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January 31, 2024 15 mins

Marriage isn't what it used to be and Bethenny has all the receipts to prove why, and what (if anything) can be done about it. 

Plus, all the details on the latest scandal to hit Tik Tok!

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Speaker 1 (00:12):
Can we talk about the silver platter teenager generation. I
think it's because of social media, and I know when
we were kids, they had commercials, but it just was
a slower burn, like you had to have TV shows
in between commercials. It wasn't like every minute of the
day there was something for a kid to be obsessed
about and want. And I ranted on TikTok about the

ten year olds at Sephora, but I wanted to talk
about the teenagers at Sephora because I'm not kidding. A
year and a half ago was the first time in
my life I would ever have the cahonis to order
a fifty dollars blush or lip gloss like it makes
me sick. I today, I'm gonna have to talk to
a therapist about the fact that I ordered a Stanley

cup for thirty five dollars that has like a little
handle and it's supposed to not topple over. Because I
know that like five below and everybody else have and
TJ and everyone else have like five dollars versions of it,
and yes they're knockoffs of it, so I should like
want the original Aramas bag, I guess, but like, look
at my assistant she has a Stanley cup. Danielle, a

woman I work with, she has a Stanley cup, like
women on a budget, working women at a back and
look at them like, who the fuck do you guys
think you are having Stanley cup? You spend forty dollars
on a cup and they're like they love their cup,
they idolize their cup, they take care of their cup,
they pet their cup. The ice they got, the whole
fucking ice thing. The ice from last night is lasted
till today. I'm like my ice and my shitty cup

from TJ lasted till today too. It started years ago
with the swell bottle, Like we understand the ice concept.
Guess what Thermis did it too a long time ago.
And it'll stay hot you eating soup out of your
Stanley cup. So anyway, these kids, can we go get Bubba?
Can we get Starbucks? And then John Galla like they
want everything and they want it now, and it's like

it's just so fast. And I know I sound like
the one who's like why we took a divorce and
carriage to go to Target? Like I know, but like
it's just a lot right now, that's still and the
teenager age is just silver platter. Anyway to begin with
your life is the games and the practices and the
schedule and the concert at school and the oh, I

mean God. We serve at the pleasure of the teenagers,
Serve at the pleasure of Britain happy, serve at the pleasure.
I talked about this a little to Holly Madison, but
I think we should talk about the rate of divorce
and its connection to young people wanting so badly to

be married. So there's so many different things to break
down here. The rate of divorce is high, it's over
sixty percent. I think and think about the number of
people that you know that are married divorced who are
not happy. And I talk about how people who are
in quote unquote traditional marriages do judge people in non
traditional marriages. But I believe that non traditional is working

because people are being honest about the fact that they
are married to someone that is not them. They're not
married to a clone. That person has their own cultural beliefs,
their own ideology, their own moral beliefs, their own business
ethics and business style. Do they believe in horoscopes? They

like to ski? Do they like a sunny vacation? What
about being strict, parenting indulgent. Two different people getting married
means two different ideals, and so in many cases, two
different people means two different previous spouses, two different sets
of children, blending different ages like these are things that

have to come together. So how do you make that work?
It's often with non traditional Some people don't see each
other every day. Some people don't have dinner together every night.
Some people travel a lot, some people have long distance relationships.
Some people don't like their in laws, you know, some
people have a disparity in income. There are millions different ways,

And I've seen from Kurt Russell and Goldie Hahn, who
for years weren't actually married, which would seem like something
to judge, weren't legally married, that they sort of indicated
that it works for them because they both are on
different paths but have similar sensibilities about where those paths
are leading. And they never thought it was going to
be one thing. It's a living and breathing organism that

has highs and lows and ins and outs, and it
ends up in a different place. Neil Patrick Harris I
heard recently say something similar, and I think about the
young generation that is marketed marriage marketed. We buy makeup
because of marketing. We buy a Stanley cup because of marketing,
We buy a brand of cottage cheese, or you know,

go on a vacation or stay at a hotel, or
buy a shirt because of marketing. Why would we not
be getting married because of marketing? Because you're marketed the dress? Oh,
don't you want to pick out a dress? Don't you
want to be doing the lace on the top or
the big fairy princess. You're gonna get to be the
star if you're not an actual star, you get to
be the star, the bell of the ball. You get
to be a princess. So how much how intoxicating is

that you get a ring? You're gonna get a gorgeous ring.
What's it gonna be? Is a oval? Is it hard?
Is it marquis? What are the side stones? That's a
big thing that's exciting. You get to make your friends jealous.
You've got prince charming, You get to like live this
life and act as if you just have such an
enviable life because you're getting married, and where are you
going on your honeymoon? So all of this is marketed,

And why wouldn't you want to buy it. You want
to flip through the magazines. You get to out florals.
What are you gonna eat? What's the cake? Oh my god,
it's all about you. Everyone's fawning over you. You get to
have another party. You can have an engaging party. You
can have a bridal shower. You can, you know, do
so many different things and you you can. You're gonna
get all these gifts, you get to register. This is

the stuff that we're marketed. And the problem is we
spend more time thinking about the foreplay and the marketing
than the actual main act, which is an actual marriage
that you have your whole life to have if you
choose to do it, and what does that entail? And
how are you choosing? Are you choosing wisely? Are you
spending enough time really thinking about the nuts and bolts,

What the bench looks like when you're seventy five, if
someone's sick, what the finances look like, what a divorce
god forbid looks like. It's a fact. You can't be
a dummy. If sixty percent of business deals fail, which
probably the numbers higher, doesn't it sound insane to not
have a prenup? And isn't it something that you want
to walk into really understand the terms you got to divorce,

what happens, what's the child's situation going to be like,
what about custody, what about religion, what about medicine, what
about college? What about you know, all that stuff. But
the point is I think that the fairy tale is
being marketed to young people and it's also relating to

their motivation. Young women in particular want to bag a
rich guy. They want a good looking but really they
definitely would love someone to take care of them. It's
a lot of young girls that really talk to each
other about wanting to bag a rich guy. Now you
bag a rich guy, you give up power. If you
don't have your own money, if you're not working, you

give up power. You give up decision making, even in
ways that aren't so tangible. The tangible ways are on
where are you're going to go on a vacation. Yes,
you're both going to weigh in on where you want
to go on a vacation, and you'll have a lot
more leverage in the beginning of the marriage when your
husband isn't sick of you like you're sick of him.
But ultimately he or she who makes the gold makes
the rules. You gonna buy a house, You're just gonna
go buy a house on your own without having to

ask your husband permission. You're gonna go buy a Rolex,
or some vancleeve earrings, or a three hundred and fifty
dollars facial treatment or something without asking permission. No, because
they who make the gold make the rules. And what
if you don't love your in laws, you don't want
to like hang out with them for a whole weekend,

or you don't want them to just stop by all
the time. Yes, that's not related to money. But if
your in laws know that your husband is supporting you,
your in laws are going to use that as leverage too,
because he supports you. So then therefore you have to
go along with the program, their program. So don't be
so quick to think that you meet a rich guy

that you're taken care of and you're set for the
rest of your life. To the things in life that
people don't want to do anymore is run for president
or host an award show. Running for president sounds like
the worst fucking job ever you have, like a drooling
man who is you know, like a bull of oatmeal

running the country. No, problem, and you've got Joe Coy
up on stage basically being like, oh, you didn't like
that one my writers wrote it, like throwing his own
writers under the bus and then being trashed and made
fun of. He did finish the fucking race. And then
he's up there like a child at a recital being
like can I start over? Wait a second, saying like,
wait a minute, I only got the gig ten years ago,
like wha when I don't know why Joe Coy was

hosting the Golden Globes. Respectfully, I know who he is.
I saw one of his movies, and I don't know
if he was at the level to be hosting the
fucking Golden Globes. I really don't. I think I'm as
equipped to host the Golden Globes as Joe Coy. And
he shipped the bed. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at
an awards show. Joe Coy shit the bed. Chelsea Hammler
hosted a show and the ratings are down twenty percent.

Sounds like a horrific gig. Call me. Let's talk about
lab grown diamonds. Someone I work with was telling me
that a lot of her friends have rings that don't

seem like the size of rings that would be appropriate
for them based on their economic status, which leads me
to believe that these are lab grown diamonds. They're not
cubrics or conia. I don't know what mousinite is exactly.
I thought that was a lab grown diamond. I think

it's like a different thing. There's another thing, ziam in.
I think there are these branded non diamonds. But a
lab grown diamond is a diamond. It's just grown in
a lab. So now that's significantly less expensive. It's still expensive,
but like you're gonna get a four and a half
carrot lab grown diamond probably five six thousand dollars. You're
gonna get a four and a half carrot, you know,

not spectacular quality diamond, just good quality diamond for fifty thousand,
So it's got to be it's costing ten percent. It
sounds like, so this is like a serious thing to discuss.
And is this gonna be something where people are not
gonna be buying diamonds anymore, they're only gonna be buying
lab grown or is this gonna be like air mez
where diamonds are still going to be elite and they're

flourishing in you know, the Harry Winston and the Oscar
Hayman and the graf worlds of brands, but also the
dupes are flourishing as well. Like I don't think there's
ever been a time that air Mez has been bigger
and Chanel's been bigger. But I also don't think there's
ever been a time where dupes and replicas and fake

bags have been as big. So I think both areas
have exploded. And the question is is that up fronting
and stunting? Is it fronting and stunting to have a
five carrot a lab grown diamond when your fiance can
really only afford a two carrot diamond? Do we go

big or go home? Or do we want a two
carrot diamond? You know, I sit here, I'd want the paperwork,
the gia I'm putting in my safe, a real diamond.
It does mean something, because otherwise what does anything mean?
What does anything mean? Why does anything need to be
real anymore? So the question is is it would annoy

you if you knew someone couldn't really afford the giant
diamond that was on their hand, but they're wearing it
because they're fronting and stunting, and it's lab grown. It's
one of those things that would really annoy girls about
other girls, who would annoy the girls that have the
real diamond because because it's like, you don't get to
wear a T shirt that says, my diamond's real. This

bitch over here hers is lab grown. Let me tell
you about a little scandal it's going on over on TikTok.
TikTok is its own planet, its own universe, its own world.
It has its own rules, its own laws, its own scandals,
its own news stories, its own things that go on
that you don't know about. It's a world. In that world,

there's a man who owns a bronzer company, and Mikayla,
who's a famous TikTok beauty influencer who has transcended and
doing well on Instagram too. But she's a social media
influencer and she's like the Oprah of beauty because she
can move a product. So she talked about this bronzer product,
and this guy who owns a competing bronzer brand said

that the brand she was talking about copied his brand.
So allegedly she told him by text or phone or
something that she was going to review his Bronzer brand
in the next couple of days. He spent ten thousand
dollars to make sure he had another product ahead of time,
and she didn't review it, and he called her out.
How Michaela cost me ten thousand dollars And most of

the internet is about like, it's not a binding contract,
and so this is her business and there are nor guarantees.
And while we understand you were preparing, you shouldn't have
spent ahead of the brand. And it really was an
interesting conversation because you know, she gets so many different products.
She might not have known what she was even agreeing to.
She might have a team who disagrees with her choice

to do that. She might have a competing product she's
supposed to promote, or she may not actually like his
product and doesn't want to diss him on top of
his product being copied. There are a thousand different reasons
why she might not have posted about it. But she
didn't post about it, and he's claiming she cost him
ten thousand dollars. He cost himself ten thousand dollars. He
wrote a ten thousand dollars check and got bullish. He
was bullish in the market versus just letting her video

come out. She could have said she hated the product.
By the way, anything can happen in a courtroom, so
it's just funny that. But he also may have just
been in the queue and she wasn't gonna talk about
it for months. She might just have a lot of
things to talk about because she probably gets one hundred
boxes a week. I get products, and seven months later

I'll first talk about something. So I just found it
to be a very interesting thing because it's sort of
like giving entitlement and like I'm gonna spend ten thousand dollars,
My whole life's gonna change. Mikayla's gonna talk about me,
and therefore it's her fault that she didn't like. That
is such fucking gaslighting. She didn't, she didn't, She said
she was gonna talk about it, and by the way,

I fucking changed my mind. Maybe I don't like the product,
maybe I don't like you changed her fucking mind, And
even gonna happen in business, do not rely on anyone else.
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