All Episodes

May 14, 2024 30 mins

Michael Cohen is a habitual liar who has been a social media nightmare.  Cohen has become the star witness against President Trump... how is this even a case?!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
And thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of
you for being with us. Happy Monday. Write down our
toll free number. It's eight hundred nine four one, Sean
if you want to be a part of the program.
We got a lot of news were gonna get to today.
Obviously the you know, the show trial, the weaponization of
our Justice department, you know, even fake news. CNN hosts

for read Zakaria, I'll play it later in the program says, yeah,
this ridiculous bookkeeping error trial is unfair to Donald Trump.
I mean, when you have people on the hard left
that are are even they have to admit this is insanity,
that this is crazy. When you have Bill Maher seeing

through the stormy you know Daniel's testimony last week, you know,
dredging up an interview that Daniels apparently gave to him
in twenty eighteen, raising questions about the credibility of her
testimony on the witness dand you know, and then conclude, yeah,
she's a bad witness.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
Is to say the least.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
And then he played the clip of the interview in
which Daniels was was emphatic that her alleged July two
thousand and six, issue with Donald Trump was was consensual
not to be construed as part of the me too movement.
You say it's not part of the me too movement, Yeah,
it's it's not a me two case. She said, I

wasn't assaulted. I wasn't attacked or raped or coerced or blackmail.
They tried, they tried to shove me into a me
too box to further their own agenda. And first of all,
I didn't want to be a part of that because
it didn't it's not the truth, and I'm not the
victim in that regard, but in you know, that's not

what she's saying.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
Now as he's saying.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
And then you've got a guy that is, you know,
convicted liar Michael calling up there, and you would think
that this guy has all the credibility in the world.
And when Faridzecarryas says, I doubt the New York indictment
would have been brought against the defendant whose name was
not Donald Trump. He's dead on accurate, and it wouldn't
have been brought against anybody, and Bragg didn't want to

bring it himself. And then of course you have to
these two high profile resignations the guy before him, Cyrus
fans didn't want to bring it after they had investigated
it forever. The you know, the idea that the statute
of limitations had passed is is pretty unbelievable in and
of itself. The fact that it's a misdemeanor is pretty

unbelievable in and of itself. The fact that they're somehow
they have yet to even define what the law the
crime is in this particular case is pretty spectacular. The
Epic Times has a story out today that I don't
think many people have paid attention to. You know, remember
the third highest ranking Justice Department official, Joe Biden's weaponized

Justice Department, is now prosecuting the case. Why would he
leave a highly prestigious job like that. We now know
that his wife's a donor, We know he was involved
in money raising for the DNZ, and it's so obviously
it's political for this person's part, but it perfectly works
out great for Biden. And then what happens over the weekend.

Donald Trump shocks the world and eighty thousand plus people
show up in New Jersey. Why because I think people
are seeing the injustice here and this is what Democrats
have not calculated, they have overreached, they have gone too far.
Everything for them. Okay, Russia, Russia collusion, total, complete, utter bs,

a quid pro quot. Oh okay, Well, what about Joe
Biden's recent quid pro quote Joe Biden and we'll get
into this later. When we talked to Congressman Corey Mills,
who himself filed articles of impeachment against Biden on Friday
over his comments of withholding offensive weapons and aid to Israel, Well,
this is Biden, he said. President Trump withheld congressionally appropriated

aid to Ukraine unless they granted him a political favor.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
Definition of a quid pro quo. This is no joke.

Speaker 1 (04:03):
Trump continues to put his own personal political interests ahead
of the national interest. He must be impeached. Oh well,
what is what is Joe Biden doing right now? He's
taking congressionally appropriated moneies and he's demanding that Israel use
it in the way and only the way that he
approves of of they're not getting it. Well, that sounds
like a quid pro quo. Never mind the previous quid

pro quo. You know, but anyway, Alvin BA Braggs prosecutors
listen to this I'm reading from the Epic Times today.
Appara Legal from Manhattan Attorney General Bragg's office testified on
Friday during some of Trump's quote hush money trial. By
the way, an NDA is not illegal. A non disclosure

agreement is not illegal. There is no crime NDAs believe
it or not. If you don't live in the corporate
world or environment or places like New York a California,
they are actually quite and quite legal. And Cone has
to say that Trumps specifically new and approved of the

characterization of payments and legal expenses. And he further has
to establish that Trump intended that this be done to
conceal the payments for the purposes of election violations or fraud. Well,
the only problem is is that you know, the timing
doesn't exactly work out in their particular favor. The election

was over when these monies were actually paid. And moreover,
many people believe it such a characterization for payments related
to a non disclosure agreement is accurate. Hillary Clinton's campaign
claimed in the same election that hiding the funding for
the dirty Russian bought and paid for Christopher Steele dossier

is a legal expense. Remember, she took money she funneled
it to a law firm Perkins Cooie. They hired a
not research firm for Fusion GPS, then hired in fact
Michael Christopher Steele. And what was the net result of that, Well,
the net result was she wrote it down as a

legal expense, the same exact case for crying out loud.
I mean, we're so numb to all of this at
this point, between starting with the Russia lie and the
pedaling of lies and conspiracy theories on fake news CNN
and conspiracy theory channel ms DNC, we become numb. Stormy, stormy, stormy,

you know in Peach and Peach, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, and
it's like it never stops. Well, let's go after Trump
for this. Let's go after Well, if we can't get
him here, we'll get them in DC. If we can't
get them in DC, we'll get him in Fulton County, Georgia.
We can't get him in Fulton County, Georgia, we'll get
him down in Florida. In a documents case where we're
learning more about coordination, I mean, it's insane. Anyway, back

to the epic times, the paralegal testifying that some of
the phone call records between Cone and Stormy Daniels.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
Were deleted, deleted.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
I thought, we you know, we just had the court
filing in the documents case down in Florida.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Where they had that. Whoops, yeah, sorry.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
It looks like the evidence that we had is not
in the same order as we told the court it
was in, and it seems to be very different. In
other words, it looks like it might have been tampered with.
In this particular case, phone records calls between Cone and
Stormy Daniels deleted. Well, what about the integrity of the
evidence in this particular case anyway. In a bid to

challenge some of the evidence being put forward in Trump's case,
the attorney asked the paralegal about roughly three pages worth
of records that the attorney claimed Bragg's office had deleted,
and then they this person confirmed the deletions and acknowledged
phone call records between twenty eighteen between Cone and Stormy
Daniels lawyer had in fact been deleted, along with some

of the records of convers between Daniel's manager and then
National Inquirer editor Dylan Howard about her claim that she
had an affair with Trump. I mean, the Trump attorney
alleging that the deletions are significant. They are significant, just
like you can't you know, you can't actually change the
order of what happens in a case here.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
But what have I been saying.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
I've been saying something very consistently that in spite of
everything that they throw at this man, he defies all
conventional political gravity.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
I mean, way do you hear.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
I'm gonna get to the polls from the New York
Times SIENA poll out today. It is devastating for Joe Biden.
And by the way, I'm not the only one saying it.
You got people like Barreed Zakaria saying trend lines are
not going to Biden's favor. You got smart people like
James Carvell saying, yeah, Trump is now more ahead than ever.

Everything we're throwing at him is not working. A lot
of things you can say about actually James carp believe
it or not, it's a fun guy to hang out with.
But I digress. I mean, even if if you've been
a critic of this, the judge in this case, look
at the judge of Biden, donor judge for crying out
loud and the connections that the daughter who's politically active

that financially that with some of the top Democrats, could
actually be fundraising off the result of this case. I mean,
by the very definition of law, that is a cause
for recusal.

Speaker 2 (09:33):
But yet it never happened.

Speaker 1 (09:34):
Here, you know, the idea, this never should have been
brought by anybody. It was a misdemeanor. Its statute of
limitations had passed. And here is the worst part of
this is that they don't Nobody can tell you. There's
not a single attorney that can actually tell you what
crime Donald Trump even allegedly committed. Donathan Turny made a

good point in his column that the calculus of Alvin
Bragg and the third highest ranking ranking Biden Justice Department
lawyers that's prosecuting this, they're counting on the jury convicting
Trump regardless of the evidence, because.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
There is no evidence.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
They don't even know what the crime is for crying
out loud, because they're barely discussing it. And that's probably
why Bragg likely fears that the judge, not the jury,
is going to decide the case. You know, which could
happen after the government closes it's evidence this week. The
defense is going to move for a direct verdict by
the judge on the basis that the evidence is insufficient

to sustain a conviction. And by the way, I would
agree with that assessment, and so did Jonathan Turley. The
election was over when those quote, you know, when all
of these so called expenses were actually paid the Michael
Cohne for crying out loud, and then you have the
double standard with Hillary Clinton once again. This is a

failure of our justice system on a spectacular level. You
might as well take the constitution of this great country
and shred it because it's meaningless if the law is
going to be applied this way, and this is what
law fare is. This is not equal justice under the law.

It's not equal application of our laws. A witch hunt
doesn't even begin to capture that the spectacular nature of
the Democrat's efforts to destroy this man at any cost.
But it does seem to be backfiring, doesn't It not
going particularly well? You know, at estimates of over eighty

thousand Trump supporters in his rally in Wildwood, New Jersey
over the weekend, I mean pretty deep blue state, Kevin
McCarthy said, potentially winnable. I've mentioned that in weeks gone
by and the White House. You think, does anyone think
that anybody like Joe Biden could ever get a crowd
or even have the ability to speak to a crowd.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
I don't think so.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
New Jersey's not exactly a place that people think Republicans
can compete.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
But over the years they've they've been able to compete.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
I would argue that when Glenn Youngkin won Virginia, had
anybody paid attention to New Jersey, Governor Murphy could have
been beaten.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
There's a much closer margin. Nobody saw it.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
But anyway, so you bring in, you know, Michael Kone
is your star witness. I can't wait to the defense.
I wonder how much time he spent being prepped by
these people, if at all. I mean, let's find out there.
But the prosecution of risking the entire trial on a
convicted liar, Okay, that's kind of rolling the dice and

a guy that's all over TikTok you know, trying to
get gifts from people crashing Trump and having you know,
t shirts on that showed Donald Trump behind bars. Okay,
well not exactly the guy that he came off with,
you know, with the softball questioning that he's getting from prosecutors.

Speaker 2 (13:04):
I mean, it is beyond weird.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
The selfie camera soliloquy sas the I guess was in
the Washington Posted even pointed out, I mean, you know,
the stream of consciousness, political debates will call in guests,
you know the well you can give me gifts by
the way, Oh okay, meaning pay me, give me money.
That's the way you make money. Trashing Trump a guy

just obsessed with him. Now, how is this going to
help the country.

Speaker 2 (13:31):
It's not.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
But this is what This is all they've got, and
it's probably the only case they're going to have before
election day in one hundred and seventy five days.

Speaker 2 (13:41):
But election day starts earlier.

Speaker 1 (13:42):
We have all that information in our interactive map on
Hannity dot com. And registration starts when it ends at
a register, how to vote by mail, how to vote
early in your state, all those details. I won't do
it here, but I'm just going to go in deep
into the Sienna and the New York Times poll because
it's devastating. What do I always say about Trump and

and Linda? I don't think I can say it any
better than I say it. If you think if you
think of something, let me know.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
But I think in this.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
Case they have so overreached, they've done the impossible. They've
turned Donald Trump into a victim. And I'll add to that,
he defies all conventional political gravity. If I were to
tell anybody, you know that somebody running for office in
the day or a day or two before a debate,

you have an access Hollywood style tape come out and
the guy goes on to win the election, would you
have would you have bet that way?

Speaker 2 (14:41):
Bet for that? Probably not?

Speaker 1 (14:43):
Or that if somebody gets arrested and charged again and
again and again and then gets arrested in a mugshot
and the ingerprints, and would would that end up backfiring?

Speaker 2 (14:54):
You know?

Speaker 1 (14:55):
If this is probably for Trump, whether he's found guilty
or not. Here it's the best case because it just
exposes the degree to which the corruption of the Biden
Department of Justice and the coordination with all these varying
groups of people that just want to destroy Donald Trump,
and in their blind hatred of him, they have created

a sympathetic figure. It's not going to work out the
way they want. They're helping him. And I'll explain all
about that when I go over the poll numbers as
we continue, eight hundred and ninety four to one, Sean,
as we kick off a busy week this Monday. All right,
let me get to the Siena polls, because this is

getting very very interesting in just so many different ways
here because you have Donald Trump now leading and again
this I mean, I find it interesting. Joe Biden's mean, well,
the polls aren't accurate, well, all the polls, even fake
news CNN, when fake new CNN and New York Times, Ye,
comes out so dramatically against you. You're you're You're in trouble.

You're in big trouble. I mean, you've got look in Arizona.
You don't think immigration's having an impact out there?

Speaker 2 (16:11):
Oh it is.

Speaker 1 (16:12):
Well, they were hoping the eighteen sixty four abortion ruling
by the court. Well that's been fixed, Okay, so that's
not going to be an issue anyway. Trump is up
by seven forty nine, forty two. Uh.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
And you know, if you look at Georgia, he's up
by ten. I mean, it's a forty nine thirty nine.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
I mean, then you look, for example, he's up in Nevada,
he's up in Michigan forty nine forty two. He's up
in Nevada fifty thirty eight, is up by twelve, Are
you kidding me? And that's pretty pretty unbelievable anyway, it's
it's it's just an amazing time. He's up by three
in Pennsylvania, which is incredible. The only the only swing

state that he's down two, and that would be Wisconsin.
That's forty seven forty five. But he's now leading in
five battleground states. That means if the election were held today,
Donald Trump would be re elected the forty seventh president
of the United States, well, not re elected technically. And
it's interesting to watch, you know, as you get into

the demographics behind all of this, and you know Axios
had a peace out. Working class voters could sink Democrats.
Now I've been making this argument for years and it
is true. Is this radicalized new Green Deal. I want
your guests stove. You're gonna put an electric car in
your driveway in garage, whether you like it or not.

Open borders to the point where they don't care about
enforcing our law, you know, even taking in ten million
plus unvetted Joe Biden illegal immigrants from our top geopolitical foes,
tens and tens of thousands from China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Yemen, in.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
Egypt, Afghanistan. This is madness.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Defund dismantled, no bail laws, reimagine the police. How's that
working out for Americans? How's your educational system, you know,
dealing with you know all these kids now inundating educational
you know, communities all around the country, or school districts
all around the country. You know, what you see is

this has become a party of radical coastal new Green deal,
socialist climate alarmist, religious cultists left. That's why you know,
traditional Democrats like James Carbold, I mean, maybe had of
a lot more, Harry'd be pulling it all out. That's
why David Axelrod has been so harsh in his comments

about Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (18:48):
That's why you hear from the likes of Van Jones.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
That's why somebody like Maureen Dowd will write a column like, really, Joe,
you're not going to pay attention to your own granddaughter.
I mean, and these these are impactful voices in the
Democratic Party, and they're getting, you know, louder, and they're
beginning to see that this is happening you know, the
decades long exodus of white working class voters from the

Democratic Party to the Republican Party now has Hispanic Americans.
If you look at these polls, in the demographic breakdown
of these polls, it is very, very crucial. I mean,
there was another poll the Philadelphia Inquirer, not exactly a
right wing bastion, pointing out that Biden is struggling in
Pennsylvania even with his veith base, and voters preferred Donald

Trump on the major issues of the day. Now, let's
assume a guilty verdict here in this case in New York,
this ridiculous case in New York, when we don't even
know what the crime is by a you know, obvious politicized,
weaponized Department of Justice, a weaponized DA that ran on
a platform to get Trump, the Trump organization, the Trump family,

and Joe Biden's third highest ranking official of the DOJ,
you know, leaving that prestigious job to do all of this.
Haven't even quite identified the crime. A judge that is
a Biden donor. I mean, it's insane anyway. But the
Inquirer goes on to say out of Pennsylvania in Philly
that after months of returned visits to Pennsylvania and millions

of dollars poured into political advertisements. Biden isn't gaining ground
in the critical swing state. This is what Axelrod was
saying last week. Stop lying to people about Biden comics.
Stop it. It's not working. You've been trying it for
a month after month after month, and you look at
some of the strategies they're putting out there. Oh, we

have a new memo from the DCCC. This is how
Democrats are going to win on the immigration issue. You
can't win on the immigration issue because this tape of
Joe Biden and may Orcus and the borders are telling
the America for three years. Oh no, the borders closed,
the borders, just you know, outright line to people.

Speaker 2 (21:04):

Speaker 1 (21:04):
The poll shows that Donald Trump is surging over Biden
by what ten points in Georgia, twelve points in Nevada.
The poll shows that Trump expanding his lead to seven
points in both Michigan and Arizona, three points in Pennsylvania.
That's the only battleground state where the only battleground state

he trails, as I said, is Wisconsin. The New York
Times blames Trump's expanding lead on African American, Hispanic and
young voters who are deserting Biden and droves. I'll read directly,
mister Trump and mister Biden are essentially tied among eighteen
to twenty nine year olds and Hispanic voters, even though
each group gave Biden more than sixty percent of their

vote in twenty twenty. Why because they're miserable the Biden
economies not helping them. What drives elections, peace and prosperity.
I say it all the time. Okay, are you better
off than you are four years ago? The one thing
they can't run on. They'll demagogue abortion democracy in peril.

January sixth, they'll say the usual Republicans of racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, transphobic,
and they want dirty air and dirty water. Okay, we've
heard it all before. Nobody's buying what they're selling. Oh,
the economy's great. That's how out of touch Joe was.
Last week, Trump wins by more than twenty percent. Wins

more than twenty plus percent. This is Pole after Pole.
Last Pole had him a twenty eight percent, But in
this poll, more than twenty percent of African Americans itally,
that would be the highest level of African American support
for any Republican presidential candidate since the enactment of the
Civil Rights Act that Lyndon Johnson, by the way, needed
Republican support for because people like, oh, let's see Joe

Biden's mentor and friend and the guy that stood with
him to stop the school bussing and the integration of
schools because he didn't want public schools being racial Jungles.
Robert KKK Byrd filibustered. Yeah, that Civil Rights Act. But
it suggests that Donald Trump's strength among young and non
white voters has upended the electoral map. I mean, now,

I'm not taking anything for granted. A lot can happen
in one hundred and seventy five days, or actually earlier
because of early voting, which I'm urging conservatives and Republicans
to overcome whatever resistance and reluctance they have to it. No,
it's not the system I want. There's another piece out
that came out. Where did I see this earlier today?

I don't even remember. I guess it came from a
lot of the polling stuff Axios actually their analysis to
Washington Post two. But anyway, it's the decades long exoduses
is real, and it's impacting the states that are.

Speaker 2 (23:55):
Going to matter. And then you really do have.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
To ask yourself a question after seeing what happened in
Jersey this weekend, is our states? Are the people in
New Jersey, New York? Are you fed up enough yet?
Have you been promised?

Speaker 2 (24:11):
You know?

Speaker 1 (24:12):
I mean, what do you love about? What what Murphy's doing?
What do you love about what Joe Biden has done?
You know, trump blasting? I mean, oh my gosh, did
you did you see some of this when they started
chanting bsbs? That's totally New York and New Jersey. It
might be people around in the country that that may

not get it, but that's kind of the way we
grew up and learned how to roll you and.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
Philly, you man, I think it's everywhere now. I think
people are fed up. I mean, they had a they
had Biden coming out of somewhere, probably another ice cream
pilor where he made a really tough decision with some
of his lackies, kind of you know, sheltering him around
so nobody can see that he can't put one foot
in front of the other. And it was just absurd
just watching him and he's coming out, he's putting the
thumbs up, he's waving, you know, like miss America, and

I'm like, buddy, they're screaming FJB. They're not saying hi.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
Well, they're also screaming let's go Brandon, which is the
same way of doing it. But anyway, the Yeah, here's
an interesting observation. I don't follow this, you know. For example,
I think Puck News somebody there put it out there.
I like to always give attribution that ten point five
million TikTok users in PA your state, three point four

million in Nevada, two point four million Arizona, five point
four in Georgia, three point seven in Michigan. If just
one percent of these users are fed more pro Trump
anti Biden content by creators who are miffed over the ban,
that could have serious impact on the election. But you know,
we'll see what happens. But I mean, when you have

that many people in New Jersey show up in a
deep quote deep blue state, now you might look at
the you know, I don't know, the Christy Todd Whitman's
or the Christie's of the world, and you might see, eh,
Donald Trump's more conservative.

Speaker 2 (26:04):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
I think things are bad enough that all bets are
off at this point, A lot of people saw Lawrence
Taylor and what he said is, I just I grew
up a Democrat. I've always been a Democrat until I
met the man right here. And he'll not have to
worry about anybody in my family that's ever gonna vote
Democrat again. And anyway, it was swamped and then people

start chanting, let's go Brandon bsbs except they're actually saying it.
I mean they were funny, you know, funny issues too.
I mean he was talking about he used the reference
about Hannibal Lector and I look, anybody that has watched
the movie knows all about Hannibal Lecter. And you know

that he talks about the last scene in the Silence
of the Lambs and what is that actor's name he's
in Goodfellas, I forget his name off the top of
my head, and he's actually cooking the brain of somebody.
Uh well, first of no, it's his brain that's being
cooked by what's the what's the British actor's name that

played Hannibal Elector. He's so good in that movie. Yeah, oh, Hopkins.

Speaker 2 (27:13):

Speaker 1 (27:14):
Yeah, but anyway, but he's talking about all these people
were letting. What do we know about these people that
were letting into the We know nothing about them.

Speaker 2 (27:22):
Now you want to know about the party of coastal elites.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
Biden is topping tapping into Obama, George Clooney, Julie Roberts,
and the Clintons for mega fundraisers. Okay, that's all you
need to understand about them. By the way, Pelosi rebuked
to her face during an Oxford debate after condemning Americans
clouded by guns, gays, and gods.

Speaker 2 (27:47):
Didn't that once come up before? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (27:49):
I think so that was Barack Obama, you know, bitter
Americans clinging to their god, guns, bibles, religion.

Speaker 2 (27:58):

Speaker 1 (27:59):
By the way, Mark penn I mean, he's a smart
I've known Mark Pennen for years. I've had him on
TV and radio for years.

Speaker 2 (28:05):
Smart guy. He used to be Clinton's pollsters. Not a dope.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
And he has an article out Biden is doing it
all wrong, and Biden's not going to change either. You know,
he appears to be behind in all swing states. Yeah,
because he's doing it all wrong. And you know Jen Saki,
by the way, coming under fire. I mean, by the way,
after they excoriated Christy Nome for getting, you know, the

the issue of having met or not met Kim Jong
Lun wrong in her book, well Saki actually falsely recounted
Biden's watch check Remember when the thirteen brave Americans were
killed at Kabble inter National Airport. Remember that disaster of
a withdrawal where he abandoned Americans he said he wouldn't,
where he abandoned our allies, he said he wouldn't. And

then he you know, he's a dover air base awaiting
the bodies of our heroes, and he keeps looking at
his freaking watch. And she just got it wrong in
the book. She just gets to make a correction. Not
a problem, not a problem, no big deal anyway. So
it's definitely get an interesting on so many different levels.

And I'll tell you the abandonment of Israel to appeal
to this radical base, I don't think it is not
going over well but just not. And guess whose popularity
is going through the roof bb Net and Yahoo's Michael
Moore is out there, you know, condemning Biden in their
handling of the Israel. They want complete abandonment, you know,

and this Lindsey Graham was like, oh, well, what about
Ronald Reagan. First of all, they got that whole story
completely wrong and omitted major facts associated with it. And
number two, this wasn't after the worst attack in Israel's history.
Excuse me, you have to have some historical perspective. And
he just absolutely eviscerated somebody on one of the morning

shows on some nobody watches those shows. I don't know
why people actually go on them. That are Republicans wasted
their time. We have a lot of ground to cover. Also,
we got to get the latest on this trial today.
We'll recap everything on Hannity tonight at nine on the
Fox News Channel. I mean, we are living in insane times,

we really are. We'll get perspective from our friend New Kingridge.
That's coming up. Also, Corey Mills, Congressman Florida, filed articles
of impeachment on Joe Biden's quid pro quo as relates
to congressionally appropriated money for Israel.

Speaker 2 (30:35):
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If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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