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December 4, 2023 57 mins

RHOSLC - S2, E21 “Why Can’t We Be Friends?”

The ladies of LadyGang join Bethenny to take on the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City! Find out which one of them has a personal connection with a housewife, who they think has the best label presentation and who is fashion challenged. Plus, split personalities, suspicious behavior and naked art!   

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
In the season two finale, Lisa throws an over the
top eighties themed Vita tequila party, but relationships are tested
when Jenny throws a glass at Mary for being dismissive
and Meredith confronts Lisa for her actions in Zion. Then
the group demands Meredith to tell Jen the real reason
they can't be friends, but Meredith threatens to reveal a
few secrets of her own. First, Becca Tobin, Jack Vanick,

and Kelty Knight from the Ladygang podcast join me to
recap this episode. I am so excited. This is real.
Housewives of Salt Lake City, Season two, episode twenty one.
Why can't we be friends?

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Let's go, Bethany, I can't thank you for having us.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
Thank you. I can't either. This is, first of all,
my first foursome. I've only ever had two people on here,
and I've never been with the three of you. I'm
very excited. This is amazing.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
We're very excited.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
Will we will not let you down?

Speaker 1 (00:58):
Yay? I know? Oh my god. Okay, So let's get
started with your knowledge of the housewives' sphere. I will
say that it's always a triggering question when people A
loaded question when press asks me if I watch the Housewives,
because it seems like I'm hating or shading. I'm not.
I just I don't watch the Housewives. I watch like crime,

like crime in some rainy small town where there's someone missing,
Like that's what I like to watch because I need
to dig in.

Speaker 4 (01:29):
And I don't like.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
Sort of junk food television because it goes too quickly
just like yeah, nothing, I don't have anything from it after.
So I only watch The Housewives now when i'm watching
for a rewatch a rewives, and I had only seen
Salt Lake City one. So I want to get your
fluency in this space.

Speaker 5 (01:50):
I'm going to go first because you are a woman
after my own heart. I was actually nervous to do
this podcast because I don't watch The Housewives at all, none, none, none,
and I am a true crime officionado, So I'm like, wow,
we're connected right now. But my connection to the Housewives
is I grew up with Vicky Gunbolson's daughter. She was

my best friend growing up, so like that is my
only connection that I have to the Housewives at all.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
Wait, that's amazing, guys. We have to have her back
on a Vicky Gumbolson's daughter moment episode because they definitely
didn't know that. Otherwise we would have been watching something,
but then it would have made you biased anyway.

Speaker 5 (02:29):
That's true. Yeah, it's so funny. I grew up with
her daughter, Brianna was like my best friend growing up.
So but that's all I have.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
That's so nice. So that's a lot. That's a big,
big for here, for rewives, that's a big like a
bomb dropped. And I've always liked her. She did a
nice job navigating the show, and that's just big news
to me. Wow. Okay, and Jack.

Speaker 6 (02:51):
Also, we've had like including Bethany, like probably most of
the important housewives on Lady Gang podcast over the years.

Speaker 2 (03:00):
I'm familiar with the good ones.

Speaker 6 (03:02):
Yeah. Yes, it was actually funny when we were When
I was rewatching this episode of Salt Lake, I was
like Genie or Jenny or whatever her name was, I
was like, she would quaymon went. She was never on
Lady Game podcast. That's what I mean by the important ones.
When it's a whisper of a podcast, when it's a
whisper of a housewife, they don't last well. Bethany, I
was never a Housewives fan until a few years ago.

Becca was like, you need a stress release, and so
she got me into it. And so now I am
a I've watched every episode of Salt Lake I watched
I watched Beverly Hills, I watched New York. I watch
a little Potomac and a little Atlanta and I'm about yeah.
So I'm I'm well versed. But I have a little
Salt Lake info. Two before Becca goes So when I

I now work at E News, but I was working
at entertainment tonight and during COVID. One of the job,
one of my assignments was to go to Salt Lake
City and interview the Salt Lake City Housewives before the
show aired. And they had they had a quarantine for
like five days in a hotel room before you were
allowed to see anyone, right, And so I interviewed Genshaw,

Heather Gay, and Lisa Barlow for a big sit down
before and I have to tell you I knew something.
It was up with Genshaw because she came to the
interview you know how they say.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
Like wealth whispers.

Speaker 6 (04:18):
Yes, she was wearing like a head to toe print
Gucci denim suit and she brought two furs. There was
like an arrival fur and then she took it off,
and then she brought in the assistant brought in a
second fur to be on camera, and I was like,
this is going to be a great season and she's
going to be a great housewife because she's ridiculous. But

then it all makes sense. We'll talk about that, but anyway,
we'll know that Housewives.

Speaker 1 (04:43):
Saying I always call it the ABC dfg's like they
were in the g's, the c's, the H. Every letter
of the rainbow is the ABC d EFG is the Housewives,
which you know, I don't think like quote unquote really
fashionable people are constantly emboldened with letters. But all so,
I guess it's tea to say that they found a

lot of counterfeit stuff in her clubs. Oh yeah, so
that's now.

Speaker 6 (05:08):
Yeah, now it all makes sense. It all makes sense.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
I was gonna say about the labels because salt Lake
is just crawling with them. The only housewife in history
that could get away with the ABC d EFG was Dereet,
like the only person I think that she kind of
made a fashion moment with every one of them, and
the way she styled everything like it was it was.
It made sense to me, it wasn't as cheesy.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Well, here's the thing you're saying, it landed. And also
I'll say she started it okay, everybody there, she did
back in front of the camera and the g's and
the c's and the ABC's. Yes, but she started as
like a gimmick that she was in on the joke, like, Hi,
I'm gonna be that like dumb and dumber ski person
who has like that show look going. And then I

give Erica credit for coming in with all the outlandish
hair and taking his game to a costume level. I
give Dory credit for taking it to the next level
and then making the hair her own thing. But I
do give Dory credit for what you were saying, like
he's like outlandish abcdefg's, but they are out landish because

they do land you're laughing at it. But with her,
she's in on the joke, like we're getting that she's
doing something intentional. I agree, I like that.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
And then all she's like Fendi Barbie, like she's sort
of the whole thing is working.

Speaker 4 (06:34):
She also has a style.

Speaker 5 (06:35):
There's like difference between like Jenshaw putting it on where.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
It just looks like a dumpster.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
Fire and it's not just haphazard.

Speaker 6 (06:43):
Yeah. Yes, well she also knows the history, and I
think that's like when you talk to her, she was like,
she's like, this is a vintage piece from It's like
watching Bethany go to TJ Max where you're like, this
is a good fabric, feel fabric, like you know what
I mean, Like she's giving.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
Us an education in fact at the same time, yes.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
Yes, yes, but that of wind Tour would feel that
if you're buying the whole thing off the window or
Tom Ford would agree, that's not really fashion. Like letting
them do the thinking for you and the creative for you,
that's not really fashion. The history of this sweater, I
may have worn it on the Housewives in Vermont or something.

Is that I when I buy something, I buy like
multiples of it or different iterations, like I'll have like
a bunch of different aramez clogs and I'll get every color,
like because I know it's a uniform. So when the
Gucci uh what's this called like embellished sweaters came out
like it was like they were making fun of like
old Christmas sweater jay cruise shutters, but they have this

or you know, ornate. It's chic, but also some people
will hate it. But because it's the holidays or from
going skiing, I always pull them out. And I've had
them for years, and I bought them at like the
outlets or like I always got them on some sort
of deep discount because they're like three thousand dollars sweaters,
so I've probably gotten them for like six seven hundred,
which is still a lot, but I've kept them. This

has been over ten years. So that's the history of
my Gucci Cashmere winter sweater. I love Bravo, and I
don't usually like put on cute sort of intentional things
for this show, but today I had a gang of ladies,
so I did.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
Yes, he didn't dress that. We also did intentional dressing today. Sweatshirts, babe.
I'll now dress for my child.

Speaker 3 (08:29):
I have a son that's too and he likes race cars,
and so I'm wearing this like crazy sweatshirt with race
cars just because I wanted to come out of the
room and have him smile at me because he's such
a dick to me right now because he's too all.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
Have sweatshirts on. You're all doing my daughter's version of
like hoodie cool.

Speaker 2 (08:44):
Yes, oh yeah, holding into our youth, trying to be
gen z, you know.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
Yeah, and none of us are like we're all at
the same level. Even though mine's a Gucci sweater, it's still.

Speaker 2 (08:53):
Like doors, We're not at your level.

Speaker 5 (08:55):
We're not.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
I don't know if I'm at anyone's level, but this
is I'm feeling proud of my holiday sweater. Okay, all right,
so let's get into this. So now it's funny. The
first big scene is Lisa Barlow's tequila party. I'm always
going to give credit where credit is due, and I'm
going to say that Lisa has been hawking this tequila

since before I was hawking Skinny Girl. And I know
this because I met her at Sun Dance and there
was this event called Chef Dance where there were all
these different famous, not really famous, but successful chef important
chefs that I called to get to come because I
convinced the owner of this event that I could make

it bigger and each year, like get good chefs and
hopefully Liai's of celebrities. I just wanted to have my
name attached to something, so for free I would come
and get to go to this dinner every night and
interact with chefs, and Lisa was like in another room
and was talking about having a tequila which was very
advanced then because a she was and on TV it
was a woman. She had a liquor brand. Like, I

got to give her the props that she deserves. And
in a Mormon state.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
She's a hustler. It's confusing to me that she is
a Mormon who has the liquor brand. But like we
we touched down on that a lot in the show,
but we never really get a straight answer, which is
so mind blowing to me.

Speaker 2 (10:20):
Because I thought they were like mormon Ish.

Speaker 6 (10:24):
And then her son, now on future seasons, is on
his mission and I was like, no, no, that's And
when I saw John at BRAVOCN he was like, oh,
on my mission, I went to Las Vegas and I
was like no, no, no, you're like really Mormon. So the
tequila brand is getting even more confusing as we unpack.

Speaker 5 (10:40):
And they're all ripping shots, all of them at that party, right, Yeah,
except for I think one person's maybe Jen's husband or something.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
Which by the way, goes into a whole conversation which
we could do another episode on just religion. Because what
is there someone with a clipboard that's going to tell
you if you're really Mormon, like whatever, you're whoever your
creator or whoever you believe in, you have to have
the conversation with them. So if she's her God drinks shots,
then her God drinks shots. It's all a bunch of
blurred lines in this entire show with this Mormon aspect

to it.

Speaker 2 (11:12):
So Lisa Barlow's creator wants her to be rich.

Speaker 1 (11:15):
Right right, You're choosing your own adventure with religion on
this show. But I will say there are two things
about it. So when I came on the show, no
one was talking about business, no one was marketing. No
one even thought of it as a platform for that,
And as a result of the success I had, it
became a breeding ground for that. The thing is that
when I came on, there were ten women in this space,

and to market on the show, you had the eyes
of millions and you were marketing. Now it's has it
jumped the shark? Is it still effective? Do you want
to buy the tequila for real or as sort of
a joke because you're doing a housewives party? Or has
it all been drowned out? No pun intended because it's
tequila commercials on your TV. You just fast forward and

you don't care what the product is. Do you believe
any of it now? Are? They're too many products now
being hawked on these scenes?

Speaker 3 (12:09):
For me, it jumped the shark. Sorry when Lisa Renna
had the duster jacket coat thing. Do you remember the
Lisa Renna clothing line for QBC?

Speaker 2 (12:20):
I do?

Speaker 1 (12:20):
But was it on the ship that would work?

Speaker 5 (12:22):

Speaker 2 (12:22):
I feel like QBC, like Watchers, it was like Dirksha.
They do love it.

Speaker 3 (12:28):
But for me as like as a viewer, I've never
been I've never run out to buy a product like
past the days of Skinny Girl, like we would go
when we were living in New York. We would go
buy the Skinny Girl margarita to have like a fun night,
And now like I'll buy sweatshirts that say like send
it to Darryl as a joke, like a novelty with
my friends.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
Yes, it's a novelty.

Speaker 6 (12:50):
It's also like I think that the Bravo celebrities are
now there's so many of them. They're broken into the
categories bethany of like who you like, ABC ly D
list celebrities in the Bravo universe. So it's like there's
A listers where you are like, oh wow, I trust

your style. I would buy a product from you. I
think it's going to be great quality. And then there's like,
you know.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
The lemon drops that ye Shannon storms Badour.

Speaker 6 (13:20):
So I'm not buying health products from Shannon Storm's Badore, like.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 6 (13:24):
It's like, okay, you know, it's like it's the same
as the regular world where you're like this person is impactful,
they're the Prada and then there's like, I'm not buying
you know, Oh my god, what's the girl on Salt
Lake that's blonde who did the painting with her husband,
Whitney Whitney Whitney, I'm not buying, like of skin.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
Okay, here's the Whitney. You're lovely, Whitney's lovely. Here's here's
the thing I think that I think that we should do.
I should do an episode on Housewives Product's graveyard, because
you know, the A listers, like it's hard for everybody. Listen,
the Kardashians have had tanning products that have failed, hair
products that have failed, credit cards that have failed. They're billionaires.

Housewives Kyle had the store with Alien too. She had
like a two name clothing line, like and you kind
of just don't hear about it again. And then I
don't know where Beverly Beaches is that still? Is that
a still a beach? Like you know, Gretchen had handbags,
Charat had she by Charay Sonia sells stuff that I
think she just gets like they they say from Ali

Bob and then puts her label on it, which is fine.
That's a lot of like that's called white labeling. I'm
just saying, like, it's not that easy to be successful
in business, and most housewives businesses don't land mm hmm, Sothany.

Speaker 5 (14:42):
I don't know if I told you this on the
last time we're on the podcast, but when we did
Lady Gang TV, they tried to hit me with the
Bethany clause of them because I own a clothing line.

Speaker 4 (14:51):
It's what I'm wearing.

Speaker 5 (14:51):
It's like graphics T shirts and sweatshirts and stuff, and
they tried to take a big piece of my clothing
line to do the show, like it was almost an
on starter and I was like, I've been doing this
for fifteen years before we started it. It wasn't like something
I'm trying to start on the show at Hawk and
then we never talked about it anyways, so it was
like there. It's funny how they still are trying to

take a piece of a lot of these businesses that
probably are going to lose money to begin with.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
What I've come to realize, and I'm pretty sure that
I'm right, is it's an insurance policy. They're not auditing
your business. But if you go and sell for one
hundreds of millions of dollars and you at land On Forbes,
then they're going to come for it. Then they'll be
willing to spend the money to get the audit because
they might have a piece, you know, they're not looking
into She by Charret, you know, or Teresa Fabolini or

the Red Velvet Cosmopolitan or whatever. I mean, there are
a lot of housewives businesses, so I think it'd be
worth looking into because very few succeed even like vander
Pump's wines. I'm sure they do well because they have
the distribution of her place, but they're not like blowing
out in stores and they don't have any kind of
record numbers. So it's just it's an interesting discussion.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
After Skinny Girl.

Speaker 3 (16:00):
What do you think is the most successful Housewives brand?

Speaker 1 (16:03):
What is it?

Speaker 3 (16:04):
I don't know, there's not even a close second to.

Speaker 1 (16:06):
Me, no, because I was thinking Candy herself is successful,
but restaurants don't make that much money, so that's not
really I don't is there a brand.

Speaker 6 (16:18):
Probably like the vander Pump bars and stuff like she does, you.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
Know, like the vander Pump hospitality but some have closed
but that but that's a hard business, like you can't
catch No one's cashed out big where they're printing money.
And that woman Diana had the neuro but she came
in with that. So I can't think of any brand
that's been like I'm I don't know if that like
love Boy thing, Lover Boy thing on that other show

does well. I don't know. He talks up a big game,
but I haven't heard, and I don't know. I really
don't know, but yeah, probably fit vander Pump and Jason.
Let me know if you think of something. Okay, So

you know, it's funny because the jen Shaw of this,
it's just giving, very fraudulent and here she is on
this season with her clothes and her chanel and her fabulousity.
And only because we have the infinite wisdom now of
knowing that she's in jail, do we look back and
have that, you know, perspective. But most a lot, most

of the people are fronting and stunting on these shows,
hoping that their success on the show will catch up
with what they're showing us.

Speaker 6 (17:37):
H Well, it's crazy because this episode is like the
one you know she's moving and you're like, I remember,
this really rocked my world because I started at Saltlake
was my first, and then I've gone back and watched
all the other housewives, and so I did not understand
that much about Housewives at this point.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
And I remember her like moving and downside, and then I.

Speaker 6 (18:01):
Was like, oh, this is like so crazy because if
you own this big house, like you would have all
this probably you know, money that you'd put into it
and you would be getting that back. Why are you
having to go to this like very different lifestyle, you know?
And and then the whole thing came out that she'd
been renting the Shaw Chalet had been She'd had three
different Shaw Chalets and every season she rented a new

fabulous house to film the outside and to film Housewives
in and then had to like move. That's why she
knew the movers so well, and they were like. She
was like, hey, Carl, welcome back. Because I guess the
family moved all the time and she'd never actually owned
a house. It all makes sense now when you're watching
this episode. Damn, because I was like, the Shaw chalet

is that's a that was a massive process.

Speaker 1 (18:48):
But let's talk about we don't know where it is.
And the houses in Atlanta are like forty minutes from
the city. So you have fifteen thousand square up at
house it's one point eight million dollars, and that's why
it shows differently than four thousand square foot apartment that's
seven million dollars in New York. And it's hard because
the audience can't catch up to that. They're just looking
at size. And that house is probably in the with

a one million in front of it to buy maybe
two it's not a five million dollar house in the
suburbs of you know, wherever they are.

Speaker 6 (19:17):
The whole thing is, if she was that rich, she
would own that house. Why is she renting that house?
Because you're right, it's in the suburbs of Utah. It
is probably two million dollars for the why did she
own it?

Speaker 1 (19:27):
Well, she doesn't own it, right and also well that's
all of la live in a nice car and living
you know, in the red but yes, but she also
kind of gave away. She's saying we have two million
dollars in legal fees, which could be a lie. But
if that's going to break her, then she's not in
a position to be wearing the luxury goods that she's
wearing or driving which she's driving. Not that two million

isn't a lot, but it wouldn't. If I had two
million dollars in legal bills, I wouldn't be moving. It
wouldn't break me. But I'm also not wearing abcdfgs all
day long.

Speaker 3 (19:58):
Yeah yeah, I really would like like to like break
down the finances. The only person I think that lives
within their means well, the two people Heather and Whitney
on this show. It seems like they have pretty modest lifestyles.
I think they both own their homes and have been
them for in them for a while. But everyone else,
like Meredith, I think they found out her house is
rented as well, that whole big monstrosity that's like just

sterile with nothing in it. Di is Lisa Barlowe's rented,
because I think there have been rumblings that hers is
also rented.

Speaker 2 (20:29):
I don't know the truth. Well, I'm sick of this.
I want my Housewives filthy.

Speaker 4 (20:35):
Rich, I mean.

Speaker 5 (20:35):
And also it's like these women, you would have thought
that they have owned houses for a decade or two.

Speaker 1 (20:42):
Land's townhouse on Housewives was a rental fifteen grandmon really,
and she tried to give it to everybody that renting
is better. Only the smart, the really rich people, and
smart people in New York rent like what, I don't
even know where that that's countess logic, but you should
know that it's a double edged story. So they would
never cast me now based on my apartment, and they

had a hard time casting Leah because of her apartment.
And the producers did kind of say she kind of
needed to move because it wasn't looking that great. So
that's when she made that big move. And I'm sure
that's the same thing with the pressure for plastic surgery
and fix your teeth and fix your hair and fix
so you know, they really people want to appear rich.

It doesn't matter what people really have. And you're right
that's a whole other episode breaking down like who's really
got it like that right to the level like I
can't think even on Beverly Hills.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
Maybe Kyle now Kyle now.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
They have they have money, but they definitely rolled deep.
Like I know what a person like Maurice makes and
it's a lot, but you still he and he owns
a business, but he hasn't you know, he's not selling
that business and so he's got overhead and they have
they have money, and she makes good money. But like

we're not like that Diana money or like such Diana X.
Like right, it's like real there's real money and then
there's you know, door eat and PK money or what
Eric money was. Again, you thought Erica was flying in
a plane around the world and their house was dilapidated
and he had no money because he owed everybody money,

which I knew, but the audience didn't really care.

Speaker 6 (22:22):
Now, how much money do you This is going to
be a rich person question for how much money does
someone need to be making like a year or be
worth to have like their own jet versus be like
on the rental plan where like I think some of
the housewives are like we'll take the jet, but you

pay like a jets.

Speaker 1 (22:46):
Right yeah, net jets.

Speaker 4 (22:48):

Speaker 1 (22:49):
Okay, So n RP normal rich person, No, no, no,
non n RP would ever have a plane, Like there's
just no reason. It's like really for someone who is
fuck you money, and even like people who have hundreds
of millions of dollars do the NetJets program like they

just don't want to burn Benji's. So if you just
want to get up and take your plane down to Florida,
as a person who owns a plane or even has
net jets, and you just have hours, it's still costing
you minimum fifteen to twenty a thousand thousand. Just the
trip is going to be fifteen to twenty thousand, So
you have to know that, let's just say, all the

bells and whistles and the food and everything to go
to Florida is going to be fifty thousand from New York.
So I would say a person who has anything less
than fifty million dollars net like kind of liquid but
maybe like not like liquid or maybe net worth who's
over their skis is not doing net jets. You have

to have fifty million and you're doing and then you're
doing net jets, like, and that's still you have to
be conservative, and you're an over your skis person who
still has an income coming in, you have to be
you know, two hundred and fifty million and above to
even consider a plane. And that's even still poor for
a person with a plane. So yeah, none of the
people on this show of anything more than like six

million dollars a net five six million dollars net worth,
and neither same on Housewives, that same thing for New York.

Speaker 3 (24:23):
Well, don't you think that the reason that there aren't
so many like billionaires wives on this show is because
they just they're never going to expose themselves like that.
The reason that they can't get like super super wealthy
New Yorkers to come on the show is like who,
they don't need the money, they don't need, like it
would literally just be to get famous. And I feel
like that's a strange thing to aspire to if you

already have like oodles and noodles of money.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
Enter Diana, Enter Kathy Hilton. Kathy's not a billionaire, but
you're already wealthy, and you're doing this because you're, you know,
on the back nine of your career in life and
you want some action for yourself, you want something, and
then you do it like Diana, and You're like, need
this fucking aggravation because I'm already rich. Why would I
poke the bear in the zoo? If you really, I don't,
I don't know. I would never. I don't know why
anyone rich would do this, anyone really rich, nobody really

rich would do this.

Speaker 4 (25:11):
Okay, So sorry we got off to bick Mormon.

Speaker 1 (25:15):
Yeah, funeral service thoughts.

Speaker 4 (25:19):
Mmm, okay, bleak? That was it was?

Speaker 3 (25:25):
You know, I will say it went on for a
very long time. It felt like it was a really
long scene and the tone of it is so non housewives.
I think they were trying to show us a softer
side of Heather, show us like the family dynamic or whatever.
But I mean, it's sad to say this. He died
a year before this service as well, so I felt
like that was a strange thing to do. I was bored.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
Did you feel like it was Carole and Durinda going
for the ashes or Dourinda going to visit like they
try to do these meaningful scenes with the audiences and
wants to get over to the yeah, leg throwing.

Speaker 3 (26:01):
Yeah, I think so. It was too long, too boring.
We didn't we never met the dad on the show.
It wasn't even something. Even at least with Derinda, her
dead husband is like another character on the show. He's
so present that that was more entertaining than this.

Speaker 6 (26:18):
Right, Like, I didn't mind when Lisa Rena's mom died
and she was going through the trinkets and being like, oh,
this was mom's thing.

Speaker 2 (26:23):
This was because you were like, you saw mom for
a bunch of seasons and you liked Lois.

Speaker 6 (26:27):
Yeah, we loved her and we felt like emotional with her.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
You're right, I felt like we were in a laws too.

Speaker 6 (26:33):
But I'm like, Heather's dad allegedly hates everyone hates you.

Speaker 2 (26:36):
I don't know why you're there, Like, yes.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
And Deronda's husband is part of her identity on the show.

Speaker 4 (26:42):
Is what you're saying?

Speaker 3 (26:44):
Yeah, a little bit?

Speaker 1 (26:45):
Yeah? I did you guys? Were you picking up that
this was like a forced produced scene and the reason
that the mom wasn't there and the reason it was
so awkward and weird and certain people weren't there because
they weren't breaking the fourth wall being like these people
don't want to exploit and film this fake funeral that's
a year later and strange that production forced for some
like reality filler on the show is her.

Speaker 5 (27:08):
Has her mom ever been on the show, because I
think they blurred her face out.

Speaker 4 (27:11):
She never has been.

Speaker 3 (27:13):
I have no relationship because of how they're leaving the church.

Speaker 5 (27:18):
It's like a non Housewives watcher. I felt so uncomfortable
during that scene because I'm like, this doesn't this isn't
what I signed up for when I was watching this episode, Like,
but was.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
It worse than watching Whitney have Love's art sex?

Speaker 1 (27:31):
Because that was the I need to talk about that.
We're getting We're getting there. Oh I think that the
net Wait the net, We're getting there. I'm going in order.
The photo shoot is the next thing with Like, I
like the inclusivity conversation, not because I'm being twenty twenty
three and I'm supposed like I actually like the conversation.
Also in Salt Lake. I'm thinking about that kid growing

up in Salt Lake and that the show has probably
been great for that, like awareness, I like the glad
approach them Like, I'm liking that whole conversation. I just
think it's a great for the show, and it did
land to me. I mean, the photoshoot is a little oh,
you know, forced with the Frother sister thing, but I

thought it landed. What do you guys think.

Speaker 5 (28:16):
Sexual pose from the brother and sister right, Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (28:21):
I liked it.

Speaker 3 (28:21):
I kind of like Meredith. I only enjoy Meredith when
she's with her family, and I like when they show
her with her family. It seems like she has a
great relationship with both of her kids. She and Seth
are in a good place at this point in time,
and I actually really root for them, and I have
from the beginning. Even though they took a creepy bathtub
did the creepy bathtub scene and we were all upset
by that, But I like it and I liked.

Speaker 2 (28:42):
Her in it.

Speaker 6 (28:43):
I I can't decide if I like Meredith. Like we
had her own Lady Gang and she was lovely and
like the first season, I was like, oh good, they
got like a classy entrepreneury woman and she's dressed cute
and like and to be honestly, this is pretty early
in Salt Lake. Like this episode she just gets more

like she makes no sense, you know what I mean,
And like like this this photo shoot made no sense.
It definitely felt the same, Like I agree with you, Bethany,
it was a little try hard. It's a little like, Okay,
we're gonna do a shoot for the show. Who can
we bring in to make it a thing? Because the
other thing about Meredith on the show, and like I listen,
it's her personal it's their lives, but you sign up

to be a housewife, and so like we're supposed to
get access to you is that she does these like
very stunty things for Glad but like we never, I
don't know, we never see her have any conversations with
her son that are like super meaningful and maybe he
doesn't want to talk about it or whatever, But it
was like it's it's always been. I don't know, Becka,
what you think, Like she's always tiptoed around it because

for the first season he wasn't out and so like
we were like tiptoeing around it, which I completely understand,
you're not gonna out someone that doesn't want to be
at it. But now he's out and he still like
has never had a conversation with his mom about her
on camera, but yet she's doing these stunty things.

Speaker 2 (29:58):
So maybe that's her love language like.

Speaker 3 (30:00):
I don't know, I think she's her. I feel this
way about her and a couple other housewives, and like
I'm gonna have to think of who they are. But
anytime I find a housewife who's a little bit doesn't
make a lot of sense when the drama starts up,
is contradicting herself, is a little inconsistent. I think that
those are the women who are a little too normal
to be on the show and a little too self aware,

and they're just trying so hard to play the part,
but they're just like not quite method enough, do you
know what I mean? Like she's she doesn't read like
housewife to me, like eccentric or or wild, wants.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
To be there so badly, and you can see that
she's trying to create things. And it's funny because why not.
It was years, This is the truth. It wasn't until
I took everyone to Mexico. It's the first time I
heard anyone say storyline. She has no storyline to I

was talking about Ramona or Sonya or something and having
no storyline. And I swear on everything I am and
hope to be, I've never once thought about, like what
the storyline was there's just always enough going on around me,
Like right now there's a drama with my my pool,
my pool guy, this other situation. Like I have stuff
going on that for some reason or it's the way

that I relate to it or react to it, Like
there's always stuff going on because I have a lot.
I have many businesses and it's real. But when you
don't have a lot going on, you're manufacturing it and
there's a lot to fill on this show, and they
pressure you to have things and like you might be like,
I want to talk about my pencil project and they'll

be like eh, and you have to then force Oh,
but I'm gonna have us you know, a brother's sister
glad shoot and I think this is creepy and they're like,
oh okay, Like that's the that's the bikini like art
scene coming up. Like that's not something they thought of doing.
That's something that was suggested to them because we need
a scene with you and your husband, and like then

the creative advertising meeting starts to figure out what that
scene's going to be. That's what those two scenes are.

Speaker 3 (32:11):
Do you think by now they have these buckets when
they're casting of types of women so I think of you,
and I'm like, you're a really self actualized, aware person,
but just so happen to be interesting enough that whatever
you do is dynamic. You can like be making a
bagel on Instagram and I'm like, I want.

Speaker 2 (32:28):
To watch this for three hours.

Speaker 4 (32:30):
I have no fucking idea why.

Speaker 3 (32:32):
So it's like, even though you're drama with the pool guy,
like you make it interesting, but if Meredith has drama
with the pool guy, I don't worry. I do not
want to watch that. So it's like I think there's
like the buckets of people who are just interesting to watch.
Then there's the total lunatics who are so unaware, which
is like the Ramonas of the world. And then I think, yeah,

so I'm like, do they have the prototypes they must
buy now?

Speaker 2 (32:56):

Speaker 1 (32:56):
Yes, not exactly. There'll be an anchor that's bringing all
the people together, and then you're trying to fill in
the blanks and you're trying to surround that. So if
I launched a brand and then I launched the next brand,
I wanted to sort of connect to the initial brand.
So it's like if you have Jill Zarron in there
and then she's already friends with Well, it's a countess.

It's just like a brand name label countess. We need
a countess whatever that means. And you know, and then Ramona,
you know, brings the party but doesn't kill the drama.
And there you go. So then Sonya wasn't In the beginning,
Alex and Simon we thought it was crazy. But I
get what they're saying, this like group that's not going
to fit in. They're from Brooklyn, New York is in

Brooklyn to people who live in New York City. And
back then I was the question. They didn't want me,
They didn't want me on the show. I like was
absolutely denied, and Andy Cohen didn't want me. I had
to be pushed through reluctantly. And I didn't want to
do it either. But then now years later in other cities,
they're like, oh, that might be that's like a She's

like a Bethany character could fill in different banks based
on you know what the beginning was. I think, yeah,
so interesting, I want to Pramona's VICKI a little bit.

Speaker 3 (34:08):
Yes, yes, right, yes, very much.

Speaker 1 (34:13):
Yeah, So I think that it moves and flows. And
then but then the mistake that people make is themselves
coming in and saying to themselves, I'm going to be
the Bethany. That's what people come in and say, I've
heard that from producers, and then you're having a hard
time on your own, having your own identity.

Speaker 5 (34:36):
Yeah, it's like you have too much self awareness that
you think you're going to play a character and then
it comes off as disingenuous or like to try hard.

Speaker 4 (34:45):
I'm sure.

Speaker 6 (34:46):
Well, that's the real problem with Bravo right now is
that they like, in my opinion, the last couple seasons
of like OC and like they like Noela. On the OC,
it was like clearly they were like, we need a young,
hot girl, a woman of color to be on the show.
But like she had studied, she went to the she
grew up in the school of housewives. She knew exactly

what to wear, she knew exactly what to say. And
then you're like, I actually hate her because she's not
even like a real person. She is playing a character
of a housewife. And it's kind of good because I
feel like they've gotten on Salt Lake later, they've gotten
a couple of people like that too, like Angie, she
wanted to be a housewife so bad, and they cut them,
which good, well.

Speaker 1 (35:26):
New York is a cast of seasoned, trained, slacked, glossed
house and they were like training season. Okay, so let's
discuss Whitney and this awkward. My problem is like the
mic near the crack and thong, like I'm not going
to start talking about someone's body because anybody's going to

look a certain way in that light and that just
like I don't know, it was just her skin color
with the red and the lack of the microphone upper
at I don't know. I was just very uncomfortable.

Speaker 6 (36:03):
One scene, they couldn't get a boom operator to hold
the book mike out.

Speaker 2 (36:06):
They had this poor thought we did to get the spanking.

Speaker 3 (36:10):
You know, by the time he got the spanking, they
were on a boom thank god.

Speaker 2 (36:14):
Oh they were the mics.

Speaker 1 (36:15):
Were off, I under stand, And it's really him like
she's you know, she's she's she's the me, like I
was the prostitute there for the transaction, Like what the
fuck is he doing part of this?

Speaker 2 (36:27):
Like, you know, he lost his whole career after that?

Speaker 4 (36:29):
What did he do? What did he do?

Speaker 3 (36:31):
That scene?

Speaker 2 (36:32):
That scene, that scene on Housewives?

Speaker 6 (36:35):
That man the company he had worked for for like
twenty five years and was like a.

Speaker 2 (36:39):
VP of fired him, No way fired him.

Speaker 1 (36:43):

Speaker 6 (36:43):
They were like, we don't agree with this. You have
to pick you can be on the show. Wasn't that
what it was?

Speaker 3 (36:49):
I don't know if they gave Hill tomatom. I think
they were just like this is gross and you're fired. Y.

Speaker 1 (36:53):
Like what company did he work for? And what they're
she's getting paid is so low compared to like and
I had. I was in a relationship with someone who's
something similar happened. This was the excuse for it, and
he didn't do anything like that. But I've talked about this,
the kids and the husbands that just sign up for
this and the wife really wants them to do it
to support them, and then it ruins their career. And

then he said Greg lost a job because of it.

Speaker 3 (37:17):
Greg, Oh really, yeah?

Speaker 1 (37:19):
I forgot what happened in the beginning, So explain to
me what his job was.

Speaker 3 (37:23):
I actually have no idea, do you?

Speaker 6 (37:25):
I have no idea what he did, But he was
like he was the guy and he had I think
what was heartbreaking is that he is a corporate guy,
but he had been there for like twenty years, like
he had been there for a long time, and then
on seasons after of Salt Lake, you he comes home.
You see him in the next season come home and
be like, I lost my job, and she's like, you know,

maybe selling her skincare line, Like she's not working, she's
a stay at home and then she goes back to work,
and then he's looking for a job and can't get
a job, and so yeah, it's like really kind of heartbreaking.
You feel bad for the guy because it was so cringey.
But you know, I want to to remind Becca and
Jack and tell you Bethany, when we had our Lady
Gang TV show on e we had a very similar

scene which you can't and because I had it sprubbed
from the internet.

Speaker 1 (38:10):
Because you had Housewives producers producing.

Speaker 2 (38:12):

Speaker 6 (38:13):
Yes, but we had a scene where we did some
topless painting and it was like, you know, at the time,
you're like, you have your own show and we need
to push the envelope and the network wants more more,
like it needs to be louder, and you're.

Speaker 2 (38:27):
Like, you know, wasn't wasn't forced, but it was kind
of forced.

Speaker 1 (38:32):
Yeah, I'm saying, we all agree to.

Speaker 6 (38:34):
Do it, and you're like, you think it's going to
be one way, and you're doing it and we're all friends,
and so it was like, it's not that awkward for
us to be doing it, and like we're having a
good time. And then we saw it later and we're
like okay. And then when they went to go put
the shows online, we specifically had it taken out because
we felt and they did it, which was I thought
was really cool of e.

Speaker 2 (38:51):
They were like, we totally get it. Well, you are
allowed to because we were executive producers. We had a
little bit of like an ask. I mean, not really,
but yeah.

Speaker 1 (38:58):
That's what I'm saying. But like I was thinking, in
what scene of this show, of this entire franchise, is
the scene not designed to make people look like morons
where the producers in the moment have told you that
it's going to be great. So this funeral services to
make people look at her look stupid. This red outfit

and this art thing is to make them look like fools.
The tequila scene, the woman Lisa, You'll never see someone
nicer to the other people than when it's their own
party for their own product, because they're panic stricken, wondering
what's being said, behind there. So hey, you look amazing,
like it's so beyond if it's your own because you're
just like trying to cover people in bubble reps. They

don't say bad things. But nevertheless, Mary said, tequila tastes
like shit. It tastes like water, and that's a risk
you take, Like when you have a real brand at
this level, you can't take these risks with partners like
Jill Zarren right now has a real you know, branch,
She's partners with Chris Birch and doing these products. She
won't take the risk of looking like a moron who

has shitty product. It's just not worth it. So you know,
Peloton took a big hit for someone getting a heart
attack on their bikes.

Speaker 2 (40:06):
Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (40:07):
Oh yeah. So I was just thinking, like this scene
is sounds good in the room, and when people say
you know what you're signing up for, you really don't
know exactly what you're signing up for, no.

Speaker 3 (40:19):
Because you're you know, you're auditioning. And for us, it
was this kind of similar where they're like, we love
what you guys have, we just want to bring it
to TV. It's like we love the person you are
and we love your life, we just want to bring
it to TV. Then you get this huge opportunity, similar
to Housewives. You're like, I don't want to blow it.
I don't want to disappoint anybody. And then suddenly you

get there and they act like you're not important or
you're not interesting enough to be authentic. So then you
do all these crazy You get talked into these weird things,
and I do feel very sorry for these people. But
at this point, because of all these conversations being had,
I hope now people know that.

Speaker 2 (41:00):
You really have to be desperate.

Speaker 3 (41:02):
To be famous or make a little tiny bit of
money to go on Housewives.

Speaker 1 (41:07):
Yes, and I actually don't think it was I know
it's been great for Genna Lions and that she's getting
a lot of media attention, but it's confusing and I
don't understand who she is or what her brand is,
because you know, it doesn't seem like who she's presenting
would be part of this brand. So she's trying to
bridge that gap. But I think the allure of whoever

people thought she was being the CEO of this major company,
it's like lifting the veil. It's like the way Megan
and Harry seem now to people before it's like, oh, ye,
does the Emperor have clothes? Like I think that's one
of the things that are interesting about this. But you know, anyway,
they definitely did not have sex during the scene or out,

Like there's no way there was anything sexual.

Speaker 4 (41:56):
That's they both were probably like this is the most I've.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
Felt more aroused with the funeral than not his art.

Speaker 5 (42:04):
By the way, I bought that Love is Art. I've
done it Christmas present for Jared the first year that
we started dating, and it has been five and a
half years and.

Speaker 4 (42:12):
We have never opened it.

Speaker 2 (42:14):
I've done it, and it's terrible. It's as terrible as
you think.

Speaker 1 (42:17):
Well, it's awk, you know. Amy Schumer says it the best,
like she makes it like being married is like and
like having sex with your husband is like having sex
with your best friend, like yep, Like you've been with
this person so long and you know them, so it's
like awkward, Like you're like, hey, person, I know, and
I've talked about everything from kids to parenting to bodily

functions and poopy diapers. H let's do an interesting sexual activity.
It's like, ew, who are you you freaking weirdo?

Speaker 2 (42:47):
It's so true, so true.

Speaker 3 (42:49):
You know, we were talking about this on Lady Ding
podcast that it's actually kind of like a brother too.
It's like, yeah, it's familial. And I'm like, I don't
want like I've I've showing you parts of my body,
like I've shown you a hemorrhoid before, Like I don't
need to then do lingerie and weird sex positions with you.

Speaker 1 (43:09):
Right, Like the robotic thing sounds pretty good. Like it's
like you've a couple of things to do today and
that's one of those things, and it's gonna be enjoyable
and it's goal oriented for both people in cases. But
like we don't need to like make you know, we
don't need to be like mopping our kitchen with flair.
Something we're gonna do today and it's gonna be great
and we're gonna be happy we did it, but we

don't need to bling it out.

Speaker 2 (43:32):
I mean, I enjoy a flare.

Speaker 6 (43:33):
But I'll tell you what's wrong with the painting set
is that men have such hairy butt cracks and the
underball area and stuff like listen and in general, like
man's body hair like a woman covered in paint is
like it's like Beyonce in the cover album. It's like, listen,
it's terrible, but it's not so terrible. But a man
like with their leg hair and where the paint goes

and like how it collapsed, how it clumps up on
like different hairs.

Speaker 5 (43:57):
Ew Yes, unattractive unless you're a baby dolphin.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
I don't want to see your finger painted.

Speaker 4 (44:03):
Well, men's bodies are well.

Speaker 1 (44:05):
My fiance is. My fiance is a quarter Japanese and
he really has doesn't have a lot of hairy He
has like three hairs on his chest and he would
be great, amazing. Yes, send it to me, send me
the one you didn't use some of your used art
is love No, because I'll say to him, you're hairy,
is like three hair. He's not a hairy person. I
love that. But he's not like a dolphin either. Yeah,
it's kind of dreaming. Yeah, okay, so it's a cute concept.

It's made for TV scene not unlike on one of
these other shows. Somebody got into a pool in a
full wedding dress I saw while pregnant, like in one
of these shows. Yes, I forgot which one, maybe Toomac.
But she was in a pool in a full wedding dress,
Like you have to push these scenes because they have
to fill. You need filler, Yeah, you need filler, all right,

So can we talk about there are always these things
that housewives do, Like you're trying to sell tequila and
now you're doing a blinged out bottle because you're doing
it for free people, but like it makes it less relatable,
less shippable, not marketing to men at all, women, Like
it's just not a It's like when Kathy Wakili, who
I liked, did a red velvet cocktail. You are so limited,

Like it's just limiting. It's just not a blinging out
tequila is not necessary as a maybe for a marketed bottle,
but not for like a mainstream packaging.

Speaker 2 (45:33):
It feels like excess.

Speaker 5 (45:34):
And then two thousand and two, But then also it
was like the theme of the party did not go
along with like what she was trying to do at all.
It's like she's doing this low brow, like nineties sort
of mall party for this crystal blinked out bottle, Like
that doesn't make any sense to me.

Speaker 1 (45:50):
No, And what about the post that they did that
weird graphics stuff that looked like, oh, Duran Duran and
it was like, hey, what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (45:58):
It was like that all game we played. What was
the mall board game?

Speaker 2 (46:03):
We played?

Speaker 3 (46:04):
I forget.

Speaker 1 (46:06):
Stranger things like the way that they're in the eighties
and that like a yeah, there was a movie a
thousand years ago called Mannequin with Andrew McCarthy and this
movie was this this graphic It was very did that
did not land being a thing?

Speaker 4 (46:21):
Don't land No?

Speaker 6 (46:22):
And I remember texting Lisa because I watched it and
I'm like that bad person that gets your phone number
and then actually watches the show and text you like
I can't imagine how annoying that is, but I did it.
And then I remember being like your party, Like the
theme was so cute, but they really ruined it with
these graphics, and like I do that thing where I
like send people text offensive text messages but think I'm
like we're in on it together, and like she was like,

whoa you think?

Speaker 2 (46:44):
And I was like you don't know that. This is
so like it's too late. What do you want me
to do?

Speaker 3 (46:50):
Don't give me a note that I can't change back.

Speaker 2 (46:52):
It was so ugly and sheep looking.

Speaker 5 (46:55):
I love how she was going like in the beginning
of the episode, when she was like looking at all
the things, She's like, I love it, I love it,
I love it, and I'm like, oh sucks.

Speaker 2 (47:03):
Yes, this sucked.

Speaker 3 (47:05):
The moment that I cringed really hard was when they
were in the Vita Tequila car driving to the party
and she's with John and she's like, this car, I'm obsessed.
I just for some reason, I even hated it.

Speaker 1 (47:18):
It felt loved.

Speaker 2 (47:19):
John felt so fake.

Speaker 3 (47:22):
I'm obsessed.

Speaker 2 (47:23):
I think John's so hot. He's attracted.

Speaker 4 (47:25):
Know why you do? Because he's tall.

Speaker 2 (47:27):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (47:27):
He's like one of the housewife husbands that I think
is hot.

Speaker 1 (47:30):
He reminds me a little bit of the Jackie woman
on Jersey's Husband, like that type.

Speaker 3 (47:36):
No, oh, similar, yeah, because I find Jackie's husband attractive.

Speaker 1 (47:41):
This woman, Jenny is one of these people that also
watched Housewives and is like, none of this is working
for me, So I'm just gonna be the villain. I'm
going to decide. I'm gonna just like I've seen this
before where it's really strange. It's almost like sometimes a
guest of someone a Housewives friend, will do something insane
because they want to find a way to get in

on the show. It happens on Jersey, It's happened on Atlanta,
where you can just see the desperation. This one is
a housewife who seems like a friend who's trying to
be a housewife get noticed on the show.

Speaker 5 (48:13):
I even know because it was I think it was
Whitney and Mary fighting about her culty church.

Speaker 4 (48:18):
Or something like that, and then she just jumps in.

Speaker 5 (48:20):
I obviously didn't watch the season, so I don't know
what happened previously with this Jenny girl, but I'm.

Speaker 4 (48:25):
Like, what is happening? I'm like, how is this about you?

Speaker 3 (48:27):

Speaker 5 (48:28):
And jumping into the other fight that was happening. It
was very like should you be here?

Speaker 3 (48:33):
No? And I think when you throw a glass on
a housewives show, unless you've ever thrown a glass at
someone in your normal life, it is not allowed.

Speaker 1 (48:44):
Like crime.

Speaker 3 (48:44):
Teresa Judici or whatever her last name is now, she's
flipped eight hundred tables in her life, so when she
flips a table on the show, I'm like, of course,
and that's why she's an amazing housewife. Jenny has never
thrown a glass in anyone in her entire fucking life.

Speaker 1 (48:58):
Right, I actually believe that, and jen Shaw has.

Speaker 2 (49:01):
Oh oh yeah, no, she's she's created has.

Speaker 5 (49:05):
Thrown, wasn't she like I threw, I know how to
throw a glass? Better thing or something like that.

Speaker 1 (49:11):
A lot further, Yeah, you saw a little bit. She
was provoking Mary with the Hood conversation. She was trying
to get something going. You've never seen the Hood in
your life, like she was trying to get something going.
I saw here. And Mary's very polarizing too. I've seen her.
She's reached out to me on social media. That's a

polarizing character is she's still on the show.

Speaker 3 (49:34):
So she left for a season and everyone was so
devastated and they missed her. So now on this new
season she's kind of a friend of but she's refusing
to really participate. I dislike her very much. Some of
the things that she has said have been like very
mean spirited, where she told Heather Gay that she looked inbred,

and then when Heathergate came back at her and said,
I'm really hurt, giving her the opportunity to be like,
I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that, and
Mary said, yes, I did say that, and I do
mean it that you look in bread.

Speaker 1 (50:12):
Those are her moods, right, I've only seen yeah, I've
only seen two episodes over. But she told somebody she
smelled like hospital. I think it was jen Shaw or something,
and she doubled down, So that's I guess she's unfiltered.
But just saying like her tequila tastes like water like
it just it doesn't seem necessary. It's not like something
that affected her. It's just like random shots. I think
she said to somebody, don't validate yourself in a scene here,

and I don't understand why someone wouldn't validate themselves. I
didn't even know what she meant. Did you hear that
she don't validate yourself?

Speaker 6 (50:43):
Yeah, she's very mean, like she well she always hates
Whitney and she's like you little girl, like she's I
personally think like enjoy Mary as a housewife to watch
her because fifty percent of it is, like Becca said,
like so mean and terrible and you're like ooh no.
But and then like the other fifty percent of it
can quite be quite funny at.

Speaker 1 (51:04):
Times, got it okay?

Speaker 6 (51:06):
And like because she's so straightforward and she's like I'm
not sitting with you, like and she'll just go off
by herself, like it is kind of funny. And I
did miss her when she wasn't on the season. But yeah,
she's not so bananas, like she's her whole world is
like so weird, and she you know, she's the most
amazing clothes. She has all these things, but like you

run a church, like it just doesn't make sense. And
then she's always like she calls like a head at
hotels and she's like, do you have the nineteen ninety
two dom Perion because like the grapes were bigger that season,
and that's all she'll drink.

Speaker 1 (51:39):
Well, what's interesting is I think that she's two different
people on the shows. And I like the character that
was sitting at a table one time and had a
fight with Crystal, Like she had her hair and a
ponytail and it was like it was just like a loose,
like natural ponytail and maybe a scarf around and she
was feeling awkward at this dinner. I liked her at
that dinner because she seemed very real. But then you're right,

she puts on airs and it's different.

Speaker 3 (52:02):
Yeah, yes, she's inconsistent.

Speaker 6 (52:04):
You can also tell she's not friends with any of
these people in real life.

Speaker 1 (52:08):
Yes, yes, that's a very that's a great They're like, oh.

Speaker 2 (52:11):
Mary, it's like Grandma coming to dinner.

Speaker 6 (52:14):
They're like, oh Mary's coming, Like what's new, Mary, haven't
seen you in five years? Like you know, I kind
of feel like Mered with Lisa Heather Whitney, like they
have a group chat that like continues.

Speaker 1 (52:25):
Yeah, they know each they really know each other. The
men there. I find this on many of the shows
when the men are interacting, it's odd to me. It's
like rare dork bro content that is very cringey, and
I can never Paul would never be standing like making
an effort to like do this. Weird happens on Jersey too.

Speaker 3 (52:47):
Jersey. Oh so they're like housewives. The husbands on Jersey
are pretty much housewives. We see them almost as much.
And then they have their guide dinners and it's so strange.
Eight when the men interact, you.

Speaker 1 (53:01):
Mean, I don't love it. The core group I understand,
like I understand some of the core guys, but then
when they're trying to like force in one of the
periphery peripheral non Italian husbands or in this case, like
it just doesn't seem like these people would ever be
hanging out. So that's what makes it really strange, like
some corporate Marriotte Christmas party.

Speaker 6 (53:22):
It's literally as awkward as in real life when you
take your husband to the party and you're like, you
don't remember.

Speaker 2 (53:28):
Jim right bye, I'm gonna go be with my friends.

Speaker 6 (53:30):
Like, no one els to see what's happening with Jim
and Brian in the corner.

Speaker 2 (53:33):
You know what I mean. It's not exciting, it's awkward.
They're bros. They're all wearing like this.

Speaker 6 (53:37):
They were wearing white socks ten minutes ago before their
wives were like, you can't wear white socks.

Speaker 2 (53:41):
Are dress pants?

Speaker 6 (53:42):
Like change your socks before we go, you know, Like,
it's just it's not the fantasy I need to escape
from my own shitty life. Give me the full fantasy.
I don't want to see your awkward husbands.

Speaker 1 (53:52):
Interesting. Okay, So speaking of that, the next part is
about the affairs and Meredith. And it's always great on
housewives shows when it's twenty twenty hindsight and the housewife
acts like it was never a problem that we had affairs.
We had an open marriage, but wasn't it On this
very show, like something people talked about but wasn't open.

And that's the nature of this game, like secrets exposed.

Speaker 3 (54:18):
Because they tried to come in. Meredith and Seth tried
to come in to the show and not exposed that
they had ever separated, I believe. So they tried to
come in like this happy couple, I think, and then
it came out that everyone knew that they were separated.
Everyone knew she was fucking all these people, like everyone
on the quote upper East Side of New York. That

was my favorite quote of the whole episode.

Speaker 2 (54:41):
Everyone on the Upper East Side of New York.

Speaker 3 (54:43):
So, yes, why not, as I think, because she's from
New York.

Speaker 2 (54:48):
I don't think she even really lives in Utah.

Speaker 3 (54:50):
It's confusing.

Speaker 1 (54:51):
Yeah, she doesn't seem like she She doesn't look or
seem or act like she lives in Utah.

Speaker 6 (54:55):
I didn't realize that was a thing where you could
like fly in, get a property, and be a housewife
in a city where you weren't a living, breathing person
from that city.

Speaker 3 (55:06):
Jessel on New York. Allegedly, Jessel is from Dallas and
she moved to New York to be on the Real
Housewives Tinsley. Tinsley did too.

Speaker 1 (55:16):
Yeah, she was living in a hotel, not because she
was really looking for a place, because she was living
in Florida and she would have been a great housewife, so.

Speaker 2 (55:23):
She uh that feels like Meredith's story a little bit.

Speaker 1 (55:27):
Yeah, yeah, well yeah, no, it's funny because I was
talking about doing the show with your former producers. I
was talking about doing a show in Connecticut that I
ended up not wanting to do, but I had a
brief conversation with Lisa Vanna Pump who was kind of
alluding to the fact that she would be willing to
consider Connecticut with Ken if there was some opportunity with

a show or something. So yeah, like people would move
to be on different shows. We have a rose in
a thorn of the episode. The episode was fine, It
was fine. This is is this a good show? I
think this is pretty good on the housewives spectrum for
like getting a little bit of meat, like things do happen?

Speaker 4 (56:04):

Speaker 1 (56:05):

Speaker 2 (56:05):

Speaker 4 (56:06):
Was this the last episode of the season?

Speaker 1 (56:08):
Yeah, okay, yes, yeah, that's a shitty finale.

Speaker 4 (56:12):
I know.

Speaker 1 (56:13):
Yeah, it's not great that what happened, nothing happened. That's
a ship finale. Okay, yeah, so like that's not a
good finale.

Speaker 3 (56:19):
Yeah, okay, maybe the producers made Jenny throw that glass.

Speaker 1 (56:22):
Probably, Yeah, that is not a great finale like oh
CE does amazing finales.

Speaker 4 (56:27):
Yeah they do.

Speaker 5 (56:28):
It was like a half It was like a half
argument that like didn't have an ending, and then like
a shitty glass throwne and then that was it.

Speaker 1 (56:33):
Yeah yeah, no, immediately now we're just we're retoeing that.
All right. So not a remarkable episode and not a
remarkable finale. So new show, what else do we need?
All right? We did it. We laughed and we cried.

Speaker 2 (56:47):
We loved it.

Speaker 6 (56:47):
Bethany, thank you, thank you. You need to come back
on Lady Gang very soon, I.

Speaker 4 (56:52):
Know, come on in the year.

Speaker 1 (56:54):
And also the way you guys let each other speak
is admirable.

Speaker 6 (56:57):
We were on our best behavior for you, Bethany, because
we want to We want you to like us and
invite us back.

Speaker 1 (57:01):
Yes, yes, of course this is great. So think of
other episodes you want to Oh we have to do
one maybe uh with Orange County Brianna Brianna ban Yeah,
they just said the same thing. Oh see all right, awesome, yay, guys,
thank you, thanks for me bye bye bye
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