All Episodes

February 28, 2019 35 mins

Ron and guest RuPaul countdown the top 10 women of all time.

Credits:Ron Burgundy: Host, Writer, Executive ProducerCarolina Barlow: Co-Host, Writer, and Producer.Producers: Whitney Hodack, Jack O’Brien, Miles Gray, and Nick StumpfExecutive Producer: Mike FarahConsulting Producer: Andrew SteeleAssociate Producer: Anna HossniehWriter: Jake FogelnestProduction Supervisor: Colin MacDougallThis episode was Engineered, Mixed and Edited by: Nick StumpfMusic Clearance by Suzanne CoffmanGuest Expert: RuPaul

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello, folks. I'm I'm not going to be in a
good mood today. I'm want to get that off my
chest immediately, and I'm I'm warning you all. I'm I'm
having a hard time run. Those are the notes the Carolina.
The worst thing that could ever happen to a person

has happened to me. And I'm not being dramatic, okay,
And I'm saying that in advance for any listeners who
think oh Ron so dramatic. A man who who looks
like that probably just drinks scotch and sits poolside with
Tatum O'Neill. No, I'm a real man, folks, with a

real blood red heart that can crack at the slightest touch.
And last night I spilled hot tea on myself and no,
that's not it. It gets worse, you see. So I
spilled the tea and then I sat down to watch
the cinematic Treasure Hunt. I go on every night the

Antique road Show, but Baxter had taped over it. Rule
number one, don't leave my dog Baxter the remote. He
likes late night HBO, and he's he's not scared to
record it. He's completely stopped even considering that I'll see
it that I'm not done. This is what I'm talking about.

You're ready to call me dramatic. It's on the tip
of your tongue. No, I was going to say, what
a worth of night you've spilled tea and your dogdorn. Okay,
that that's not even the half of its. Sister, Listen,
remember when I told you that great date I went on.
It was about two days ago. It was with an
old flame. Come on, thank Carolina, I know, of course.

I remember you just said you had drinks with Diana
Ross and that it was none of my business. Exactly
two nights ago, I had drinks with Diana Ross, my
princess Die at the Sportsman's Lodge. We sang some tunes,
we reminisced on nights at the cabana. I tried to
hold her hand and she said, please don't touch me,

and I said, all right, things were going well, and
then I left my number on a napkin. I kissed
the napkin and handed it to her and shagged home.
Now what do you think of that napkin move? Pretty breezy?
Don't you think it's actually something women usually do? They
usually write their number on a napkin and then kiss
it if they're wearing lipstick to leave a mark. So anyway,

after I left, I waited for her call right one
Mississippi to Mississippi, and then I tried her on her
house phone and I left her some voicemails. I left
her three voicemails for each hour that we were apart
for good luck. Oh god, some of them. I didn't
funny voices to remind her that I'm not crazy, I'm funny.

But last night it had been forty eight hours, so
I tried reporting her as a missing person. But but
you can't do that, that turns out. But I was concerned.
I mean, I just hadn't heard from her. So I
called her a few more times, and then she finally
picked up the heart breaking words she said to me

so cruelly. What did she say? Oh it was awful.
She was so mean, and I think her exact words
were wrong. Number. This is the Henderson's residence. Please stop calling.
You sound like a lunatic, which brings me to the
theme of today's episode. Women. I can't live with them

because they won't let you. I want to investigate what
are they thinking when you call them thirty times in
a row. Why don't they pick up? Okay, I actually
really excited about this one. UM. So we're going to
discuss the psychology behind heteronormative relationship ups, the women's new
role as a powerholder in sexual advance. No no, no, no, no,

no no no. We're going to rank them. This episode
is on the top ten greatest women, and uh, it'll
add some competition to this whole thing, and we're gonna
we're gonna pit them against each other. And don't make
this a feminist thing just because you're not on the list.
That's not why it's a feminist thing. Actually. So we're
gonna go to a commercial break right now, and when

we come back, we're gonna have a special guest who's
going to join us to help rank the top ten
women of all time on our show. Today we have
Mr Rue Paul, dear dear friend of mine from the

club scene in the nineties and the host of RuPaul's
Drag Race, a show I've never been asked to be
on UM, but Ruth, thank you for joining us here
with Carolina and I and boy, we had some good
times back in the night. Yes we did. Actually, do
you remember that one club called the Dragonflies Nest. You know,

I've been to so many clubs from I don't remember
the names of them. But if you saw me away,
so nice to me, and I really appreciate it, and
thank you for being here. And we're Uh. Today's show
is on women, the top ten women, My my list,
my list. Um, but I wanted to ask you some questions.

You're you're an icon in your own right, um, and
you play with gender on your show. There's no question.
My question is can I play with gender or will
the the Channel four news team make fun of me
behind my back? I'm sure they will make fun of you,
But I think you'll have a more fun playing with gender.

I think it's it's so important to to flip your
nose up at all the rules that society tries to
put on you. Well, you know what. That's good to know,
And if I decide to have a little fun in
that regard, then I'll know if they if they start
messing with me, I'll mess right back. No, I'm sure

they will mess with you. Most people feel uncomfortable with
with gender issues, and their their response is usually to
laugh or to lash out. To lash out and to
just have. But the point is to not take any
of it too seriousness. That's the whole point. Don't take
any of it too seriously. Like Carolina, you don't take
anything too seriously. Um. I take a lot of things seriously,

like with the way you dress up and the way
you look. Yeah, because I because sometimes you walk into
the studio and I'm like, really you're going to wear
that today? Just my card again and dress I wore today.
It's just somebody to think about. Yeah, Okay, let me
ask you this, what is your idea of beauty? Um?

For me personally, mine is a model with dementia that
match my favorite fruits. What are your favorite fruits? Uh?
I love I love pineapples, yes, and I love cassaba melons.
I don't know what those are, but it sounds delicious
and I love Um, I love the delicate Kiwi fruit. Yeah. Yeah,

I love bananas. Bananas yea. And with all that potassium,
what's not to love? What's not to love about a banana?
But do you ever get leg cramps? Because if you do,
I have a banana? Yeah, you know, Actually I don't.
I don't get You're probably getting plenty of potassium. Uh,
you know what my idea of beauty has to do with.

You know, I'll know when I see it. I don't
have a set judgment of what it's going to be
before I see it. If I see it and I
think it's beautiful, there it is done, done, you know,
preconceived notions. And I try to do that generally speaking,
wrong with everything. I try to keep my mind open
and not sort of lock into an idea. I need

to learn from that because I just get very close
minded at times. No, we all do. It's yeah, it's
it's it's a slippery slope. It's a slippery slope. It
takes practice, though, and I have to remind myself of
that every single day. That's good to know. So you're
not you don't feel you're fully evolved in that capacity. No,
just for today, I'm just trying to get through today. Amen. Amen,

that's it. Um. Let me ask you this. You used
to enjoy a party, right, Oh, what's the best party
you've ever been to? Okay, Um, the last party I
was at the most fun? I DJ at a party
in a Bitha about maybe it was two and a
half months ago. A Bitha is in It is outside

of Chatsworth. Where is Abitha. It's in Spain. It's in Spain. Okay, yes,
it's insane. And I they set up a DJ book
on age for me to play these these records, this
recorded music, and on the stage there was lots of
space for me to dance. So I put a record
on and go out on this and then you prove

your body. I'd moved my body. Yeah, and it was
so much fun. Now I'm curious how many people How
big is this party? Well, this party was on a
on a cruise ship. I don't know how many people
were there, but it was on the top deck of
a cruise ship docked in Babitha. And uh, they flew
me in there to do it. I and I finished

that part. I was soaking wet right from hedge of
toat soaking wet because I danced so much. That It's
a great way to to shed the pounds. It's a
great way to shed the pounds. It's a great way
to shed a lot of stuff. That's what I do.
A zoomba classy and uh, well I've done it once. Yeah,
well that that counts. I wasn't very good at it.

I was kicked out. In fact, why, I just I'm
not coordinated in that way. Yeah, but you don't have
to be coordinated. You just have to have fun. You
just have to work your body. What sort of music
did you play? I played? That's a great question. I
played all thriller, no Filla, whoa hits the lore one
hit after another, Yes, from that after hit hit after

hit hit, from the fifties to today. You just kept
it moving. I kept it moving. I'm about time for
no Filla? I hear you was, and that's why I
was soaking with it. I played everything. How long did
you go? I was up there for about three hours?
What yeh? Three hours? How long was your zimba class?
I think it was thirty minutes, okay, with a break

at I took my own break, So I did have fun. No,
I was embarrassed. They all laughed at me, and they
were like, you're a terrible zoomba person. Yes, talk about judgment. Yeah, yeah,
they were not nice to you. Real. What's your song? If?

Do you ever get? Do you ever like a backup
song that always brings the crowd to the dance for
Oh yeah yeah back in Love Again by lt D?
Do you know that song back in Love Again. You're
too young for that one. It's from nineteen seventies six
back in Love. What's the chorus? Um? The course of
the hook is actually this probably back in Love again? Yes,

I think um, back in Love again? You know the
hook is actually it's a guitar hook is the real
hook of the song. But it's sung by Jeffrey Osborne
in the group lt D. Did you play eight? No Stop? Now?
You know that's one of my favorites. I did not play.
It is on my list of think about it next time.

I will, I will, you know I do play. Some
of the contemporary songs I play are Britney Spears, I
want to Go, you know, I want to go Brittney always.
Oh yeah, there's so many. In fact, I have a
lot of the songs with me right now, but we're
not going to play. I don't want to get in trouble.
But exactly, I love music. It's always been my go

to place for sanctions. Well, you know, I played jazz
flute and it music speaks to all of us, Yes,
it does. Bob what was the guy for who did
Bob Dylan? Well, there's Bob Dylan, but the guy who
did the theme to the Bob Show. Taxi Tech Taxi.
Uh do do do do do do? Is that a

jazz food? It's very melancholy. Yeah, it must be, if
a jazz version of a flute. Yes, yes, I would think.
Was what was his name? Bob? So I don't know,
Oh God, the brain is. It's just an interesting All
I know is the music for the Peanuts cartoon that
was done by Vince Lombardi. Was it? I believe? So okay,

well we'll figure it out here. Yeah, rude, let me
ask you this are their makeup tips and secrets that
you wish everyone at home could know, regardless of gender. Actually,
there aren't, because I just I'm not afraid to admit it.
I wear makeup in my day to day. I just

put on a little pancake and a light eyeliner. Where
you're on camera, I'm on camera. But even when those
days when I'm not, Yeah, because nowadays lighting is hard
with this old thing. Yes, you never know when you're
get photographs. That's rights for those listeners. I brought my
cellular devices. Yes, you know, you're absolutely right, And even
on just in rooms, sometimes you're being recorded, you don't

even know it. You know, there are the c C
close caption clothes, Big Brother, Big brothers watching. He's watching,
and we've brought it all upon ourselves. That's right, we've
done that. We've done that. Carolina loves Big Brother. I
like the idea that people are watching me just make
breakfast and watch this is us and try to put

a pillowcase on a pillow. Well, that's a generational thing.
I think people grow up after the Cold War are
afraid of Big Brother. I think younger people like being
watched by someone because it feels they feel safe for something.
It's a very weird phenomenon of people liking everything they
do needs to be recorded to prove their existence. You're

absolutely right, that's it. I don't necessarily like the phenomenon. However,
I do have a friend of mine who's a sketch
artist in courtrooms, and he follows me around and just
sketches my day to day. That's very will be me
at the dry cleaner, yea, yeah, and so I have these.
I have hundreds of charcoal drawings. I'd love to see

it in my house. I should do an exhibition. In fact,
that that's a great idea. Day in the life of
Ron Burgundy. That's a great or like with the young kids.
You could put it online. You can do an exhibition,
an Instagram exhibition of the sketches of Ron Burgundy. I
wouldn't know how to do that. Ron's has been handing
them out to people in the street just to tread it. Yeah,

to raise my profile. So makeup tips, you know, I
don't have any makeup tips. They're they're out there. This
is the thing about people, you know, the secrets of
the universe exists, wrong, but most people aren't interested in them,
and so why bother, you know, unless if you want it,
it's there for you. If you don't, you don't leave

me alone, exactly. Okay, well fair enough, Okay. So I've
got this list of the top ten women. It was
and it was a hard list, you know, to go through.
I mean, if you think about all the women on
the planet. Uh so. But I spent a lot of time.
I worked on it for about half an hour last night,

and I feel like I got a pretty good list.
And I'm just going to read them out and we'll
just all have a group discussion. Right. So, number ten,
Top ten women of all time? Number ten is Danielle
Ginsburg and she was the home coming queen my senior
year of high Sto what high school was it? I
went to Daniel Boone High School in uh Santiago, Daniel Boone.

It was right next to Sacca Jewea High School. Oh,
I know, I know people from Saca Jewie. You know.
I went to Patrick Henry, Patrick Henry of course in
mirror A Mason. Yes, yes, isn't mirror Mason. No, you know,
It's been a long time roun for me. I'm not
sure exactly. So anyway, daniel Ginsburg love her. She loved her, right,

I'm not familiar, but well, okay, number nine, why is
she on your list? Though? What what is it about Daniell?
She just would walk into a room and she just
had real star appeal. Whatever happened to Danielle? She um?
I think she moved to the Midwest and uh wow,
And that's the last I ever heard from her. From

sunny southern California to Topeka, Kansas. Yes, that's an interesting choice.
I'm impressed she made the list. But she's you. If
she walked in through this door, you guys would go,
I get it. Yeah, who would play Danielle in the
TV movie Let's Be a Lifetime? Who would play Ana Kendric? Oh? Okay,

a little visual for for the listeners there, Yeah, very
much in Anna Kendrick kind of vibe to her. Um
So my number nine is Lassie. I'll be I'll be
the first to it. My dog Baxter made me put
her on this list. He's got a crush. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

But you know, there have been many Lassies throughout the years,
that's true. Yeah, I guess it's not played by one. Yeah.
Is there a specific era of Lassie that appeals to you? Gosh,
because there's the you know, there's the TV show right
right right now putting me on the spot here, you know,
I'm gonna have to say the classic, the TV show. Yeah,

I would just have to say, I mean the original. Yeah,
crime solving. Was she a crime sOliver? She was a
crime solver, but vigilante. Wasn't a vigilante. She was a
helper though. She's just an incredibly smart, very smart dog,
a lot of street smarts. Yeah, and and but I

think she solved a lot of I mean, it makes
sense because Baxter's other two loves are Angela Lansbury and
Mariska Hardigae. Oh my god, Baxter and I have so
much in common. Love. Angela Landsberry's magical. She's completely magical.
Baxter sounds like a magical dog. There and talk about

a career. Landsbury, she's been doing it from the get go.
She arrived here in Hollywood she was seventeen years old.
Has never stopped working, never, never stopped working. You know.
I I watch I have the whole series of Murder.
She sat down and she wrote on DVD, and I

play it every night before I go to bed, just
as background. Kind of. I love watching Angela Landsberry do
her scenes. I love the scenes where she doesn't have
any dialogue. What she's doing in the scene which has
no dialogue, She's just there and she's reacting, and you're
watching her steals every scene even without dialogue. Okay. Number
eight on the list Carolina. Carolina's sister Nora. Oh, she's

a polite, lovely woman. She's really smart. I mean, if
I if I could have her produce this broadcast, I
would in a heartbeat, but she's unavailable. I feel like
it could have been just as easy to put me
on the list. So Nora Barlow. Nora Barlow comes it
at number eight. She looks like she could be in
some sort of Victorian, some sort of merchant Ivory movie. Right, yes,

very Jane, Hyeah. Number seven Diana Ross. Oh boy, Diana,
this one's for you. Please call me back. I love you.
Oh my goodness, now you're talking Diana Ross. Oh my goodness,
what a star? What I mean? I mean we I

just explained this earlier before you came in. We were
on a date two days ago and I can't get
ahold of her, but um yeah, she was just how
did you land a date with Diana Ross? Well? I
ran into her backstage at an event um for for
dogs that help blind people see seeing I don't, and

she was being honored and uh I was there to
give her the award and we just started talking and
next thing, you know, he said, hey, yeah, you do
anything tomorrow night. Yeah she's single, and and she said,
yes I am, but I'll be at the Sportsman's Lodge.
I just happened to show up, so yes, but now
I know the sportsman Lodging. What a talent, what a beauty. Yeah,

they don't make them like that. They really don't know,
you know. Has had eighteen number one hits. Twelve of
those were with another group, but it was her voice
as the lead singer of the Supreme, the Supremes, and
then six number ones on her own, not to be
confused with Taco Bill's Taco Supreme right Now, which is
a delicious little Oh my goodness, Yes, put on some motown,

have a Taco Supreme, have a pepsi and game over,
Game over. I'm a big Diana Ross fan. You know,
I grew up listening to Diana Ross and just a
huge talent. And you know who else owes a lot
of critic to Diana Ross. World famous painter Bob Ross. Yes,
Bob Ross, Yes, yes, Bob Ross. Bob Ross may rest

in peace. Always used to say, I get a lot
of my inspiration and my talent from Diana Ross. Yeah. Well,
Bob is a great talent. The Row Ross dynasty is
as strong as it as any dynasty will ever. Yes
number six. Dolores Querta. She's an American labor leader and
civil rights activists who, with Caesar Chavez, is a co

founder of the National farm Workers Association, which later became
the United farm Workers. Puerta has received numerous awards for
her community service and advocacy for workers, immigrants, and women's rights,
including the Eugene V. Dubs Foundation Outstanding American Award, the
United States Presidential Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights, and

the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She was the first Latina
inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in n
fun fact, Huerta is the originator of the phrase see wow,
I can't believe you know all about her? Wrong? Can
we talk? Actually? Number five sheryalties, Yes, tis she's smoking.

Oh my goodness. I still have that poster, the classic,
the classic poster in the one piece. No, no, this
is a bikini. It's from the Seychelle Islands. She's in
the bikini. Well, what you know? And I've asked her
about that. She's she's signed. You know, no way she signed.
Are you lying to me right now? I'm not lying

to you right now at all. I'm not lying. But
when I spoke with her about this poster, what I
loved was there's a tendon, a muscle or something that's
coming out is jutting out from between her legs right there.
That is the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life.
It's she's got her legs sort of cocked to the
side in this poster, and it's a massive tendon. It's
a massive tendon that's coming from between me down there,

and it is between me down there. That was one
of the clubs. I think I met you at the
between that fabulous club. I know exactly what you're talking about. Yes,
I have that poster. Who would have thought a leg tendon? Uh? Well,
I told you earlier you never know where beauty is
coming from. You just have to be there for it,

and you have to keep your mind and your eyes open.
In that case, it was a tendant jutting from between
me down there on. One of the things I find
most beautiful on a woman is the nostril. Really, don't
ask me why. Yeah, do you have like favorite nostrils?
And the first thing when that comes to mind for
me is Tina Turner and Raquel Well, so they both
have flavored, beautiful nostrils. Do you have any favorite female nostrils? Oh? Gosh,

maybe Lucia Ball Oh really, I like her nostrils. I
can't remember her nostrils. Patti Smith, not Patty smythe sorry
Patty smytheh Yes, it's got great great the rock singer,
the rock singer good Bye to Your good Bye to you. Yes, yeah, yeah,

I love and she wasn't afraid to have a little
armpit hair. No, she wasn't, which can be sexy. Yeah,
I think so. Number four susi Q. Now which susque
are you talking about, because there are several susi q. Well.
The pastry cook. Oh, yes, she might have inspired the
song by Credence. Yes, yeah, but no, it's a pastry cook.

Oh you mean the hostess pay she cook? Yeah, she
makes those little spongey chocolate cakes. Yeah. They're delicate, white
yungy stuff. And she's a cute yeah yeah, she's yes,
the woman who makes those. Yeah, okay, yeah. Not to
be confused with Sarah Lee. She makes another. I love
Sarah Lee too. Beautiful beautiful artistry with the bank. And
you know who's the sexiest of them all, Mrs Duncan Hines. Yeah,

so sweet talk sweet Talker is a sweet talker um
number three on the list. TUTSI one of the greatest
comedic actresses of our time. It's a real shame she
only made the one movie. Yes, hilarious. Yeah, I missed

the first fifteen minutes and the last fifteen minutes, but
in that middle is amazing and billiant. Wherever she is,
I hope she's listening. I wish her the best. Yeah, well, Ron,
apparently they are making a Broadway musical, oh of about
her life. Yes, about her life, so you get more
tutsis a lot of pressure on who plays the part

of Tut. That is very I hope she comes to
the show opening night. That would be a thrill for
the cast. I think she will number two zena warrior princess.
Oh yeah, and uh, she's one of the greatest weapons
this country as she currently is at Camp David where
she lives. I love when she makes that hollering sound
when said, yeah, I can't quite do it. No, it's

I think it has its origins in the Zulu trock apparently,
which is really interesting. And now my number one, number
one woman of all time, and this there could be
a lot of number one's out there, but I think
I finally and I think I made a choice that
everyone can adhere to Judge Judy. Oh boy, okay, now

you're taught Judge Judy. Oh yes, all right, I'm right,
Judy pop Yeah, right, yep, yep, she runs the courtroom. Yeah,
you know, it's like, who made you judge jury? An executioner? Well,
guess what judge duty is all three? That's right, she's
all three and she is fast, she knows the law.

She's got a smart hair do. Oh yeah, always looks
her best, always the best lighting in the business. And
she's got a no BS filter which is so refreshing today. Absolutely, Ron,
this is a world of spin. You get no spin,
Judge Judy. Right, no, no, no, never will you walk

into that courtroom and if you walk out, and I
think you have to, you have to accept the verdict.
That's right. No. Judge Judy is the ultimate equalizer. You
know the TV show The Equalizing Equalizer. I believe it
was based on the life of Judge Judy. Oh yeah,
that's good, Carolina. Did you know that? Why didn't you
should have put that in the notes? I love Judge Judy.

Watch her every single And here's the thing. She's a
real judge's real judge. She's not just laying at it.
There are a lot of TV judges who are not
real judges. Judge Judy is a real judge. If you
had to go to small Claims Court. Considering your notoriety,
would you rather do it in private or if you've
had a chance to go on Judge Judy to settle

your claim, what would you do? Oh, that's an easy answer.
I would go on Judge. I would too, you know,
because listen, I know that I would get a fair verdict.
And also i'd be in the company of greatness. Definitely
would because I am I think she is for me,
And listen, I've met a lot of stars. President Company
excluded the thing Carolina, he's talking to me. Yeah, the

thing is, I'm not really that impressed with stars. But
if I were in the presence of Judge Judy, you
get a little nervous goodness, Yes, I would get a
little I would look at my I'm shaking just thinking
about hanging out with Judge. Absolutely are. Let's go back
to Abitha. Okay, if you would look down into the

crowd and there's Judge Judy, Yeah, just having the best time.
Would you bring her up on stage or would you
let her have her privacy? No, this because I watched
Judge Judy. I know the answer to this. I would
let her have her private sanctity of having a regular life. Yeah. Yeah,
and that's a testament to you. Well, well, i'd want

her to have a good time. I wouldn't just let
her hair down, let her hair down, take that judge's
robe off, and get soaking wet. I'd probably ask her
what she want to hear? Now, I think my guest,
my guests from Judge Judy, what she'd want to hear.
I think she'd probably some maybe some depeche Mode, and
then she'd probably love some motown. I think she would

go with some mode. It's always probably shotgun by your music.
You know, your music, Junior Walker in the All Stars
shot Gun. I'm sure that would really turn Judge Judy out.
You know, I wonder if she'd think it fun if
you played it I shot the Sheriff, which version, the
Eric Clapton or the Bob Marley version. I would say
Bob Marley, Bob Marley. Even though she probably doesn't smoke,

I was going to say, when she takes that Judge's
room off, all bets are off. I don't know if
she would smoke the g because because they're a huge, well,
the clarity of as big as her hand. Well, I
don't think so, you're not picturing. I don't want, you know,
I just think that there's some purity there with clarity
with Judge Study. Yeah, that's true. She's got to be

on her game. She's on her game, and you know,
it amazes me when I watch it how she's able
to pull up. I learned most of my Yiddish from
judges from I really do she Once I heard her say, listen, madam,
this isn't a whole ship to story. And I had
to look a look up what means, which is it's
I don't know what it means. It's an old grandmother's tail.
It's a big, long story that goes on and on

and on and on. Yes, in the end exactly. So
I get my my my from Judge Judy. You get
your knowledge of the law, my knowledge of the law,
because you know what I learned from You can't change
a contract after an agreement has been made. You can't
change the terms of a contract after the agreement has
been made, Carolina, thank you take notes. Yes, that's a judge.

This is going to come in such handy. Yeah it is.
I think in case we have to shoo these guys
for back pay. Well, now you know, now you know RuPaul,
We cannot thank you enough for joining us. We've gone
through a very thorough and extensive list. We got some
insight into your world and how you do your show,

your views on gender, etcetera. Um, thank you so much,
Thank you so much. And next time you're in a
bitha drop us a line. Will Sure, Yeah, I could
help DJ. Sure? Yeah. What would you be your first
the first song you played? Run? I would probably play
a song that's not played at a lot of parties. Um,

but the oh gosh, oh is it stepping Wolf? Don't, don't, don't, don't,
don't step in wolf? No, it's the song from Animal
House A little bit louder, shout shout, yes have you
heard that song before? Yes? Oh okay, yes, I thought
I was the only one who heard it. Be okay,
see what do I know? Big song? I would start

with shout okay, no, it's a crowd please, but maybe
I should build up to that. Okay, but why not?
Maybe Blackbird the Beatles by the Beatles. That's a somber
song to dance for a party. But everyone's just getting there,
they're trying to feel the vibe, the lonely one. But yes, yeah,
I mean that's what they're playing in my zoom baglass.

They started with Blackbird. Maybe that's why I was so
bad at it. Maybe? Yeah. Alright, well, once again our
thanks to Rue Paul, and we will we'll be right
back after this and we are back you listening to
the Ron Burgundy podcast. Uh, we were just very stimulating,

lightning conversation with Mr RuPaul, and now Carolina is here
with our fact check. All right, well, um, today we
did okay, Um, I just have a few things. Great.
The artist who did the taxi theme is Bob James. Um.
The man who did the Peanuts music is not the

legendary Green Bay Packers coach of Vince Lombardi. It is
Vince Giraldi. And Equalizer, the Equalizer TV show has nothing
to do with Judge Judy Great. Um is what my
research is telling me. All right, thank you for cleaning
up the trash can fire. Well here are my final thoughts. Women,

Who are they? They're in our houses, in our supermarket,
in our movies, and in our coffins. But who are
they really? Where do these miraculous creatures come from? You
guessed it? More? Women, It's like those little Russian dolls.
We might never get to the bottom of the female mind,

what it looks like if it's pink or gray. But
I think we've learned a lot about the female heart
and the male heart, specifically mine, which, thanks to Diana Ross,
is currently broken. But the joke's on her because I
will call her over and over again and drive down

her street laying on my horn, because that's how you
tell a woman you love her. This is Ron Burgundy,
and thank you once again for spending your precious time
listening to the Ron Burgundy podcast. Time compaign round the

Ron Burgundy Podcast. It's a production of I Heart Radio
podcast Network and Funnier Die. I'm Ron Burgundy, I'm the host,
writer and executive producer. Carolina Barlow is my co host,
writer and producer. The show was also produced by Whitney Hodeck,
Jack O'Brien, Miles Gray, and Nick Stuff. Our executive producer
is Mike farre Our consulting producer is Andrew Steeve. Our

associate producer is Anna Hosnier. Our writer is Jake Fogelis.
Our production supervisor is Colin McDougal. This episode was engineered, mixed,
and edited by Nick stumming. See you next Thursday on
the Ron Burgundy podcast.
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