All Episodes

May 10, 2024 37 mins

The covid revisionist history from the same people who ruined your life for not complying ton potentially deadly mandates. Should we be concerned about Trump not getting more of the primary vote with no one else running? Jesse’s serious problem with Clay and Buck. Sometimes God is looking out for you. Democrats are going to cart Biden out the back door and give the country a fresh face to vote for come November.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show, another hour of the
Jesse Kelly Show on every Thursday. It's been such a
great day, and I still have to discuss. You know,
I have a little story, little moving story about me
more punishment when it comes to the COVID stuff. I
think they're trying one last effort to push Joe Biden out.

Oh that's so much more emails still to come on
the Jesse Kelly Show. So it doesn't do me any
pleasure to do what I'm about to do. Everyone knows
that I am friends with Clay and Buck, or I
should say I have been friends with Clay and Buck,
and on a personal level friends. It's not just a

professional thing. Like personal friends. We used to text and
things like that. I don't I don't think that's going
to continue anymore. But anyway, here's what happened today. In fact,
I got this email. I was not aware of it.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
I'm gonna thank this email or his name is Ryan,
for letting me know, dear bean hater, I just heard
Clay and Buck chime in on their personal favorites as
far as best candy bar.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
That's the subject. Best candy bar.

Speaker 3 (01:25):
So is the food connoisseur you are, what's your go
to candy bar if you have to grab one of
the gas stations, if you're curious as to Clay and
Bucks picks, and I just I still can't. I can't
believe that what I'm about to read. In fact, I
emailed Clay and Buck about this. You should know not email,
texted them to confirm, and I have confirmation. So this

is real. This Ryan's not a liar. Clay says, he's
not a candy bar guy, but he usually goes for
peanut eminem's. But if he had to pick a candy bar,
he'd go for Twix.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
Buck, I.

Speaker 3 (02:03):
Look, it is what it is. I'm just gonna come
out and say it. Bucks was lint milk chocolate bar,
a lint like the fancy ones.

Speaker 1 (02:13):
L I n DT.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
And the guy says, but because of course he would.
Let's say you okay, let's deal with Clay right.

Speaker 4 (02:22):
Off the bat.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Of course, peanut m and ms do not count as
a candy bar at all. Twix is at least a
vaguely acceptable answer. Twigs are okay, but chocolate peanut butter
is superior to chocolate caramel, and this is one of

those things that everyone knows. And Clay claims to be
this patriotic American, but apparently he doesn't know about that
chocolate peanut butter Twis also has the thing the caramels
for children. And let me explain why carmels for children,
because as you get older, it starts getting caught in
your teeth and stuff like that, and you don't like

it anymore. So look, obviously that's it's a ridiculous answer.
It's a bad answer. It's really really bad. I don't
want to come down too hard on Clay. It's kind
of acceptable, but it's a ridiculous answer. I want to
focus more on buck lint milk chocolate bar. I don't
know that I've ever seen.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
A lint milk chocolate bar. That's one two buck.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
Do you think Buck has ever had, Chris Michael, I'm curious.
Do you think Buck has ever had a Reese's Peanut
butter cup ever? Yes, it is a candy bar. What
do you mean, Chris? What do you call it a
candy buck? It's a candy bar, Michael. It's a candy bar,
Yes it is. I don't care that it's round bars
can be round. You've never been to a round bar.

I've been to plenty of them. I was that one
in Nashville. What Chris anyway, bars can be round? It
definitely counts Reese's pen and Reese's peanut butter cups are
vastly superior to those, and if not Reese's, then it's
got to be butterfinger. Butterfinger has been a staple of
American society since George Washington fought off the British a lint.

I don't even think that's American. That sounds like something ridiculous.
Who are these guys, biggest radio show on America? Gosh,
give me a freaking break. All right, let's talk back
about some punishment stuff before we move on. So a
lot of this stuff going on in the news right
now about punishment and whatnot. And this is why I

ranted and have been ranting so so hard about COVID reckoning.
And what do I mean by a COVID reckoning? For
you new listeners, I'm talking about punishment, legitimate, tangible punishment
for the politicians, for the medical people, the scientists, for
media people. Their needs to be punishment for these people.

So future tyrants won't do what the COVID tyrants did
to us. There has to be punishment of some kind.
And I'm not naive. I know that punishment is probably
never going to come. And why isn't that punishment going
to come? Why is it never going to come? The
real answer is because the voters don't want it. You

may want it, I may want it. But in general,
the American people they are not white hot with rage
over COVID lockdowns. In fact, they really never have been.
They may have been uncomfortable, they may have a few
people may have been frustrated. And I know I'm not
talking about you, the hyperinformed. I know you were angry.

I'm talking about the norms and normas out there. There
was never a white hot outrage aimed at COVID lockdowners.
All of them got reelected, every one of them. They
all got reelected. There was never a public appetite for
publicly flogging legally the people who push this tyranny on us.

So we never got a reckoning. And that's one of
the main reasons. The other main reason we'll never get
a COVID reckoning is everyone's guilty. It's one of those
things if everyone's guilty. Who do you punish? And who's
gonna do the punishing.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
One of the smartest emails I've ever gotten, and I've
gotten a few of these, is when I'm calling for
COVID lockdowns, people will email in and they'll just ask
the basic question, Okay, Jesse, I agree, who's gonna do it?

Speaker 3 (06:31):
Who's gonna do it? Republicans? Do you need me to
play montages of Republicans selling you vaccines, Republicans telling you
to wear masks, Republicans? Shoot, I played for you yesterday.
Republican k Ivy was just like Joe Biden blaming the
pandemic on the unvaccidated.

Speaker 1 (06:51):
Who's gonna so?

Speaker 3 (06:52):
Republicans can't? They don't have a leg to stay in
on there? None of them do I have a leg
to stay in on there? Well, I take that back.
There's like four of them, Ran Paul Thomas, a couple,
but most of them don't have a leg to stand
on it. All Democrats. They pushed the whole thing doctors.
I mean, you understand there's no place for it to
come from, but we need it. We have to have

it otherwise we get all this crap. Remember Andrew Cuomo
former governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo is as responsible
for the deaths I should. I'll put it to you
this way. Andrew Cuomo killed fifteen thousand seniors with his
COVID policy in New York. He had a policy of

putting COVID positive people in nursing homes. The people who
were vulnerable to COVID were old people. Andrew Cuomo essentially
sent poison into nursing homes and killed fifteen thousand New Yorkers.
How many New Yorkers listening to the sound of my
voice right now, lost mom or lost dad because of

Andrew Cuomo. It's a lot. It's a lot. And Andrew
Cuomo's out there now saying things like that.

Speaker 5 (08:07):
I believe if government would now say we just made
a finding that there's a new virus and everyone should
do X, Y and Z, the amount of compliance with X,
Y and Z would be much much lower than it
was at the beginning of COVID because people do not
trust the government, especially on this issue.

Speaker 3 (08:30):
I'm gonna let him keep going, but listen to how
he talks about it, almost as if he's separating himself
out from that trust. It's your fault. And this is
how so many revisionist historians operate. They act as if
it was something that happened, not something they did. Stalin

was actually masterful at this. He's one of the greatest
at this. I mean worst, but greatest, you know what
I mean. Stalin would have these huge purges because he
was always worried about his political opponents, someone taking away
his power, and so Stalin would have his henchmen go
just start executing people by the tens of thousands. He'd
go into a province of region and he'd say, all right,

fifty thousand people dead, get it done. And he'd just
have all these people killed, and eventually the public would
be mad or there'd be some kind of outcry. Then
Stalin would get up and be all, I cannot believe
this happened.

Speaker 2 (09:25):
I am gonna dig into whoever did these things, and
there's gonna be punishment. And then he'd take the guys
who he ordered to go kill everyone, and he'd put
them on trial and he'd have them executed, and then
he'd rinse and repeat it. He'd do it again and
again and again. This is what these people do.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
The public. Oh, you're right about that, Andrew Cuomo.

Speaker 3 (09:46):
I mentioned it. I mentioned it a million times during COVID.
One of the many reasons all this insanity is bad
is what are we going to do in the future
if a real big boy virus comes knocking, and it
might or these plagues, these diseases are the common theme
throughout history. There's always one floating out there that can

wipe you out. Well, next time, who's gonna believe them?

Speaker 1 (10:12):
You me?

Speaker 5 (10:13):

Speaker 1 (10:14):
You know I ain't all right. I'm gonna let him
finish in a moment.

Speaker 3 (10:16):
We'll talk about more about this punishment stuff and get
to more emails and several things like that before we
do that. This is part of the reason I am
grateful for some of the COVID stuff though, And the
reason I'm grateful is it woke me up to so
many things. It really really woke me up to the
pharma industry in this country. And I'm not anti medicine, right,

I understand there are so many medicines that improve lives
and save lives. But our big pharma industry is really
really bad and it's really evil. And I started looking
for more natural ways to improve things. That's how I
got to know chalk, you know, you know how I
got to know Chalk. They were getting banned on social
media because they were so against COVID lockdowns and masking

and stuff. That's how hardcore Chalk is. So that's where
we found each other. And I discovered the male Vitality
Stack natural herbal supplements that jack your tea levels through
the roof. Gentlemen, you want to feel like a million bucks,
more energy, better mood. Ladies, they have female vitality stacks
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First c hoq dot com promo code Jesse Chuck dot
com promo code Jesse.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
We'll be back.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday, reminding
you that tomorrow tomorrow is an Ask Doctor Jesse Friday,
and we are going to have a blast. Send me
your questions now, email them in Jesse at Jesse kellyshow
dot com.

Speaker 1 (11:54):
Ask me anything.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
Right, Let's get back to this punishment stuff, and I'm
gonna move off this quickly because I have a bunch
of other stuff I want to get to. But look,
we could go down the list here. Headline Legacy Media
acknowledges possible injury from the COVID vaccine really acknowledges possible injury.
That's good, that's from the Daily Wire. But where was

that at the time, no questioning, And they're doing this
thing now where they play dumb. You remember, remember this
was a conversation Don Lemon had. Don Lemon had, you.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Know what, I'll finish.

Speaker 1 (12:34):
I'll finish the Andrew Cuomo thing in just a moment.

Speaker 3 (12:36):
So I want I want to come back to this
really quickly, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo said that.

Speaker 6 (12:40):
People who are getting injecting drugs for animals and horse
and people telling them to.

Speaker 3 (12:48):
That was Chris Cuomo. Now Chris Clomo's out there saying this.

Speaker 6 (12:51):
I am taking a what do they call it, like
a regular dose? You know whatever. They they're trying to
build up of ivermectin. It's cheap, it's not owned by anybody,
and it's used as an anti microbial, anti viral in
all of these different ways and has been for a
long time. They were wrong to play scared on that

didn't know that at the time, know it now admitted.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
They didn't know. We didn't know.

Speaker 3 (13:19):
I knew there was all kinds of information out there.
Back to the Andrew Cuomo thing, listen to this.

Speaker 5 (13:25):
You're right to go out for a walk in the park. Fine,
don't infect me. You don't have a right to infect me.
If you are going to be in a situation in
public where you may come into contact with other people,
in a situation that is not socially distanced, you must

have a mask now, Andrew Cuomo today, I believe if
government would now say we just made a finding that
there's a new virus and everyone should do X, Y
and Z, the amount of compliance with X, Y and
Z would be much much lower than it was at
the beginning of COVID because people do not trust the government,

especially on this issue, the way they did at the beginning,
and that would be a complicating factor, right when you
have people who just don't listen because government had no
capacity to enforce any of this. You must wear a mask,
and people wore masks in New York. But if they

said I'm not wearing a mask, there was nothing I
could do about it. You must close your private business.

Speaker 6 (14:42):
I won't.

Speaker 5 (14:44):
Well, there was nothing I could really do about it. It
was really all voluntary and it was extraordined.

Speaker 3 (14:50):
I'm going to let this go before I get upset,
But Why are they getting away with this now? The
Cuomo brothers, everybody, Burks is out there talking about vaccine
and all of them. Why are they getting away with
it now? They're getting away with it now because we
didn't punish them yesterday. And what they're going to do
now is they're all going to scrub what they did.

They're all going to absolve themselves as any risk of
any responsibility.

Speaker 5 (15:17):

Speaker 3 (15:17):
I mean, I couldn't have even enforced it. Well, we
didn't know well this and that, and they're going to
ride off into the sunset. The people who have abused
us without end and really altered America in permanent ways.
What we did during COVID altered America in ways that
we still have not come back from. Will we ever,
I don't know. But the people who did it are

never going to own it because we didn't punish them
for it. Punishment is good and right, and it is
necessary if you want to have a just planet, a
just society.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
That's a fact. All right.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
Let's get to some emails before I get to other things,
including a story God looking out for me and well,
you know what.

Speaker 1 (16:00):
And Joe Biden, Joe Biden, I think.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
The system is getting ready to try to push him
out one.

Speaker 7 (16:08):
Moak so and if you look at the data, these
demonstrations are real, but they're not near I mean, look,
and everybody's I made a speech on the Holocaust the other.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
Day, what Jesse bilingual Kelly, not that there's anything wrong
with that. Should we be a bit worried that Trump
seems to consistently get only seventy eight to eighty percent
of the primary vote against nobody. Some of this twenty
percent are not going to come home this November. This
literally could cost him a close election. Okay, well, let's

cover this. We talked about it before, but let's cover
this again in general historically, and we talked about this
during the primary. How it has always worked is people
in a heated primary, they all dig their heels in
and say, I'm voting for my guy and voting for
that guy. I'm never voting for him.

Speaker 3 (17:02):
I'm never we'll make it since Trump's nominee will make
it about Trump. There were all kinds of people in
the primary process, the Santists people, Nikki Hayley people.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
Maybe you're one of them.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
I'm digging in, I'm never voting for Trump, and I'm
never voting for Trump. No matter what, I'm never voting
for Trump. And yes, obviously some of those people are
telling the truth. If you said that, I believe you, you
probably aren't telling the truth. And that's fine, that's your choice.
But historically everyone comes home, most people, not everyone, most
people come back home and vote for the nominee nominee.

That is how it's gone. Every single time. They all
swear they won't, and in the end they always do.
I'm on my life, I swear I've said it before too,
that I'm not voting for that. I'm not voting for
Romney if we nominate him.

Speaker 3 (17:44):
I freaking voted for Romney. I bet you money, I
said it out loud. If I didn't, I thought it.
But I came home too. But that brings us to
the primaries now. And this is something I've brought up
on the show, and it is it is a cause
for concern. It is why why are we still losing
twenty percent? Why is Trump still losing twenty percent of

the Republican vote in all these primary states when he's
the nominee. Everyone else has dropped out. We'll talk about
that briefly, and then we'll get to some other things
in just a moment. Before we talk about those other things,
let's talk about rough Greens. Let's talk about keeping our
dogs alive.

Speaker 1 (18:26):

Speaker 3 (18:28):
You see, we need nutrition. Don't you take something every day?
Or if you don't, if you don't take vitamins or
something like that, do you not make sure that you
get that nutrition from your diet every day? Even I
do that. We do that for ourselves, and then we
give our dogs dog food that doesn't have any nutrition
in it at all. So let me tell you this.

Rough Greens was created by a naturopathic doctor. Naturopathic doctor
Dennis Black. It's made specifically for dogs. He's a dog freak.
He loves them. It has everything your dog needs to
live healthier and longer. Start your dog on rough Greens.
You'll see differences in your dog's coat, energy, behave your joints,

call them free jumpstart trial bags at eight three three
three three my dog or go to roughgreens dot com
slash Jesse We'll be back. Is he smarter than everyone
who knows?

Speaker 1 (19:28):
Does he think so? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (19:31):
The Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
Show, It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Who wouldn't want
to live like a refugee in America. You get free housing,
free food, free everything, even get your own special language
in screen. That's for another day.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
Let's move on.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
I want to tell you this little story before we
get back to the other news and stuff like that.
Just this little side issue before I tell you the
little story. Though one of my buddies sent me this,
I actually ended up playing it. I'm gonna play it
on my TV show tonight. This is an old news broadcast.
I have no idea why I am playing it other
than the fact that it's just pants wedding funny. This

is a local news story about a bomb threat.

Speaker 8 (20:15):
And scary moments for customers at a Kansas home depot.
Police responded to reports of a bomb threat at the
store in Wichita. A customer alerted employees a man inside
the bathroom said there was a bomb in the building.
Police were able to locate the man responsible for those comments,
and that man told police he warned other guests to
leave the restroom because he was quote fixing to blow

it up but had no intention of causing a panic.
Man also tough voice. Others in the room laughed. Understanding it.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
They called the CPS.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
You know who does that in a public restroom anyway,
you know what, Let's move on.

Speaker 3 (20:55):
So I saw this headline today and it jogged some
memories for me. And I'll get to the headline in
a moment. I'll just tell you a little story first,
and the one that older listeners will know, with new
listeners may not, So I'll give you a little background.
So I get out of the Marine Corps. This is
two thousand and four, and I grew up in a

construction family, and I went back to work in construction.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
That's just what I was doing.

Speaker 3 (21:21):
And I ended up getting involved in politics because I
started reading a lot more and I was traveling for construction.
I started running for Congress. Decided to run for Congress
out of the blue. I'd never been political. I almost
won four thousand votes, almost one end up losing. But
I want to stay in the fight. I have this
real desire to fight for the country. I want to
stay in the fight. I didn't want to give it up.

I didn't want to run for Congress anymore. I didn't
want to be a politician, but I wanted to stay
in the fight. So I decided to take a political
job in Washington, d C. I was living in Arizona
at the time, moved to Washington, d C. I took
a political job there, just one of these conservative organizations,
just fight for it. While I loved being in the fight,

I hated living in DC. We had two small kids
at the time, and it was just so blue and
everyone was so rude. And DC has a lot of
cool sites. I'd recommend you visit if you can manage
not to get shot and stabbed.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
But it's just everyone's so rude. Now.

Speaker 3 (22:21):
I don't want to make myself sound like some kind
of bumpkin, but I grew up in Montana and maybe
it's changed since then, but I will tell you, as
a rule, in Montana, this is not an abnormality. As
a rule, if you're on a two lane road, you know,
so just you and the cars coming the other way,
you wave at everyone on the way by and they

wave back at you.

Speaker 1 (22:44):
You're not some weird, super friendly freak. It's what you're
done now.

Speaker 3 (22:48):
It may just be the raise a finger up off
the seering wheel or raise a couple fingers off, but
there is an acknowledgment of the person coming the other way.
That's how That's where I grew up We moved to
Montana when I was ten.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
That's what I grew up with. In DC.

Speaker 3 (23:01):
They don't even hold the door open for you. If
you hold it open for someone else, you're never getting
a thank you. They'll probably scowl at you or something.
And I lasted a year and I'd had enough, and
my wife had had enough, and I knew I wasn't
supposed to be there. We weren't supposed to be there.
So I quit my job with no job, and I
threw the family in a mini van, that's what we

had at the time, and we started driving across the country.
I didn't even know what I wanted to do. I
was just looking for work, various political organizations, I mean,
you name it. I was turning in my resume. I
just needed to find a way to pay the bills.
We end up in Ashville, North Carolina. Ashville, North Carolina,

and because our kids were so small and there was
so much time in the car, we were always looking
for public parks where we could stop and let them
run and play.

Speaker 1 (23:54):
Their boys.

Speaker 3 (23:55):
They got to run and burn it off, let them
run in rough house and play and whatever it may be.
We're in Ashville, North Carolina, I've never been there before,
and we just fall in love with the place. This
is fifteen years ago, probably not quite that, but it's
probably pretty close to fifteen years ago. We just fall
in love with it. It's such a cool little town,

and we are so in love with Ashville that we
decide right then and there, that's where we want to move. Normally,
we were spending a day or two in these various
towns we liked. Turn in a couple resumes, hope for
a callback, you don't get anything, you move on, Let's
drive on to the next state. Keep driving. We were
so in love with Ashville. We kept extending our stay there,

desperate to try to find work. We were so desperate,
and we loved it so much that if I'd been
offered even a relatively crappy job that maybe couldn't I mean,
paying the bills would be hard. We were going to
take it, and we were just going to try to
coup on clip our way through it. And we're just
going to try to chop away, right. I wanted it

so bad. I just wanted to move to Ashville so bad.
And we couldn't get a call back, nothing, And I
remember the day. I remember driving down the road. I
remember the day we were leaving town. We were heading
out of Ashville. We'd failed. How devastated we both were.
We just crushed.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
Man, this was our spot. We had found our spot,
and we were in love with it. Even the park
was great.

Speaker 2 (25:24):
We stopped at this great park there for the boys
and everything was perfect, and we just pulled out totally bummed, bummed,
end up moving whatever to Texas. To the rest of
the story is the rest of the story. We're going
to that another time, but I'm looking at this head
woke up today to this headline from Breitbart. Ashville reparations

commission recommends guaranteed income program.

Speaker 3 (25:52):
I had a buddy. I have a buddy who lives
in Ashville now. He moved there after I was there,
and he told me, especially during the Black Lives Matter
thing that black that Ashville turned bad, really really bad.
He said it was getting really really bad and getting
really really bad. And then after the Saint George Floyd riots,
Ashville is awful. He has his house for sale as

we speak in Ashville because Ashville in the last fifteen
years has turned. I went to the communists, you know,
they've found some wonderful little community, and like they always
do the Dirty Comedies, it was always a little lefty,
you know, kind of like those Austin cities that the
Dirty Comedies figured out they had choke points they could

seize in this lovely little town. And now it's break ins.
It's misery.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
It's bad.

Speaker 3 (26:48):
It's really, really, really bad. And it makes me sad
for Ashville and the people who live there. And I
know it probably doesn't apply to nine to nine percent
of people. They won't ever move there. But I saw
this headline and it did make me sad, but it
also put a smile on my face. It's funny how
God looks out for you from time to time. How

when you want something and you're denied it, you're mad
and it hurts and you can't believe it. In Ashville
was where we were supposed to be, and then you
look back on it and you think, dang, God was
really looking out for us on that one.

Speaker 1 (27:24):

Speaker 3 (27:25):
Anyway, let's talk about the system. I think I think
they're going to make one last effort to push Joe
Biden out. Did you see this latest interview?

Speaker 4 (27:37):
Because of buying a home in the United States is
double what it was. When you look at your monthly
cost from before the pandemic, real income when you account
for inflation, is actually down since you took off this
economic growth last week, far short of expectations. Consumer confidence
maybe no surprise, is near a two year low with
less than six months to go to election day? Are

you worried that you're running out of time to turn
that around?

Speaker 7 (28:03):
We've already turned around. Look you look at the Michigan
survey for sixty five percent of American people think they're
in good shape economic ly. They think the nation's not
in good shape, but they're personally in good shape. The
pulling data has been wrong all along. No president's had
the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and
bringing down on fleshing was nine percent.

Speaker 3 (28:23):
When's the last time you heard a reporter ask him
a question like that? And if you thought that was bad, well,
do you hear what CNN pulled after?

Speaker 1 (28:33):
Hang on.

Speaker 6 (28:35):
Miss something?

Speaker 2 (28:36):
There's a podcast, get it on demand wherever podcasts are found,
The Jesse Kelly Show. It is The Jesse Kelly Show
on a Thursday.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
I am so excited.

Speaker 3 (28:51):
I'm excited that we might have one last push to
prove me right. That's the most important thing in life,
isn't it me being.

Speaker 1 (28:58):
Right about stuff?

Speaker 3 (29:00):
Remember a while ago, and I said this many times
so everyone will remember how I said, I didn't think
Biden was going to be the nominee. My thinking of
it was this, the system is not loyal to any
one person. The system's loyal to the system. Joe Biden
is simply a tool. He's been an outstanding tool for them.

He's been the most successful Democrat president in history, just
with all the illegals he's brought in. He's insured gains
for them for decades and decades and decades.

Speaker 1 (29:30):
But he is unpopular now.

Speaker 3 (29:34):
And they don't risk power for any amount of loyalty.
They don't have loyalty to individuals. And so I always
thought they were going to push him out. But it's
getting late in the game, isn't it now? To be
truth to truth be told. I always thought they were
going to push him out at the convention. You know,
we haven't had the convention yet. You have to have
the convention to push him out. But either way, so

I could turn out to be right on that, but
the effort to really push him out, to hound him out.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
It kind of died.

Speaker 3 (30:02):
Remember it flared up there for a while and we
could see it. He was getting real hard criticism and
they were coming down on him, and then it went away.
As soon as Trump became the nominee. They kind of
backed off of all that and said, Okay, we got
bigger fish to fry. Now we got to take down Trump.
It's immediately what they did. I'm getting the impression because
of the consistently terrible poll numbers of Joe Biden. I'm

getting the impression they're going to make one last push
at it, and it might be a vicious one. I
played this before, let me play it for you again.
Just forget about his stupid answer. Listen to the question.
The media doesn't ask Democrats questions like this. This is
how they ask Republican questions, where they get long speeches
about why you're a piece of trash and then they

ask you to defend it.

Speaker 4 (30:48):
Pass of buying a home in the United States is
double what it was when you look at your monthly
costs from before the pandemic. Real income when you account
for inflation, is actually down since you took off this
economic growth lass. This week, far short of expectations, consumer
confidence maybe no surprise is near a two year low
with less than six months to go to election day?

Speaker 8 (31:10):
Are you worried that.

Speaker 4 (31:11):
You're running out of time to turn that around?

Speaker 3 (31:14):
His answer doesn't even matter. That's a speech. That's what
they do to Republicans to make Republicans look stupid, and
of course Republicans go along with it. Well, I mean us,
you know, every single time, instead of fighting back. But
they don't do that to Democrats and they definitely don't
do that to Joe Biden. Then CNN backed it up
with this something that I've been talking about forever. We've

been discussing it on this show, how cold this administration is.
When people are struggling. You can tell them lots of things,
You're sorry, you'll work to make it better, that you're.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
Angry with them.

Speaker 2 (31:50):
One thing you cannot do, should never do, is tell
them that they're great.

Speaker 9 (31:55):
But you ask them what life is like and they
can't buy a bigger house because of mortgage traits. They
still when you talk about grocery prices, and so the
president has to be careful here. That sounds like somebody
in Washington telling people you're wrong and whatever your.

Speaker 2 (32:09):
Party is photoscope process it that way.

Speaker 9 (32:12):
They don't like that, definitely don't like being told they're wrong,
because it's how they're actually experiencing.

Speaker 3 (32:18):
And that's how he do That's how they've done it
time and time again. They keep bringing up the economic
issues people are suffering from and they keep blowing them off. Now,
it's not like they can change it or even want
to change it. Remember, the end goal is to burn
down the country. But you can't say that. You can't
go to somebody whose dog just got run over in

front of him in the street and say, oh, it's
not even that sad. That's the one thing you can't
say in that moment. You can't do it. And by
the way, it wasn't just CNN. They're going after him.

Speaker 7 (32:52):
I can't offer nine percent.

Speaker 10 (32:54):
Inflation was actually one point four percent when Biden was
sworn in, peaking at nine one percent in June twenty
twenty two. In New York City, one survey found rent
is rising seven times faster than wages. In California, a
condo in West Hollywood just sold for a record smashing
twenty four million dollars. Food costs also playing a role.

Grocery prices are up twenty six percent since twenty nineteen,
and fast food prices are up thirty three percent, many
consumers saying enough is enough.

Speaker 5 (33:25):
I don't mean to be broke, but for an eight
count mini an elminade fourteen dollars.

Speaker 4 (33:33):
I joke to that this was fine dining now, because
I might as well go at a sit down restaurant
and be served paper.

Speaker 3 (33:41):
I think they're gonna make another run at getting him out,
and I can.

Speaker 1 (33:45):
See, can't you see hear me out here?

Speaker 3 (33:48):
This is just the theory, and maybe I look, I
fully acknowledge this might just be me coping, trying to
be right about my prediction that I said he wouldn't
be the nominee.

Speaker 1 (33:57):
And if I'm wrong, I end up owning Buck a steak.
I have to buy Buck sex at a steak because
we have a bed on it.

Speaker 3 (34:03):
What Chris, Oh, Chris, Yeah, you're one hundred percent right.
I'm gonna find the most low end place to take him,
and you know how fancy Buck is. And we're rolling
right into waffle house for steak and eggs, and I'll
be hey, I promised, And I can't wait to see
the look on his face when they pull the steaks
out of the bags, out of the fridge and start
slicing them open and throwing them on the grill. It's

gonna be hilarious anyway. So what I'm about to say
might be cope. It might be, but hear me out.
Biden is getting it both barrels from the media. He's unpopular,
He's down in the pools. He's also got these protests
that are all over the news and they're protesting him.
He's the one calling the shots. They're all they're super

mad at Joe Biden. So the Democratic Jewish support is
mad at him, the Democratic Muslim support mad at him,
the people who can't afford a.

Speaker 2 (34:53):
Meal or mad at him. Everyone's mad at Joe Biden.
He's unpopular, he's unpopular. He's unpopular. He's unpopular. What if
What if they simply dump him at the convention because
they took all the problems they're having, dropped them in
Joe's lap and then wheeled him out the back of

the White House.

Speaker 1 (35:15):
You bring in.

Speaker 3 (35:16):
A fresh face, a fresh Democrat, whoever that may be.
He's not the one who ruined the economy.

Speaker 1 (35:22):
That was Joe.

Speaker 2 (35:24):
He's not the one who blew up the whole Israel
Palestine situation.

Speaker 1 (35:27):
That was Joe.

Speaker 2 (35:29):
He's not the one who did this. He's not the
one who did that. It was all Joe Biden.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
It wasn't me. I'm guving Newsome. I'm just here to help.
What Chris, Oh.

Speaker 3 (35:40):
Crap, you're right, Chris to'm me to stop giving him ideas.

Speaker 1 (35:43):
I should shut up. All right, I'm gonna shut up
about that. We're gonna move on to some other things.

Speaker 2 (35:47):
I'm gonna talk about the FBI real quick because they're
ramping things up.

Speaker 3 (35:51):
Another revealing moment just happened. Gop tried to try to
citizenship bill. We'll go over those things in a moment.
Before we do that, let's talk about you and me
and how we sleep. I personally, I sleep surrounded by
my pillow.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
I do. It's embarrassing. I have my.

Speaker 3 (36:12):
Pillow pillows, my pillow sheets, my pillow mattress topper. My
wife sleeps in my pillow pajamas, my pillow sandals. We
both have those. Yeah, it's a my pillow household. And
it's freakin' awesome because my pillow makes the best stuff,
and because every time I buy something from my pillow.
I know I'm not patronizing a company who hates me.

That's what feels the best. I know that my pillow,
they've lost a fortune, a fortune fighting for you, for me,
for our values. My Pillow has a twenty five dollar
extravaganza sale right now. If you've been wanting to be
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Go to my pillow dot com and click on the
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Speaker 1 (37:15):
Jesse and get yourself some my pillow.

Speaker 3 (37:17):
All right, all right, let's talk about what the FBI
is doing and why they're doing it. We're gonna discuss
the religion of communism and so much more. Next hour.

Speaker 1 (37:27):
Hang on,
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