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May 21, 2024 36 mins
White House makes 9 transcript corrections of Biden's NAACP speech -- all from when he was reading from teleprompter. Biden mistakenly says U.S. Hamas hostage is home. Why no Biden talk of consequences for Hamas regarding American hostages? C&B take calls. Senator Marsha Blackburn joins Clay and Buck about Biden, the border, inflation, crime -- plus SEC vs. Ivy Leave and handling of anti-Semitic protests. Braveheart film anniversary.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome again, Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all of
you hanging out with us as we roll through the
Tuesday edition of the program. I am here in Washington,
d C. Buck is in South Florida. We're going to
be joined by Marsha Blackburn, Senator from Tennessee at the
bottom of this hour. Next hour, we're going to be

joined by Riley Gaines to talk about the insanity that
still is going on in athletics everywhere, with men pretending
to be women and winning championships everywhere. But I wanted
to mention this Buck. There have been nine corrections from
Joe Biden's speech to the N DOUBLEACP according to the

White House transcript of that speech. The reason why I
bring that up is yesterday we played Joe Biden saying
at the N DOUBLEACP speech that Barack Obama sent him
to Detroit to deal with the pandemic. The White House
later changed that in the transcript to say that Biden

was supposed to have been saying the recession when he
went to Detroit to deal with the recession and the
challenge to the American automotive industry. He's reading off a teleprompter.
He got the pandemic mixed up with the recession. They
changed that nine changes overall, eight additional changes from him

being unable to just read off a prompter. This also
happened yesterday. We have talked a great deal on this
program about the fact that there remain five American citizens
being held hostage by Hamas. They now have been in
hamas's control. Was it coming up on eight months? I mean,
it's a crazy amount of time that these American hostages

have been held and have not been released. Biden barely
speaks about him at all. He finally talked about one
of those hostages at a White House event. This is
a hostage who has had his arm blown off trying
to save people's lives. His parents were there. Listen to
Biden try to talk about this and listen to this

screw up. Play it, Minuss.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
You're working around the clock to free their main hostages,
just as we have freed. Hostage is already and here
this today is hersh Goldberg, Poland, and there is still
he is not here with us, but he's still being
held by AMAS. And Rachel and John are here with
his stand up guns.

Speaker 1 (02:29):
I mean Buck, first of all, you can barely understand
anything he is saying here, reading directly off the transcript
the teleprompter. But can you imagine an error where you say, hey,
we free to hostage. Oh sorry, he's not actually here.
Hamas still has him, but his parents are here. Brian

Biden's brain is mush. I hope that this actually leads
the American media to be asking questions, Hey, by the way,
why are there still five American citizens being held hostage?
Why is Hamas still allowed to do this? Shouldn't be
allowed to do it for anybody, but for the President
of the United States, who's giving millions and millions of

our taxpayer dollars to the people of Gaza. Shouldn't a
precondition on any support that we give them at all
be that our American citizen hostages have to be released immediately.
And to mess that up in front of the parents
whose son has been a hostage for over seven months now,

it's embarrassing and it's indefensible.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
Yeah, and I also would want to know when has
Joe Biden expressed that there will be consequences for taking
these Americans right question, likely torturing and murdering them. You know,
there's a lot of we're working, you know, we're working
to diplomatically get our people back or something. He's dealing
with barbarians who will do the worst things imaginable. That

is what Hamas and the Palestinians who are part of
Hamas are. They've shown that, not just in October seventh,
but that's been the case for a long time. And
where is the you guys give us back our Americans
or every person involved will be will be hunted down,
dead or alive.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
Yeah, where is I know.

Speaker 3 (04:17):
People say, oh, that's all Really remember how honestly remember
even how Obama used to talk about al Qaida and
the drone strikes and everything else. I mean, not only
would he boast about it, he would make jokes about it.
He's like, you know, we're gonna light you up in
the Pakistani tribal border areas. And they were like, oh,
Obama shouldn't be talking about this, and he was talking
about it publicly. Where's the sense that there will be

consequences from the American side for taking American citizens in.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
All of this?

Speaker 3 (04:46):
I think it just it goes to show you that
Biden's bigger concern. If you really line these things up
and it's tragic to say this, but I think it
is true to say it, so I will. Biden's bigger
concern is not the safety of the American hostages. It's
the political price he pays at home for sounding too
tough on the Hamas savages. That is what is going

on here. That is the calculation that he is making.
I also think this is important, and some of you
out there will remember this well. Buck and I were
too young to remember this when Jimmy Carter had hostages
in Iran as we were coming up on the nineteen
eighty election. The fact that Iran had taken our embassy

and had American hostages was an obsession of the American
news media, and the inability of Jimmy Carter to get
those hostages freed reflected a lot of the failures of
his administration in general, the economic malaise, inflation, the fact
that many of you out there in the late seventies

felt that America was not firing on all cylinders, and
Jimmy carter'sd be minutt was a big reason why the media,
though drummed over and over and over again into the
American public's eyes and minds. The fact that these hostages
were over there and we couldn't get them back. Why
is nobody hardly ever, even seven months later, mentioning the

fact that there are still five American hostages and Joe
Biden's administration is too incompetent to get them back. Think
about buck the amount of time that the American media
has spent talking about whether there should be a ceasefire,
or what happens if Israel goes into this particular part
of Gaza, or what kind of humanitarian aid are we

going to provide. Shouldn't the number one focus of the
American news media in a truly honest America be on
the five hostages there.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
Think about this. Think about how much more the American
news media as a whole covered Britney Griner getting arrested
for violating a Russian drug law and being put in
prison there compared to how much they've covered five one
hundred percent innocent people, including one American that he just

tried to name there, who had his arm blown off
by the Hamas terrorist and recently they released a video
of him begging for basically help. I just think this
is a real failure of the American media to hold
Joe Biden accountable. Remember Buck, he went to Israel and

and we said on this show at the time, how
is Joe Biden not going out and saying, hey, this
issue is going to be resolved. But let me tell
you this right now, if every American hostage isn't released immediately,
then you're gonna have holy hell to pay from the
United States. You do not touch the harm, harm the
hair of any American citizen. He didn't even say it.
He won't say their names. This is a big moral

failure of the Biden administration to stand up for all Americans.

Speaker 3 (07:58):
Now, they were very vocal, as you pointed out about
Britney Griner and that you know, of course, the consequences
for Russia. I have not heard about consequences for Hamas
at all from this administration. I've basically heard pleading as
though Hamas are humanitarians. Where they took hostages here, they've murdered,
They've raped and murdered them. They've raped hostages that are

in their custody. They've murdered hostages that are in their
custody that they that they have taken at gunpoint after
in some cases massacring their entire families, and Biden thinks
pleading is going to he's what he's he's trying to,
you know, trying to make the appeal to their better
angels or something over there. I mean, is he out
of his mind? No, that the truth here is that

he's more worried about Muslims in Michigan than he is
about Americans in Gaza.

Speaker 4 (08:46):
That is the truth.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
Everything else is just noise around this, and the lives
of those Americans are less of less consequence to him
than what it does to his poll numbers in swing states.
Because this is how Democrats justify everything. Whatever it takes
to be in power is the good thing, because the
bad people otherwise will take over and ruin everything, which
is insane. But it is how they approach politics.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
To me, the number one statement from America should be,
we will not even engage in conversations with you until
you release American hostages. And I make it clear here
I think that Hamas should have to release all of
their hostages. But as an American, I want my American

president to say, the hell with all of you. I'm
not negotiating at all on your behalf until we get
those American hostages returned with zero harm coming to them.
We don't know if these American hostages are still live.
We don't even know their names. Joe Biden won't even
mention them until just recently, and when he does, he
doesn't seem to understand that there's still hostages. That clip

that we played is an embarrassment.

Speaker 3 (09:55):
Yeah, I think that a lot about Joe Biden is
an embarrassment, and so it's not surprising at all. But
the lack of any real progress on the Israel Hamas
issue and also the Russia Ukraine issue under Biden's tenure
is remarkable when you really line these things up. We
didn't even I'm not trying to divert from the Hamas thing,
but just if you're looking at foreign policy failures, we

talk a lot about economic failures, but we are giving
Ukraine I don't know what the number is now, two
hundred billion, probably an official aid. I mean, god knows
what we've given them via black ops, channels and other things,
but we're giving them a huge amount of money. They're
losing the war. Everybody you notice in the New York
Times isn't really We're spending a lot of time reporting

on this. There have been Russian advances. They cannot the
Ukrainians cannot take background, and increasingly they're demanding that we
operate some kind of a no fly zone to shoot
down incoming rockets. Well, the difference in a no fly
zone to shoot down rockets versus no flies on to
shoot down Russian planes is really small everybody. So they're
trying to basically drag us in, which we've been worried

about from the very beginning, and Joe Biden's falling toward that.
The situation with Israel Hamas is you haven't had the true,
forthright moral backing of Israel by the United States government
that you should have because Biden is worried about his
left flank going into the election. Muslims and far leftists
in this country who are pro Hamas or you know,

view the Palestinian cause is somehow so important to them,
and the only thing that's going on there is Israel
is prosecuting the war because it has to, and Biden
is hurting the US relationship with the Israeli state. Right,
it's just failures what I'm saying. It's failure across the board.
There's nothing you could point to and say, well, they
handled that one well. And this all happened on Biden's watch,
and I have to say, you know, yeah, there's some

luck involved, but it didn't happen on Trump's watch, and
I don't think it's an accident. I agree, and I
think if Trump is in office, I actually think Ukraine
Russia will get solved very quickly because both sides are
going to have to acknowledge that there is, to a
large extent, a stalemate. Russia's not giving up the territory
that they've taken, Ukraine can't take it back, and that's

going to be some sort of negotiated settlement. That's where
we're headed. And I don't even know what the goal.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
Is at this point. I guess it's just to keep
Ukraine from completely collapsing and try to forestall things to
allow some sort of negotiated settlement to take place. But again,
everything Biden touches is turning the crap, and that's not
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Speaker 5 (13:38):
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Speaker 3 (13:53):
All right, welcome back into Clay and Balcom. We'll take
some of your calls. All remind you drink Crocketcoffee. Go
to Crocket Coffee dot com subs. As we were getting
to the phone lines here, you can stay fired up
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Crocket Coffee dot Com. So we have John in Kansas.

What's up John, Yes, sir, you're on the air.

Speaker 6 (14:22):
Hello, Yes, thank you for taking my call. Guys love
listener to your show. Yes, I think you're off. Joe
Biden has proved to us for the last forty five
years he's a pathological liar. Uh, you call it dementia,
you call him sleepy Joe, whatever, It's just a continuation.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
Literally, I think I said yesterday that he's a horrible
person with no ethics and lies all the time. So
to be fair, I can appreciate you wanting to hammer
home the point, but I don't think you're telling me
or Clay anything that we don't already know.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
I think that thanks for the call. I think the
difference is Joe Biden has been a path away logical
liar for a long time, but his brain actually worked
in some way when he was lying in nineteen eighty eight.
His delivery of the lies is now legitimately compromised. Yeah,
that's a different thing, meaning like the words, the saying.
I think legitimately he has trouble knowing buck what the

actual truth is now in a way that forty years
ago he didn't. I think he was intentionally lyying forty
years ago.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
I mean I remember my grandfather, who was a great
man and a you know, a Navy combat veteran for
World War Two. I remember when he was Biden's age,
and you know, like bringing him tea and putting a
blanket over his knees and like having him tell me stories,
and like that's a lot of what you're going to
do when you're you know, if you're lucky, when you're
you know, grandfatherly age. It's not being leader of the

free world, you know, when when you've slowed down like that.
And that's but you know, they still think Biden, for
some reason, is going to be able to get it
done for the Democrats. Todd in South Dakota.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
What's going on?

Speaker 6 (15:56):

Speaker 4 (15:57):
Hey, guys, I wonder if we're just playing with fire
by constantly quoting the polls Trump is up in six
of the seven battleground states, or Trump is up five
percent nationally. In twenty sixteen, Hillary was a ninety nine
percent lock to have be elected president. She had her
cabinet already picked, and twenty twenty two, the big red

wave was coming. Clay signed off the eve election eve
and was just giddy to get to the stroop the
next morning to say, how, so what would you have
us do? That's nose in it and.

Speaker 1 (16:30):
So what yeah, what would you have us do?

Speaker 4 (16:33):
I don't know. I'm just we're can't put too much
weight in time.

Speaker 3 (16:37):
I mean, Todd, I appreciate it. I would say, you know,
first of all, I don't find me somebody on the
right who didn't think the twenty twenty two was going
to be a really good year. And I'll find you
somebody who's basically been rewriting. I'm talking about people that
work in our business. You know, Tucker thought it was
going to be a red wave. I mean, you get
on the list. Anybody over at Fox thought it was
going to be a red wave because there was a

data all reflected that. It was a data all reflect
that it would be. Every time we talk about these polls,
we say this is today. It could all change. This
is today. The election is a long time away. This
is today. Pedal to the medal. We're not going to
not observe what Sorry for the double negative. We're not
going to fail to observe what's going on right now
in the polling, because that wouldn't be fair to the

political climate we're in. I'll say this, Clay, I think
the narrative was supposed to be based on these trials,
that Trump was unelectable and they were going to hammer
that he can't win. They were going to actually suppress
turnout that way. The polls clearly show he can win.
We're not saying he will win.

Speaker 1 (17:34):
Also, go vote early often, Get everybody you know to
go vote. There's nothing worth saying about the current picture
of the electorate When no one can vote yet, that
should discourage you from going and voting and having your
voice heard. Alberto in Florida. What you got Oh wait, no,
we got to go to Alberto. We'll get back to him.
We've got to go to a break here for a second.

Speaker 3 (17:55):
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Speaker 1 (18:52):
Welcome back, in appreciate all of you hanging out with
us and talking about the fact that I am in
DC and freedom. One oh four point seven hour DC
affiliate just down the road from Capitol Hill. And we
are joined now by Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, who
is in the midst of what's going to be another
crazy legislative rush. Here as we move towards the election,

I want to reiterate for anyone out there in the
state of Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn up for reelection. You're going
to win comfortably. I'll say it. Your opponent is crazy.
It's not going to be close. But I want everybody
to show up and make sure that they vote in
my home state of Tennessee for Senator Marsha Blackburn. All right, Senator,
let's start here five and a half months until the election.

You're going to win. You don't have to say it.
I'll say it for you. Trump is going to win Tennessee.
I think that's pretty clear our home state. What are
you seeing in terms of the national political landscape. We've
got this crazy trial going on in New York City.
How good of a position do you think Trump is
in to win nationally? The Senate, So huge for you
guys to have the majority back. Looking good in West Virginia,

looking good in Montana, Ohio, Many other battleground states out there,
what would be sort of your big picture of view.
As we said about five and a half months from
the election.

Speaker 7 (20:11):
One of the things we're hearing from people is immigration.
That border, the lack of border security is something that
is issue number one, and of course Joe Biden bears
the responsibility for this. Under President Donald Trump, the border
was secured. Biden has led in over ten million illegal aliens.

On top of that, he has parolled, given parole status,
flying them into the country, over four hundred thousand of
those coming into the country. And these individuals are given
work permits, they are given benefits, and people are seeing
the uptick in crime in their communities, the human trafficking,

sex trafficking, and of course the drug trafficking infentanyl. So
that is item number one, and people hold Joe Biden
and the Democrats to account for that. The other thing
is inflation. In Tennessee. Families are spending about twelve thousand
dollars per year more than they were spending when Donald

Trump left office. And you know, Joe Biden keeps trying
to say inflation was nine percent when he took office,
But bless his heart, he's just I mean, you know
some things you just get.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
I love when I hear Southern grandma say blessed his
heart because you know what's going to come next is
going to be devastating. And that was Buck. Have you
gotten used to that. I don't know if Florida they
drop the bless his heart or bless her heart very often,
but that is the southern grandpa and grandma line that
is about to cut the legs out coming right after. Oh,
I've picked up on this one. I've been the recipient

once or twice of a blessed his heart, and so
I know exactly what's going on.

Speaker 7 (21:58):
Well, you know, you're in trouble and Joe Biden's in
trouble with the American people on this issue of inflation
because when you see the price at the pump up
fifty five percent to heat and cool the house forty percent,
groceries twenty five percent, rent up over thirty percent, then

it is hitting the pocketbook. And it's those kitchen table
economics that are just really doing a number on people,
and all across the state, I hear from people every
single day about the impact of inflation on their daily lives.
So this border and Biden inflation is these are things

that people are paying close attention to.

Speaker 3 (22:47):
And Senator Blackburn, I know that you are teaming up
with Senator Haggerty on legislation to address violent crime. One
of the weaknesses that Democrats have just as a general man,
is they've shown in recent years, well for a long time,
but particularly in recent years, they have all the wrong
ideas on crime reduction. In fact, a lot of their

policies make crime far more prevalent. What is the legislation
that you are working on and how would it address
the issue of violent crime specifically.

Speaker 7 (23:20):
Yeah, and there are three pieces that I'm pushing forward
it Judiciary Committee, and as you mentioned, Senator Haggerdy and
I have the Restoring Law and Order, which is a
series of grants to local law enforcement so they can
address these gangs and the drug crimes, the trafficking that's

taking place in their communities. We came up with this
after some issues in Memphis. Memphis is a city that
saw nearly four hundred homicides last year and they are
struggling to get their own around crime. In addition to that,

I have legislation that would end these cashless bill policies.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
These woke das.

Speaker 7 (24:11):
And woke judges that are letting people go who are
violent criminals. These people need to be locked up and
cash bill needs to be a standard. Also, adhering to
those sentencing guidelines would be a help. In addition to this,
I have a bipartisan bill that Cortes Masto and I

are doing that deals with after school activities for kids
and put some money, focuses some attention on that kids
are recruited into gangs between three and six o'clock in
the afternoon, and kids that commit crimes they are happening
between three and six o'clock in the afternoon. So this

is this after School Act would put some at on
these groups that provide those after school activities and guidance
for kids.

Speaker 1 (25:06):
I know you went to an SEC school. You and
I talked before Tennessee beat Alabama two years ago, maybe
the greatest college football game in Tennessee football history. Sorry
Alabama fans think they're going to beat you again in October.
By the way, when you see all these campus protests
and you see people lining up for hamas, and you

saw so many southern schools where there it's North Carolina,
you're an seclum. I'm an seclum. When you saw so
many students on so many campuses stand up to those protesters,
why do you think SEC schools got it right and
so many Ivy League schools got it wrong? And what
do you take as both a parent and a grandparent.
I know you've got kids, grandkids who are going to

be going off to school soon. In terms of what
they're learning at these schools.

Speaker 7 (25:52):
One of the things that has has made such an
impression on me is the lack of attention to rules
and law and order at these Ivy League schools. The
fact that anti Semitism would be tolerated, the fact that
there would not be an administration in these schools that

would stand up and say we don't conduct ourselves in
that manner and would say no, you can't do this.
And then the SEC schools by and large just said no,
if you want to carry out a peaceful protest, here's
the process. But you don't go around shouting death to
America or identifying Think about this, on these college campuses,

you've got people that are self identifying with a terrorist organization. Yeah,
and you've got schools in the South, A lot of
these SEC schools that have just said no, we are
not going to do that, and they didn't put up
with it, and I think that's been one of the

big differences. But I have talked to people whose students,
high school students are now looking at Southern schools instead
of an IVY league because they don't want to go
somewhere where they can't speak their mind or can't have
a point and a counterpoint. And some of these leftist

professors have forgotten that it is robust, respectful, bipartisan debate
that has kept this country free and it is important.
And now they have gone so far left that they're
out here shouting in support of a terrorist organization and

carrying out these rallies. I will tell you this, if
I were if I had that decision to make any
of these students that are on visas, I would yank
their visa. I would deport them immediately. If they're getting
a federally backed student loan, I would make them ineligible

for any kind of loan forgiveness. I would pull that loan.
And if they self identify with a terrorist organization, I
would add them to the terrorist watch list and be
sure that they're on the no fly list.

Speaker 3 (28:21):
Speaking the Senator Marshall Blackburn and Senator the Biden White
House is putting pressure. Joe Biden himself, we're told, is
putting pressure on Democrat senators to go along with a resurrection,
if you will of the so called bipartisan border security bill.

Is this just talking points from the White House? And
what do they think they're going to achieve by trying
to pressure senators to get something past they can't get passed,
and they certainly wouldn't get it in the House.

Speaker 7 (28:52):
Well, Buck, what we have heard is some of the
Senators are on the record having said they're getting killed
on the immigration issue. But it is a border security issue.
So they've got it wrong from the outset, and they
are putting pressure on Chuck's Chuck Schumer to do a
if you will immigration bill. Well, that what they're proposing

does not deal with the influx at the border. Like
I said, you're looking at ten million plus or minus
people that have come across that southern border. That's a
population that is greater than all but eight of our
cities in this country. The ten million is greater than
the population of thirty eight of our states. So we've

got to realize that people are saying, let's get this
border secure. They want to make certain that they stop
seeing these impacts and so now and in a ploy,
what they're doing is saying, Okay, let's put a bill

out here, and it's kind of a fake immigration bill,
and let's put it out here. It's going to be
a bad bill. All the Democrats will vote for it,
no Republicans will vote for it. Then the bill will
go over to the House. The House will do nothing,
and we're going to blame all the Republicans. Now, in
Chuck Schumer's world, that is the answer to the problem.

It is a political situation. But what we know the
American people want to see is actually having a border
barrier that which border patrol has told us for years
they need that. They want to see that, they want
to see better technology on that border. They want to

make certain that you're going to stop this flow of
drugs and gangs into our country. And they're not seeing
that from this Admits administration. You go talk to any
sheriff in Tennessee, they will tell you they cannot deal
with drugs and crime and gangs until the southern border

is secure.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
We're talking to Senator Marsha Blackburn. I encourage all of
you who are in my home state of Tennessee to
make sure you get out and vote for her this fall. Senator,
we appreciate the time, appreciate you coming by our DC studio.

Speaker 7 (31:23):
Absolutely, they can keep up with me at Marsha blackburn
dot com.

Speaker 1 (31:28):
Phenomenal And if you're out there listening and you're applying
to schools, SEC schools, not a bad place to be,
huh the best. We'll talk more about that from up
here in DC. In the meantime, I want to tell
you Memorial Day weekend coming up, and we take a
minute to remember the sacrifices the men, the women, their
families have all volunteered an entire day where we talk

and support those who protected and defending our freedoms. Pure
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Speaker 5 (33:06):
Today twenty four a weekly podcast from Clay and Buck
covering all Things Election episodes drops Sundays at noon Eastern.
Find it on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you
get your podcast. Welcome back into Clay and Buck.

Speaker 3 (33:24):
I wanted to just take a moment here to commemorate
one of the great moments in the history of Western
American cinema. I would say, my favorite movie to this
day of all time, despite all of its flaws, and

I am familiar with all of the flaws, I don't care.
I love it anyway, Clay, Braveheart was released twenty nine
years ago this week. I cannot believe it has been
almost thirty years since Braveheart came out. It is a
great historical epic, although for history I think you'd probably have.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
To give it a c.

Speaker 3 (34:09):
It's a Scottish movie, almost entirely filmed in Ireland, where
people in the thirteenth century are dressed like they're in
the eighteenth century. There's a lot of stuff with it
that does but I don't care. I love it anyway.
Is it one of your favorites? Do you celebrate it?

Speaker 6 (34:27):

Speaker 1 (34:27):
Do you think? It's fantastic? And you know the history
on this better than me. If they had gotten all
the history right, would the movie have been worse. It
frustrates me when the historical accuracy would not actually fundamentally
alter the movie itself and they still screw it up.

So would the movie still have been good if they
had gotten everything historically accurate or at least within the
bounds of historical accuracy, right, I.

Speaker 3 (34:58):
Mean, the only quibble that I really have is I
think they could have done. I've seen the actual site
because I've been to the Wallace Monument because obviously I'm
a weirdo for this stuff.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
You want to talk, you know, went to Scotland recently.

Speaker 3 (35:09):
Yeah, when I was in Scotland with Kerry, I was like, Honey,
We're going to the William Wallace Monument, which I think
is just full of Americans. By the way, I think
all the Americans who go to Scotland are like, Hey,
the William Wallace Monument.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
And so we showed up there.

Speaker 3 (35:22):
But you can see from the top of it the
actual site of a wall of Sterling Castle, which is
an amazing historical site itself, and then Sterling Bridge where
it would have been a bend in the river and
they ambushed the forces of Edward the lung shanks Edward
the second there it was not as it was shown
in the movie, which was kind of like a cavalry

charge and all the rest of it. But Clay, to
your point, it is so awesome. I don't care. And
there are some movies where the Rock is absurd and
there are huge holes in the movie The Rock with
Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage, but I don't care because
it's so awesome.

Speaker 1 (35:59):
I thought you were going to tell me when you
started that prelude that you were celebrating the fortieth anniversary
of Roadhouse being released, because did you see that story. No,
I think yesterday was the fortieth anniversary of the release
of the Patrick Swayzee epic Roadhouse, and I legitimately, as
you were running through your description, I thought, Oh, he's

gonna be telling me about Roadhouse. This is all about Roadhouse.

Speaker 3 (36:25):
Another very entertaining movie that maybe is objectively absurd, but
still great, and so I would put it in that category.

Speaker 1 (36:33):
Also, just remade Set with Jake Gillenhall, if I remember correctly,
down in Key West.

Speaker 7 (36:39):

Speaker 3 (36:41):
You can't remake a classic like that one, the Cohen
testimonies over the trial, all that good stuff. We'll hit
it coming back in a minute,

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