All Episodes

May 15, 2024 37 mins

Dave Reboi joins Jesse to talk about the massive system The Left has built to support leftist activities while The Right couldn't be bothered. Hate listeners are the most loyal listeners. Biden’s hefty trade on EV’s that don’t exist. Democrat’s scramble to save the union vote. The CDC blames lockdowns for minority drownings. The Left sees their loss leaders as a good investment.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Tuesday, and
it's going to be a doozy of a Tuesday. First
and foremost, I should let you know we're gonna talk

about Mike Johnson standing up for Trump in New York City.
That's an interesting turn of events, isn't it. Eric Adams says,
we need more legals here because they're good swimmers. We're
gonna do a little Department of Labor McDonald's financial talk.
Dave Reeboy joins us about thirty minutes from now, he's

gonna talk in more depth about the infrastructure of the
communists here in the United States of America. Oh, that
and so much more coming up tonight on the world
famous Jesse Kelly's Show. It's going to be an amazing night,
an offensive night, and apparently apparently that's the norm. Now,
how I always tell you can send us love, hate,

death threats, ask doctor Jesse questions for Friday, and you
can even we love your emails. Email the show Jesse
at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Well, the Commies they definitely
use the email address. And I'll never understand the concept
of hate listening. I don't get it at all. I
was told by my mentor, Michael Berry years ago, six

years ago, when I first started doing media. He told
me that the people who hate listen are actually your
most loyal listeners. And I said, wait what he said,
I'm not kidding. The people who hate you and hate
the things you say, they will listen more and longer
than the people who love the show. Because I was

just starting out, I thought that sounded crazy, but it's
so true. Who listens to something they hate. I don't
listen to anything I hate. If I hate something, i'd
turn it off. But we have all kinds. Look at
this one, jesse or No, they didn't address me properly.
Excuse me, Comis you can call me oracle or showgun
or what Chris? You can call me any of those anyway.

She says, you are the most despicable, disgusting, racist, homophobic
piece of filth. That's not nice that ever breathe air
on the planet. I feel so deeply sorry for your
children who have to have a father who instills these
values in them. Heaven forbid one of your kids turned
out to be gay or fell in love with someone

of a different race. They wouldn't even be able to
tell you return to you. You know exactly who and
what you are, and how you live with yourself is
far beyond my scope of thinking. I know nothing will
ever change until the day you meet your maker. The
hatred you spread with your messages, it's reprehensible and I
don't know how you were able to get away with it.
I hope you get taken off the air eventually. It

couldn't come soon enough. Okay, First, that little jab about
my children fearing sorry for them. Did you know what
I just did for my sons the other day? It
taught them a valuable lesson because I love them. I
told them. I called everyone in the family, was on
the way home, and I told them I was stopping

in the gas station for ice cream. The boys weren't
paying attention, and so they didn't answer me and request anything.
I brought home a pint of my favorite ice cream,
and they were out back playing, and I quickly ran
to the back door and I locked it, and then
I knocked on the door and let them sit there

and watched me eat it through the glass, and they
were yelling, please don't eat it all and I ate
it all right in front of him, and that's teaching
them a valuable lesson in life. That's how lucky they
are to have me as a father. Anyway, As for
getting kicked off the air, that may come one day.
Until that day, though, commies, you're gonna have to deal
with us. Now, let's deal with so many things going

on in the country. And I should note might want
to mark your calendar about an hour from now, I'm
gonna tell a personal story about a hammock. What I've
told before, but I haven't told it in a very
long time. And I thought of my hammock story because
I saw this dude in New York City who set
up his hammock on one of the city buses and I
thought it looked like a blast. Let's talk about Joe

Biden quickly, shall we. First? Biden was out there today
given all kinds of speeches on stuff, and I'll get
to the Eric Adams stuff and Mike Johnson stuff. But man,
if this doesn't, if this doesn't sum up politics so much.
And this is why, this is why it's so critical
for people to be like you and be active citizens

who seek out information because the depth of politicians and
their lies. There is no depth that they won't go to.
There's not. Joe Biden is in trouble in Michigan. Well,
let me clarify. Donald Trump appears to be curb stomping
Joe Biden in the southern states, the sun Belt states.

We've had guests on. Ryan Gradeski came out last week
and talked about that. But it is definitely a coin
flip for the states that will win the election decide
the presidency, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, those places. Michigan he has
to have it. You're going to see more campaign events
in Michigan than you can ever imagine. So he has

to have it. And there are a bunch of auto
union guys up there angry with Joe Biden because the
Biden administration forced all these electric vehicle things through and
a bunch of guys got laid off and fired. Well, now,
Joe Biden, because it's an election year, he needs all
those union guys to come back home. They're sitting at home,

they're bidder, and many of them vote Democrat. But maybe
they're mad, maybe they're gonna sit out this election. Maybe
they're gonna slip a secret vote in there for Donald Trump.
And so Joe Biden gets up today. This is just man,
the depravity of these people. Joe Biden gets up today
and he said that.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
Teriff on electric vehicles made in China. People say, wow,
because we're not going to let China flood our market
making it impossible for American auto manufacturers to compete fairly.
Were alls implementing their twenty five percent tarifying electric vehicle
batteries from China and twenty five percent tarifund critical minerals
that make those batteries.

Speaker 1 (06:39):
Yeah, except the electric vehicles that he's putting a terriff
on from China, they don't actually come from China. They
come from Mexico. This is US Trade Rep. Catherine Tie
talking about courts.

Speaker 3 (06:57):
And the second question was on eve and bid in
Mexico at USTR. That is exactly what we are built
to worry about and to be concerned with that will
require a separate pathway. This is about imports from China.
What you're talking about would be imports from Mexico equally important,

something that we are talking to our industry, our workers,
and our partners about. And I would just ask you
to stay tuned.

Speaker 1 (07:27):
The reason you have to be hyper informed and seek
out information in a country like ours is because our
traditional systems are all based on lies, and they're all
lying to us at all times. So if you don't
be like you are, I'm not talking about you. If
norm doesn't wake up and shape up and start digging

into information, you never know anybody any better. If you're
some union guys sitting in Michigan right now, and you
you're angry at the whole electric vehicle thing, You're angry
about your job, maybe your buddy lost, maybe you're worried
about layoffs, and you sit there and have pay attention
than on NBC News tonight, what you most definitely will

see is Joe Biden up there saying one hundred percent tariff,
We're going to protect your jobs. And you go to
work the next day and you tell your buddies, Yeah,
Joe Biden's got our back. I knew he would crack
down on China. But the electric vehicles aren't coming from China,
They're coming from Mexico. Ideally, ideally, you and me, we

wouldn't have to live in a country where all of
our institutions lie to us at all times about everything.
That would obviously be ideal. That's the kind of America
I want to live in. That's the kind of America
you want to live in. That's the ideal country where
when the CDC tells you something is safe and effective,

you can take that to the bank. Ideally, that's the
kind of country you would live in. Ideally, you me,
we would live in a country where the people in
charge of immigration enforcement would want to enforce immigration. That
would be ideal. Ideally, you me, we would live in
a country where the fed the Federal Reserve, they would

be trying desperately to stop the destruction of the dollar,
so we can stop the destruction of our way of
life as we watch it disappear. That would be ideal.
But we don't get the ideal world we want. Frankly,
nobody ever does. We have to learn how to exist
in this country now, and in this country now, just

like the Soviet Union was built on all lies. You
knew instinctively as a citizen in the Soviet Union, whatever
the government said was a lie. Whatever you saw on
the news was a lie. It was just built in.
It was a joke. It was a common joke amongst
the people. We must get there as a people in
the United States of America, because that is the kind
of country we have now. Is that wonderful? No, it's terrible,

but it is what it is. Everything is a lie
at all times.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
They steady stay the course and continue to produce this
incredible job and the job and by the way, pay
for the jobs are outpatiing the inflation rate.

Speaker 4 (10:16):
The pain.

Speaker 1 (10:17):
We're gonna be able to deal with this.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
It's going to take no more time, but we're gonna
focus on them.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
Everything's a lie at all times. All right. We have
to talk about what Eric Adams said about the illegals
being good swimmers. We'll get to that in a moment.
Before we get to that, you know it would help
you swim better. Testosterone, gentlemen, Testosterone is not a bad thing.

It is the necessary thing. It's part of what makes
you a man. You must have it. You must have
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Help your mind, think, focus, to help yourself stay calm.
It does the opposite of what people think. Do you
have any have you checked it out? Because t levels

are in freefall in this country, ladies, Your levels are
all screwed. Up two. And this is not any of
our fault. All the crap that's in our water, in
the foods. We have to fight back in a way
that is healthy for us. That means a natural way,
and that's where chalk comes in. I personally, chalk has
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gets you a huge discount on subscriptions, So go get one.

Chalk dot com promo code Jesse. What Chris, we can
make jokes. It's fine, we get that right. The Jesse
Kelly Show, it is the Jesse Kelly Show. A Tuesday.
It's gonna be an amazing Tuesday. You know how we
were having that talk last week about left wing infrastructure organizationally,

how how in depth they are. Davey Boy's gonna join
us about ten minutes from now, because he's been hot
on this. I told you last week he was kind
of what sparked me into that long talk we had.
He's gonna join us next ten minutes from now, and
he's gonna break a lot of that stuff down. The who, what, when,
where and why? Name names, give us, give us some
resources we can go read looking into it. It's that'll

be appointment television, even though this is radio. I don't
know his appointment radio.

Speaker 4 (12:36):
Is that a word?

Speaker 1 (12:37):
I don't think that's a term people use. I don't know.
I went to community college. We have that and so
much more coming on the show, but I just can't
let this one go. So so every now and then,
it's funny because everybody when it comes to illegals, Americans

of all stripes, both parties, every color, every this, so
that in fact, when it comes to all cultures, people
can see obvious things, obvious trends with cultures. And yet
because we live in such a pathetic, feminized Nambi panby

society where everyone's worried about offending somebody, nobody ever wants
to talk about it, and if you do, it's it's
presented as racism. You know, Asians in my area, the
Asians run every donut shop, every dry cleaner, they're all
run by Asians. They're all delicious, they're all it's just

that's the way it is. It's guaranteed you got a
dry cleaner nearby. The Asians running, it's what they do,
and now salons what they do. Everyone understands that Latino immigration,
remember illegal immigration now is coming from all over the planet.
But Latino immigration, those who come from various spots in
Latin America Mexico are the places they tend to go

to more blue collar jobs. If you have landscapers in
your area, they're probably Mexicans or Guatemalans or something along
those lines. They are working in the farmers' fields. The
women they do occupy so many made positions, both private maids,
hotel maids. That's where those people from those cultures, that's

where they tend to drift. And everyone knows it. That's
just no one wants to ever say that. Of course
I will, because you know, I don't give a crap,
But for the most part, people feel uncomfortable saying it.
But it is funny because on occasion it'll just come
out of people and it just makes me laugh. Here
is Eric Adams.

Speaker 5 (14:41):
Those jobs that we are in high demand, we could expedite.
How do we have a large body of people that
are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers,
and at the same time we need lifeguards and the
only option is that we won't give them the right

to rope to become a lifeguard.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
Eric Adams, And so Eric Adams took you know that
that old joke. I mean, there's a million versions of
the joke. You've heard the joke before. Of course you
probably told the joke. You never told anyone because she
didn't get fired. But why doesn't Mexico perform well at
the Olympics because everyone who could run, jump or swims
already across the border. Everyone's heard that joke before. Everyone's
told that joke. Oh quit, you've told that joke. Don't

act offended. Eric Adams just decided to wait all in. Hey,
we know they're good swimmers. They made it across the
Rio Grande. I don't know, maybe instead of the illegals
actually working as lifeguards, they should just be swim instructors.
Because the CDC did warn us that drowning deaths are
on the rise for the first time, and of course

COVID lockdowns are to blame. Now, the only reason you
got an article about this is you dig down into
it and they find out what do they say here.
The grim report serves as further evidence of pandemic life
disadvantaging vulnerable groups such as black and Hispanic Americans. It
looked COVID lockdowns didn't just affect people who had different

skin colors. It destroyed poor people. It's what it did.
Poor black people, poor Mexicans, poor Porto Ricans, poor Chinese,
poor white people, poor poor people suffered the greatest under
COVID lockdowns. They did. And of course swim lessons. I
only brought this up actually because one it was a

funny point to make off of Eric Adams comments. And
two I was in the Marines with a couple guys
who couldn't swim. We were in a boot camp with them,
and you have to be able to swim, you have to.
They'll teach you how. But I watched real fear as

a drill instructor pushes you off the edge of the
pool into the water. If you're a parent and you're
at all able teach your child to swim, I'm not
saying professional swim lessons. I never had those. Of course,
my parents got them for my sister, but not for me.
I got thrown off a houseboat in Tennessee. Either way,

I was always in the water, always from my earliest age.
We were in a pool somewhere, or at the river,
or at the lake, or down in Myrtle Beach or somewhere.
We were always in the water. And so I'm always
comfortable in the water. And a million different times in
my life I've watched people who weren't raised in that

way and never taught how to swim, and honestly, I've
never mocked them. I would never mock you. If that's you,
I feel genuine sympathy for them, because uncomfort in the water,
that's real fear, real genuine fear. You get people around it.
I told you that time we were on I was

selling a bunch of and they we went out on
some big boat in Hawaii because we got a free
trip to Hawaii. I'd sold so many RVs. We took
some big catamaran out to some snorkeling place. They parked
the boat and I just went diving right off the
top of it, three stories up. I just bajaed right
off the end, dove right into the water, and I come.

Speaker 4 (18:17):
Up on them all alone.

Speaker 1 (18:18):
Everyone's looking at me, like, what are you doing? Get
in the water. They're like, what about sharks? That's all
come on, we just need the slow swimmers to get
in here. They'll be the ones that go down first. Anyway,
we didn't have to worry because I still had my
burn a pistol launcher on me. I would like to
see a shark with stand a shot from a burn
a pistol launcher, and remember burn a pistol launchers are

non lethal. I love animals. I would not want to
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Berna dot com slash Jesse, We'll be right back with
davey boy, hang on feeling a little stocky, Follow like
and subscribe on social at Jesse Kelly Show. It is

the Jesse Kelly Show. And I was looking forward to
talking to Dave because it's been a while since I
talked to Dave, and then I forgot about jazz music
and how much he loves it, and now I was
just reminded of it, and now I am filled with
so many regrets joining me. Now, my friend David Boy,
you should go subscribe to his substack. It's outstanding Late
Republic nonsense. Dave. I'm going to set aside the jazz

for a brief moment because I wanted you to come
on and.

Speaker 4 (20:12):
Tell how I did that on purpose.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
I know, I know you did. I know you did.
You're a bad person, Dave. You just need a at me,
and need a at me.

Speaker 4 (20:21):
All right, quick, terrible.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
So you've been talking a lot recently, and I've been
talking a lot recently. Honestly, you gave me the idea
to go into more depth on it. Last week about
the infrastructure around American communism and how in depth they
are and the funding, the organizational network, how they are

so professional at it versus where we are and what
we are. And I don't want to put any more
words in your mouth. I want to give you the floor.
What are you talking about?

Speaker 4 (20:54):
This is a really big topic, and every so often,
us on the right, we'll see it kind of bubbling up.
We'll see like a little bit of you know, the
top of the iceberg of leftist of leftist you know,
what's known as community organizing. And just just to rewind

a little bit to two thousand and eight and when
Obama showed up on the scene, and I'll never forget
the Republican convention where Sarah Palin got up there and
she made fun of Barack Obama whose only experience, only
really formative experience outside of politics was in community organizing.

And it was a punchline because folks on the right
didn't really know what that is. And very helpfully, a
guy named Stanley Kurtz wrote a wonderful book called Radical
in Chief that really went in depth on the history
and the extent of left wing community organizing, and and

you know that two thousand and eight election put the
name Saul Olinsky on the map. For a lot of conservatives,
we started to be aware of, you know, kind of
what this guy is, you know, dimly, and uh, you know,
but that was really the extent of it. And and
nobody on the right had any any desire or plan

to put in the hard work necessary to go and
figure out what Olinsky was doing or to realize that
Olinsky was part of a very long, you know, really
one hundred year old plus effort to do community organizing
on the left. And and it's one of the things

that the right just kind of sucks at, and it's
it's something that it's something that the left does very
well and very seriously. I mean, there are schools for
left wing community organizing that that you know back fifty years. Uh,
there are thousands of books that have been written on
the subject. You know, every once in a while, as

I said, the newspapers or or you know, conservative blogs
will pick up on you know, Lisa Fithian, who is
probably the most well known, well regarded and important hard
left activist. You know, she she should pop up at
uh at the the Prohomas protests now a few years ago,

she was popping up at at Occupy Wall Street, She's
popping up at the BLM stuff, she's popping up at
at you know, any any type of you know, anti
Trump rallies. And and it's her job, and it's the
job of people like her too, to organize people for change.

You know. It's a really uh, you know, an andym
way of putting.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
It, but.

Speaker 4 (23:55):
But to kind of create the conditions on the ground
for the political end that that that they want. And
and often these these efforts are met with little to
no resistance from the right, and and we are we're
just completely uh, we're just kind of completely flabbergasted when

it comes to this stuff. And I'll give you an
example that that uh, that that something that they do
very well that that we're just remarkably stupid at. For
for example, what they did with there's a group oh
my god, I'm I'm forgetting it, forgetting its name now,
but but there's a group now that monitors conservative websites

that has for for you know a number of years.
And what they will do is they will make sure
to deny these conservative websites from getting Google ad dollars
and from uh, you know, from from being from being
able to to kind of monetize themselves, and they end
up going out of business because, uh, they they're are

black listed by Google, and you know, most most web
ads are are run by Google. So what they're doing
is they're effectively taking down right wing websites kind of
one by one, and they're doing this by denying advertiser dollars.
And they're able to do this kind of very quietly.

They go and they pick, you know, one little particular
task for themselves, and that is at the fulcrum of uh,
you know, of of something important, you know, basically something
that's that's you know, low effort, high reward and uh
and they keep doing this and and uh, you know,

the right has has has nothing like it, you know,
and we're we're just sitting ducks and and uh, you know,
so so they do things like that. They do obviously
also public events, you know, where they where they do demonstrations.
Is what we're seeing right now with the with the
Prohama stuff. And if you look into the literature, you
will see the absolute seriousness with which these people are

are are doing it. And and we laugh and we
make fun of the of the folks with blue hair
or pink hair, who who look like they've they've never
done a bit of exercise, and they're they're they're just
kind of stereotypical leftist to be mocked. But behind those
guys are they're really smart people who are organizing them

and and who are who are treating those weirdos just
basically as bodies inside, you know, inside a a political campaign.
And and it's something that I and and you know,
Kyle Scheidler and and some other folks, David Hines, some
of us who have been uh, you know, involved in

in in tracking these these leftist community or organizing groups.
We've been banging on this drum forever and uh, you know,
on the right, we have nothing similar uh and uh
until we start taking this stuff seriously. And what I
mean by that is with with tons of money, with uh,

with smart people going into this field, with uh, you know,
with with with books and and and classes and and
and all kinds of things, I think we're we're always
going to be behind the eight ball on the right
in terms of in terms of organizing people and creating,

uh creating a movement for the things that we want politically.

Speaker 1 (27:45):
Dave, do you think because I want to, I want
to ask you one more big one. Do you think
you could give me one more segment? I should have
asked you beforehand, but I want to ask you the why?
All right, So here's the I want everyone to know.
I'm about to break early here, and I'm going to
come back with davery boy, and I'm going to ask
him because I'm fascinated. Why are they so good at it?

And why are we so bad at it? On a
macro level? Why are they professionals and why are we amateurs?
And I will deal with that with Dave in just
a moment. Before I do that, let me do this
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Speaker 5 (29:26):
You're listening to the oracle.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
You love this one. It's a screen baby the Jesse
Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Chris, do
you have any idea how big Dave is. He's one
of these workout freak guys. He could bench press a
small house if you call that jazz, I bet you
he's going to murder you if you guy ever run
into him. Anyway, we are back with my friend Davey

Boy breaking down kind of left wing organization versus the
lack of right wing organization here in America. Okay, Dave,
you you talked about how good they are and how
long they've been added one hundred years of organization and
funding and this and that, But why are they so good?
At that, And why are we so bad at that

when we're the good guys and they're the bad guys.

Speaker 4 (30:15):
Well, that's that's that's a very involved question, and but
it's got a simple answer, which is, you get what
you prioritize. You get what you prioritize, and the right
has been prioritizing different stuff. For as we stand right now,

the the the right is kind of the right is
kind of in a pickle because we just we just
don't think about these things, you know. I mean, there's
there's obviously a kind of temperamental reason for it, which is,
at the end of the day, folks on the right
want to go make money and and uh, there are

a lot of folks doing podcasts, and there are a
lot of folks who are doing social media and uh
and uh and and that's fine, and that's great, but
that seems to be where the energy is, and it
seems to be you know, I mean, heck, we even
have presidential candidates that are doing things like selling NFTs

and Bibles and and uh and you know, and and
stuff like that, whereas on the left, they frankly, they're
just they're just much smarter about this. When it comes
to community organizing on a on a small local level
all the way up to mass media where they just

you know, they have no problem funding UH outlets that
are lost leaders, you know, like the New York Times
and Time magazine and MSNBC. I mean, you know, I
mean we we all joke about how few UH view
viewers CNN and MSNBC have and like, you know, how

they must be in the red every year, uh, you know,
going on twenty years already, and yet it's still there,
and it's still there, and no one has decided to
pull the plug on it as a bad investment because
they understand that even though it doesn't make money, it
is a good investment because it's it's it's it's putting,
it's it's enabling the left to inject ideas in real

time into the into the bloodstream, into the conversation. And
that is a thing that has value. You know, when
we when we look at Hollywood and we think, oh
my god, you know, why is it that that these
Hollywood studios, these these big multinational conglomerates that own them,
UH has no problem whatsoever, uh, you know, putting up

films that fail every year that are woke all they
need to do start making right wing movies and they'll, uh,
you know, they they'll they'll do so much better at
the box office and with the bottom line. But they
don't care because they understand that they're more important things
than money, and and that the thing that they believe

is more important than money is their politics. And that's
that's just where they are. So so that's why you'll
see investments from the left into things like, i mean,
the Northwest Academy. If you're if you're by a computer
or a phone, you know, just just google the history
of the Northwest Academy, which was one of the oldest,
most storied uh schools, university pH d level institution for

how to do hard left community organizing. And Barack Obama
is a you know, as a graduate. He came out
of there, and uh and a lot of the people
who are you know, who are kind of in this
business all all all around the country, uh doing left
wing activists came out of there or similar organizations. And

just just to kind of leave you with a little thought,
is the left has entire industries that are populated by
one hundred, by tens of thousands of people that the
right just does not have. And I'm talking specifically about
the the community organizing and that type of left wing

infrastructure they have. You know, they have money for pro
bono communications firms that you know, maybe are small, maybe
they're a couple dozen or a couple hundred of them
in the country, but their job is, you know, they'll
get money from Sorrows or Tides Foundation or whoever. Their

job is to identify your local environmental group or your
local BLM group or whatever, and to provide pro bono
communications service to them to make sure that they have
access to TV networks and newspaper reporters, you know, and
and and and radio stations, et cetera, et cetera, things

like that the right doesn't have. So you know, and
and uh and at a time like this, when we
see the Prolomas protests all over campuses, it's it's a
really good time to take stock because that's when like,
you know, these guys pop up, uh from from out
of from out of the shadows, and we get to

see the outlines of of of kind of what this
looks like. And I recommend everyone to go read a
tablet piece about about the funders of this particular uh,
you know of this particular movement and with a lot
of input from Kyle Schidler, uh in terms of of

how they work, because look, it's fascinating stuff. And and frankly,
if you're on the right and you can about these
things like like you know, you and I do, it's
really hard not to just be absolutely infuriated when you
see when you see the the the the the different

ways the right and left allocate resources and and time
and energy, it's maddening and it's and and disappearting, and
and frankly, you know, it shouldn't fall to people like
you and me two, you know, to take twenty million
bucks to set up a community organizing school, right. There

should be other people with much you know, much much
deeper bank accounts that are willing to do that. But
unfortunately that's that's not the case. Uh. There are folks
who have wanted to do this on the right and
replicate what the left has for many many years now,
and they could not get funding. Nobody, you know, nobody

really nobody really cares.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
I have much work to do when it comes to
our rich guys on the right, h Dave, I am
up against the end of the hour. I'm up against
the clock, my brother, you are the best. That is
I'm I'm smarter now and everyone else is. We we
understand that. Go read that tablet piece, Dave, real quick.
What was the title that tablet piece so people can
find it?

Speaker 4 (37:22):
Oh my gosh, I can't remember.

Speaker 1 (37:24):
No, it's okay. Don't find if you go to my.

Speaker 4 (37:25):
If you go to my Twitter, I'll tweet it out
right now. My Twitter is U is Dave for boy.

Speaker 1 (37:32):
Okay, Dave a boy. Go read that tablet piece. I've
read it and it's an awesome piece. I just forget
the title myself. It's my fault. Dave, my brother, Love
you as always. You are the best. All right, we
still have two hours left. We're gonna break from politics
for a minute because there's a hammock in the news
because of the dude and the hammock and the New
York City bus. I have a hammock story. Want a

hammock story? I got a hammock story for you. Next
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