All Episodes

May 20, 2024 36 mins
Biden's despicable race-baiting speech at Morehouse College. Biden claims he was VP during covid. Senator Ron Johnson came by our D.C. studio to discuss Biden’s dementia, the border and the race in Wisconsin. Clay's flight diverted because of landing gear trouble.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Second hour, Clay and Buck kicks off. Now, over the weekend,
Joe Biden spoke at Moorhouse College, a historically black college.
You know there's a HBUC right in Historically Black College
University HBCU. Rather historically Black College University. He spoke at
Morehouse College. It was really vintage Biden. I mean, this

is who he is. This is the way that he
has always operated. Let's just take a moment to set
the stage. He's down, Clay.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
What was it six points to Trump in the new
Harvard Harris poll forty nine to forty three Trump, biggest
lead that he's ever had in the Harvard Harris pole.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
And let's remember that it wasn't long ago that Joe
Biden was and also ran among Democrats who couldn't even
get in the top five. Back in what was the
two thousand and eight he was right alongside Dennis Kucinich.
So he was considered even by Democrats an unserious person.
Bill They figured, well, maybe we can make Grandpa Biden

into something he's not because his whole life he's just
been an empty vessel for whatever the Democrat Party wants
and needs in the moment, but you also set the stage.
I thought this was really really telling analysis. This is
Federal Reserve data, and I live up in the Wall
Street Journal over the weekend change in household net worths

and start of presidency, and it has to do with
an adjusted for inflation. And you look at it, and
sure enough, if you think that you have gotten poorer
under the Biden presidency, it is not just your perception,
it is reality. Trump the average household over Trump's first

four years increased over twenty percent in net worth over
twenty percent.

Speaker 3 (01:54):
Think about that.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
That's not even wages for a year, like oh I
got a twenty percent raise this year. Your overall atworth,
your house, your savings, everything in four years of Donald
Trump went up twenty percent. And under the same four
year metric adjusted for inflation under Biden, guess what, everybody,
it has gone negative. You are losing net worth. Now,

given the market cycles, given you know, investments and compound interests,
you would think over four years, right, America should be
seeing an increase. No, no, you are poorer because of
Biden's economy, in Biden's spending. That is the numerical reality. Well, Clay,
it is with that backdrop that Joe Biden has to

go out there and try to play the Republicans are
racist card and try to pretend that he, Joe Biden,
is the great champion of the black community in this
country and pander to sentiments of victimhood and you know
this country is still racist and just playing on.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
All of the worst all of the.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
Worst mindsets that exist in America about disunity and about
how fractured we are. This has cut one. This is
at a graduation speech that Biden knew was going to
get replayed all over the place in the media.

Speaker 4 (03:14):
Play it this.

Speaker 5 (03:15):
Notch of the wonder democracy you hear about actually works
for you? What is democracy if black matter man killed
in the street?

Speaker 3 (03:22):
What is democracy?

Speaker 5 (03:24):
Betrayal of broken promises, slowly black communities behind? What is democracy?
You have to be ten times better than anyone.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
Else to get a fair shot.

Speaker 5 (03:33):
Most of all, what does it mean, as we've heard before,
to be a black man who loves his country even
if it doesn't love him back in equal measure.

Speaker 1 (03:44):
What a horrible thing for a president to say, especially
a white guy who's a giant phony and has been
his entire life. The notion that he first off a
few things that he says play that I have big
problems with. One is when he talks about black men
being shot on the street, he means that in the

context of by coops. He's actually not focusing in on
crime as a national problem and how it affects far
too many they're far too many minority victims of crime.
He did the whole George Floyd. Oh, there's systemic racism
and police. That was part of the speech. This idea
that you have to be ten times better than somebody
else to get that's just not true. I hate no

one has to be ten times better than somebody else did.
How do you even this is a very self serving
narrative that anyone would come up with, Okay, you're not
ten times better than somebody else who got a job
than you, all right, And then even beyond that, for
a black man who loves this country, even if it
doesn't love him back in equal measure, I think the

American people do love their fellow Americans in equal measure,
regardless of skin color. I think that's a horrible thing
that Joe Biden is saying. I think it's desperation. And
I tweeted this out earlier today, and I think it's
important for everybody out there to contemplate, underst stand it.
As the numbers continue to work against Biden. The Harvard
Harris poll, Trump up six, the Michael Cohen testimony that

is collapsing, the New York City case, the fact that
the law fair is not really going to work. I
would expect for the divisiveness of Biden's campaign to ramp
up to a level that we may never have seen
before of an incumbent president, by which I mean identity
politics is collapsing. And yet I think Biden is going

to go even harder into identity politics because there is
no other method by which he can be reelected.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
What's important here. I looked up the data in the
wake of this speech over the weekend. The black murder
rate is ten times the white murder rate. I thought
it was interesting because Biden said, you have to be
ten times as talented to get ahead. The black murder
rate ten x the white murder rate. In this country,
almost all black murders are being committed by black people

by far more likely to be murdered by members of
your own race. Because a lot of people still spend
most of their time with people who are the same
race as them, just factor that in most of the
time you are going to be a victim of violence
by someone who is close to you, not by a
total strength. All those factors in place, nobody will talk
about it. I mentioned this in the context of the

Harrison Butker case, the commencement address that he gave that
I thought was far better than the commencement address that
Joe Biden gave. And one of the things that has
occurred in this country, unfortunately, is if facts are uncomfortable,
we pretend they don't exist in many parts of this democracy,
this republic, and we actually focus on other things that

are more dishonest.

Speaker 4 (06:50):
Associated with them.

Speaker 2 (06:51):
By which I mean this, this is to me the
number one question that should be talked about and should
be addressed. But Kert talked about the employ of mom
and dads at home of the fact, and this is true.
I think for most parents that whatever you accomplish in
your life, the thing that you're most proud of ultimately
is your children. And the thing that you are most

proud of throughout your life is not what you achieved
in your career, but what you achieve in your family.
I think that's true for most people out there. I
can't get past this stat nineteen sixty, seventy five percent
of Black kids are born into two parent households. Today
it's twenty percent. If you want to talk about the
legacy of racism, which is the obsession of the Democrat Party,

nineteen sixty, racism was much more of a thing than
it is in twenty twenty. Why has the black family collapsed?
Why have we gone from seventy five percent mom and
dad in the household, marriaged with kids in nineteen sixty,
one hundred years after the end of slavery. When I
think it's fair to say, for anybody out there who
was alive a lot more racism in nineteen sixty than

there is in twenty twenty. Why has the black family
collapsed as racism has diminished in this country? My argument
would be because we put the government in the place
of mom and dad. And I think that's true for
all races, unfortunately, but it's particularly pernicious in the black family.
And you know, Steven A. Smith, who I had on,
said something that I think is true. Sometimes he says, look,

when white people get a cold, black people get pneumonia,
and that's when you rely on the government.

Speaker 4 (08:24):
I think that's true, and that.

Speaker 2 (08:27):
Is the story that I would love to have had
Barack Obama talk about at Morehouse, Sorry, Joe Biden, Barack
Obama would sometimes talk about absent black fathers in the
collapse of the black family. Now it's as if you
can't even mention it. That's a conversation that we should
be having if we want to talk about America loving
its people. That's a bad result, that is not positive.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
And Biden continued on with this. I think one of
the most annoying. There are so many lies that Democrats tell.

Speaker 4 (08:55):
I mean, there's the.

Speaker 3 (08:56):
Equal pay lie.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
I mean, there's all these things that they just say,
let me go, it's not true. It's not true. They're lying.
They're lying, and the moment you subjected to scrutiny, it's
obvious that it's a lie, but they keep saying it
because they hope people don't know. The notion about banning books,
I mean, he brought this up in the speech. I
wanted to deal with this for a second. This is

sort of separate from the racial dynamics that Biden was
trying to exploit to his political benefit. This has cut
to the national effort to ban books play it.

Speaker 5 (09:28):
I never thought when I was graduating in nineteen sixty eight,
as you'r Honorey just was we talk about.

Speaker 3 (09:33):
I never thought I'd be in a president.

Speaker 5 (09:35):
Of time when there's a national effort to ban books
not to write history but your race history. They don't
see you in the future of America. But they're wrong.

Speaker 3 (09:45):
To me, We make history not a racist all right.

Speaker 1 (09:50):
Two things, The book ban is a lie. There's no
banning of books insofar as you also, you know, don't
have adult films being shown in high school and I mean,
like you know, triple X films being shown to high
school kids or whatever. Everyone understands that's wrong. Why would
you show triple X books if you will? Why would
you show pornographic material to grammar school age kids, which

they do in these schools as part of the LGBTQIA
plus agenda.

Speaker 4 (10:22):
They do it.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Okay, it happens. We've seen the proof. Remember Ron DeSantis
at the press conference in flores held up a book
in a school library for like fourth graders and they
had to blur the images. Okay, So is not showing
pornography to children book banning? Or is it just exercising

basic editorial judgment. No conservative has ever said this book
needs to be banned from publication forever. The left says
that you know about things like Shakespeare, and then the
other one clay erasing history, not politicizing history with contemporary
political narratives, and then shoehorning history into that in the

case of teaching critical race theory, for example, is not
erasing history, it's just not allowing propaganda.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
But is Joe Biden? Is he too stupid or does
he not.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
Care that he's lying? I think he's I actually think
he's too stupid. I think he's in moron. I actually
I've always thought Joe Biden's an idiot. This is the
question that I asked the other day. Is and we
need to play a cut and we come back, and
we will of Biden and his brain turning into mush.
I don't think he was ever very smart. I think
he got the most important job in his life twenty
five years after he would have been good at it.

And that's scary and sad as you think about it.
And also we're gonna be joined by Senator Ron Johnson,
who has just rolled into the DC studio in Wisconsin
battleground state.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
We love Senator Johnson. We'll start to talk with him
and make me ask him this question. He was right
on everything with COVID and the good credit of the
people of Wisconsin. He's got a new six year term
that he won in twenty twenty two, which is I
think a credit to the country. And you know where
I am right now in DC. If I could just
give everyone in DC a nice jolt of testosterone, that

would actually be phenomenal. I don't know that there's ever
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laugh weekdays with Clay, Travis and Buck Sexton. Welcome back

in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all of you
hanging out with us as we are rolling through the
Monday edition of the program. I am in Washington, d C.
Buck is in Miami. We are joined now in studio
by a guy that knows a little bit about battlegrounds
and how tough it is to win in a battleground,
Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. He's gonna be with us
next segment, but I wanted you to be able to

hear this because a lot of stories coming out, Senator
about out what's going on with the COVID situation, and
a lot of the things that you and I and
Buck said for a long time turning out to be
even more true now that you got the gain of function,
the fact that our taxpayer dollars helped to fund it,
everything else. But I wanted to play this cut for you.

Speaker 4 (14:17):
Buck. I don't know if you've heard this either.

Speaker 2 (14:19):
This was Biden, I believe, earlier today talking about how
he was vice president during COVID and Barack Obama sent
him to Detroit to try to help.

Speaker 4 (14:30):
Listen to this cut, And when I.

Speaker 5 (14:32):
Was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic,
and what happened was Rock said to me go to
Detroit and help fix it.

Speaker 3 (14:40):
Well, poor Mary, he spend more time with me than
he ever thought.

Speaker 2 (14:43):
He's going to have to Senator Johnson, I'll get your
read and then I want to get bucks read on this.
For him to be saying he was vice president during
COVID and got sent to Detroit to help solve it.
You've known, I imagine Joe Biden for some time. What's
going on here? Is this dementia? How do you even
have that said?

Speaker 3 (15:01):
It's delusional? I mean, what else is it?

Speaker 4 (15:04):
I don't even understand what he was trying to say.

Speaker 3 (15:06):
He's just completely making it up.

Speaker 6 (15:08):
No, that is I mean so much about Joe Biden
is completely is troubling. I've said he was unfit for
office obviously before the twenty twenty election because of our
investigation to Hunter Biden. But every day that goes by
becomes more obvious that he is suffering mentally significantly, which
is again why last summer I was on your show. Yeah,
I've made the samement. I have a real hard time

believing that he's gonna be their nominee. I know it's
difficult for them, and I know you guys are somewhat
split on that probably got some bets out, but I
just have a hard time thinking he's actually been the nominee.

Speaker 4 (15:39):

Speaker 2 (15:39):
That feels like dementia to me, because there's no way
he could possibly think that he was vice president during
that he got sent to Detroit to so I don't
even know what he's trying to say there.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
He's having a Biden moment. He's had plenty of them.
Senator Johnson, I'm surprised you're still you're still thinking they
got some other plan B, and you might be buying
me some beer and brats when we go up to Wisconsin,
because I'm telling you, if they had a plan B,
they would have exercised it already. They recognized Biden is
very weak, but everyone recognized. I think that he's he's

weak on these issues and it just always gets covered
as he misspoke, he's tired, he's doing a lot all
of this stuff. So I don't think that it really
I don't think it really hits home. And Senata, I'm
wondering what you think about this. If Biden just shows
up at this June debate in a month and is
vaguely coherent and does not collapse on stage, they're going
to say it's a victory.

Speaker 6 (16:34):
Absolutely like to stay the union. But I love Trump
saying that you need to give him a drug chest.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
Yeah, we've been saying that on this show.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
I mean, I just.

Speaker 2 (16:44):
It's one thing to be wrong on a policy, but
I mean to say that he was present vice president
during COVID and got sent to Detroit to try to
solve it by President Obama.

Speaker 4 (16:55):
I can't to clean that up.

Speaker 2 (16:57):
For their team. And by the way, to be fair,
that was this weekend. I thought it was today. That
was this weekend. I don't even know what he could
be attempting to say. Is he talking about H one
N one? I mean, I just I don't even know
what his mind is trying to say there that would be.

Speaker 6 (17:13):
The only out because they did have H one N
one and you know they mishandled that one as well. Yeah,
you know, fear monger the same things they're trying to
do now with the disease X. But no, it's just
illusional and we know we know he is diminish mentally,
no doubt about it.

Speaker 3 (17:29):
Center we come back, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
I was just gonna say, and when we come back,
we want to dive into Wisconsin because the battleground state
absolutely essential.

Speaker 2 (17:37):
You know, the terrain there as well as anyone. So Clay,
let's dive into that. Yeah, we need to figure out
what has to happen. To not only win the Senate race,
but more importantly, in terms of the national picture, it's
looking like whatever happens in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Biden's
going to have to sweep all three based on the
most recent polling.

Speaker 4 (17:55):
Can he do it? What needs to happen to stop
that from happening?

Speaker 2 (17:58):
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Speaker 1 (18:55):
Today, welcome back into Clay and Bucket could determine the
else future of the Senate and maybe even future the
presidency in some way. Wisconsin is a top battleground state
and we have the Senator from Wisconsin, Ron Johnson with
us now to talk about that and more. Senator, thanks
for staying with us through the break. Appreciate you. Let's

actually start, if I can, with this. The White House
is pressing Senate Democrats to support border security bill. I'm
looking at this and I'm saying, hold on, this is
news from from today, from now. I thought this went
away a few weeks ago. Why is Biden trying to
beat this drum once again on the border when we

know his border is a disaster.

Speaker 6 (19:40):
Well, that's why, because the border is a disaster. And
you know, unfortunately McConnell in negotiating that awful, awful bill
did give Democrats fairmount cover and they're using it. So
I personally think it's a strategic air in their part,
because if they do bring the bill back up for
the Senate, we're gonna have a lot more time this
time round to just describe exactly how awful that bill was,

particularly using Chuck Schumer's quote, you know when that all collapsed.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
You know, he was.

Speaker 6 (20:06):
Quoted in political saying we were playing chess, they were
playing checkers, and we got a Ukraine bill. Then he
went on to say, and we're in a lot better
shape on the border than we were three months ago.

Speaker 3 (20:16):
So first of all, if you're.

Speaker 6 (20:17):
Actually negotiating good shape, would you rub in negotiating partner's
nose and the fact that they failed. And secondly, if
you really want to secure the border, suppose you're doing
this bill to do so, you don't get the bill
and now you're claiming you're better off on the border.
It just proves all Schumer, all the Democrats were looking
for was political cover. Unfortunately McConnell gave them some. But

the American people realize this is a disaster. Hopefully they
realized that Biden has all the authority he needs to
secure the border. Republicans have been happy to strengthen that authority.
What we were looking for in the Republican conference, and
this was the breach of McConnell's leadership. Is all we
were looking for was an enforcement mechanism to force Biden
to us who's the authority he had. Again, we just

strengthened it. But we weren't looking for an immigration bill.
Were certainly looking to codify four or five thousand people
a day and weaken a presidential authority. That that's the
one part that has not talked about enough, that four
thousand discretionary threshold. You know, four thousand migrants today the
president had discretion. It implies the president didn't have the authority.

So you're basically codifying the fact that well, Congress didn't
think he had that authority. And then even worse, they
take that discretion away after three years. So you would
have dramatically weakened a president who wants to cure the
board his authority to do so.

Speaker 2 (21:36):
You know Wisconsin, and we got Senator Ron Johnson with
us here in the DC studio for Clay and Buck.
You know Wisconsin better than anybody. You've won a lot
of tough races. We're going to be up for the
Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. We'll talk a little bit
more about that here with you in a moment. What
are you seeing on the ground? Big Senate race? Obviously
the presidential race. Trump won Wisconsin by a fingernail in

twenty sixteen. He lost to Wisconsin by a fingernail in
twenty twenty. What makes the difference to you to putting
Wisconsin into the Republican camp? Because if that happens, Trump's
going to be the president in twenty twenty four, You're
going to be in the majority in the Senate.

Speaker 4 (22:16):
What needs to happen? What are you telling the team?
What are you seeing?

Speaker 6 (22:19):
Well, what I'm seeing is that Democrats know that it's
going to be a tough race for them, which is
why Biden and Harris have been in the state a lot,
primarily talking about abortion. So they are desperate to turn
the election Wisconsin all about the abortion issue, which they've
done very effectively. I think it's private cost us the
governor's race in twenty twenty two, cost us the Wisconsin's
Supreme Court.

Speaker 3 (22:39):
They're very effective.

Speaker 6 (22:40):
It's scaring Wisconsin nice that the Republics is going to
take away their abortion rights and What is amazing to
me is to cover the mainstream media gives them, they
refuse to report on the fact that is Democrats that
have the extreme position on abortion abortion.

Speaker 3 (22:57):
Up to the moment of birth, whereas Republicans.

Speaker 6 (23:00):
This Assembly passed a bill that would have sent it
to the voters a referendum on protecting life after fourteen weeks,
which is where most of the American public truly is.
I mean they most Americans do want a woman to
be able to make that decision up to a point,
and the point is generally about fourteen weeks.

Speaker 3 (23:18):
About ninety percent of abortions occur before that.

Speaker 6 (23:20):
So you know, the press always reports that Republics want
to ban abortion.

Speaker 3 (23:25):
Now listen, there's.

Speaker 6 (23:26):
Part of our party that wants to absolutely ban I
think most of us would like to not ever see abortions,
but that's not three houry situation. So in supporting like
a twenty week or fifteen week or fourteen or six week,
I mean, you can seeing the fact that it's some
up to some point that's going to be a woman
to sign that make that decision. But at some point
society has responsibility to protect life. And so from my standpoint,

it's not about banning abortion. It's about protecting life after
a certain point. And it's based out the way the
media reports though. It's Republicans want to ban abortion, and
they are completely signed on the fact that Democrats would
allow infanticide, which is basically what happens. So, I mean,
I point this out all the time, and in Prescotains
in Wisconsin be will never point out. They'll never mention

that when I say it's Democrats have extreme position on
abortion because they want to cover for him.

Speaker 1 (24:18):
Speaking of Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Senator you're
hopefully soon to be colleague, Eric Huvedy has been on
with us a number of times against Senator Tammy Baldwin.

Speaker 3 (24:31):

Speaker 1 (24:32):
He's he's the one who is trying to try defeed
her for that seat. She has held it for a
few decades now, right, I mean she has been in
politics her entire life. What is this state of the
Wisconsin Democrat Party machinery? I mean, how can they keep
some pretty unimpressive people. I mean they look at look
at senator the senator they have on the Democrat side.

Look at who's your governor right now? I assume he's
a Democrat beavers.

Speaker 3 (24:57):
Yeah, Crane.

Speaker 1 (24:59):
How are they able to get these kinds of a
very unimpressive people in these positions in Wisconsin? I mean,
what what is it that the Democrats are doing well?
I'm just wondering, you know, how what do you have
to know to be able to beat this machine they
have in the state of Wisconsin.

Speaker 6 (25:15):
Again, they have the media in their back pocket. Okay,
but I remember Senator to Me always used to describe
Pennsylvania as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between. And
you know, I think a lot of states are like that.
They've got We've got our metropolitan areas that are heavily blue,
and you've got you know, red counties, red cities throughout
the states. So it's just a lot easier for Democrats

to go mind votes in Madison, Milwaukee based on a
gindap issue like abortion. That's what they did during Supreme
Court race. For sure, We've got to go into every
little small town throughout Wisconsin and get every possible It's
a much more difficult task. So you know, the way
I did it is I just traveled tirelessly all of
the state, you know, bus tours that type of thing.

Every linking day dinner dairy breakfast, which is something unique
and wonderful about Wisconsin. These dairy breakfast in June. You
just got to work the state really hard and go everywhere,
Go absolutely everywhere.

Speaker 2 (26:11):
We're gonna get a bunch of beers with you in
Milwaukee during the course of the Republican National Convention, hopefully.
How concerned are you about Democrat left wing activists coming in.
We feel like it's going to happen in Chicago, but
that's a negative for them if they could somehow disrupt
the Republican National Convention and so chaos turned that into

the story as opposed to what's actually taking place there.
How concerned are you about it? How well do you
think Milwaukee will be able to handle some of those
protesters should they come.

Speaker 6 (26:43):
Well, I'm highly concerned now that I've seen the security
plan which was developed for the DNC convention that was
going to take place in the summer of twenty twenty.
So they developed this plan, you know, based on sea
services criteria before the summer of twenty twenty riots BLM,
Antifa riots, so they're coming up with the exact same plan.

We have this park a block away from the convention, site.
The initial plan showed the entrance for the convention two entrances,
one north, one south on the streets adjacent to this park.

Speaker 3 (27:16):
There won't be fences around this park.

Speaker 6 (27:18):
Let's be just a gathering spot for Mayhem, completely uncontrolled.
So when I saw that, I know the R and
C was concerned about that. They'd raise the issue. They
weren't getting any traction. So I met with the Director
of the Secret Service last week. What's bizarre about that
meeting is again they set the plan. They have the
authority to create this plan, but now she says she
doesn't have the authority to change it.

Speaker 4 (27:38):
Who does have the authority?

Speaker 6 (27:40):
I would think she well President Biden. Certainly President Biden
would have the authority to tell his Secretary of Mayarchus
of DHS Hotel, Director of the Secret Service, let's make
sure we don't have problems in Milwaukee. We don't have
problems in chicagu either. The difference is in Chicago you
have the United Center. It's completely surrounded by private parking lots,
so you won't be able to get a protest zone

close to that site. We got one to block away
right now, and that's got to change.

Speaker 1 (28:07):
Senator Ron Johnson, everybody, Senator. Always appreciate you, sir, thanks
for being here with us.

Speaker 3 (28:12):
Appreciate what you guys do, all right.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
A week from today is Moral Day where we honor
to remember the men and women who died serving our country,
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Speaker 4 (30:05):
Truth and having fun.

Speaker 1 (30:07):
Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.

Speaker 2 (30:09):
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all
of you hanging out with us. I want to thank
senater Ron Johnson who is just with us here in
our DC studio. I also want to thank Freedom one
oh four point seven if you guys are in the
DC area, are still a relatively new affiliate Freedom one

oh four point seven ninety eight point seven HD two
in the DC area If you want to be able
to hear the program, that is where we are heard. Obviously,
we're coming up on right at five hundred affiliate stations nationwide.
I think they're going to announce that soon, which is
an incredible testament to you guys and speaks well for

how things are going as we continue to rack up
lots of new radio affiliates. By the way, Buck, you
know what I had this morning when I woke up
Crocket Coffee. I brought my own k cups, got the
curig in the room, and I had a Crockett coffee
as I set and looked out over Washington, d C.

To start my day. Good way to start the day.
We want all of you to go subscribe. This is
a coffee that actually loves America and loves everything that
America stands for. Named after a true American original, Davy Crockett.
If you love America, and you love American history, and
you think this country's worth celebrating, go subscribe and join
the Crockett Coffee team at Crocketcoffee dot com. A little

bit of a data point here, Buck, a CNN analyst
has noted that Michael Cohen's admission of stealing tens of
thousands of dollars from Donald Trump is a higher degree
of crime by far than what Trump is charged with.
We'll break down some of that some more for you.
Scheduled to be joined by another Senator, by the way,

Senator Haggarty of Tennessee in the next hour.

Speaker 4 (32:03):

Speaker 2 (32:03):
On my flight up here, I mentioned this to you
off air. I don't know if this has ever happened
to you. I was supposed to land in Washington, d C.
They diverted us to Baltimore because they said our landing
gear was not working correctly and they needed a longer runway.
Now this is not ideal to hear when you're already

in the air. The DC Airport runway was not long enough,
so we land in Baltimore. As we're coming into land,
there are fire trucks lined up all along the runway.
That is pretty intimidating to see as you're coming in
on the plane and it's already been announced that your

landing gear is not working as it should be. Have
you ever landed with all the fire trucks lined up
as if they're like, hey, this thing may be on
fire soon.

Speaker 3 (32:55):

Speaker 1 (32:56):
My parents were on a flight I remember, from Stockholm
to Madrid and one of the engines caught fire. Oh no,
and they had to turn around immediately and you.

Speaker 2 (33:06):
Could see it billowing like or smoke and everything coming out.

Speaker 1 (33:09):
There were smoke, and they turned around and there were
all the you know, fire trucks that evering lined up.
Everybody was fine, obviously, you know it had probably it
was a big like major jet had four I think,
you know, four engines or whatever, but you know, one
of the engines caught fire. So yeah, no, that's that's scary.
I also saw this story where I think it was
a United flight and it was maybe leaving the UK,

I want to say, and somebody dropped in first class
dropped their laptop between the seat and they couldn't get
it out, and then because of the concern of a
battery fire, they actually diverted the flight to land so
they could open up the seat so they could get

the laptop. And then, because the crew had been operating
past their you know, they have very strict pour requirements,
right because they don't want people that are too tired
to be able to function properly they're flying the plane.
The crew went past their time so they could no
longer fly into somewhere in the US. I forget where
it was. So everyone missed their you know, the whole day,

the whole flight. I got to tell you whoever it
was with that laptop. I feel bad for them. They're
not popular with their fellow flyers. I have a feeling,
I will tell you this. So when we landed, all
of the fire trucks came rushing around us because they
thought they might have to put off a fire, put
out a fire from the brakes. They also then eventually

we got back in you know, very late, and they said, hey,
we're going to put you on a plane to go.

Speaker 4 (34:37):
To d C.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
I never check bags, ever, ever, ever checked bags, because
inevitably something goes wrong. I just got my bag. I
told the flight agent, Hey, I'm just going to take
an uber. If you know the DC Baltimore area, which
I do well because I went to college here. I
just hopped in an uber road to the airport, got
their road to the hotel, got there far or easier

and earlier than I will. I woke up to an
email from Southwest Airlines, which I almost always travel. They
canceled my return trip because they said I didn't complete
the leg of my journey because somebody didn't notify them
when I said, hey, I'm not I'm just going to
get an uber, as many people did.

Speaker 4 (35:18):
That's kind of a.

Speaker 2 (35:19):
Screw up by them, and I'm sure there are other
people on this flight as well. Just what encourage you
to go back and look at that when you land
basically in the area and you're gonna have to wait
an hour or two hours to fly thirty minutes. I mean,
I don't even know if you how high you even
get to fly from Baltimore to National Like that should
be something that it's not a planned leg. If you

hop off and get in an uber because it's way faster.
Maybe don't cancel everybody's return trips. I bet there are
a lot of people like me who told the gate agent, hey,
we're not getting on this plane. I give credit to
them because we landed and we were safe. They had
all the fire engines. But come on, like, that's not
an addition. When you have an additional added, maybe adjust

the way that you're handling those situations. I'm fine, I'll
be good. I went ahead and booked another flight. But
canceling a flight because you didn't fly eight minutes instead
hopped in an uber is pretty crazy.

Speaker 4 (36:12):
We come back.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
We're going to be joined by Senator Haggerty. Go get
that Crocket Coffee Crocketcoffee dot com, and we're going to
dive back into some of this Michael Cohen testimony. And also,
this is crazy. We haven't discussed it yet. The International
Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for Israeli leadership, including
Benjamin net and Yahoo over their attempt to defend themselves

from Hamas. This is outrageous, this is crazy. We'll also
discuss the Iranian president dying. All that and more coming
your direction for the third hour of the program. Appreciate
all of you hanging out with us. More from DC
and Miami next, please

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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