All Episodes

May 15, 2024 38 mins

Letting your emotions get the best of you and voting angry. Mike Johnson and the Hastert Rule. Falling thru a hammock onto the midnight jungle floor. Another win for local school districts. The communist is pushing a civil war without realizing just how bad it would be in the end.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on
a Tuesday, and what a Tuesday it is. I get
the I mean this Mike Johnson thing, you know what.
I'll address this really quickly here and then I'm gonna
tell you my hammock story. It just ticks me off.
The dag gone bad. So Mike Johnson, failed Speaker of

the House, has given Democrats everything. Then, by the way,
we're gonna go over some financial stuff this hour and
Hammick's story and emails and other things. But Mike Johnson
failed Speaker of the House. He was in trouble with
his own party obviously, because he keeps passing Democrat bills.
Keeps passing Democrat bills. That's it. Majority of Democrats, minority

of Republicans continue to vote for his bills while we
have the speakership. That should never happen. It's known as
the Hastart rule. It should never happen when you're speaker
passing something with the majority of the other party and
a minority of yours. That he's stundy consistently and because
he needed cover from the right and Trump needs allies

in Congress. Trump has publicly voiced his support for Mike Johnson,
and so Mike Johnson's now doing the me and Trump
are best friends thing. And he made an appearance today
at Trump's trial in Manhattan. This ridiculous farce of a
show trial going on. We don't even talk about it.
It's so stupid and ridiculous anyway, So Mike Johnson makes

an appearance there. I came here on my own to
support President Trump because I am one of hundreds of
millions of people and one citizen who is deeply concerned
about this. That's what he said. And you know I
was given Biden a bunch of crap last hour for this.
Remember we were Biden got up and he said this.

Speaker 2 (01:54):
On tariff on luxury vehicles made in China. People say, wow,
because we're not let China flood our market make it
impossible for American auto manufacturers to compete fairly.

Speaker 1 (02:07):
But it's all a lie because the car has actually
come from Mexico, so it doesn't apply to anything. It's
just a lie. Mike Johnson is so concerned about the
law fair taking place against Trump. He's so concerned about
these ridiculous prosecutions. Persecutions is what they are. That he
has fully funded the Department of Justice every single time

he's had the opportunity. In fact, to date, Mike Johnson
has not even asked for a nickel in cuts to
the DOJ. And that is the ultimate and GOP thing.
I mean, I gave Biden the Democrats a bunch of
crap for it last hour. We might as well make
it the GOP. Before I go tell my hammock story,

I'm here to support Trump, support Trump. I'm worried about this.
I'm worried about this prosecution by stand with Trump, Maga baby.
Next day he's back in DC voting to fully fund
the whole Dagone thing just lies without end, lies without end.
It just steems me. Whatever. We're moving on because I'm

gonna tell a story. Why am I gonna tell this story?
Because it's a slow news day and I haven't told
it in a while, and I have a bunch of
emails to get to and I feel like telling it.
That's why. Does it have anything to do with politics?
Is this gonna tie back to modern day? Absolutely not? Nope,
absolutely not. So let me tell you a story about
a hammock. You see, when I was in the Marines.

When you're in the Marine Corps, you will, at least
as a grunt, as an infantry guy, you will go
to various locations to study various kinds of warfare, not
to make you an expert in any area, but so
you have some base of knowledge should combat pop up wherever.

So we had things like mountain warfare training, and we
would go to the mountains and we'd learn not tying
and surviving in the cold and rock climbing and things
like that. You'd have winter training, you'd have to go
learn I dig down in the stove, find a place
to sleep. You understand, desert training, all these different things.
Jungle warfare training was part of this, and for us,

it was part of our deployment. Now this is pre Iraq,
So I don't know if it still works like this,
but pre Iraq, every two years, pre Global War on Terror,
I should say pre Iraq, pre Afghanistan. Every two years,
you would spend six months overseas, and that looked way

different depending on which unit you were with. Sometimes you
were on a boat floating to Australia to hit on
Australian women for US. We were put in Japan for
six months, stationed in Okinawa, Japan, and then from there
we would branch out and do different kinds of training,
and part of this was jungle warfare training in Thailand.

They still do it today. This training program, it's incredible.
It's called Cobra Gold. It's what it's called. Go look
it up, Cobra Gold. It still exists. I'm sure it's changed.
But we essentially get on a boat in Japan and
we cruise over to Thailand and they begin. I think
it's a month long if I remember right. It's pretty
rough conditions, but you're not necessarily in the field. You're

on a base, but it's it's Thailand. It's not exactly luxurious,
and you're learning how to fight in the jungle, how
to survive in the jungle, how to do various things
in the jungle. And one thing you quickly quickly learn
is the jungle is an awful place. I'm sure it
probably comes through the microphone. The respect I have for
Vietnam veterans, and it's not that I don't respect all veterans.

I do. I will tell you right now, full disclosure.
I have an elevated level of respect for them for
two different reasons. One because their government completely screwed them
over and did them wrong, And that breaks my heart.
When you do that to patriots and war war and
you lose friends with an evil government, that sucks. That's one. Two.

They fought in the jungle. Almost immediately when we started
working in the jungle and training in the jungle. It's
just it became so apparent how Knight marish. The environment
is one all the little annoyances that add up. You know,
it doesn't come across in the movies, but it does

affect you when you're constantly slapping mosquitoes off of you.
It does affect you when look when we would go
on humps in the woods or in the woods in
the jungle, every time we stopped, you had to drop
your pants in front of everyone else. And I'm not
talking about Kamala Harris. You had to drop your pants
in front of everyone else, and you and a friend

had to inspect you to see what leeches crawled up
your pant legs or down your hips, and where have
they attached themselves to you? Your burning leeches off your
buddy with the lighter worth thinking to ourselves this place sucks.
The snakes there were cobra's right in front of us,

of course, cobra gold, that's the name of it. It's
the little things add up. You can't see anything in
the jungle. There's no visibility at all. And it made
more sense once we started training there the Vietnam guys
who would talk about how you would just walk right
into an ambush and the guy would be five feet
away and you had no idea and you're thinking, wow,

five feet surely you could see him at five feet. No,
you can't. You can't see anything. And it's dark. They
don't show you that. But in triple canopy jungle, and
this is gonna come into play for our story here.
It's so dark during the day it feels like the evening.
At night time, it feels like you were on the

dark side of the moon. When I tell you, you
can put your hand in front of your face and
not even make out the outline of it because there's
no light coming through. I mean there's no light coming through.
It's black. There are too many canopies above you of jungle,
and you just get the moon the stars and they're
not getting through at all. But back to the creatures. Now,

we were young, stupid marines, so obviously we would play
with them in the most dangerous ways possible. And the
tie guys quickly stepped in and said, please stop playing
with that. That will kill you. Please stop doing that. No,
don't light that on fire. Oh yeah, Chris, tiger marks
on the trees and everything else. But the deadly animals
crawling around on the ground, They're everywhere. And so as

we're going through this training, the Marines always do this.
I'm sure they probably do it in the Army, only
it's a lot softer because it's the army. Stop anyway,
I'm sure they do it in the army. But when
you do a training cycle like this, you'll learn this,
and you'll learn that, and you'll learn this, and you'll
learn that. And at the end there's always some job giganic,
usually brutal final exercise where you're supposed to go put

all the training you received together in one big field exercise.
Thailand was no different. Cobra Gold was no different at
the end of it. And I'm gonna screw up these
numbers because it's been so many years ago. I believe
it was five days at the end of our jungle
warfare training in Thailand, we had to do a five
day field exercise. That meant you're loading up your pack.

Everything you need, food and everything else has to be
in your pack. They would bring water along, but other
than that, you're packing it all. So you're humping all
kinds of weight and you're throwing it on your back
and you're walking into the jungle mountains of Thailand and
you're going to go live in the jungle for five
days and do that. Now, part of that was hammocks.

They had to hand us hammocks. You needed a hammock
for two critically important reasons. Believe me when I tell
you both of those reasons are important. One, you cannot
sleep on the ground, or at least you can't sleep
on the ground safely in the jungle. I didn't even
mention the friggin' ants. You just you don't just lay
down in a sleeping bag on the ground in the jungle.

You wake up with a cobra attached to your face
and you're saying your goodbyes to your mom. So you
just can't do it that in the bugs. And that
brings me to my first night in the Thai jungle.
And we'll get to that in a moment. Before we
get to that, I'll wrap up that story. We get
to some emails and some financial stuff. Let's get to
my pillow. You see that night, that first terrible, terrible

night in Thailand. I can't even tell you what I
would have given for some my pillow stuff. I could
have had my pillows sandals cruising around the jungle. I
could have had a MyPillow pillow. In fact, even I
could afford it, even as a young, very poor marine
back then, because my pillow probably added twenty five dollar
extravaganza sale like they do right now, where you can

get a two pack of multi use my pillows for
twenty five dollars. The sandals, I'm telling you, if you
buy one pair of Sandals, I bet you money you
end up buying two or three more pair, And if
you happen to let your sons try them on, they'll
steal them from you and you'll have to go get
a new set. Anyway. Those are twenty five dollars now too.
The premium my pillows twenty five dollars. Twenty five dollars here,

twenty five dollars there go to MyPillow dot com. Click
on the radio listeners special square and use the promo
code Jesse and take advantage of the twenty five dollars
extravaganza sale. Go drape yourself in my pillow and I'll
finish my hammock story. Thanks. You're listening to the Jesse

Kelly Show. You're welcome. It is the Jesse Kelly Show
on a Tuesday. Membery, you can email the show Jesse
at Jesse kellyshow dot com and get to some emails
some financial matters in a minute. But I'm finishing up
my hammock story, So if you missed the background, I'm
not gonna go over all of it. I was in

the Marines. We were doing jungle warfare training in Thailand.
We're starting our final field exercise, facing like five nights
in the Thailand jungle, and were given hammocks. Now, these
hammocks were required to sleep in them at night. You
want to sleep in them at night because you can't
sleep on the ground. But they're not necessarily the kind

of hammock you would put up in your backyard, just
that lovely looking kind of white thing with holes in
it where you sip on a lemonade and take a
nap in the afternoon. These are hammocks you slip into.
There's a top and a bottom. It's a big sleeve
that's to keep the bugs and things off of you,
to keep trying to keep the elements out. It was
an ordeal setting up a place to sleep in the jungle.

So we get there the very first night, and again cobras, creepy.
Crawley's the size of my hand, and I have huge hands.
Are you looking on the simulcast? You know you can
watch a simulcast of the radio show on the first TV.
I have huge hands. There were spiders bigger than my hands,
bigger than my hands, just everywhere, and so we've seen

all these things. When a time comes to set up
our hammocks, it's getting dark, Like I said, it's getting
dark quickly, and we tie up our hammocks, and I
get mine tied up as well, and we all test
them out. And they're doing a good job meeting, we're
testing the Knox, and we know what we're doing. We've
tied up our hammocks. Now I was given first watch firewatch.

I was the first one basically on duty. I had
to stay awake, stand there by myself, not talking to
anybody in the jungle, and you just kind of keep
a lookout on things. That's part of firewatch. It's part
of stand and watch. That was a long way of saying.
By the time my first watch, my watch was over,
it was pitch black black. I now have to strip

down to my skivies, just my underwear and a T shirt.
You want your socks off, you want your pants off,
because you have to let your body breathe. In the jungle,
everything's always wet, and you just you have to strip
down at night. You have to. So I stripped down.
I am in my underwear and a T shirt and
I carefully. You gotta be careful, you're fall over. Carefully.

I slip into this hammock in the pitch black and
I'm brutally tired. Everyone is. It's a brutal day. And
I'm thinking to myself, oh, finally I get to go
to sleep, and at least I'm off the ground. And
it is what it is, and so I try to
move in the hammock. Now, I'm not going to complain

to you about being tall. I'm really genuinely not because
people love to be tall, and I love to be tall.
I'm not complaining about it. Chicks, dig it. The wife
was all over me, couldn't keep her hands off. What Chris,
It's true. No, I like being tall, but there are
disadvantages to being too tall. I'm six ' eight. I

went to shift around in the hammock. The hammock is
not made for six eight people. My feet press on
the end of it because I'm completely bent over and
I'm curled up. I should say not bent over, I'm
curled up in this whole thing. I try to stretch
out just a little bit and boom, the bottom of

the hammock that's tied to the tree blows out. And
I need to clarify what I mean when I say
blows out. I didn't say the string the rope broke.
It did not come untied. The rope that filtered through
the hammock blew out of the hammock, as in, you're

not putting it back in there. I am now laying
in my underwear on the jungle floor with things crawling
all over me. Immediately like it's an Indiana Jones movie.
All my buddies, because you can imagine what I'm saying
at the time. It's not for children's ears, I'll tell
you that much. All of my buddies think it's the

funniest thing they've ever heard in their life, and so
they're making it worse by making fun of me, which
is awesome. That's what dudes are supposed to do. And
I found myself the very first night in Thailand's jungle,
in the pitch black, doing it only by feel like

I'm Helen Keller trying to tie this hammock up and
Jimmy Riggott in some way that will allow me to
sleep off the ground. So I stood there bare feet
while centipedes and who knows what else we're crawling over
the top of me. And that is my hammock story. Now, kids,

you still want to join the Marines? Sound like a
good time anyway. This stuff drives me crazy.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
And I have nam Joe Widen I were or Kamal Hars.
I asked her to be my vice president. I know
I needed somebody smarter than me.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
I know everyone loves that. I understand that even norms,
even even normy Republicans, they love that routine. I will
tell you, out of the president, out of all men,
I really despise it for the most part, but out
of the president it irks me so so badly, and
I hate that he even feels like he has to
do that in this go I'm just a stupid old OAF.

If I didn't have a woman to help me out,
I wouldn't be able to wipe off my poopy poop.
I cannot stand that mentality in it. You know what,
I'm gonna let it go. I'm gonna get to some emails.
Jesse I said something about, uh there. You know, I've
been telling you a long time that they're gonna dump
by Biden at the convention, and someone was asking me

about that. Do I well, how do I think that's
gonna go? And why do I think they're gonna dump
them at the convention? To tell you what, we'll talk
about that in a moment, and then we'll get to
some other emails. Some great wins are happening out there
right now, including this. Ultrasounds. Ultrasounds might be the most
invaluable tool the pro life community has ever gotten their

hands on. Ever. Ultrasounds what they do is they turn
the clump of cells into a baby in the mind
of a mother who's getting ready to kill it. That's
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it's a clump of cells, it doesn't matter. But when

she lays down and she hears the heartbeat, she chooses life.
Almost every single time, that's what Preborn does. They give
women who are seeking out abortions, they find them, they
give them free ultrasounds, and almost every time when they
get them in for the ultrasound, just get them in

for the ultra sound, she will choose life. Twenty eight
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Twenty eight dollars. You can save a life. I think
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give you twenty eight bucks. Tonight preborn dot com slash

jesse sponsored by Preborn. Feeling a little stocky, Follow like
and subscribe on social at Jesse Kelly Show. It is
the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. Remember if you
missed any part of the show, you can download the
whole thing on Iheartspotify iTunes. Don't forget to subscribe on

iTunes and leave a five star rating in a review
discussing how handsome I am. I have a couple things
I'm gonna get to. I want to get to some
emails before I get to finance stuff, these good things.
I get these emails a lot, and I love them.
I adore them. Send them to me when you have them, Jesse,
I ran from my local school board after the bureaucrats

physically and emotionally abused our children during the COVID lockdown
and masking era. I now sit on my children's school
board as a proud anti communist megapatriot. It's my goal
to make sure liberal communist democrat filth never comes into
my school district in any of its insidious forms. I

have no shame, and I have no embarrassment, and I
will do whatever I need to do to protect our
children from DEI maskers, trainnies and commies. Keep the faith
and keep doing the work that you do. Feel free
to share my name, and his name is David. That
is how it's done. That is a human being who
didn't just get angry. Angry's fine, plenty of good reasons

to be angry. He got angry and he did something
about it. He did something about it. I love that
I freaking love that. Good for him. Good for him,
By the way, Chris, while I read this next email,
do me a favorite and grab something. Grab that Mitch
McConnell bit where he talks about the most important thing
in the world is Ukraine, because I thought about I

thought about that when I listened to this. Hey Jesse,
I'm a small time farmer. I raise pigs, chickens, and
I have a milk cow. I make money off my
milk products, cheeses, butter, sour cream, et cetera. So she
pays for herself and fresh milk products, so on and
so forth. But we are struggling to keep afloat. I'll

skip all the details he puts in under there about
the pig feed and how everything's gone up, and everything
she puts in here. My husband works in the oil
field and he's lucky to get thirty hours a week.
Right now, it has sucked the last three years. I'm
sixty two and I'm back to grooming dogs two days
a week to keep our heads above water. I run

two home based businesses out of my home. The food
is doing okay, but not like it was even two
years ago. My regulars are not spending like they used to.
We are all struggling, and I'm worried. We are one
of those who have maxed out credit cards again after
getting them paid off under Trump to keep the live

stock fed and our old vehicles running. I'm not sure
what we're going to do if the oil field doesn't
pick up. I hate Obiden and what they have done
to this country, the wokeness, the spending was Trump perfect. No,
but at least I can honestly say he loves this country.
Obiden hates it. Thanks for listening to me complaining. She
didn't say I complain. I live in Wyoming. Our governor sucks.

You can use my name. I don't give a crap
who hears it. Her name is Tammy. These stories are everywhere, now, man,
they're everywhere. Now here's a headline. McDonald's is considering a
five dollars value meal amid underperforming sales. Now, I don't

expect you to care about McDonald's, and I'm not here
to campaign on behalf of McDonald's. But there's testimony, recent
public testimony. Carolroth was actually talking about this. How alarming
it is that McDonald's is announcing they're losing customers. People
now can't afford to eat at McDonald's. No matter how

things now, no matter how bad things normally get. Most
of the time the fast food, basic, really cheap stuff.
People still eat there even during a bad economy. McDonald's.
There's a line not anymore headline according to the Department
of Labor. This is from Breitbart. More mothers are working

before the pandemic. This one's from Wall Street Silver. The
median mortgage payment in the USA has reached oh my gosh,
two thousand, eight ninety four dollars per month. That's the
median mortgage. That's a new record. The only people with

affordable housing, he says, are those who have owned their
homes locked into a cheap rate below four percent a
few years ago. Renters and people are being crushed. I mean,
I get these emails and it kills me. It kills me.
People are suffering and they can't afford it, and women
are having to go back to work, and people are
taking on two jobs, and they're maxing out credit cards

and they're draining their savings and they're just trying to
keep their heads above water. And this is what we
get out of the GOP. I'm going to try to
help it.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
Explain to the American people that defeating the Russians in
Ukraine is the single most important event going on in
the world right now.

Speaker 1 (24:38):
Man, imagine sitting there at sixty two, taking on an
extra job with maxed out credit cards, not sure how
you're going to make it through another year, and the
most powerful Republican in DC has repeatedly said his top
priority is Ukraine emails. We're moving on. Hey, Jesse, the

idea that some voters have of voting against Donald because
they're disappointed with a few things is interested to me.
Interesting to me, he says. And side note, I agree
with your frustrations with Trump regarding the FBI and otherwise.
But if someone is going to vote for Biden or
RFK just because they're angry with Trump, and let's say
their preferred candidate wins, how much more angry are they

going to be in four years? Voting against someone is
not a solution. Emotions maybe might be the death of
us all. I think you get my drift and can
elaborate more eloquently. I'm just sick of people using emotion
over reason. And this is from Zach. Well, okay, your
reasoning there, Zach is my reasoning. I told you I've

always been honest with you about how I'm going to vote,
who I'm going to vote for, and I don't even
know why I feel obligated to be honest with you
about that. I'm voting for Donald Trump in the general election.
I told you at the beginning of the primary that
I was going to vote for Rondo Santis in the primary,
but after the primary was over, I was going to
vote for whoever the Republican nominee was going to be.
I told you that many, many, many times. I've always

been open and honest about that. I, however, have never
judged you if you've gone a different way for whatever reason.
If you were an R the diehard Trump person who
was going to vote for Trump in the primary, I've
never tried to talk to you out of that. No,
I wouldn't good for you, go back Trump whatever. I
don't care, as long as you have good reasons, your

own reasons, your own personal reasons for voting the way
you vote. Now, I want to address what Zach said here.
What he said in general is why I'm voting for Trump,
no matter what. Trump was light years better than Biden,
and yes, I have problems with Trump, and I admit
those when I have them. It's not perfect, of course,
but light years better than Biden. That's what we've got.

I'm going to vote for Donald Trump in the general
election in November. However, you talked about voting angry and
your emotions getting the best of you, and I understand
completely what you're saying. I'm not saying that's a stupid
email or a stupid thought. However, remember this, many, many,

many people are sick and tired of GOP betrayal after
GOP betrayal, and they have decided that they are done
voting for the lesser of two evils. Now, if you're
an anti Trump person and you're mad at Trump about

whatever it may be, his manner, vaccine stuff, at me,
I don't care what it is, whatever, whatever. If you're
an anti Trump person on the right and you're voting
against Donald Trump out of spite for something you disagree
with him on, while I'm not going to vote the
way you're going to vote, I actually support you. And
here's why. You are taking issues that are important to you,

you care enough about it, and you're acting on that.
And if you're a if somebody who wants Donald Trump
to win like I do in November, then that can
be hard to hear, right, right, Yeah, I go ahead,
support whoever you want. But I always come at this,
and I always will come at this this way. I
try to do the best I can see the bigger picture,

and I try to see the bigger problem, and our
biggest problem in this society is people don't vote, and
if they do vote, they don't vote with any knowledge
or care about something. You say people shouldn't vote angry.
I say that's exactly how people should vote. If you're
not angry at the constant betrayals by our own side,

the McConnell's of the world. If you're not angry at that,
then I don't know what to tell you. And you can.
You can only kick dirt in the face of the voter.
So many times, this is something both party does. Both
parties do. They take votes for granted, and they get
used to kicking dirt in your face because voters will

prove over and over and over again that they will
take it for a while. But I'm telling you, after
a while, people have had enough of that crap and
they demand better. So I agree with the email in principle.
But I also disagree and that if you're angry about it,
if you're angry about Biden, if you're angry at Biden,
and that's why you're voting for Trump, I support that

you have a reason to vote the way you vote, period,
end of story. As long as it's a good reason,
and it's your reason, then you don't give away your
vote for anybody, not for anyone, not for me, your wife, husband, mom, dad, nobody.
The only power you have is your vote. You don't
give it away. All right, all right, let's do some emails.

I have another wonderful little tidbit. We just talked about
that school board victory. Oh there's more. There's more to
get to. Also, some bad news about the illegals and whatnot.
But before we do any of that, I have some
good news about the pain you experience in your life.
Everyone does. These bodies of ours do not last forever.
They do not. Eventually, the joints start to hurt, muscles,

net back. I told you my back. I blew it
out on a Sunday when I was lifting relief factors
there for us. They're there for me. You see. Dealing
with pain is something we must do. You can't just
ignore it because then you don't sleep, you're crabby with people.
But dealing with it in a healthy way is the
most important thing. Don't go grab the ivy profen bottle

when your back hurts. Take relief Factor every day. Relief
Factor helps support your body's natural response to inflammation, natural
drug free. They sell three week quick start kits. Give
them a call on eight hundred the number four Relief.
That's one eight hundred, the number four relief. Go now.

It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. It's
an amazing Tuesday. Why because I am here, That is
why it's an amazing Tuesday. Chris. You can email us
Jesse at jesse kellyshow dot com. Let's get to some
of those emails. Jesse. I can't believe it. I'm listening
to you way too long every day, and your brainwashing

legal and local got to me. I'm getting involved in
my church to organize a Memorial Day celebration. I love
the show. That's freaking awesome. Remember getting involved. It doesn't
have to be miserable, and it doesn't mean you have
to run for Congress or a Senate or something like that. Yeah, honestly,

you don't even have to run for school board. I
bring that up a lot because those are so critical
for us. Are you involved in your church, are you
involved in the HOA? Are you involved in anything? Or
have we just simply seeded all the seats of power
to the communist scum around us. They are involved, They

really genuinely are. Because they're on a religious mission to destroy.
We have to do the same. But there's so many opportunities.
They're because they're everywhere. Opportunities are everywhere for us to
get involved. Howdy Jesse. On one of your shows, you said,
of drones were used against citizens, the operators would be

hunted down and killed. I got to think about the
IEDs used against US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why
in the world would we not destroy the factories that
were making these I don't think the US fights to win,
so on and so forth, he said, I'm just venting. Okay, first,
I'll start at the back end. We always were locating
and destroying places we found that were making IEDs, but

they didn't exactly advertise this is an IED factory one
and two. So many of the IED quote factories aren't
necessarily factories, and that was a huge benefit. It's a
huge benefit for them when you're fighting that kind of war.
It's not really a factory. It's my extra bedroom in
my apartment. Yeah, that that's what they would do, because

you don't when you have a guy who's making them.
He's not trying to make five hundred a day. He
may may bring in just enough material to make one.
So that was one two in regards to what he
said about drones. But this is just one of those
things that people don't want to think things through. They

don't want to follow things to their logical conclusion, especially communists.
You see communists dream about hurting you. They always have,
they always will. The communists want to hurt you. They
want the free I should say, they want the freedom
to hurt you if you don't comply. Why do you?
Why do you? I think they're so all about gun
control in the matter of I'm.

Speaker 2 (34:02):
Most significant gun safety law in nearly thirty years, which matters.
As I've mourned with you in Atlanta, Monterey Park and
half Moon Bay, been there to meet the families together.
We won't stop until we finally ban assault weapons as well.

Speaker 1 (34:18):
They want to hurt you, that's why. And so because
communists dream about turning guns on you, that's why they
love the FBI. Now they love that the FBI is
shooting you, arresting you, hunting you down. They'll fall in
love the military soon. You know how they've always hated
the military because it was always patriotic. You'll start to
see more and more they'll fall in love with it
as the military goes communists because they love the guns.

They want to use those guns on you. But they've
never really fully understood how armed this country is. And
they've never fully grasped what would happen if the military
is used on the American citizens. They've never walked through
that at all. In the mind of the communists, he'll

just send in the Marines and kill all the Republicans
who doesn't like and that everything works out great for
the end. And so you'll hear you've probably seen this online,
maybe you've even talked to someone in person. You can't
take on the government. The government has drones. They'll just
send a reaper drone. Reaper drones have pilots. If the

US government, god forbid ever, were to start sending drone
strikes against its own citizens. And let's say, do you
decide you're going to drone strike my house. Maybe I'm
not home and I come home to a smoldering ruin
that used to be a house with a wife, two kids,
and a dog in there. I'm gonna find you, I am,

and I'll find yours too. And I'm not the only
one who thinks like that. That's how people think, That's
how it would look. It would be the most horrible
thing in the world. And this is why I try
to explain to people who are cheering for it, don't
ever cheer for a civil war here, and don't think
for a second the government would win in the end.
They would get destroyed, but it would be so ugly

and heartbreaking and so full of loss of life. But
the communist is so wrapped up and his sick, demonic
religion of destruction that he never thinks that through at all.
They never walk through all these things at all. They
never game out what these things look like. In their head,
they see guns. They hate the other side. I could
use the guns on the other side. That's a fact. Jesse, Hey, Jesse,

Oracle Burger Master crayon eater, Your yellow shirt was a
nice change. I forgot about this lady who watches the
simulcast and judges me on my clothes, and the color
does make things seem a little larger. Why are you
called crayon eater? Her name's Gina. Okay, so crayon eater

is something insulting. The other services say about the Marine
Corps because marines tend to be more stupid, so they
say we're so stupid that we eat crayons. You know,
they call the USMC Uncle Sam's misguided children. And yeah,
that's just one of the various inner service rivalry things
they say. All right, let's talk about the US population.

Let's talk about culture, the part of illegal immigration. We
don't focus on a much because it's offensive. Let's deal
with that next. Before we deal with that, let's deal
with chalk because maybe you're gonna be offended by what
we're going to talk about. And if that's the case,
it's not the end of the word. It just means
your tea levels are too low. If you've ever written
me any kind of an email and then we get
them all the time, I'm offended you said this. It

offended me. I'm offended. I'm offended. Have you ever written
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subscription chalk dot com promo code Jesse. The part of
illegal immigration we don't talk about. We talk about crime
all the time, we talk about the burden on schools
and hospitals, But there's another part of it that may
be the worst hang on
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