All Episodes

May 15, 2024 42 mins

Live from Assured Partners.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Comedy Off Broadway in Lexington. Welcome's Michael Pallisak May seventeenth
and eighteenth. Then catch Kevin Farley me twenty third through
the twenty five, and don't miss Sam Morrell May thirty
first through June second. Comedy Up Broadway opened and downtown
Lexington in nineteen eighty seven, and they're still bringing the
best in stand up comedy to the area thirty seven

years later. Call eight five, nine, two seven one joke
or visit Comedy off Broadway, dot com.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
Comedy Off Broadway. Welcome everyone, it is Kentucky Sports Radio, Wednesday,
May the fifteenth. I am Matt Jones here in Lexington,
Kentucky at Assured Partners in Hamburg, Off seventeen ninety two.
Ali sheiba way out here in the UH. Every time

I come to Hamburg there's another five million things. I
just looking over here. There's a hotel across the way.
I didn't even know there was a hotel abbod It's
it's called called Avid and it's right here next to
Assured Partners in Hamburg. You can come out a lot
of stuff going on. They got food. The Lexington Sporting
Club is here. The new soccer team that will be

based in Lexington and all the folks here. It's at
Ryan A five twenty two eighty seven of the Clark's
Puppet Shop phone line. A Vision Auto Glass text machine
is seven seven two four five two five four in
this diition sponsored by the t J. Smith Lo Office.
You called t J. I'll make them pay. Ryan. Tell
folks what Assured Partners is assure me what they are.

Speaker 3 (01:28):
Well, Like, everybody needs auto, home and life insurance, that's
what they say. Assured Partners will do the shopping for you.
They'll find you the best package, the best insurance plan,
the best quote.

Speaker 2 (01:37):
They do all the work for you. So that's why
you're good. Like it's like a person to take care
of you, having to do the research.

Speaker 3 (01:43):
I would call them a good partner.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
Okay, but that doesn't tell people what it is. You're
trying to do an ad for them, and so you
like you want to get insurance, they'll find you the best,
right right, Drew.

Speaker 4 (01:55):
Of course, that's why they are Assured Partners, not just
any partners. And uh, we're glad to be here in
the nine in my neighborhood. I like that they throw
is that the zip code it is I like when
we have remotes in my backyard.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
So I'm a big fan of a sheird party. You know,
we don't do a ton of remotes out in Himburg.

Speaker 3 (02:11):
We don't.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
This is a part of town that we're not out.
I mean, there's a ton of stuff out here, but
we're not out in this part a lot. Probably good
for you, Shannon, right next to the interstate for you
to come from that at all.

Speaker 5 (02:21):
I know tomorrow is gonna be a lot of fun too.
You guys get to come to.

Speaker 2 (02:24):
Loisbell finally for a remote, go to the PGA Championship
for two days, looking to try to get into trouble
at least one of those days. Hopefully we get through it.

Speaker 6 (02:33):
Stay on the other side of the line.

Speaker 4 (02:35):
I saw what we're doing the show. There's there will
be trouble to be had if if you need it.
We're in the media room. Nice like that area where
one's interviewing Tiger. We're doing the show in there.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
I'm gonna taught somebody. We're Scott van Pelt. I'm gonna
taught him from from Afar. Yet. We got our media
guidelines and it specifically says rule number one is you
cannot go inside the ropes. Yep. That was like right
at the top and it says if you go inside
the ropes, you will be kicked out and your credential
will be taken from you. So I feel like, here's

looking at you. I feel like that one may have
been aimed at me when I saw it.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
When you check in, you have to check these boxes,
and I'm like, oh, there's three different things we have
to let them know. All three are about staying on
the other side of the rope. That's how serious they are.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
So do they let you know? There was a time
they would let you wear this vest and then you
could get inside there.

Speaker 4 (03:22):
I think those vests exist, but not not for me,
not all media. Okay, I think you definitely ruined the
vest for everyone.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
Well, well, we will be out there tomorrow, but we
are here in Lexington today. We're gonna have a guest
on the show. Nolan McCarthy, the UK baseball player. He's
gonna join us. He is the guy who started the
row your boat. Okay when they you know, when they
hit a double, they row the boat. He started that

and he also is one of the three people who
will do the Spider Man point. That's my favorite. So
when they hit the home run and they do the
the Spider Man thing, he will do that. He's gonna
be on here with us to talk about this big
baseball series coming up this weekend, three games against Vandy.
A lot of people don't ruze it is Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
so the first game is actually tomorrow night. They're unfortunately

competing with my trivia, but otherwise they're doing Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Ryan with a chance to outright win the SEC.

Speaker 3 (04:23):
Yeah, I'm gonna go Friday, and it's just it's just
set up perfect where they can win the championship on
their home field, have a great celebration to honor these
guys for this great season they've had.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
A Vandy's no slouch. I mean, Vandy, you know they
are kind of right. They need it for the tournament,
so they I mean, this is a big series for
them as well. Vany's no. I mean, it's interesting. It
can go a lot of different ways for Kentucky. They
could come out of the weekend winning the SEC by themselves.
There's also a world where, based on the schedule, they

could finish fourth if they were to lose all of
the games, So like, this is a they got to
play this weekend. It's a huge weekend.

Speaker 4 (05:00):
But I like that every time we say Kentucky baseball
has a huge weekend in front of him, they seem
to be outside of the valls taking one in Lexington.
I mean, they've stepped up, and really every series people wondered,
can they beat Arkansas? People wondered, can they win this one?
Can they win at Florida? And they just keep winning games.
So I'm hopeful and confident that it's a fun weekend
for the Cats.

Speaker 2 (05:18):
If you're like me, there's probably a lot of you
that don't follow college baseball accounts online. Shannon, Yeah, I don't.
There's a guy for those of you that like, since
we're gonna be into Kentucky during this series, there's a
guy named Kendall Rogers, and there's a website called d
one Baseball that's where you can kind of get that's

the ESPN I get, I think of college baseball, and
that guy has a podcast. I'm gonna be honest with you,
I don't listen to the podcast, but they put a
clip up on Twitter something like Mario does something every
show in America did we didn't until we hire a
little bit. Were only like four years behy, but we
finally did it and they put a clip up and

Kendall Rodgers, the guy goes, you know, everybody keeps saying, well,
just when does it fall apart for Kentucky and he goes,
it's not going to He was like, right, if if
it was gonna fall apart, it would have. This team's
for real and he said, this team can make it
all the way. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (06:18):
They started the SEC season with a bunch of wins
in a row, and like Drew said, but it was against.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
The bad teams, and I think people thought, well, that's
they're not necessarily that good.

Speaker 3 (06:25):
Yeah, like Drew said, they kept thinking, you know, okay
to big series. We get Tennessee Big Series against Arkansas,
Big Series at Florida. They just keep winning the series.
And that's what good teams do.

Speaker 2 (06:33):
They've only lost two series all year, Tennessee and Kennesau State,
I think Drew, which is odd that those are the
two teams.

Speaker 4 (06:40):
That's what flipped the switch when they got real hot
after they're losing that one.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
So uh eight five, nine, eight, twenty two, eighty seven,
come on out here to get in here. You go
to seventy seventeen ninety two Ali Sheba Way Ali Sheba
was was is Larry's favorite horse? By the way. Really, yes,
you come out here. It's on the third floor. See
if they're like take an elevator. But then we have
a conference room here and we love to uh to

see you. Now, Ryan, yesterday we brought on Cody Fieger
to try to do the final push for the event
June fifteenth. Any of you all signed up for the
event on June fifteenth, the Mark Pope and Meet the
Players event. One guy, well, you're going to be joined
by a lot of other people as a fan. After

they Cody came on, they got over a million dollars.
They did. They're now at one point one million dollars
for the Club Blue. Just so you know, I mean,
remember we gain we made Shannon forty thousand dollars. Yes
with the law Familia, And I want people to understand
that does not include the four million dollars pledge before

Pope hired. Obviously, it also doesn't include a number of
major donations. This is just the people subscribing as the
as the thing one point one million. I think that
will make us, if not the biggest, the biggest or
second biggest fan collective for basketball. And to give you

just an example in football, there's only like six that
have more than that. So a tremendous accomplishment early on
drew from the UK fan base. That's amazing.

Speaker 4 (08:20):
I mean before the SEC tournament they tried the nil
with a million dollar goal and didn't even get to
forty in the moment. So to just a couple months
later have a million in addition to the big donors
coming through. Now that the fans have answered the call
though UK, that needs to be a recurring amount every year,
but you have to give the fans a reason to
once say so.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
That's why I think the event's gonna be.

Speaker 4 (08:39):
That event's gonna be good, and to keep that going
throughout the year will be big to make the sustainable.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
I was talking this morning or excuse me late last
night with the people from Club Blue and they basically
they get that. I mean I told I was like,
look now, whether or not you get those people to
pledge that again is going to be based on how
good this event is June fifteenth, and so they have
an incentive Shannon to put on the best event they can.
And I'm going to assume if you're ever somebody out

there that's listening, that's like, do I ever get to
meet players? Do I ever get to meet the coach?
This will be probably the best chance you'll ever have
because they have a big incentive to put on a
good one.

Speaker 6 (09:14):
For people to do it, here's your opportunity. You know,
I felt like we were behind in NIL for a while.
Now that's back on track.

Speaker 5 (09:20):
You know, we're a little bit behind, kind of like
our inability to have us streaming.

Speaker 2 (09:24):
No, we were behind. Yeah, I don't think people realize.
I don't think so. First of all, let's go to
football first. I think football has done a pretty good
job of being I mean, we're not at the top,
but football is in a decent spot. The fan collective
needs to have some more people, but they have had

big donors. I think the football if you're looking at
where the programs are, our football collective is in a
better spot than you would think based on where we
are in football our basketball collectives. If people I really
want to be honest, which we might as well be
honest now, was probably the worst of a big program

in America. The only one that might have been worse
was Duke. But Duke's like they hadn't even really tried yet.
We had not I mean Cal, I'm not gonna say
he didn't believe in it, but Cal's philosophy didn't require
it in his mind. He could just sell the NBA.
He just gave a speech at Arkansas that said that

because of that Ryan, when Pope got here, it had
to basically be created from scratch.

Speaker 3 (10:34):
Yeah, Kentucky was so late to the party getting started
with the nil And then when last couple of years
we'd see other schools do something, We're like, why aren't
we doing that? Why is the Kentucky doing that sort
of thing? Well, now they finally are they trying to
catch up a little bit.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
So I think you actually have to give them a
lot of credit for creating from scratched or I mean
from scratch, something that now could be competitive and if
not better than everybody.

Speaker 4 (11:00):
And to have a million this quickly, I mean, how
many weeks ago was Pope and Reperina. It feels like
a year, but it's only been about a month. It's
been four weeks. Yeah, that's crazy. To have a million
dollars from the fan base, in addition to the big
donors getting re energized and putting more than they had
been in the last few years.

Speaker 2 (11:16):
It's crazy that the spot in the UK's in.

Speaker 5 (11:18):
I think these events too, will continue to grow. After
some fancy.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
There's gonna be there's gonna be a fomo for people
when the videos and stuff. Man, I wish I was there,
which I had done it, et cetera. Now there's a
lot of stuff I want to get to today, but
I have to tell you selfishly. To me, the most
interesting story is this Doug Gottlieb. Okay, I like everybody

just laughs at his name, Doug Gottlieb. We've had a
love hate relationship with Doug Gottlieb over the years on
this show. He's been on it a number of times. I've
done podcasts with him. I like him, I also find
him unbelievably annoy while also I do like him, but

what he is doing, excuse me, to me is one
of the craziest things I've ever heard. He has been
hired to be the coach at Green Bay College Basketball,
but he is also while he's gonna be hired, gonna
host a daily national sports talk radio show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (12:23):
How how's he gonna do both of those?

Speaker 2 (12:26):
Not? Well, I can't. But first of all, hiring Gottlieb
is kind of insane. I mean, he's never coached, never
at any level. He coached like he was an assistant
coach on the Israeli junior national team. Like once, that's it,

that's all he's done. They give him a major program.
But also when he goes in, he says, Drew, but
you gotta let me host my radio show from two
two to five every afternoon. All right, I can.

Speaker 4 (13:05):
I guess I can kind of see Green Bay taking
a chance with them. I think even his dad has
coaching history there. He might be from the area, But
to let him keep an afternoon show, that seems impossible.
There's gonna be so much travel. I assume the team
is going to practice at some point during the day.
I mean, and you know, doing a radio show, you
got a prop it's not just the two hours.

Speaker 2 (13:22):
You're on saying okay, So during the NFL season, is
he is he gonna watch the games? Like? How how
in the world is he gonna do all the stuff?
And it also says to me, Shannon, if I'm Green Bay,
Like he doesn't. Really, he's not all the way in right,
Like he's trying to make sure that if it fails,
he still has a gig when it's over.

Speaker 5 (13:41):
Well, let's say the team is traveling on game day,
but then they've got to stop off at an outback
steakhouse to do his radios like.

Speaker 6 (13:48):
This, like we do, Like, what do he have to
do that?

Speaker 2 (13:51):
Does work? Does he have a remote? Yeah? He has
to that he has to go do what if Billy
doesn't set up the equipment in time? Are they gonna
build a studio in Green Bay? I can't, but like
it is absolutely insane to me, right.

Speaker 3 (14:04):
The time distraints on coaches these days, college basketball practice, recruiting,
game preparation, and you're gonna give up three hours of
your afternoon and do a radio show.

Speaker 4 (14:15):
Live from the peach Jam as he recruits players for
Green Bay?

Speaker 2 (14:18):
Yeah? I mean so, all right? Does he last a year?
And which job ends? So? Green Bay has had four
coaches in the last six years, so like no everybody
has has struggled there. Does he last a year? And
if not, which which job does he in?

Speaker 5 (14:38):
I would say his biggest paying job would probably be
the radio show.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
That's why he's doing so sure he makes more money
from the radio, will make it green Bay.

Speaker 6 (14:47):
And I don't think Green Bay would fire him.

Speaker 5 (14:50):
They give him at least one season, so I would
say he probably gets fired from the basketball job as
the head coach before he before he gives up his
his radio show.

Speaker 4 (15:00):
I don't think he'll make it through the season doing both.
But I can't see him leaving his team like I
love you guys, I really wanted us to succeed, but
they really need me to talk about baseball on the
On the radio today, someone.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
Brought up scenario.

Speaker 4 (15:12):
Imagine the Packers are terrible and he has to crush
the Packers while being the head coach of Green Bay Basketball.
That's true with all the like, and he also has
to talk about the rest of college basketball while having a.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
Team in.

Speaker 4 (15:26):
But I'm gonna lean that he sticks with basketball. I
think he quickly realizes it's impossible and he can't quit
on the team.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
I look at it.

Speaker 3 (15:33):
He can he can always do radio next year, five
years from now. This is his one chance to do coaching.
So I think he'll give up the coaching and keep
the radio because that he knows he can do that
the rest of his future.

Speaker 2 (15:43):
Wait, man, I don't understand you said he.

Speaker 3 (15:46):
If he had to give up one of the other.
I think he gives up basketball so he can continue to.

Speaker 2 (15:49):
Do his Okay, so you get gives up gives up
basketball so he has to do uh so he does
right what I am fact fascinating body. You know when
I was, when I was contemplating the Senate run, I
mean I already knew on the off chance that I won,
I was gonna have to end this. I might have

I might have done like a podcast. But you there's
no way you could be a real senator and also
do a daily radio show. It just wouldn't work. I
don't know how he thinks that will work as a coach,
especially three hours every day National. It's unbelievable to me
he would drive AFF nine two eighth twenty two eighty seven.

We are here and assured partners in Lexington. We will
take a break and be right back. This is Kentucky
Sports Radio. Well come back, it is Kentucky Sports Radio.
Rick Jamming, is this a wrestling thing? I don't know
what is this, Rick? It sounds like wrestling entrance music.

Now this is the official podcast Bump.

Speaker 6 (17:00):
Oh, you're easily. You don't have to do that.

Speaker 2 (17:03):
You don't have to do that, right, Yeah, you can
just play regular music, Rick, and then it'll edit itself
out right, as long as you know how to run
the board.

Speaker 5 (17:11):
Just you know what you do, you Rick, Right, it's
like that suit.

Speaker 2 (17:15):
Yeah, don't worry too much about it. Right. If I'm
nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven Assured Partners
dot com slash Lexington, you can get your quote, or
if you come out here today for the show, you
can get it. You can get it yourself. It'll be
be ready to go. One person writes Matt, I would
love to listen to him after they lose. He'll complain

about referees and get fined. Probably. I was just saying,
you know, he's on Afternoon Drive, which is the a
lot of people don't realize. For a national show, Afternoon
Drive is the worst thing you can be on sports
radio because you get preempted in every city for their
local show. Right. But still, it's it's just amazing.

Speaker 3 (17:58):
Maybe maybe you know there are some radio host that
maybe it will take two months off. Maybe you'll just
take two months off during basketball season just just just
a thought.

Speaker 6 (18:08):
You think he's got the Matt Jones vacation?

Speaker 2 (18:10):
Maybe just what you do? You have something you would
like to say? No, it was just a thought, is
there something you would like to say?

Speaker 7 (18:19):

Speaker 3 (18:20):
No, I just thought maybe he's got the same deal
other radio hosts have and they can just take two
months off.

Speaker 4 (18:28):
First of all, are you coaching Little league baseball this summer?

Speaker 2 (18:30):
Is that what you're doing?

Speaker 6 (18:32):
There's some underlying feelings I think that you have here.

Speaker 4 (18:36):
Should we step away and I are going to turn
our bike?

Speaker 6 (18:39):
I want to get away from you.

Speaker 2 (18:41):
To First of all, I just I don't want to
talk taking days off. Josiah has a camp in Saint
Peter's this week. No, you look, you're gonna do an
amazing job. This is more like letting you flourish and
letting the flower grow. Oh for you and Ryan, or

you and Drew and Shannon.

Speaker 6 (19:04):
Yeah right, he's doing you a favor.

Speaker 3 (19:08):
Let us run the show for too much when there's
nothing going on in the summer.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
I think I think you get it. Yeah, it is
a favor.

Speaker 6 (19:15):
Yes, thank you for taking too much.

Speaker 2 (19:18):
Ry Tom Brady, you are that's right. Speaking of that,
did you see did you see that, Tom, Can we
shut those doors just a second if they're gonna if
they're gonna hold forward out there, this is a very
busy place. Yes, it is, Tom Brady. You know they
had that roast and Tom Brady said, did you see

this interview yesterday? So if he didn't watch the roast,
it was really dirty, but it was also really mean,
which is what Rose are. But tom Brady, when you're
trying to figure out how what do you make fun
of with like the best football player ever and the
best looking player ever. They made fun of the fact
that his wife left it, right, I mean, that was

basically a big part of it. And Tom Brady said
yesterday that he wished he hadn't done the roast, that
he regrets it because he didn't know they were gonna
make fun of things that could make his kids upset. Basically,
he didn't realize they'd make fun of he and his mom,
he and the kids, mom separating and Shannon and I
have the look you did, yeah, which is what did

you think it was gonna be?

Speaker 5 (20:24):
Have you never seen a Rose to Tom Brady again, like,
what did you think they were gonna focus on?

Speaker 2 (20:30):
Of course they were gonna focus on that. What else?
He's not weird looking, He's really he won everything.

Speaker 5 (20:37):
Oh, Tommy won all those Super Bowls. You can't say that.
You know, you gotta get some singers on them.

Speaker 2 (20:44):
Yeah, I mean, like I actually I thought. I remember thinking, well,
I don't think I would do that like the one
we did. I knew you all would give me a
hard time, but you wouldn't be me. I remember reading
about Chevy Chase many years ago. Everybody knows who Chevy
Chase is. They did a roast of him on Comedy Central,
and he thought all of his friends were going to

show up and give him a hard time, and all
his friends canceled, and so they brought those comics like
Anthony jesselnik in and they just destroyed him. And there's
this story in GQ which is actually really sad about
how when it was over, he just went to his
room and cried because it hurt his feelings too much.

So I remember thinking, well, it's kind of cool that
Tom Brady did that. But I now I am like, dude,
of course you should have thought about your kids before
you did it, right.

Speaker 4 (21:35):
I don't believe him. I have a different theory. I
had this theory the moment I got done watching that
four hour roast. I think he had the roast so
people would talk about his wife for four hours to
millions of people. Things he can't say and his why.
I think he was sitting there loving every minute his
wife was mentioned.

Speaker 2 (21:52):
So you think when he says, I wish they hadn't
done it because my fourteen and sixteen year old and
he's cover his base is now.

Speaker 4 (21:57):
So I watched the roast, he was loving everything happening,
and I have the theory that you know, I have
the theory that that's the most watched thing on Netflix
in a long time. He just got free publicity of
calling my wife everything under the sun because she cheated
on me.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
You have kids, Yes, would you do that? I would
not do it.

Speaker 3 (22:13):
No, I just because I do feel bad for him
and that if the kids got upset about some things,
I do feel better of that. But he agreed to
do it, like we all said, he knew that was coming.
But you were offered the.

Speaker 6 (22:22):
Money he got, you would do it.

Speaker 2 (22:23):
So I just think it's lame. Yeah, because he did it.
If i'm those comics, I assume he's okay with it.
If you do it, and Nanny comes out and says, well,
I kind of wish they hadn't said that stuff because
of my kids. He's deflecting the blame in some ways
on the comics. That is his fault, that's right. And
if I'm his wex wife, I'd be upset too. She

didn't get any money for it, and she had to
sit there and take it. So I actually think whereas
I thought Tom was cool for doing it, I now
actually think he's really lame. If that's gonna be his reaction,
We'll take a break and be right back. We're here
to sure partners off. Are we good? Rick? Are you

gonna do? You want me to go? Yeah? With the
TJ bumper? You gotta hit the TJ bumper. There you go,
Welcome back and Tucky Sports Radio. You know, Rick, Rick,

you know you operate on your own time. Though, right Rick,
you'll get I'm a little rusty on this man. You'll
get to you'll get. You'll get to it when he
gets to it.

Speaker 6 (23:47):
Do you think you Forgotti has these issues on his
radio show.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
I don't know. I'm not sure if he does not.
All right, before we go the phones eight five nine
two eighty seven. Couple up in lines, give us a shout.
Let's start with this. Chas Lanier, I believe, landed last
night at eleven o'clock at Lax Airport, at least according
to a source on the KSR text machine who said,

I'm standing at Bett baggage claim with Chas Lanier. The
kid from Fairley Dickinson, what was his almanor was here yesterday.
Cody Figure said he thought we would add two more
players and then wait, a lot of people think the
Fairly Dickinson kid is very likely to come if they
get Chaslanier. Do you think that means no Jackson Robinson?

I mean that, you know, there's been some scuttle butt
that maybe Kansas has gotten involved. You know, I still
feel like they need a star. Maybe Chaslaneer can be that.
What's your take on?

Speaker 3 (24:47):
I felt like when Coach Figure was saying yesterday, they're
gonna hold that one scholarship open, I felt like I
was just saying, hey, look, Jackson Robinson, this is your scholarship.
We're gonna hold it for you and just wait because
we want you.

Speaker 2 (24:58):
So you think the hold is for him? That's how
I took it that was just my opinion. Okay, what
do you think?

Speaker 4 (25:04):
I kind of read it that way too. I'm a
little conflicted because Lanier seems to be down to Kentucky
and Tennessee and it's a pretty close fight.

Speaker 2 (25:11):
Fifty three Trillie Donovan said, fifty three forty seven Kentucky,
which is a very very.

Speaker 4 (25:17):
Precise, but so I almost I mean, I want him
because he's good, but also if we get him, Tennessee
doesn't get him, and I don't think they have a
backup plan, so I wouldn't mind seeing that. I think Almanor,
I think we end up with him as a as
a bench role player, maybe even an eighth or ninth guy,
even though he had a lot of production at Fairley Dickinson.
But the Lanier Robins things interesting because I don't know

how both work. But you know, it seems like if
Robinson does stay in the NBA, I like U case chances.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
Yeah. By the way, if they get Almanor, people should
understand that's a backup, like they're bringing him in as
a backup. Sometimes when we get players, people go, well,
I don't know if he's good enough to start Eric Kentucky.
I mean, there's thirteen guys. They can't all start shading
like there's gonna be a lot of dudes that are
on the bench. I think he's a big guy. But
Chas Lanier is coming here to be a starter. He

will be a starter, And I do kind of wonder
if you get him, does that what that means about
Jackson Ross?

Speaker 5 (26:11):
So how many spots do we have left? If you
get Lanier, does that leave one or two? Because there's
also if you get the alban Ord there's also will
Go Poplar who he visited as well.

Speaker 6 (26:20):
I don't know from Miami.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
Uh, we have three open spots right now. Yeah, so
you got three open spots. But I just thought it
was an interesting figure said they're holding one. I mean,
when when is the deadline to decide to come back
to college. It's at the end of May. I don't
know the exact date, So that's two weeks away. Remember
he said we were we're gonna add two in the
next couple of weeks and then hold one until the end.

So that's why what don't really think he's talking about
Jackson Robinson because they're gonna know about him in two weeks.

Speaker 3 (26:50):
It seems like to me, I think if he wants
to come, though, you got to find a way to
get that kid on the roster on the team.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
Yeah, I think I actually think there's a decent argument
that chas Lynier, if he comes, will be the best
maybe the best. Ye. So you know, I think we're
about we're probably trying to figure out who we're gonna sign.
It's gonna be our leading scorer next year, at least,
that's probably what they're hoping.

Speaker 4 (27:13):
Lanier wants to go to the NBA now, but they're
kind of like, you need to prove it at the
next level, So he kind of wants to do one
year of showing out and then going the NBA next season.
And you wouldn't think he'd commit to Kentucky without having
a good idea of how many minutes he'd get.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
No, I mean, he he won't come here unless he's starting,
because Tennessee wants him to start. So that I think
that's probably who's up next?

Speaker 3 (27:33):
Got Drew up next?

Speaker 2 (27:34):
Drew, Go ahead, Drew.

Speaker 8 (27:36):
Hey, good morning, guys, And if you've already mentioned this
in the past, I'm sorry, but the Spurs has the
fourth pick. Of course, did you guys know what coach
Robi went on there their staff. He's a scout for
the Spurs. Who is Kentucky connection?

Speaker 4 (27:52):
Yep, ye, did you know that he's done some scouting.
I don't think he's like in the San Antonio buildings,
but you know, he's done some scouting for them.

Speaker 2 (28:01):
So he's not an official scout.

Speaker 4 (28:03):
Not to my knowledge. But he's popped up at games
as representing the Spurs. But I don't know. They might,
you know, bring people in to do that occasionally when
their local app No yet, but I don't think he's
in the.

Speaker 2 (28:11):
Yeah Spurs building. I was listening to Bill Simmons and
uh Russillo talking about the draft and they said, it's
widely known the Spurs are going to take a point guard,
and the two point guards at the top of the
draft are Shepherd and Rob So I think there's a
good chance you're gonna get one of those two guys

on on San Antonio. I'm not sure which one it'll be,
Probably depends, and I appreciate the call whether or not
the Rockets at number three want one of them, because
the top two guys are probably gonna be the two
foreign guys, so that's exciting to me. I have to
tell you the I mean, Wimby has a chance to
be like I mean, I'm not saying he'll be this,

but like that Bird Magic, Jordan Lebron, that sort of
Wimby's got the chance to be the next one. And
seeing one of those guys get to ride that train
a lost Scottie Pippen or James Worthy or Kevin McHale
and like you got a chance to be on that,
that's pretty exciting.

Speaker 3 (29:14):
Yeah, you know, and Kelden Johnson's already there. He's kind
of developed into a good starter for the Spurs. So yeah,
I think it'll be a lot of people up here
will really enjoy watching that team in the years ahead.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
Even though we lost. Where do you think Reid and
Rob are gonna end up ranking on favorite UK players
of all time? Like, if we were to do a
poll right now of the favorite UK players of the Calira,
who's coming in number one? I'd say the choices are Wall, Davis,

owns Uless, Oscar. I don't think Oscar would make that list.
Are reading Rob in that group? Are they in a
group below that? Where are they?

Speaker 6 (30:02):
It's interesting? I think Wall would probably be number one, But.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
There's a lot of guys who don't. There's a lot
of people who who are now eighteen to twenty five
who barely remember him play out. Yeah, got to remember.
Go ahead.

Speaker 5 (30:14):
I feel like reached Shepherd just being from Kentucky and
being as great as he was. I feel like he
is probably on the bottom of that first tier.

Speaker 2 (30:20):
So let's do this. Yeap, will take another call. I
want you to think in your mind. I want you
to guess because we'll never really know. But if the
fan base were to look back at the col Era
and rank one to five, not your personal thoughts, but
what do you think the fan base would do one
through five in ranking col Era players? Think about that. Okay,

let's take a call and then we'll take a break
and see what you get. Who's up next? Kevin is
up next? Kevin? Go ahead, Kevin.

Speaker 9 (30:51):
Hey, guys, thanks for taking my call. So, you know,
like in midnight Madness, fast forward to the next midnight Madness,
there's always that one guy that gets the loudest uh,
you know, applause from the fans and uh. But you know,
in previous years, it's always been a returning player like
Reeve's or the best freshman coming in so who do

you think that guy is going to be this year?

Speaker 7 (31:13):
Since we don't really that's that's Travis par Yeah, minus
Travis uh or I'm sorry, minus the uh. I'm having
a brain a senior moment here, the Travis the.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
Parent, Travis par Yes, yes, Travis Pear, Yeah, I appreciate
the call. I think it'll be. First of all, most
of our fans are not really gonna know any of
these guys. I mean, like everyone, like those of you
that listen to this show, have heard all these names.
But let me put like this. If I were to

pull the people in this audience and I were to say,
tell me the ten guys coming to Kentucky, I'm not
sure how many of you all could name all ten.
There's probably only a handful of you that could name
all Tim. Would you agree with that? There may be
I'm sure there are some, but I'm not I bet
you most people could not name it trying to name

him in my head right as good question.

Speaker 6 (32:09):
Let's do it with you, Okay.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
Give me the Tim players currently commit signed to come
to kentuckt.

Speaker 3 (32:16):
Travis Perry one, Trenton Noah two, Lamont Barnes three his
name not Lamont Barnes.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
Barnes was good, but he played at Hoptown in Tennessee.

Speaker 4 (32:29):
He's not playing for est next year, probably little old.

Speaker 3 (32:33):
Butler, but Lamont Butler. So you got two and a
half Otega tron otaga U way.

Speaker 2 (32:41):
You know he's got three of four. I'm giving you
credit for half of a name for uh.

Speaker 3 (32:49):
The other freshman, Colin Chandler visited Andrew Carr.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
Okay, four more.

Speaker 3 (32:56):
Mari Williams three more.

Speaker 2 (32:59):
Uh uh.

Speaker 3 (33:02):
Hmm, I'm drawn a blank.

Speaker 2 (33:05):
So this man literally hosts a radio show. I mean,
and I'm actually not mocking you on this, yeah, kind of,
but but I do think to answer his question, I
don't think Drew people really know the roster, and so
I think Travis Perry and Trent Noah will get the
loudest because of that.

Speaker 4 (33:26):
Yeah, and I think it's all right if the casual
fan doesn't know the roster. Just a couple weeks ago,
they added six players in six days. A lot of
them we hadn't really heard their name much. So it's
gonna take a lot of learning this summer to get
to know everyone, because it's almost like we just got
jumped a bunch of players out of the portal at once,
and we try to prospect Brea Kobe yesterday this talked

about I was just give.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
Him a little hint.

Speaker 3 (33:49):
Oh, and I went listening to your hand. I was
trying to think, you listen to the assistant coaches. I'm
missing a big guy. There's three big guys. Andrew carr Amari.

Speaker 2 (33:56):
Williams talks all the trash.

Speaker 3 (33:58):
Oh curse cursa, Chris curse.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
Not close, kerk Clesa.

Speaker 4 (34:02):
Yeah, we have a lot of fractions of players.

Speaker 2 (34:04):
And then Brandon Garrison. I would have struggled with Tommy.
It will be interesting because because our we always during
the Caliar, I had to learn new players. But this
is a whole, Like this is like you gotta learn.

Speaker 5 (34:17):
The whole, learning the assistant coaches and all the players.
But yeah, I mean it's probably a good situation for
Pope to come in and not inherit those guys and
be able to start and build it from the ground
up with the players that he thinks fits best in
his program.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
Club Blue in I Olt made a million dollars now
ready to go. You can still be part of it.
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They're gonna have events, uh quarterly throughout the year. You
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It's Club Blue INIL dot com. Also, that's what Commonwealth
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It's Club Blue INIL dot com. The first of many
excit things playing for Club Blue members is June fifteenth
with Club Blue and Ile. We'll take a break and
be right back here to Shared Partners KSR walking back
Kentucky Sports Radio. All Right, you've had time during the break.

All right, you've had time during the break. Let's go
with UH. This is not our personal choice, but if
the fans were to vote, we're guessing what the fans
would vote, and you can guess seven seven two seven
seven four five two five four. Again, I don't want
you to write what you think, but what do you
think of fans? Will say here, I'm gonna go first,
and then I'll go Ryan and we'll finish with you.

I'm gonna go Wall one I feel pretty confident about that.
I'm gonna say you list two and him being on
the coaching staff is part of why he gets all
the way to two. I think he's been with us more.
I'm gonna say part of it would be recency bias,

but Reid would be three. Being from Kentucky and recency bias.
Then I think it gets really hard. You could put
a lot of people, but I think if you're just
talking about who fans love Boogie fans adore to Marcus Cousins.

And then fifth, I'm gonna say Anthony Davis because he
won US a title. I don't think fans, I don't
think like fans see him as lovable as some of
these other guys. But he won US a title, and
it's probably the best player, along with dan Isssel, to
ever play here, So you have to I think I
have to put him there. So that's mine, although I
would acknowledge two through five could go a lot of

different ways. What about you, I'm very similar to you.

Speaker 3 (36:44):
I think John Wall is number one, and again I'm
saying on just the fan love of the player, Wall
number one, and youss is number two. I mean, he
is my favorite player at the cal Era, and people
loved him when he was here. Three, I'm gonna go
Anthony Davis. I mean, we had a poster of the guy.
It's one of the most famous posters in the history
came basketball. Four I'm gonna go Oscar, even though Oscar

after year one may have put him up the list
a little bit more, but I think Oscar is still
number four. And then five, I'm putting Read Shepherd on
that list number five, so not.

Speaker 2 (37:14):
Putting to Marcus. Nope, Okay, what about you?

Speaker 4 (37:17):
I have John Wall number one, Tyler Eulis number two,
Anthony Davison third, because, like Ryan said, that poster remembre's
a billboard New Orleans.

Speaker 2 (37:27):
The posters a great call. I forgot about the poster.
That's far the brow thing. That was huge.

Speaker 4 (37:32):
That was a phenomenon that year, in addition to winning
the title.

Speaker 2 (37:35):

Speaker 4 (37:36):
And then I go, uh, Shepherd and then Cousins. So
I have Shepherd fourth, Cousins fifth.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
So you have my exact same five.

Speaker 4 (37:43):
You had Davis higher than you think. We have the
same five five people. You have Oscar instead of booking,
what about you.

Speaker 6 (37:49):
I'm going to reverse order.

Speaker 5 (37:50):
So number five, I'm going read Shepherd, Okentucky guy had
a great season, unfortunately didn't end the way that we
all hoped. In March number four, I think you gotta
put Oscar Sheebay on there. I think we forget how
beloved he was when he was getting thirty rebounds in
some games and everybody just loved his his postgame interviews
that he would do. Uh, Eulus is number three for me,
but we gotta remember Ulis just joined Callan Arkansas. So

I wonder if fans will maybe change Yeah, maybe maybe so. Uh,
Number two I think is Anthony Davis. And then number one,
no question for me is John wall.

Speaker 2 (38:20):
So we all have the same six. Yes, and Oscar
probably would have been number six for me. Yeah all right,
So then since that's let's say that's the group of six. Okay,
So then who's the other four? I had captains Carl
and yeah, say then you would go so I would say,
then in my other four if I think we're to

ask the average fan Carl Booker, even though a lot
of it's what he did after Rob, I don't think,
I mean, we can't underestimate how much young fans love
love Rob Dillingham. And then Tyler Hero, I would.

Speaker 6 (39:05):
How about Willie.

Speaker 4 (39:06):
I thought he was a good one. I actually ranked
a whole ten. I had Monk and mkg' around it.

Speaker 2 (39:12):
Mkg is a good yeah, I kg is a really
really good one. Mkg he would be one in my
top ten.

Speaker 3 (39:20):
You mentioned during the break Brandon Knight. He probably doesn't
get enough credit as he probably deserves.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
The two guys who will never be ranked as high
on the list as they should are Brandon Night, who
took us to our first final four and thirteen years,
and the Twins. I mean the Twins. The Twins went
to a championship game and were the lead guards on
a thirty eight to one team, and normally that would
lead you to icon in the shots Aaron hit.

Speaker 4 (39:46):
There won't be a better postseason run by one person never.

Speaker 2 (39:49):
They'll never be somebody to hit the shots Aaron Harrison
did during that, And they kind of should be icons,
and I think everybody likes them, but it's just not.
It's a shame because I love those guys and I
feel like they don't get enough credit.

Speaker 4 (40:02):
I think Randall gets forgotten when people play this game. Yes,
I mean he was with the Twins and had the
one year, but I mean he had some insane stats
even when they were losing some of those games in
the regular season.

Speaker 2 (40:12):
Who shay. Although I think a lot of that happened after.
I'll tell you another one that if you're just talking
about how popular they were when they were here, nobody's
mentioned Jeords.

Speaker 4 (40:23):
Oh yeah, I cut my own jeans off of me
in the massive square garden before the game to be
a part of me.

Speaker 2 (40:30):
Winny was here. Yes, it didn't last forever like it
has with some of these guys, but Winny was here.
Jeorts was a phenomenon.

Speaker 3 (40:39):
If we're gonna be honest and just dude, during UK career,
he's on the list, and Booker's not.

Speaker 2 (40:44):
Chased, no doubt, no doubt while they're here, no doubt.
If we changed it to how popular they were while
they were here, Wall is still number one, But Georgs
is higher. Yes, Boogie's higher, Yes, right, Oscar's higher. YEP.
I think that because it was You're right. When Georts
was here, it was crazy what that.

Speaker 4 (41:05):
Was like, And part of it was just it was
so unexpected. It was Denim Shorts. I mean, I mean
when he was here with Billy, it was like this
guy ever played it, almost gets kicked off the team,
and then suddenly he's the starting big man beating Jared
Soldier in the Elite eight. It kind of came out
of Noway.

Speaker 2 (41:22):
He threw that ball. The other thing you have to
remember about Georgs is the Louisville game. Yeah, oh yeah,
you know we went in there and beat them at
Louisville in a game that we didn't think we were
gonna win. And it was Ryan in large part because
of how he played.

Speaker 3 (41:34):
That's kind of his coming out party, wasn't he coming
You know, had this monster game, hitting threes, making good
plays for Kentucky.

Speaker 2 (41:41):
Another guy that I think was really beloved while he
was here and also while he was gone, probably not
top ten, but right under is Quickly. Yeah, people loved
Quickly the way you know, his personality, the way he played.

Speaker 4 (41:52):
His family was always around hyh. Probably the most popular
family we've ever had. It's a lot of fun.

Speaker 2 (41:57):
He was very open about his faith and so he
talked about it and his bomb. So what Fox? To me,
Fox oddly should have been more popular, but I think
Monk was the people sort of stole the show. There
was the flash one He was kind of the Flasher
one until the NCAA tournament when Fox went YEA, I

had a lot of great players. That's the thing you're
gonna miss good. He's up there. We'll take it. Break
come back. I remember two. This is Kentucky Sports Radio.
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