All Episodes

May 11, 2024 37 mins

The System isn't going to get rid of DEI, they will simply rebrand it so you don't notice. People coming home for the general election. Lotto tickets at the gas station. People are too polite. Why all these commie riots when the election is right around the corner?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show, Final hour of the
Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
It is of course, it asked doctor Jesse Friday. We're
going to talk about these primary votes. Should Trump voters
be concerned that he's losing twenty percent of these votes
in the primary.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
So we'll talk about that.

Speaker 1 (00:34):
We'll talk about well, personal grooming. Someone wants to add
and addendum to my DC story, DEI is starting to
be shunned at the corporate level or is it?

Speaker 3 (00:46):

Speaker 1 (00:47):
That and so much more. It's coming up this hour
on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. Now back to
what we were talking about before. The guy emailed in
and he basically said, Hey, Pennsylvania primary, Indiana primary. Should
I be concerned that two percent of the voters consistently
are voting for other in these primaries? They're not voting

for Trump in GOP primaries. And I've already told you before.
Traditionally everyone comes home. That's traditionally how it is. Most people,
not everyone, but most people come home vote for the nominee.
Here's something we all have to take in for this election.
And this might be offensive, So I don't care. Just
know if you're offended, I don't care. So here's what
we have. This is not you or me. Let's talk

about what the general public is dealing with right now.
The general public, the general public, the norms and normas
out there. They don't like either guy. They personally like
Joe Biden. I know, how could you like Joe Biden?
But look, this is what all the polling shows. They

personally like Joe Biden, but they believe he's too old,
and they believe he's been a complete failure. He's underwater
on every single issue. Yeah, let's set that aside, so
they don't want to vote for Joe Biden. Trump is
a bombastic personality, so he's going to turn a lot
of people off. A lot of people gonna love him.

He's gonna turn a lot of people off. People strong personalities.
Very rarely is someone luke warm on them, either you
love them or hate them. Very rarely can you find
someone who's like I got don't really care about Trump
either way. I'm kind of agnostic about the whole thing.
So there's that. Plus Trump, keep in mind, has been
the subject of the system's wrath and propaganda for what

was it twenty fifteen, So we're closing in on a
decade nine years now. For nine years, the system, media, Democrats,
af the Republicans, education system, every entertainer in the country,
so on, and so forth, have pushed this notion that

Trump is the Antichrist, Trump's the racist, Trump's this, trump'stat,
Trump's Trump trump'st Well. Propaganda exists for a reason. It's
because it works. Propaganda is very, very effective. There is
a percentage of this country, no matter what, that will
never vote for Donald Trump under any circumstances. The well

has been so poisoned that it wouldn't matter if Joe
Biden was revealed to be the second coming of Adolph
Hitler and Trump started walking on water and healing the blind,
they still would not vote for Donald Trump because propaganda works.

So that brings us to the primaries. Remember this isn't
only a Trump problem. Joe Biden has this exact same problem.
He is running virtually unopposed in his Democrat primary, and
consistently he's getting twenty percent or soh of his own
base voting no, nope, voting for someone else. I don't

want Joe Biden. Same thing is happening with the GOP
primary in every state. It's consistent. Nope, that twenty twenty percent.
I don't want Trump. I don't know how that's going
to look in November, because, to be honest with you,
I've never seen an election where that's the case, where
both parties nominees have been decided. Yet twenty percent appear

to be holding out with real axes to grind, and
some of those axes the various bases, the two different
bases have to grind their axes that are not going
to get buried by election day. On the Democrat side,
for Joe Biden, Joe Biden has a problem. He has

the Democrats have imported gobs, gobs and gobs of Muslims
into this country by the tens of thousand because because
of this Israel Palestine war. Joe Biden has a percentage
of his base that hates Jews and demands he hates them,
and they're not gonna get over it by November. You

saw it was actually in Michigan where they had the
big Muslim population where they couldn't they can't wrangle them
all in. You had Rashida t Leave, the congresswoman from
over there saying don't vote for Joe Biden, and that
issue's not going away by November. For Trump, the lockdown stuff,
in the vaccine pushing. I screamed about it early on

in the primary. I warned his people. I know he
heard it. No one listened. He could not stop himself
from bragging about it publicly. It's one thing to have
pushed it and be the father of it and all
those things, Okay, It's another thing to continue kicking dirt
in people's faces. A lot of people, a lot of

people have been injured or knows someone who is. They're
angry about the whole thing, and that's not gonna go
away by November either. I warned everyone to shut up
about it in the Trump camp. Look, you can't change
what you did. At least shut up about it. He
couldn't do it, couldn't make himself do it, got up
at every rally where he did it.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
We did it, all right.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
So if you had somebody who was on the fence
trying to decide, now you just kicked dirt in their face.
Now they're gone for life. Is that going to heal
by November?

Speaker 3 (06:24):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
So it comes down to this who is going to
lose more of their base? And I don't know the
answer that question. I will say, from Trump's perspective, I
do see something that concerns me. You remember it was
a little while ago. I don't want to put a
date on it, cause I don't remember the exact date.

But you remember a little while ago we were debating.
You probably have had this debate with your friends or whatnot.
I know we've talked about it on the show. RFK
Junior the third party guy, who does he take more
votes from? And I've never known the answer to that.
We can guess he takes more votes from Biden. Takes
more votes, and we can guess. But for a while
it seemed like, oh, okay, he's definitely gonna take more

votes from Biden. Why because for a brief time, there
was Democrat propaganda aimed at RFK Junior. They were blasting
away at RFK. This RFK that it was just a
few weeks ago. They had the press conference with the Kennedy's,
the Biden's got all of rfk's family members and did
a press conference this is why we're back in Joe. Well,

that showed you right there, they were concerned about RFK.
So when all that was going on, I said to myself, well,
that tells you all.

Speaker 3 (07:37):
You need to know.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
Clearly, he's stealing more Democrat votes than Republican votes. Recently though,
that has changed, and you can see the Trump camp
paid people, paid influencers, people who were out there to
push Trump's message, attack Trump's attack Trump's enemies, all these things.

They are going all in both barrels against RFK, attacking RFK,
attacking anyone. There's a bunch of people on the right.
Maybe you're one of them who's saying, hey, I'm gonna
support them, I'm gonna vote in for the vaccine, or
whatever reason it may be. But they've been going after
those people that made me sit up and take notice,
because who they're attacking tells you what they're worried about.

You know, that doesn't lie. Forget the pull numbers or
anything else. You can tell what in who someone is
worried about in politics based on who they're attacking. Very clearly,
the Trump camp either they have pull numbers, and I
don't know which one this is. Either they just assume
they have a problem there, or they have pull numbers
that show they have a problem there in swing states.
But the Trump people are worried about RFK, Which one

of the two guys should be more worried? I don't know. Again,
no one knows the answer to that. Should you be
worried that Trump is still losing twenty two percent of
the primary vote in these states, Yeah, it's a cause
for concern. The good news is Joe Bide losing it too.
This is a unique election and that each nominee has

a significant, I don't want to say significant, but a
not insignificant portion of their base that has a real
problem with the nominee, a problem they may not be
able probably won't be able to overcome. If you are
a Jew hating Muslim in Michigan, you're not going to
get passed the whole Israel Palestine thing by the time

November rules around. If you're somebody who watched your sister
die from the vaccine, you're not going to get over
it by the time Trump's notion, No, Trump's election rules
around in November, You're not. You can yell at those
people all you want, that won't do you any good.
They're not going to get passed. You'll get past things
like that. How that looks I don't know. I don't know, Jesse,

how dare you tell the story? Even breezing through the
story about your time in DC? Can can you forget
to mention the car you bought to commute through DC
traffic and parking? You know that's not very nice to
bring up old stuff. Yes, I had a pickup truck.
It was nothing fancy, but I had to pick up
when we moved to DC. It's a very old city,
so you can't park or drive a pickup and half

the dag on streets. And we didn't have any money,
so I had to trade in my pickup truck for
a used Honda Civic. Basically traded it straight up. That
tells you what kind of a downgrade it was. And yes,
I was physically sore when I unfolded my body out
of a Honda Civic.

Speaker 3 (10:33):
There you go.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Now to make matters worse. After I got home from
driving my Honda Civic home, This is before I had
discovered my pillow, so I'd get home with this sore body,
and I didn't have this incredible my pillow bedding so
my body could rest and recover and recuperate.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
That's a hard word.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
Chris Hey, that's a difficult word that I nailed what
Chris I did. Anyway, you have a Hana civic. Do
you want a better night's sleep? Go get some MyPillow.
My Pillow has a twenty five dollars extravaganza sale right now.
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awesome stuff and or call them. You don't have to
go online if you're not an Internet person. Eight hundred
eighty four five zero five four four We'll be back.
Truth Attitude, Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday and
ask doctor Jessie Friday. And we still have a ton
we need to get to, so let us get right.

Speaker 3 (12:11):
Back to it.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
That's enough politics for a minute. Let's do a couple
other things. Jesse's serious question. So this guy I know
is into this chick and she's into him too, but
she's a little a natural for his taste. If Aubrey
decided to see if she could get her pit hair
to grow longer than her regular hair, how would you
handle it? Okay, so very clearly, this guy who emailed

in is not talking about his friend. He's talking about himself.
And he found some chick and he's into her and
she's into him, but she has armpit here. Listen, there's
no easy way to have that conversation. But you're gonna
have to have that conversation. That's its bottom line. I

think you'll find she's probably while she's going to be hurt,
You've got.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
A plan for that.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
It's better to have it now than later. It's really
better to have it now than later. I certainly I
don't want to be totally dismissive of some dime that
you're into, but that's probably.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
Gonna be a deal breaker for me. That's gonna that.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
Needs to be taken care of, dear shrimp intolerant oracle.
I recently read an article that claimed corporations are distancing
themselves some DEI language. Are they understanding the death of
everything this is caused? Or will they simply rebrand with
some secret verbiage?

Speaker 3 (13:36):
What say you?

Speaker 1 (13:38):
They're not moving away from DEI. First of all, let's
understand what it actually is. This diversity, equity, inclusion. You
know what it is. But in the end, it's just communism.
It's cultural Marxism. That's what it is. It's cultural Marxism.
But to understand why they're never going to move away

from it, we have to understand why they love it
so much, and they do love it. You ever heard
of Bill Ackman.

Speaker 3 (14:06):
He's been this.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
Lefty billionaire forever and recently, I guess he got really
angry with the left for a couple things, and now
he's been speaking out against things like DEI. Well, he
went to this big conference, this big one of these
conference where all the elites of the world meet milk
and I believe it's called and there's an article written
about this in Bloomberg. They pulled him behind closed doors,

and they flat out scolded him about complaining about Dei.
They took a billionaire out behind the woodshed and whipped
him over this stuff. That's how much they love it.
But why do they love it so much? Well, what
really is communism? Not the definition? Forget about the religion
of the malcontent stuff for a moment.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
What is it? Communism is a.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
Way for people to seize power for themselves. That's really
all it is. Remember, it's just the halves hoovering up
more stuff for themselves and destroying the have notts. That's
what it's always been. It's what it's always been. There's
a million ideologies like that, and ideology designed around people

gaining power, using the grievance of people to gain power
for themselves. Dei, cultural Marxism, communism itself. It is treasured
by the world's elites because at its core, communism treats
everybody like peasants, except for the elites.

Speaker 3 (15:36):
Who rule like kings.

Speaker 1 (15:39):
Communism has kings, it always has. It's one of these dictators,
these Central Committee people rise up with eight million mansions
and everyone else is starving to death. Well, these billionaires,
the elites of the world, the politicians, the billionaires, these types,
they are the elites who have a seat at the table.
The more communism, the more cultural Marxism is pushed out there,

the more you get smashed, and the more your money
and freedom and power is transferred over to these people.
They love DEI.

Speaker 3 (16:10):
They live and die for it. It's a dream for
these people.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
You can use grievance politics, pit this person against that person,
this group against that group. You sit back and you
watch the checks roll in. And one of the reasons,
you know, one of the reasons the CEOs uniquely love
DEI DEI. When you choose to embrace it as a CEO,
you take away the performance requirement. If I'm at some

dirtball company let's call it Nike, and I'm the DEI CEO.
If I just focus on hiring enough gay people and
black people and women. Let's say I have a bad
quarter in profits go down, my great DEI number might
save my job. Remember we have audio from the finance giants,

Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street. They tie compensation to DEI.
It used to be a CEO you had to get
up there, get at the whiteboard and show me your earnings.

Speaker 3 (17:10):
Jack, what we make what we lose.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
It's right there in a pie chart that's gonna determine
whether or not you get a bonus check. Now, oh,
we lost ten billion dollars, that's the bad news. The
good news is we are like one hundred times gayer
than we were before. Give me my thirty million dollars.
And that's legitimately how it works. Now it's turned into
this cultural Marxist mafia where the profit for the individual,

the profit for the CEO, is not based on performance,
it's based on DEI. Why do you think the doors
are coming off and the wheels are falling off Boeing jets.
They've been pushing this stuff forever. No one at Boeing
is losing any jobs. Sure, a couple whistleblowers have committed suicide,
but other than that, if you're at the top up

of Boeing, you're not flying on a Boeing plane anyway.
You'll be on a private jet. So when you and
me die and a three hundred person plane crash, you
don't miss a beat. You got your twenty million dollar
bonus check and your special mansion on a private island.
They're not moving away from DEI. They will change the language.
Communists always change the language once you catch on, but

they're not moving away from the concepts. All right, we
have a lot more like lotto tickets than more. Hang on,
Jesse Killy, it is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday,
and ask doctor Jesse Friday. You can email the show
Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Dear show, got oracle

Around my office? There are a few gas stations. If
you pop into any of the gas stations for a
bottle of water, there's a very good chance you'll be
waiting ten minutes in line while people ham and awe
over which scratch off lottery tickets they want to lose
money on. I've got a business side. I'm seriously considering
putting gas stations around where type A people work, and

the only marketing strategy will be that we do not
sell lottery tickets. Do you like this idea? Or is
this pet peeve of mine not as widely shared as
I hope? All right, Well, I've got good news and
I've got bad news.

Speaker 3 (19:20):

Speaker 1 (19:22):
The good news for you is they're not alone. I
cringe when I wake up or see something on the
news about the powerball number getting really really really big.
You've seen this before. A powerballs are a billion or
something like that. And I don't cringe because someone's gonna
win a billion dollars. I hope you all win a

billion dollars. Good, good for you. I cringe because I
know gas stations will be uninhabitable until someone wins that
power ball. Everyone's gonna show up, and I'm gonna stop
for a bag of chips or whatever, and I'm gonna
sit there in line waiting. And it's not just the

buying of the lottery tickets. It's that people will sit
in stress, like you said, him and haw over which
ones to get? All right, I want they have them
numbered here, they have big displays them. I want four
number twos and no wait wait, no, no three number two's,
and I want a forty two, No, no, a forty one,

and maybe four thirty four, No, two thirty fours. And
then they'll sit there after after they him in haull
over which one to get. They'll get them, and then
they'll set them right beside the checkout counter and scratch
them off, waiting to see if they won. Right there,
I personally would patronize your gas station. The no lottery

ticket gas station. And what's weird about this is I'm
not anti lottery ticket. I think they're a blast. I
personally don't buy them regularly, but they are amazing stocking stuff.
First for people, it's maybe the best stocking stuffer in
the world. Credit to my wife's family. She's the first
time her side. It's the first ones I've seen do this.

You know, what are you getting stocking? Do you get
a butterfinger and a new toothbrush?

Speaker 3 (21:13):
That's fine.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
Wouldn't you rather just have a stocking full of lottery tickets?
You might pull five grand out of there or something
like that. So I like lottery tickets. I'm not anti
lottery tickets. It's not something I buy regularly. I'm not
a big gambler. I stress about losing money. It's whatever.
It's a Kelly thing. It's not just Chris here, it's
me too, I admit that. But here, this brings me

to something I've talked about before, and it's something that
I try to get past because I know it's my fault.

Speaker 3 (21:42):
What I'm about to say. I know it's on me.
I know it is.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
This is maybe the most difficult thing for me about
living in the South. I live in Texas. I love
living in Texas. I love living in the South. I
love the Southern people, I love the Southern food, the
Southern weather's off of what will set that aside. I
prefer to live in the South. I move to the
South on purpose. But the friendly conversational nature of people

in the South for someone who's impatient like me, and
I know I'm impatient, and I know that's bad again,
I know I'm the bad guy here. That conversational nature
can be difficult for me to handle sometimes. For instance,
if I'm swinging in the gas station, I'm on no
way to work, I'm on the way home. I'm grying
buying a bottle water whatever it may be, like you

just said, and there's some at the cash here and
they've paid for the stuff, but then they're just kind
of gabbing there. Imagine you see this construction going on
across the street. I know, man, it's crazy. Yeah, I
told them they got to put some traffic cones out there.
And I'm sitting behind there and I can actually feel
You've probably seen me on TV, if you've ever seen

me do TV, or if you watch the radio show
on the simulcast. You know they simul cast the radio show.
When I get angry, I wish, I wish, I really
wish I wasn't like this. My blood pressure you can
see it in my neck. Now. You could call me
a redneck and you'd be very valid. When my blood
pressure gets up, my neck gets super red. I wish

it wasn't the case. But I can feel my neck
getting hot as I stand there in the gas station.

Speaker 3 (23:22):

Speaker 1 (23:22):
Hey, man, Bob, how the kids been? You know? I
was a t ball with little Billy that. Could you
step aside so I can buy my water bottle please
and have the conversation while I'm buying stuff.

Speaker 3 (23:35):
I know that's on me. I know, I'm sorry. I'm
gonna let that go.

Speaker 1 (23:38):
Hey, free ball and Candy caught aissawor could you play
the Freedo Bandido for my wife Amy. She's a converted
Commie thanks to your show. We listened to it every night,
and she also converted some of her friends.

Speaker 3 (23:49):
That's all. That's really freaking cool. She deserves it.

Speaker 1 (23:52):
Ay yy yay yuy.

Speaker 3 (23:56):
I am the credock.

Speaker 2 (23:59):
I likenk those scornchits.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
I love them.

Speaker 3 (24:01):
I do I want printo scornchits.

Speaker 2 (24:04):
I'll get them from you.

Speaker 1 (24:06):
A yi yai yi oh ymb fritto buntito, Give me
britto scornchit.

Speaker 2 (24:14):
See, I'll be your friends.

Speaker 1 (24:16):
The fritto buntito. You must not a pain munch munch
A bunch of prittos. What a beautiful song, Jesse. At
six foot eight, are you any good at basketball? I
guess that probably depends on what you would consider good.
If you threw me a basketball right now and told

me to dribble around and take some jump shots, would
I look? Would I be embarrassing? No, of course not. No.
I can dribble, I can shoot. I played basketball for
years and years and years. I am by no means good.
I was way too lazy. I was real skinny and slow.
I could always shoot, I could always block shots. I
could rebound. Okay. I was a very dirty player. I

would elbow people and push people a lot. I filed
out of a lot of games. I got a lot
of technical fouls when I was a kid. I know
you're gonna find that surprising, but I would never call
myself good. But if you threw me a basketball, I'm
not gonna go dribble it off my knee and then
look like I have two left hands as I'm trying
to shoot a jump shot. I can play, That's what

I'll put. I can play, not well, don't try to
recruit me for your pickup team. I can play, Dear Jesse,
oracle of all. While listening to your Wednesday show, I
learned President Trump's true social posting describing his plans to
building a new FBI walking distance to the DOJ. While
I continue to support President Trump and pray that he

will be re elected, your advice to guard against developing
a savior complex with Trump or any other politician came
to mind. It really looks like patriots who love the
country have no champions. It was terribly disappointing to listen
to a true social post like that from President Trump,
after all the FBI has done in the last set
years to destroy him and viciously attack his supporters. It

was another very sad day for America. Thanks for all
you do to save the country from the evil, rotten communists. Look, okay,
I understand you're sad, and I got a lot of
those from Trump fans. Not a lot of anger at me,
A lot of Hey, Jesse, this bummed me out.

Speaker 3 (26:17):
This is sad.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
I was sad about that, and I understand that. But listen,
after that post and before that post, nothing has changed.

Speaker 3 (26:30):
It's up to us.

Speaker 1 (26:32):
There's no political savior coming. And you can love Trump
and vote for Trump, but he's still not a savior.
A savior doesn't exist. A man savior does not exist
politically to save the country. He's not out there. Those
kind of men don't exist. We are we as a collective,

we are the ones who can save the country.

Speaker 3 (26:57):
I'm not saying don't.

Speaker 1 (26:58):
Wear your Maga hat or don't vote for t Trump,
but don't put all your hopes and dreams in a
man he's even if he was perfect, and he's not.
None of us are even if he was perfect. Frankly,
it's unfair to them. They're not capable of doing all
the things you want done. Trump is just like you
and me and anyone else. Got a lot of really

great ideas, a lot of really stupid ideas. He puts
his pants on one leg at a time, just like
you and me. He's gonna do some good things, he's
gonna do some awful things, and we just keep on marching.
A thousand battles a million battles. Saving the country is
a process, not an event. We have many, many, many
races to win, a many fish to fry you. You

have to deal with your pain in a better way, though.
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to relief Factor dot com. All right, one more segment left, Hang.

Speaker 3 (28:41):
Out Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
Vaccian. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of
the Jesse Kelly Show. On and ask doctor Jesse Friday.
And it's been an amazing day and I know you're
gonna have an amazing weekend with your family, friends, community.
Make sure you get out and get in a group
of people. Just so you know, my fellow introverts, I

am getting with a group of people tomorrow night. I
already have plans to As I promised, we must go
out in this social media technology day and age and
physically interact with other human beings. That is how God
made us. So let's do it this weekend. If you're like, ah, Jesse,
I'm too tired where, that just means you haven't taken
your male vitality stack from chalk yet, or you haven't

taken your female vitality stack from chalk yet. You should
have already been taken that for three months now. If
you were three months, frankly a month, but if you
were three months into your stack from Chok, you'd be
ready to go to hang out this weekend. Now, you're
still not going to be excited about it. And when
you get there, your social meter, your social battery is

going to begin to drain, as mine does. You've got
me for a couple hours and then I'm going to leave,
but still a male vitality stack that got me there.
To begin with, Go get one, get a subscription Chuck
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Jesse gets you huge discounts on subscriptions. All right, Chuck

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Speaker 3 (30:19):
Now let's wrap this up, and now here's a headline.

Speaker 1 (30:23):
Why you know the thing emails.

Speaker 3 (30:27):
We didn't get to you, Jesse.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
I'm literally writing this message from inside a porter potty.
Why is this toilet paper so painfully thin in every
porta party? Is it a deterrent to keep people from
using them in order to keep them clean?

Speaker 3 (30:45):
Are they just cheap?

Speaker 1 (30:46):
The paper is cheap in a porta potty, yes, for
money savings, but also because they want the paper in
a toilet in a porta potty to be uniquely dissolvable,
because they have I have to show up and essentially
grind I don't want to go into all the details.
They essentially have to grind up the contents of it

to put it in a truck. I know, okay, I
know it's gross, Chris. What do you want me to do?
That's why the toilet paper stin? I'm moving on, Jesse.
What are your thoughts on bullfighting? I don't want to
tell you because I feel like a huge wools. I
am not an animal rights guy.

Speaker 3 (31:23):
I am not.

Speaker 1 (31:23):
I love the fish still. I don't hunt anymore. But
I grew up hunting, and I have no problem with
these things. And I understand what it's like on farms
and ranches. My grandpa was a farmer. My folks have
a ranch like I'm that guy. I'm that guy. I
don't cry when I see a dead armadillo on the
side of the road. I don't love bullfighting. I understand

the tradition of it. I just I don't like animals
to suffer. I don't like suffering. I have no problem
hunting one. Go hunt a deer, kill it, skin it,
and fill up your freezer with it, and enjoy every
single I'm gonna have a burger for dinner, already have plants.
It's huge on me. Kill all the animals and let
me eat them. I don't like the suffering aspect of

what Chris. Oh, Chris doesn't know. Chris is holding up
his hands. He doesn't understand what they do.

Speaker 3 (32:19):
Nobody. It's not pretty quick.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
You see the bull fighting, where you see the matador,
you know when he's stepping aside and stepping aside, and that's.

Speaker 3 (32:26):
Actually really cool.

Speaker 1 (32:28):
And then you maybe have seen the end where they
stick the sword in it and finish it off. Go
look up some pictures of bullfighting, buddy. What you'll see
is you'll see things that are essentially little spears hanging
off of the bull. They spear it and stab it
a million times before they kill it. It ends up

being essentially blind with pain and rage by the time
they kill it. Gosh, I sound like such a hippie loser.
I know, I do. I don't like it. I don't
like animals suffering. Gosh, I hate my Maybe I need
to up my chalk. Chris Jesse from your explanation during
this past Wednesday's radio program, I now understand the who,
the how, and the why behind the proliferating campus protests.

But what I still don't get is the why now
during the twenty twenty George Floyd Summer of Love riots,
so on and so forth, Biden was built as the
candidate of normalcy. But what's the calculation for why It's
in the commedi's interests to toss yet another amble at
the Biden campaign, barely treading water as it is. Thanks

for all you do. Well, you know how we've been talking.
It's been a consistent theme on this show about how
saving the country is a process and we have a
thousand bitos to fight and so on. You know who
understands that better than we do. The communists do. The
Communists are not all in on November. Look, they want

to win in November. I'm not saying otherwise.

Speaker 3 (33:54):
They do. They want to win in November.

Speaker 1 (33:56):
But the communists understand there is a larger thing at play.
Winning in November is just one of the things that
will help them in their effort to push along the revolution.
The revolution is the big thing, that's the larger war
for them. They are fighting a revolution against the great evil,

the great Satan. In their minds, that would be the
United States of America. And that is exactly how these
people think. That's how democrats think. They are fighting against
the great evil. They are not not going to put
all their eggs and all their emotion and all their
effort into just the November basket. They're in the middle

of a revolution. Street communism, angst chaos, violence. The normal
people seeing these things. It's an essential part of the revolution,
and it doesn't stop ever it doesn't stop for a Democrat.
It's never going to stop for those reasons. Why do

you think it is we were talking about this, there's
a political article the other day.

Speaker 3 (35:03):
Why do you think it.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
Is that it's the billionaire communist scum Democrat donors like
George Soros who are financing the protests. Now, George Soros,
I'm sure is going to max donate, probably already as
to Joe Biden, but he's also funding the protests that
you say are hurting Joe Biden. Why, well, yeah, he

wants to win in November, but he's got bigger fish
to fry than a Biden Trump White House. We think small,
We think about the next election, the next president. We
have to win this. The communist thinks bigger because we're
trying to win an election. He's trying to burn down
a country. His goals are bigger than our goals. That's

why chaos, violence, anger, They always aid, the communist, always, always, always,
the communist foments these things during the revolutionary phase because
when you destabilize a society, even if it may cost
you an election, in the long run, it moves along

the revolution. Jesse I married a Venezuelan some twenty three
years ago. She's now a control freak and acts like
a acts like Democrats. I can't stay How can I
stay in this marriage much longer?

Speaker 3 (36:25):

Speaker 1 (36:25):
I did convince her to vote for Trump in the
last election, but she hates him because of his behavior.
I bet she won't vote this time around. Look, buddy,
you're the one who married to Venezuelan. Look you need
to think about Latin women the same way you think
about redheads. God made them so hot because he also
made them insane, and you, if you want one, you're

going to have to deal with the other. You ever
dated a Cuban Mexican I'm telling you, man, you better
be tough. Now, go enjoy your weekend. You can send
me an email if you want. We'll sign off on
that wonderfully offensive note. All right, that's all
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