All Episodes

May 9, 2024 41 mins

KSR is Live at KSBar & Grille talking Trent Noah's commitement to Kentucky and Ryan's beef with a fast food restaurant.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Comedy Off Broadway in Lexington. Welcome's Michael Pallisak May seventeenth
and eighteenth. Then catch Kevin Farley me twenty third through
the twenty fifth, and don't miss Sam Morrell May thirty
first through June second. Comedy Up Broadway opened in downtown
Lexington in nineteen eighty seven, and they're still bringing the
best in stand up comedy to the area thirty seven

years later. Call eight five nine two seven one joke
or visit Comedy Off Broadway, dot com Comedy Off Bay.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
This is Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage. Now
here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
Welcome everyone, Kentucky Sports Radio, Thursday, May the ninth. I'm
Matt Jones here at the Chs Bar and Grill with
We got folks here from Potville, folks here from Cincinnati,
all kinds of good people, and we are ready to go.
You can give Shannon Clark's Puppet Shop full line thirty
second shot clock today Shannon all right A five nine

two oh twenty two eighty seven. I had Tall's wife
told me Shannon giving people the buzzer might be her
favorite part of the show. I don't wait to.

Speaker 2 (01:04):
Harry whining when I do it to people.

Speaker 3 (01:05):
Which on one hand is really nice, like this is
one of my life on friends. On the other hand,
I do this show all the time, prepare every night,
and one of my best friends looks at me and says,
I like when Shannon hits the buzzer. The vision on
on glass text machine is seven seven two seven cent
four five two five four. In this distion sponsored by
the t J Smith Lovis, if you call Tj'll make

them pay. I'm just kidding with you, Tiffany. It is
a thank you very much. It is a beautiful day
here in Lexington. I fly out this evening to go
to Dallas for my mom's graduation. So looking forward to
that time. I got home last night and was gonna

pack and then I rose I couldn't find I left
my suit. What do you call those things? Garment bags?

Speaker 4 (01:52):

Speaker 3 (01:52):
I left that, uh in Louisville. So I'm having to
borrow one of my friend's garment bags to fly because
you know, I gotta wear suits the whole time. I'm
you know, because it's fancy.

Speaker 4 (02:02):
Well, yeah, didn't your mom kind of give you the
dress code for they talk?

Speaker 3 (02:05):
I'm I'm forty five. My mom told me exactly what
I have to wear. She said, you have to wear this,
and then you have to wear this, and you have
to be happy. And I said I would do all that.
And then last night, you know they go to bed early, right,
like they go to.

Speaker 4 (02:18):
Bed at like four point thirty.

Speaker 3 (02:20):
Yeah, so she said, we're staying and the concierge at
the hotel told us right down the street on Friday
and Saturday nights they have tacos and music. And she
was like, when we go to sleep, you can go
get tacos and music. And I was like, well, thank you, mom.
On Friday and Saturday night in Dallas, I'll go get talk.

Speaker 4 (02:37):
She was gonna say, and we want to go with
you to tacos and music. No, they're going to bed.

Speaker 3 (02:41):
Yeah, I don't know Mom's had I don't know if
Larry's had taco. Well, I guess they do eat one
of the seven vegetable in Middlesborough. So so yes, but
I'm looking forward to that. And you guys will be
tomorrow doing this host this show. You're gonna have Mario
on a little am I right?

Speaker 4 (02:58):
Yeah? Our number one idea we have for tomorrow you're
already taking it from us. Today we're gonna.

Speaker 5 (03:03):
Get We're gonna tell Mario's stories.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
Well, we have Trent Noah, he's coming on at eleven o'clock.
We'll talk more about him in just a second. Uh,
but before we do that, what is your story about Mario?

Speaker 4 (03:13):
Well, this is what we were gonna say for tomorrow.
I guess we'll tell it today show we did yesterday.
I know, Drew and I was so excited.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
Hang on, you don't prepare shows a day in advance.
You do the current news and so like, if this
happened yesterday, then you have to do it today.

Speaker 4 (03:29):
Well, it was our first, my first road trip with Mario.
I think he went with YouTube somewhere.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
Mario had never I think this is very cool. Had
never been to a golf course, that's right, never been
to a golf course ever. And the first one he
goes to is the PGA Championship the day Tigers there.
So I mean like every when he goes to Tates Creek,
Uh International, he's not gonna he's gonna be let down
a little bit, I think when he goes there. But anyway,

go ahead.

Speaker 4 (03:54):
So afterwards, Drew and Mario and I are all getting
ready to leave. We're hungry. Thump's get something neat Drew
and I was like, let's let the new guy pick
where he wants to go eat.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
Well, that's nice guy.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
New guy pick wherever you want to go, and I'm
gonna buy. I'm gonna buy his his lung.

Speaker 3 (04:08):
When's the last time you've bought?

Speaker 4 (04:09):
It's been a while. So there are three fast food
restaurants at this intersection, right, Wendy's, Subway, and Dairy Queen. Okay, Mario,
pick whichever one you want.

Speaker 3 (04:20):
Because if it was up to you, it would be Subway.
I love me some Subway, and if it let me
just guess. If it's up to me, I'd probably do Wendy's.
If it was up to you or you you do Wendy's.

Speaker 5 (04:29):
Well, I had to pee and the Wendy's was at
the truck stop, so I voted Wendy's, but only for
a bathroom purpose.

Speaker 3 (04:34):
So where'd you go?

Speaker 4 (04:35):
Of course he picks Day Queen. Dry Queen actually underrated burgers.
They're pretty good.

Speaker 3 (04:41):
I don't think you eat first of all, nobody does
dessert like I mean, the.

Speaker 4 (04:48):
The blizzard is fantastic blizards.

Speaker 3 (04:50):
Yeah, but I don't think you go eat actual food
at Dairy Queen chaining. Do you disagree? Breakfast is good?
But yeah for lunch or dinner no, yeah, but go ahead.

Speaker 4 (05:01):
Well, we should have got a warning of things to
come when we walked in and everybody's just standing around
looking at the counter, and there's nobody behind the counter. Nobody,
and there's like what four or five people just.

Speaker 5 (05:12):
Older man even told us something like you're ready, boys,
like buckle up, so he knew what was coming when
we walked in.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
We got warned, all right.

Speaker 4 (05:18):
So after about I don't know, maybe ten fifteen minutes,
we finally got a chance to order that we just
now ordered. And the gentleman behind the counter, he must
be having one hell of a bad day because, like
I asked for a cherry diet coke, which you get
those at Dairy Queen. They make them. Put the cherry
syrup in your dit coke. It's oh, it's phenomenal, okay,

And he's like, what I said, the cherry dyke coke,
we don't do that. I'm like, you don't make a
cherry dyke coke here, but Dairy Queen, everybody makes a
cherry dyke coke, Darry Queen, He hand me the coke
and do it yourself.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
He said, do it yourself. Well, it is when you
say you don't do it, presumably he knows better than
you what they do there.

Speaker 4 (06:00):
Well, I'm saying the man was not having a good day.

Speaker 2 (06:02):
Did you go behind the counter?

Speaker 5 (06:03):
I want to add between these comments, there was this
weird standoff where neither was budging marionos.

Speaker 3 (06:08):
There's like they're staring at him. So you were arguing
with the man about whether or not yes he has
a cherry dot coke, yes, and you were convinced he
has it, and he was saying, no, I don't.

Speaker 4 (06:18):
I I think I said, yeah, you have cherry syrup
back there. You just put it in the diet coke.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
So now you're telling him how to do his job.

Speaker 4 (06:24):
Yes, okay, all right, that usually goes well, Yeah, it
did not go well.

Speaker 5 (06:27):
Keep in mind he was already behind a little bit
on the rest of his job.

Speaker 4 (06:30):
So we finally, after several minutes, we all three got
our order in, but then it took another ten to
fifteen minutes to get our just to get our food.
I wait, so we're forty five minutes in we're finally
sitting down to eat. We all just want to congratulate
Mario picking maybe the worst restaurant in the history of Kentucky.

Speaker 3 (06:46):
Now, I mean, I also want to add.

Speaker 5 (06:49):
He wasn't yelling. I would have just said these things
under my breath a little more. But he was, like
Ryan was asking other customers just a little nods like, well,
when he gets a chance, he'll do it.

Speaker 3 (06:57):
I know, because you were being that guy maybe just
a little. I think the guy could hear him. It
was kind of quiet. I understand. Let me ask you
a question. I feel like since we opened this place,
I have been much more patient in restaurants. Said oh, yes,
then I used to be, because now I know what happened. Yes,
Like I know that sometimes you know, if a cook

calls in, like it can just be tough back then,
you know, I understand that. Like we've had hosts show
up an hour late and then people come and it's
just like it just is what it is.

Speaker 4 (07:28):
Do you like you.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
Know that stuff now too, you've been here. Do you
not feel that sympathy?

Speaker 4 (07:33):
I felt some sympathy for him until he's trying to
argue with me about my cherry Dike coke.

Speaker 3 (07:37):
Did you get a cherry Dot Coke?

Speaker 6 (07:39):

Speaker 3 (07:39):
So maybe he didn't have a cherry dock.

Speaker 4 (07:41):
They have cherry at dairy Queen.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
Shit, it's possible, this one doesn't right, It's.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
Possible, Matt. Maybe you and I would be the only
one to get this reference. But I feel like Ryan
was about to go Jim Cornett at dairy Queen.

Speaker 3 (07:53):
Oh yeah, you know there's a famous the wrestling manager
Jim Cornette famously Is it in hiding or is it
Leslie County? I'm there's a video he goes off on
a dairy queen person. Yeah, he gets he goes through.

Speaker 4 (08:08):
The window and it's not a bit, it's real. It's real.

Speaker 3 (08:12):
This is years ago. Wow, this is like the late eighties,
and I.

Speaker 4 (08:15):
Want to see it now.

Speaker 3 (08:16):
But it's I'm surprised that you would look at a
man and say, I know you have cherry Sirah.

Speaker 4 (08:22):
Well, he looked me straight in mind said we don't
do that. Here, do it yourself. Okay, game on, right there, pal, what.

Speaker 3 (08:27):
Do you mean a little bit? It was a it
was a pretty poor experience. Okay, But when you say
game on, what were you going to do?

Speaker 4 (08:34):
I'm not gonna be friendly anymore. My friendly Ryan just
walked out the dairy queen went next door to Wendy's.
But you understand, like, I mean, he probably doesn't. I mean,
he doesn't get paid enough to deal with your mouth.
Oh yeah, he kind of shoved the coke cup at me.

Speaker 3 (08:51):
I always always shoved it at about to fight. Here's
the only reason I say this. Okay, again, I would
have probably done something similar years ago, and I'm not
saying it's beyond me to do it now, right, But
oftentimes what happens is if somebody calls in or if
somebody's late, the people that get punished are the ones

that show up. Yeah, right, Like that's what happens sometimes.
So like, if we're here and we're short staffed, what
I hate is the servers that are here are the
ones who get punished for the other people not coming
because people like you get mad at them when they
actually at least showed up for their job.

Speaker 4 (09:29):
And I would give our service credit in that situation.
They're very pleasant, they're very nice servers. They're good to
work with. So you just didn't like this guy, didn't
like this guy at all? All? Right? I one hundred
percent blame Mario because he picked that dairy queen.

Speaker 2 (09:41):
And this is the guy you call the nicest guy
on KSR, This Ryan loving.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
Guy's I had this conversation last night with somebody about Ryan.
You are both the nicest and the meanest person on
this show. There's no doubt about it. You're both, which
is kind of an amazing thing. But you all, Mario
is nicer than you. I've not heard Mario say a
crossword to anything. Another elements of this is I. Before

I could order, he disappeared further ten minutes, so I
had to stand their way. That's true, so I tried
to kill him with kindness method When he came back,
Guess who got their food right away? See, I was
done eating. Why, mister Cherry Cooch, give you a little
piece of advice already? Hubby told me once this is
the only thing he's ever learned from me. If you
want something, and I'm not just saying in a restaurant setting,

in life, okay, whether it's with a boss anyway, there
are only two ways to get what you want in
this world. Be really nice or be really annoying. There's
no other combination. What you have to do when you
meet a person, to say, what's gonna work with this person?

Speaker 4 (10:48):

Speaker 3 (10:48):
Or is this a nice person or is this annoying person?
Most people are in the middle, and that's why they
never get anything. You chose the wrong way with this guy,
Drew is nice. You were annoying and he was not
having it. And that's exactly what.

Speaker 4 (11:02):
In a way, I felt like I was Mario's father
and I needed to show Mario that, hey, you don't
let people push you around, especially in a dairy queen.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
What he's like at the United Nations in terms of
his kids, you could be his kids. True, he really could.
Like he has like the entire map, so you could
do it. It was a wild experience in there.

Speaker 5 (11:22):
There's another couple eating with their hands because they couldn't
find a fork. There were people getting up and going
to other places. Ryan just took it a little farther
on his end of the counter.

Speaker 3 (11:30):
Well, either way, I'm glad you didn't get your cherry
died coked. Kentucky did get a kid from harl Yeah,
Noah from the six to oh six ends up coming
to Kentucky a day after we're getting released from his
UH National letter of intent from South Carolina, he signs
with Kentucky. Would you like him to know a little

bit of behind the scenes.

Speaker 4 (11:53):
I would love to know this.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
Here's what's interesting. When Pope came uh and when Pat
Kelsey came to Louisville, I think Trent Noah believed that
both of those places became a lot more attractive as options.
I don't know why. I know Caliperi didn't recruit him
and Kenny Payne didn't recruit him. So now they both

have new coaches, and I think maybe they were like,
we'd like to try one. However, they could not have
contact with either staff, and to both staff's credit, I
don't think either staff contacted him because they knew he
was he was under his letter of inten so they

almost had to take a leap of faith. I think
there were probably people who said, I know they will
be but you know, if you're that kid, you have
an sec commitment. It's a leap of faith. And I
think Kentucky was always gonna be option one, but I
think he would have gone considered Louisville if Kentucky didn't

want him. But the kid had to take a leap
of faith. He'd I think once he got released, Kentucky
probably called within four seconds and then it worked itself out.
But you know, I'm not gonna act like he didn't
know they would probably be interested. But I'm told neither
staff talked to him until and then they both did.

But you know, Drew, that would be a little bit
nerve wracking. You get released and go please call, Please
call polease call and it works out for the kid.

Speaker 6 (13:23):

Speaker 5 (13:23):
I was kind of staying on top of this in
real time, just having some connections to him, and they
kind of said, you know, he would like Kentucky base
on what you're saying right now, but we would need
to know that Pope really wants him. But at the
same time, Pope isn't allowed to say that he really
wants it.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
And I'm told that I'm told that UK was not
going to say it.

Speaker 4 (13:41):

Speaker 3 (13:41):
Now, I think there were people around that were probably
trying to make sure because the three school he wanted
to go to one closer and Tennessee I think maybe
had expressed interest in him after he committed to South Carolina,
So I think they had to take a leap of faith.
One of these teams. We'll do it. I think in

the end, they all did it and it worked out
for him. I'm really happy after not having a six
zero six player, or excuse me, a thirteenth region player
since Richie, we get two in back to back years.
Here's what I'd say about this kid. He's gonna come
on here at eleven o'clock. You know, over the years,
it's hard to always judge kids who play only Kentucky

competition to if they can play in Kentucky. With Reed,
you knew it from AAU. Yeah, right, With Travis Perry,
he shoots so well that you'd have to say whatever.
Here's my thing that makes me think Trent can do it.
First of all, he shoots very well, but he's also
Drew built. He's built like a guy who can play.

This is not a six foot kid who lights it
up in the fourteenth region and doesn't play anybody else.
This is a kid that's built, and I think that's
why I'm very confident.

Speaker 5 (14:54):
Yeah, he's got great statistics, especially shooting his percentages free
throws all they can score at all three levels. But
but he's got that six six sizes. I think I
used the word bulk yesterday, but it's a lot of muscle.
It's not someone you're gonna say, well, once we get
him in the gym and put some pounds on, and
then we'll see, at least from size standpoint, he'll be
all to play right away. Athletically, I'll be I haven't
watched HM enough to know how hold up like that

against sec talent, but he's a guy that I expect
to contribute just because he's already got the frame.

Speaker 3 (15:20):
He scored what thirty eight thirty nine against evangel which
is probably the most athletic team in the state, and
he he was five. I mean, he was able to
score on them, So I do think I'm I think
that's positive.

Speaker 5 (15:31):
What he did against Campbell County in the they were forty. Yeah,
and my friends are already talking about from Campbell County.
They're bragging on the wind, what are we gonna do
next round? And then our group text quickly turned to,
oh my goodness, Trent Noah is killing us, and I
mean he basically brought them back in that one is
to carry him on in the tournament.

Speaker 4 (15:47):
Yea six six. He can play the point, he's a
great shooter, and he can back you down low and
score on you man. I mean he's very versatile because he's.

Speaker 3 (15:54):
Built like I mean, he's not there yet, but he's
built like Chuck A except Chucky's couldn't shoot, and he
could shoot, and Troy drink and shoot eight five eighth,
twenty two eighty seven. We're gonna use the shot clock.
We'll talk more about all the stuff going on. There's
actually a lot of other basketball stuff that's next here
at Kiazar. Welcome back, tell you Sports Radio. Uh so

one many sense someone the text machine. Most people seem
to be on the Dairy Queen side, maybe just cause
the way you told the story.

Speaker 4 (16:26):
Yeah, maybe they want us.

Speaker 3 (16:27):
Text machine is seven seven two seven seven four five
two five four. One person writes Matt, they don't do
diet cherry coke at Dairy Queen anymore. I know that
because I go to the one and I used to
order it, and now they don't do it.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
Well, it's funny, smarter like Texture. I go to one.
I get it all the time.

Speaker 3 (16:44):
Which one?

Speaker 4 (16:44):
This one right across the street.

Speaker 3 (16:46):
Maybe they they they do you a favor since we
share a parking lot with them.

Speaker 4 (16:49):
Maybe they do. But Texture needs maybe shit, he's yapper.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
One person says, you're right normally about Dairy Queen and food,
but biscuits and gravy at Dairy cook What I.

Speaker 2 (17:00):
Was saying that breakfast is really good. You can get
country ham there, which you really can't get it.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
You can get country ham care, well you.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
Can at some locations, because I went to one and
they're like, we don't.

Speaker 3 (17:08):
How good I do? Like that.

Speaker 4 (17:09):
We did to show it at Dairy Queen in flemings.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
Flemmingsburg where they had like they made their own food. Yes,
the local chef made his own like off menu food
they do, like meat loaf, and like it was great.
It was great. It was the guy he used to
be the state rep from their Sims, John Simms I
think is his name, and he owned the Dairy Queen

and he would like they'd cook up like their own
homemade menus. Yes, I think he sold it now so
he doesn't do it anymore. But but yeah, that was
a remember we didn't remote there. Yeah great, and.

Speaker 4 (17:41):
Then he making these homemade breakfast sandwiches that were just incredible.

Speaker 3 (17:45):
Yeah A fund nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven.
So Trent Noah is come second. They now have eleven
or ten players, right, ten players, still three scholarships open.
I think, uh, they'll definitely use one, probably two more.
I don't know if they'll use the third, but maybe
somebody comes up. But I think you now I have ten,

So now you can at least practice if you want
to good practices. So that's the good news. Yesterday, I
think a lot of people were happy. Like my view is,
this kid's ranked one hundred and third in the country.
If you get if you got a kid ranked, I'll
just say top hundred, because's one hundred and third and
he's from Kentucky. You find a way to put him
on the roster. That's one of the things. You know,
Cal could have always done that, you know what I mean. Like, now,

the kid might not have worked, but I think people
just want that kid on the roster. Now maybe you know,
who knows how it'll end up working. But you know,
think about how much we love Derek Willis and Dominikock. Yes, right,
like those were guys and by the end they were
both contributors. Oh yes, so so I drew. I like
adding this kid, and obviously I like it because it's
from the mountains.

Speaker 5 (18:46):
Yeah, No, it's just so much better if a system
fit moving forward with what they'll have it. You know,
if you're asking them to go out and create, I
don't know if they're ready for that, but if you're
getting them for a wide open three pointer, I love
both Travis Perry and Trenton Noa have been able to
make that shot as a fresh and getting some good minutes,
even though it's gonna be quite a lot of guys
competing for minutes.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
All right, So then Tyler Ewis is going to Arkansas.
That that news uh actually came out again. Text Machine
guy wrote me and said, I don't know if anybody's
listening to the Cal podcast anymore. Clearly that answer was
probably no. But there was a new episode that came
out and he said he was taking Tyler Ewlis. So
then we put it out on KSR. It seemed like

when I was online, it felt like a lot of
people were very negative about that. I'm gonna I'm gonna
zag I'm gonna go counter to that. I'm happy for
Tyler and I'm glad Cal's doing it. I mean, if
you want that kid, if you care about that kid
beyond just like what's he do for Kentucky? You want
him to have a chance to be a coach. Col's
probably the person most likely to give him that chance.

That kids. Some of it self inflicted, but a lot
of it's just bad luck. You know, he's in a
bad car wreck, right he got he got hurt right
when things were starting to go good with the Suns,
and so his career got derailed. And so, you know,
I'm not sure there's anybody that was tougher at Kentucky.
I think he did a really good job here. I
think the guards all connected to him at a staff

that I think was probably too old. He was kind
of the young guy that sort of reached out. So
I'm happy for Tyler. It's gonna be hard seeing him
coach for another team. But you know what Wayne Turner
coached at Louisville, right, somebody the pageant coach at Louisville
with with real So I think he did. Like if
you root for these guys, you got to root for
him to have an opportunity, and now he has an opportunity.

Speaker 4 (20:32):
I think, you know, if I'm like everybody else, he's
one of my favorite players, and it kind of stung.
I think you wanted him to find a way to
stay here, but you can't. If the guy wants to
get into coaching, Cal's giving him a chance to, you know,
to get his foot, step his foot into that ring
and try to make a coaching career.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
And also if you're him, you know, I mean, we
all love Mark Pote. I bet Tyler Hughes didn't even
know who he was, right right, Like Tyler, you he's
probably never heard of him. So if the guy that
was your college coach and whose staff you've been on
before says come work for me, and it's that or
a person you've probably never met, I can understand why

he would do that.

Speaker 5 (21:10):
Drew, Yeah, this doesn't change my opinion of Tyller. You
listen at all. It'd be a little weird seeing him
on that bench, but that won't be for very long,
and the guy's got to start a coaching career. I
don't think he was gonna just be a Kentucky on
Kentucky's bench his entire life. He had to go somewhere,
So his move, his best move, probably was to follow Cal.
Did he even have an opportunity here, I don't even know.
Maybe it might have been his only option.

Speaker 3 (21:30):
I think. I don't know if he did or not.
I don't want to speculate, but so let's say his
only options, what do you want him to do? Say, well,
I can't do that. It's Arkansas. Just go sell cars. No,
I mean, the guy's trying to be a coach. He's
got to do what he's got to do to start
his career off. So I mean it would be weird
seeing him.

Speaker 5 (21:45):
I hope he's not there too long, but he's still
gonna bleed blue and it doesn't change my opinion of him.

Speaker 3 (21:50):
I think one of Cal's best strengths is loyalty to people.
I mean, it can also be a detriment sometimes if
he's loyal too long, but it's strength most of the time.
And his loyalty to that kid who's done. I mean,
there ain't too many guys who probably came to Kentucky
and accomplished more with what they had than Tyler Ewis.

You know what I mean. If you just look at
you just look at the player he became. So uh
so I hope, I hope he does well there. I'm
not gonna be rooting for Arkansas, but I will root
for Tyler Ewis, and I hope it's the start for
him of a really good coaching kid.

Speaker 5 (22:29):
It feels like one of our good friends in school.
They're dead, just got hired by Walmart. They're getting transferred
to fake pal. We're just we're gonna miss him. We
wish you were sticking around. Here's a family.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
It's like a breakup if the if the woman you're
breaking up with you really liked one of her friends,
Like you really liked one of her friends, and you're like,
I might miss you even more than I missed her,
but you understand she's got to be loyal to her friends.
And I feel like that's kind of in some ways
what this is. All Right, we'll take a break, get
the buzzer out, and get ready. If I'm not two

eight h twenty two eighty have a text machine. One
person writes, I have a new name for Ryan Lemon.
It's Karen Lemon, and I'm calling that when I see
my mom's not gonna like that.

Speaker 4 (23:09):
I take that as a compliment based on your mom's name.

Speaker 3 (23:12):
She really hates that's happened to her name. She brings
it up all the time. She's upset about it. She
does not like that Karen has become the name I understand.

Speaker 4 (23:21):
She is the sweetest lady ever.

Speaker 3 (23:23):
She is all right if I'm not two eight oh
twenty two eighty seven. Who's up first? Let's go to
Richard Richard thirty seconds, go for it.

Speaker 6 (23:31):
Tick her to dance with Trump, getting these Kentucky kids
ready to let you please?

Speaker 3 (23:38):
Did you say, Richard, Richard, did you say Trump? Richard Richard,
did you say Trump?

Speaker 6 (23:46):
I said, I am tick to dance.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
What you said?

Speaker 6 (23:53):
That's what you say.

Speaker 3 (23:55):
That's not what you said, Richard. You said Trump got
the player. It's not Pope.

Speaker 6 (24:01):
Well I'm miss it.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
Do you have Trump on your brain? Do you just
sit and watch Fox News all night? Richard?

Speaker 6 (24:08):
Beyond that, extend, extend with the offense that he's setting up.
This is gonna be wonder for watching these Kentucky kids
raining threes those arkanes I got.

Speaker 3 (24:28):
You third times, I got you. Well, it will be listen.
I appreciate the call. It will be fun. Everything's great
as long as we win. You know, I think that
I think Kentucky, Kentucky fans would love to have Kentucky
kids dot dot dot if we win. Okay, if we
don't win, then that's different. But yes, the Office it's

gonna be fun. Listen, everybody in the state is gonna
be pulling for that guy, Ryan. I mean not just
know what, but but Pope everybody. But they still gotta win.

Speaker 4 (24:59):
That's why said that that first game, Kentucky has to win.
I mean it was that way with they don't have
they have to beat Arkansas at rough. That game's at rough.
They've got to.

Speaker 3 (25:08):
But when you say they have to, if they don't,
what's gonna happen?

Speaker 4 (25:13):
Just like our fan base will just the flip. Yeah,
he'll be.

Speaker 3 (25:16):
Fine, they'll be fine. I mean, now, if if we
lose to Arkansas and we already have ten losses, that'll
be different. Yeah, But if we have four losses or
five losses or even six law and we lose to Arkansas,
it'll be all right. Now, look, we're going to want
to win. But I don't think that's fair to Mark
Pope to put on him. You gotta beat col in
his first year when he has a team of the

number two recruiting class in the country and four guys
he's coached before, and you've got to completely that's just
not a fair standard Drew to hold for that guy.

Speaker 5 (25:46):
Yeah, it's It's funny to watch just the mindset of
the fans and some of it's people changing on the fly.
We wondered, you know, year one, it's gonna be a dip.
Now some people are like, we better have a final
four and you gotta win. It's like it's one of
the other. You're gonna give the guy a little room.
I want to be Arkansas too, don't get me wrong,
but you gotta give.

Speaker 3 (26:02):
Me room to breathe. Now, I mean I'll judge, like,
do I think they have the pieces? If they get
one more guy they should not, like, then I expect
them to make the tournament? Okay, I do ex but
like you know this, you do have to give the
dude some grace for he doesn't have one guy on

his team. Maybe he will with Jackson Robinson, but now
one guy on his team that he.

Speaker 5 (26:26):
Coached last year or has been at Kentucky.

Speaker 3 (26:29):
Or has exactly right, So you gotta Ryan, don't you
have to give him a break? Karen?

Speaker 4 (26:34):
Yeah, you still gotta beat Arkansas at Ruparita period.

Speaker 3 (26:38):
That's not fair. I don't I honestly don't think it's
fairity it Cal could have a top fifteen team next year.

Speaker 4 (26:43):
You know, Oaklan wasn't tough fifteen they beat us.

Speaker 3 (26:47):
I understand you missing my point, but go ahead. Who's next, David, David?
Go ahead, David thirty seconds.

Speaker 7 (26:54):
Hey, guys, I'm I'm running down for Murray State's graduation.
I'm on my way there now. It'll be nice to
be back in God's favorite state. But Matt, you were
talking the other day about following Tiger around and maye
me want to ask you, guys, what is your most
impressive act? Like you belong their story and that's all

I got.

Speaker 3 (27:16):
You know, it's really odds you would ask that question,
because someone a couple of days ago asked me and
I was going to bring it up as a topic.
What is the like, most surreal moment you've had since
you've done this, like surreal positive? Yeah, and this is
kind of similar, I think in terms of nervousness. My

most was when Roger Federer was sitting five feet from
me and I asked, was trying to ask him to
come on the radio show. But the most surreal moment
of my career was sitting there next to Katie Kuric. Oh, yeah,
waiting for the Bill Maher show to start. And I'll
always remember the moment that they do the intro because

they tape it live and it came up and it
just went bon and I'm like, I'm sitting next to
Katie Kuric, Bill Maher is right out there, and I'm
about to go on that stage on the season premiere,
on their first show after January sixth and talk about this.

I remember thinking, WHOA, So that was the moment for me.
Do you have a moment like that?

Speaker 4 (28:25):
Nothing like that. That was a real moment, I think
just for us who knew you, like, oh my god,
that's Matt sitting there with Katie Kirk.

Speaker 3 (28:32):
And she was so nice and she goes, she goes,
she looks at me. I've always thought this was sweet
cause how much television has she done? A million, a
zillion hours. She looks at me, and I think she
can tell I'm nervous. But you know what she said
to me. She goes, I'm a little nervous. And I
think she did that to kind of calm you down,

to be like, well, if I'm nervous, it's okay for
you to be, you know what I mean. Actually, I
remember thinking that's really nice for her to say so
but what but for you, what was the most like,
act like you've been there? Surreal kind of moment.

Speaker 4 (29:04):
Oh, we thought we kind of talked about yesterday with that,
just when I got the interview Tiger at Valhalla, did.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
You know at that moment, I mean he had just
kind of become Tiger.

Speaker 4 (29:12):
Yeah, and uh I told the story before. I was
at the back of this list of this horde of
people waiting to talk to him, and he walks up
to the hord of people and just stops right in
front of me and then looks at me like he
only like.

Speaker 3 (29:23):
Twenty probably like you knew he was gonna be.

Speaker 4 (29:29):
He was still Tiger.

Speaker 3 (29:30):
He was still Tiger.

Speaker 5 (29:31):
Yeah, okay, what about you jay Z's locker room where
we're still didn't act like they've been there before.

Speaker 3 (29:40):
Yeah, I screwed that one up for Queen Bee was
there eating her vegan Lasagnya. Yeah, we were the only
white people there.

Speaker 5 (29:47):
I got to meet Tata, even asked him about his
my ties. I was, I was acting like I'd been
there before.

Speaker 3 (29:52):
I don't think I've ever seen you happier than that.
Like we were standing backstage, and then when jay Z
walked by that's one of my old time screw ups
was taking his picture. Yeah, you know that was a
bit because we got because roll By West walked out,
looked right at me and drew and goes, y'all got
to leave. We were in I'm.

Speaker 5 (30:08):
High five and people I've heard sing on songs, we're
talking about where we're going next, and then tm here
with the sound on, just reckless behavior with the sound.

Speaker 3 (30:18):
The pictures they did, but assumption that and I didn't.
I wasn't trying to like TMZ. He just had on
a Kentucky blue suit and he was right and he was,
I mean he was. He was like me to Mario,
right here, it's right there and he has on a
Kentucky blue suit, and I'm like, this is cool. I

want to take a picture of him in the suit.
Right But he looks me right in the eye and
I do it. And as soon as he did, I knew.
I knew we were done. Without the noise, I think
we were safe. But he did like a turn. It
was like the camera noise. He looked, yeah, this was
like a phone that's doing, you know, and like he
looked at me and Worldwide West had already told us four.

When this is over, we'll go out to the club.
And I was thinking, I'm not dressed for this club.

Speaker 5 (31:06):
But ten minutes later we're walking. It was raining on
the strip. That never happens, just us walking in the rain,
wondering what it was.

Speaker 3 (31:13):
Also Drew's birthday, you know, I was. I Gottenham the
tickets for his birthday. We had set with what's that dude?
That's Lebron's childhood friend, that's his agent, Rose and some
women of that worked. They weren't there for us. They
weren't believe me, they were not there for us. And
you know, right on the front row, what.

Speaker 4 (31:35):
Did you say to him when you guys walked out,
did you say anything?

Speaker 3 (31:37):
I think I just looked at him, just like No.
Drew was speechless because that was like his Actually at
first they'll try to be like, yeah, get this guy
out here, come on, get him out. He's taking pictures.
He can't be doing. It would have made me leave
by myself.

Speaker 5 (31:48):
Oh if they'd be like you with him, I would
have said, never seen that person in my life. Over
where were we going?

Speaker 3 (31:53):
They? Also, I remember they were bringing jay Z Vegan Lazanna,
that's what he was eating. It was Vegan Lasagna's up.
What was you?

Speaker 2 (32:00):
By the way, I feel like I've got several, But
if we're talking just related to the show, I would
say the day that we were in the press room
of the White House, you talk about acting like you
belong there, Like I felt like a fish out of
water and there that day.

Speaker 3 (32:11):
It was so awkward. Yeah, and you all did the show.
That's one of the best shows of all time. I
wasn't even on it. I remember I had to fly home.

Speaker 5 (32:17):
He did his Mitch McConnell in that press room, and
you know, Ryan this voice, the volume was louder than
it needed to be, And that might be the most
uncomfortable I've been in any situation my entire life. I
could feel everyone looking at us, people you see on TV,
just staring at Ryan doing as Mitch McConnell.

Speaker 4 (32:34):
You know.

Speaker 3 (32:34):
I was going through some old pictures and I found
the picture from the Republican convention where the woman from
the New York Times was interviewing people to see what
they Republicans, what they thought about Trump, and then they
interviewed you and you and like she couldn't believe how
little you knew about politics. She was like, uh, who'd

you vote for the primary? And you're like, didn't vote
And they're like, well, how did you get here? I
don't know? And she was absolutely fascinating by you, like
who are you and why are you here?

Speaker 4 (33:07):
They had that little box where people could say what
they were looking forward to the Republican Convention. I put
I have no idea what's going on here? I'm just
here to see Rascal Flats And then they used it
on the Today Show that more.

Speaker 3 (33:19):
I for you set up here to see.

Speaker 4 (33:24):
And they used it.

Speaker 3 (33:25):
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Got some folks here from Winchester. I'm not gonna say who,
but kids skipped school at George Rogers Clark to be
here today. It's all right.

Speaker 4 (34:10):
Lifted waits this morning.

Speaker 3 (34:11):
Guy lifted two descriptive descriptive. Now you gotta slow down.
You can't be telling people he lifted weights. There she
was working on maths. Yes, she had a science project
due this morning. Like you gotta Ryan Ruins every seaton.
Remember when he outed Mike Pratt that one time as
a as a you gotta be careful with him. One

person on text machine set says, Matt, you're giving Pope
too low of a standard. When Cal got here, he
didn't have anything coming in and they went thirty five
and three. We need to expect him to get at
least fifteen sec wins and make the NCAA tournament as
a four seed. Bet Well, first of all, the first
part of your sentence is wrong. Cal didn't have anything.

Let's remember two really good players came back, Darius Miller
and Patrick Patterson. Those dudes were pretty good. Then he
had already gotten commitments from DeMarcus Cousins, was close to
getting one from John wall at Memphis and was recruiting
Eric Bledsoe at Memphis. Right, So this idea that he

didn't have anything. The biggest problem for Pope is the
school he coached at does not recruit the kind of
player that comes to Kentucky. That's the biggest problem for him.
Is almost any other coach that goes somewhere new, they
bring like three dudes with them that they recruited to
the other school. He didn't recruit anybody at BYU that

would have played at Kentucky and Ryan. I think that's
that's a huge thing that he needed to overcome. That
makes it different than most other coaches. It would be
like hiring to do from the NBA that has no commitment.

Speaker 4 (35:53):
Yeah, you know, that's why I think, you know, Alvin
Brooks becomes a very valuable man.

Speaker 3 (35:57):
Nobody that Alvin Brooks had came either.

Speaker 4 (36:00):
Take like he's in on some dudes. Maybe for next year, yes, yes.

Speaker 3 (36:03):
But I just think that's what makes it hard in
the immediate year is he he didn't even get the
three guys you get to bring in and Cal at
least had not just Patrick Patterson and Darius Miller, Ramon
Harris Perry Stevenson he was able to, so think about that.
He had Liggans, Patterson and Miller join this group he

already brought in.

Speaker 4 (36:26):
That's a good star.

Speaker 3 (36:27):

Speaker 5 (36:27):
No, what Cal did is still very impressive, but also,
well we're saying it looking in hindsight, we didn't set
that expectation for Cal. It's awesome that he did it,
but if he'd lost a few more games, we wouldn't
have been like, oh my goodness, this guy is terrible.
So the bar wasn't that high when Cal got here.
He just happened to have a great start.

Speaker 3 (36:43):
I forgot about Ligan carry over as well. But you're right,
all right, who's next? Sham Ad Cribs, Well, he brought
Hood Cribs was here. Yes, go ahead, Aiden, Aiden, go
ahead a B. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (36:55):
Is there any update with the basketball staffs, last coaching
spot and the meeting?

Speaker 3 (37:00):
A greed?

Speaker 7 (37:00):
Is that exclusively the nil group or that for anybody
you have to.

Speaker 3 (37:05):
Be subscribed to Club Blue Nil to go to the group,
to go to the event. But to be honest with you,
I mean, if you were gonna buy a ticket for it,
why not just subscribe because it would actually if there
was a ticket, it would probably cost more than subscribing would,
so I would say just subscribe. As far as the coaches,
I have not heard, I appreciate the call. I think

there's been some speculation that maybe it's somebody involved on
one of these NBA staffs and they're waiting for them
to finish their playoff run. But I don't know if
that's true or not, but I kind of think it
might be because there's really no other reason you would
wait at this point.

Speaker 4 (37:41):
I saw that a lot last night about Ulis, like
why didn't you Liss fill that last spot?

Speaker 3 (37:45):
Well, maybe because Pope wanted somebody else. I mean, you know,
there's he's got I do think when you hire somebody,
you gotta let him. I mean, I think there was
a huge push to get Kenny Payne here, but I'm
not sure that was what Pope wanted. I think that was,
and so in hindsight, it might have been good that
didn't work out, because you should let the dude pick

the stacks. People should have a chance to succeed or
fail their way.

Speaker 4 (38:10):
Yeah right, I'm sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 5 (38:13):
I was just saying like we were saying with Ulis.
I mean, I feel like a lot of people operating
like he had an option to stay Kentucky and he
chose Arkansas. That might have been Ulis's only option to
further his coaching career to go to Faineville.

Speaker 3 (38:23):
Yeah, who's next, Marty, Marty, go ahead and Marty.

Speaker 8 (38:27):
Hey, Matt, first on long time, Who are two questions
for you? First of all, I'm loving the way that
roster is filling out so far. But two questions. Both
of them have to do with Jackson Robinson. I've heard
you slaves over the past few weeks that we need
the dude or a dude and who I mean, what
are the chances that one of the current recruits that

we have will be the dude? Kind of similar with
what rob and Reid were last season. The other question
about Jackson, what are the chants?

Speaker 3 (38:59):
I don't think the dudes we have now can be
the dude next year. I mean, Colin Chandler maybe there's
an outside chance, but dude hadn't played basketball in two years,
so I can't say that for sure. Noah and Perry
I think can be great players here. I wouldn't expect
it to happen immediately, but then again, I didn't expect
it to happen with Reid immediately. So, but I also

think it's worth remembering as good as Reid was, and
he was very good, and as good as Dillingham was,
he was very good. Antonio Reeves was our best player, right,
he was our best player last year, and so I
think Jackson Robinson, I don't know if he'll be Antonio
Reeves Ryan, but he can be the guy that is
your consistent best player.

Speaker 4 (39:41):
Yeah, the guy that's gonna get you if you need
eighteen points a game or something like, it's that guy.
Right now, I think we've got a bunch of guys
that can get you ten eleven twelve Maybe five or
six guys can get you ten eleven twelve points a
game that which is very valuable, but yeah, still you
need that other.

Speaker 3 (39:54):
Antonio Reeves only didn't score in double digits one game
all year, Like that's amazing, yep, A dude, like that's
hard to find true.

Speaker 5 (40:06):
Yeah, And I don't know which one of the guys
Pope's already added, but I'm expecting somebody to make an
even bigger jump than what they've already done their careers,
whether it be Brea Andrew Carr, one of these guys.
Everyone's gonna get better and better each year. One of
these guys has already put up good numbers at another school.
I think it's gonna surprise us with how good they
are in Lexington.

Speaker 3 (40:22):
If you were to guess, let's just say the roster
state what it is right now, and you had to
put money on the leading score next year, who would
you take?

Speaker 5 (40:34):
Brea? But I've already sent out a few text to
friends calling my shot on Andrew Carr SEC tournament MVP
and potential Final four most outstanding Player. I say that
with no base things to make a big jump. But
one of these guys I think is really gonna turn out.

Speaker 3 (40:50):
I think one of these guards, Butler Brea Oway is
about to make a huge jump. I'm not sure which
one it'll be, I get. I think Bray is probably
the safest pick. I think one of them will make
a huge jump and be really good next year. Who's next, Joseph, Joseph?
You got thirty seconds?

Speaker 4 (41:07):
Hey, Matt, I know I lota been going on with basketball,
but what do you think about Brock vandergriff How good
is he?

Speaker 3 (41:14):
And how and is he a hasmand candidate?

Speaker 4 (41:18):
Thank you got to take it to this.

Speaker 3 (41:20):
Hesman candidate's a little strong, but I think he can
be really good. I mean I've never seen him play
in a real game, obviously, but the coaches love him,
and uh, I think he's got a chance to be
really good. Ryan, you know more than I do.

Speaker 4 (41:34):
You talk to receivers, had a great spring. I think
the receivers love him. Now you ad Gavin Wimson to
that quarterback room. That's a great quarterback room they've got
right now.

Speaker 3 (41:42):
Yeah, all right, so Kaspar, we're opening here for lunch
in four minutes. Come on out and join us. When
we come back, the newest Kentucky Wildcat, Trent Noah, will
join us. This is Kentucky Sports Radio.
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