All Episodes

May 13, 2024 43 mins

KSR is Live at KSBar & Grille talking UK Baseball, ICQ, and more,

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Looking for a mortgage bank to help you make your
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
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Speaker 2 (00:31):
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Speaker 3 (00:32):
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Speaker 2 (00:33):
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Speaker 4 (00:58):
Welcome to our two of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by
Stockton Mortgage. Now here's Matt Jones welcome back.

Speaker 5 (01:06):
I remember two Kentucky Sports Radio eight five nine two,
eight oh twenty two eighty seven. By the way, Country
Boy Brewing and West sixth have taken over the ks
bar taps today Tap takeover including they're doing a collaboration
probably the two best or best known breweries in Kentucky
and Lexington at least maybe in Kentucky are doing a

collaboration called Country Western Volume twelve.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
We gotta try it.

Speaker 6 (01:33):
How about that?

Speaker 5 (01:34):
It's like when the Macho Man Shannon and Hulk Cogan
created a team the Megapowers.

Speaker 4 (01:39):
The Mega Powers, but you know, and the Mega Powers exploded.
We hope that doesn't have a good though.

Speaker 6 (01:44):
All that will explode in your taste book.

Speaker 3 (01:46):
That's right.

Speaker 5 (01:46):
Yeah, But the Country Boy taps are Cliff Jumper, Lemonade, Lagger,
Super Premium, Logger, Cougar Bait, Orange cream Siders, Shotgun, Wedding,
Raspberry creams Lemon Cider, and King Me Nice and the
West is Brewing Sunshine Wheat, Brewing i PA and Brewing Sixer.

Speaker 6 (02:03):
And then of course the collaboration.

Speaker 2 (02:05):
Nice where it's all week takeover all week is this
is it all.

Speaker 6 (02:10):
Week Monique all week?

Speaker 5 (02:14):
But the specials are today, but it's all week so
there you go away cool. You should try the collab
all right. A couple things. First of all, I want
to say one sad thing. Two different people that I
have worked with in the last few years both passed
away in car accidents this weekend. Extremely said Elena Borwick,

who worked here at Kspar since we opened until a
couple of years ago, died in a car wreck. Very
sweet young woman, full life ahead of her. It's heartbreaking,
but my prayers to her family. She was a wonderful
young woman who many of you that came here had

as a server for years and just an extremely sweet person.
And she passed away. So please everybody pray for her,
her family and friends. She had a ton of friends
in this area. And then Billy Williamson, I'll let you
talk about we both worked with at Channel eighteen. Died
in a car accident with a drunk driver hitting him Friday,

which is awful. You know, I worked with him, knewing okay,
and thought he was a wonderful guy, but you knew
him very well.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
I think he worked at Channel a team for something
close to twenty five years, and he was there when
I first got there in ninety six, and we're all
young and poor and working horrible hours. We kind of
relied on each other to survive. And Billy was always
one of those guys that was always there for everybody,
I mean everybody. He's just a great friend. It's just
very sad he'd be hearing in his fifties. Now he'd

become the caretaker for his elderly parents. So now you
gotta worry about you know that, with his family, So
just keep them in their prayers.

Speaker 5 (03:58):
Also, yeah, so I mean with both of them, I
mean both of them just driving and one person loses
the control of their car, the other one is hit
by a drunk driver. Just you know, not only as
you're thinking about them, but also take every second of life.

Speaker 6 (04:16):
Don't take it for granted, amen.

Speaker 5 (04:17):
Because I mean Lena was on her lunch break, Billy
was coming home on a Friday night.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
Billy was just in here and April and it's just
it's heartbreaking.

Speaker 5 (04:30):
I'm back to back days in the state. So our
prayers for all those they're both great, great people. On
a completely different note, the UK baseball team gets a
victory in a series over Florida Tennessee ends up losing
their last game in their series, so Kentucky remains in
first overall place in the SEC baseball standings. They will

play Vandy next weekend with a chance to lock up
the conference uh for you know.

Speaker 6 (05:03):
Solo, if they can do it.

Speaker 5 (05:04):
If they win two of three games against Vandy, they're
guaranteed a share of the SEC title for only the
second time in the history of the school.

Speaker 6 (05:12):
And Vandy is a very beatable team. It will be
right here.

Speaker 5 (05:15):
We'll be talking a lot about it going But this
weekend they played crazy games. I mean the game Friday night,
they were up big, they were down big, they came back.

Speaker 6 (05:25):
Twelve eleven was what they ended up winning.

Speaker 5 (05:28):
Then they got blown out on Saturday, and then yesterday up, down, up.
They end up scoring four runs in the in the
extra innings they win, so Kentucky is in first. They
are now almost assured to host both regionals, the regular
Regional and the Super so they won't have to leave
Lexington to go to Omaha, which is awesome, and they're

now number two in the country.

Speaker 6 (05:53):
Have a chance.

Speaker 5 (05:54):
If they can beat Vandy two of three, they might
be the number one overall seed in the tournament, which
is absolutely crazy for a baseball team that. I don't
think people saw that coming two years ago when people
were wondering if Benjio.

Speaker 6 (06:05):
Would be fire.

Speaker 5 (06:08):
The story coming out of Florida, though, is Florida has
a guy whose name is like Jack what's his.

Speaker 6 (06:12):
Name, Jack, Jack Whiner? Jack Whiner.

Speaker 5 (06:19):
The two best baseball players in the country are both
in the SEC one place for Georgia. We talked about him. He,
by the way, set the home run record for the
non pingy bat era. You know there was that explosive
bat era.

Speaker 6 (06:30):
Yeah, so take them out. He has the home run record. Wow.

Speaker 5 (06:35):
He and this guy for Florida are going to be
the number one and two picks in the draft.

Speaker 6 (06:39):
Okay, and the Rents have the second pick.

Speaker 5 (06:40):
So this dude I'm about to whine about might be
a red Okay, Jack consli Ers or what his name is.
After it was over yesterday, he said he did not
like Kentucky's baseball team because he didn't like their antics.
I want to read you the quote so you can
see just how whiney it was in person. He says,
all their nonsense that they do, I mean, it's what

they're known for they're gonna get in your head. They
go to try channing doing all that nonsense. The fact
they're allowed to do it blows my mind. Whiny little
jack upset because the Kentucky guys have fun, I now
want them to win even more because they're making the
Florida Gators guys mad.

Speaker 6 (07:23):
And I know this guy's gonna end up on the reds.
He's very good, so you know that's the way it goes.

Speaker 7 (07:27):
But nevertheless, cag Glion I think is his name. He's
very good and he's a big baby. After Kentucky went
down there and took two out of three for him
to say that. I know we're a little, uh, a
little different, little unconventional in our antics. I saw one
one of our pictures that was in the dugout just
had his jersey completely under.

Speaker 5 (07:45):
We do have a lot of antics. I mean, if
you saw it, one dude look like that. I mean
he literally unbutton his jersey, had his chest out. We
got the pink hats. They talk every pitch, I mean
every pitch. They don't just they're like like every single pitch.

Now you are baseball players, I think it actually makes
it fun. I'm always like and you know, they get
a hit and they row their boat and then they
hit a home run and they kind of dance.

Speaker 6 (08:16):
I know, it's not.

Speaker 5 (08:17):
What people do in baseball. They do it in other sports,
but they don't do it in baseball. Do you think
objectively that Kentucky baseball does too much?

Speaker 6 (08:26):
Or do you think, like me, it's fun.

Speaker 2 (08:27):
I wish my coach would have let me do those things.
That's just part of baseball, man, It's just part of
being in the dugout, that camaraderie with your guys. So
we didn't get to do it. Our coach wouldn't let
us do it. He was really an old school guy.

Speaker 6 (08:41):
So you don't think there's anything wrong with Oh, there's
anything wrong with you know how to shut him up?

Speaker 2 (08:43):
You beat him whiney jack, but you just if you
want him to shut up?

Speaker 6 (08:46):
Why jack butt?

Speaker 2 (08:48):
And now he said his name was something.

Speaker 6 (08:50):
Like that, Shandon, What about you?

Speaker 3 (08:52):
I'm good with it.

Speaker 4 (08:52):
I mean, if the Kentucky players got his jersey unbuttoned
and his chest hair is flying in the wind, why
are they looking over there at it?

Speaker 3 (08:59):
To be again with, why do you care?

Speaker 4 (09:01):
And you know, if you can't deal with that, then
how are you gonna handle things in Major League Baseball
with fans?

Speaker 5 (09:07):
I mean, I think what annoys people about Kentucky. You know,
last year Tennessee was the team everybody thought were jerks, right.
I think what annoys people about Kentucky is the constant
part of it, right, Like they're constantly making.

Speaker 6 (09:22):
Noise every single play, and I love it.

Speaker 5 (09:27):
They seem like they're having fun, they seem excited, And
the way they played Drew I think plays into it
because they play annoy right, Like on any given play,
they might bunt, they might steal, they might do trick plays,
and I think people, you know, baseball is one of
these games everybody wants to be lazy, just you know pitch.
You can't do that with Kentucky because you don't know

what they're gonna do. And it seems like it makes
the other teams Matt very mad.

Speaker 7 (09:50):
They're first in the SEC and number one in RPI
for the weekend. So as a Kentucky fan, I'm not
gonna complain about anything they're doing because it's working. I
could see what other teams will get annoyed, not to
the point you're complaining about the press conference because they
are in your face the entire game. My favorite thing
they do is the catcher Devin Birks. They like change
the stuff like a pit crew, all his pads and stuff.

Speaker 6 (10:11):
When he comes in.

Speaker 7 (10:11):
Oh they do and dug out, they get down like
a pit crew. I mean they are just caught. I
didn't know they did that. And then there's the whole
crowd does the day when they get the double, get
the second. I don't know what you call it, but
the whole crowd is starting to do that. I love
that Kentucky fans are loving and it's working. It working,
and if no one else likes it, too bad.

Speaker 5 (10:27):
And to Minion in the players credit, they've made baseball
a thing at this school. Yeah, I mean, like next
weekend is gonna be awesome out there.

Speaker 6 (10:35):
They've made baseball a thing.

Speaker 5 (10:37):
I have watched more UK baseball this year than I
have ever watched in my life. I mean, I was
following that game on Saturday while we were I just
kept following to see what the score was. Friday night,
same thing as I'm flying in, I'm updating on my
Wi Fi to see what's happened. Like I've never been

this way with them before, even and they've been good.
I haven't cared like I have now, and I think
that's to their credit.

Speaker 2 (11:04):
Even though I love baseball, I know it's a hard
sport to watch a lot of times. But now they
have found a way to attract fans new fans, bring
them to the ballpark, and once they come, they have
a good time. So it don't come back.

Speaker 5 (11:16):
This is one of the things I have an issue with,
all right, So they don't pay for these SEC games
to have neutral announcers. For most games, they let the
home team announce. So for us it's Dick Gabriel and
Doug Flynn. I like Dick Gabriel, Doug Flynn. They do
a good job, but they try to be neutral. But

when we go on these road games, those fans, those
announcers are rooting for their teams. They are rooting, tooting.
Oh man, we gotta get them out here. So here's
my thing, Dick Gabriel, Doug Flynn, you do it too.
We need to give it back to them. Give it back.

Speaker 6 (11:55):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 5 (11:55):
Because you watch these other games, Drew, their announcers are
all but like cheerleading, we need I need Dick Gabriel
and Doug Flynn to start doing what they're doing to us.

Speaker 7 (12:07):
Maybe they unbutton their shirts in the box a pink hat.

Speaker 6 (12:11):
If Dick Gabriel wants to take his shirt off and go.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
To uh, slow down, slow down on that one got to.

Speaker 6 (12:17):
Be a part of this. He has Big Blue Insider.

Speaker 5 (12:20):
If Big Blue Insider wants to be wild, we just
I need more.

Speaker 6 (12:25):
If the SEC is gonna allow hometown flavor in the calls,
then we need to do it.

Speaker 7 (12:30):
Core because we love it on radio, or we love
it you know hearing Tom Leach and Jack and basketball
are Darren with baseball off? TV is gonna allow it
working into the TV. We need to be able to
do it to Who's snack ship?

Speaker 6 (12:40):
Drew Drew? Go ahead, Drew.

Speaker 8 (12:44):
Drew, Guy, can you hear me now?

Speaker 6 (12:47):

Speaker 2 (12:48):
All right? Awesome.

Speaker 8 (12:49):
So a couple of things. One with the northern lots,
it's because your phone. If we had like an iPhone seven,
you wouldn't saw anything. The newer ones let in more lights.
Just the size of the lens on the back. So
basically there you go.

Speaker 6 (13:03):
The aperture is the size of the lens. That's good to.

Speaker 8 (13:06):
Know, all right, Space weather, it's actually the sun solar spot,
the solar flares. That's just a big magnetic force that's
sent out from the Sun that hits the Earth's magnetic poles,
makes the lights.

Speaker 6 (13:17):
Okay, gotcha.

Speaker 5 (13:18):
So it's not weather exactly, it's solar flares exactly.

Speaker 8 (13:23):
Yeah. And that actually nast attracts it because it affects
the space station way more than it affects Yeah.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
I saw that.

Speaker 6 (13:28):
It affects the space station a lot. I saw that.
All Right, we'll good, good info. Anything else.

Speaker 8 (13:34):
Yeah, this one last thing, big shout out to the
softball team fifteen straight getting into the NCAA tournament. Really
cool for those girls. And let's hope the baseball wraps
up the SEC this weekend.

Speaker 5 (13:44):
That's right, the softball team made the NCAA tournament. How
about this, Every single team in the SEC made the
NCAA tournament. There are thirteen teams. I guess Vanny doesn't
have a team. Every single team made the NCAA tournament.
We go to still Water and by the way, the men,
this tennis team will be in still Water. They're in
the Elite eight. They beat Harvard, proving that this ain't

no spelling me, this is tennis. And they are in
the Elite eight, so both the softball team and the
tennis team will be in still Water, Oklahoma at the
same time playing in the NCAA.

Speaker 7 (14:16):
Turn With tennis, they've been to seven Elite eights ever,
but this is their third street, so I mean, they're
really putting a good run of years together.

Speaker 6 (14:24):
Have you ever been to still Water, Oklahoma?

Speaker 2 (14:26):
Never been to Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Speaker 5 (14:27):
They have a bar there. Somebody can remind me the
name of it, but it's like the famous bar there.
And I went in on like a Tuesday to eat dinner,
and on one end of the bar was the most
awkward first date I've ever seen. And on the other
end of the bar two people were just making out
at the bar on a Tuesday.

Speaker 6 (14:46):
Night at eight o'clock. Well, well, I was like, I mean,
just like tongue down each other's throats on a Tuesday
night at a bar. It's like, you, guys, really, can
we not just?

Speaker 2 (14:58):
Well you do it in still Water?

Speaker 6 (15:01):
What was it?

Speaker 7 (15:02):
He was one of the people at the.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
Yeah, he was on the awkward first date. On the
other hand, I don't remember why I was there. It
wasn't for a game or something.

Speaker 5 (15:09):
Then I was dry I was stopping in between driving places.
I can't remember where why I was there. We'll take
a break, come back. Tell me about Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 2 (15:17):
First though, Stockton Mortgage, you know a lot of times
I just dream about Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 6 (15:22):
Doesn't have his copyuph and as you could take.

Speaker 5 (15:25):
When there's a long pause and a non sequit or
sentence that means he's not ready.

Speaker 2 (15:31):
All right, go ahead, So you know, if you maybe
you'll have pleasant dreams about Stockton Mortgage waking up. Give
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stocked in in my last a two five nine equal
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Speaker 5 (15:59):
You tell me it's good. By definition Shannon doesn't make
it good. It's like you don't you don't see didn't
tell a joke and go see how funny that was.

Speaker 6 (16:07):
Everybody just lets it sit out there. We'll be right back.

Speaker 5 (16:14):
Working back TEKEI Sports Radio. I'm gonna ask you about
a musical group, Shannon. Have you ever heard of the
Red stray Clays.

Speaker 3 (16:23):
I don't think I have. You have, shul So.

Speaker 5 (16:26):
I have not listened to them, but like, you see
him everywhere, like, uh, when when THEO Vaughn was wearing
that UK jacket, he had a red straight clayze. T Uh,
it's red clay strays. What did I say? Red clay strays. Okay,
so they're like but they're like it's kind of like

when Tyler was launching, Like they're kind of taking off
right and I and and so now you know how
you see something one time and then you see it everywhere. Yes,
So I haven't really listened to him, but people say
I would like him. People say it's the kind of
music I would like.

Speaker 6 (17:00):

Speaker 5 (17:00):
So I was looking to see before I go to Europe,
are they playing anywhere close?

Speaker 6 (17:05):
So I go on their little website and I'm.

Speaker 5 (17:08):
Like, and it's they're at rail Bird, Okay, but I
will have already left, so they're gonna be part of
Real Bird. They're not even on the main stage at
Real Bird, which reminds me of when Tyler had kind
of hit and he did Real Bird and they had
him on a secondary stage and the place went insane.

Speaker 6 (17:24):
Apparently this group's like that.

Speaker 5 (17:25):
But my point is I'm looking at I'm like, oh,
they're in Lexington, and I go, oh, I'm gonna be gone.

Speaker 6 (17:30):
And then you know where he's going. Where they're going
after Lexington? Pineval? Really Pineval and the other ones.

Speaker 5 (17:38):
Are all big cities, big festivals, and then they're going
to Pinevale for that Cove Festival that they're doing. And
I was like, they've got this group right before. I mean,
they are you know, all these national people. I think
Joe Rogan talked about him, all these people, and they're
gonna be playing in Pineval.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
I probably obviously booked him early.

Speaker 5 (17:59):
Yeah, they probably came because they're gonna get Sea chain
Rods and they'll get but they get like gates, they
get to go to Pineville. But how cool is that.

Speaker 7 (18:08):
I'm more excited for them just to see Pinevil, really
than Pineville to see them coming to visit so much.

Speaker 5 (18:12):
So you got to play one of their songs, like
if they haven't hit right here, because I still i've
been I was gonna listen and I want to listen
to see how has this group gotten so big so quick?

Speaker 2 (18:24):
Biggest event in Pineville and.

Speaker 5 (18:27):
Oh since CNC Music Factory came in nineteen ninety the Pineville. No,
they it came to Harrigan, but it's part of the
greater metropolitan Area.

Speaker 6 (18:37):
No, we opened up a new arena at lm U.
The Uh, what's the name of the arena. What's the
name of the arena there? I don't know whatever it is.

Speaker 5 (18:46):
When they opened it, they the grand opening was a
CNC Music Factory concert.

Speaker 7 (18:51):
So this is the second biggest event since then.

Speaker 6 (18:53):
I can't.

Speaker 5 (18:56):
Oh that was huge that day, all right, So we
rank them SANC Music Factory. The Cracker Barrel Hobby Lobby
opens this week downtown and now the Red Clay.

Speaker 2 (19:13):
Big news for Pineville.

Speaker 9 (19:15):

Speaker 6 (19:15):
Speaking of done with the writs.

Speaker 7 (19:20):
Again, this is the third time this month.

Speaker 2 (19:22):
You still got a lot of tough games this month.

Speaker 6 (19:24):
We're done.

Speaker 5 (19:25):
We can't win, they can't hit, they can't field, they
pitch all right, but they can't do it, and and
it's just it's it's just.

Speaker 6 (19:34):
A huge tower of of suck. I mean, they're just
they're terrible.

Speaker 3 (19:40):
I love You've already given up.

Speaker 6 (19:41):
On the terrible, and I still watch them because I
love Ellie.

Speaker 5 (19:47):
Ellie's still really good, Spencer Steers good, the rest of
the team.

Speaker 6 (19:51):
That they can't hit, they can't field, it's just so disappointed.

Speaker 5 (19:58):
But they played the Dodgers seven times in the next
not nine. Yeah, I don't feel like that's gonna go
really well to you will there are problems. So then
I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing. My tickets
while I'm gone, do not write me and ask for them. Okay,
that's not what I was saying.

Speaker 3 (20:12):

Speaker 6 (20:13):
No, I'll give them to you.

Speaker 5 (20:16):
But you know, I got two months worth of tickets
I was bummed to miss. But like, now, who cared?
They stink.

Speaker 7 (20:23):
You'll be back one good Santiago Espinal game and you'll
be right back.

Speaker 2 (20:29):
End of the month. The Cardinals are coming in.

Speaker 6 (20:31):
They are one and nine in one run games.

Speaker 2 (20:35):
Have they won a game in May?

Speaker 6 (20:37):
Yet? They beat they won Saturday.

Speaker 5 (20:39):
Okay, but they're one and nine in one run games.

Speaker 7 (20:43):
You're only seven back in the central still.

Speaker 5 (20:47):
It's it's just we just had the derby and we're
already seven back.

Speaker 6 (20:51):
It's terrible.

Speaker 5 (20:52):
Who's next, Joseph, Joseph, Go ahead, Joseph hey Man.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
Question, So, who will be our most imp a football
player on offense and defense?

Speaker 6 (21:03):
This year? All right? Good question? Text turner, Arena.

Speaker 5 (21:06):
What's the name of the I appreciate the call most
improved player on offensive defense?

Speaker 6 (21:10):

Speaker 2 (21:11):
I believe it'll be a number six Dan Key. He's
in due for a Heisman season, so I would go
with him.

Speaker 5 (21:15):
On I'm to answer these questions. But if you think
that that's okay, but stop the Heisman stuff.

Speaker 6 (21:21):
What do you think? Who do you think it's gonna be?

Speaker 2 (21:22):
Well, you know, Brock vandergriff has hardly played it all.
I think he's gonna have a big year. Chip Train him,
the running back from Ohio State. I think he's gonna
have a big year. I think it'd be either one
of our new guys. That's who I would go with.

Speaker 5 (21:32):
What about guys that were on the team? Do you
know is there any U see making a big leap?

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Brown Stevens is gonna be the actually.

Speaker 7 (21:40):
Came to mind. I was gonna say him, uh, because
you got Dane and Barry all kind of know what
they are running back room. Well, it's a bunch of
new names. Will figure something out. Defensively, I'll say a
Kentucky boy who's been here a little while, and I'll
say Ox has a You know.

Speaker 6 (21:53):
That was exactly who I was gonna say. I was
gonna say Ox as well.

Speaker 5 (21:57):
I mean when when when when we were talking about
NFL guys, Vince after the show was over, called me
and told me all the people that were gonna be
in the NFL. And he said to me, he goes,
Ox is a top three round pick. You wait and sow,
so you put Ox with Dion Walker. That's a heck
of a combination. But I like that pick as well.

I think Octavius Oxen Done is the one.

Speaker 7 (22:21):
Yeah, we have a lot of guys that been here
a little while. I'm just excited to see what's next
for him. Tight end rooms guy guys been playing a lot.
I mean, I'm really excited to see what Dion does
in his third year. They put out the College Football
he a sports cover with a million athletes. I was
looking close in the backdrop to see if they worked
in a dion walkeron.

Speaker 5 (22:37):
Is gonna be. We just we don't see physical specimens
like him. Mike dion Walker may be one of the
most impressive just physical specimens we've ever had Kentucky.

Speaker 2 (22:51):
Don't you think, Yeah, big, fast, talented. The dude is
gonna be a rich rich man.

Speaker 5 (22:55):
To be that big because he is. I mean when
you stand next to him, it is unbelievable.

Speaker 2 (23:03):
He's a mountain.

Speaker 5 (23:04):
And then to be that agile and quick Ryan, you
just don't see that.

Speaker 6 (23:09):

Speaker 2 (23:09):
Yeah, I'm excited to watch him play. Of course, teams
will try to double team him, which means that's free
of ox to become more of a player.

Speaker 6 (23:15):
I think, I think Oxes. I think Oxes.

Speaker 5 (23:17):
I like both those answers, Brown Stevens and Ox I
think are the ones that they get it done. We
are here at ks Bar, come on out and have lunch.
Think about this. You're in Middlesborough. The lead singer went
and worked out at the gym.

Speaker 6 (23:31):
Think about that. TJ.

Speaker 5 (23:33):
Smith, personal injury attorney, called TJ.

Speaker 3 (23:36):
He'll make them pay now.

Speaker 4 (23:38):
More of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage here's
Matt Jones.

Speaker 5 (23:42):
So apparently this guy that the leads here of this group, Shannon,
he looks and dresses and sings like Elvis.

Speaker 6 (23:47):
Is that right?

Speaker 2 (23:48):

Speaker 6 (23:49):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (23:49):
I've never heard of him, but that's interesting. If so,
I have to look these guys up and see.

Speaker 5 (23:53):
Where did you pick this song? This feels like not
representative of their whole catalog.

Speaker 3 (23:57):
This is the one that has six point four million views.

Speaker 6 (24:00):
All right, well, there you go, that's what.

Speaker 3 (24:02):
You taught me. A better one.

Speaker 6 (24:04):
I don't know what's this one called wondering? Why Wondering? Why?

Speaker 3 (24:07):

Speaker 2 (24:08):
I do like his voice sounds like your kind of music.

Speaker 5 (24:11):
It is, uh if I'm not two eighth twenty two
eighty seven, one bird, says Matt.

Speaker 6 (24:16):
Why do you.

Speaker 5 (24:17):
Say we can't do a preseason guess about Kentucky's team?
When Cow was here, we always would be ranked in
the preseason top ten. Why should we expect pope not
to be ranked?

Speaker 6 (24:29):
Well? What did those preseason top ten rankings do for us?
A lot of years?

Speaker 5 (24:32):
I mean, they were they weren't. They weren't really based
on anything. Some years they worked out. But I think
we were talking about I think we were number three
the year we went nine and sixteen, so I I,
you know, that didn't really matter.

Speaker 6 (24:49):
It's sort of like with the draft.

Speaker 5 (24:50):
I mean, you know, they did the draft lottery and
now they have a Mott Draft that has Reed Shepherd
going third, Rob Dillingham going forth.

Speaker 6 (24:59):
When you see, what's your reaction?

Speaker 5 (25:02):
What's your first reaction when you see that Reid and
Rob will be the two college players picked, the first
college players picked in the draft.

Speaker 7 (25:11):
I can just tell you my reaction yesterday when I
saw him dressed up with the lottery. I thought they
were stolen from us, Like we didn't get enough of
them for them to only play two postseason games and
lose both of them. That's not just their fault, but
I mean they were fan foul. That'll be my fan
favorite team for me for a long time, and they
went oho and two in March.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
It's criminal that the fact that those two dudes were
not on starting and not on the floor the whole game.

Speaker 6 (25:36):
They were wasted. Yep, I mean they were. They were wasted. Unfortunately.

Speaker 5 (25:42):
I mean that they are a lot of fun, but
they were wasted. I don't blame them.

Speaker 6 (25:46):
I don't. I will.

Speaker 5 (25:50):
If you were to say. So, like if you were
to go to court and debate CAW, I could be.

Speaker 6 (25:57):
The lawyer for either side.

Speaker 5 (25:59):
Right, Like I could argue, I could give you a
passionate case for why cow was great at Kentucky. But
then I could also give you the rebuttal. And the
rebuttal starts with Read, Rob and Antonio Reeves not playing together.
That's the start. Those three should have been on the

court together eighty percent of the game, and the fact
that they weren't is highlighted by the fact that two
of them could be in the top five and Reeves
could still sneak in the first round, and we lost Oak.

Speaker 7 (26:37):
Two top fives and a near consensus all American. I
think the AP is the only one that didn't.

Speaker 5 (26:41):
Give and I think Antonio Reeves was underrated in terms
by the national folks. Yes, but the fact that Reid
and Rob didn't start and were the best like that. Okay,
so Devin Booker didn't start, but it wasn't obvious that
Devin Brooker was one of the best five players that

not that year, right, So, like you could, I can
understand not starting. It was obvious within five games that those.

Speaker 7 (27:11):
Two or two of the three best points, and then
there was an injury to the one that was still starting,
and it's like, well he's injured, let's just keep seeing
if he can get it going.

Speaker 2 (27:18):
We've during commercial back, we were talking about that nine
and sixteen team, and I said one of Kyle's biggest
faults was the fact that he just would not give
up on a guy. He kept throwing him out there. Well,
that would be.

Speaker 5 (27:29):
If I'm again, if I'm giving the con argument. One
of my sub points is that nine and sixteen team. Again,
we don't talk they there were three NBA.

Speaker 6 (27:38):
Players on that team.

Speaker 5 (27:39):
Yeah, starting I mean there are three guys who play
in the league that were on that team, one of
whom's brother is about to be the number one pick
in the draft.

Speaker 6 (27:49):
Yeah, so you know that's frustrated. Now you can make
the other side and go.

Speaker 5 (27:54):
But look at Reed Chepper just in terms of like
nobody thought he was gonna be this cow gets credit
for developing. He should, Sure he should get credit for
when those guys are better than people think.

Speaker 6 (28:06):
But I will.

Speaker 5 (28:07):
I'm happy for them, and I love the idea of
one of them ending up on the Spurs. Spurs have
the fourth picks. There's a good chance one of those
guys gonna end up with Wimby, which is gonna be
a great I mean, whoever, can you imagine Rob with Wimby?

Speaker 2 (28:23):
They would become one of the area's favorite teams because
they would be so much fun to watch just.

Speaker 7 (28:27):
Their personalities together too, and like how you garden those
two guys, you know what I mean.

Speaker 6 (28:33):
But with that said, it's hard not to look at that.

Speaker 5 (28:35):
And Gough, Now Bronnie is staying in the draft?

Speaker 2 (28:44):
Was he sixth man, seventh man? This past year?

Speaker 5 (28:46):
You've had this conversation before. Would you pick him? If
you know you get two years with his dad? See
his dad says, I'll play the final two years of
my career with your team. But you have to pick Bronnie.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
I'm picking him, I'm not. I'm picking man.

Speaker 5 (29:06):
If I got Lebron for two years, but you got
Lebron's really good, but he's not prime Lebron. Yes, he
gets hurt. He's good, don't get me wrong. He's still
probably wanted ten best players in the league. But he's
not Lebron. And you presumably he'll get worse over the
next two years.

Speaker 7 (29:26):
You still you're tied. I do not want him nothing
against Lebron. I want to sound like Lebron hater. I'm
trying to build something. I probably have my job on
the line trying to get this franchise right. I don't
think Broni's gonna last long and I'm gonna just have
two years of Lebron telling me.

Speaker 6 (29:40):
What Phoenix And you think that could be what would
take me to a title? Is Lebron? Would you do it?

Speaker 2 (29:49):

Speaker 6 (29:51):

Speaker 7 (29:52):
I just think it's a circus.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
I don't need.

Speaker 7 (29:54):
If I'm trying to be you know, you're only gonna
get probably two looks at the championship. I'd rather try
to build something it's sustainable instead of just take the
dead sun. That might even be a distraction.

Speaker 6 (30:04):
He's ranked as the ninety eighth prospect in the draft. Wow.

Speaker 5 (30:09):
I also don't think it's good for the kid that
he's gonna get picked and everybody's gonna know it's because
it's who his dath.

Speaker 7 (30:14):
And he's going to the locker room with his dad
on the team flight with his dad.

Speaker 6 (30:17):
Let him.

Speaker 7 (30:18):
Let let Brownie have a shot at it on his own.

Speaker 6 (30:20):
Yeah, I think you should go back to school. No,
I agree with that.

Speaker 2 (30:23):

Speaker 7 (30:24):
If Lebron were a little bit younger, I would, but
I just think you're at this point in his career
wouldn't be worth it.

Speaker 6 (30:29):
Who's up next, Everett? Everett, go ahead?

Speaker 9 (30:32):
Ever it, Hey, fellas, I just wanted to tell you
a little bit a little more information about the solar cycle.

Speaker 6 (30:40):

Speaker 9 (30:42):
Obviously everybody knows that the son of the Giant battle
plasma at the center of the Solar system, and it
gives out these little particles as solar what's called solar wind,
and it blows through up the Solar system, and that
caused the aurora as it crosses over the magnetic field.

Speaker 5 (31:05):
What what I can't ask your question, Everett? What are
those sounds in the back?

Speaker 6 (31:09):
Is that a parent?

Speaker 9 (31:12):
Uh? It's probably some notifications on my cell phone?

Speaker 5 (31:19):
Okay, So, but it's it goes there like icy Q.
That is what it is. Do you have ice Q?

Speaker 7 (31:28):

Speaker 9 (31:29):

Speaker 5 (31:30):
Wow, Wow, Wow, Wait a minute, I didn't know I
c Q was still a thing.

Speaker 6 (31:38):
Everett, You still go on and chat on I c Q.

Speaker 9 (31:43):
Well, it is still a thing, but I don't think
it's so much used anymore.

Speaker 6 (31:49):
What's being used on?

Speaker 5 (31:50):
Here's the line I've heard you get like eight, not
if there's another one, like they just keeping.

Speaker 9 (31:54):
Ever do I just kind of kind of grabbed the
sound because I liked it.

Speaker 5 (32:03):
It's so do you So you just you like getting
those notifications from ICQ.

Speaker 9 (32:09):
Oh yeah, it's just a cute little noise that my
phone takes every few seconds.

Speaker 5 (32:14):
If but you every few seconds, doesn't it annoy you
a little bit? No?

Speaker 9 (32:20):
Not really?

Speaker 5 (32:21):
Okay, all right, well, Everett, that's the first time I've
heard that noise since it's been thirty years, two thousand
and one probably, and now I got to hear it
from you. So and thank you for the knowledge on
the solar flares.

Speaker 9 (32:39):
Yeah, it goes to the cycle about every four years
where it gets sent on intense particles all what really
makes the aurors and quite significant.

Speaker 6 (32:54):
Thank you, Everett. I appreciate it. Wow. I can listen
to the heck of a You're like me know that?

Speaker 2 (33:00):

Speaker 6 (33:01):
How do I know that noise?

Speaker 7 (33:03):

Speaker 6 (33:04):
I CQ. So for people.

Speaker 5 (33:07):
You don't know what ICQ is, right like, it was
a chat thing, right like you would sit there and
you could chat with people.

Speaker 7 (33:13):
It was even before AOL and y'all, No, it.

Speaker 6 (33:15):
Was I had it at Transylvania and.

Speaker 2 (33:18):
It always made that noise that was only away.

Speaker 6 (33:20):
Turn it off.

Speaker 2 (33:21):
But that was the that was the notification.

Speaker 6 (33:24):
It was the default noise. Do it again, Shannon, Yeah,
that was it. And he's still getting He got like
ten messages a lot. He listens to that all day.

Speaker 2 (33:34):
He likes to say a love it.

Speaker 6 (33:35):
Wow, Okay, that's enough, shame.

Speaker 5 (33:40):
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better at UK Federal Credit Union. We'll take a break
and come back. Final segments k.

Speaker 6 (34:09):
Man Nick Yeah Wow, Learning about who knew ICQ would
come back?

Speaker 5 (34:17):
In Our Lives text Machine seven seven two seven seventy
four five two five four one person Rights Matt.

Speaker 6 (34:22):
I met my ex wife on ICQ in nineteen ninety eight.

Speaker 5 (34:27):
I'm telling you it was kind of like a like
sort of a sneaky dating pickup thing. It's like you could,
Like again, long time ago, you'd go, somebody be on
and they'd from Lexton or Louisville or whatever you were,
and you'd I could see that I had I have
friends who would go. I had a friend one time
who came in and said, I met this woman on ICQ.

I don't know what she looks like, but I'm going
to her apartment. And he didn't go well for it.

Speaker 2 (34:54):
He didn't have a photo to Well, you.

Speaker 5 (34:56):
Could, but like you couldn't send photos on it. It's
before you could send photos on your cell phone. So
you just took a risk and went.

Speaker 7 (35:02):
That noise you heard those the extent of the technology
you could message and then you hear that noise no
photo sharing.

Speaker 5 (35:08):
Apparently there's still eleven million users on ICQ, and I've.

Speaker 7 (35:13):
Never heard of it.

Speaker 2 (35:14):
I'm listening to you guys like, I don't know what
this is.

Speaker 6 (35:17):
You never heard of it either.

Speaker 2 (35:18):
I think maybe folks our age it was past us and.

Speaker 5 (35:21):
Before Mario or I learned a tip that I'm sure
most of you listening already know. But I learned it
and it worked for me so well that I feel
like I need to share it because I know there's
people out there listening who didn't know like me. Have
you ever been on a plane or driving up in
the mountains or whatever in your ears pop?

Speaker 6 (35:39):
Oh yeah, yeah, right, a lot of people have your
ears pop.

Speaker 5 (35:43):
So as I was landing in Dallas, I guess he
later said, they like descended quickly.

Speaker 6 (35:50):
And not only did my ear pop, it hurt like it.
It was hurting, not like intense pain, but hurting.

Speaker 5 (35:58):
So I look online and it says what you do
to make your ear stop hurting, and it was like
move your mouth half and down yawn. I tried all
that and it made it not hurt a lot, but
it still felt stopped up, right, It still felt stopped up,
and I couldn't figure out what to do. And I
went to bed and I was like, it'll be fine
in the morning. And then I woke up and it

was still kind of stopped up, and I was annoyed.
So finally i'd started a deep dove, went farther than
the first few results and went to one of the
last results and it said hold your nose and like
like push out, like hold your nose and push out.

Speaker 6 (36:37):
I did. It popped.

Speaker 5 (36:39):
It was like magic, just completely cleared up just ear
thing last night, same thing coming in. Didn't hurt this time,
but it felt whatever. And I waited till I got.

Speaker 6 (36:52):
Off the phone.

Speaker 5 (36:53):
I was kind of excited to do it because it
felt so cool the last time. Waited until I was
walking in the Cincinnati airport popped. And now I feel
like I've solved one of America's crisis. If your ears
get thing and you can't get it to stop. You
see you doing this, sir, right, hold your nose and

then like blow like and shane in your ears pop.

Speaker 3 (37:18):
So you're just now discovering this for the first time.

Speaker 2 (37:21):
Let him have his moment. Let him have his moment,
because I.

Speaker 3 (37:23):
Don't know this.

Speaker 6 (37:25):
You knew this already.

Speaker 3 (37:27):
Every day, Yeah, what do you mean?

Speaker 6 (37:28):
Every day?

Speaker 2 (37:29):
Have sinus? Probably I do it every day.

Speaker 6 (37:31):
Why do you have to do it every day?

Speaker 2 (37:32):
Because my allergies and sinuses. I'd usually do it during
the show, sitting right here beside you.

Speaker 4 (37:36):
You just like that you're just now discovering this, And
this is my favorite part.

Speaker 5 (37:39):
Of have allergies, and it hasn't happened on my ear
a lot. So you do that every single day? Every
your ears get clogged up. Like every days of sinuses. Yeah,
it helps, you know, clear out your sinuses.

Speaker 6 (37:52):
So that's your so the okay, so ear, nose, and
throat they're all connected.

Speaker 2 (37:56):

Speaker 6 (37:56):
Well, I am.

Speaker 2 (37:57):
Happy for you. I want you to have your moment.
I'm very happy for you. A right.

Speaker 5 (38:01):
Let me put it a different way. Is it weird
that it kind of felt good to do?

Speaker 2 (38:06):

Speaker 7 (38:07):
Oh, especially sometimes you get it real bad, you like
barely hear someone talking to you, one of the real
good ones that are holding you down. Let one of
those go. I agree with you. It's a good feeling
when you finally get that hearing and everything back.

Speaker 6 (38:18):
So I'm the only person that didn't know that you
do that.

Speaker 2 (38:22):
You don't suffer from allergy, so you don't have that
little trick what.

Speaker 6 (38:26):
Only happens to me on the plane.

Speaker 7 (38:28):
Joe chewing gum will help prevent it.

Speaker 5 (38:30):
They said that I saw that I did a the
whull hot half.

Speaker 6 (38:39):
I get it, and it didn't work.

Speaker 5 (38:41):
They also said you could massage outside your ears, and that.

Speaker 6 (38:45):
Didn't work either.

Speaker 5 (38:45):
That works for me, But the breathing thing that worked,
and I felt I thought it was much cooler than
you seem to think.

Speaker 6 (38:52):
I'm just so you sit here every day and do
that all.

Speaker 2 (38:55):
The time, right there?

Speaker 7 (38:57):
Just pop them.

Speaker 2 (38:58):
Yeah, it helps relieve your sign is pressure.

Speaker 5 (39:00):
So let me ask you a question. Why on an
airplane does it do? That's the science behind.

Speaker 2 (39:05):
And I'm sure these guys are pilots. Maybe they know.

Speaker 6 (39:08):
Yeah, well you should know what what's the answer? Okay?

Speaker 5 (39:15):
But and it just causes your ears to clog up? Okay,
got you? Well that makes sense to me.

Speaker 7 (39:23):
Well you'll do when you're driving in Tall Plus.

Speaker 6 (39:25):
You know we used to drive to the pinnacle. What
are you laughing at?

Speaker 2 (39:30):
I love the fact that you're so excited about driving
to the pinnacle.

Speaker 5 (39:33):
We used to drive to the Pinnacle in Vale County.
Sometimes if you it would it.

Speaker 6 (39:37):
Would happen like that. Yeah, well I can make.

Speaker 7 (39:40):
You feel better on remedies. Almost needed you. Last night
I was googling this. I can't eve believe I'm confessing this,
but I had a nerd gummy caught in my little
thing that you had a few weeks ago. Yeah, I
was eating at midnight. Sorry to everyone, you know, not
good for the diet, but I had it stuck and
I thought I'm gonna have to call Matt at midnight
and ask how he got that nerd gummy stuck out
of his eye.

Speaker 6 (39:59):
I know this sounds crazy, Bananas that worked. It worked.

Speaker 5 (40:04):
It crossed my mind it worked because when I ate it,
I think it got stuck there and went down with
it because it was so mushy, so I almost need
really chewed up. So I'm all kinds of home remedies.
I guess the ear pop thing wasn't as cool as
you thought it was.

Speaker 2 (40:19):
No, we enjoy your moment, take victory laugh.

Speaker 6 (40:22):
I felt so good when it just went Who's next?

Speaker 2 (40:26):

Speaker 6 (40:26):
Mike had Mike.

Speaker 10 (40:29):
Earlier in the program, Ryan mentioned the nineteen seventy one
Western Kentucky team that defeated Kentucky in the NCAA Basketball Tournament.
The interesting thing about that Western team is that all
five starters played for Kentucky high schools from cool. They
were all from Kentucky. And you could do that fifty
years ago.

Speaker 2 (40:49):
You can't today. I'm old enough.

Speaker 10 (40:50):
I remember seeing it.

Speaker 6 (40:51):
That's very cool.

Speaker 5 (40:52):
I did not, you know, the there's a period of
kind of and I appreciate the call Kentucky history, probably
the early like nineteen post the Texas Western game until
like nineteen seventy four really the Isle years where I
just don't really know. For some reason, it's never gotten
in my head how those seasons went. One of those years,

didn't we lose to Middle Tennessee State in the tournament?
I think that sounds right, and then we lost to Western?
But like what happened in like sixty eight and sixty nine.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
Which were the Isle years when he was going, What
did we.

Speaker 5 (41:29):
Do in the tournament in those years? I mean, I
know I can look it up, but like I don't.
Most of the I kind of have in my mind
what we did almost every year, but for some reason
that late sixties, early seventies until seventy five kind of
what year was it was it seventy five?

Speaker 6 (41:44):
We lost to Wooden in his.

Speaker 2 (41:45):
Last year seventy five.

Speaker 6 (41:47):
Okay, so that time, like sixty eight to seventy four.
I'm just not good with knowing what happened those.

Speaker 2 (41:52):
Year because when Isla was playing, they were dominated went
in the SEC. But yeah, as far as their NCAAA
resumet not for sure. We met Jim McDaniel. We did
a show on Bowling Green. He came to our show
one time early.

Speaker 5 (42:03):
On earlier all right, cornbreadhimp dot com. Uh, it's say
you get sinuses.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
What are you gonna do?

Speaker 5 (42:10):
Well, first you're gonna pop your ears, yes, and then
you're gonna take cornbreadhimp dot com full spectrum flour only
HEMP CBD gummies.

Speaker 6 (42:17):
They help you rest and relax. Uh you can, you know.

Speaker 5 (42:21):
And let's say you're in a Hampton Inn in a
city you're not used to take the.

Speaker 6 (42:26):
Corporate hymn gummies Hampton Ends. The pillows. Why do they
make pills so small? That's why do they do that?

Speaker 5 (42:31):
They're spending all their money. Well, why are they so small?
Why not just make them regular size?

Speaker 6 (42:36):
Why are those little.

Speaker 5 (42:37):
Small pillows like they're like comforting many wheat pillows? Why
did they do that? Go to cornbreadthimp dot com promo
code ks R. Ryan will be here tomorrow. Okay, good
to see you, Good to see you, welcome back. Thank
you to all the folks coming. Nice to see you
guys here from out of town and all the folks
who've made the trip. We will see you later.

Speaker 6 (42:55):
This has been Kentucky Sports Radio
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