All Episodes

May 11, 2024 37 mins

The Right needs to be more family focused. That is the way we save the country. Getting reported to the ADL. People who pretend to be republicans. Hotdogs vs Pizza. The Swift vote vets. When the men come to hate their officers.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Friday. It
is an ask Doctor Jesse Friday. And it's going to
be the best date ever. We have made it to

the end of the week. What, Chris, I can't help it.
I'm bouncing off the walls. I'm so happy to be here.
We have to talk about dirt water dogs. Somebody's mad
about all the offensive things I say. Someone wants to
know about his dad who's a Republican but refuses to
vote for Trump. Do people get married too early? What
do I think about that? Why? Why? Why do Democrats

attack their own family members? So that's going to be
an interesting little thing. We're going to talk about someone
who's Jewish but angry at their Jewish relatives for how
they vote. That's spicy. And what can Trump actually get
done if he wins in the White House? All that,
so much more, including should you get a massage from
a dude if you're a dude? All that and more

coming up tonight on the world Famous Jesse Kelly Shechell.
I have to begin with this one though, and I'm
just going to read a little bit of it. Because
it was really long. It's really long, and before I
read it, I need to clarify. For anybody who's new
that's listening, I know that I'm rough. Now A good

way to put it rude. Maybe I understand. I could
make a laundry list of excuses right now that would
all be valid for why I am the way I am.
My father is most definitely at the forefront of those excuses,
because that's my dad. Gosh, you think I'm bad, you

should hear my father. If he's a construction guy. His
dad was a construction guy. We're a construction family. My kids,
my boys, have already been instructed by my father that
they're not allowed to repeat any of the words he
uses around them in front of my wife. They've had
to take a vow of secrecy. So it's maybe it's
my dad, Maybe it's the Marines. Maybe it's just that

I'm a jerk. But I know I'm offensive, and I
understand that it may be too much for some people. Yes,
it's a family friendly show. It always will be, but
it is, especially when you're compared to how people talk today.
I know it's offensive. If the show is too offensive
for you, you don't have to send me an email.

Just turn it off. There's a million options. And it's
not that I want you to go, but I don't
care if you it looks better for both of us.
It's like this, Jesse, that's all right, quit, I've got
a straight Jesse. I'm gonna report Jesse to the Civil
Liberties Organization for all his racist rants, whether it's making

Jewish insults regarding cheapness pertaining to what he refers to
as as Jewish producer Chris, or picking on a particular
ethnic group. With all the growing university anti Jewish protests,
do we need Jesse's anti Semitic jokes now? Even worse
are his demeaning comments regarding Italians. They should be fired

for making some of these, he said, such as, if
I see some chick with Harry Leggs, I see she's Italian.
I don't remember saying that, but that's hilarious anyway, he said.
Had he made these comments about any other ethnic group,
can you imagine the protests which would occur. I've been
determined to report him to civil liberties organizations. However, I

keep remaining latent. Give it, Chris, What does latent mean Michael,
you went to college. Do you know what latent means?

Speaker 2 (04:01):

Speaker 1 (04:01):
It's like sitting around or something lazy? This Yeah, okay,
so pretty much. I knew that I went to a
good community college too, Michael. Anyway, two years ago, when
the AC was non functioning, He've bet this dude really
listens to the show. He said, if my forehead looks greasy,
I'm not Italian. I did say that. I remember saying that.
That was great. Anyway, it goes on and on and on,

and he's really upset and apparently I'm being reported for
all these things. And I just have to say, if
I have said anything that has bothered you in any
way about your religion, skin color, ethnicity, gender, hair color,
whether you're left handed, you should know that I'm not sorry.

All right, I just want to make sure. I just
want to make it clear that I'm not sorry, and
the show's not going to change, and I'm gonna keep
doing the same thing we've always done. So let us
begin on some politics, shall we. Hey, Jesse, my tax
guy's a seventy something Republican veteran and a never Trumper.
He supported Nicky Hayley and says he'll vote for Biden

over Trump. His reasons are he thinks Trump didn't support
the military, and Trump increased taxes to people and gave
tax breaks to the rich. I don't find anything to
substantiate this. Unfortunately, there are a lot of never Trumpers
that are going to sell out our country over swallowing
their dislike for the man. What's your take? Okay, Well,

your tax man, he's not a Republican. Your tax man
understands that as a tax man he has to pretend
to be a Republican. Your tax man is a Democrat.
Only Democrats believe that Donald Trump didn't support the military.

You can have all the problems with Donald Trump in
the world. I know all kinds of guys who were
still in That was the only time I'm in the
last ten fifteen years they felt respected by their commander
in chief. In fact, to Trump's credit, did you know there,
let me do you a little something we haven't I
haven't told you this in a while. You ever see

these videos or pictures of some big shot senator or
the Defense secretary or the president visiting a base somewhere,
some sort of a base. Maybe they're maybe they're touching
down in Iraq, and they're going to visit the troops
in Iraq, or maybe they're they're going to Korea, they're
visit the troops there, or Germany or something like that.
Did you know that the troops themselves, the guys on

the ground, Did you know that we hate that. We
despise it. Despise it. Why it's not necessarily a personal
thing against whatever idiot senator or whoever happens to be
visiting at the time. When these people visit, you see
the pictures. You see they're all sitting together in the

chow hal having a slice of pizza together. You see
the stuff on Instagram or the news. Oh my gosh,
looking at me, smile and he's posing with the troop.
That's what you see, and that's what the politicians want
you to see. Oh, it's so much fun. In fact,
that's what military leadership wants you to see. The generals
and all these types. Ah, look at our troops looking

up it, look at it. The guys on the ground
despise when high ranking muckety MUCKs come visit because it
means unending amounts of boring, brutal prep work before they
get there. For instance, this happened to me many many times.

It's happened to anyone who's ever been in, and everybody
listening who's in right now or has been in, is
nodding their head. We had a guy. I'm not gonna
mention his name, because I actually like him. We had
a guy. He was coming to visit when I was
in the Marines. We had to pre our base for
a week for him to come in. When I say prep,

I don't mean take the trash out. I'm talking. I
remember like it was yesterday, spending five hours polishing the
faucets in the sinks so they could be shiny enough
when Politician X finally got there. I've heard stories about

guys being forced to mop and sweep the rooftop of
their barracks, the one the Senator will never see before
he gets there. You would have to police call. You
don't know what police call is. You would have to
clean up the desert of big rocks. I'm not making

it up. They'll make you all stand in line in
the one hundred and twenty degrees sun and walk forward,
shoulder to shoulder, picking up every rock that's bigger than
a baseball so the desert can look good for visiting politicians.
Did you know that when you get word that senator,

this president, that Defense secretary of this is visiting your base,
whether you're in Iraq or your state side, every single
guy on the ground, not the officers who don't do squat,
Every guy on the ground goes, oh gosh, here we
go again until Donald Trump. Now, yeah, when Trump was visiting,

they hated all that crap too, and they had to
do all that crap. Two. To his credit, they felt
like he genuinely gave a crap and Trump would just
sit there and just gab with him. You just gab
with them. So yeah, Trump did that. Well, didn't support
the military. Look, you can blast Trump for many many things,

and you know I'm more than willing to do that
when he's wrong about something. Didn't support the military, he's ridiculous.
Back to your question, your taxman is a Democrat. As
a taxman, he has to pretend to be a Republican. Look,
I've run into this with Hollywood actors who are Republicans.
I've spoken to quietly, and they'll publicly tell everybody they're

Democrats because their livelihood depends on declaring themselves to be Democrats.
Your taxman believes every Democrat lie that's ever been told.
He's a Democrat. I'm sorry he is all right? Getting
married too early the Bush Carry election? What do you
eat on the streets of New York? But first, let's
do this email doctor dong Oracle, thank you for sharing

the audio of the news report of the home depot
bathroom bomb dropper. Chris? Do you have that from yesterday?
I nearly wrenched up my breakfast from laughing so hard.
I'm a forty three year old man who still has
boyish humor. Finally convinced my wife to make the switch
to Pure talk. Great decision in lieu of the bar eating.

Please play the fart noise for my two girls, Hevy
and Izzy. What great names. We listened to part of
your show on our way to school each morning. Loved
the show, despised the comis. That's for the ladies. For
anyone who missed last night's show. This is an old
news story. This is something that's been out there forever.
This is real and it's freaking hilarious.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
The scary moments for customers at a Kansas Home Depot.
Police responded to reports of a bomb threat at the
store in Wichita, a customer alerted employees a man inside
the bathroom said there was a bomb in the building.
Police were able to locate the man responsible for those comments,
and that man told police he warned other guests to
leave the restroom because he was quote fixing to blow

it up.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
But anyway, I'm sorry. Any we almost forgot credit to
that man for switching to Pure Talk as well. He
not only got the news story, he got a fart
sound for his girls. Why because he did something good.
He stopped funding AT and T and Verizon and T Mobile.

We fight the culture war in a million different fronts.
All right, Well, what do I do? What do I do?
Do anything? The corporate front is part of it. Where
you spend, where I spend and don't spend My money
matters when you take money away from these big, evil
corporations and instead give it to patriotic companies. Does it
feel like you did much? You did a lot of good,

and if more people did what you did, we'd be
in a better spot. Pure Talks a patriotic cell phone company.
I'mke Verizon, AT and T T Mobile. Your bill will
be slashed. You won't believe how little you pay for
cell service, the same service they're on the same five
G network. Switch to pure talk dial pound two five
zero and say Jesse Kelly, today's the day. Ten minutes

on the phone is all it takes. Pound two five zero,
say Jesse Kelly. We'll be back Jesse Kelly. It is
the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday. What was that, Chris?
That was Chris Cornell? I mean he's fine. Is he
still making music?

Speaker 3 (13:12):

Speaker 2 (13:14):

Speaker 1 (13:14):
He's dead?

Speaker 2 (13:17):

Speaker 1 (13:17):
How'd he die? Drug overdose? Suicide? He hung himself? Oh? Well,
why are you laughing? I didn't know. I can't keep
it was huge news like five years ago. I don't
pay attention to news that's older than thirty seconds ago. Chris,
that's not my problem. Anyway. You can email the show
Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. And by the way,

heads up, Chris Cornell isn't making any new music. Let's
get back to the emails, shall we? Failed. Pizza chef,
I found yourself. If you found yourself in New York
City and only had a few minutes to grab a bite,
would you go for a pizza place that sold slices
or a dirt water dog cart? I recently faced just that,
and it reminded me of your love for both. I

would go dirt water dog and what I'm about to
say it's going to be controversial. In fact, every single
person listening to the Great WR right now in New
York City is going to write me an email destroying me.
I love New York pizza. In fact, I love Northeast pizza. Honestly, sorry,
Jersey pizzas as good or better than New York City pizza.

It just is. The Northeastern pizza is amazing. Philly actually
has incredible pizza. Philly has really good pizza, some of
the best I've ever had. So I'm not dogging on
the pizza, but it's not that much better than all
the pizza in other parts of the world. You know,

Detroit style pizza, It's amazing, amazing you had Detroit style pizza,
Michael Chris, Do you want to back me up on
the Detroit style pizza is the thicker crust with the
crunchy edges on it. Yes, Detroit style pizza. There are
other eight styles of pizza.

Speaker 3 (15:02):
What is it?

Speaker 1 (15:02):
Old tavern or tavern style pizza from Chicago? Not that disgusting,
putrid Chicago deep dish filth, but the old style, thin crust.
There's a lot of good pizza out there. You can't
get that red onion sauce in New York City, just anywhere.
I'm telling you, yes, I know, I'm eating a bowl
of virus. I don't care. I'm gonna eat dogs by

the dozen. I'm just a wiener machine when I go
to New York City. Hey Enleliitner. I became interested in
politics after the horrible terrorist attack on nine to eleven.
I followed carefully everything going on during the Bush Carry
election in two thousand and four and was all for
Bush winning. I'm really interested in what you think about
the anti carry swift boat veterans and the term swift

boating that came out of that election. I believe those
anti Carrey Vietnam veterans, did you. I'd love to hear
your take on this two thousand and four political issue
in one of your fascinating and informative history the Oracle Delvings.
All right, First of all, Chris, go ahead and get
ready the Clint web thing that we've played for the

longest time, and I'll get to that in a moment.
It's going to pertain to this, Okay, John Carey and
the swift boating and whatnot. So you've probably heard me
complained about officers in the military from time to time. Now,
I'm just a stupid, average Marine and you know, just
an enlisted guy, just a grunt. However, officers are extremely

important and a good one. There's nothing better. You get
a good leader like that, there's nothing better. He elevates everyone,
the entire unit. But I need to explain part of
my bitterness, and it's going to come back to this
John Carey thing. And in fact, you see this a
lot today in politics. When you're a grunt, I can

only speak for how we lived you. You don't realize
if you haven't done it before, how much you are
around the guys in your unit. In your I was
in a mortar section, you would know it as a
squad in my platoon. Okay, so let's just make it
forty guys me it's weapons Patoon. I was in first
betind seventh Marines, Alpha Company, Weapons Patoon. You are together

all the time, and you're not only together all the time,
you're together in situations where there aren't distractions. So it's
not like today when you gather with ten people in
the family and there's a quiet moment and everyone pulls
out their phone and gets on Facebook. You are together
in the middle of the desert, in the middle of
the mountains, in the middle of the wilderness. You are

eating together. You are sleeping right next to each other.
If you have to answer nature's call, you're barely hiding
behind a tree, and you have to hope your buddies
don't find out you're doing it, or they're going to
play a prank on you while you're answering nature's call.
It's you eat, sleep, everything together at all times. And
because you're together at all times, there's no lying. Meaning

if you're an officer who's just there to punch his ticket,
meaning you're just there to get that next promotion you
want to be a general one day, or you're just
there to kind of exist, have infantry officer on your
resume before you run for Congress one day. The men
are going to know it because you don't pop in

and out. You are together at all times. And let's
talk about politicians today, how it pertains to John Carey,
officers and the Clint web web thing and some other
things in a second hang on Jesse Keilly. It is
the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday. I remember, if

you miss any part of the show, you can download
the whole thing on iheard Spotify iTunes. Don't forget to
subscribe on iTunes. Leave a five star rating in a
review discussing how handsome. I Now back to what we
were talking about. She had asked about John Kerry, the
swift Boat Veterans, and I'm kind of doing a bigger
thing about officers and guys who serve as officers, but

they're just there to advance, and you can tell so
quickly when somebody is just there to advance. It's one
of my favorite political skits of all times, so I'm
actually about to play it in its entirety. It was
done by a comedy group. I believe they still exist.
It's called The Whitest Kids you Know. The lead guy

in their comedy group died a few years back though,
which is really really sad, but it's a comedy group.
The Whitest Kid you Know is the name of the
comedy group, and they did a parody of a political ad.
It's one of my favorite political things of all time
because virtually every single point, and this parody is on point,

including the part about military service. We'll listen to it.
We'll come back to John Carey. Here it was Hi.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
I'm Clint Webb and I'm running for Senate. I have
a short cropped haircut, a pretty enough yet accessible looking wife,
and a newborn baby that I've dressed in a suit
to prove to you that I mean business. For the
last fifteen years, I've lived my life in such a bland, uncontroversial,
and repressed manner that it's almost unnatural. Why Because I've

been preparing to be a representative since I was a child,
and my well adjusted, sane men would be hesitant to
take a job where their decisions would so drastically affect
the lives of so many, but not me. I possess
a sort of sociopathic narcissism that makes me think that
I should be in charge of everyone. But all of
that needs to start here at home, in this beautiful

state that I've grown to love since I moved here
eighteen months ago. Together, and we can piggyback some of
our state's legitimate needs onto my unquenchable lust for self glorification.
And that's a promise. Oh and one more thing, I
have a dog. I enlisted in the military for the
minimum amount of time and a position that would never

see combat. Why well, because it would help me be
your senator.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
I don't make friends, all right, Chris, That's okay. Here's
how it works, especially with Democrat politicians. You see this
more with Democrats than Republicans. And this is from me.
You know, I'm more than willing to crucify Republicans. This
is a Democrat mainly problem. Democrats will have this military service,

which you know, any service is great, you know, it's glad,
it's wonderful that you served, but it'll be I don't
want to say minimal, but it's not. You're not rambo, right,
You're not on the front lines. You're not you're not
in the in the grunts. You're not. You're not out
past the wire. You're doing the very very basics. And
then and when they run for office, they will over

inflate what they did. There are a million examples of
this out there today. These guys are they used to
do it, they still do it. Why is this a
problem in Democrat circles? Why did John Kerry do it?
Because he did it when it came to Vietnam. He
acted like he was this war hero, and the guys
who serve it then came out and said, wait what,
he didn't do anything. This is all a lie. Why

is this a Democrat problem? Well, this goes back to
something we've talked about a million times before. Democrats in
this country they're all communists now they are, or in
the very least they understand. They have to pretend to be.
So they're all open borders at all times, every illegal
when the world comes here, kill every single baby in

the womb, spend all the money in the world until
we're bankrupt. You name the evil communist thing. They're all
about it now, every single one of them. But they
have a problem. You see. The problem is older democrats,
union democrats, blue collar working class democrat types. They hate

that stuff. Latino democrats hate that stuff. Black democrats hate
especially the black men, hate that stuff. The tranny stuff,
the open border stuff. They don't like it. So if
you're a modern day Democrat, you have to guard against this.
You hate America, you can't, you can't make sure everyone

knows that. You have to do enough to show you
aren't in America. Hating commie trying to burn it all down. Now,
that's what you are, and that's what every policy you
push does. That's how you campaign for the most part.
But you can't you can't come out and say if

you're Joe Biden. At no point can you come out
and say, I want the boys open because the communists
around me hate America and they know it's the easiest
way to burn the country down. So I intend to
flood this country with illegals until it's so full of
murderers and rapists and people who don't even understand America

that it's unrecognizable as a nation. He can't come out
and say that because and then what happens is sixty
five year old Union Democrat guy he hears that and
he thinks, holy crap, these guys really are the anti
American scum I always thought they were. They can't say that,
so they're constantly guarding against the label of being anti

American virtue. That's why Joe Biden does the I'm Scranton, Joe,
I know what it's like in a cold town while
trying to wipe out the coal industry completely. Military service
is one of the greatest, probably the greatest way for
a politician to prove love of country. So, no matter

what Democrat you are, Bluementhals, he's a current senator. Blumenthal
is a current senator who has lied endlessly about his
service in Vietnam. Why does he do that because Bloomenthal
hates America tries to destroy it. But understands if I
hold up my service in Vietnam and pretend to be Rambo,

then older Democrat will be convinced that I really don't
hate the country. I'm not trying to burn down the country.
So let me explain something to you to wrap all
this up. When it comes to your fellow veterans, the
fellow veterans of a politician, whoever they may be, always

believe them. And I mean always. I've never seen an
example where a group of veterans who served with someone
lied about that guy's service, if they were dogging on him.
I have never seen it in my life. Those guys
who serve with John Carey, they're telling the truth. Look,
it goes all the way back. Forget about politics. People

will yell at me. People love Douglas MacArthur or hate
Douglas MacArthur From World War two. Look, I don't need
any more evidence to hate Douglas MacArthur outside of the
fact his men hated him. That's all I needed to know.
I don't care what book you read now, what book
I read. Now. His men referred to him as dougout Doug.

His men who served under him hated his freaking guts.
That's all I need to know. Period. They always know because,
as I said earlier, when you're with somebody in the military,
you're with them all the time, and you are naked,
meaning your motivations are naked. Whatever you are is laid

bare because when you spend every waking moment with people, man,
there ain't no hiding what you are. Remember though, remember
that whenever you have a group of veterans who served
with a politician, whoever he is, Republican or Democrat, and
they trash that guy, he's a bad guy every single time,

one percent of the time. Now, I'm not saying one
disgruntled guy comes out and dogs someone. That can happen
if it's a group of them, bad guy every single time.
All right, let's talk. Let's change pace here. Someone wants
to know what Trump can do if he gets elected.
Before we dig into that. Someone has a question about
getting married too young, that might be interesting. Before we

get to that, just know that we do need men
marrying women and we do need them making babies. We
needed to get married, stay married, and make babies. That
does not mean that's for everybody. Everyone has a different life.
Maybe you are supposed to be single. I'm not saying

it as to be for everyone society wide, though. That's
what we need, and Chalk is on a mission to
make sure the babies happen. You see, we can't get married,
stay married, and make babies if our testosterone levels continue
to freefall the way they are. They're not falling, they're
free falling to the point where scientists everyone is alarmed.

Fifty percent in fifty years. We have lost half of
our testosterone in fifty years in this country. But that's
not gonna work. We're not gonna make it start a
male vitality stacked from Chokgentlemen, no matter how old you are,
you need testosterone. Natural herbal supplements are the way to go.

Whatever you're looking to improve in your life, natural first,
and Chalk has the best, and Chalk they're anti communist.
Choq dot com promo code. Jesse, all right, we'll be back.
This is the Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse

Kelly Show on a Friday, And asked doctor Jesse Friday,
and what a day it is today. These are the
best questions we have ever had. It's already been a blast,
and we shall continue right about now, Multi lingual Oracle,
what would you do if one of your boys came
to you at nineteen years old and said they met
a dime and were engaged to be married. I'm curious

about your opinion, because I tell anyone who will listen
to wait until at least twenty five years old to
get married. I know it was the norm in our grandparents' day.
He said, I am your age for people to marry young,
but I do not think this should be the norm anymore.
All but one couple I know who got married before
the age at twenty five has been divorced. Myself included.

What does the oracle think tic tac toe? He says,
his name is Dorian.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
Not an attempt to ben TikTok.

Speaker 1 (29:55):
It's an attempt to make TikTok better.

Speaker 2 (29:58):
Tick Tech two a winner.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
A winner. Let's have this stock first of all as
a society. That it's not debatable. The historical record proves
this over and over and over again. It is good
for men and women to marry each other. Men marrying

women stay married, make babies, and the younger they're doing this,
the better off they are. That's another thing historically we know.
Now I'm not pushing back on your email at all,
so it's this, just give me a second here, that
on a macro level is good for a society does

not mean it's good for everyone, but for a society
that is good. Now when it comes to marriage, marriage
and more specifically, divorce is so it's so personal and terrible.
I've never been through one, but I've had many, many

friends who have, honestly most of them have, and it's
just terrible. Every time. Everyone is angry and sad, and
everyone on all sides fields betrayed, and it's just it's
really really ugly. You know, no one can hurt you
like the one you love, No one can hurt you
like the one who knows you, So it just it's

it's it's an awful thing, and a lot of people
who've gone through it are not in their head right
now as I say, that. However, on the flip side, people,
have you ever talked to one of these people, one
of these couples in their sixties, let's call it fifties, sixties,
and they've been married thirty five, forty years, and they
just they're so happy, and they're such a team, and

they're together, and they're just they're the model of happiness
and stability, and they tell people that's what you want.
Get married. When it comes to marriage and or to world,
people are very, very very tainted by what they personally
have experienced and gone through. If you're the person who's

in your sixties and you've been married to your husband
or your bride for forty five years and you finish
each other's sentences, to you, marriage is the greatest thing
in the world. If you're like this guy got married early,
got divorced, I'm sure that was not a pleasant affair
for whatever, For whatever reason, marriage looks a little different
for you. All I'm saying is we have to understand

we're all tainted by the things we've gone through in life,
especially negative experiences we've had. They taint our worldview and
sometimes they contain it to the point where we can't
see things the way we should see things. And I'm
not dogging on anyone for that. You've been through divorced,
but know that that's the case. Ideally in a society

where things are solid, you want young people marrying young
people and staying married and going through misery together when
you're young and poor and growing and making babies and
having a life and doing these things. Now, obviously it's
a very case by case basis thing. You ask me

how I feel about that. If one of my boys
came to me at nineteen, well, that's James is four
years away from me in nineteen, it's fifteen right now.
It would depend, right if he's with some solid girl
from a good family who shares his values, and they've
been dating, you know, a year whatever, I don't know,
pick of time, and he came to me and said, Dad,

I want to get married. And I would back in
one thousand percent. Yeah, let's go, let's do it. But
the pro the problem for young men and young women
at that age. And I was one. I was one.
Look at that age, your brain is what it is.
You're not totally developed yet. At nineteen, I could one
hundred percent have seen myself bringing home a girl I

should not have married. You can. You can fall in
love with the looks and she's batt in her pretty
eyes at you. In for the ladies. You know, Oh
he's so cute eye, he's got a nice car, he's
not a look good. When you're that age, you can
obviously make a really, really, really bad decision. It would
depend on a case by case basis. I would never

ever ever say though that young people. I would never
put an age on it. Young people shouldn't get married.
We are a part of the fertility crisis we are
having here in America. And it's a very uncomfortable topic
because people struggle to make babies. People do get started
later in life. But part of the fertility crisis we
have here in America is people are getting married later now,

later than they've ever gotten married. And your fertility as
a man and a woman, it does begin to go
down earlier than you think. And it's just the way
our bodies are made biologically. You are a lot more
fertile at twenty than you are even at thirty. I'm
not calling thirty old, and I'm not telling you not
to get married at thirty, get married at sixty. For

all I care. You know, it's your life, do your thing,
but biology is what it is. Ideally you're getting married
young and staying married, and you're cranking out babies. We
need young people to do that. Now, just allow me
to offer a word of caution before we get into
guy has a question about Trump and what I believe
he'll be able to accomplish in his four years, and

we'll talk about the good and the bad and the
potential of that in the moment, but before I get
to that, we needed to make babies. Our fertility crisis
will end the country and we need good people making babies.
The dirtball comedies are killing all theirs and they're not
doing it. We need to be more family focused. You know,

we talk about Paul and we criticize this politician and
that politician, and this Republican and that Republican and all
that Stuff's fine, will always do that, but to really
truly save the country, it's going to take things beyond politics,
things that are more important than politics. If fifty years
from now you told me I could have only Republicans
and the House, Senate and the presidency, or fifty years

from now we could have double the nuclear families staying
together in this country. I'd pick nuclear family all day,
every day, because that's what would save the country. All right,
all right, now, let's discuss what we think Trump can
and can't accomplish if he wins this election in November.
Before we discuss that, let's discuss Fred. In case you're wondering. Yeah,

I've been telling you about the construction we've had going
on in the house. We've had guys in and out
of the house, and we had to finally get Fred
calmed down and explain to him that these were not
dangerous human beings. Well, I'm pleased to announce that Fred
has made the complete transition from trying to eat them
to now they've decided he's their dog, and now we

don't even have to kennel him uphen they're home. He's
just there with them at all times. It's such an idiot.
I love that dog, and that's why we give Red roughgreens,
because I want him to be around sucking up to
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slash Jesse. We'll be back.
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