All Episodes

May 21, 2024 55 mins

Trump gives us a shout-out after court. Biden's foreign policy failures. Sen. Marsha Blackburn on “bless your heart” Biden. Riley Gaines on swimming against the current.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in everybody. Tuesday edition of The Clay Travis and
Buck Sexton Show starts right now.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
This is fuck.

Speaker 1 (00:06):
I sound weird because I have a cold, but Clay
sounds normal, even though.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Miami cold has got to be a weird dynamic, particularly
as we come closer to summer. And I think it's
like one hundred and eighty degrees where you are right now.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
Well, I was in New York, as you know, and
got sick there, so yay, Big Apple gave me one
of those New York colds. Or maybe it was Nashville,
but I was in some other places that are not tropical.
So if my voice sounds well, my voice does sound funny,
and I may sneeze into the mic. I apologize in
advance for that. And of course, now, Clay, I didn't
realize when you even if your wife gets sick before you,

when you're married, it's your fault if both of you
get sick, like forget the laws of virology and all that,
and you know how mother nature operates. Mother nature operates.
She had a cold first, we both have a cold.
It's my fault. We have colds. I have learned this.
This is the way it works. So you know marriage,
just wait until you have kids, because you will get

at every The first of all, the kids get every
The snot nosed kid commentary is one hundred percent accurate
because the kids, when they're super young always have colds,
and then it runs through the entire household.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
The more kids that you have, one person gets sick boom.
So you've got a lot to look forward to there.

Speaker 1 (01:16):
But my wife does make amazing soup, so I've got
that going for me, which is nice. All right, Big
news or news, I'm not sure it's that big. I
don't want to oversell it. From the Trump trial, important news,
important to be sure about where that all stands will
break break down the latest decisions for merchon But what
you really need to know for now is that the

case is about to go to Well, we'll be going
to Jerry Trump did not testify. Both sides have rested.
I think it is quite clear to anyone who's paying
even a scintilla of attention that no, I mean no
prosecution here was able to No prosecutors were able to

prove any crime. In fact, I would argue that what
they were trying to prove wasn't even a crime in
the first place. But this all comes against the backdrop of,
as we mentioned yesterday, donald Trump ahead of Joe Biden
by six points in the most recent Harvard poll. Biden
is losing, that is clear right now. I don't know
how much he's losing by, but for an incumbent president

to have these numbers, there's certainly certainly plenty of reason
to be concerned on their end. Will make sense of
some of the madness for you, including a particularly creative
explanation from MSNBC about what it was that Michael Cohen
really did. When is it stealing clay and when is

it just reappropriating funds you once thought were due you
that you now think you can balance on the ledger
via underhanded means, right, like, when does stealing not count
as stealing?

Speaker 2 (02:52):
We will dive into that when you're trying to put
Donald Trump in prison. It seems to be the answer
for MSNBC. That is the answer. That is MSNBC's answer.
Fannie willis We've got more from her.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
She is lashing out at critics, very upset with them.
More on the Israel Hamas situation, the ICC court trying
to well theoretically trying to lock up Benjamin and Yahoo,
which would be disaster. But let's focus on the Trump trial.
First big news out of the Trump trial yesterday, right
after this is cut to this is what everybody needs

to know, Play it.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
Play Travis Ups. I can't say that one because he's
gonna have a gag.

Speaker 2 (03:31):
Red Jovin.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
Goes through a whole big thing on.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
A witness today, so I can't talk about Buck Sexton
the exact same thing. Kim PARLATORI Kim PARLATORI, who's a
very good lawyer CNN, John Da. It's not only good
for the credibility, it also goes to Alvin Rant's offices credibility.

Speaker 1 (03:57):
In case you missed it, there that was the President
name checking both Clay and me for our various online
analyzes of the sham trial, the show trial that is
going on right now. So I mean, we're just having
a little fun with you. Obviously it's not the most
important news. We always appreciate a shout out from the
big guy. We talked to him for quite a while

last week, and when we say things like we know
that the people involved are listening, we mean it. So
there are people who whether you're talking about you know,
the big guy himself or others in his orbit who
we are very honored listening to the show on a
regular basis and certainly see what we're putting out on Twitter.
But Clay, I will, I will just say this, he

was going to read off I think the same with you, right,
He's going to read off our analyzes of Michael Cohen
on Twitter, which is kind of fun because he's he's
kind of the he's kind of the Hunter Biden of Michael.
Abanati's like, that's what you could say about Cohen at
this point. I mean, he's just such a disaster or criminal.
This has gone even worse for Alvin Bragg's team now,
the both sides of rest that we can analyze where

we are. This has gone worse for Alvin Bragg's team
than I even anticipated it would. And I thought it
was going to be a train wreck. This is like
a train wreck that ran into a nuclear facility and
caused a meltdown.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
I really I don't want to get too optimistic because
this jury is clearly biased against Trump, But I don't
see any way if you entered into this trial with
any semblance of willingness to actually pay attention to what
the trial was going to show. You. As a juror

sitting there, I don't see any way you could vote
to convict. And I get that there's probably seven or
eight or nine of these jurors that just hate Donald
Trump and it doesn't matter what the evidence is, they
want to convict him. I'm hopeful that there are three
or four people on this jury that are open to

actually applying the facts here, and if they do that,
this not be a conviction. At worse for Trump, it
would be a mistrial. I don't think you can get
to twelve who are going to say not guilty, which
is what the verdict should be. And there is a
gambling market, and I love to follow the gambling markets.
It has now moved to fifty to fifty on whether

Trump is going to be convicted. When this trial started,
it was ninety five percent that he was going to
be convicted. So this is not just you and me
sitting and reading the tea leaves out there. You can
look at what CNN said, you can look at what
MSNBC has said. This has gone very poorly for the
prosecution and it's turned a rig job potentially into a

coin flip. As to whether or not they can get
a conviction.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
I still think. Don't get mad at me, because I
will come on air and apologize for being wrong if
in fact it goes to a Hungurian and then mistrial.
I still think they're going to convict him, and I
know that it's not because he's guilty. It's not because
they prove the case. I just think that there's too
much pressure on the members of this jury who aren't

Trump deranged lunatics. And maybe there's only one or two
who aren't Trump deranged lunatics, but I think that they
are concerned for their futures and their ability to earn
a living. Should they be the one person to stop Trump.
I hope I am wrong, and we will mark this down.
If it is not a conviction against Donald Trump, I
will come on airon I will say I missed this one,

and Clay's optimism has been well rewarded in this case.
I will say, though, on the political side, because that
we can clearly see right we don't have to wait
for a verdict on the politics. We can see where
it is right now. I don't think there was any
damage downe to Trump at all in this trial. I
would argue that if you're a swing voter an independent,
if you tuned into some of this, you probably knew

it all, and anything you didn't dow didn't know, you
don't care about. I think they didn't lay a glove
on him, so to speak, in all of this, and
the numbers certainly are reflective of that. Right now. It
will be the ultimate irony if in fact their efforts
to destroy Donald Trump and take the system down with
him using the legal system are what propels him to victory.

I do think that is possible here. Can you imagine
the story.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
The panic if MSNBC they can't get a conviction in
this case. I mean, I just I want to enjoy
the mere idea of what Rachel maddowen company would have
to tell their audience if a New York City jury
couldn't convict Trump of what they've said is an unmistakable crime.
For years, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, I mean,

the main flagship left wing commie anti Trump publications and
shows and everything else, they have actually trained their audience.
You know, they've conditioned the audience like Pavlovian style. They've
conditioned the audience to move on to the next thing
right away about how they're going to get Trump right.
This is why they're never held to account for the

walls they're closing in, and this time we've got them
RUSSI a collusion and so I think Clay again, you
you're approaching this like a normal person would see this
and if the trial doesn't work, doesn't get a conviction
and say, what a what a cluster, what a what
a joke? This is right, But that audience has been
conditioned to think, oh, what's the next thing, like, what's

the next buzzer, what's the next item that I'm supposed
to be reacting to? And I think it'll be the
J six case. I think that now. So you're you've
said this all along, you don't think Jay six is happening.
I think that's they're going to tell people, Oh, don't worry.
J six is still they have to write, and that's
how they will switch it. And they'll talk about J six,

I think, starting right away, and they'll also lean on
the civil judgments against him to say.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
Well, like he was found, you know, to be liable
for that way, they'll they'll have some ways to try
to soft peddle this for the audience. But I think
this is why they went with the four cases, because
the idea is, even if they can't get a conviction,
they can always talk about the other cases. Does that
make sense? I ended stand it.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
I want to kind of toss something for you to
think about him, for everybody out there to contemplate. It's
possible next week we get a hung trial, mistrial. The
week after that, coming out of Memorial Day into June,
you could have the Hunter Biden gun case start. You

could get a conviction in that case, because it's only
going to take a few days. Then they've got his
tax case that is scheduled to start. That could happen
before the first debate on CNN on June twenty seventh.
You could buck in short order. Just think about this,
get three major body blows against Joe Biden before he

even takes the stage. Not a guilt, not a conviction
for Trump, guilty, Hunter guilty, Hunter Part two, both sides
of the country in front of jury's and then Biden
could have to take the stage to debate against Trump.
Those are major body below any one of them. If
all three land, I'm telling you, Biden is going to

be coming in for a standing eight count before this,
before this debate even starts. Okay, hold on, I mean
I think that your analysis of those events lining up
is is likely.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
I wouldn't even say it's I think that's what's going
to happen, right, you're well, you think it's gonna be
if you get the mistrial. Right, If you get the mistrial,
the other things will follow after that. But I don't
know that Hunter Biden causes problems. Remember the thing about
the laptop, and the media always tries to distract from
this was it wasn't. Hunter Biden is a weirdo who

dances around doing crack in tidy whities with prostitutes and
a pink feather boa on with his aviators. You know,
that's whatever, You know what I mean, that's a thing
that he was doing that's not legal, but no one
really cares. The part of it that I think was
politically damaging and why they always focused on other things

was the selling of the Biden family to China specifically,
but also to Bearisma and Ukraine. Right. That stuff I
think makes people say I can't vote for Joe Biden.
The gun stuff, I don't know if anyone really cares
that Joe Biden's son is I think they all know
he's a degenerate fool. So do you know what I
mean on that? I don't know that there's a political

tie in that hurts it.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
Well, then not paying track, not paying taxes, which partly
based on the income that he got from I believe
Ukraine and China. I don't see how even on CNN
they don't directly question Biden about whether he's going to
pardon his son and about the fact that he said
in October of twenty twenty, the last time there were

debates that his son had done nothing wrong. Is he
willing to change his story now? I think that puts
Biden in time. I'm gonna I'm gonna play Biden. Ask
asked me the question. I'll ask you and then you
answer it when we come back. But so here Buck
is gonna play Hunter Biden. But he's not gonna be
Oh Joe Biden, Joe Biden. I'm Joe Biden played Joe Biden. Yes, sorry, uh,
Buck is gonna play Joe Biden. I will ask this question.

I'll refresh it when we come back. President Biden in
October of twenty twenty you stood on the debate stage
and told the American public that your son had never
gotten any money from China, and that he had never
taken money from Ukraine, and that he had done absolutely
nothing wrong. He's now been convicted of felonies for a
gun charge in Delaware. He's now been convicted of a

felony for tax evasion in California. Do you now acknowledge
that you were not honest with the American public based
on these convictions, with what you said in October of
twenty twenty, and will you give us an answer right
now whether you will pardon your son or will you
allow him to go to prison? That is the tease,

that's the question, probably better said on the spur of
the moment than anybody on CNN will ask, certainly that
our good buddy, fake Tapper get Buck's answer, as Joe
Biden when we come back in the meantime. I'm here
in DC broadcasting right here right basically so, rounded by
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Speaker 1 (15:50):
Find it in the Clay and Buck podcast feed on
the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
Welcome Acka in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all
of you hanging out with us as we roll through
the Tuesday edition of the program. I am here in Washington,
d C. Buck is in South Florida. We're going to
be joined by Marsha Blackburn, Senator from Tennessee at the
bottom of this hour. Next hour, we're going to be

joined by Riley Gaines to talk about the insanity that
still is going on in athletics everywhere, with men pretending
to be women and winning championships everywhere. But I wanted
to mention this Buck. There have been nine corrections from
Joe Biden's speech to the n DOUBLEACP, according to the

White House transcript of that speech. The reason why I
bring that up is yesterday we played Joe Biden saying
at the NAACP speech that Barack Obama sent him to
Detroit to deal with the pandemic. The White House later
changed that in the transcript to say that Biden was

supposed to have been saying the recession when he went
to Detroit to deal with the recession and the challenge
to the American automotive industry. He's reading off a teleprompter.
He got the pandemic mixed up with the recession. They
changed that nine changes overall, eight additional changes from him

being unable to just read off a prompter. This also
happened yesterday. We have talked a great deal on this
program about the fact that there remain five American citizens
being held hostage by Hamas. They now have been in
Hamas's control. Was it coming up on eight months? I mean,
it's a crazy amount of time that these American hostages

have been held and have not been released. Biden barely
speaks about him at all. He finally talked about one
of those hostages at a White House event. This is
a hostage who has had his arm blown off, trying
to save people's lives. His parents, parents were there, listen
to Biden try to talk about this and listen to

this screw up play it.

Speaker 4 (18:07):
Minus version working around the clock to free their main hostages.
Just as we have freed hostage is already and here
this today is hersh Goldberg, Pohland, And there's still he
is not here with us, but he's still being held
by Amas, and Rachel and John are here with his
stand up guns.

Speaker 2 (18:25):
I mean Buck. First of all, you can barely understand
anything he is saying here, reading directly off the transcript
the teleprompter. But can you imagine an error where you say, hey,
we free to hostage. Oh sorry, he's not actually here.
Hamas still has him, but his parents are here. Biden's

brain is mush. I hope that this actually leads the
American media to be asking questions, Hey, by the way,
why are there still five American citizens being held hostage?
Why is Hamas still allowed to do this? Shouldn't be
allowed to do it for anybody, but for the President
of the United States, who's giving millions and millions of
our taxpayer dollars to the people of Gaza. Shouldn't a

precondition on any support that we give them at all
be that our American citizen hostages have to be released immediately.
And to mess that up in front of the parents
whose son has been a hostage for over seven months now,
it's embarrassing and it's indefensible.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
Yeah, and I also would want to know when has
Joe Biden expressed that there will be consequences for taking
these Americans right question, likely torturing and murdering them. You know,
there's a lot of we're working, you know, we're working
to diplomatically get our people back or something. He's dealing
with barbarians who will do the worst things imaginable. That

is what Hamas and the Palestinians who are part of
Hamas are. They've shown that, not just in October seven,
but that's been the case for a long time. And
where is the you guys give us back our Americans
or every person involved will be will be hunted down,
dead or alive. Yeah, where is that?

Speaker 4 (20:12):
I know?

Speaker 1 (20:12):
People say, oh, that's all really remember how honestly, remember
even how Obama used to talk about al Qaeda and
the drone strikes and everything else. I mean, not only
would he boast about it, he would make jokes about it.
He's like, you know, we're gonna light you up in
the Pakistani tribal border areas. And they were like, oh,
Obama shouldn't be talking about this, and he was talking
about it publicly. Where's the sense that there will be

consequences from the American side for taking American citizens in
all of this? I think it just it goes to
show you that Biden's bigger concern if you really line
these things up. And it's tragic to say this, but
I think it is true to say it, so I will.
Biden's bigger concern is not the safety of the American hostages.

It's the political price he pays at home for sound
being too tough on the Hamas savages. That is what
is going on here. That is the calculation that he
is making.

Speaker 2 (21:08):
I also think this is important and some of you
out there will remember this well. Buck and I were
too young to remember this when Jimmy Carter had hostages
in Iran as we were coming up on the nineteen
eighty election. The fact that Iran had taken our embassy
and had American hostages was an obsession of the American

news media and the inability of Jimmy Carter to get
those hostages freed reflected a lot of the failures of
his administration in general, the economic malaise, inflation, the fact
that many of you out there in the late seventies
felt that America was not firing on all cylinders, and

Jimmy Carter's administration was a big reason why the media,
though drummed over and over and over again into the
American public's eyes and minds, the fact that these hostages
were over there and we couldn't get them back. Why
is nobody hardly ever, even seven months later, mentioning the
fact that there are still five American hostages and Joe

Biden's administration is too incompetent to get them back. Think
about buck the amount of time that the American media
has spent talking about whether there should be a ceasefire,
or what happens if Israel goes into this particular part
of Gaza, or what kind of humanitarian aid are we
going to provide? Shouldn't the number one focus of the

American news media in a truly honest America beyond the
five hostages there? Think about this. Think about how much
more the American news media as a whole covered Britney
Griner getting arrested for violating a Russian drug law and
being put in prison there, compared to how much they've

covered five one hundred percent innocent people, including one American
that he just tried to name there, who had his
arm blown off by the Hamas terrorist and recently they
released a video of him begging for basically help. I
just think this is a real failure of the American

media to hold Joe Biden accountable. Remember Buck, he went
to Israel and and we said on this show at
the time, how is Joe Biden not going out and saying, hey,
this issue is going to be resolved. But let me
tell you this right now, if every American hostage isn't
released immediately, then you're gonna have holy hell to pay
from the United States. You do not touch the harm,

harm the hair of any American citizen. He didn't even
say it. He won't say their names. This to me
is a big moral failure of the Biden administration to
stand up for all Americans.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
Now, they were very vocal, as you pointed out about
Britney Griner and you know, of course, the consequent for Russia.
I have not heard about consequences for Hamas at all
from this administration. I've basically heard pleading as though Hamas
are humanitarians. They took hostages here, They've murdered, They've raped
and murdered them. They've raped hostages that are in their custody.

They've murdered hostages that are in their custody that they
that they have taken at gunpoint after in some cases,
massacring their entire families. And Biden thinks pleading is going
to He's what he's trying to, you know, trying to
make the appeal to their better angels or something over there.
I mean, is he out of his mind? Know that
The truth here is that he's more worried about Muslims

in Michigan than he is about Americans in Gaza. That
is the truth. Everything else is just noise around this,
and the lives of those Americans are less of less
consequence to him than what it does to his poll
numbers in swing states. Because this is how democrats justify everything.
Whatever it takes to be in power is the good thing,

because the bad people otherwise take over and ruin everything,
which is insane, but it is how they approach politics.
To me, the number one statement from America should be,
we will not even engage in conversations with you until
you release American hostages. And I make it clear here
I think that Hamas should have to release all of

their hostages. But as an American, I want my American
president to say, the hell with all of you. I'm
not negotiating at all on your behalf until we get
those American hostages returned with zero harm coming to them.
We don't know if these American hostages are still live.
We don't even know their names.

Speaker 2 (25:39):
Joe Biden won't even mention them until just recently, and
when he does, he doesn't seem to understand that there's
still hostages. That clip that we played is an embarrassment.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
Yeah, I think that a lot about Joe Biden is
an embarrassment. And so it's not surprising at all. But
the lack of any progress on the Israel Hamas issue
and also the Russia Ukraine issue under Biden's tenure is
remarkable when you really line these things up. We didn't
even I'm not trying to divert from the Hamas thing.
But just if you're looking at foreign policy failures. We

talk a lot about economic failures, but we are giving Ukraine,
I don't know what the number is now, two hundred billion,
probably an official aid. I mean, god knows what we've
given them via black ops, channels and other things, but
we're giving them a huge amount of money. They're losing
the war. Everybody, you notice in the New York Times
isn't really We're spending a lot of time reporting on this.

There have been Russian advances, they cannot the Ukrainians cannot
take background, and increasingly they're demanding that we operate some
kind of a no fly zone to shoot down incoming rockets. Well,
the difference in a no fly zone to shoot down
rockets versus no flies on to shoot down Russian planes
is really small, everybody, So they're trying to basically drag

us in which we've been worried about from the very beginning,
and Joe Biden's falling toward that. The situation with Israel
Hamas is you haven't had the true, forthright moral backing
of Israel by the United States government that you should have.
Because Biden is worried about his left flank going into
the election. Muslims and far leftists in this country who

are pro Hamas or you know, view the Palestinian cause
is somehow so important to them. And the only thing
that's going on there is Israel is prosecuting the war
because it has to, and Biden is hurting the US
relationship with the Israeli state. Right, It's just failures what
I'm saying. It's failure across the board. There's nothing you
could point to and say, well, they handled that one well.

And this all happened on Biden's watch, and I have
to say, you know, yeah, there's some luck involved, but
it didn't happen on Trump's watch. And I don't think
it's an accident.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
I agree, and I think if Trump is in office,
I actually think Ukraine Russia will get solved very quickly
because both sides are going to have to acknowledge that
there is, to a large extent a stalemate. Russia's not
giving up the territory that they've taken, Ukraine can't take
get back, and that's going to be some sort of
negotiated settlement. That's where we're headed. And I don't even

know what the goal is at this point, I guess
it's just to keep Ukraine from completely collapsing and try
to forestall things to allow some sort of negotiated settlement
to take place. But again, everything Biden touches is turning
the crap and that's not the word I want to use.

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Speaker 1 (29:34):
You know them as conservative radio hosts, now just get
to know them as guys.

Speaker 2 (29:39):
On the Sunday Hang podcast with Clay and Fuck. Find
it in their podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app or
wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 4 (29:49):
Welcome Ack.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
I appreciate all of you hanging out with us and
talking about the fact that I am in DC at
threedom one oh four point seven hour DC affiliate just
down the road from Capital. And we are joined now
by Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, who is in the
midst of what's going to be another crazy legislative rush

here as we move towards the election, I want to
reiterate for anyone out there in the state of Tennessee,
Marsha Blackburn up for reelection, You're going to win comfortably.
I'll say it. Your opponent is crazy. It's not going
to be close, but I want everybody to show up
and make sure that they vote in my home state
of Tennessee for Senator Marsha Blackburn. All right, Senator, let's

start here five and a half months until the election.
You're going to win. You don't have to say it.
I'll say it for you. Trump is going to win Tennessee.
I think that's pretty clear our home state. What are
you seeing in terms of the national political landscape. We've
got this crazy trial going on in New York City.
How good of a position do you think Trump is
in to win nationally? The Senate so huge for you

guys to have the majority back. Looking good in West Virginia,
looking good in Montana, Ohio, I owe many other battleground
states out there. What would be sort of your big
picture of view. As we said about five and a
half months from the election, one.

Speaker 5 (31:08):
Of the things we're hearing from people is immigration. That border,
the lack of border security is something that is issue
number one, and of course Joe Biden bears the responsibility
for this. Under President Donald Trump, the border was secured,
Biden has led in over ten million illegal aliens. On

top of that, he has parolled given parole status flying
them into the country. Over four hundred thousand of those
coming into the country. And these individuals are given work permits,
they are given benefits. And people are seeing the uptick
in crime in their communities, the human trafficking, sex trafficking,

and of course the drug trafficking in fentanyl. So that
is item number one, and people hold Joe Biden and
the Democrats to account for that. And the other thing
is inflation. In Tennessee. Families are spending about twelve thousand
dollars per year more than they were spending when Donald

Trump left office. And you know, Joe Biden keeps trying
to say inflation was nine percent when he took office.
But bless his heart, he's just I mean, you know
some things you just get.

Speaker 2 (32:31):
I love when I hear southern grandma say blessed his
heart because you know what's going to come next is
going to be devastating. And that was buck. Have you
gotten used to that. I don't know if Florida they
drop the bless his heart or bless her heart very often,
but that is the Southern grandpa and grandma line that
is about to cut the legs out coming right after.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
Oh I've picked up on this one. I've been the
recipient once or twice of a bless his heart, and
so I know exactly what's going on.

Speaker 5 (32:55):
Well, you know, you're in trouble and Joe Biden's in
trouble with the American people on this issue of inflation,
because when you see the price at the pump up
fifty five percent to heat and cool the house forty percent,
groceries twenty five percent, rent up over thirty percent, then

it is hitting the pocketbook and it's those kitchen table
economics that are just really doing a number on people,
and all across the state, I hear from people every
single day about the impact of inflation on their daily lives.
So this border and Biden inflation is these are things

that people are paying close attention to.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
And Senator Blackburn, I know that you are teaming up
with Senator Haggerty on legislation to address violent crime. One
of the weaknesses that Democrats have just as a general matter,
is they've shown in recent years, well for a long time,
particularly in recent years, they have all the wrong ideas
on crime reduction. In fact, a lot of their policies

make crime far more prevalent What is the legislation that
you are working on and how would it address the
issue of violent crime specifically.

Speaker 5 (34:16):
Yeah, and there are three pieces that I'm pushing forward
a Judiciary committee. And as you mentioned, Senator Haggerdy and
I have the Restoring Law and Order, which is a
series of grants to local law enforcement so they can
address these gangs and the drug crimes, the trafficking that's

taking place in their communities. We came up with this
after some issues in Memphis.

Speaker 6 (34:46):
Memphis is a city that.

Speaker 5 (34:49):
Saw nearly four hundred homicides last year and they are
struggling to get their arms around crime. In addition to that,
have legislation that would end these cashless bill policies, these
woke das and woke judges that are letting people go

who are violent criminals. These people need to be locked
up and cash bill needs to be a standard. Also,
adhering to those sentencing guidelines would be a help. In
addition to this, I have a bipartisan bill that Cortes
Maasto and I are doing that deals with after school

activities for kids and put some money, focuses some attention
on that kids are recruited into gangs, between three and
six o'clock in the afternoon, and kids that commit crimes
they are happening between three and six o'clock in the afternoon.
So this is this after School Act would put some

attention on these groups that provide those after school activities
and guidance for kids.

Speaker 2 (36:03):
I know you went to an SEC school. You and
I talked before Tennessee beat Alabama two years ago, maybe
the greatest college football game in Tennessee football history. Sorry
Alabama fans think they're going to beat you again in October.
By the way, when you see all these campus protests
and you see people lining up for hamas, and you

saw so many Southern schools, whether it's North Carolina, you're
an seclum. I'm an seclum. When you saw so many
students on so many campuses stand up to those protesters,
why do you think SEC schools got it right and
so many Ivy League schools got it wrong? And what
do you take as both a parent and a grandparent.
I know you've got kids, grandkids who are going to

be going off to school soon. In terms of what
they're learning at these schools.

Speaker 5 (36:49):
One of the things that has has made such an
impression on me is the lack of attention to rules
and law and order at these IVY League schools, the
fact that anti Semitism would be tolerated, the fact that
there would not be an administration in these schools that

would stand up and say we don't conduct ourselves in
that manner and would say no, you can't do this.
And then the SEC schools by and large just said no,
if you want to carry out a peaceful protest, here's
the process, but you don't go around shouting death to
America or identifying. Think about this, on these college campuses,

you've got people that are self identifying with a terrorist organization. Yeah,
and you've got schools in the South, a lot of
these SEC schools that have just said no, we are
not going to do that, and they didn't put up
with it. And I think that's been one of the

big differences. But I have talked to people whose students,
high school students are now looking at Southern schools instead
of an Ivy League because they don't want to go
somewhere where they can't speak their mind or can't have
a point and a counterpoint. And some of these leftist

professors have forgotten that it is robust, respectful, bipartisan debate
that has kept this country free, and it is important.
And now they have gone so far left that they're
out here shouting in support of a terrorist organization and

carrying out these rallies. I will tell you this, if
I were if I had that decision to make any
of these students that are on visas, I would yank
their visa. I would deport them immediately. If they're getting
a federally backed student loan, I would make them ineligible

for any kind of loan forgiveness.

Speaker 2 (39:06):
I would pull that loan.

Speaker 5 (39:07):
And if they self identify with a terrorist organization, I
would add them to the terrorist watch list and be
sure that they're on the no fly list.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
Speaking the Senator Marshall Blackburn and Senator the Biden white
House is putting pressure. Joe Biden himself, we're told, is
putting pressure on Democrat senators to go along with a
resurrection if you will have the so called bipartisan border
security bill. Is this just talking points from the White House?

And what do they think they're going to achieve by
trying to pressure senators to get something past they can't
get passed. And they certainly wouldn't get in the House.

Speaker 5 (39:49):
Well, Buck, what we have heard is some of the
Senators are on the record having said they're getting killed
on the immigration issue. But it is a border security issue.
So they've got it wrong from the outset, and they
are putting pressure on Chuck's Chuck Schumer to do a
if you will immigration bill. Well, that what they're proposing

does not deal with the influx at the border. Like
I said, you're looking at ten million plus or minus
people that have come across that southern border. That's a
population that is greater than all but eight of our
cities in this country. The ten million is greater than
the population of thirty eight of our states. So we've

got to realize that people are saying, let's get this
border secure. They want to make certain that they stop
seeing these impacts, and so now and in a ploy,
what they're doing is saying, Okay, let's put a bill

out here, and it's kind of a fake immigration bill,
and let's put it out here. It's going to be
a bad bill. All the Democrats will vote for it,
no Republicans will vote for it. Then the bill will
go over to the House. The House will do nothing
and we're going to blame all the Republicans now in
Chuck Schumer's world, that is the answer to the problem.

It is a political situation. But what we know the
American people want to see is actually having a border
barrier that which border patrol has told us for years.

Speaker 2 (41:39):
They need that.

Speaker 5 (41:41):
They want to see that, they want to see better
technology on that border. They want to make certain that
you're going to stop this flow of drugs and gangs
into our country, and they're not seeing that from this administration.
You go talk to any sheriff in Tennis, they will
tell you they cannot deal with drugs and crime and

gangs until the southern border is secure.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
We're talking to Senator Marcia Blackburn. I encourage all of
you who are in my home state of Tennessee to
make sure you get out and vote for her this fall. Senator,
we appreciate the time, appreciate you coming by our DC.

Speaker 5 (42:20):
Student Absolutely, they can keep up with me at marsha
Blackburn dot com.

Speaker 2 (42:24):
Phenomenal And if you're out there listening and you're applying
to schools, SEC schools not a bad place to be, huh.

Speaker 6 (42:31):
The best.

Speaker 2 (42:32):
We'll talk more about that from up here. In DC.
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say Clay and Buck. Today twenty four a weekly podcast
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Speaker 1 (44:10):
Episodes drops Sundays at noon Eastern.

Speaker 2 (44:13):
Find it on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you
get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (44:18):
Welcome back in to Clay and Buck. We are joined
now by our friend Riley Gaines. She's got a new
book out, Swimming Against the Current, fighting for common sense
in the world that has lost its mind. It comes
out today, Swimming Against the Current. Because she's a great swimmer,
so that all makes sense. And she's also at OutKick,
which Clay founded, and Riley thanks for being here with us.

So how do you think it's going? As people see
you are speaking of college campuses across the country we've
had you want to talk about how some of that
has gone. The left gets very upset when you say
men or men, women or women. These aren't the same thing.
But I'm sure you saw this male track star that
was just absolutely annihilating his female competition because he says

he's a woman. Now where does the fact, where does
the fight stand? Where does the battle stand? Right now?

Speaker 6 (45:08):
Well, buck, let me clarify one thing really quick. In
your intro you said, I'm a great swimmer. I call
myself a swammer. Nowadays I'd probably drown if I got
in the water.

Speaker 1 (45:19):
But look, I'm very buoyant special for me too.

Speaker 6 (45:22):
Now, look this issue, off course, it's it's becoming more
and more common. It keeps happening at every level. We
see it at colleges, we see a high schools, we
see it a middle schools, we see it at elementary schools.
This story you're referring to, actually I don't even know
which one, because there were multiple stories this past week
in track and field of boys annihilating girls. We saw

it in Washington. We saw it in Oregon. Uh, it's insane,
is what it is. But you asked me where the
issue stands. While we keep seeing these negative stories, I
really and truly do believe that the tide is turning.
I believe every day people are waking up. Speaking to
the story. In Oregon, we saw for really the first

time again it's the same story. A mediocre man becomes
a record smaster on the women's side, he won the
state championship in the women's two hundred meter dash. He
stands atop the podium and the crowd booed. That would
not have happened two years ago. So I think it's
a telltale sign that people are waking up. People are
understanding that no one is immune to this. Like I

think so many of us thought before, we've seen the
trajectory of this.

Speaker 2 (46:31):
Now, Riley, what is the Biden administration? First of all,
congrats on the book. Second, what is the Biden administration
trying to do with the way that they define Title nine,
which could potentially enshrine men pretending to be women in
women's athletics all across the spectrum of competition. What are
they doing?

Speaker 6 (46:52):
Yeah, it's not even what they're trying to do, Clay,
it's what they have done. The Biden administration has rewritten.
They rewrote Title nine. Of course, Title nine was the
federal civil rights law that once prevented sex based discrimination
on educational programs that receive federal funding colleges, YMCAs, things
like that, high schools, even but what they have done
they have taken this thirty seven word only thirty seven

words in its original implementation in nineteen seventy two, with
one word being activity, which I think allowed Title nine
to be what it was most notable for in giving
equal opportunities in sports, of course a lot broader than that,
but what it's most notable for. They took this thirty
seven word piece of legislation and rewrote it to a

almost half a million word proposal one five and seventy
seven pages long. Again from thirty seven words, that's insane.
But really, what this does is it equates, in a nutshell,
it equates sex to gender identity. So instead of sex
based protections, now there are protections enshrined by your gender identity.

This now means that men would have full access to bathrooms,
locker rooms, changing spaces. This means that men can potentially
be housed in dorm rooms with women. This means that
men can now take academic and athletic scholarships away from women.
Your speech would be compelled. So if you write a
professor or a student, if you use the biologically incorrect pronouns,

the preferred pronouns of if you don't use preferred pronouns,
then you would be guilty and charge with sexual harassment
under this new reright. Not the man parading around your
locker room. No to President Biden, he's said several times,
those are some of the most brave and inspiring people
he's ever seen. But you calling a spade a spade

is grounds for sexual harassment.

Speaker 1 (48:48):
It's insane. But this is the country, unfortunately, that we
are increasingly forced to live in. And we're speaking to
Riley Gaines. She's got a new book out today, Swimming
against the Current. If I am correct here, and I
say that thinking that I'm almost always correct. You have
put out their challenges to different people who want a
debate on this issue. Is there anyone who will publicly,

anyone of note who will publicly debate that men do
not have an advantage over women as competitors and athletics, like,
has anyone taken you up of note or does everyone
just push for the policy and then run away when
you ask for an open exchange of ideas on it.

Speaker 6 (49:29):
We've made public calls for debate on this show. I
know we've publicly called on Keith Olberman, that guy. We've
publicly called on Megan Rapino. I'll go even further. I
would love to talk with Billy Jean King. What a
more I guess notable person to talk to on this topic,
given the fact that she's really who we have to

accredit Title nine too. She played in the Battle of
the Sexes and she won and it was this huge feat. Yeah. Well,
now Billy Jen King is actively fighting for male inclusion
into women's sports and women's spaces. No, I've reached out
to CNN, I've reached out to MSNBC, and I've either
gotten no response or they've responded back and said, we're
not going to give you a platform to spread your hate.

But you know what that tells me. It tells me
that they don't have a rebuttal for anything that I'm saying. Right,
what happened to follow the science? They are not? They
are certainly not doing that now.

Speaker 2 (50:25):
Riley, I encourage everybody to go check out your book
and to share it with their daughters and also their sons,
because I think people increasingly are coming around to how
crazy this is.

Speaker 1 (50:35):
But I know you saw this. We shared it at
out Kick.

Speaker 2 (50:38):
One of our writers got down Staley to say that
a man identifying as a woman should be able to
compete in women's college basketball in her opinion. We then
reach she's the national champion University of South Carolina women's
basketball coach. For people who don't know. OutKick then reached
out to fifteen other women's in Cuba tournament coaches, in

particular every women's coach that made the sweet sixteen of
the NC DOUBLEA tournament. What does it say that Dawn
Staley said yes, men should be able to play? The
other fifteen wouldn't even answer outkicks question. I do think
we're winning this battle, but how much cowardice is there
still out there?

Speaker 6 (51:20):
It's in every realm where I mean. That's why our nation.
I believe our nation is in decline for several reasons,
one of which we live in a godless society. But
two it's because we have week Week leaders again at
every level. We have WEEK leaders in academia, we have
Week leaders in corporate America, we have Week leaders of
course within our government, even our spiritual leaders. So it

seems are unwilling to take a stand on these these
topics that they have deemed controversial. But let's be very clear,
it is the least controversial thing to say that both
sexes of are deserving of equal opportunities. How in the
world have we reached a point in time where it's
controversial to say that women deserve privacy in areas of undressing.

I mean that would have been common sence five years ago.
A DA would have followed a man who goes into
a women's bathroom into a women's locker room, into that
locker room and arrested him on charges of sexual harassment, voyeurism,
and decent exposure. The list goes on. But now, as
I said, it's deemed brave, we are told we are
the problem if we oppose this. So again, the cowardice.

It's incredibly sad because I can guarantee you I really can,
even speaking for Don Staley. I shouldn't say speaking for
but I imagine she knows the differences between men and women.
No one would know who don Staley was if she
wasn't afforded the rights to play women's basketball. And look,

that's not to say she wasn't an incredible athlete. She
obviously had an incredible coaching career. I think her record
the last three years was one hundred and nine and three.
I mean, that's unheard of. But she can be two
things at once, a great coach but also a sellout,
and that's exactly what she's proven herself to be.

Speaker 1 (53:07):
Riley Gaines. Everybody the book Swimming against the Current, fighting
for common sense in the world that's lost its mind
out today. Get your copy. Riley Gaines, thank you for
doing what you do. Appreciate it.

Speaker 6 (53:19):
I appreciate you, guys, so thank you.

Speaker 1 (53:21):
Thank you very much. I don't know if you heard.
President Trump apparently appreciates this too. I'm just saying I
saw that he gave a shout out.

Speaker 2 (53:27):
He was trying. He was trying to impress Riley and Lexington,
which not a bad move by him, because she's pretty
popular in Kentucky. And let's be honest, Kentucky Wildcats don't
have a lot of athletic success of late to be celebrating.
Particularly in the SEC. They need Riley back. I think
she might be off the mic because that's the only
way I can take a shot.

Speaker 6 (53:44):
No, chef, no, no, no, I'm just waiting to make some
common about Rocky Top here, Clay, I'm biting my tongue,
That's what I'm doing.

Speaker 2 (53:52):
Hey, you know what, maybe this is your year in
football for the first time in eighty.

Speaker 6 (53:56):
That is what Tennessee fans have said for so long.
Next year is our year. Next years our year. I'll
be waiting, Clay.

Speaker 1 (54:02):
I don't know if you guys have ever been in
a sitter party where people started screaming at each other
in a foreign language. But that's kind of how I feel.

Speaker 5 (54:09):

Speaker 6 (54:09):
Welcome to the SEC, Buck, This is what it's like
November second, Neyland Stadium. Clay, We'll see you there.

Speaker 1 (54:16):
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Speaker 2 (55:35):
Out with the guys on the Sunday Hang with Clay
and Buck podcast, a new episode every Sunday. Find it
on the iHeart app, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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