All Episodes

May 20, 2024 42 mins

KSR is Live at KSBar & Grille talking PGA Championship, UK Basketball recruiting, and everything from the weekend.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Comedy Off Broadway in Lexington. Welcome's Michael Pallisak May seventeenth
and eighteenth. Then catch Kevin Farley me twenty third through
the twenty fifth, and don't miss Sam Morrell May thirty
first through June second. Comedy Up Broadway opened and downtown
Lexington in nineteen eighty seven, and they're still bringing the
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years later. Call eight five nine two seven one joke
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Speaker 2 (00:29):
This is Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
Now here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 4 (00:35):
Welcome everyone, Kentucky Sports Radio, Monday, May the twentieth. I'm
Matt Jones here at the KS Bar and Grill on
an absolutely beautiful day in Lexington, Kentucky. We are ready
to talk a big week, my last week until August.

Speaker 5 (00:52):
Yeah, got a big meeting after the show today, big after.

Speaker 4 (00:55):
The show, and you and I'll have it tomorrow. But
everybody else's meeting is today, all right, the final one?
But uh you give Seannon the Clark's Puppet Shop full
line A five nine two eight oh twenty two eighty
seven a Vision Auto glass text machine is seven seven
two seven seven four five two five four. In this
disre sponsored by the t J. Smith Low it's called
Tj'll Make Them Pay. Big Weekend for the state of
uh Kentucky. I went back yes last night, I drove

from Louisville back to Lexington after being at the golf
course on Saturday and Sunday in Lexington, and I listened
to Friday Show. You know, I don't do that very often,
but I just wanted to see, because you know, news
was kind of breaking, et cetera, how it went.

Speaker 6 (01:33):
First of all, it made me laugh quite a bit.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
I thought it was I thought, considering what happened, it
really was funny. But then I realized that, like the
last time we were on the air, there was still
a ton we didn't really know right. We were still
sort of guessing what Scotty was gonna shoot, but also
like how it was gonna play out, and it sort
of seemed like, at the time a desperate situation for Kentucky.

I think think from that point on Friday at noon, Ryan,
it went probably about as good as it could have gone.
You might have wished Scotty Scheffler could have been in contention,
but otherwise.

Speaker 6 (02:11):
They didn't arrest anybody else. So that's good, isn't it.

Speaker 5 (02:14):
Ryan, I want to start with this and I told
you privately, but Shannon and Billy on the pre show
and you guys on KSR Friday were outstanding. I mean,
you know, take my co host hat off and put
on a listener hat. It was great because this stuff
was happening in real time and you guys were having
to break it down and analyze it in the pre
show and KSR in real time, and I thought you

guys did a great job keeping us the listener abreast
of what was going on there on site.

Speaker 4 (02:39):
Well thank you. That's why I love live radio. Our
days like that, like cause it's happening and you can't
get that anywhere else. No, you know, you can on television,
they're kind of limited what they say and you gotta
go to commercial and aw that. Live radio to me,
you've heard me say this many times is the hardest
form of media, but it's also the most exciting and
Friday is an example of that's where things are just

kind of happening and you're trying to to.

Speaker 5 (03:04):
Judge, and it was good that you were able to
use your lawyer side of or to answer questions that
Drew and Shannon and I were having.

Speaker 7 (03:12):
You know what, what's next for all this crazy situation,
and we still.

Speaker 4 (03:15):
Don't totally know. I think the report that they're gonna
dismiss the things, I think that was premature. Now I
don't know that that's gonna happen. It may still happen,
but I do think that was premature. But well today,
you know, he's supposed to be in court tomorrow at nine,
so I don't think he will. Something I think will
happen between now and then, but but I don't I

don't know what it is yet. Drew, you were there
all weekend. Let's put the Scheffler thing aside for just
a second. I thought it was a great weekend. You know, obviously,
the tragedy stinks and it will always hang over this,
and the Scheffler thing stinks and it will hang over it.
But if you can put those aside, which I know
is hard, I thought it was great, great crowds. You know,

we have a friend who's a caddy on the tour
who said that the players were so I think it's
one of the best crowds they've played in just in
terms of excitement, masses of people, et cetera.

Speaker 8 (04:09):
Yeah, and I was there yesterday, and in the chaos,
I walked to the last holes with the last group.
I'm thinking, I'm not gonna get home till two in
the morning. But somehow, with all those crowds, I even
took the fan bust to the Expo center. Somehow it
was a thrilling, exciting if I was into it, those
big groups, we all still got out of there reasonably good.
Well too, want to compliment Valhalla on that I was
home in bed at ten thirty. I would not have

believed that having watched that last butt. So outside of
the obvious the tragedy that happened Friday, the kind of
looms over this. I thought they kind of did a
good job hosting outside of that one bad day.

Speaker 4 (04:41):
Yeah, no, I agree with you, And unfortunately, you know,
one incident can can happen. But let's I want to
talk about a couple of big picture things. First of all,
I was out there Saturday all day. You know, to
do nothing standing out in the sun all day and
walking can be exhaust you know what I mean, Like

I didn't accomplish anything, but you're exhausted at the end
of the At the end of the day, you're kind
of exhausted, right, like the sun pound on you.

Speaker 6 (05:10):
I was with Hubby, a lot of KSR fans out there.
You know. It was great.

Speaker 4 (05:15):
I mean a lot of people would would come up
and say really nice things.

Speaker 6 (05:21):
I had multiple people ask when you were putting.

Speaker 4 (05:24):
It's funny that was a long time ago and people
still remember how bad you were. Is that you are
awful at golf. But that was cool. A lot of
Kentucky fans everywhere, people screaming Pope, you know, so that
that that was nice. I had a fun Louisville interaction.

Speaker 8 (05:45):
A guy in full Louisville gear, like he's clearly a fan,
he was dressed that way for the tournament.

Speaker 4 (05:49):
He yells at me, he goes.

Speaker 8 (05:49):
True Franklin, Hel's down, and I just looked at him
and I was like, I think that's backwards.

Speaker 6 (05:56):
Yeah, he's supposed to be the opposite of getting to
the taunting from them.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
I had a man on the so I sat a
lot on Saturday on the seventh Green, which is a
great spot because it's a part five so you could
see guys going for the green in two and all that.
And I sat there and a guy was standing behind
me and he you know, I could tell he was
kind of like looking at me, like is that so
and so? And he came up to me and he said,

and he was very nice, but he said, Matt, I'm
a Louisville fan. And he goes, I'm redder than red
on politics and basketball. He said, but I listened to
you every day. He was like, you all have got
the best radio show I've ever heard. And he said,
I think if I was president and you were vice president,

we could work together well. And I said, well, first
of all, it's very nice, but what if we flip
it and I'm president and your vice president? And then
he goes, but I didn't notice he put me below
in on the totem pole.

Speaker 6 (07:04):
So, but that was also very good.

Speaker 8 (07:06):
There's lots of celebrity sightings. I was just looked up.
I'm with an Eagles fan that came in to stay
with us, and we just look up and Carson Wentz
is standing next to us. Jameis Winston's just walking around.

Speaker 4 (07:15):
You recognize Carson Wentz? Well, the Eagles fan did quickly
would you recognize Carson Wentz, Shannon.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
No, I wouldn't even recognize the golfers unless you're Tiger
Woods or John Delly.

Speaker 4 (07:25):
John Taylor the only ones I know. One person didn't
recognize Scotty Sheffling. So I think that you know that
that that happens.

Speaker 5 (07:33):
I think that despite the craziness that happened on Friday morning,
Louisville and Valhalla killed it. Even Jim Nantz mentioned it
several times.

Speaker 6 (07:41):
For me, they did.

Speaker 4 (07:42):
But I do want to complain about golf nerds per
a second.

Speaker 6 (07:47):
Go for it all right, objectively.

Speaker 4 (07:51):
What is the point in my in my opinion of
sports engine At the end of the day, sports in general,
it's just supposed to entertain, right. This is not rocket science.
We are not curing cancer. The goal is to entertain, yes,
at right. So Valhalla has the very first major they
ever had, Kenny Perry from Kentucky and a guy named

Mark Brooks neck and neck.

Speaker 6 (08:14):
They go to a playoff. Yes, yeah, maybe those aren't superstars,
but it was close.

Speaker 7 (08:17):
It was fun to watch.

Speaker 6 (08:18):
Second one.

Speaker 4 (08:19):
Tiger Woods maybe like the second or third most iconic win.
He has probably the most iconic win that was not
at the Masters occurs here Beat beats Bob May in
a playoff points the ball into the whole. A legendary thing.
Twenty two thousand and eight The Ryder Cup. For people
who watched the Ryder Cup, the best Ryder Cup that's

been in America in the last twenty five years. Here
in Louisville, it was amazing. Twenty fourteen, Rory at the
PGA finishes. People remember him finishing in the dark, but
what they don't remember. Second place was Phil Mickelson. Third
place was Ricky Foulon okayone good, and Rory wins by

one shot in the dark. Fast forward to this year.
You had going in the last day, six players within
two shots. You had three players within one shot on
the final hole. They all had a putt on eighteen
that they needed to make to either win or have

a chance to win, and two of the three made them.
And it was also Xander Bryson, d Sambo and Victor Hovelin,
three of the ten best players in the world. Right,
So you, as TLC would say, you ain't got no scrubs. Okay, so,
and that reference I know is old, but stick with it.

Speaker 6 (09:43):
Lost all right. So the so all of.

Speaker 4 (09:46):
That is to say, Vajalla produces excitement and great winners.

Speaker 6 (09:53):
You don't get a random.

Speaker 4 (09:54):
Guy win it. Yet if you got online golf nerds
and I mean nerds all right.

Speaker 9 (10:03):
And the attorney endero is way too low. This does
not punished golfers in a way. It's very interesting. The
point of majors is supposed to make it to where
you are challenging the golfers and they are punished for
bad shots and rewarded for good shots.

Speaker 6 (10:19):
And this is not the way you have a major
golf course.

Speaker 3 (10:23):
Voice two or three you're adding, and I was so.

Speaker 6 (10:29):
Mad at him.

Speaker 4 (10:30):
You have to go back to the Louisville days when
people would talk about being a Louisville man when their
coach was out, you know, having sex and restaurants. To
see me get as frustrated as I was yesterday because
it was entertaining. It was I was like, do you
want a guy to win by four shots because he
made more six footers for par This is good.

Speaker 6 (10:51):
Guys had a fire at the pin. I don't even
like Bryson d.

Speaker 4 (10:54):
Chambeau, but his big stiff arms person hit you board
he and would go and win and he would make
it and he would pump his fist. It was exciting, Drew,
And that's the whole point. The whole point is to
be fun. The whole point is to be exciting, and
Valhalla has done that year after year after year. And
I just made me really mad to listen to these

nerds talk about it.

Speaker 9 (11:17):
It's fan parton like on Hode too, if they had
shiving fan man mowing the grass, it would.

Speaker 6 (11:21):
Have gone into the water and the left like shut up,
it was fun?

Speaker 4 (11:24):
Why can't you just have fun stuff to follow?

Speaker 8 (11:26):
But I'll add it wasn't just the finish with even
the top four moreca Wa and fourth. I mean that's
yeah out there. There was a stretch on Saturday where
if you were home watching on TV, it just felt
like guys were chipping in left and right. Yeah, it
was like watching a highlight reel. Justin Thomas hit that
incredible shot that he holed out from up on the
hill and the rough Shane Lowry is hitting bombs. I

know this is things. It might be adding their argument
that it's easy, but that was as entertaining as goals easy.

Speaker 4 (11:52):
Sometimes, like it's all, why is everything always gotta be hard?
Why can't it sometimes be fun and be easy. Here's
what I know. They're gonna finish this with the last
three champions are probably gonna be because I think Xander's
gonna end up being one of the greats.

Speaker 6 (12:04):
You're gonna end up with three dudes will probably end
up in the golf.

Speaker 4 (12:07):
You got two dudes who are the best players of
the era in Tiger and Rory, and a third dude
who's up there. Those are your champs. Wouldn't you rather
have that than rich Beam or you know is your champion.

Speaker 7 (12:18):
I you know, I'm a novice golf watcher.

Speaker 5 (12:21):
I never watch it, but Saturday and Sunday I couldn't
quit watching exactly because of the excitement. I don't want
to see, you know, park to park to park. These
guys are getting birdies and chipping in and putting it
in all the way. That made it ecst for me.

Speaker 4 (12:32):
Justin Thomas, How cool was that? I know it's Louisville,
but I found Here's what I found myself. I found
myself defending the city of Louisville. Well, I live in Louisville,
but I'm a Kentuckian and I kind of don't like
when Kentucky fans say, Louisville's not really part of Kentucky.
Yes it is. It's an important part of Kentucky. It's

the Derby, it's Bourbon. Louisville and Kentucky we can hate
each other in basketball, but we are one state. And
I found myself defending Louisville like I was, you know,
Captain Suntan out there, like, okay, one cop that didn't
go the way we wanted. Let's just say that. I mean,
probably a lot of mistakes were made and it should

have been different. Hopefully it gets taken care, but put
that aside. In a car accident, that's awful. Unfortunately, though,
car accidents happen as awful as that is. But I
found myself wanting to punch people for Louisville.

Speaker 7 (13:28):

Speaker 4 (13:28):
I mean, Louisville's weird, all right, Weird stuff happens in Louisville, right.

Speaker 3 (13:33):
That's the motto.

Speaker 4 (13:34):
Keep we get weird stuff. I mean, you know, Eric
Crawford wrote an article where he went over everything that's
happened in Louisville sports in the last twenty years. It's insane,
But I love our weird and if the point of
these tournaments is to put on excitement. Louisville and Valhalla
do it well, and I think we should be We

should clap for it and tell the golf nerds to
go stick it.

Speaker 5 (13:59):
Okay, So that's the elephant question in the room. Will
it ever come back to Valhalla after?

Speaker 4 (14:03):
Probably not, But I think that's less like. I think
it's more because they sold the course. The PGA used
to own the course, so they didn't so like it.
They could do anything they wanted to it. Now it's
been sold, so it probably won't. But I bet we
get other events. Okay, we may not get the PGA,
but I will get something. But nevertheless, I do think

it went and all the people that worked there had
a ton of folks talk about listening to this. I
salute you, and I still think uh Kentucky did a
good job putting on a show. Eight five, nine two
eight oh twenty two eighty seven. We will take a
break and be right back talk a little UK basketball.
This is KOs are welcome back. We are here at

Chaos Bar and Grill for people who wonder this week
I will be here. We will be here today, Wednesday, Thursday, tomorrow,
They'll be here I'll be in Louisville, but.

Speaker 6 (14:53):
Wednesday and Thursday will be here.

Speaker 4 (14:55):
Friday, we're in Somerset at Don Franklin for the final
show before I take the break, and so please come
out say hello before I take off. I'd love to
see you. Depending on we'll talk about the SEC baseball schedule,
but depending on when things happen in the SEC tournament, we.

Speaker 6 (15:12):
Might have a watch party.

Speaker 4 (15:13):
Yeah, Thursday afternoon, so we could Kentucky could play Thursday morning,
at which point we'll have the game and the show
at the same time. But what I hope is they
win their first game Wednesday morning and then they would
play Thursday afternoon at four thirty, and kind of like
as a final thing for before I hand the reins

to them, we'll do like a baseball watch party Thursday
at four thirty, So keep put that on your schedule.

Speaker 5 (15:40):
Reds play Thursday like I get one also, so we
have a Red UK doubleheader.

Speaker 4 (15:44):
Maybe here skip the Reds party. Let's skip the red
I want to enjoy. Skip the Reds part. We stink
and I don't say I have met by the way,
I just keep making money, you do. I mean, I
give thank you to the reds for funding like week
one and a half of my with all their losses,
I'm not kidding, and the one game they won I

forgot to bet.

Speaker 7 (16:06):
Well, see, you're still that much from my head.

Speaker 4 (16:08):
So all right, a couple of things. First of all,
we got some folks here from Paducah. Nice to see
you very much. We've got lost in here. He's gonna
be shadowing. You know, once a year, this is the
time of year if you go to school in Louisville,
they make you shadow somebody and I get asked about.
I get asked through the year and I usually I
usually will do one. And so Lawson is here. He'll

be here through Wednesday, so he's going to follow us
all around.

Speaker 6 (16:32):
You have to do something interesting.

Speaker 5 (16:35):
I was trying to educate his brilliant mind before you
got in today. So I think he's set for his
high school internship.

Speaker 4 (16:41):
You think when he writes his paper about this, he
will have learned something from you. All right, So now
on the Kentucky side, before we go the phones, it's
a big It was a big recruiting weekend. First of all,
I didn't get to update because I was tired last night.
Did Chaz Lanier officially come last night. He's supposed to
be here. I don't have we get a sighting.

Speaker 8 (17:03):
I haven't seen a Pope at the airport getting him,
but I haven't heard anything.

Speaker 4 (17:05):
This isnt There were reports he was gonna arrive tonight
and today was gonna be his. So if Mario you
could go see if you can find him, if you
want go looking for him. Where is Chaz Mario on
the on the hunt? But that so that's happening. Then
Pope earlier this weekend was that what was the tournament
was a big It was a big uh too.

Speaker 8 (17:24):
It was one of India's the Nike version or yeah,
and then somewhere in Texas was the Adidas version.

Speaker 6 (17:29):
So he goes, he recruit, he finds these recruits.

Speaker 4 (17:31):
I'm not I'm taking I'm not following this recruiting class.

Speaker 6 (17:35):
I'll come back in August. You tell me who we're recruiting.

Speaker 4 (17:38):
Okay, But what was interesting is you got that picture
of Pope and cal talks. There is a picture of
Pope and Cow talking to each other. So here's my question,
what are they talking about? Like, what is the conversation
when Pope and Cow are seeing each other at this thing.

Speaker 6 (17:58):
Do you think who went up to who?

Speaker 5 (18:00):
First of all, knowing Mark Pope, I think he would
address Cal.

Speaker 6 (18:05):
And so you're saying Pope walks up to Cal.

Speaker 7 (18:07):
I think, so, Drew, does.

Speaker 10 (18:09):
Pope go up to Can opposite this cow go up
to Pope go on the opposite. I think Cal goes
up to Pope. I think he would. I mean, I
think both would go out of their way. I just
I'm seeing a scenario where Cal went to him first night,
shinning call to Pope.

Speaker 6 (18:22):
Pope to Cal, I will.

Speaker 3 (18:24):
Lean Pope goes up to Cal.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
But it depends, I think on the situation who's in
the room first, you.

Speaker 6 (18:30):
Know, going I'm with Drew, I'm gonna go call to Pope.
So I think we're split.

Speaker 8 (18:33):
I think Pope might be wondering how how awkward it
is where Cal's like, I can break this awkwardness right
now by going up and checking out.

Speaker 6 (18:39):
I think you hit it right there.

Speaker 4 (18:40):
That's my reasoning too, that like Cow goes, I'm gonna showcase,
go break this up. Because Cal also knows like everybody's here,
there's gonna be pictures.

Speaker 6 (18:50):
I never saw a report.

Speaker 4 (18:51):
Of who went up to who, So maybe somebody put
that out and we'll find out the answer. Do you
think the conversation is the conversation about what it's like
the coach here?

Speaker 5 (19:01):
I think so, I think he I can see Pope, Hey, coach,
you got any advice on how I handle them?

Speaker 4 (19:05):
I can see that I do too. So all right,
so let's say that's what he asked. What does cal say?

Speaker 5 (19:11):
He's probably honest and upfront. I mean, I think Calan
Pope had a friendship anyway from meeting. You know, Pope
brought his team in or Ruber.

Speaker 4 (19:18):
Okay, but upfront and honest can be Cals had amazing
experiences here. He's probably had experiences he considers negative here.
What do you think he told it?

Speaker 6 (19:28):

Speaker 5 (19:28):
Do you think Cal said, listen whatever you do, do
not listen to Matt Jones.

Speaker 7 (19:31):
I can take a sports radio. That's first, maybe the
first thing he says.

Speaker 4 (19:35):
I mean, I don't think that came up, but if
you told me it did, it wouldn't shock me.

Speaker 8 (19:42):
Number two could be, may I interest you in a
home on Richmond. You purchased the house, yet four million
dollars got it on media three nine?

Speaker 7 (19:52):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 6 (19:53):
Shandon, what do you think, Well.

Speaker 2 (19:54):
I don't think that Pope would even ask Caliperry for
his advice. I mean, Pope's been here before as a player,
so he knows the culture. I don't think that he
needs anything from Cali Perry. What I'm intrigued by is
that picture of Cals standing next to Pope and it
looks like callous staring down like the barrel of an
imaginary gun, and he's shooting.

Speaker 3 (20:11):
I'm wondering, like, what was that cond.

Speaker 6 (20:14):
You haven't seen?

Speaker 8 (20:15):
No pull up, Shan described it. It's clear Cal, and
it's clear Can. It's definitely what he's doing. He's even
got a winking like he's looking.

Speaker 6 (20:23):
Okay, I need to.

Speaker 3 (20:24):
See that, Like what could that conversation?

Speaker 6 (20:26):
Cal is acting like he's like shooting a rifle.

Speaker 4 (20:29):
There's no mistaking this pose.

Speaker 6 (20:30):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (20:31):
I haven't seen this photo either.

Speaker 4 (20:32):
Oh wow, So but what would that mean? And well
Pope is laughing, Yeah, okay, Pope is laughing, But it
looks like Cal is shooting a rifle.

Speaker 6 (20:41):
And I don't think left.

Speaker 4 (20:43):
Do Look, he's looking through the sky.

Speaker 5 (20:45):
He's supposed to close Your left or right eye depends
on if you're right handed. If you're shooting it like
that right handed, you close your left eye and look
out of your right eye.

Speaker 6 (20:52):
You look out of the second eye. See that's I
don't shoot. So that's why.

Speaker 5 (20:57):
But did you hold you held it like this means
you're right handed. Yeah, Drew may hold it different because
he's left.

Speaker 6 (21:03):
This and then I closed the left eye and then.

Speaker 7 (21:06):
Yeah, because that rides right down the barrel.

Speaker 8 (21:08):
Okay, So he saw a stud a boy scout camp
because we're scouting America camp.

Speaker 6 (21:12):
I don't shoot guns. I know that shocks.

Speaker 5 (21:18):
But what in the world could preempt that pose where
he's like, you're shooting a rifle?

Speaker 4 (21:23):
Could preempt that pose?

Speaker 7 (21:24):

Speaker 5 (21:25):
Like what happened before the conversation that preempted Okay, all right.

Speaker 4 (21:28):
I didn't I didn't really think that was the word
to but I'll take it.

Speaker 7 (21:33):
You know, I've slept a holiday and this I do.

Speaker 8 (21:36):
That's what I would say in that. But it'll work,
just completely guessing. Maybe something like a target, you know,
being the coach of.

Speaker 4 (21:44):
Your back, I say so, like you're gonna have a target.

Speaker 8 (21:48):
Maybe they're aiming for you, kind of thing. Matt Jones
is aiming for you. That's what it is that.

Speaker 4 (21:53):
Put this on me, that a conversation. I do not
want that conversation to be about me.

Speaker 3 (21:59):

Speaker 2 (21:59):
I mean, you don't have to illustrate that when you
say aiming, like you don't have to explain what that
means by showing a pose.

Speaker 6 (22:06):
Well, you don't think it's like talking about this is
how I hunt it?

Speaker 8 (22:11):
Could I have the record at Balibou Jacks.

Speaker 4 (22:16):
Let me ask you, wouldn't wouldn't it be awesome to
have the audio of the conversation.

Speaker 7 (22:21):
To be a fly on the wall and listen to
those two guys what they're talking about.

Speaker 4 (22:25):
Be awesome because you know it's about here.

Speaker 5 (22:27):
Of course it is, and that's why I think Pope
will show great respect in a situation like this and
let Cal be caw.

Speaker 4 (22:35):
To his gun. I want to think that it's Col
just going. You know, I'm out there hitting and shooting
the big game. Let me show you how I do it.
That's what I hope. I don't think it was, but
I do. All right, we'll take your calls right after this. OK.

Speaker 6 (22:55):

Speaker 3 (22:55):
Smith, personal injury attorney, called TJ.

Speaker 6 (22:58):
He'll make them pay.

Speaker 2 (22:59):
Now more Entucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 3 (23:02):
Here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 6 (23:05):
Welcome back.

Speaker 4 (23:06):
It is Kentucky Sports Radio eight. I'm nine eight twenty
two eighty seven. One person rates, Matt. I know you
love Kentucky and love the city of Louisville, but you
have to admit that overall the weekend was a disaster.

Speaker 6 (23:21):
I'm not admitting that. I think it was.

Speaker 4 (23:23):
It was a terrible Friday morning and it's hard to
overlook that, but it's not a disaster. I mean, I listen,
I've been to sporting events that are disasters and like
it's an all systems failure. I don't think this one was.
It was a tragic accident and then a really stupid
chain of events, at least to me. But I thought

the rest of it went well. And whether or not
the for the PGA or other entities, the stupid event
overshadows the whole thing, I guess will depend on the
eye of the beholder, and we'll have to wait and see.

Speaker 5 (23:59):
Yeah, Saturday and Sunday, the golf part of it and everything,
and like I said, Jim Nancy Man, Kentucky showed out
this weekend. I think that shit on the hills of
a great Kentucky Derby. I felt like that went weren't successful.
Now you have the Hola golf tournament, for the most part,
was successful.

Speaker 4 (24:15):
And considering what Drew said, I mean, if you were
there as we were a week before, I thought, getting
these people in and out of here, that's not gonna work.
And it seems like again, absent the one tragic accident,
which was before people even came in it was at
five in the morning, it feels like they did they
were able to do that. I didn't hear people complaining
about having to wait on shuttles and all that.

Speaker 8 (24:35):
So to the shuttle experience. I only did it on Sunday.
We were a little spoiled with the media shuttle the
other days. But I took my family yesterday and I
couldn't believe how easy it was to get it out
of there. And I in the back of my mind,
I know they were all excited to see the end.
I'm thinking, we're never going out in the middle of
the night and it's gonna be awful. But it was
so smooth, And I mean, I can't speak to every
aspect of the chorus, but from my experience, everything was

staffed well. I didn't see any incidents. I didn't see
anyone complaining inside at the course. I thought they did
a really good job.

Speaker 6 (25:03):
Now the person rights, Matt.

Speaker 4 (25:04):
I don't like how you all seem to blame the
officer for what happened. I'm sure Scheffler did something or else.
He wouldn't have done anything. You all have to be balanced.
I feel like we've been as balanced as we can.
I haven't thrown the officer under the bus. I think
what objectively is true now that the facts are in
is there was no reason to charge the dude for
second degree assault, which is a felony punishable by ten

years in prison. For what happened, my guess is Scheffler
probably was a little bit of a jerk. That's gonna
be my guess. I don't know that, but my guess
is he was probably a little bit of a jerk.
He was mad. He probably knows he said something he
shouldn't because he noticed. He didn't say I didn't say
anything wrong. He said I didn't know he was a cop,

which is probably true. But you also probably shouldn't be
a jerk to the people just work in the parking lot, right,
But that's not a second degree. I mean, second degree
assault is a MA that's a major charge. And if
they don't give him the assault, if they just give
him the instructions or all that that's a ticket, they wouldn't.

Speaker 6 (26:07):
Have had to go and arrest him. So that to
me was a mistake.

Speaker 4 (26:11):
But my guess is that interaction was complicated right now,
not where it turns out they don't have a body cam.

Speaker 6 (26:18):
The body cam wasn't on. You heard that.

Speaker 4 (26:20):
I was listening last night driving. We had the caller
talk about how it probably wouldn't be on. Yes, you
heard that on this show Friday, So I wasn't shocked
when I heard it wasn't on. I do think, though,
even if the policy is you don't do it unless
it's gonna be a confrontation, I think maybe the policy

should be if you're investigating a death, maybe you put
it on, right But if that but you know, I
can also understand the argument. I had a cop tell
me this out at the course. If we kept it
on everywhere we get went all the time, there'd be
too much information, which I kind of understand that too,

sort of, but the body came not being on is
unfortunate because it makes it look like a conspiracy. And
you know, I don't know why people think there'd be
a conspiracy against the number one golfer in the world.
But nevertheless, it was.

Speaker 5 (27:14):
A horrible situation when it's dark, it's raining, and you
have a traffic fatality, and I'm sure traffic was just
a nightmare at that time of morning. And one, if
the story is true, were one security allegedly said hey,
go ahead, he gets up to the next one. That's
when he says stuff.

Speaker 4 (27:31):
Specifics came out later. So the cop that sent him
to jail was investigating the death. Uh huh okay, So
again I had a cop the same cop on Saturday.
Tell me, look, when you're assigned to traffic duty, the
last thing any officer wants to do is arrest somebody.
It screws up the traffic flow. You have to drive

them all the way downtown. Nobody would want to do it, right,
But this guy is investigating the death, so when he
decides to arrest him, he doesn't.

Speaker 6 (28:05):
Have to go through all the things you have to do.

Speaker 4 (28:08):
So he looks at one of the other officers and
says take him in and he stays there. So a
lot of the he was like, if it was a
different officer, a traffic officer, it never happens because they
probably would have just been like, all right, I'm gonna
give you a ticket. Yeah, fus that because he could
almost send him without the ramifications of having to take him.

And then once the officers have him in the car,
people have talked about why didn't everybody take a deep breath?
They weren't allowed to anymore because another officer had told
them to take it and they didn't have the ability
to change it because I think maybe he outranked them. Ah,
it's just one of those things.

Speaker 5 (28:49):
Yeah, right, you know, and well we're just spitballing the
whole thing. If he Shepherd would have just stopped when
they told him to stop.

Speaker 6 (28:57):

Speaker 4 (28:58):
I mean, it's but you can understand how he goes, Well,
they told me I can go, I'm just gonna go.

Speaker 5 (29:04):
Yeah, But if the second guy says stop, you gotta stop,
they gotta stop.

Speaker 4 (29:07):
It is a lesson at least, what's fun. I could
see myself going, well, that dude told me to go,
I'm going yeah, but maybe you have to learn you can't.

Speaker 6 (29:17):
You can't do that. Who's up first?

Speaker 4 (29:18):

Speaker 6 (29:18):
Robert Robert, Go ahead, Robert.

Speaker 8 (29:21):
Hi, guys, what what was your take on the Karl
Anthony Towns versus Jamal Murray series Game seven?

Speaker 6 (29:29):
Well, first of all, I watched it.

Speaker 4 (29:32):
I cannot believe Denver blew a twenty point lead in
the second half at home. I mean, they watching the game,
it looked like Jokics just ran out of gas. They
played him too much, you know. I think maybe him
being built like you like us, sort of caught up
to him a little bit because he was huffing and puffing.
Jamal Murray just wasn't good enough a lot of the series, unfortunately.

I'm happy for Carl Towns. Yeah, although Carl wasn't playing
at the end of the game, you know, they ended
up playing nas read. It'll be great though for Carl
Drew because now he's gonna get a stage. I think
what we've learned is Carl's a great number two, maybe
not a number one, but the number two, and now
he and Anthony Edwards they got a shot to go

to the finals.

Speaker 6 (30:16):
Maybe the favorites I haven't looked, but could be.

Speaker 4 (30:18):

Speaker 8 (30:18):
I didn't get to watch any and I was coming
back from golf, but to see the highlights and reading
up on it that they they won that game on
the road, game seven, and Edwards didn't even play that well.
It was like two for ten from three.

Speaker 4 (30:28):
Carl had a good run, yeah, because they were coming back.
I think he was the leading scorer for though.

Speaker 8 (30:32):
Yeah, but I mean it wasn't like they just played
this perfect game and stole one in Denver. Denver kind
of let it get away from him and let go
there without even having a man.

Speaker 6 (30:40):
Happy for Happy for Carl.

Speaker 4 (30:41):
He's probably the most criticized really good player in the
league now because he because he does do dumb things sometimes,
but he also does things nobody else can do. I mean,
he might be the best three point shooting big man
in the history of the NBA, I know, and.

Speaker 5 (30:55):
Never shot just but a couple here when he was here. Yes,
I love the game last night. I mean, you know,
Murray and Jokich both had like what thirty four to
thirty five points apiece, but then like they got nothing
from everybody else, and for the Wolves to come from
twenty points down in the second half and come back
and win that game convincingly, he was impressed.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
You could tell. At the end, Jokic was dead. Yeah,
like he had no those last four or five minutes.
He was like me, as I was walking up eighteen,
I forgot that the eighteenth tee we were finishing, we
were going into the DraftKings suite, which was on the
set eighteenth team huh, And I forgot how steep a
heel that heal that? How steep a heel that he

is up on eighteen because you're usually going down it, yeah,
and walking up that, I looked like Jokic walking up
the I was like, come on.

Speaker 6 (31:43):
Who's up next?

Speaker 3 (31:44):
Let's go to Reese?

Speaker 6 (31:46):
Reeese, go ahead, Reese.

Speaker 9 (31:48):
Hey, buh.

Speaker 8 (31:50):
Everyone keeps kind of talking about how we need that guy.

Speaker 4 (31:53):
But I just wanted to ask, do you think our roster.

Speaker 8 (31:55):
Right now without adding anyone.

Speaker 7 (31:57):
Is better works are about the same.

Speaker 6 (31:59):
As BYU's last year in better specifically better.

Speaker 4 (32:03):
That's why I'm not as down as a lot of people.
Like a lot of people, and I appreciate the call.
I do think we need one more person to be
top fifteen, but I think we're good now because I
and what he just said is the reason our roster
right now is better than BYU's roster was last year,
and they were a sixty, So why would we think

we're gonna be worse. Big twelve was equally as good
a conference as the SEC. They're probably one and two
last year, depending on how you want to order them.

Speaker 7 (32:33):
And by you had some big wins last year.

Speaker 6 (32:37):
We have eleven guys that can play.

Speaker 4 (32:40):
Presumably we'll have twelve, Maybe we'll have thirteen. Maybe I'm
an optimist, but I feel like we're gonna find five
drew that can ball out of those thirteen. You know.

Speaker 8 (32:51):
Yeah, And I like the verse Tilda. You can have
a defensive line up, a shooting line up. You've got
a lot of guys with experience that have played a
lot of games, not have been at schools, a lot
of success or at a high level. But it's new
from just rolling out some guys playing first time college basketball,
and not all of them will make a big jump.
But some of these guys that are already played three
or four years, they still have one more leap forward

in them in this next season. I don't know which
one it will be, but I expect somebody who's gonna
surprise us of the group that's already on there too.

Speaker 4 (33:18):
Yeah, I just I feel much more positive the other
thing is, you know part of what When guys struggle here,
it's usually this. They're freshmen that either weren't as good
as that we thought they'd be, or they're not ready yet.

Speaker 6 (33:34):

Speaker 4 (33:34):
Isn't that the common denominator of struggling Usually? Okay, nine
of our eleven guys are twenty years older older. We
have two dudes that are traditional freshmen in high school,
Trent Noah and Travis Perry. So you're telling me, of
these nine guys that have all had success in college,

they're not gonna just forget how to play, right, They're
not just gonna all not be able to contribute. So
do I think we need one more person? Yes?

Speaker 6 (34:07):
Do I think Chas Lanier or Jackson Robinson can be
that person? Yes?

Speaker 4 (34:13):
But I think we're okay now our roster.

Speaker 7 (34:16):
I mean Louisville.

Speaker 4 (34:18):
The people that are projecting us like fiftieth, they're doing
that because this won't be the Kentucky level of.

Speaker 6 (34:25):
Talent the last few years.

Speaker 4 (34:27):
But the Kentucky level of talent the last few years
has gotten us one NCAA tournament win.

Speaker 8 (34:34):
I already like what we were gonna have if there
wasn't a change made, Like if it just right now.

Speaker 4 (34:39):
You didn't add anyone else.

Speaker 8 (34:40):
But I'm still confident you're gonna get a boom out
of either Lanier or whatever Robinson does. I think they're
gonna get one of the two. I don't know who.
Robins still gotta make a decision. But if that goes
through and you add one of those guys, I really
like what they put together, especially in a month and
a half.

Speaker 6 (34:53):
Me too.

Speaker 4 (34:54):
Hey, it's a great time of year with nice weather.
You can play baseball, golf, et cetera in a Kentucky
sports right. Yeah, we want to tell you about court
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Speaker 4 (35:07):
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take a break of very backs KISR. Welcome back. Take
you sports radio AF. I'm nine two AO twenty two

eighty seven. You know they were a lot of things
going on this weekend. One person writes you ready for
a Supreme Court dort.

Speaker 7 (35:36):
Question, Oh Court, we love these dork questions.

Speaker 4 (35:39):
One person rights, Matt, what do you think about Alito
putting the upside down flag in his yard? I think
that's a terrible decision. If you're a Supreme Court justice,
you cannot be involved in politics like that's rule number one.
And so like on January sixth, he his wife put
up a basically an upside down flag, which was like

the symbol for Trump and the election being stolen. His
wife put it in their yard. You can't do that, Like,
that's that's shameful. And I said the same thing. If
you remember when Ginsburg before she passed away, gave a
speech as a justice saying how bad Trump was gonna be.
I was like, you can't do that. You can't do
That's not what's justice is supposed to do. He said,
I did. He had the lamest story, Shannon, and he goes,

I didn't know my wife put that flag out there.

Speaker 6 (36:28):
Yelp, stop it.

Speaker 3 (36:29):
You thought somebody else did it?

Speaker 5 (36:32):
Like you can't And he said it was up for
a few days. Totally threw his wife under the bus
on that.

Speaker 4 (36:37):
First of all, if i'm his wife, even if I
did it, I'd be like, excuse me, you.

Speaker 7 (36:46):
Live here too, you saw it when you drove in repart.

Speaker 4 (36:48):
Just his wife completely under the bus. But the thing
is the Supreme Court of the only people that laws
don't apply to them. So like if a judge hered it,
they could be taken off the bench. If a federal
appellate judge did it, they could be taking off the bench.
But those nine people on the Supreme Court make their

own rules, which is ridiculous. It is what it is.
Their rules say they can't do it, but he violated them.

Speaker 6 (37:19):
But what do I say on this show about rules?

Speaker 7 (37:22):
And they have to be a punishment.

Speaker 4 (37:23):
A rule is not a rule without a punishment unless
you punish someone. A rule is just a suggestion. So
it's a rule. But they can't do anything about it.

Speaker 7 (37:33):
If they can't touch him, can they do something to her?

Speaker 4 (37:36):
But she doesn't have to, Like she has no obligation
to not be political, she's not in the job now.
Most wives probably wouldn't do it because they don't want
to make their husband look bad, but they can't punish it.
She didn't.

Speaker 6 (37:50):
She has a First Amendment right to do that.

Speaker 5 (37:53):
I guess what the neighbor right beside him had done
it earlier, right if.

Speaker 4 (37:56):
The neighbor's not on the Supreme Court.

Speaker 6 (37:58):
So yeah, Alito was like.

Speaker 4 (38:00):
Well, her neighbor was mean, well, you know what.

Speaker 6 (38:06):
I mean?

Speaker 4 (38:06):
Sorry, you know what do you want?

Speaker 8 (38:09):
Sounds like he's not mowing as his own yard, if
he's not even noticing for exident.

Speaker 4 (38:13):
I just say this, if I was ever married and
I got in trouble, I'd go it was her.

Speaker 6 (38:20):
My wife.

Speaker 4 (38:21):
I don't think your wife would be like you think
Abby would like that join the couch.

Speaker 7 (38:24):
Yeah, he couched bound for a month.

Speaker 6 (38:26):
No kidding. Who's next? Shit, Aaron, Aaron, go ahead, erin.

Speaker 11 (38:30):
So, I heard from a friend the other day that
Travis Perry and Trent Noah are gonna be like the
next steph Curry and Klay Thompson.

Speaker 4 (38:39):
And I don't know how to tell your friend to
slow down. Tell your friend to slow down. I mean,
I think they're gonna be good, but tell them to
slow down.

Speaker 6 (38:48):
I'm not sure. I mean, I think.

Speaker 4 (38:50):
Those guys will play some this year, but like, I
don't think it's certain. I mean, here's my guess. I
think they'll both see minute. I think one of them
will probably end up seeing more minutes based on whoever
whoever really gets going. I think they're gonna be great
contributors at this school for a number of years. Here's

why I like them. I don't see those dudes transferring
unless they're not playing at all.

Speaker 6 (39:14):
Do you agree with that?

Speaker 7 (39:15):
Probably so so so.

Speaker 4 (39:17):
I like that because you'll be able to build them
for a few years, and then by the time they're sophomores,
juniors and seniors, I bet both those guys are major contributors.

Speaker 11 (39:27):
I think he met in the long run, like because
Steph and Clay were both drafted by Golden State and
they weren't dominated at first, but in the long run scene.

Speaker 6 (39:41):
Yeah, but let mean again, let's slow down.

Speaker 4 (39:44):
I mean we you know, the Splash Brothers. It's that's
Stephen is one of the ten.

Speaker 6 (39:50):
Best players of all time. Probably, so you.

Speaker 4 (39:52):
Do have to kind of but but I appreciate the call.
But I do think Pope, I think is going to
do a good job of going getting one or two
guys every year that you build and don't necessarily think
about transfer. You know, cal said at one point I
saw in one of his interviews at Arkansas, he was
like why should I get more than seven or eight
guys They're gonna just come here and leave. And that's

probably true with the way he recruits, right, So if
you're recruiting to people, I'll get you to the NBA.
If after a year you're not playing and that's why
you came here, you might go, well, I gotta go
somewhere else. I don't know that Pope is gonna sell
it that way, so I think you're more likely to
get guys Ryan that stay a little bit.

Speaker 5 (40:34):
Yeah, and I think Perry and Noah fit Pope's offensive
scheme even better, Like, well, they will be contributors at
some point, maybe not off the bat, but by the
time they leave here in four years, I absolutely expect
both of them to be big time come contributors.

Speaker 6 (40:46):
A lot of it will depend, Drew.

Speaker 4 (40:48):
I think on how these dudes like Lamont Butler that
are brought in to be defensive specialists, how good they
end up shooting. Because if those guys end up sho
shooting really well, you're probably not gonna play Perry and
Noah a lot. But if they come in and they're
not great shooters, you might have to sometimes play those
guys instead.

Speaker 6 (41:07):
Of them to get points, you.

Speaker 8 (41:09):
Know, And the good thing for them is that there's
now a patience with freshman It's not the expectation you're
here right away, here's your books, here's Lexidon, you have
the ball, you're a point guard. Yeah, they're not going
to be expected to do that. Anything is kind of
going to be a bonus for them in your one
because they were recruited to be longer term projects that
he expects to say, here, well.

Speaker 4 (41:25):
Who's next, Shit, let's go to Casey. Casey got a
minute A five nine two twenty two eighty seven.

Speaker 12 (41:32):
Hey, good morning, failers. So I just had two quick things. One,
Trent Noah and Travis Perry were both valedictorians of their class,
which I thought was awesome.

Speaker 4 (41:41):
I saw that, Yeah, both valedictorians, both the guys from Kentucky.

Speaker 12 (41:46):
Go ahead, that would have been They took honors classes,
which is insanely hard. So that's awesome. And then secondly,
you had a caller on your show yesterday from New
Orleans say that Louisville was unique, which I think is
super special. But I wanted to tell all these oval
stands that are lippy. You are thirteen and three against
US in basketball since twenty ten. We kicked your ass
for five years in a row. Football, Yeah, three and.

Speaker 6 (42:07):
Thirteen, three and thirteen. We are thirteen and three. They
are three and thirteen.

Speaker 7 (42:12):
Shut your yapper, Yes that's exactly right.

Speaker 4 (42:15):
We'll take a break, talk about the UK baseball situation
and more.

Speaker 6 (42:18):
The city is Kentucky Sports Radio
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