All Episodes

May 10, 2024 38 mins

We, as humans, need punishment. The GOP has never held the system to account. Responding to the Trump FBI backlash. Is Trump bending the knee to the FBI? Carol Markowitz and the indoctrination at every level of the education system. Cultural revolutions take time, we didn’t lose the colleges overnight.


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Thursday. You
are almost there. You can smell the end of the week.
Keep your head down and keep on moving. All right,
here's what we have on tap for tonight's show. Carol

Markowoodz is actually gonna join us about thirty minutes from now.
I don't remember what we're talking to her about, but
I bet it'll be very interesting. We're gonna do a
little recap on all that Trump FBI stuff. I'll read
your feedback from last night. I think that'll probably be helpful.
We're gonna talk about why reckonings, why punishment itself is important,

illegal immigration, I have a story about God saving me
and my family from disaster, and I'll explain why I'm
not worrying underwear today. All that and so much more
is coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show.
I want to begin here, though. Every now and then,
depending on the topic, you never know what you know

how people are going to receive whatever it is you say.
Every now and then you say something and it really
just takes off in a million different ways. Love, hate,
whatever it may be. And last night I pretty much
dedicated the entire first hour of the show to talking
about the FBI and talking about Trump's social media post

about Hey, the new FBI building should be in DC
instead of saying no FBI at all, you know, And
I was just going over all that last night. If
you missed it, go download the podcast of the show.
iHeart Spotify iTunes. I'm not going to rehash it all again.
I spent an hour covering the FBI and everything last night,
and we had all kinds of emails in about it. Boyd,
that's set up everything on fire, and they were great.

I mean, there were some people who are very angry, obviously,
but for the most part, Well, here's a little sampling.
I'm gonna read a few and I'm gonna just I
feel like it warrants a response to a few of
these things, because I picked some out that were consistent themes. Hey, Jesse,
maybe it's my paranoia, but after everything, is it possible

Trump is on the other team. Yes, he's on trial,
but in the grand scheme of things, what has actually
happened to him? I don't believe that. I don't believe it.
I know a lot of people hate Trump, and that's
I've heard that a lot, especially in the last twenty
four hours. Trump's on the other team now he plays them. Now,
that's not what I believe. That's not what I believe.

I do not believe Trump is some secret Democrat. Absolutely not.
I do not believe that. What I believe is this
Trump is is a billionaire and the former president. But
he's he's got a disastrous reputation because of what the

system did to him. Now, let's say you're Donald Trump
and you've spent your entire life building your brand. That's
what he does. He brands, and he's very very good
at it. Trump Tower, Trump, golf courses, Trump, this apprentice.
Everyone knew Trump before he was a presidential candidate. And
then you decide to run for president, see some things

that are wrong with the country, and you weren't even
supposed to win. And remember we know this now from
behind the scenes stuff. Trump himself didn't think he was
gonna win, especially towards the end. None of the polls
looked like he was going to win. But you wake
up one day after the election and you are the
president of the United States of America. Tell me, how

would that feel feel pretty good? Right. You have this
whole life of branding and the Trump think of Vetter,
and then one day you're president of the United States
of America and you go into that job and we
don't have to rehash everything that happened there, the good
and the bad and everything else. But you get your
reputation destroyed by the system. Trump was widely respected and

accepted by the system before he started running for president.
Go what you don't believe me? My wife and I
used to watch it all the time together. Celebrity Apprentice,
Go Back. It didn't matter who it was, athlete, movie star, supermodel, billionaire,
didn't matter who it was. It was mister Trump this
and mister Trump that, and he's Donald Trump. He walks

in a room and everyone, wow, it's Trump. And now
he walks in a room and unless he's at UFC
or NASCAR, everyone's spitting at him and screaming at him.
And then you've got the legal problems, and he's got
for felonies and he's facing possible prison time, although by
the grace of God, it looks like he's going to
avoid that. And what we want may not necessarily one

hundred percent align with what I believe Trump wants. I
believe Trump wants to fix the country. I do. I
believe Trump wants to fix the border, fix the country,
fix the trade, fixed all this. But I don't necessarily
think he wants to attack the system that I believe

needs attacked. The system itself is evil. I think, probably
more than anything, I do not think he's working for
the other team. Still shares a lot of your values.
I don't believe that. I believe he wants acceptance from
the system more than he wants to destroy the system.
It doesn't mean he's a secret Democrat. I don't believe
that you can hate Trump and not believe that. Look,

you're walking to believe whatever you want to believe. I
don't believe that at all. Jesse, I'm listening to the
radio right now. I thought about the strategy he might
be implementing. Hear me out. He talks about supporting and
funding the buildings leading up to the elections so they
don't target him more than they already have, and also
ensure the FBI doesn't suicide him. But then he wins.
He writes an executive order to dismantle the FBI and

defund every Penny and so on and so forth. It's
not three D chess. It's mixed dire misdirection and self preservation.
His name's Nathan Donald. Trump cannot disband the FBI by
executive order. He very likely doesn't have the authority as
president to even fire most people at the FBI. And

you expect me to believe that he's just playing nice
with them now until he gets the chance to completely
eliminate the agency. No, hey, I agree with you, stretch,
But first things first, Trump needs to get re elected,
as you point out all the time, he needs Norm
and Norman to vote for him, and those idiots still
believe the FBI is legitimate. So if he needs to

feign support between now and November, I say do it.
That's a valid criticism. It's a valid criticism. I might
push back on that that norm and norm that the
average American does not actually think highly of the FBI
like they used to pull. They pull worse than Congress now,
but it's a very valid argument. Jesse, your lead into
the night's show was awesome. You expressed how I many
others feel. I'm done as twenty eight year law enforcement.

I can tell you most of us in local and
county law enforcement. Do not trust the FBI. Gosh, yeah,
you want to hear about the FBI. Talk to a
cop or a county sheriff. All right, now, let me
do this, let me finish with this one. Do your
multi lingual menu, whisper, and he talked about the RAN
I went on whatever. Anyway, all this got me thinking,

is this him bending the knee, signaling that he'll pull
a Mike Johnson and do as he's told. I agree
with you. If all we're gonna get from him is
a slightly less horrific version of the DNC, then count
me out. I'll stay home. I appreciate all you do.
You've been in my prayers after Michael, ate both your tacos.
That's from Chris. Chris, thank you for your prayers. I'm
still struggling with the whole taco thing and Michael's devious theft,

but we'll go over that at another time. Now, is
this him bending the knee? Maybe now, I don't mean it,
and I don't mean it in that way, in that
extreme of a way. Maybe this is him saying, hey,
my second presidency if I'm given one. Maybe this is

him telling you the deep state, that Hey, it's going
to be more normal, So don't attack me quite so much.
I'll be. I'll be. I'll be nicer to you, you
be nicer to me. Could it be that? It most
definitely could be that. I would argue that's probably a
fool's errand that most likely is a fool's Errand because

these evil agencies, they're not They're not evil on an
individual level, they're evil on an institutional level. And here's
what I mean when I say that, when you have
an organization like the FBI, it's not that there's a
guy at the FBI who's bad and who has it
out for Trump. If you look at the history of

what they've done to him, that's not what it looks
like at all. The names change, the tactics, the enemy
of the FBI remains the same. It's not a Christopher
Ray problem. Don't get me wrong. Christopher Ray is a
huge problem. We need a real reformer in the FBI,
someone from outside of DC. I've always believed we needed

some county sheriff who has a reputation for cleaning up
corruption in his community, so on and so forth. Anyway,
it's not that, but the organization itself. In fact, our system.
I've made it about the FBI. Well, let's talk about
the entire system, because that's really what we're talking about. Media, universities,
it does, FBI, it doesn't matter what it is. The

system has been completely occupied and taken over by leftists,
by communists. And since they've done that, what they've done
is they we've institutionalized their way of thinking, their religion.
They've essentially insulated themselves from any individual deviating from that.

So let's say we've got that county sheriff I just
talked about, and you got sheriff whoever from some place,
sheriff will call him Sheriff Kelly. He sounds like a
wonderful guy, and he's gonna go in there and he's
gonna change things. Well, he still has a mountain to
cline because he may be quote in charge, but the institution,

the institution is going a different direction. All right, That's
enough of that. Let's talk about crime and punishment. Shall
we whole lot of revisionist history going on out there.
In fact, this is going to tie into what Biden
pulled with the munitions and the law and everything. Let's
have a discussion about that before we get to Cuomo
and other things. But first, let's get to the financial

situation we are in. The financial situation we're in right
now is obviously bad, and as you've heard, you know, look,
these politicians all talk about it all the time. It's
gonna get worse because they don't want to stop spending,
they don't want to stop printing. There's no one even
pretending like that's what they're going to do. Even Republicans
aren't acting like that, Hey, if we take power, we'll

cut the spending. You don't even hear much of that anymore.
They know, everyone knows. So what can normal people do?
Normal people have to make preparations. That's what normal people do.
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Speaker 2 (12:00):
Kelly Show, It is the Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (12:05):
I almost forgot I need to remind you tomorrow is
and ask doctor Jesse Friday, and you need to get
your questions emailed in now whatever ask me, nything. All
three hours are dedicated to the questions you email in
right now to Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com. All right,
Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com. Now I should probably

explain before we go any deeper into the show, before
I get to this reckoning stuff and punishment, and why
it's important, why I'm not wearing any underwear today. I
should be clear that I am an underwear wearer. It's
boxer shorts. It's just Haynes whatever's on sale at the time,
whatever I happened to grab that's on sale. Uncomfortable, I

wear Haynes boxer shorts. Probably more information than you need,
but just that's that's what I wear. The wife wishes
I would up my underwear game, but that's what I'm comfortable.
What Chris Anyway, So I told you we've been having
some constructions. We've had had the house ripped up a
little bit. It's a long story, but just know that

when I shower before I come into the studio, sometimes
the workers are already there, and if they're there, they've
sealed off the area in the home where I have
clean boxers. So yesterday, look, it's just me being honest
with you. It's just you and me talking. Yesterday, I
get out of the shower and I realize I don't

have clean boxers. I'm looking down at the pair I
had on yesterday and I'm thinking to myself, oh man,
that's really gross. I don't want to do that too. Okay,
you know what I will. I'll do it two days
in a row. So I do it. But because I'm stupid,
I made the same exact mistake today. I got up,

worked out, cup of coffee, workers showed up tearing apart
the house. I go get in the shower. I get
out of the shower. As soon as i'm tweling off,
I realize no boxers, and I'm looking at the ones
I wore the past two days, and I know I
can't do it. I have my limits. I can't do it.

So today, you know, freedom is not free. I've never
been more free? All right, what, Chris, I'm just explaining
to everyone where I'm at mentally right now. Today. I
am the freest you've ever heard me. On the radio.
Do I sound loose, care free. I am not a
care in the world right now. Anyway, let's get back

to politics and other things. Punishment, punishment's important. I wish
it wasn't important. I'll tell you as a father, I
really really wish it wasn't important. I got this email,
Dear Jesse, bomb I ran Kelly. I didn't say bomb
I ran, if memory serves me, didn't. Then VP Biden

brag on tape that he's threatened to withhold a prove
day to Ukraine unless the top prosecutor investigating pariceman and
his son was fired. Consequences by the Republican House None
that I recall and didn't. Biden just now brag on
tape that he will withhold approved military aid from Israel
unless he and his flunky traitors, backstabbing administration is allowed

to run the war on Hamas from DC. What will
the consequences be by the Republican House None. I guarantee
it well, in case you're wondering, Yes, Joe Biden did
say exactly.

Speaker 3 (15:35):
This preshcomm I said no. I said I'm not going
to or we're not going to give you the billion dollars.
They said, you have no authority you're not the president.
The president said. I said, call him. I said, I'm
telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're
not getting the billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. And
I think it was what six hours. I look as
I'm leaving it six hours. If the prosecutor's not fired,

you're not getting the money. Oh, son of.

Speaker 1 (16:00):
And the prosecutor got fired. Joe Biden admitting to quid
pro quo corruption and Donald Trump was impeached the first
time by simply asking someone to look into that corruption.
But you're not wrong, And so why is there no
impeachment now of Joe Biden. You can't you can't have

Congress pass the law. Congress makes the laws. The president
executes the laws. Congress passed the law. As much as
I didn't want them to pass the law, this big
foreign a bill money for everybody. And part of the
law was you have to send all these munitions over
to Israel. It's the law. And Joe Biden, the Biden administration,
so desperate to hold together their domestic voting coalition, said no,

you don't get the you know, we're not going to
send the stuff that we were ordered by Congress to
send Is it impeachable? Yes, but why did they do
it then? If it's so wrong, if it's so impeachable,
well you know why they did it. I know why
they did it. They did it because they know Republicans
won't impeach. We want to believe. Nursery rhyme conservatism has

taught us over the years that we can we can
just do the right thing, and in the end, the
right thing will end up inspiring the other side to
do the right thing, and so everything will turn out right.
It's a big tenant, it's a central tenet of nursery
rhyme conservatism. I won't ever do anything to hurt the

other side. All do it better. I'll do it the
airfingers quote right way, and then then the other side
will be so inspired by my example they won't they
won't want to do wrong. They'll stop doing wrong after all,
I pointed out their hypocrisy. Wait, why are they still

doing it? I just pointed out their hypocrisy. Wait. I
don't want to do this. I don't want to do that.
And the truth is this, it's not even necessarily a
left right Democrat Republican COMMI anti COMMI thing. It's a
human nature thing, and it's a it's a part of
human nature that I actually can't stand. I hate that.
It is our nature, it's my nature, it's your nature.

We need punishment. We're about to I'm about to go
off on punishment and reckoning and things that we should do,
not because we're mean, not because we're angry, not because
we're violent, not because we're this, so that because we
want things to be good. I'll explain what I mean
in a moment. You know what's good Not living with

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Let's talk about punishment next. Is he smarter than everyone
who knows? Does he think so? Yeah? The Jesse Kelly Show.

It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Joining me now former
New Yorker, now a Floridian columnist with the New York
pos Also host of The Carol Marca Wood Show. You
guessed that, Carol marka Woods. Carol, that was a great song.
Your husband must have picked that out.

Speaker 4 (20:08):
Hey, I love me some Stevie Nicks.

Speaker 1 (20:11):
Okay, I love Fleetwood Mac, I really really do. Gosh,
It's just that's the best old people music in the world.
I consider myself that, Okay, Carol. We've been talking about
punishment and things like that, and you've been going off
lately on a lot of things about indoctrination and children
and people are anyone who watches the news right now,

they're looking at college campuses and they're asking themselves, what
in the world is going on with young people, and
you know, these are young people at Columbia. These are
supposed to be the top tier, and there are a
bunch of dirt balls. What went wrong, Well.

Speaker 4 (20:46):
A lot of things went wrong, But I would say
that I'm with you in that the Republicans caused a
lot of this by not fighting back, and we can't
keep doing that. And that's been like a message that
I feel like you've been amazing at. I mean, you know,
I don't give you that much praise, but you've been
fantastic at pushing the Republicans to actually, you know, maybe
fight back sometimes. I think what happened is we let

the leftists march through our institutions take over all of
our education, among many other things, obviously, and that has
caused the problems that we're seeing on these college campuses. Now,
it didn't start at colleges. It's happening in K through
twelve schools. It's happening earlier than that. It's happening in nursery,
in daycare, I mean, all the places that you send

your children. There's a very good possibility that they're being
indoctrinated there.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
Carol, can you explain to people who don't understand, I mean,
especially for older people. I'll be honest, I'm lumping myself
in there. It seems like this has happened, and I
know it hasn't. I know the history of it, but
it seems like it happens so fast that, like you
just said, okay, university being some lefty place is not
exactly new. But you can't put your kids in kindergarten

now without walking through the classroom and making sure there's
not a gay flag hanging in dagon thing when how why, Well.

Speaker 4 (22:04):
It's been going on for a while, But you have
to know, the cultural revolutions take a while. They don't
tend to happen overnight. They tend to happen incrementally. And
so what has been happening incrementally is that they took
over things like colleges a long time ago. We've been
haha hiing about, you know, how lefty colleges are for
a long time. What happened then is once they were
secure in that, they moved on to other areas. And

so you know, I had a book last year, Stole
in Youth, largely about this topic. And one of the
things that we really uncovered is how deep the rot goes.
For example, in teachers colleges, a lot of teachers get
to teachers colleges to get their degree to teach children,
and they themselves get indoctrinated at that point. It's not
that they arrived there being leftists. They get hot from

Marxist textbooks and they leave there ready to spread the
message to kids all over the country.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
Cairol, you know, obviously, as you pointed out, I'm very
very hard on the GOP, frankly harder on them than
the communists, because I demand better, I want some to
fight there. Why the reluctance to ever attack the root
of the problem from the GOP. For instance, recently they
passed an anti semitism bill on college campus right, Well,
these protests are organized and funded. There is a gigantic

international in many cases communist organization funding and organizing all
these street animals on college campuses. And the best you
can get from a GOP is some bill about anti Semitism.
Why not go after the root of the problem. It
drives me insane.

Speaker 4 (23:33):
Well, partly it is because they want to be liked
and they want to have positive articles written about them,
And that's the truth. You know, a lot of these
people are just happy to be there and all they
want is to have praised from, hopefully once in a while,
the New York Times. And you're right that bill was stupid.
It was pointless, and you know it probably will cause
more damage than good. I am very concerned about anti

semitism on college campuses, and you know anti semitism ltsore
as well, but I don't think that that does any
good to solve it. And so we have the situation
where they do these things, get applause from people who
hate them, and we're in this vicious cycle with them
where they can't seem to understand that they don't work
for the New York Times and they don't work for
the Washington Post, and they have to get over that.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
Carol, you and I have spoken many times on the air,
you me, and Ah. My wife has spoken many times
off the air personally, so we've had this conversation before.
But the United States of America as a whole, as
much as I love it and would die for it,
I don't think from what I see now, that we
can put Humpty Dumpty back together again. I don't necessarily

see a path for that maybe if we go legal
local and spread it from there, we have a shot.
But if we do, if you believe we do, what's
that look like, how does that come about?

Speaker 4 (24:54):
Well? I think what ends up happening is, you know
you mentioned at the start of the show, I moved
from New York to Flow. I think a lot of
people are moving to stay in er places, and I
think that that message can spread outward. I think that's
the only way to do it. To see, Look, this
is what's happening in Florida, I know, Texas, you know,
maybe Tennessee, some other states or real draws for people,

and they can have that kind of be exported outward.
I mean, that's what the left would do, right, They
would export export Their philosophy is outward. They would say
this is this is what we're going to do, and
this is how we're going to teach people in other
places to behave and follow our guidelines.

Speaker 1 (25:34):
Speaking with Carol Marko Woo's host of the Carroll Market
would show and of course former call well not former
columnists for The New York Post. I hope you don't
get fired because of that, Carol. Carol's what's the worst
thing about moving from New York City to Florida. I
bet it's the food, isn't it the food. It's got
to be the food.

Speaker 4 (25:50):
Well, I would say specifically the Asian food. Chinese food
is so good in New York City. You know, that
comes to your door before you hang up the phone
from ordering it. It's just a wonderful, wonderful cuisine, and
we just don't have that here. But everything else, I
feel like I'm pretty good. I missed my family. I
wish they would make the move too, but otherwise this
is the best thing I've ever done. I feel like
a genius every day, especially now more than ever. We

didn't move because, you know, we saw jew hatred exploding
on the streets of New York City. Although I had
some predictions on that, but you know, it's been a
benefit not to be among that.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
Why did you have predictions on that? What did you
see when you were living there?

Speaker 4 (26:27):
Well, the main thing I saw was that orthodox Jews,
people who looked Jewish outwardly, which I don't. I you know,
I look like maybe a little Irish girl. That they
were being beat up in the streets and nobody was
saying anything. And the reason they weren't saying anything. Is
because the culprits weren't maga hat wearing, you know, the
people that they hoped it would be. So when they

were being beat up, I said to my family Thanksgiving
twenty twenty one, I said, things are going to get
bad for Jews in New York and I think we
should all get out. And you know, we got out.
And that proved to be correct. And that's, you know,
the sad and unfortunate. But I hate being right about
something like that. But it was so clearly coming, Carol.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
Why are we so uncomfortable in this country talking about
cultural tensions that have always and will always exist, Just
that that's part of mankind. Cultures have tensions with each other.
In New York City. I mean, I'll say it if
you don't feel like saying it. The Black community and
the Jewish community, they've had serious tensions for decades. This
isn't anything new. It goes back to the seventies. This

is this isn't a tale as old as time. And
yet no one wants to have that simple conversation. That's
a conversation you can have. What is it? Are we
too sensitive for that?

Speaker 2 (27:37):

Speaker 4 (27:37):
Yeah, we're probably too sensitive for it. But I also
think that the you know, for every conversation that's attempted
like that, there's going to be people who are saying, like, no,
you're you're the one making it worse. You're the one
discussing it makes it worse. And I think that's ridiculous.
I think again, had it been maga hat wearing white
people beating up Jews for a number of years in
New York City daily attacks, they would have had that

kind of you do not allowed to talk about some
groups and other groups, and that's you know, a problem,
and you're You're absolutely right, there are tensions, and those
tensions largely make no sense. But that's, you know, what
happens a lot of the time in all kinds of
cultural disputes. So things make no sense. Maybe you get
to the bottom of it, maybe you don't.

Speaker 1 (28:19):
Yeah. Now, every time I try to dig into these things,
you end up just end up with some spider web
and no one can really lay out why. It's like
the Halffields of McCoy's. No one can even remember how
the freaking things started. You just remember you hate each other.
Carol Markowitz, go listen to We're podcast. It's outstanding. Thank you, Carol.
I appreciate you as always. That's something right, all right, Now,
let's get back to this punishment thing I was talking

about why it's important. Why does it matter? We're talking
about Biden and he's going to disobey the law, and
why isn't he being impeached. Before we get to that,
let's talk about life. You know, it's one thing to
be to say your pro life, you don't vote for
abortion loving politicians and all that stuff, and all that

stuff is good. We need to be like that, but
what are we doing to actually save lives. What saves
lives is ultrasound. Ultrasound saves babies lives. These young women
they don't know better. They've been told it's a clump
of sales, it's an inconvenience, just go flush it down,

the toy that just go. They don't know better. What
ultrasound does, that's what Preborn does. They give these women
free ultrasounds, the women who are about to have abortions.
What ultrasound does is it turns it into a baby.
It reveals it to be a baby, and she becomes
a mother when she hears the heartbeat it is from

God she becomes a mom and that she knows it
in that moment. Save a life twenty eight dollars buys
that ultrasound Go to Preborn dot com slash Jesse give
what you can Preborn slash Jesse sponsored by Preborn. We'll
be back.

Speaker 2 (30:04):
It is the Jesse Kelly's Show on a Thursday. Remember
you have to email your ask doctor Jesse questions for tomorrow.
You have to email them right now to Jesse at
Jesse kellyshow dot com.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
Full disclosure. We have a couple of big things coming
next hour. I'll get back to the punishment thing in
a moment. One. There's been a major, major rift between
me and Clay and Buck. Apparently this is going to
be war, so we're gonna go over that about ten
minutes from now. Well, Chris, I don't have time to
get into it right now. It's too heated. I'm working

it all out. But I'm gonna go into that about
ten minutes from now, so we'll talk about that. I'm
gonna tell you a little story about moving and answered
prayers and many things. But before we get to those,
let's come back to punishment. We need it. I wish
we human beings didn't need it, but we do. I've
gone into this. I've gone through this as a father

of my sons. If I catch them up at night
when they're not supposed to be, I'd be honest. I
think it's funny and I don't want to yell at him,
especially for the last thing of the day. So I
tell all boys, that's it. That's the last time. Go
to bed, you know, go to bed. And I do it,
and I do it, and I do it, and they

and I keep catching them up. I have to ground
them if I wanted to actually stop human beings need it.
We talk about Joe Biden withholding munitions that have been
passed by Congress. How can he do that? Why would
he do that? Why wouldn't he do that? The GOP

has never held these people to account. He thinks Dad's
gonna come in and just laugh again because he's up
after hours. Why because that's all Dad has ever done.
Here's another example, another email, Jesse, I'm confused. I'm confounded.
Every time the government is questioned, they always reply that's

an ongoing investigation. You've heard me rants about this before
on the shows, but allow me to do it again.
We knew. I told you before the midterms. Before the
midterm elections, we all thought the GOP was going to
take the House. We all thought myself definitely thought that
it'd be a bigger majority. But we knew the GOP
would have the House. And I said before the midterms,

we talked about this all the time, that we have
to have Congress hold the FBI accountable. You must have it.
There's no one else who can hold the FBI accountable. Frankly,
even the President really can't. We need Congress to hold
the FBI accountable. We have to have that. So we

know how it's going to go. After the GOP takes
the House, and they did, They're going to drag these
dirty FBI people, Christopher Ray and the rest of them
in front of the House and they have, and they're
going to ask them very tough questions, pointing out hoping
to point out the endless mouthfeasanstick goes on within the

walls of the Hoover Building. We know how they're going
to answer because they answer it that way every single time.
I'm sorry, I can't comment on an ongoing investigation. How
many times have you heard them answer that? We all
knew this was coming. I knew this was coming. I
told you it was coming on the radio before we
even took back the House. What I said then and

what I'll say now is the only question that matters.
All the rest of that's a foregone conclusion. The only
question after that is what are you prepared to do
when they give you that answer? Well, what is it?
Date today? May ninth, twenty twenty four. When did the

GOP take back the House? January of twenty twenty two,
that's when the GOP Congress was sworn in. It's May
of twenty twenty four. Name me one thing tangible thing
the GOP has done to punish the FBI for answering

questions like that. Oh, that's right, Chris, that's right. That's
a good point. They fully funded them, the GOP nominee
for presidents promising a new headquarters, and they funded the
Congress already funded that before Trump promised to build it
in DC. The Congress already funded it. They're the real
bad guys in the whole thing too. Not only have
they not punished them, they built them. They put in

the money into the budget building the organization that is
attacking America. Building them a brand new building, So why
wouldn't they answer questions that way? Frankly, if you're one
of the dirty comedies at the FBI and you answer
those questions any other way, you're a fool. Because Dad

has come in the room already a times, sorry about that,
a thousand times, snickering telling you it's no big deal,
half laughing while he told you to go back to bed.
That's what a gop hearing is. If the gop hearing
is not backed up by anything tangible that hurts. I

can walk in the room and half yell at my
son's a thousand times. They're gonna keep staying up. I
walk in one time and say, okay, guess who's grounded.
You don't get to hang out with your friends this weekend. Sorry,
I all of a sudden will stop having problems of
the boys staying up. Human beings need punishment. I wish

we didn't. I wish it wasn't the case. If we
are unwilling, if we on the right, if we are
unwilling to visit fear in pain on the communists, we
cannot win. It's not possible to win without them feeling pain.
I know nursery rhyme. Conservatism has told you, in me,

for the entirety of our lives, that we can be
better than that and with bah bah bah, and that's
not who we are. And all the lame things you've
heard over and over and over and over and over again.
But those things are antithetical to human nature. Human nature
doesn't work that way. Dirty evil communists are going to
continue carpet bombing this culture until someone visits fear and

pain on them. Legal fear and pain. I'm talking talking
about you. I'm not talking about anything illegal unless these
people fear pain. Imagine, imagine this, Imagine the conversations that
would be going on inside the walls of the FBI
with FBI leadership right now. If Congress had just passed

a bill reduction in costs in their budget, not not
even would I want one hundred percent? Let's you know what,
forget about that, forget fifty ten. If Congress had just
taken ten percent of the FBI's budget away, there would
be an all hands on deck meeting with the FBI.

What do we do? Oh my gosh, this is a disaster.
We didn't cut ten cents, Why would they change? And
We're not done with all this punishment stuff. We'll get
to more of those things. First, I need to address
this Clay and Buck situation. Obviously, this is going to
get pretty heated. I'm going to try to make sure
it doesn't get too personal, but we're going to address

that here in a moment. Before I address that, let's
address Done for You real Estate. Let's address you and me.
You know what would be a really cool legacy. Something
I think about a lot now is what am I
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to hand them when I die? What do they get
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you know that people who have worked with Done for
You real Estate, they've handed these rental homes down to
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This isn't that freaking cool? And Done for Your real
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Done for you, Jesse dot com. All right, all right,

it's time to address this clean buck situation. Next
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