real,
Like it's like this little thing that you do to
pretend that you're together. But that's like the house account,
and you could easily be like, at the end of
the month, let's just split everything too. Like it just
feels not yeah, it would feel really I can't imagine

asking someone can I buy this apartment? Or can I
buy this bag, or just even them knowing, even them
knowing self consciousness.

Speaker 2 (16:45):
Never, in my opinion, you should never have to tell
someone like your partnership, as long as you're not doing
anything like that, is you know, of disrespecting the marriage.
I mean, but it's somebody's business. If you go buy
purse or done mirrors or whatever it is, it's not
his business. You work for your money. You can spend
it the way you want.

Speaker 1 (17:04):
One hundred. I'm a big fan of having someone's credit card.
I'm sure I'm a big fan of having someone's credit card.
That's a big I'm a big that's a big big.
That's a big Bethany. Yeah, that's big. That's big on
the Bethany list. That's a good one. Yeah, poor poor Paul. Okay,

so I thought the Kyle family Christmas card. You know,
it made me tearfully sentimental. They're a solid, good couple,
and they were both very social together and similar friend groups,
and they you know, they have different priorities now and
grew apart.

Speaker 4 (17:40):
Hopefully they'll find your way back.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Sometimes it just takes, like you know, some time, apart
and hopefully they'll find their way back to each other
and and work as friends.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
I don't think they'll find that. I don't I don't know,
but I don't think well. And then they talked about
Kim with the holidays being alone. I think that's also relatable,
and the sisters want to kind of take care of her.
But I was thinking right now, because it's the holidays,
some people want to be alone during the holidays, and
it feels worse for other people to want to feel

sorry for you. If you want to be alone or
are alone during the holidays, that's kind of worse.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
Yeah, if you truly want to be alone, if you're
just alone, you have nobody, you have no options.

Speaker 4 (18:24):
That is sad.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
But if you really do, there are a lot of
people that just you're just in a place in your
life you just don't really want to be involved at
the time.

Speaker 4 (18:35):
And that's okay.

Speaker 2 (18:38):
I mean, if they want to ask one time, just like, hey,
you're welcome to come. But if she truly wants to
be alone, letter.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
Well, it's a pandemic. During this episode, and it's also
the holidays. I'm realizing more and more it's not a
one size fits all either, and everybody wants to shove
what their version of the holidays is on every everybody else.
Families want to do it, people want to do it
in their way. The way they want to cook, they
want to cater, they want to you know, and it's

very hard to find your own identity during the holidays
when you're being pushed in so many different directions.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
Yeah, it is, I think. I mean, I think that
everyone should just you know, stand on their ground if
that's what you want do it. I mean, it's not
once I spits all. Everybody has different needs at different times,
and it's the holidays.

Speaker 4 (19:30):
You should be happy, yeah.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
Or if you have to be sad, reflect and the
pressure of the day doesn't have to be everything like
it's the twenty fifth today, I have to be happy
because then if you're not happy, you feel worse than
it just being a day that you want to relax
and watch movies, you know, Like people have to give
themselves a break. I think, especially during the holidays, it
comes on quickly, and then if it doesn't become everything

you wanted it to be, either as a kid or
as a you know, in a relationship or divorce, it
becomes it can crash pretty quick.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
Yeah, yeah, I agree. Sometimes it's easier and better to
just treat it like a day. Do whatever it is
that you need mentally, physically, whatever. Yeah, on that date,
don't be next year, They'll be many many more.

Speaker 4 (20:14):
So Yeah, it's just do.

Speaker 2 (20:17):
What everyone just needs to do what is best for them.
I think in general, in life, just people say of
each other's business.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Yeah, that book was amazing. It was adult chaka bon
a pink queen's book. I don't even know where you
find that because I looked it up online after and
Sutton is in it twice, Like that is a queen really? Hmm,
she was in the book twice.

Speaker 2 (20:40):
Oh I missed that part. Oh my gosh, No, that
is that's pretty epic.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
That's kind of epic. She's an adult chake a ban
a book wait dressed because I guess she was married
to a very wealthy man and like she probably was
draped adulta. It's very good for her. I love it,
good for her.

Speaker 4 (20:56):

Speaker 1 (20:57):
Yeah, So we go to Garcel's house. Also cute, charming house.
I like Garcel. I know Garcel, I've met Garcel. She
is one of the probably five people that asked me

before she was on the show what she should do
or how is she going to survive? And I always
stay quiet during those conversations, almost to the point of
being stand offish, because I just don't want any part
of giving any kind of Housewives advice.

Speaker 2 (21:31):
Yeah, oh, I don't know how it feels to be
on that show. But I do have people ask me
on ours like ideal for the OC. I've had people
call an aspect for advice, and you know, I just
I mean, I do give a little bit of advice,
but I'm like, everybody's different.

Speaker 1 (21:52):
You know, it's such a bad thing to say, and
you feel like you're gatekeeping, but there's no upside and
it's not the same dynamic that you're in or walked into,
because it's a different game now and mine is. Fifteen
years ago, we were like bedrock. We were like cars
were starting with like our feet at the bottom of
the car. We were like, you know, horse and wagons.
It was fifteen years ago. Was that the same? We

didn't have HD and we didn't have Twitter.

Speaker 2 (22:16):
Wow, I can't believe how fast time flies. It did
not feel like fifteen years ago.

Speaker 1 (22:22):
We didn't have social media. Really, we didn't have glam budgets,
we didn't have green screens, we didn't have backgrounds that
were like in a studio is in your own actual
house with your actual wall behind you.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
I am so jealous, Like that is the time to
do housewives or any sort of reality show when there's
no social media, no haters every single day criticizing every
single thing you say and do.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
No, and there's no glam. You were yourself. You actually
could be who you really were every day. You didn't
like walk in wearing a couture outfit pretending that that's
what you have lunch, and you just like were what
I'm wearing right now, like you're at you know what
I mean, We're just normal women in New York that
some of us had money, but even the ones who
had money were still wearing sweatpants. Now it's like an
exaggerated version. So I don't know how I would advise.

So anyway, I met Garcela at Mark Burnett's house. I've
always liked her, and that's when she asked me how
to navigate it. And I was just like, oh, oh,
you know, hey, you look great. You know, just like
probably just like skirting the issue. But I like garcel
and do we have any idea why her son is
studying Japanese in particular, it's a very specific language in

high school to be studying. That's such a teenager expecting
his mom to be quiet in a kitchen, which is
the center of the house, when you could easily go upstate.
Like it was so ridiculous. She was like, shit, everybody,
like what are you talking about. You're in the middle
of the kitchen doing your homework, Like, go upstairs, what
are you doing?

Speaker 2 (23:50):
Go to a different room, like in your room. You
should have like a desk in your room. Anyway, the
kids thinking count is not where you do homework or
you do something like go to your room, yeah.

Speaker 1 (24:00):
Or do it here in too bad, like learn Japanese
while I'm cooking and while your brother's like what, I
don't even have That's such teen life, where like parents,
let the kids were on the show that it's not
the same thing.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
I thought, well, maybe they just did that for show purposes,
like to give some sort of thing, because surely she
would have just been like, this is a kitchen.

Speaker 4 (24:22):
We cook and we do dishes in the kitchen. If
you need to study in your room.

Speaker 2 (24:25):
But if you'll like the noise, then don't be in
the kitchen.

Speaker 1 (24:28):
So true, she wasn't doing like a cabaret show if
you don't like, yeah, she was. She was doing what
you do in the kitchen, like she wasn't having sex.
She was unloading the dishwasher and cook it exactly right.
That's what homeworking is not yet. Yeah, but that would
have been really this is exactly what. Here's me reenacting

that with Brnn.

Speaker 2 (24:49):

Speaker 1 (24:49):
She's like, are you are you okay? Right now? And
the kid actually said to the brother are you okay?
The kid, the kid doing the homework, because name is
Jack's said to the brother, are you okay? It's like
I would have said to Brinn, Hi, this is a
whole house, other people live here, this is the kitchen.
I was thinking about Lisa and Harry, and I was

thinking about all of the homegrown tomatoes and how I'm
a fit I fiddle around the house like with organizing
and things like I'm a fiddler pack of gifts doing.
I was wondering if that's like, if he's like the
one who's fiddling around in the garden. It just seems
like a nice thing for people to take up like
golf where you could like just play around in the

garden then have fruits and vegetables.

Speaker 4 (25:32):
I do, I have a garden.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
You do tell me, Okay, So I have to be
honest about this though, because my husband is more like Harry,
where he's good at all those things. It's my ideas
to do these things. And I buy the step and
I plan it all out, and then he upkeeps everything
because I forget, so he is. He's got a green thumb,

and I don't, but I want to, so I go
check on him. I'm like, yeah, we've got all like
the plants, and I'll go pick them. He does all
the upkeep and he will actually plant them because he
knows how to do everything, and that's better at it.

Speaker 4 (26:12):
And he's a much better cook too.

Speaker 2 (26:14):
But I do make pasta, and I'm very good at
blonnaise and chili, but I'm very bad cook in general.

Speaker 4 (26:21):
But my husband can cook quite well.

Speaker 1 (26:22):
You're good with ground beef.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
Like like Harry, and he's very he's very handy so
around the house, so that's nice.

Speaker 1 (26:30):
I this is how crazy I am. I have two
but I have an apple orchard. And the problem is, well,
first of all. I had a dental issue this year,
so like I couldn't even eat the apples, and my
heart is broken. It's the first year we had like
the most gorgeous. They look like Fiji or Gala apples.
But I digress and they're so sweet. But the problem
is it upsets me because there's so many apples, and

what are we going to do? Like now I'm forcing
people to take apples home. We're forcing people to eat
apple sauce. I feel like I'm giving baskets of apple away.
So if I had all of these vegetables and things,
I would feel like a responsibility to the garden, not
just to take care of it, but to like distribute
its goods. And I think that'd be too much of
a job for me. Why can't you sell them well

that I don't need another job, that's a real job.
I'm saying, like what are we doing with all these tomatoes?
Like I need one tomato tonight or two tomatoes. I
don't need seventy. So Harry, you know, thank God for
the show so he could cook and use all those tomatoes.
I would love to go pick a tomato and have it,
but then the other thirty are gonna go back. I guess, Yeah,
I guess, but it's compost. I tell everyone that works

to me, just go just do your food shopping outside there.

Speaker 2 (27:39):
Yeah. Yeah, I would have to do that too, because
I do. I've got avocados and tomatoes and well there's
a bunch of things out there, but I've let a
couple of them go bad because we just and I
don't mean to, and I get so upset when it
happens because I'm like, no, there's my homegrown ones.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
That's what I'm say. That's exactly you're proving my point.
And like, if you have a giant thing a basil,
and you need just a little now, you got to
make jars of pest. Though it feels like a project.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
Yeah, I tell people go take our basil too, because
the basil goes so fast.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
Shit, all right, well here's what I think would be cool.

Speaker 4 (28:15):
So I have to have everybody picket picket.

Speaker 2 (28:18):
It still doesn't it's still not enough, Like there's still
extra all the time.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
If I were shooting a show, what I would do
right now, and I might do it in my real
life anyway, is I would say to my whole team,
everybody decide one thing that you want. Because I have
a wee work building on this property, so my staff
works in a separate structure. So I would say to everybody,
what do you each want, and we'd each plant something
for us, and then everybody would get to take vegetables

and fruiton because I have a lot of people here,
I probably like six to ten people. So if everybody
took maybe I'm going to grow a garden. Based on
the Spis and Harry and Lisen you okay, all right.

Speaker 2 (28:54):
It's very satisfying though, like to be able to pick
your own things.

Speaker 4 (28:58):
There is something very satisfying about it.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
When do you plant?

Speaker 4 (29:02):
I think it depends on the thing.

Speaker 2 (29:04):
Yeah, the thing.

Speaker 1 (29:05):
All right, I'm going to look into this.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
I'm not that good a mcgardner.

Speaker 4 (29:08):
It was just that, like I want it on my property.

Speaker 2 (29:10):
I had a nursery come like actually plant the different
types of trees, and then we bought the all the
herbs and of keeping them. But I don't know if
we did it at the right time of the year
or not.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
All right, I'm gonna find out. But you're also in Alla,
so that's a produce capital. So Dori, it's funny. She
was talking about her bridal collection. I don't know what
ended up happening with it, but Nectaria, they've reached out
to me. They actually reached out to me to make
me a wedding dress before, and I then connected that
that was someone that It sounds like Dorita is doing

like a collaboration with them for one collection. It doesn't
sound like Nectaria is going to be her company. It
sounds like one of these sort of housewives business things
where it's not really your business, but it's like a
thing to talk about on the show. And it's a
line kind of thing, right, Like Kyle had a store
Alien too, but it wasn't really her store. It was
Alien two store, but it was called Kyle. Because a

brand has come to you, you're on Beverly Hills, how
do we get involved? And so that's what this sounds like.
And I bet you it's beautiful. I'd love to actually
have a dress or see a dress. I don't know
if this comes to fruition, but I like the idea.

Speaker 2 (30:20):
Yeah, I thought one that they they just showed the
picture of on the episode and it looked stunny.

Speaker 4 (30:28):
So I don't know. I don't know either if if
it actually got made or I.

Speaker 1 (30:33):
Don't know, what did you do for your wedding? What
did you wear?

Speaker 2 (30:37):
You know? They actually they're not there anymore. It was
it was called floor Bear and it's atique beautiful boutique
bridal store on Meller's Place, so charming, and then the
dresses were just stunning, and so it was actually the
opposite of what I thought I was going to do.
It was not this that I thought I was going

to pick. I had my mind, like I had a
vision of what I wanted, and then everything just kept
getting messed up, like it was our third venue like that.
We went through the first one production and the and
the venue could not get on the same page. So
I already kind of started deciding, like the whole vibe
of the wedding started picking things out, and I was like, guys,

come on, we had to get this locked in, and
we started doing stuff. I put down a deposit and
this happened twice and then and then they were like, no,
it doesn't work.

Speaker 4 (31:32):
I was like, oh my god. And Sewn Elliott.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
Actually helped me find us another one. It was this
gorgeous house in Malibu, and then the husband and wife
got divorced or they decided to get divorced, and the
wife it was still like it's it's fine, it's fine,
you can still do the wedding there. That husband was
really pissed and was like nope. He's like, I don't
want any wedding here. We're not doing it. So five
weeks before my wedding, what yes, five weeks before and

we're filming and they legit got made me. They would
not let him go. They're like, okay, wait, because he
called production for saying listen, we got a problem. They
just backed out and so you guys aren't gonna be
able to film there. She can't on the wedding there.
They're like, don't tell her yet, don't don't.

Speaker 1 (32:11):
Call her because they wanted it for the show.

Speaker 2 (32:13):
Wanted it for the show. So I I lugit.

Speaker 4 (32:17):
Thought he was this was just for the show. And
they never do that.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
But I was like, they never that would say don't.

Speaker 4 (32:22):
Answer your phone too if we're filming.

Speaker 2 (32:24):
And so, and I was sitting there and well and
my phone was rking. I just turned it over and
they're like, go ahead and answer it. Go ahead.

Speaker 4 (32:31):
I was like.

Speaker 2 (32:33):
And I just kind of like looked away and they're like, Mary,
go ahead and answer it. I was like, oh, what
are they doing? And so I pick it up. I
see it, Sean, I pick it up, and I'm like there.
But I didn't really buy it at first. I thought
they're just messing with me, just to see what I'm
gonna do, because no way, why would they have.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
Now five weeks before?

Speaker 4 (32:49):
They would never, but they they did.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
They were just like, please just wait until like this
time where we can catch her role.

Speaker 1 (32:56):
Right of course that's gold.

Speaker 2 (32:58):

Speaker 4 (32:59):
And after we were done, like what that wasn't real?
But right? I was like, I mean why what and
They're like, no, that was real.

Speaker 2 (33:07):
We just asked them to call while we were on
camera and I was like, no, no, Mary, that was
real and they backed out. Oh my, it was deposit.

Speaker 1 (33:19):
Wait did you really pay for your Don't tell me
you paid for your own wedding and gave it away
for content. What you know. I didn't pay a goddamn
dime a my wedding.

Speaker 2 (33:26):
I mean I got I got like things where a
trade out, Yeah, like trades. First off, I still wanted
to pay a good amount because the show was still
new at the time. I mean, but I still got
quite a few things I got discounts or or for
trade for things for it because I can't show that
I can't.

Speaker 1 (33:45):
Yeah, I can't imagine paying for a wedding that was
covered by a television show, not because of not only
because you're giving away something it's so valuable, because it's
not the same. Like it's like saying when I go
on vacation with Ramona to Mexico or somewhere, that I
would pay for that, Like that's it's it's like torture
going on show vacation.

Speaker 4 (34:07):
Had had but the house rights been on when you
were on it?

Speaker 2 (34:10):
Were you right?

Speaker 4 (34:11):
At the beginning?

Speaker 1 (34:11):
It was my own spinoff show was three seasons, and
then I had a spinoff that was Bethany getting Married.

Speaker 2 (34:16):
Okay, we'll see so Orizonzo. We were at the beginning
of season two and it wasn't like there was anything.

Speaker 4 (34:22):
It was a brand new show.

Speaker 2 (34:24):
And we were just like we were just happy, like
second season.

Speaker 1 (34:26):
I know, I just never would oh my god.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
So I was like, oh, I know, and I say
yes to everything I know about that. I'm like, I'm
a team player.

Speaker 4 (34:35):
Okay, I know, so I know.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
But I did get a lot of stuff, like for free.
It would have cost triple what.

Speaker 4 (34:43):
I paid at least, but I know, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
I'm still paid probably forty fifty grand or something. Yeah,
but I ended up doing it at a client's house
and so it was able to sell. Everything worked out
because then so getting back to the wedding, yeah, it
ended up we just found out. It was this new
venue which was which is my dream house that I
was talking about, like where it was like one day

and it just matched the theme and I didn't I
never thought I would pick it. I saw it on
the hanger, I was like, nah, And my friend told
me to try it, and she's like, just just humor me.
Tried it on.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
Oh pretty, it's like romantic and Victorian, where you would
have thought you'd do something more like this's gorgeous.

Speaker 2 (35:25):
Though traditional, and then yeah that hew, yeah, oh that's funny.
That's like looks like the same stand.

Speaker 1 (35:31):
That's hysterical. That's stunning. Yeah, very pretty, that's very pretty.

Speaker 2 (35:35):
Bridge I'm saying actually on my back, like no one
ever sees it or anything but the yeah, it's and
I got it before I ever met Romaine, and it
said the only thing real in life are your dreams
in love.

Speaker 1 (35:46):
Oh nice, and you got to have a dress that
showcase that. That's amazing.

Speaker 2 (35:49):
Okay, it happened to have that, and then it kind
of went along with a romantic vibe of.

Speaker 1 (35:53):
Oh I got it guard, Yeah, it's beautiful. Okay. So
their table was gorgeous. Harry did a beautiful job. I
like that of not pretentious and fancy, like a homie vibe.
I like the whole vibe. I like what he's wearing.
I like that she's dressed casual during the scene. I
miss and prefer non costume Lisa. I like natural, normal Lisa.

She like leaned into the Erica Jane dor read of
it all, and so did Kyle. Everybody did. But the
show used to be a little more down to earth
and I like that, Lisa. So then Sutton walks in,
and now the Tomasino thing is said, and I guess
it's in another language, peeping tom. So this is becoming

like a prodding of this issue and as a side
so that's an issue between Crystal and Sutton. And now
there's a side issue that seems to be getting resolved
between Garcel and Lisa Rinna, because you saw a throwback
to like something that happened and they're working on it.

But now Lisa's decided that's a very producer thing. Well,
why don't you have her birthday party as a show
of it was an olive branch. So she has the
birthday party on her dime. Because we've talked about parties,
but this isn't like a fancy party. But she's got
a bartender. So Lisa throws the party for Garcel's birthday,
which seems like, like I said, an olive branch. But

I'm thinking about the pasta, and I'm thinking about when
I shot with Kyle a crossover episode years ago on
Beverly Hills and Kyle said, none of these girls eat.
She said that to me, she said, no one eats
on the show. And I served grilled scallops and I
forgot what else, like something very light, because I thought
this is Beverally. You know New York. We ate like
Marmona ate every sonya ate, I ate, Drinda ate like

we ate.

Speaker 4 (37:43):
To tell me to stop eating.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
And almost every scene they will wait to bring it
food out because they're like, Mary, can you stop eating
for a few minutes so that we yes, I'm this
conversation because no one wants to see you with food.
I'm like, I'm starving. I want.

Speaker 1 (37:57):
But back in the day before Izenviic, everybody used to like,
does Bethany even eat? She doesn't eat people assistance of mind.
Everyone used to say that was the number one question.

Speaker 2 (38:04):
Just she eat.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
It was like an obsession, and Dirinda would always look
at me. Dinda would tell Derinda would always tell everybody
like this girl eats, and she'd look at me and
she'd goes, I don't understand how that plate fits in there.
She's like, poked my body, A pointed to my body
and like the plate is like mounds of FOODGE like that,
how does that fit in there? So she's funny about it.
But I don't think anybody ate. I was looking at

if anybody ate Kyle apparently ate hers. I was thinking
bowl and yet's for this group like read the room.

Speaker 4 (38:33):
I would have loved it the same.

Speaker 2 (38:36):
I was like, I was like, oh my god, I
want to I wouldn't see how he makes it and
like it looks so good.

Speaker 4 (38:42):
It made me crave fasta Actually, when I watched it.

Speaker 1 (38:45):
It made I want past it out. It's so funny
you said that I want pasta tonight with Brent. I
literally want I was thinking, I want to make homemade sauce.
There were a lot of like typical La things I saw.
There was the Ivy china that I have at Ivy Pottery,

and I saw what I would bet my life as
a Sweet Lady Jane cake, which is a place on
Melrose that looked like it wasn't.

Speaker 4 (39:13):
That that I think it may have been.

Speaker 2 (39:16):
Yeah, yeah, it looked.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
Like yeah, and like she did a nice Duckhorn wine
was a very nice wine, like and they're all giving
each other all these lavish gifts, which I was thinking
about the holidays and how I give aways, give out
so many gifts, but that like a third of my
gifts are like in the little Aramas box or in

Bakara perfect wrapping, and a third of my gifts are
amazing gifts, but like they're not wrapped that well because
I buy gifts in bulk and stockpile them and then
at Christmas I'm giving them away, so I don't have
them like perfect in the bag like all the Beverly
Hills housewives do. And even they brought a bottle of
wine with a rose tied around, and I was thinking

everything like appearances, even the gifts. It might not be
like the most amazing gift, but it's gonna be in
the most amazing package.

Speaker 2 (40:07):
Yeah. I think a lot of people do do that
in LA. You know, I guess it's all almost everything
is presentation, though, But I.

Speaker 4 (40:17):
Mean, I don't know. It's a very away thing. I'm
just wearing out LA.

Speaker 2 (40:21):
I don't think. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (40:22):
It's a status symbol. Coming in with that bag is
like coming in with an air mes berk and coming
in with a little shopping bag from the store is
a status symbol.

Speaker 2 (40:31):
I was watching it and I'm like, oh, they give
good gifts. I was like, I just I do you
think I'm a horrible gift giver? And I so when
I do, I'm like, yes, I'm so fond of myself
because it's something personal. I like doing something if I'm
saying I want it to be personal where it's like
it's I really thought it through and when something is
meaningful to the person and and if I yeah, everybody

likes them whatever my bracelet or or something, and yeah,
and everyone's gonna be happy with it.

Speaker 1 (40:58):
Yes, you like a personalization of thoughts. Same same with me.
I am an epic gift giver. It's a I give
about two hundred and fifty gifts over Christmas and everyone
is literally with the individual person in mind. I love
giving gifts. I love it, and like, it's just funny
that Lisa has been friends with ourself for years because
she was friends with Denise for years. And Lisa, I

just want you to know, is a fixture in Hollywood.
Like She's a permanent fixture that knows everyone. Everyone, She's
been through every iteration of this business.

Speaker 4 (41:33):
Good for her. Yeah, yeah, I think everybody knows who
she is. I mean it's not just like.

Speaker 2 (41:39):
When I watched it, I didn't know who a couple
other people were, the Sutton and I like, I couldn't
say Kathy Hilton of course, Yes, Well I just know
Crystal because of because of the show, because of like
them just seeing her out and stuff on on same panels.

Speaker 4 (41:58):
And then who else? Oh, Kyle, of course I know
who she is Racio from from real estate and stuff too.

Speaker 1 (42:03):
Kyle's a fixture to different than Lisa Rinna, but a
fixture too.

Speaker 2 (42:07):

Speaker 4 (42:08):
How is he such a picture?

Speaker 2 (42:09):
Was she an.

Speaker 1 (42:09):
Actress or Kyle? No, Lisa, she was a soap actress,
and then she really and she was she was a
soap actress, and then doing Dancing with the Stars really
like gave her a second chapter. Oh and then she
really capitalized that that she took. She Lisa knows how

to take an opportunity and squeeze it and get it
all out. So that's good for her. Now she's doing
fashion and she's got two model daughters and like she's
she knows how to reinvent.

Speaker 4 (42:41):
She She's like Chris Jenner.

Speaker 1 (42:43):
She's like another Chris Jenner, but in a way, except
she's not managing other people. And I don't think she
always makes like as strategic decisions. Lisa Chris Jenner is
like really looking at the chessboard. Lisa's just taking all
the shots she can take. Kyle's like that too, not asategic,
not his chess, but taking all the opportunities and not

leaving any nickel on the floor of opportunity. And uh
knows all the same people, but yes, so and Lisa's
definitely takes and I mean this and this is gonna
sound bad, but like they say it, this is gonna
sound terrible, Like the most beautiful version of a cockerroach,
because cockroaches never like die like Lisa Rinna is the
most beautiful cockerroach ever. Like she you don't better, She's

not gonna die, like she'll be fashion the model. She'll
she'll she'll be ninety two years old then selling something somewhere,
so she'll be selling sunset at ninety two. Yeah, so
their call. So then now I relate to Sutton a lot.
Derinda would relate to Sutton, And I'll explain why Ramona
wouldn't relate to Sutton, because Ramona will just like laugh

off something. Ramona could say the worst thing about somebody
at a table, or make the biggest mistake of her
life five minutes later, have a glass of wine and
let it go. She literally doesn't care. She would forget
it happen. Dewinda, Sutton, myself were in a mood. Someone
has set us off. They've said us, they've said something.
Someone's irritating us. We can not shake it off. We

cannot taylor swift it. We will just like And so
Sutton is in the moment and she can't just go
with the flow. She just heard detest her detestment, which
is not a word, her detest. The way that she
detests Crystal is in her body and she cannot do it.

She can't avoid it unless she if she's in that environment.

Speaker 4 (44:35):
That's it.

Speaker 2 (44:36):
That's so I didn't know if there was something bigger
when I watched it. I just don't know the backstory.
But if that's it, I guess I'm trying to like that. Well, no,
like that with when Christine was on our show, like
because we had her friendship before, so that was a
personal thing for me, Like when something happened and I
would just shake, Like when when because I I was

just blown away by the behavior and things that were
said and I was just like it was a personal thing.

Speaker 4 (45:05):
It just broke my heart.

Speaker 2 (45:06):
Now things have happened since I just stay out of
people's business. So if something happened something like it, like
with Chelsea like or something like that, I'm just kind
of like okay, man, like and I do I forget
things like right afterwards, I'm like, oh, I don't well,
that's that's good. I don't care. I've moved on because
I'm like a bit like is a personal attack of

something that is changing my life? Fine?

Speaker 4 (45:31):
If not, I'm like, I don't care what they said.

Speaker 1 (45:33):
Well, you're not taking the bait, and I'm sure you
have taken the bait. Everybody makes a mistake of taking
the bait. Yeah, the name of the reality show game
is to take everything personally and to take the bait.
So there could be a next scene, so it could
be an explosion then a makeup, like that's the name
of this game. And it also seems like this is

very inside baseball. But they're like into the season, they're exhausted,
You start to get stressed out. You think alcohol is
the best idea because you're dehydrated and you're tired, and
you just want and you get deeper into it. So
Sutton's been called somebody who violated someone else. She just
doesn't seem to like this person, which I totally relate
to also with certain people. And there is a smugness

to Crystal that is not taking the bait, but also
taunting and antagonizing. Like there's a little bit of a
taunting going on which is totally triggering Sutton, and she
wants to lunch for her and I can relate to that.

Speaker 2 (46:28):
Yeah, it was an interesting episode to an interesting scene
to me because knowing Crystal outside of that, she's like
he always seems like no drama at all and just
very sweet. And then I watched that and I was like, okay,
but there's a ways to I always believe there's two
sides to it too, where if you know that's something
personal and with the word violating, she was accurate on

the word. However, it can be taken a different way
the way it said it, if that's a triggering word
for for something, and it's like, Okay, I.

Speaker 4 (47:02):
Don't I see both sides.

Speaker 1 (47:04):
But well, first of all, knowing someone, knowing someone as
an acquaintance in LA is very different than being in
a pressure cooker with them on reality TV.

Speaker 4 (47:16):
Yeah, and I don't know anything.

Speaker 2 (47:18):
Yeah, I'm just and there's no it's just it was
an interesting thing, like like the watching that he was
just interesting.

Speaker 1 (47:27):
I agree. I agree.

Speaker 2 (47:29):
Oh, I don't know who Sutton is either, like this
is the person I've never heard of her, or know
who is she.

Speaker 1 (47:34):
Sutton is friends with Kathy and she's just a popular
one on the show. She's good friends of Corsel. She's
was married, she has a beautiful divorce settlement, and is
very wealthy. Apparently she rented Kyle's house one season and
she seems like kind of real, like meaning she's very
you know, she's she's a wealthy woman who holds no punches,

And I don't know, I haven't. I think this might
be the only first episode, full episode I've ever seen
with her, unless we've rewatched something else. I think I
rewatched one other one at a party with Crystal in
her But get get I get why she's on the show.
She's like the Dirinda character of this show. She's abroad
and she's real and she's cool and she makes mistakes
and I like it. I don't think that the characterization

of her being irrational is correct, and I don't and
and Crystal doubles down with like, yeah, I'm not apologizing
and I'm not changing the word, and she basically says
the whole quintessential Housewives' apology, I'm sorry if if it
made you upset, which is not an apology. And more importantly,

I've always remembered this this this group doesn't have a
great sense of humor. They laugh and they laugh at
like partying and getting drunk, but like they're not particularly funny,
and for nobody to laugh when Cathy said, who is
hunky Dory? Fuck?

Speaker 4 (49:01):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (49:02):
I am Literally when I watched it, I got I
started dying laughing, and I what the fuck up? And
my mom's here for a couple of days and I
took it and I was like, you've got to see this,
and I was I was absolutely crying.

Speaker 4 (49:15):
I was laughing so hard, and.

Speaker 2 (49:17):
My mom just starts She's like, she really doesn't, does
she not?

Speaker 1 (49:22):
Well, it's funny because like she said something in one
of her interviews that made me realize, now the producers
want her to be that person. And she said some
other thing that didn't land. It was around a Garcel scene,
but it was an interview and Kathy said something else
that was like not that smart and dit see, but
it didn't land. It wasn't like hockey Dory, which was real.

Speaker 4 (49:44):
Or was hilarious. Yeah, I thought.

Speaker 2 (49:48):
I was like, is it a Midwest thing? Is it?
Or it's like just her like or like a country.
I don't know, but she just didn't get it, and
I thought it was the funniest, funniest thing ever.

Speaker 1 (49:57):
Same it was something about with her what was in
her purse that they were trying to make force another
funny thing in the interview, but it didn't land Crystal said,
you're just jealous. I hate the word what? Like what
what upside? Okay? I tell you Mary, you're jealous of me?
Like what why would I say that? What would I

like even if even if you were jealous of me?
Like what? What? What is me saying that to you?
Everyone else is gonna think I'm such a jerk because like,
why would I think anyone is jealous of me? Why
wouldn't you be jealous of someone twenty four with like
a tight ass or a billionaire or some like You're
not jealous of me? And why would she say that
out loud? You're jealous of what?

Speaker 2 (50:39):
I know? Yeah, that word is thrown around so much,
I think, and I just don't And maybe people are
jealous more than I realized. But I mean, I just
I'm not a jealous person. So it's always I hear
all the time, and I'm like, I don't know, Like
if someone has it, I mean, yo, of course people
have more. You're like, oh, I want that, But it's

like you do it in a like not jealous, like
an aspirational yeah, like where yeah you look up to them.

Speaker 4 (51:06):
You're like ooh, how do I do that?

Speaker 2 (51:07):
Okay, Like and it's like motivating. Yeah, like I don't know,
I think on a front.

Speaker 1 (51:13):
No, me too. But even if let's say you were jealous,
would you admit it like you're jealous? Oh, you're right,
I'm jealous, But like why would you say, Like it's
you have such a high opinion of yourself to say
to somebody else you're jealous.

Speaker 2 (51:23):
Never gonna admit to it. And then that then the
person that says it just seems like an ass totally.

Speaker 1 (51:29):
So Crystal said you're jealous, and she seemed like an ass,
and she opened up to a comment about about your
ugly leather pants, and that moment made me look at
everyone's outfit and like, this wasn't a good outfit party.
We had one in the Hampton where we all just
like clowns, but they were not. I didn't think of
everyone's outfit Garcela any better.

Speaker 2 (51:50):
So I was like when she did that, then I
did look at the outfits too, and I was like, oh,
I'm gonna put out outfits, but like considering question is gone.
But I was like, I don't know, I wasn't really
paying attention to anybody else's outfit. It was just because
there was a conversation between the two of them. Then
it does it forces you to look.

Speaker 1 (52:08):
So I went to everybody's outfit and I thought, this
is not a good outfit party, Like, this is not
It wasn't Ky, not Kyle, not Doriet, not Garcel. Garcel
had like fur sleeves and a big F pat everywhere
with f's everywhere, and Dorie was wearing like a ties
Die rainbow outfit and the bolt belt was like all

the way in the back tucked in a loop, and
like maybe that's supposed to be like fashion. I don't know,
it just it didn't land She had a Dio R Barrett.

Speaker 2 (52:37):
I remember that.

Speaker 1 (52:38):
I remember that, and her pink bag, which was a star.
Kyle's outfit wasn't Landing. I don't remember Kathy's. I don't
really remember Lisa's. Sutton's had like a lot of ornate
AND's on them and crystal shirt and those leather pants
also weren't great, Like nothing was that great.

Speaker 2 (52:56):
I don't remember anything standing out to me like, oh
that's cute.

Speaker 4 (53:01):
But I only remember that two because in that scene,
I was like I just looked, and.

Speaker 2 (53:05):
I obviously they pan in on the pants and then
and then they go back to to satin and I
was like, oh, that wasn't really good choice either, but
but yeah, no one else really stuck out.

Speaker 4 (53:18):
I remember the Findy hat. I do remember that one.

Speaker 1 (53:22):
This is the ABC d EFG show. They have all
the letters all the time. There was another there was
a throwback to a scene with Kyle where she had
the G sweater. It has to always be like a
bunch of There were two representations of letters in this episode.
And I think like Erica's wearing like a Sergeant Pepper's
Lonely Hearts band like jacket that had like shoulder pads
a red why and I don't know, I don't remember.

It wasn't the best outfit.

Speaker 2 (53:45):
It just wasn't a black like leather jacket or something.

Speaker 1 (53:48):
I think with gold or red. I just it's it's
flashing before my eyes. I don't remember. But I liked
her like plasticy interview look. And I liked Kyle's like
for her and four Beverly Hills are own opening like
yellow dress and Kyle had a big like geenie ponytail
like sequins in the interviews the interview looks. I was
always very very simple and did not take it up

a notch. For the interviews, they always were like, can
you My interview looks were just very nothing because I
just couldn't deal.

Speaker 2 (54:18):
They wouldn't let me do anything different in the beginning,
and I didn't know.

Speaker 4 (54:23):
I just thought, Okay, we're supposed to look like ourselves.

Speaker 2 (54:25):
But then on interview day they do.

Speaker 4 (54:27):
They have someone for hair makeup. The rest of the
time we just take her of our own.

Speaker 1 (54:31):
Amazing Mary, So nice to meet you. Now we know
each other. Thank you so much for coming one, Thank
you for having me.
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