All Episodes

May 14, 2024 42 mins

KSR is Live at KSBar & Grille talking UK Basketball and are joined by assistant coach Cody Fueger.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:32):
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Speaker 2 (00:59):
Welcome to our two of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by
Stockton Mortgage. Now here's Matt Jones welcome back.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
I remember two Kentucky Sports Radio eight five nine two
eight twenty two eighty seven KS Bar and Grill is
now open. Remember we've got the the country boy tapped
takeover this week with Wes six. All kinds of new
beers here this week. A lot of folks came and
got him yesterday, so come check them out. We got
a menu with all the new ones, lots of names.

We'll go to the phones here in just a second.
Let's go to a couple other stories quickly. That a
little off. Did you see Shannon? The Game Stop AMC
stock market thing is back.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
That's right, Hey, let's buy in.

Speaker 3 (01:40):
Let's go too late. Remember we got that one early
last time.

Speaker 4 (01:43):
Now somebody's gonna lose a lot of money, but they've
gone up like a zillion percent because the dude. I
guess this shows you how stupid America is. In twenty
twenty four, Roaring Kitty, Okay, that's a guy's name. Roaring
Kitty got back online. He hadn't been online in three years,

and the moment he got back online, all of his
minions bought game Stop again. And now it's shot up
into the air as quickly as possible.

Speaker 1 (02:14):
Now, somebody, did you still have AMC stock or did
you sell your stock?

Speaker 3 (02:19):

Speaker 4 (02:19):
He he just he moved forward. He posted a chair
of him moving forward which said here we go.

Speaker 1 (02:25):

Speaker 5 (02:25):
He was doing videos all day yesterday without context, so
we knew something was coming up.

Speaker 3 (02:29):
So I came back.

Speaker 5 (02:29):
I don't have game stop, but I got up first
thing this morning to see how it looked, and it was, well,
nobody taken.

Speaker 4 (02:35):
They all like everybody, everybody got rid of it because
it's not worth anything. And then now it is worth
fifty two dollars, to give you an example, just a
few days ago, it was worth eight dollars.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
Oh my.

Speaker 4 (02:46):
So if you caught it early, huh, you could have
made a lot of money. Now at some point, this
is the thing with bubbles, it'll go down, But the
thing is can you get it at the peak.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
So at its peak the earlier this.

Speaker 4 (02:59):
Morning, it went to let's see, this morning it went
to I can't see, but uh, it went to a lot,
and now it's back to fifty two. It went to
sixty five. So the point is that whole roller coaster
we were on is back going. We're not on it
this time, Shannon, So are you. Are you sad you're

missing out?

Speaker 2 (03:19):
I have a little bit of fomo, a little fear
of missing out on this. You know, we did so
well last time, and I feel like we missed our
opportunity here.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
I think we've already missed her. I wouldn't do it
now when.

Speaker 5 (03:28):
You should have bought it the moment his video was posted.
But now it's too late.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
I'm too late.

Speaker 2 (03:32):
I don't follow thunder Kitty.

Speaker 4 (03:33):
Or it's Roaring Kitty. Okay, your stock market. You need
to follow your your stock market people. It's not thunder Kitty.
It's Roaring Kitty.

Speaker 3 (03:42):
All right.

Speaker 4 (03:43):
Yeah, thot Kitty is something else, Shannon, And you need
to not do that on a work computer.

Speaker 3 (03:48):
But go ahead. Pro tip.

Speaker 5 (03:50):
If something is up as big as it is right now,
you you it's probably not gonna do that forever.

Speaker 3 (03:53):
You don't want to be the one holding the night.
But did you ever watch the movie about it?

Speaker 4 (03:58):

Speaker 3 (03:59):
Hey, what?

Speaker 6 (04:00):

Speaker 7 (04:00):

Speaker 3 (04:00):
What was the name of it? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (04:01):
I mean I saw it and it was really good
and it's I think it's on HBO Max right now.
It's it's I can't remember the name of it, but
it's a really good and It tells the story of
exactly what happened andrew it is now happening again.

Speaker 5 (04:14):
It is I'll be watching it all day. Like I said,
I have no investment, but it's gonna be a wild
ride for the people that are involved.

Speaker 4 (04:19):
Mystic Dan is in the Preakness. Heny McPeak did the
right thing. He put the horse in the Preakness. It is, however,
not the favorite.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
Not the favorite. Mouth I think is the favorite. That's
how you pronounce it, right, m U t h is
the favorite horse?

Speaker 3 (04:32):
You know, matter month, but let's just say mooth.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
I think it was the first time since like the nineties,
the Derby winner was not the favorite in the Preakness.

Speaker 4 (04:40):
Probably it's happened for rich Strike was not the favorite
when when there have been a few I think, yeah,
but maybe I'm wrong.

Speaker 3 (04:47):
I don't know, but but uh, mooth is that the
that's a Baffert horse. It was.

Speaker 4 (04:52):
It was banned from the Derby, right, so it was
not allowed to be in the Derby. And now it
comes to the Preakdness, like, all right, you want some
Mystic Dan. I bet they'll talk trash before it starts.

Speaker 5 (05:01):
Are they gonna walk in like wearing all black and
they're you know, these kind of the bad boys after
you're not being allowed to Derby for two years. Kind
of reminds me of like when the live golfers come
back to the tour and they look out of place.
Is Bafford gonna be getting the looks and this horse
getting looks from the field?

Speaker 3 (05:14):
I think?

Speaker 4 (05:15):
So it's this Saturday, right, Yes, it's this Saturday? So
will you bet? I'm Mysstic Dan? Are you are you
rooting for for the Derby horse? Or do you like
that Bafforts had like two and a half years off
and now he comes in and tries to smack people around.

Speaker 1 (05:28):
See, I'm like Drew, I think Bafford they're they're the heel.
So this may be a horse that Shannon likes. I'm
going with Mystic Day and the local horse with Kenny
McPeek horse.

Speaker 4 (05:36):
Are you going for the heel? Are you going for
Lexington on Lexington's own?

Speaker 2 (05:40):
Kenny mcpee going for the hill?

Speaker 3 (05:42):
Of course he would? Why would not he would? Well?

Speaker 4 (05:45):
I mean maybe just for Kentucky Pride, right going to
the Belmont for a triple crown?

Speaker 3 (05:49):
Wouldn't that be exciting?

Speaker 2 (05:50):
It would be cool. I'm just glad that he's running,
you know, because there was some debate as to whether
or not he was going to. And you know, I
think that he's got he's got a chance.

Speaker 3 (05:59):
Right got why not?

Speaker 4 (06:00):
I mean, there's only eight horses in it, so you
feel like he's got to have a shot. And then
Shannon for you and me and you the biggest story
of yesterday, The back Door in Louisville has closed. After
thirty nine years, thirty nine years of keeping me up
late at night with noise, it is now closed. You

know that bar. Everyone in Louisville has been to that
bar at least once.

Speaker 2 (06:27):
That's the bar where the guy would walk around and
sell you beef jerky out of his pocket.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
He would sell you pocket beef jerkey.

Speaker 4 (06:32):
Yes, that was the pocket beef jerkey you bought. So
thirty nine years, I guess the owner passed away and
his son tried to run it for a while and
didn't like it. But for me, you know, that bar
has been both a love and hate place. You know,
for people who don't know. It's very close to where
I live and so it's very very loud, and in

its prime it was stupid loud. But it's still you know,
three am. People would wander out and scream and turn
on music and I would curse their name. But at
the same time, it was still like a part of
the area, you know. So I'm a little bummed out
that it's gone away. I almost never went, even though

it was so close, because it was smoky Shanny, you
know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (07:20):
It was like I didn't like how it was smoking.
But they had really good.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Food, really good food, oh, really good food. It was
always crowded when I went. I haven't been in a
few years.

Speaker 4 (07:29):
It was always crowded. Now, they did sue the governor.
You remember that the over COVID stuff and lost, but
they did sue the governor. So some people think that
was maybe the start of their downfall. But Channon, as
the other Louisville person, it is kind of sad, right,
like one of the last.

Speaker 3 (07:47):
Remaining old school Louisville places is gone.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Yeah, it's a piece of the highlands. And you know,
there's not a lot of those bars that have been
around that long that are still running, and that was
one of the few that was still up and going.
And can I said to see that one going?

Speaker 4 (08:00):
What I did like about that bar is and this
is kind of what I like about KS Bar on
game days and stuff.

Speaker 3 (08:07):
It's one of the.

Speaker 4 (08:07):
Few places where you could see it like everybody, right, Shannon.
There were old, young, black, white, you know, people dressed up,
people just like wondering the end like it was. It
was one of the few places where it like got
a cross section Shannon, of like all of Louisville.

Speaker 2 (08:26):
There, that's right, Yeah, because you know, you go to
other parts of the Highlands, you kind of expect a
certain crowd. Yeah, the hippish crowd.

Speaker 3 (08:33):
Yeah, you're right, it was.

Speaker 2 (08:35):
It was a good bar to go to everything.

Speaker 4 (08:37):
So sad to see that go after thirty nine years
of being opened in louis All Right, who's up first,
Let's go to Joe. Joe, go ahead, Joe.

Speaker 3 (08:46):
Yes, thank you.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
I have a comment, and I do have a question
the comment.

Speaker 8 (08:50):
Watched Cason Wallace last night played for Oklahoma City mad
He looked like he belonged.

Speaker 3 (08:57):
Out to Yes, he did.

Speaker 4 (08:59):
Two big shots hit two big shots in that game.
That series is a perfect example. And I appreciate the
call of UK basketballs. I'm sorry, I didn't mean he
had another thing. I'm sorry Joe, I didn't mean to
hang up on you there. Of UK basketball's effect on
the NBA, you have Shay Alexander dominant. PJ Washington. PJ

Washington has scored the third most points in that series
behind Shay and Luca, more than Kyrie.

Speaker 3 (09:31):
And off threes.

Speaker 4 (09:31):
Last night he hit five threes, and then Cason Wallace
has has made big plays as well.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
That was very cool to see last night.

Speaker 5 (09:39):
That you had Tyres Maxi in the crowd even helped
Shay up when he fell over in the crowd, and
of all people for him to land in the lap,
it's a former Cat. And then and cal cal and Woollard,
Kenny Payne and the Chickenman sitting courtside too, So a
lot of Kentucky influence around the building life.

Speaker 3 (09:54):
Can you believe PJ Washington?

Speaker 4 (09:55):
I mean, PJ Washington is outside of Luca and and Shaye,
the biggest player in the series in terms of how
he's performed.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
When he left Charlotte, I thought he'd be one of
those guys would just be a bench role player the
rest of his career. He's turning into another star and
one of these guys that's gonna just flourish whin in
the right situation.

Speaker 4 (10:15):
And you know, case and Wallace was in Lucas face
like trying to trying to fight him, which you go see,
we didn't.

Speaker 3 (10:22):
Even see that side here, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (10:25):
Like we didn't get to see. He was so quiet
here that you you didn't you didn't know that he
had that anym.

Speaker 3 (10:32):
Really, that guy.

Speaker 5 (10:33):
We're gonna be watching him in the NBA for a
long time because I remember when he got to UK
this summer, before he had played a minute of college basketball,
he was all about defense, and you just no one
has that mentality in high school, but he did. And
now I'm not surprised this early in his career you're
seeing in the playoffs trying to lock guys down because
he's He's rare when it comes to that mentality.

Speaker 3 (10:51):
Shae Alexander is a superstar. He is.

Speaker 4 (10:57):
I mean, he's one of the five best players in
the league. And we do have to remember that he
initially sat behind Quade Greed.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
Crazy to even say that, but that's exactly what I
came here as a backup for Quade the backup points.

Speaker 4 (11:13):
A backup and remember that twenty you know, we talk
about we talk about Kentucky teams and talent. Yeah, he
should have been the MVP. I mean here, I mean
Jokic is also great. But you talk about teams in talent,
that twenty eighteen team, I want you to go back
and look at that Shay knocks PJ, Nick Richards. They

were all the same team for Dallow.

Speaker 5 (11:42):
Gabriel, who's still getting NBA checks, Hollo, Jared Vanderbilt, did
you say him?

Speaker 3 (11:48):
The whole roster pretty much except maybe Johnny.

Speaker 4 (11:52):
I hate to keep saying that, but seven guys in
the NBA off that team, and some of them are good,
really good.

Speaker 5 (12:00):
Haunts me every time I see Shay hit a clutch basket.
That Kansas State game quad a airball to three when
we need.

Speaker 4 (12:06):
Yeah, the Pj's free throws. So PJ miss the free
throws in that game last night. He's supposed to miss
a free throw and he makes at the end of
the game.

Speaker 3 (12:13):
He's having flashbacks Kansas to make this. So Lo's up
next year, Bill, Bill, go ahead, Bill. Yeah.

Speaker 8 (12:21):
A couple of quick things here regarding the greeting that
Pal and the former players will get when they come
next year. I want to say Kurt for first of all,
you guys have to realize you will have a lot
of influence on how the Big Blue Nation will embrace them,
and I would encourage you to be thankful for Cales
fifteen years and what he did. I got very frustrate

at the end, just like most Kentucky fans, but you know,
he did bring us a lot of joy, a lot
of good times. And with regards to the players, I'm
probably not in the same mindset a lot of people are.
UK fan base was really behind Thierro and Z both.
They want to see both of those get more playing time.
Un thought they got shorted on that.

Speaker 4 (13:03):
And you know, then nobody's gonna boo the players. I
mean everybody, there's nothing. There's no Kentucky fan who will
do anything but cheer for Z and thear like nobody's
gonna booth the player the issue. I don't know what
people's reaction will be to Cow, but to Z and Theerro,
there won't be anything but applause. If they were to

introduce Tyler Ewis, which maybe they will, he'll get nothing
but applause. I don't think I don't have any worry
about those goods. Yeah, I don't any worry about those guys.

Speaker 8 (13:34):
Well, let me say this though, as far as giving
a resounding ovation, I mean, uh Z. We put a
billboard up for him where you clam it for more
playing time for him, and you know, so to give
it nobody.

Speaker 4 (13:47):
That's not gonna be an issue. There will be no
issue with the players. No one is gonna boo Z.
No one is gonna booth the row.

Speaker 8 (13:54):
I'm not saying boo I'm saying as far as giving
a resounding ovation.

Speaker 4 (13:58):
Everybody will give him one every if they when they
check in, if they don't start, they'll get a loud ovation.

Speaker 3 (14:04):
The issue will be will be cow.

Speaker 4 (14:06):
I have more confidence in the fan base than you do,
Bill and there they're they're gonna be positive to everybody
except maybe cal.

Speaker 3 (14:16):
I see, I see he just the option. But that's okay.
Well we'll differ on that. We'll see I appreciate the call.

Speaker 4 (14:21):
Nobody's gonna I'll bet everything I got And one person
will say a bad thing about z R thing.

Speaker 5 (14:26):
No, nig Z's still one of us. He was kidnapped.
We we feel bad for him down there. We're trying
to get him out of there. No, no, no, one's
gonna it's you know. Now, we'll see what ends up
happening with cal somehow. I've gone through this, Shannon, and
we haven't done any ads yet.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
You better get cooking.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
We'll give me one real quick.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
Well, you can always do corn bread.

Speaker 4 (14:43):
Him all right, cornbreadheim dot com. Uh, you go full
spectrum flower only.

Speaker 2 (14:48):
Horse though that was on there every day.

Speaker 3 (14:50):
It's not on there, So then why did you say one.

Speaker 2 (14:53):
Always on there? I sent you this an hour ago.
You don't have it.

Speaker 4 (14:56):
Well, it's clearly you didn't either, because I asked you
what we were doing and you didn't we have one, So.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
We're trying to give you one that you would know
just off the top of your.

Speaker 3 (15:02):
Head, and it wasn't on the list. Red State Barbecue
is back.

Speaker 4 (15:06):
The KSR heritage sponsor Red State is returning just in
time for barbecue season Memorial Day and you can pick
up Red State products in the Kentucky Proud section of
Liquor Barn, Critchfield, Southland, the Kentucky Horse Park, Jungle Gems
and publics. RedState bbq dot com the best barbecue sauce.
You can buy it there at redstatebbq dot com. Use

the promo code MD twenty.

Speaker 3 (15:31):
I guess that's for a Memorial Day.

Speaker 4 (15:32):
Okay, MD twenty to get twenty percent off your order
with Red State Barbecue.

Speaker 3 (15:37):
We'll take a break. Mary Backs, Kentucky sports radio.

Speaker 4 (15:43):
Worker back Turkey Sports Radio A five nine two eight
twenty two eighty seven. What person writes on the text machine, Matt,
I wish they would introduce Chin Coleman just so I
can boo him.

Speaker 3 (15:54):
That's you.

Speaker 5 (15:56):
Yeah, I would probably boo that one. I don't know
if i'd boo anyone else somebody with that one. I
thought of a good story about him. By the way,
the other day someone asked, I'm like, I don't have
any specific ones on the board. I was reminded that
one of his tactics for the players, he told her
recruit this, this was already out there. He was wanting
to make only fans for the players.

Speaker 4 (16:15):
He thought the players should to make money, do only fans,
which you know, not not not not to be fair
to him, not getting naked.

Speaker 3 (16:27):
No, no, just like I'm you know, I'm in the
gym shooting. You know, here's not he thought they should
do like only fans subscription subscriptions.

Speaker 4 (16:38):
He thought they should do only fans subscriptions as a
way for players to to to make money. You also,
I know you said this, but I do think it's
worth repeating that. We had someone tell us and we
can't verify this. We had someone tell us that he
said to a group of fans at the SEC tournament

that he wanted to create a T shirt company to
sell T shirts to the schools we were about to
play for their T shirt games.

Speaker 5 (17:10):
It's like where our mindset was before we played Texas,
A and M. That one I learned after Frank's rent.
So I've received so much additional info after Frank's rent,
that being one of them.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
What if you're an assistant coach on a team, why
would you want to make and benefit your opponent in
any way?

Speaker 3 (17:29):
No, No, trying to make money.

Speaker 4 (17:30):
They're trying to make money, he would. I mean, he
wasn't doing it for charity. He was saying, I will
sell T shirts to the places we go for their games.
He thought it was like a money making venture.

Speaker 5 (17:42):
Like Arkansas, Auburn's plays have T shirts and three someone
has to provide the T shirt.

Speaker 4 (17:47):
I don't know why he thought though he would be
able to do it better. It's not like he has
a T shirt company.

Speaker 5 (17:52):
And I assume most universities have their T shirt manufacturer
already figured out in order. I think that process has
probably been.

Speaker 4 (18:00):
Imagine if you're working at like Texas A and M,
when you get a phone call from the assistant coach
of the team you're playing, going got something for you,
all right, Kentucky's coming in two weeks.

Speaker 3 (18:11):
You put out T shirts.

Speaker 4 (18:13):
I sell you the T shirts, and they probably go, yeah,
we got it.

Speaker 3 (18:18):
We have T shirts. We're good. We got a guy.
We were really you know what, We're pretty good with
the T shirt business here. We're not gonna need to
focus on Wade Taylor in Texas A and M. Please Hayley, Kaylee, Kayley, Kaylee.

Speaker 9 (18:39):
Hi hu can y'all hear me?

Speaker 3 (18:42):

Speaker 9 (18:43):
Okay, Hey, okay, So first time caller, long time. Why
I am calling because today is my husband, Justin's birthday.
I work at a preschool and we're having graduation tonight
and I'm not able to go celebrate with him. But
I just wanted to jump here and tell him a
happy birthday, and uh, I hope he has a good day.

He's all the time, anytime we go in a car. Right,
we always have you all on the radio anytime.

Speaker 4 (19:09):
Well, happy birthday to Justin. I hope he has a
good one. I want to go back to you for
a second. There's pre school graduation. Oh yeah, what is
pre school graduation?

Speaker 3 (19:25):
What? What? What in the world do you do with that? Uh?

Speaker 9 (19:29):
Basically the kids just get their name called out, you know,
they may play some music and then.

Speaker 3 (19:33):
Do they have a cap and gown.

Speaker 9 (19:37):
At some preschools usually just for the pictures. Typically though,
they just walk up and but what.

Speaker 4 (19:44):
Okay again, I'm not trying you know, understand, I'm not
trying to be a group.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
Okay, Ryan, Yes, But what have they accomplished?

Speaker 9 (19:53):
Well, mainly so skillful, you know, just getting to know
the kids age, like, especially for these kids who are
during COVID it's a real so.

Speaker 4 (20:03):
But do they have to like pass a test? I mean,
do they have to do anything? Or do they do
they just have to exist?

Speaker 1 (20:12):

Speaker 9 (20:12):
Well, a little bit of everything. There's some kids that
you know, can color do their shapes, and there's some
kids that are just learning to you know, enhance those
social skills. But Lave, it's just kind of saying like, hey,
you've made it. Now it's time to you know, meet
to the next step. And it's basically just for the
parents that would.

Speaker 4 (20:31):
Just yeah, so that's what I was getting at. Ultimately,
this is just for the parents because the kids. You
know how we're asking about horse racing. Does the horse
know it's in a race? Do the kids even know
they're graduating?

Speaker 1 (20:44):

Speaker 9 (20:44):
Yeah, they definitely do.

Speaker 2 (20:46):

Speaker 9 (20:46):
Speaking of the Derby, we had a whole Derby day
here the kids, bless their hearts. I've put pictures of
every single horse on the wall. They told me which
ones to pick out, and I lost quite a bit
of money.

Speaker 3 (20:58):
But that's okay, I mean, so did I. So it
works out all right.

Speaker 4 (21:03):
Well, thank you, Happy birthday to your husband, and enjoy
preschool graduation.

Speaker 9 (21:08):
Thank you so much, Matt.

Speaker 4 (21:10):
So what are the levels? I appreciate the call where
we now have graduations.

Speaker 3 (21:13):
We used to have high.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
School and college preschool. Do we have pre kindergarten graduation?

Speaker 9 (21:21):

Speaker 1 (21:21):
Yes, there is pre school fifth grade graduation. Why is
there a kindergarten grad grade graduation? Yes, preschool they have
it because you're going to kindergarten. It's like a big
sleep forward. You're going to school. You're what's the sleep
step forward the kindergarten when they'll I don't understand it,

but they have a kindergarten, kindergarten, fifth grade, oh yes,
and then they have an eighth eighth grade graduation.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
Yes, the preschool graduation needs a guest speaker. Man, are
you free?

Speaker 1 (21:53):

Speaker 4 (21:53):
I think if there was I think if there was
ever a man created for preschool graduation, it's Ryan. I
feel like you would be You would be perfect as
the commencement speaker. Although like Duke with the kids with
Jerry Seinfeld, I think three or four would walk out.
That's just when you walked out, how I mean really?

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Oh yeah, they walk across the stage, they sing.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
A song, but they haven't done anything.

Speaker 2 (22:19):
It's a participation trophy.

Speaker 3 (22:21):
I understand.

Speaker 4 (22:22):
But like you, I mean, you don't have to take
a test to pass preschool, right, No, you don't even
have to go to preschool, do you not?

Speaker 1 (22:30):
Really? Yeah? No, I don't think I went to pre
school go to school. In kindergarten, you're going from half
a day to full day, and so it's another big
step forward.

Speaker 4 (22:42):
Okay, I'm not, as you know, I'm not like mister
oh participation trophies are ruining the world.

Speaker 3 (22:48):
I think that's usually an old man thing. With that said,
I'm not sure.

Speaker 4 (22:53):
Preschool, kindergarten, fifth grade, eighth grade. We need four graduations
before you even get to school, before you even get
to something that actually involves difficulty.

Speaker 5 (23:04):
What if they start dropping out because I thought they've
already accomplished so much with all those degrees. You got
fifth graders thinking they already know everything?

Speaker 4 (23:10):
How many and then by the time you get to
high school? Are you like, all right, I've done this?
This isn't you know? This is the fifth times you
made me buy one of these stupid gowns, Like I
don't want to do it anymore.

Speaker 3 (23:19):
The parties and gifts around it too.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
They have a content graduation for preschool.

Speaker 3 (23:25):
Keep them from keep them from drinking. We'll take a break.
Be right back. TJ. Smith, personal injury attorney, call TJ.
He'll make them pay now.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
More of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage. Here's
Matt Jones.

Speaker 3 (23:39):
Is this Vitamin C good call?

Speaker 2 (23:41):

Speaker 4 (23:41):
The graduations the graduation so it's just big, like very
smart by Vitamin C. Every year it comes back like
it's a song. You're guaranteed every year comes graduation. You
gotta have something to play. There's a graduation shong. Vitamin
C is back every year.

Speaker 3 (23:55):
Just getting that, say right now, those checks just start
rolling in.

Speaker 4 (23:59):
Yeah, by the way, did you see uh it's We're
kspar A nine twenty two eighty seven the Paul O'Neil,
the baseball player. Yes, he was on an episode of
Seinfeld many, many years ago.

Speaker 3 (24:12):

Speaker 4 (24:12):
And he did an interview that said every month he
gets a residual check for being on an episode of
Seinfeld thirty plus years ago. And he said it is
fifty seven dollars a month. So he gets a check
every month from Seinfeld for fifty seven dollars, which doesn't
sound like a lot until you think about he was

only on the episode for like thirty seconds. So does
that mean they have to send everyone that was ever
on an episode of Seinfeld fifty seven dollars?

Speaker 3 (24:43):
Shit? And that would start to add up after a
while for me.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
After a year, you're looking at six hundred and eighty
four dollars.

Speaker 4 (24:49):
Six hundred and eighty four dollars to everyone who's ever
made an appearance.

Speaker 3 (24:53):
On that show.

Speaker 2 (24:54):
Ten years later, it's almost seven thousands of money.

Speaker 3 (24:56):
A lot of money after a while, isn't it.

Speaker 1 (24:58):
So with a guy like Keith and was on their
mat said he get won.

Speaker 4 (25:01):
Three thousand dollars because he was on for two episodes. Yeah,
so he gets he gets three thousand dollars a year.
So I don't know how much that would be a month,
but that's how much Keith and Nandez.

Speaker 5 (25:12):
Just a few days ago, I was scrolling and noticed
Friends was on TBS every thirty minutes for like the
entire day, and I started thinking about residuals and how
they just must be getting rich. Obviously they're the main characters,
but they get twenty million dollars a year just for
that to keep bearing.

Speaker 4 (25:26):
Yeah, one person right to the text machine, Matt. I
would take the Preschoolers Derby Picks over the KSR Parlay.
First of all, shut up, we won the last KSR.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
We're on a winning streak.

Speaker 4 (25:40):
We have now we are a one game winning streak
for the KSR parlay, so shut up. And secondly, that
now is two wins that the KSR parlay has since
it was instituted, So that's pretty good. That's one more.
Have you heard about the Bally's reds Parlay. Every game

Bally Sports put up a reds parlay three just three
things that have to happen. It'll be like Ellie gets
a hit, whatever three things. They've done it for thirty
seven games this year. They are one and thirty six
and the odds are like five to one every time.
So even if they were just normal, they should have

hit seven, and they've hit one of the thirty seven.
There's a website now dedicated to saying every time it loses,
which is every single game. And I think it hit
like the second game of the year and has not
hit since.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
Eat it, Bally's reds hit. We're a lot better than
you are.

Speaker 3 (26:42):
Ks R.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
Parlay's got two wins.

Speaker 5 (26:44):
I think we might be NBA experts because we've our
other NBA parlay had five teams it and it didn't win,
but remember it missed by half a point.

Speaker 3 (26:53):
They had four hits. We're clearly NBA experts. Maybe we
should be an NBA show.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
I think we probably should. You're said Shannon. There's a
preschool administrator on the phone with us. Yes, Brandon, go ahead, Hi,
how are you doing good?

Speaker 9 (27:09):

Speaker 7 (27:09):
Yeah, I'm an assistant director of a local preschool in Lexington,
and we we have what we call Senior Recognition Day,
and we do not do what some senters do some
centers do, the gown and the cab and all that.
We don't call it a senior graduation. We call it
a recognition.

Speaker 3 (27:24):
Because when you say, when you say a senior recognition that.

Speaker 6 (27:29):
I was getting ready to explain.

Speaker 7 (27:30):
So our classes we have one year old's, freshman's, two
year olds, sophomores, three and four year olds, juniors, four and.

Speaker 3 (27:36):
Five year Are you serious you call one year old's
freshman and two year old sophomore class.

Speaker 7 (27:44):
I mean some classes in some preschools will call their
classroom the butterfly room or the caterpillar room and whatever.
And we didn't want to do that with nothing, no
offense to anybody else, but we wanted to do something
a little different. So we were the freshman's and sophomore
the pre schools and the juniors and the seniors.

Speaker 3 (28:00):
I want to ask you a question. I don't again.

Speaker 4 (28:03):
You know, I'm not being disparaging because I don't know
anything about children, but one year olds.

Speaker 3 (28:10):
I mean, isn't that just daycare?

Speaker 6 (28:15):
It's caregiving and nurturing.

Speaker 7 (28:16):
Yeah, the curriculum is not a AB season one, two three,
it's nursery rhymes.

Speaker 6 (28:21):
It's nursery rhymes and signed the language and.

Speaker 3 (28:23):
Sharing and so you do the four years.

Speaker 6 (28:26):
And mostly a lot of wiping and wiping and wiping.

Speaker 4 (28:30):
All right, Well, well, enjoy your graduation. I appreciate you
telling me. I had no idea that they had.

Speaker 7 (28:36):
I had the same question you had. That's why I
called in, was because I had the same question you had.
Why do they have kindergarten graduation? I was like, what
is that? And it got's thinken. You know, not all
kids go to preschool, so that kindergarten graduation. Going to
school that first.

Speaker 6 (28:47):
Year's a big dang deal.

Speaker 7 (28:48):
You're leaving mom and dad. It's out into the world,
and so kindergarten graduation. I'm like, I can get down
with that, but I'm kind of like you fifth eighth FIFA.

Speaker 3 (28:58):
I appreciate it.

Speaker 6 (28:59):
Again, we don't don't call it graduation. Thanks for calling.

Speaker 3 (29:02):
I appreciate it. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (29:03):
Well, I mean, yeah, I mean, I guess, I guess
you have to have celebrations.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
I'm with you. It's for the parents.

Speaker 4 (29:10):
The parents want to get up there and go, oh,
let's take pictures of our kids that.

Speaker 3 (29:13):
Growed ups in their little gowns. Big widow boy.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
It's like, come on, I tell you, I can remember
all three of my boys at kindergarten graduation. They have
this slideshow. They put their picture up on the big
screen as walk across the stage. I bawled like a baby,
all three of them. It's just like that they're leaving
the house. They're not gonna be little anymore. But I
definitely I cried every time.

Speaker 3 (29:41):
It sounds like that could be an email, the pictures
of the kids they graduated.

Speaker 4 (29:46):
I'm sorry some of you are telling me the streaming
I have am so over everything. iHeart technology, I am.
It drives me absolutely insane. And I don't blame any
individual in the company because I know they all try,
but it's like it drives me nuts, Like the streaming

right now is not working.

Speaker 3 (30:07):
By walking in with an iHeart shirt right now? Are
they coming to fix it? Okay? Well I don't. I'm
not talking about you. Okay, nice time.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
Yeah, I don't know who that guy is.

Speaker 3 (30:17):
Got re quiet. What were you saying, Matt? You were
saying something never seen that person before? Seeing him.

Speaker 1 (30:22):
I have no idea if he had an ieheart shirt
on interrupt, carry on?

Speaker 3 (30:28):
Is he here? Is that? Who is that? Like when
they send George Gleaning in, they tell you you're gone and.

Speaker 4 (30:34):
Up and the uh No, I just the streaming thing,
you know, podcast I the Apple podcast.

Speaker 3 (30:42):
Every podcast in.

Speaker 4 (30:45):
The world will automatically update, every one of them in
the entire world. There's never been a podcast that will
not automatically update except ours. Accept ours, for whatever reason,
our podcast. You have to literally like go in on
a dial up telephone and call somebody to give you
the lightest update. It's unbelievable to me. I mean, you

can like pull the button down. Nobody does that. How
is it that we can't get anything to work?

Speaker 5 (31:14):
It's not just a podcasts every I've listened to a
lot of shows, but very rarely am I listening to
something and I'm like, well, I guess it's just out
for ten minutes.

Speaker 3 (31:21):
I'll sit here to come back on. But that happens
to us.

Speaker 4 (31:24):
Have you ever did you ever once turn on a
radio show and go, you know what, there is an
alien speaking during this show.

Speaker 3 (31:34):
But ours it happens weekly.

Speaker 1 (31:38):
Why, I don't know, you know, we Lectioningon just moved
into a new building, some new equipment. Louisville just moved
into a new building, new equipment, Yet it still doesn't
work the way it's supposed to.

Speaker 3 (31:48):
It's it'll make me upset if I think about it now.

Speaker 5 (31:53):
Bill Nya said, the Northern Lights did something to our electronics.
Could this be the fake Northern Lights?

Speaker 1 (31:58):

Speaker 4 (31:58):
Yeah, but it only affects our show. You can turn
on any other show and it sounds good. But on
our show, then the Northern Lights, which didn't even happen,
we'll all just screw it up.

Speaker 3 (32:07):
Who's next?

Speaker 2 (32:07):
Here's somebody who'll calm you down. Bob and Jamestown.

Speaker 4 (32:09):
Oh, thank you, Shan, I really appreciate it. That's exactly
who we needed to be the next caller. Go Bob
and Jamestown.

Speaker 10 (32:17):

Speaker 3 (32:17):
I had a cap and gown kindergarten graduation in nineteen
sixty at Anchorage School. I mean missus Bailey's. It was that.
Aint know. Anchored School was built in nineteen eleven. It's
still the buzzer. They love it.

Speaker 4 (32:36):
I'm glad, I'm glad you went to school in anything else, Bob.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
You already get buzzed.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
Okay, wow, you know what.

Speaker 4 (32:46):
I'll tell you what. Let's take a break. Maybe this
will maybe this will work, and the next ad. It's very,
very on topic. Back by popular demand. The Kentucky Chamber
fourth Annual Women Summit Nice Nice June twenty sixth at
the Central Bank in downtown Lexington. Women from all over

the Commonwealth. You can meet other professional women and learn
from them on the topics of leadership, diversity, inclusion, challenges
for women and more. Go to ky Chamber dot com
slash events. It is the Kentucky Chamber Women Summit. If
you're a business woman across the state, come in meet
your fellow women business leaders in the KSR audience. We

have a ton of women listeners. Go see them ky
Chamber dot com slash events. We'll take a break, be
right back on Kentucky Sports, Bad Technology radio, the iHeartRadio theme.

Speaker 1 (33:48):
Did it clear up? Did you get people teated?

Speaker 3 (33:49):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (33:50):
It's on seven ninety now they're telling me it's only
on WLAP. Well, but that's how most people listen. Yeah,
on streaming For people who don't know, we do have
it another one w k R D. If you ever
if lap's not working, you can only check. That's seven
ninety in Louisville, and there's one in Summrset too, which
is I think twelve forty.

Speaker 3 (34:08):
But still chase my shows around not knowing whether.

Speaker 4 (34:10):
Yeah, that's that's one thing you really want you to
do is to make your listeners have to do work
in order to get it to work.

Speaker 3 (34:17):
That's really that's what you want.

Speaker 4 (34:18):
Schools are almost out, but the deals are just getting
started at don Franklin Atto. Head on into your local
dealership or steer your way over to don Franklin Auto
dot com, the largest inventory of new, used and pre
owned vehicles. It's Don Franklin Auto dot com. I want
to read you something. So remember I told you the
guy that was on Wrestlers cash Flow. Yes, remember I

told him, told you he was going to be on
If you didn't hear the story, Sylvester Stallone watched him
on Wrestlers, called and wrote him, called him and said,
I love the show.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
I want you to be on my newest show.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
How cool is that man, Tulsa.

Speaker 3 (34:54):
That's awesome, which is unbelievable me.

Speaker 4 (34:56):
It's a guy who spent twenty years plus years of
his life person in his dream he's forty six years old,
and finally and Sylvester Stallone just calls him and he's
like hello, and he says, this is Sylvester Stallone. I
loved you on Wrestlers. Second season of Tulsa King. I

have a part and it's perfect for you. Would you
like to do it? And now he's spending the summer
in Oklahoma and Atlanta shooting this show.

Speaker 3 (35:26):
Awesome. I now have some.

Speaker 4 (35:28):
Details on his character. Cash Flow will play the character
of Bigfoot. Bigfoot a grizzled bear of a man with
a soft side who works to help Sylvester Stallone and
his crew.

Speaker 3 (35:42):
It's perfect. So your guess that cash Flow is going
to be a leading man not the case. True.

Speaker 4 (35:48):
It's not going to be the love interest, but he
is going to be Bigfoot, a bear of a man
with a heart of gold.

Speaker 5 (35:56):
Still hold not hope for a love scene. But I
like that they captured cash Flow because that's what he is.
He's a vag with a big heart. So have you
heard from him? Is he loving it?

Speaker 4 (36:07):
I think, Shannon, he's a little bored because at night
I get text messages from him, Hey man, what's going on.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
I've talked to him a few weeks ago.

Speaker 1 (36:15):
He is.

Speaker 4 (36:16):
I think he loves it. I just think, you know,
he has his own trailer, big time. How about that, Shannon,
his own trailer.

Speaker 3 (36:23):

Speaker 2 (36:24):
Can I tell you what he told me that I
thought was really cool.

Speaker 3 (36:26):

Speaker 2 (36:26):
He said in his first scene that he was shooting
with Stallone, he was kind of just you know, starstruck,
and Stallone could tell that. So Stallone said, all right,
we're gonna take a break. He said, he took Cash
back to his trailer for like two hours and just
sat there and just talked to him, just to you know,
calm his nerves a little bit. And I thought that
was so cool from from somebody like Stallone to bring

in Cash and stop shooting just so he could, you know,
make him feel more. That is very comfortable.

Speaker 3 (36:54):
How nice is that?

Speaker 2 (36:55):
That's pretty cool?

Speaker 3 (36:56):
So that's cool. Can I tell you another nice story
before we go.

Speaker 4 (36:58):
From Yesh was going to say this yesterday, but I
wanted to take a day because I wanted to make
sure to say. I want to tell you a quick
story about my parents at the graduation. My mom told
this at the end, and it's worth sharing a lot
of you know that right after COVID just like right
after it happened. A couple weeks later, my dad fell

and we didn't know if he was going to make it,
and you know, it was an awful time because you
couldn't get into the hospitals and so he had to
have this surgery, this surgery on his head to relieve
the blood from the fall, and we we were not
allowed to go see him before and they said, this

is a very dangerous surgery, but we couldn't go in
because of what was happening. So we had to talk
to him on the phone, which, as you could guess,
was a very emotional conversation. And my dad became emotional
talking to my mom and he said, you know what
makes me the saddest is that I could pass and

not get to.

Speaker 3 (38:07):
See you graduate.

Speaker 1 (38:09):

Speaker 4 (38:11):
So part of the reason that weekend was so special, huh,
is he made it through that and is doing better
than we would have ever imagined and got to fly
down there and go and be there. And my mom
told that story at the lunch, which was very sweet,
but that was wow. I mean, think about that where

we were four years ago, where he said that, and
you know a lot of we weren't sure that he
was going to make it.

Speaker 3 (38:37):
I knew you would appreciate that.

Speaker 1 (38:38):
Dude, you were We can we can tell this. You
were scared. You were really scared. That was a scary
time for you and your mom in your life.

Speaker 4 (38:44):
I mean I really thought he might not. I mean
it was and then doctor said that. But what was
so sad is we had to sit outside my dad
had this.

Speaker 3 (38:53):
You know, life threatening surgery. My mom and I had
to sit.

Speaker 4 (38:55):
In the parking lot in different cars. That's because I
didn't want to make her sick in case in case,
Like we were sitting in different cars.

Speaker 3 (39:06):
What you know, because we didn't know.

Speaker 5 (39:08):
Four years later, he's not just attending a graduation. It's
flying to Dallas getting around. Unfortunately, there's been some trough
times in that traveling, but got to make a whole
trip and be there for and like you said, he's
doing well.

Speaker 4 (39:18):
So it just goes to show, like again, as we said,
with the with the sadness of a couple of days ago,
enjoy the days and.

Speaker 3 (39:25):
Enjoy moments like that.

Speaker 4 (39:26):
I'm giving people a hard time about graduation, but if
that's yea, everything's a moment, right, So who's got every
school graduation.

Speaker 3 (39:33):
Bill, Bill, go ahead, Bill, Hey Matt.

Speaker 10 (39:37):
How are you good? Yeah, wife and I were in
Lectington this past weekend. Got to come by the castAR
Bar and grow and have dinner. Really enjoyed it. Nice
setup you guys got there.

Speaker 3 (39:47):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 10 (39:49):
On Friday, the guys were talking about when Caler Perry
came back. And I don't know if they remember this
or not, but when Fatino came back, the crowd was
loaded for Bear and he ended up coming in from
the Kentucky side rather than the Louisville side, which nobody
all of a sudden, he was just there at the
bench and nobody saw him walk in. Yes, so if

cal looking, uh, you know, for a way to diffuse
the situation, you might want to take a page out
of Rick's book.

Speaker 3 (40:19):
That's a great question.

Speaker 4 (40:20):
I mean, I remember that because everybody was wanting to
see him walk in. Of course, he had gone to Louisville,
which was our art rival, and and you know, so
it was a little bit different. But it'll be interesting
to see what he decides to do well.

Speaker 10 (40:32):
And you know, and the other thing is this, you know,
when when Tubby was let go or when Tubby left,
I should say, you know, I think eat down people
were hoping Rick would come back. I know I was.
And then to go to Louisville of all places. I
mean you know that, uh you know talk about you know,
your your analogy about you know, leaving leaving your wife

or another another woman. You know, in this case, it's
you know, leaving your wife for you member.

Speaker 3 (41:02):
Yeah, I mean it's not.

Speaker 4 (41:03):
Just a no, like like an enemy. It was like
leaving for for for an enemy. So I agree, he'll
be fascinating and I appreciate the call. We'll have plenty
of time to talk about it, but it will be
fascinating to see how that day plays out. Do you
think that's the most expensive ticket in Rough? Since win.

Speaker 3 (41:24):
Can't think of one that'll be a hot ticket.

Speaker 1 (41:27):
It'll be the it'll top it'll top it all. It'll
be even the nosebleed seats will be extremely high to
get in, and you want to be in the arena
for that game.

Speaker 3 (41:35):
I was in the arena for the Patino game. I
was too, and it was.

Speaker 1 (41:40):
The environment there. I always said, that's the best pregame
environment I've ever been in at Rough Arena. Just that anticipation,
but Patina walking back out on that floor. And then,
like the guy said that, he came out of the
Kentucky tunnel, not the visitors tunnel, and all the media
was down there with their cameras waiting to get him
to come out, and he sneaks out of the Kentucky entrance.

Speaker 4 (41:57):
I think it'll be it'll be fascinating. Bluegrass Home Set
open in London. Visit Bluegrass home Center dot com today
to find your dream home. Specialize home buyers, standard built,
single section and multisection manufactured homes beautifully designed and custom
for you. Go to Bluegrass Homecenter dot com. Lots of
floor plans, lots available in London, Kentucky six oh six

two one five thirty three hundred Bluegrass Hoomecenter dot com.
Tell everybody where we are tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (42:25):
We're at Assured Partners. It's at seventeen ninety two Ali
Sheeba Way Sweet number three hundred. It's out there on Hamburg.
It's a big office building by Hamburg, close to Meyer.
Come out and see us. They've been a great partner
and it'll be a good show. A lot of free
stuff they're giving away.

Speaker 3 (42:36):
They've been an Assured partner.

Speaker 1 (42:37):
They've been an assured partner. Free food even tomorrow, free
food for the first like fifty people.

Speaker 3 (42:43):
Well that's pretty good.

Speaker 4 (42:43):
That is pretty good. That is pretty good. Thank you
all very much. We will see you tomorrow. Enjoy PGA
Championship Week. This has been Kentucky Sports Radio.
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