All Episodes

May 14, 2024 31 mins

 Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and author of March to the Majority, is here with his comments on Michael Cohen, campus protests and the future of media with AI, and last but not least, is there a worm in RFK’s brain?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Ight Holan two, Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine
to four one, shawns on number if you want to
be a part of the program. I don't even know
where to begin. The world's kind of on fire. We
have an election in just one hundred and seventy five days.
Poll's looking good for Donald Trump again. Today you've got
the convicted liar, Michael Cune, the Star Witness. I mean,

this is becoming more comical by the hour. You know,
wall to wall, never ending coverage of a case where
we don't even know what the actual charges are, the
crime is. And on top of that, you have a
president that has surrendered in the war on terrorism and
has given frankly aid comfort and he's emboldened, you know,

terrorists all around the world. Not a small point. And
I don't know where to begin anyway. Former Speaker of
the House New Gingrich is with us. Don't forget his
podcas Cast, which is phenomenal and I've actually been a
guest on it. You can find it wherever you got
podcasts around you, Nuts World or nut three sixty sir,

how are you?

Speaker 2 (01:11):
I'm doing well, and I think you sort of captured
this amazing time we're in where you've got a president
who has betrayed one of our strongest allies. And there's
no other word for it. What Joe Biden has done.
Digitals pure, but it's just a betrayal. On the other hand,
you have eighty five to one hundred thousand people going

out to Wildwood to see Donald Trump, and I think
a total repudiation of everything the establishment's trying to do
to President Trump. You have I think, growing disgust in
the country with the Biden administration and it's complete failure.
Of course, Today's New York Times cenpol that shows Trump's

now ahead and five out of six swing states in
places like Georgia, he's now up like eleven points. So
something there's a plate tectonic shifting. You're going to see
it in Europe, where the Conservatives are going to do
very well in the parliamentary elections for the European Parliament
in June. And I think you're going to see a

continued growth of people deciding that left wingism doesn't work,
and that being weak doesn't work, and that the world's
really dangerous and we need mature, real leadership.

Speaker 1 (02:29):
Well, I think that clearly that is evident. I really believe,
mister speaker, and you're the historian and the professor, that
we're at an inflection point here as a country. I
don't know what America looks like. God forbid. If Joe
Biden never got elected for four more.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
Years, well, I think it would be a disaster of
the first order, because he would convince every idiot on
the left that their hatred of America is legitimate and
that they have majority support to hate America. And what
you're actually seeing, which is fascinating, I think, is a slow,
steady shift away from the left. I just sold a

few minutes ago, for example, that the University of North
Carolina is ending its Diversity and Inclusion office and taking
that money to hire more campus police. Now, I can't
imagine a better battle cry to drive the left crazy
and close down your DEI office and use the money

for more campus police. But that's the kind of stuff.
You know, you'd be in to see a really fundamental
shift as people realize that no this stuff works. And
I think we're in probably the most dangerous period since
the nineteen thirties. And in many ways, what Biden just
did to Israel is very much like Chamberlain selling out

the Czechoslovakian Republic in nineteen thirty eight. I mean, it's
oh now. The truth is that Barack Obama quietly cut
off off the transfer of missiles to Israel while he
was president. But what Biden has done is totally different.
I mean, He's drawn a line in the sand and

raised the possibility that under his leadership, the US would
cut off all military aid Israel and try to genuinely
coerce the Israelis, and frankly, it's not going to work.
There's a by the way, a great story that I
think was in the Wall Street Journal about monocolm began
confronting Biden when Biden was the chairman of the Senate

of Finance Foreign Relations Committee and just saying to him,
you know, he knew anything you want to to us.
We didn't survive the Holocaust, we didn't create Israel. The
actual quote is this, don't threaten us with cutting off
aid to give up our principles. I'm not a Jew
with trembling knees. I'm a proud Jew with thirty seven
hundred years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid

when we were dying in the gas chambers and others.
Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to
create our country. We paid for it, we fought for it,
we died for it. We will stand by our principles,
we will defend them, and when necessary, we will die
for them again with or without Year eight. That's a
monocolm began Prime Minister of Israel to Joe Biden in

a Senate Foreign Relations meeting in nineteen eighty two. And
it's clear that Biden has not learned anything.

Speaker 1 (05:19):
Well, I mean it was Bob Gates has said that
on every foreign policy issue over the last four decades
that Joe Biden has got gotten them wrong. And there
was Barack Obama who said that famously that never underestimates
Joe's ability to mess or f things up, to be
very clear. So we now find ourselves in a situation

where Israel now has been abandoned, and I think this
is embolden all of the well starting with Iran, every
terrorist organization around the world. I think it sent a
terrible message to our allies. America is not going to
defend the cause of liberty and freedom anymore. They've abdicated
that role on the world stage. I believe China and

Russia and Iran and all of the most hostile actors
in the world have taken note as well. And I
think this is a very precarious situation. As you know,
you've got to wonder will Iran get the nuclear weapons?
The IAEA now says that they're getting close to getting
they're actually claiming they have them. I wouldn't be surprised

if Russia or China assisted and helped them.

Speaker 2 (06:27):
No, I think there's an access of evil. If George W.
Bush put it in two thousand and one. Unfortunately Bush
didn't understand what that meant and promptly forgot it, but
he was right. And I think we have to recognize
there are people out there who want to destroy our country.
I mean, I think that one of the most interesting

people right now is Chuck Schumer. He is the Senator
for the city which has the largest number of Jewish
population in the world, Bigger than Tel Aviv, bigger than Jerusalem.
New York City is the center of Jewish population, and
yet he is so intimidated by the Left that he
is not standing up for Israel, and he's not doing

what needs to get done. And I'm really a little surprised.
I think that Biden is so wrong in cutting off
military aid to Israel that I would think, in a
healthier world, the Congress on a bipartisan basis would force
him to back down. I mean, that's probably spent all
these months getting the aid money through only to have

Biden decide that he wouldn't send it. And everything Biden
said about how vital was, how important it was, suddenly
he's now mad at bab Net Yahoo, he doesn't want
to send the money. The truth is were you and
I think would disagree totally with Biden. If you don't
finish the job with Hamas, if you do what Biden
would do and turn Rafa into a terrorist sanctuary city,

you're guaranteeing future efforts to destroy Israel. And this is
a moment to encourage the israel As to get the
job done. Finish Hamas off, develop a policing system for
Gaiza that never again allows terrorists to dominate it, which
will be frankly, dramatically better for the Palestinians. I mean,
they're the people who've been robbed by Hamas. It's their

money that went to build all of these various tunnels,
a tunnel system as big as the entire London underground
tunnel system, all built with money stolen from the Palestinian
people by Hamas.

Speaker 1 (08:35):
So the strategy, if I'm reading in Axios correctly, of
the Democrats, is going to be that, well, the border
problem is actually the Republicans, because they didn't support our
bill in the last year, and then you go back
again to America standing in the world, and their attitude
is we're just going to lie, and we're just going
to say Republicans are horrible, and they're racist and sexist

and homophobic and xenophobic and islamophobic and transphobac and they
want dirty air and water, and we want are going
to demand you get an electric car.

Speaker 3 (09:05):
I mean, how does that work for them?

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Well, look, I mean push all they have to lie
because if they tell the truth, they might as well
go home and quit. I mean, you're saying the results.
By the way, I think part of the reason that
both Nevada and Arizona have now shifted so decisively towards
Trump is a combination of immigration and crime. And I
think that there's a very real sense that and I

wouldn't be at all surprised to see New Mexico start
moving into play because of the combination.

Speaker 1 (09:35):
Well what about New Jersey for crying out loud? That
crowd was insane.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
Didn't you and I once do an event at wildwiod
years ago?

Speaker 1 (09:43):
Did I do an event? Well, No, we used to
do Freedom Concerts. That was at six Flags in New
Jersey and we had some of the best events ever there.
You were a part of many of them. You were great,
and I almost feel like starting them up again, But
I can't say that.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
I was gonna say you and I would draw like
fifteen thousand he drew with crazy five and one hundred
thousand people.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
Do you remember the event we did in Georgia? I
mean we've packed some state em I think it was
in Gwinnette. I mean it was crazy. We have Jeff
Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy, and I think Leonard
Skinner that year was It was a lot of fun.
You were there with us and we just had a
great time doing them. But no, I think the only
people in New Jersey they can get that, those that

style crowd would be Let's see Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi,
Taylor Swift and add Donald Trump to the list.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
I looked at the crowd. I couldn't believe it.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
I mean, can you imagine you're sitting there in court,
the other guys are doing everything they can to lie
about you, to defame you, as he points out, to
keep you in literally in the cold, and you go
out and you do an event like that that is
so dominant, So it just washes away everything the left
trying to do.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
I mean, is every paradigm off the table this year?
I mean, is it absurd to think that maybe New
Jersey could be in play?

Speaker 2 (11:08):
No, I think, Look, I am an old fashioned optimist.
I think by the time people really get done thinking
about this, remember Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter by the
largest electoral vote that any incumbent president had ever lost by,
Because all of a sudden, people look clown to go.
Particularly if you start thinking about a vote for Biden

is probably a vote for Kamala Harris to be president.
I mean, just give us capabilities. If you vote for Biden,
you're almost certainly voting for Kamala A. Harris president. The
number of people in America willing to do that is
I think surprisingly small.

Speaker 3 (11:45):
It really really is amazing.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
I quick break more with new King Rich on the
other side, eight hundred and ninety four one shawnasan number.
We'll get to your calls next half hour, and then
we'll be joined at the top of the final hour
with Corey Mills, who's taking his impeachment claims to a
new level of filing articles of impeachment against mister Choka
Chuka Chip himself.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
Joe Biden.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
We continue gig Rich is with us New three sixties podcast. Now,
let's take a worst case scenario and Donald Trump's get
Donald Trump gets convicted in this New York case. Does
that have any impact on this race?

Speaker 2 (12:22):

Speaker 1 (12:22):
I don't think he can get a fair trial at
all in New York or DC or Fulton County, Georgia,
for that matter. But does it have But I don't
think those cases will be brought before the election. But
do you think a conviction in this ridiculous case in
New York has any impact on the race?

Speaker 4 (12:41):

Speaker 2 (12:41):
I only think it will lead to an effort to
have people like who are capable the Commerson's Eldam to
take on the entire corruption of New York, and it
may put both New Jersey and New York in play.
I mean, there's a level of sickening corruption going on here.
The average person has to think, is this profoundly wrong?

And I think I don't think anybody who is for
Trump would believe if Trump were convicted in this crial.
And frankly, the witnesses have been so pathetic, their arguments
have been so dishonest the case itself. Every independent lawyer
who's looked at it has said that the brag brought

a case. It clearly doesn't exist.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
It doesn't exist. There's no law, there's no justification for this.
And I will tell you weaponization. They have gone so
far overboard that I believe it's boomerang back against them,
and I think they're too dumb to know it yet.
But that's what I mean when I say he defies
all conventional political gravity on paper, nobody would be going

through a Donald Trump goes through and watch their poll
numbers go higher every time they do it to them.
It just doesn't happen. If I would have told you
that in the nineties, you would have laughed at me.

Speaker 2 (13:59):
Sure, But I think part of it, I'm not sure
President Trump leants me to say this, But part of us,
not Trump, part of it is the American people, for
whom he is a symbol that they are four because
they are so pissed off at an establishment that is
so corrupt, so dishonest, so left wing that it infuriates them.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
And I think you're right, you know, so.

Speaker 2 (14:23):
They turned to Trump. And if Trump had a reasonable opposition,
he would not have this kind of strength. But what's
happening is they are driving the left and Biden are
driving the American people to Donald Trump, and he is
becoming the symbol of the only alternative strong enough to

break the old order.

Speaker 3 (14:46):
Wow. Powerful statement.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
Anyway, New three sixty wherever you get your podcast, and
you haven't had me on in a while?

Speaker 3 (14:54):
You mad at me or something? What's up with that?

Speaker 2 (14:56):
You're so busy? Now?

Speaker 1 (14:58):
What do you mean I'm so busy? When would I
ever say no to you? That's never happening.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
Well, it's okay, but we'll be checking in with Linda
the next day.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
Okay, I'm just I just noticed I haven't been. Although
last time we did digress into like old war stories
about our past teagether and maybe we didn't even talk
about anything substantive anyway. Speaker Gingrich love having you my friend.
Thank you as always, and your insight is keen and
your his historical perspective second or none. We appreciate your

time as always.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
Take care.

Speaker 1 (15:31):
Hey, listen to this show one time and you're hanitized.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
Sean Hannity is back on the radio.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Twenty five to the top of the hour. Glad you
with us. Happy Monday. Eight hundred and nine four one
Shawn is a number. You want to be a part
of the program if you own a gun. This is
a wake up call on a regular morning. A US
Army veteran his name was Brian, attacked by a man
with a steel pipe while he was with his family. Now,
despite warnings, Brian was forced to defend himself with his firearms,

and in today's twisted America, he was the one that
ended up being charged with first degree murder and put
in jail. Now, Brian remembered that the United States concealed
Carry Association membership that he had that it included self
defense liability insurance. He reached out to the USCCA and
was immediately connected with a highly skilled legal team. They

got the charges thankfully dropped, saved him from nothing but
financial ruin and maybe jail and That's why I've been
a USCCA member now for nine years, because proving your
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go to their website Defend Family right now to start
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you sign up, by the way, you're not only going
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to their website learn a lot about self defense beyond

just owning a weapon. It's Defendfamily dot com. Defendfamily dot com. Well,
last week it was your giggling vice president laughing while
discussing women's reproductive health and fillopian tubes. Listen, can't make
it up. It was a long day and press was there,
and I said, let me just tell you, you guys

are gonna have to be ready for this, ready for
certain language.

Speaker 5 (17:39):
And I said, very loudly.

Speaker 3 (17:41):
Ovaries filopian two bilopian tubes. Right, cuter rests five, Rice,
Thank you. It was the funniest thing for me, at least.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
Now over the weekend, I mentioned this earlier. Kamala Harris
speaking at the Asian Pacific American Institute her Congressional Studies
and Anyway legislative leadership. She got the crowd fired up.
She actually dropped the F bomb while urging attendees to
break barriers. So here's the thing about breaking barriers. Breaking

barriers does not mean you start on one side of
the barrier.

Speaker 3 (18:22):
You end up on the other side of the barrier.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
There's breaking involved, and when you break things, well, you
get cut, you may bleed, and it's worth it every time.
Every time she begins anyway, here's what she was talking about.

Speaker 3 (18:35):
Breaking barriers.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
We have to know that sometimes people will open the
door for you.

Speaker 6 (18:41):
And leave it open.

Speaker 3 (18:42):
Sometimes they won't, and then you need to kick that
door down. Ex here's my language.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
Yes, you're ever so smart, giggling VP. All right, let's
get to our busy phones. I know a lot of
you being very very patient here, Tom Texas on the
Sean Hannity Show, Tom, how are you glad you called?

Speaker 7 (19:09):
Thanks? Thanks? I was just wondering why Trump won't consider
Mike Pompeo for his VP. I'm looking at a CIA director,
Harvard Law School graduate Secretary of States in the United
States Military. He finished valedictorian at West Point. He finished
first in his class at West Point, and he was

four years tank commander in West Germany. He's got class
all over him. And I'm one guy that's not really
into this gender or race card picking people that kind
of backfire in Georgia Hershel Walker, and I was just
wondering if there's some bad blood between Mike Pompeo and Trump.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
What say you?

Speaker 1 (19:52):
I say that there is not bad blood. And I'll
make a prediction here now. If Donald Trump is elected
in one hundred and seventy five days, Mike Pompeio is
going to play a major role in his administration. I've
known going back to his congressional days. I've known Congressman
Mike Pompeio for a long time. I've knew him as
CIA director, I've known him as Secretary of State. I've

seen him abroad in places like Singapore, Vietnam, Helsinki for
crying out loud. So I know him really, really well.
You're right, smart as a whip. I think he probably
is under consideration for VP, and I think he brings
a real sense of you know how do you say gravitas.

I don't love the word, but that would be appropriate
for him. And he's brilliant and he's you know, maybe
maybe for people that worry about well, Donald Trump might
do it, which, by the way, is a good fear
for our enemies abroad to have. He's the guy that
kind of brings to you know, steadies the ship a
little bit in some people's minds, So it might balance

out Trump a little bit. But yeah, I think he's
under consideration for a major role in our next Trump administration,
and I hope it happens.

Speaker 7 (21:07):
I hope that Kamala Harris get in charge at thirty
five hundred nuclear weapons. No way we can let that happen.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
Well, you got one hundred and seventy five days to
tell everybody, you know, actually less than that because early
voting and again all of this is on Hannity dot com,
our interactive and map. You find out when registration ends
in your state, how to register in your state. You
find out when early voting starts, voting by mail, how
to do it. All those details available as a public service. Anyway, Tom,

appreciate the call. Happy Monday to you on the same
topic with the Free State of Florida. John in Florida,
will stay in Florida. What's going on?

Speaker 4 (21:47):
John Knew was talking about all the corruption in this administration,
and I was wondering, whatever happened with the tens of
millions of dollars that the Biden send It has been
raking in for your children, grandchildren, relatives, friends, and why
isn't he being impeached.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
Well, there's still a lot of work to do. Number one,
I know there'll be a report certainly, if not a
full report and interim report coming. I think the evidence
has been overwhelming and incontrovertible. There's it's you know, we
know Joe Biden lied when he said he never talked
to his son, brother or anybody for that matter about
their foreign business deals. We know that he met with them,

many of them. We know he called in, you know,
to a lot of the business meetings. And then of
course the big quid pro and quo which took place,
which is Joe going against Obama administration policy, in our
agency policy and leveraging the billion dollars that had been
approved for loan guarantees for Ukraine, leveraging it given the

Ukrainian six hours to fire a prosecutor that we now
know was looking into Verisma Holdings, the oil and gas
giant in Ukraine, of which was paying his son, who
went on Good Morning America and admitted he had no
experience at all whatsoever. What was being paid millions of
dollars and at a time when he was an admitted

crack addict makes sense to nobody, and why nobody in
the mainstream media mob cares. We know why because they're political.
The evidence to me is overwhelming, it is incontrovertible, and
let's see what happens. They're going to be now. Republicans
have a problem. They have a one vote lead in
the House. They don't have a big enough majority, and

unfortunately for Republicans in the House, there are too many
Rhino week Republicans that won't go along with the impeachment inquiry.
They think that will hurt their re election chances. And
for them it's all about I guess, political power and survival,
and then they're not willing to take a stand for
what I believe would be the right thing to do.
So we'll talk to Corey Mills at the top of

the hour about his impeachment push.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
We'll see I got her busy.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
Phones Ronda Louisiana Next, Sean Hannity Show, Ronda High How
are you glad you.

Speaker 8 (24:13):
Called hey, miss Henny. Yeah, I wanted to make a
little comment about the VP and who I think he
should pick.

Speaker 2 (24:20):

Speaker 8 (24:21):
I don't know what the qualifications are for VP, but
I sure would liked him to pick one of his children,
Don Junior, Eric Ivanka, I mean, any of them.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
I don't think that's even on the table, and probably
for good reason for their sake, but I just don't
think that's gonna happen. However, I mean, you know, I mean,
I'm fond of all of them, and I get along
great with all of them, so you know, I have
no problem with it.

Speaker 8 (24:52):
Well, the left flip over. If he was to announce
Don Junior as a VP, I think.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
I think their head would explode. Yeah, I do.

Speaker 8 (25:03):
That would be oh my god. And I have a
couple other things. And with Flynn, Mike Flynn, I think
he should run.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
What about Laura Trump?

Speaker 8 (25:14):
Yeah, her too.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
You can add her a little list anyway, go ahead,
but we can keep going all day. Or Rick, what
do you want about Mike Flynn Rickell? I think Mike
I like like I like Rickanel Grannell too. I think
he would be a part of any Trump administration moving forward,
and and he'd play a very pivotal role.

Speaker 8 (25:34):
I said about Flynn, I wish he could be Secretary
of State.

Speaker 2 (25:38):

Speaker 8 (25:39):
I think he's a smart guy. He knows where all
the dirt is. But yeah, I think that's my opinion
on for as the VP. But I wish there would
be one reporter, one conservative reporter, that would stand up
and not necessarily call Joe Biden a liar, but announce it.

I mean, and you can say it in a nice way, now, sure.

Speaker 3 (26:02):
You know that I'll say it. Joe Biden's a liar.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
He lied when he said he never talked to his son,
brother or anybody for that matter about their foreign business dealings.

Speaker 3 (26:11):
There you go, he's a liar. I said it.

Speaker 8 (26:14):
I would like for uh, even somebody to tell uh
the cringe the kJ T, I call him cringe Uh
one of them to ask her, how do you feel
about being you wasn't hired on intellect or merit. You
hired a Dana. How do you feel about that?

Speaker 3 (26:37):
Didn't hear the you hired what you're talking about? De
ei got it.

Speaker 8 (26:42):
She wasn't. She wasn't hired on merit or intellect.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Look, I mean, honestly, I'm a I'm a hire the
right person for the job kind of guy.

Speaker 3 (26:54):
That's it, you know.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
It just so happens that the executive producer this radio
show is a woman.

Speaker 3 (27:03):
Did now? Did I choose Linda because Linda is a woman?

Speaker 2 (27:07):

Speaker 1 (27:08):
Linda is just the best person for the job, period
and a sentence. I have an executive producer on television
that happens to be a woman. I Did I pick
her because she's a woman. No, she's the best person
for the job. Is that fair, Linda? Is that a compliment?

Speaker 5 (27:25):
Yes, thank you very much.

Speaker 6 (27:26):
I appreciate being judged for my abilities and not my
God given gender.

Speaker 1 (27:31):
I mean, it's it's not a thought for me. I
don't know why it is for so many other people. Listen,
I'm telling you that all HR departments, all this DEI
stuff could be wiped away and you could have, you know,
an HR book with one with one page in it,
you know, and it could be optional Part one, which

is the golden rule. Love God with all your heart, mind, body,
and soul, love your feel workers as yourself, love your
neighbor as yourself, treat others the way you want to
be treated. Case closed. And if people would respect other
people that way, it'd be a better world and the
work environment would be a better place. And you know,
you get the job based on merit, based on your ability,

and you keep the job based on your work ethic.
You know what I have found in life is and Linda,
you can back me up on this. I don't really
fire people. People end up firing themselves almost every single
solitary time. Can you think of anybody that that? And
there really aren't a lot of people, actually, you know,
can you I can't think of anybody that I fired

for any of the reason that they fired themselves. I
give them every opportunity I can to. Yeah, if something's
not working right.

Speaker 5 (28:49):
I mean, most.

Speaker 6 (28:50):
People that work on the show, unless they leave because
they move or they get married or whatever. You know,
everybody's kind of here and does their thing. I mean
there's only been a few people who have really they
just tried really hard to get fired and they succeeded,
you know, but as the rule, they were the exception.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
I bet you love Bernie Sanders proposal to get paid
the same amount of money and you only work thirty
two hours a week.

Speaker 3 (29:12):
I bet you'd love that gig.

Speaker 5 (29:14):
Who is working thirty two hours a week? Is what
I want to know.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
I mean, I can't.

Speaker 1 (29:17):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (29:18):
On our jobs in forty hours, it's a NonStop.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
Okay, So I'm on all right, I work. I'm on
the air twenty hours a week and I put, you know,
five hours in for every hour I'm on the air minimum.

Speaker 3 (29:28):
It's insane. It is insane.

Speaker 1 (29:31):
How many times this weekend did text come rolling in
for me about story ideas and different things.

Speaker 3 (29:37):
I wanted to make everybody aware of.

Speaker 6 (29:39):
I mean, it's all the time, and you're either in
it stop, I'm not.

Speaker 5 (29:44):
People are just lazy, man, They're so lazy.

Speaker 3 (29:47):
I don't get it. I don't roll that way. I
just don't.

Speaker 5 (29:51):
Bernie Sanders has never worked, so you know he's not
playing on.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
Yeah, that's a good point. We have a minute for
Michelle and Alabama. Michelle, how are you you got about
a make account?

Speaker 9 (30:00):
How are you?

Speaker 3 (30:01):
I'm good? What's going on?

Speaker 8 (30:03):
I am?

Speaker 9 (30:03):
I'm an educator for twenty five years and I have
taught sixth grade through master's level in college. And one
of my biggest scrips right now on not just your show,
but just theedse maybea in general, or how these protesters
on college campuses are being called kids because you know.

Speaker 3 (30:20):
What, I'm guilty of that You're right, and.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
I'm telling you, I mean, even in my own mind,
I mean, my children are now becoming adults, and in
my own mind, I've not made the complete shift.

Speaker 3 (30:35):
Maybe maybe it's I just can't.

Speaker 1 (30:39):
They're adults. I mean, I hate the fact. I mean,
I don't even want to know what they do.

Speaker 3 (30:43):

Speaker 1 (30:44):
You know, when kids go to college, you don't want
to know. I just don't want to know, you don't.

Speaker 9 (30:48):
And I don't want to know about some of my
high school students either. But calling them kids, in my mind,
reduces their culpability, and what they are doing is very dangerous,
and I think.

Speaker 1 (30:57):
That they need to be labeled adults and they should
know better, right, there are adults that should know better. Yes,
well said, I'm proud of you. Thank you for correcting me.
I agree completely

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