All Episodes

May 14, 2024 37 mins

Feeling the trillion dollar bills at the dinner table. Catching Canadians at the northern border. Ashley Biden confirms to a judge that the diary is, in fact, hers. Democrat’s don’t fly the American flag because they hate America. Democrats get elected in red states because they know exactly how to advertise to the uninformed voter.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show. Final hour of The
Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. But don't worry, we
are going to be back every single day this week
to tackle everything. We're going to talk a little bit
about the economy in a moment, those dirty Canadians I've
come after that, and then we'll get to some more
emails and some other things. Before we get to any

of that stuff, let's deal with the reality that people
are living through right now. No, the economy is not going.

Speaker 1 (00:44):
To be the strongest economy in the world. That we
saying again, in the world.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
Although GDP last week was far short of expectations, oh
it wasn't. Look GDP is still going to look at
the response to the markets. I just thought it would
be helpful for us to talk about what's happening right now.
Here's a headline about restaurants and bars are falling on
hard times. Credit card balances. I'm looking at a chart.

You don't even want to look at this chart. The
credit card balances since about twenty twenty one. Well, it's
gone from seven hundred and fifty billion roughly to north
of a trillion dollars and privately held credit card debt.
In three years, people are maxing out their credit cards

across the United States of America. Everyone's being squeezed. I
only brought this up because I wanted us all and
I'm talking to me more than i'm talking to you,
to be more aware of this as we look at
all the suffering going on around us. And maybe you're suffering,
maybe you're not. Maybe you're doing well enough, you're getting by,

you got a good thing doing, you're getting by. I
mean I'm getting by. I'm doing fine. But I'm looking
at all the suffering around me and it freakings up right.
But maybe you're the one who's suffering right now. And
look when it comes to the restaurants, here's a great
example of it. It starts, first of all, at the
people who actually make the food.

Speaker 1 (02:14):
Listen to this, No matter what a farmer's producing, they're
definitely feeling the pressure of those higher production costs. Farming
has become a gamble as former struggle to keep producing
beyond inflation.

Speaker 2 (02:25):
These people that are experiencing higher expenses, they're pushing it
off on the consumer.

Speaker 1 (02:29):
Sean McMahon is an agricultural economist for the Farm Bureau.
He says, on average, farmers only get back about eight
cents from each dollar spend at grocery stores.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
Yeah, so farming is getting more expensive. Costs of farming
are going up. The farmer must charge more for the
food itself. So there's that.

Speaker 1 (02:50):

Speaker 2 (02:51):
Then that takes us to restaurants. Food is more expensive.
Restaurants are having to pay more to bring in the food.
They're dealing with that. Restaurants are also having to deal
with an employees situation that is a nightmare. They cannot
find good employees who will show up to work restaurants.

In fact, this goes well beyond restaurants, but we'll make
it about restaurants for now. Restaurants can't find somebody who
will show up for an interview, let alone show up
for an interview, get the job, and show up to
the job. And so restaurants instead of having some well trained, happy, pleasant,
sharp individual waiting tables taking care of you, instead they

have to hand one man's job to three part time
illegals who are going to leave in five seconds anyway.
So restaurants are dealing with that. So their costs are
all going up. Well, what do you do. When your
costs go up, you have to charge more. You start
charging more. Well, now fewer people are going to show
up in your restaurant and bar because they can't afford

to Why I told you not even a fancy Mother's
Day lunch after church yesterday for me the wife and
two kids was two one hundred dollars. How in the
world do normal people even go out to eat once?
And this economy flores me that people do that. And
now who's that squeeze. It doesn't only squeeze the consumer.

It doesn't only squeeze the person who's in the restaurant
ordering food. It squeezes the waitress who needs the money.
The waitress needs the tip money, whether she's a college
kid trying to pay the bills to get by, or
maybe someone older who's picked up a side job trying
to make ends meet and get by. They need that

dag on tip money. And people aren't tipping. Why aren't
they tipping because they're too poor to even afford the
dagone food, let alone the extra tip. Everyone's being smashed.
And the reason I brought this up is I want
us all again pointing fingers int at me. Mostly I
want us all to be mindful of the fact that

the noose on all of us, the economic, the financial
news on all of us is tightening. We are all
watching our standard of living go down. Grocery is more expensive,
so on and so forth. That's your standard of living
going down. You cannot afford unless you got promoted out
of this or special circumstances. You cannot afford the same

amount of goods and services you could afford a few
years ago. You simply cannot because the value of the
dollar has gone down. You can't buy as much food,
buy as many services, fly as many places, do the
things you want to do. The noose is tightening on everyone.
And what happens when a noose begins to tighten is

people tend to point fingers at each other instead of
the people who are mostly responsible for the noose tightening.
And I only brought this up for that reason. What
I'm saying is, if you're a restaurant owner, it's really

not the fault of the employees. It's not their next
generation reason you can't find a good employee anymore. It's
really not. It goes it's way deeper than that, goes,
way beyond that if you're a waitress out there busting
your butt, it's hard work waiting tables or a waiter.
I guess dudes can do that too. If you're waiting
tables and the tip money's drying up, it would be

easy to get resentful of the customers. Why aren't they tipping?
I need the money they're out here eating, be understanding
about that. If you're one of the customers and you
can still afford to drop that tip on there, and
she's deserved, it keeps the waterfull. Asked you how your

meal was, She remembered your ranch tip if you can.
I'm not telling people to spend more money. I'm not
trying to say that. As the news titans, it will
be easy to turn on each other greedy restaurant owners.
I'm tired of these greedy waitresses automatic tip money. I'm

tired of these dirtball cheap customers. They never tip anymore.
And this goes well beyond restaurants. I'm just using that
as an example. Americans have maxed out their credit cards.
What does that tell you? They've drained their savings and
they've maxed out their credit cards. What's happening is people
are watching the way of life they've always known disappear,

and they're trying to just tread water and keep their
head above water for as long as they possibly can,
hoping this is about to pass or about to go away.
And they're doing it in terrible ways, but ways I
understand because I've done them myself. Drain your savings account,
I've drained I save these account before. In fact, multiple

times in our marriage, hard up for work. The costs
had gone up. I mean, we weren't out there buying
boats in cocaine with the whole thing was You've just
I've done it, you know, I've I've ran up credit
cards before. I've always managed to pay them off. But
I've ran up credit cards before. I know what it's
like when the money is not making it, when you're
not making enough. I've been there many many times in

my life. There's nothing I can say right now to
make that any better or easier. This is what happens
when your government Democrat and Republican. This is what happens
when they print money by the trillion. This is what
happens when they pa Did you think all those trillion
dollars spending bills? Did you think that didn't matter to you.
Every new swampy omnibus bill one point three trillion here, Oh,

don't forget my stemmy chicks. American infrastry what are they
called the infrastructure thing? The Inflation Reduction Act? That I mean,
you name it, every ridiculous thing. Another trillion, another true,
another trillion, another trillion. Did you think you were never
going to feel it? Well, this is you feeling it
and Americans not you. This doesn't apply to you. But

most Americans are so uneducated when it comes to civics,
the way economies work, the way governments work. That in
a restricting time like this, where everything is being restricted,
when the news is tightening, if you don't know who
to blame, it's very very common to blame each other

when you should be blaming the government. It is the
government's fault. And if you've never gotten involved in politics
and you don't vote, then blame yourself because it's your fault.
It is your fault. These people do this if you
don't get involved. If you are involved, it's not your fault.

But we have to continue educating other people that it's
the government who did this to us. And again I
want to emphasize. Not just Democrats, Oh, I know they
do it, they do it worse, but Republicans when it
comes to money, spending it, printing it have been a
complete and utter disgrace for as long as I've been alive.

They spend the same amount of money as Democrats do,
and they campaign on not doing that, and they do
it every time, And for so long people have said, ah,
I'm tired of hearing about the debt crisis. They've always
been warning about that. It's never even gotten here. Well, congratulations,
you're in it now. Now it's here. Of course, it
was always going to get here. Trees don't grow to

the sky. Of course, it's always going to get here.
All right, Let's do some more emails before we talk
about thirty Canadians and illegals and things like that. Before
we do that, let's talk about how you sleep. You
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Click on the radio listener special Square, use the promo
code Jesse or call eight hundred eight four five zero
five four four emails and dirty Canadians Next Jesse Chilly.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday for

if you miss any parlor show. You can download the
whole thing on iHeart, Spotify iTunes. Headline from Just the News,
Northern border apprehensions continue to break records. We cannot have
these Canadians coming in here like this. Soon the whole
country will be covered in maple syrup. We can't have
these people here now. Look, I only brought this up

because Canada going the way Canada has gone. And I
know a lot of hardcore anti communists in Canada who
are just desperate up there. Canada going the way it's
gone and Mexico going the way it's going. It's creating
a situation in this country that I think is actually
going to be fascinating, probably bad, but still fascinating. And

that situation is what do we do with the two
countries that border us? We only have two countries that
border US. What do we do if they get really, really,
really bad. Look, Mexico has been rough for a while,
they're getting rougher, and now China's moving in there. Canada,

poor freedom loving people up there, they've gone full blown
dirtball comedy. Well, you know when you go for full
blood dirtball comedy that more illegals are going to find
routes into America through Canada than Mexico. We joke about
it because we always thick about build the wall and
the Mexican border. We might be building it on the
wrong freaking border. And that's the truth. We've got northern

border problems, big northern border problems. Whatever. Let's get to
some emails. Dear no stra damis, Well, you gave us
the game plan. I was armed and ready Mother's Day
visit on Saturday, subjected investment, and so on and so forth.
My mother in law chimed in about how Trump is
the root of all evil. I asked the question, what
don't you like about him? The response was the same,

root of all evil. Then she says, that's why I
don't vote. I took the wind and save Mother's Day.
He says, thanks for the amo. Always remember this. It's
a fun, fun game to play with the liberal aunt
Peggy in your life, whoever that is, fellow employee, maybe
your aunt, your mom, your brother, your husband, whoever it
may be. It's it's the best. Trump hatred is a

fascinating thing. If you get someone on the right who
hates Trump, they'll give you specific reasons they hate Trump,
whatever that may be. But the lefty hatred of Trump,
it's all based on what the hive mind has told them.
And you don't think that's true because you see how
visceral their hatred is. He's na saying he's the anti

crist He's the root of all reeve Ah. They drive
themselves crazy. So you would think logically, because you think logically,
you would think well, they have to have a reason.
So the next time liberal at Pegy starts ranting and
raving about Trump, you calm down, don't yell, don't scream,

don't call name. You don't have to. It's a fascinating
and totally fun experiment that will mess them up so badly.
You simply do this. You say, hey, obviously you don't
like Trump. What don't you like about him? And they'll
try to either give you platitudes, Ah, it's a Nazi, okay, okay.
Oftentimes they'll bring up January sixth, he tried to have

an insurrection, and that's what. Don't fight. Don't fight. You'll
we tended to, but don't fight. Give in in that
moment and say, oh yeah, yeah that was pretty bad.
Yeah but you you liked him before January sixth, you
were a Trump fan before that day? Well now, oh okay, well,
why why didn't you like him? They can never give

you an answer. There's never a specific answer, there's never
a specific policy, there's nothing but platitude. Hive. He's a
race that it is wild. Remember the communist is more
robot than human. They really genuinely are. They have outsourced
their critical thinking to the hive mind. They watch the news,

they listen to their friends that they go up to
the high mind and they plug in and they get
software updates with the newest talking points of the day,
and then they leave and carry those talking points out
into the world. And that's why they are never ready, ever, ever,
ever to give you specifics or to actually have an

argument on one issue. They'll either move off the issue
or it's funny this guy, this woman did this, this
guy's mother in law did this, where she just said,
that's why I don't vote. Oftentimes they'll go that route.
They'll go from being complete partisan communists to acting like, well,
I hate them all. I have a buddy who does
this all the time. Whenever we get together because now

my friends know how to do it, and we start
arguing about politics, he will just get completely and utterly
destroyed because every point he brings up is stupid. Because
he's a Democrat, he doesn't know anything, so he brings
up these points and he gets slapped down by all
these facts. And because we're all boys, we're all friends,
and we're all dudes, there's no delicacy, none whatsoever. He

just gets abused and by the time we're done. Every
time we make fun of him, now, without fail, he'll
drop the hammer with some horrible dirtball comy policy. Oh no,
what's wrong with kids? What's wrong with kids changing their gender?
He'll set them to say something like that, and we'll
just go all in on him. Boom, just blast away,
full tilt every time, every time he goes yeah, that's

why I don't vote for any of them. They're all corrupt,
you dirty liar. You've got a Biden sticker on your car.
You're a card carrying Democrat who's wrong about everything and
you know it. So the fallback position is, well, I
just don't like any of them. Don't let him get
away with that crap. Either works like a charm. It's
so much fun. Jesse, thanks for saying the battles are

all around us. That was great. You are right. Any
which way you go, there is a fight. That's what
I'm talking about. We don't have to sit on our ends.
We don't have to sit back and watch the destruction.
There are battles right next to you in your community,
battles you can fight in battles you can win. You
want to get angry, fine, get angry and then boom,

get involved. Get some chalk in your body so you
feel energized. Do you hear me? Do I sound energized
to you? I'm not twenty five, I'm forty two. Do
I sound like I'm bouncing off the walls? Good? Because
I am even with the wrecked back right now. I
take a male vitality stack from Chalk eh, and I
take chalk lit powder. Highly recommend the chalk lit powder.

Pour it in your drink in the morning glass of
milk smoothie water. It's fine, and drink some vitamins and
minerals first thing, and watch your day get better. Take
a male vitality stack or a female vitality stack. You
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promo code Jesse gets you a discount for life for
the lifetime of the subscription, So go use that Chalk
dot Com promo code Jesse. We really do have to
focus on natural solutions now, and when we do that,
we have to find anti communist companies like Chalk because
they're out there pushing our values. All right, all right,

a big reveal out of Ashley Biden Ugh, hang on,
you're listening to the oracle you love this one. It's
a scream baby the Jesse Kelly Show. It is The
Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. Okay, So I'm just
gonna I'm just gonna hit this little point and I'm
gonna move right on because it's so gross, and I

want to get to emails, and I want to talk
about Democrats and how they deal with older Democrats. So
Ashley Biden the Diary, the Diary where she talks about
Joe Biden and her childhood and the and whatnot. You
should understand that today she confirmed to a judge that

it's hers. So just understand that the president of the
United States of America, there's every every indication he's not
a good guy. All Right. I wanted to make a
quick point on something before we get to some emails here.
I saw someone today talk about how Democrats love every

flag there is except for the American one. And what
I commented was, anyone who's ever knocked on doors for
a campaign will know if there is an American flag
flying at the house, it's not a Democrat house. It's
not it's not They might not be Republicans, I don't
care about that, but they're not Democrats. Democrats do not

fly the American flag. Democrats, they're the anti American party.
Every basic tenet of the party, every platform of the
party is America sucks. We have to tear it apart.
America sucks. We have to tear it apart. America sucks.
We have to tear it apart. That's every single platform
they have from on every issue. When it comes to taxes, dah,

the country's evil, way too nice to rich people take
all their money away. When it comes to immigration, we
shouldn't even have a border. This country sucks too bad
to even have one. Just let everyone come here. Forget it.
We've been every single issue. But somebody pushed back when
I said that, and I said, hey, no American flags.

You never see them on Democrat homes. And he said, hey,
that's true, but it didn't used to be that way.
In the Northeast. Used to have a bunch of firemen
and union guys and stuff like that who would vote
Democrat and they loved the country and they had flags up.
And that brought me to this point. We've made this
point before on the show, but it's something once you

on you once you know it, you know it and
you see it everywhere. Democrats govern like radical communists, but
they speak often like moderates, like normal people. Why do
they do that? Why do they do that? They do
that for exactly that guy you just mentioned, the sixty

five year old retired firefighter who voted Democrat his entire
life but loves America. The seventy year old he's a
union man, pipefitters union for a long time, retired now
down in Florida, has always voted Democrat. He loves America.
He and I would probably differ on some issues, but

we'd probably get along fine, and at our base level
we probably share most of the same values. The Democrats
they know they need that guy to keep voting for them.
Older democrat is the one Democrats are aimed at when
they talk like this. And in case you can't hear

dom because the audio is really low, she starts out
by saying, I'm in favor of the Second Amendment.

Speaker 1 (23:06):
I'm in favored second Amendment, and I believe we need
an assault weapons ban, we need universal background checks, we
need red flag laws.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
Why does she throw in that first part? After all,
Democrats believe in gun confiscation. Everyone knows that they want
gun registration, confiscation, and they they want gun laws for
the entire country like they have in New York City
or Chicago, where it's a felony if you get caught
with one. So why does she start out with this.

Speaker 1 (23:34):
I'm in favorite the second Amendment.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
I'm in favor of this. Why through that in at all?
She understands that sixty five year old firefighter. He has
to hear that because he's looking at what's happened to
their party and he's getting worried. Man, there's a lot
of this tranny stuff and there are a lot of illegals.

I'm not so sure these guys are Do they still
love the country? I mean I love the country. He
needs that lie, he has to have it. And Pelosi,
I can't believe she got caught on camera saying this.
Pelosi flat out came out and said what I've been
saying for the longest time. You know that little rant

I just did. I've done that a million times, just
explaining how that's how they talk, the way they talk.
Listen to Nancy Pelosi. This is who she's talking about,
that old school union guy who loves America but still
votes Democrat. What an idiot he is, but she knows
she's got to talk to her poor souls who are
looking for poor souls. Poor souls is how she refers

to him. He's so misguided.

Speaker 3 (24:42):
Of these poor souls who are looking for some answers.
We've given them to them, but they're blocked by some
of their views on guns. They have the three g's, guns, gays, God,
that would be a woman's right to choose, and the
cultural issues cloud some of their reception of an argument
that really is in their interest.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
They know it. And I would make a prediction and
tell Chris to write it down, but it's too long out.
So actually I can just make this prediction, just like
every scientist. I can make a prediction that by the
time it comes to fruition or not, I won't be
held accountable for So it's going to be the best
thing in the world. But I'm telling you right now,
you watch about thirty years from now, twenty thirty years

from now, Democrats won't throw in these little disclaimers.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
Anymore favored the Second Amendment.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
Because they won't feel like they have to. They throw
in these relatively moderate sounding disclaimers all the time. Now
because the older Democrats haven't died yet. When the older
Democrat generation finally dies, then they will feel so free
to stop having to pretend to be anything resembling normal.

Do you know what else'll stop? I'll tell you this,
Democrat presidents going to church. Why do you think Joe
Biden talks about being a Catholic all the time. I'm
about devout Catholic. Everyone knows is not a devout Catholic.
But why do that? Then? Why play the game? Is
it a big deal? That old school, retired cop who's

been voting Democrat for fifty years, he needs to think.
He needs to think that Joe Biden is sitting in
church right there next to him. He needs that. Well,
I mean, yeah, I'm not big on the whole LGBTQ thing,
but I've bet, I mean, I bet Joe isn't really either.

He does, he goes to church. He's a Catholic, after all,
he's a Catholic. But once that guy finally dies, Democrats
are dying for him to die. They can't wait for
these older Democrats to die. You're gonna hear as soon
as the last older Democrat dies. If you listen closely enough,
you'll hear the end Hire Democrat Party go ah, breathe

a sigh relief because they can finally stop having to
worry about these stupid, backwards idiots who believe in God.

Speaker 3 (27:11):
These poor souls who are looking for some answers. We've
given them to them, but they're blocked by some of
their views on guns. They have the three g's, guns, gays, God,
that would be a woman's right to choose, and the
cultural issues cloud some of their reception, reception of an
argument that really is in their interest.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
In the future, Democrat presidents will stop attending church because
they're all pretend anyway, and they know they can stop
pretending now now that older Democrat has died. Making sure
older Democrat still crawls to the polls to vote Democrat
every time is a huge part of why these people

talk the way they talk. That's why they do it,
he says. Dear Jesse, no beans, Kelly, do you really
think you're handsome? I was going to leave a five
star review with a comment stating how handsome you are.
Then it hit me, just like all the dimes at
Fox News, You're not really good looking. It's all just

makeup and lighting His name is gene. Do I think
I'm really that handsome? Of course, gosh what Chris, dear
uneducated oracle on. I'm right with Jesse Kelly. You twice
called nursing homes nursery homes? Is there a home I
don't know about where? All they do is tell nursery rhymes?
And that's from Colleen. Did I say that? I probably

did say that. Dang it. I'll tell you what. I'm
gonna go back to college and I'm gonna get better
at some stuff. All right, all right, we have headlines
I didn't get to. Next, hang on, miss does catch
up Jesse kellyshow dot com. It is the Jesse Kelly Show.
Final segment of Jesse Kelly Show will be back tomorrow.

You can email us your love, heye, death threats, whatever
you want to email those into Jesse at Jesse kellyshow
dot com. I want to remind everyone in Nebraska, West Virginia,
Maryland you have elections tomorrow, critically important primary elections tomorrow.

The primary you skip is infinitely more important than the
general election. You go participate in your GOP rep. Your
GOP senator is probably a loser, a swamp creature who
goes to the television set every two years or every
six years, depending on what he is, and acts as

if he's some fire breathing anti communist, and then he
runs right back to DC to vote for all the
swampy crap and stand for nothing. Don't be a chump.
Look into his voting record, pay attention and went in doubt.
Vote them out. Go in there and vote against the
loser who's currently in office. We cannot and will not

save the United States of America with this crop of
losers we have in Washington, DC representing us. We cannot
and the only way we can change that is you
and me getting involved in primaries. So get involved. Get involved?
All right? All right? Did you hear Dome say this?
There's this something just man. Sometimes people will open the

door for you and leave it open.

Speaker 1 (30:33):
Sometimes they won't, and then you need to kick that
door down.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
Excuse my language. There's this really obnoxious Democrat woman thing.
It's I don't know what it is about Democrat women,
but there's this thing where they all feel like they're
fighting against a man, and you gotta break that glass
ceiling and you got to kick that door down. Girl. Hey,
that woman nobody's oppressing you here. In fact, the way

you run your mouth, you should be grateful that you
live in the United States of America because there are
countries all over the world that would throw you in
jail for the way you run your freaking mouth. You
are free and prosperous here, and life is good here.
And if you are a woman in the United States
of America, I don't care what you well. Your individual
situation may be bad, bad home, bad husband, bad, whatever

that may. I can't speak to your individual situation. But
on a national level, if you're a woman living in
the United States of America, you should get on your
knees right now, not the way Kamala Harris does. Get
on your knees and pray to God and thank him
that you were born here in the United States of America.
And there ain't no glass ceiling you gotta kick down,

And you don't got to kick the Dorian. You don't
gotta do the U goat girl, girl boss thing. We've
been held back for too long. Why don't you just
be appreciative and grateful you live here. It irks me
to no end because they can paign on this and
then they get these young women, these young stupid women
to believe it all the time. And though you go
to these colleges, you'll see these men on the street segments,

and the young women are so stupid. It's like it's
like you're looking at a rat. Try to talk into
the microphone. They don't know anything about anything, but the
one thing they're all convinced of is that they're somehow
oppressed by somebody. You're not oppressed. You're annoying and ugly,
and that's why no man wants to date you. Remember that.
You know what else is ugly is pain. That's why

I take Relief Factor every single day. Every day. Eggs
and pains they come, joints, back, neck, muscles, whatever it
is they come. Try some relief factor in your life.
Put away the ibuprof and bottle. We don't need more
big pharma crap. We need something natural. There are so

many testimonials out there of people who talk about what
a blessing relief Factor has been for their life. Oh natural,
drug free. You take it every day and you wake
up drug free and pain free. One eight hundred the
number four relief or go to relief Factor dot com.

Get some relief factor in your life. Montana needs some
relief from John Tester. Jesse. Montana is such a fickle state.
Just because John Tester looks Montana, they elect him over
and over again, never mind that he votes with Biden
ninety nine percent of the time. What will it take
to get the great state of Montana to wake up?
It's from Matt Buddy. Montana is not unique. But this

is what happens in Montana. And I witnessed it my
entire life. I've I've graduated high school from there. I
know exactly what it's like. It's such a wild Western state,
you know, ranching and mountains and hiking and skiing. It's
just there aren't even many people there. It's the fourth
biggest state. There's only a million peace people in the place.
It's very it's huge, it's open huge. But they know

these Democrats got elected forever in Montana because they know
exactly what the American voter has become, an uneducated, uninterested
moron who doesn't pay attention to any of the issues.
So they they all do it in Montana. Gosh, you're
gonna everyone listening in Montana will laugh about that. Right now.
They all run with these pheasant hunting ads too. They're

always out there pheasant hunting with a shotgun ban over
their arm. I'm John Tester and I just love to
kill pheasants and be Montana. And they have nothing. They
don't even go to Montana. They live in d C
in the swamp the entire time, and they look down
on everyone in Montana and they bad mouth you behind
your back. But I'm my name's John Tister. Here I

am on the test ranch just being Montana. Are you Montana?
Vote for John Tester? I'm Montana And the voters sit
at home and go, wow, honey, he really looks Montana.
He must. There are values. These politicians lie. Democrats lie
all the time, and Republicans do the same thing in
primaries like I just talked about every single time, Oh

build the wall, I'm gonna be America first, and then
they go back and vote for every piece of crap.
Stop listening to these campaign ads. A bunch of liars.
And now here's a headline by go you know, you
know the thing headlines we didn't get to. Biden administration
sues Iowa over immigration law, allowing state to arrest and

deport illegal immigrants. I think I'll just send this article
to every single comy who gets mad at me when
I tell them Democrats hate America. What other reason would
there be for this? Democrats are actually suing a state
for arresting and deporting illegals. And listen, you order union

guys who vote Democrat, order firefighter guys who vote Democrat.
I know you're lying to yourself, and I ain't telling
you to switch to being a Republican. But you're voting
for anti American trash. Now just know that, and you're
enabling it. Target to offer pride merchandise in fewer stores
after backlash against Tuck Ugh Tuck friendly swimsuit sale last year. Well,

Corporate America, they are aware of your outrage. Don't back off.
Turn it up. We need more Target boycotts until the
whole place goes under. Secret Service investigates conservative veteran who
joked about Biden wearing diapers on Twitter. Well, to be fair,
at least the Secret Service investigated this guy who joked

about Joe Biden on Twitter. The FBI killed the last one.
Melinda Gates quits Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and gains
a hefty divorce settlement What a touching story this is.
She finally ran out on Bill Gates, understandable given his
fsc affiliation, and after all her years of hard work.
She will receive twelve point five billion dollars, which she

now will use for the rest of her life to
fund various communist causes all over the planet. That's out
of ours. Pretty much works in this country, and we're
out of time, so we'll do it again tomorrow. That's all.
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