All Episodes

May 20, 2024 42 mins

Matt, Ryan, Drew, and Shannon talk UK Baseball, a NASCAR fight, and all the latest news from the weekend.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:59):
Welcome to our two of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by
Stockton Mortgage. Now Here's Matt Jones run.

Speaker 3 (01:05):
I'm back our number two Takey Sports Radio A five
nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven. Text machine
is seven seven two seven seven four five two five four.

Speaker 1 (01:15):

Speaker 4 (01:16):
We are here at KOs Bar.

Speaker 3 (01:17):
And grill open for lunch. If you want to come
by be here Wednesday and Thursday. SEC Baseball tournament starts tomorrow.
Kentucky will play Wednesday morning at nine to thirty, which
means KSR will be pre empted on the Lexington and
Louisville station, but will be on the other stations and
UH streaming. And we'll talk more about that tomorrow in case,

in case that comes up.

Speaker 1 (01:42):
I think it's what nine to thirty Central time, ten
thirty our time, I believe.

Speaker 4 (01:45):
I think that's right.

Speaker 5 (01:46):
That's in thirty.

Speaker 4 (01:48):
That's exactly right.

Speaker 3 (01:48):
So we'll talk more about how that'll, uh, how that
will play out when when when the time comes One
person rights Matt. Last year on the show on Friday,
you said we had to see see how Louisville handled
it the Scheffler situation. After now that it's over, or
at least has moved on. It's not over yet, but

how do you think they did well? I think after
that moment. I think they did the best they could.
You know, the mayor made a statement. The body cam
thing not being on hurts, But like you heard that
caller say, he didn't think they would it would be on.
I think everybody did the best they could after that,
you know, I said, I don't. I don't think Craig

the mayor, you know, I think he had to make
a statement. But now it's in the now. For people
don't realize, the decision is not the mayor's. The decision
is not the government. The decision is now in the
Louisville prosecutor office. So now the decisions with the Louisville
Commonwealth Attorney. Who is I'm not sure who it is now.

I used to know who it was, but I don't
know who it is now. But that's who will decide
now whether or not to go forward with the prosecution
or not.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
Will that moves so fast we may find out something
tomorrow during the court appearance, or you think he'll still
be dragged out quite a bit.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
I still I'm gonna make a prediction, chin and they
do not drag him to court tomorrow. No, I'm gonna
make a prediction. It either is dismissed today. Here's the
most in order of likelihood. Number one, they dismiss the
felony so he doesn't have to show up. They might
leave the misdemeanors. Dismiss the felony. I think that's the
most likely.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
Sinner Do we think though, that Scotti is still in
Louisville just in kise.

Speaker 4 (03:31):
He went home and he said he'd come back if
he needed.

Speaker 6 (03:34):
Yeah, they're not bringing him back.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
Here, So dismiss the most likely scenario. Keep the other
three charges for now. Dismiss the felony. Scenario two, postpone
the court date. Yeah, to give everybody a couple of
weeks to figure out what we're doing.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
That's highly likely.

Speaker 3 (03:50):
Number three, dismiss all of the charges. Number four hauling
down to the court tomorrow. That's my order of what
I think. Okay, I think to me, if I was
running the prosecutor's office, I'd go, all right, listen, mister
eighty dollars pants.

Speaker 4 (04:07):
We got to talk about the eighty dollars pants. By
the way, we do have to talk about that.

Speaker 3 (04:12):
But this isn't assault of a police office. But we're
gonna leave the disobeying and all that because we think
maybe you did that and then he'd probably get off
with a fine and something like that.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
Can I ask you a couple other questions?

Speaker 4 (04:27):
Now that's just my guess. I have no inside INFU
how do you.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
Think I know he's your friend. But Mayor Greenberg released
a statement. How do you think that was?

Speaker 3 (04:34):
I thought it was as good as he can do.
I mean, we talked about this on Friday. I don't
think the mayor and the governor should get involved in
local law enforcement. The mayor is a little different because
the police are under him. So I think he kind
of did what he was supposed.

Speaker 4 (04:49):
To do in my opinion.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
There was some pushback about the fact that they actually
let him go so he could make his tea time.

Speaker 4 (04:55):
I think that's.

Speaker 3 (04:59):
I don't know about that, but that was probably more
I don't think so.

Speaker 4 (05:04):
So here's how this would work.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
I think Romans gets the call, Romans probably contacts the prosecutor,
and that's how that happened. So I would guess that
the prosecutor's office.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
Helped do that.

Speaker 3 (05:22):
But it is odd. I'm not gonna know. I mean
an hour's quick, but I will say this. They get
people in and out in Louisville pretty quick.

Speaker 4 (05:33):
It's not like Lexington. They have so many people that
come in and out.

Speaker 3 (05:38):
They get people out pretty quick. They get them out
that quick with the police escort back to Vaha. Probably
not like if Shannon gets arrested, he ain't getting a
police escort back to his house.

Speaker 6 (05:52):
I'm still sitting there.

Speaker 4 (05:53):
You'd be out.

Speaker 3 (05:53):
But like so yeah, I mean, I think there's reasonable
questions to ask how that happened.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
I think that's a I think that's fair.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
I do like the story though, how Sheffard was warming
up in his jail cell and saw himself on it
saw himself on TV lead story on what first take
whatever he was watching that morning.

Speaker 3 (06:10):
I like Myron said that he thinks he made friends
in the jail cell and told his fellow inmates he'd.

Speaker 4 (06:16):
Bring him to the masters.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
He's like, when you break out, I see.

Speaker 4 (06:23):
You on the other side.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
Well, I think he said somebody. He actually asked one
of the cellmates to please come talk to me and
can calm me down. You know, all these stories are
coming out now, things that he did while he was
in jail.

Speaker 5 (06:33):
For that, he said, he was shaking real bad. So
I just need someone to talk to me.

Speaker 3 (06:40):
I like, looking at the other people of the jail, go,
will you calm me down? They got to be like, dude, wait, no, golfer.

Speaker 5 (06:47):
Can't stop thinking about the drunk kid at the PGA
Tour tournament that got arrested and had to go to
the tank. And he wakes up and Shuffler is doing
his hip stretches round three or round two next to him.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
He's got to be the first person whoever was doing
golf stretching into jail. Yeah, in Louisville, right, there can't
be very many that have ever had that.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
For him to go out that day and shoot what
sixty six? I mean, I thought his game would have
fallen apart.

Speaker 4 (07:13):
We got to talk about the pants for a second,
all right.

Speaker 3 (07:17):
So the police report says on it all the things
that happened, and then at the end says officer Gillis
ripped his pants worth eighty dollars. You gotta edit that out,
like right, like, you gotta edit that out, don't you
don't You have to edit now. I had somebody tell

me they put that in there all the time.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
Yeah, I guess they have to to. If you took
it out, then you're hiding something that.

Speaker 3 (07:48):
No, they want their pants back, they want the dude,
They want the dude to pay for their patents.

Speaker 6 (07:52):
That's the fine. Eighty dollars fine.

Speaker 3 (07:54):
Next case, it makes it like if I like nationally,
that's what everyone's like laughing Now, Officer Gillis wants eighty
dollars pants.

Speaker 5 (08:04):
Come on, man, and ripping your pants, that's just kind
of like, don't they have more pants?

Speaker 4 (08:10):
Are we on a pant shortage with.

Speaker 6 (08:12):
The lmpd's supply your own pants or do they have.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
To buy your own uniform? Maybe no, Maybe somebody could tell.

Speaker 6 (08:18):
Me I lose my pants, I'm wanting them back.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
We feel like you leave the paint knowing the whole
world is gonna read that thing, you leave the pants out.
You just go ahead and say we're gonna leave the
pants out of.

Speaker 5 (08:30):
This or stresses how much those pants mean him. He
had to include it.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
I think he did it just to support his case
that I was assaulted and they rip my pants in
the assault.

Speaker 3 (08:39):
Why then just say rip your pants? The eighty dollars
makes it worse.

Speaker 5 (08:44):
Did the carpenter hammer loop come off or they rip
down the back? How bad are they ripped here?

Speaker 4 (08:48):
In the week.

Speaker 3 (08:48):
All right, let's talk about UK baseball. They share the title,
said time. Ever, yes, that's where a applause Loston, you're
a U of L fan, But plaud.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
There you go, are you U of L UK fan?
Miami Miami fan.

Speaker 3 (09:05):
That's right, he's going to play He's going to play lacrosse.
At my life, I'm gonna tell your parents. I'm sure
that's why you went to Miami was for the lacrosse.
But the baseball team shares the title with Tennessee. Now,
of course Tennessee fan. Tennessee has the tiebreaker for the
SEC tournament because they beat US two out of three

in the regular season. However, for the SEC they don't
use tie breakers, so we just share the title. But
Tennessee fans are trying to act like we don't have
the title. They're like, we're sole champions, you're co champions.
Shut up, we share the title. But there is some chatter,

and I wanted to get your take on this. Some
people didn't like the fact that UK celebrated the SEC
championship after winning Friday before having a chance to win
it by themsel on Saturday. I think they should have
waited because it made it look like the game Saturday
didn't matter, whereas had they won Saturday, they could have

locked up the championship by themselves. Do you think it
was poor form to celebrate on Friday, considering there was
one game left and they still could have gotten it
by themself.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
I was there Friday and Saturday, and the fact that
they celebrated Friday I thought was well deserved. This is
just the second time they've ever even shared a conference
championship in baseball. This is a huge deal for the
UK baseball program. So absolutely they earned the right to
celebrate on Friday, and if they do were one on Saturday,
they just celebrate it again.

Speaker 4 (10:38):
So I at you.

Speaker 5 (10:39):
I completely agree. What do you call that the dog pile?
I mean, if they go on and the same circumstances happened,
they didn't have that celebration. They kind of never really
get that moment. It's awkward you lose to Vandy and
then you're just sharing it. So once they clinched at
least a piece of it, I'm glad they got their celebration.

Speaker 4 (10:54):

Speaker 5 (10:54):
I don't know what Minjiones told them. I might have said, hey,
the celebration stops at the baseball park. Let's go home
and get some sleep. There's more BASEBFT. But I'm glad
they had their moment on the field.

Speaker 4 (11:02):
It would have been weird to celebrate on Saturday after
you lost.

Speaker 1 (11:05):
You lost.

Speaker 3 (11:06):
I mean, if you were gonna celebrate, even as co champs,
then you might as well.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
Do it when you did.

Speaker 3 (11:13):
Absolutely, but it would be like you and I were
at the game where they celebrated the Big Ten title
Indiana did after they.

Speaker 5 (11:19):
I was gonna bring that up.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
That was so weird, and it was really weird.

Speaker 4 (11:22):
They lost to Nebraska and then cut down the nets.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
Yeah, and gave a.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
Speech, and it was really weird to see a team
that had just lost cut down the nets.

Speaker 4 (11:32):
Shannon, do you think it was okay that they they celebrate?

Speaker 1 (11:35):

Speaker 6 (11:36):
I was good with it.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
I mean, you did win the SEC title. You're sharing it.
You didn't say that we're sole champions or anything like that.
You're just celebrating it. And for this team going into
the season, nobody gave them a chance to win the title,
you have to celebrate that.

Speaker 6 (11:50):
I'm with you.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
It would be weird to lose to Vandy and then
celebrate after a losing yeah, it.

Speaker 1 (11:54):
Would be weird.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
And if you want us, I agree with you. This
is a huge accomplishment for the school. Yes, huge accomp
is he's not a traditional baseball school where the coldest
weather school in the SEC. So like we are at
an inherent disadvantage because it's a spring sport. And to
go win the SEC for the second time, they earned that.
And yeah, was there a let down the next day, maybe,

but they still deserved.

Speaker 1 (12:20):
Absolutely deserved it, and they should celebrate as if they
are the conference champions. They are the conference, they are
the conference champions. I think it's a little weird that
they're the three seed in the SEC tournament.

Speaker 4 (12:33):
That's dumb.

Speaker 1 (12:33):
That is kind of dumb because they split the East
Division gets the first seed in the second seed. So
here's Kentucky co champs and they're the three seed in
the tournament.

Speaker 4 (12:40):
That's dumb. I don't like that either. I agree with you.
Who's next, Poe, go ahead.

Speaker 7 (12:44):
Poe, Hey fellas, good day, good day. I was henna
to talk about how good Scott he played in the
tournament after he got out of jail. Didn't bring those
shanks out there with him.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
That's a good job, that's the first time I've heard that.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
You know, there's been all kinds of prison jokes, that's
the first one I heard.

Speaker 4 (13:09):
Well, well done, Poe. Well.

Speaker 7 (13:11):
I got a question in the comment real quick, what
would you your panel and you, Matt, rather have the
top five high school players in the country or proven
transfer portal players mid majors even Well.

Speaker 4 (13:29):
Let me put it a different way.

Speaker 3 (13:30):
What would I rather have the top five high school
players or the top five guys in the portal. I'm
taking the top five guys in the portal any day
and every day, me too.

Speaker 7 (13:42):
But think about it for a minute. It's something to
think about now for college.

Speaker 3 (13:47):
For if you want to win, give me the top
five dudes in the portal over the top five dudes
in high school, because some of the top five dudes
in high school that's projection for the next level, not
so much what they'll do while they're in college.

Speaker 7 (14:05):
I agree, So you answer my question, but I wanted
them all right.

Speaker 3 (14:10):
I appreciate because he may disagree with me on that,
but they only get two things. You had a joke
in a question. That's all you get for one call.
But I appreciate it.

Speaker 5 (14:18):
But I don't even have to think twice about it.

Speaker 8 (14:20):

Speaker 5 (14:20):
I love these guys, but Aaron Bradshaw, justin Edwards, they
were top filing DJ was sixth and on three rankings.
So if you're telling me those guys will be good
on down the road, but we we saw what one
year of that got us, So I want experience.

Speaker 1 (14:33):
I gotta admit I've I've kind of flipped in my
thinking about this. I used to think, let's go get
the top five guys in the country every single year.
Now I see the value of getting.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
The five, but I think I think getting the top
five guys talent wise worked pre portal portals changed. Used
to be the top five guys could beat the experienced
guys that hadn't yet made the draft. But when teams
like Kansas and Connecticut can go look at every mid

major and then choose the best players, you got to
do that too, because the best player at you take
two hundred mid majors, probably only a couple of players
from the mid majors going to the draft. So you're
telling me I'm getting two hundred teams and I get
to choose from the best players in the country and

bring them here. I'm taking it because unlike the high
school guys. I know what that dude's done. I've watched it,
whereas with Aaron Bradshaw, you're projecting it with those dudes.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
You've seen it, Drew.

Speaker 5 (15:39):
Yeah, especially these last couple of years, and really in
the SEC there's just a physical difference where these mid
major guys all go to another school and team up.
Where you got a team of twenty one to twenty
two year olds and its defensively an inside. We saw
it last season with Kentucky it was just man versus
boys sometime.

Speaker 4 (15:54):
Yeah, corn Bred Hemp.

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a break, be right back, Tucky Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (16:24):
Welcome back.

Speaker 3 (16:25):
It is Techy Sports Radio a f I nine two
eighth two eighty seven one person, writes Matt, if God
forbid one of you were to get locked up, you
get two calls.

Speaker 4 (16:38):
Who are the people you're calling? It's a great question.

Speaker 3 (16:42):
First person I'm calling is Romans. I'm not kidding. I
guess the second person is my mom. But let's put
that to the side, because that's the easy answer. So
if my mom is, you know, on the phone, although
I guess she could call waiting, but put the mom

to the side, I'm going Romans.

Speaker 4 (17:07):
And then.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
I guess I would call Hubby because I know he
would answer, and that would probably be what I would do.

Speaker 4 (17:19):
Ryan, Who are your two call?

Speaker 1 (17:20):
Yeah, I mean it's got to be Romans or TJ.
Make them pay. One of those two guys have got
to be your first call, right, second call.

Speaker 3 (17:26):
TJ does more personal injury stuff though, I mean while
you're yeah, I mean like yeah, if you're if personal injury, yeah,
but this is this is a criminal something.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
So Josiah is my second call. I mean, you know,
he's he still lives with me at home, so I
got to call him so we can make some arrangers,
like hey, daddy got busted today. You're on your own
for a while. It gonna be a nice call.

Speaker 3 (17:49):
But what if you needed somebody to bail you out.
Josiah can't bail you out.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
I would probably call yoga girl. Okay, yeah, okay, Well
let's but that's like my mom. Put aside, you're sick
magnificant others for a second, Where are you going after that?

Speaker 5 (18:02):
We got arrested with you? They're in there with you?

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Yeah, so put aside, there are you out? Are you
in with me? I did not do what you did.
Maybe we were all together and.

Speaker 6 (18:13):
He wasn't running the bases on the field you were.

Speaker 4 (18:15):
Yeah, I.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
Would you would be on my list. Since you have
this legal background, he could probably advise me on some
things I need to do.

Speaker 4 (18:24):
Okay, what about you Drew?

Speaker 5 (18:26):
Definitely calling some form of representation. I'll go with Romans.
I wasn't even abby, wasn't an automatic number two. It was
gonna be the crime. If it was really bad, I
was gonna have a buffer to get to that. Maybe
he needed somebody, maybe need something done. Depending what I'm done,
I might need somebody.

Speaker 4 (18:44):
That's another thing.

Speaker 3 (18:44):
You might need somebody who has access to cash to
get you out.

Speaker 5 (18:49):
Or somebody that can keep a secret help me out,
depending how bad. Whatever I did to get in there,
But most scenarios be abby. But uh, I would start
with representations.

Speaker 4 (18:58):
That's tough.

Speaker 5 (19:02):
I guess I'd probably call Matt. I have to let
him know about what's gonna be on the show tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
Matt, you gotta set got to set the equipment up.
You set the equipment up by yourself.

Speaker 3 (19:11):
Tomorrow, Matt. I would bail you two out. I think
I would bail Shannon out. I could still see you
being in a flight risk. Well, I think I think
Shannon and Ryan. Drew and Ryan are not a flight risk.
They got too many things wetting them down. I could
totally see you going, Matt, see you. I'm going to

paying them all, never see you again.

Speaker 2 (19:38):
Well, you know I was gonna put you on my list,
But now that you say that, I think I'll just.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
I would get your I would, I'll get your cash
and put you in. But I would then hire my
own bail bosman to make sure you didn't fly.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
I'm not calling Ryan because he never answers his phone
on the first time.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
Drew has answered his phone on first call, never once.
Every fifty times I've ever called Solid twenty.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
Four, do we get access to our phones because I
don't know anybody's number in my head.

Speaker 6 (20:07):
So that's gonna give.

Speaker 3 (20:09):
You that's a good question. Did they give you access
to your phone? Because I don't know anybody's number either.
I would sail would call you, but I don't know
they do, Okay, So if they do give you access
to your phone without that, I would have that problem too.

Speaker 4 (20:20):
I wouldn't know what.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
So what if it's Drew, Shannon and me, we are
all three in jail. Were you gonna bail all three
of us out?

Speaker 4 (20:29):
What did you do?

Speaker 6 (20:31):
Collective crime sounds such as is bail?

Speaker 1 (20:34):
We were all running the bases at Wievesport.

Speaker 4 (20:36):
We all three for that?

Speaker 3 (20:38):
Yeah, you know, I mean your first called me in
all seriousness. Everyone should have I mean the shuffler ins
it's a perfect example. Although they let him out on
his own recognizance. He didn't have to pay bail. But
everybody should have a lawyer that you would call in
those circumstances because it very well could be bad luck.

There's a lot of things that could lead it to
like there's two things. Everyone listening to this. This was
something my law school professor told me once. My krim
law professor Sarah Biel, who just retired. She said she
said this to us in class. She said, everyone should
have a a lawyer they would call if they needed
something quickly. So everyone right now listening, you should figure

out who that is in your mind. And then number two,
every single person should know their rights. When they are
pulled over by the police. You should know what your
rights are. Now, whether how you choose to use them
is up to you, but you should know your rights
because most people don't know that. Most people don't know

that they have rights when they get pulled over. When
the cop says, can I search your car? You don't
have to do that now. If they have a likelihood
suspicion of a crime, they're going to do it anyway.
But like if you say yes and wave it, then
you've taken away your defenses for the entire trial.

Speaker 1 (22:07):

Speaker 3 (22:07):
So that's something that people should know the rights and
should have a lawyer that they could contact. Do you
do you have Do you even have Romand's number?

Speaker 1 (22:17):
I think I do. Let me look at that, but
I believe I do have his number.

Speaker 4 (22:21):
So just a little a little legal advice. Do I
have enough time for call Shannon.

Speaker 6 (22:25):
Quickly got about a minute. Let's go to David.

Speaker 1 (22:27):
David, go ahead, David, I got it. Hey, yeah, Matt,
I love your show.

Speaker 8 (22:32):
I like that you guys don't just do sports, but
you do a lot of different subjects. And getting back
on the elite and getting back on the elito thing
as bad as that was the look with the with
the flag up down? What do you think about Clarence
Thomas and accepting over a million dollars from they all?

Speaker 3 (22:52):
I think it's absurd that judges, and it's all I
appreciate it. You call only Supreme Court justices do it
can have people who of the millions of dollars to
travel around fly, et cetera. And then they say, but
it doesn't affect my judgment.

Speaker 1 (23:07):
Shut up.

Speaker 4 (23:08):
Of course it does.

Speaker 3 (23:09):
If I was a judge, I would not even be
allowed to do a case involving Ryan lind But if
I'm a Supreme Court justice, Ryan can give me a
million dollars, bring a case before the court and I
can still hear it. That's ridiculous, but that's the way
it is right now. Well, we'll take a break, be

right back it Stucky Sports Radio TJ. Smith Personal Injury attorney,
call TJ.

Speaker 5 (23:35):
He'll make them pay.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
Now more of Kentucky Sports Radio present it by Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 6 (23:39):
Here's my Joe.

Speaker 3 (23:40):
I think that's what Scotty said when he got locked up,
get me out and send lawyers guns and money.

Speaker 1 (23:45):
Well that didn't he lip to the reporter, please help me?

Speaker 6 (23:49):
Yeah you can.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
He asked him, please help me, which is really a
strange thing to uh.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
Now, But I do have some more questions about the
whole golf thing. I need to ask ask you, okay, okay,
that the only day I was out there was Thursday
after the show. Why did they group like justin Thomas,
Tiger and Rory all back to back to back and
just create this logjam of fans. There's a few reasons.

Speaker 3 (24:11):
One, they want guys of equal ability to play with
each other because there's some science that basically says how
the other guys are playing helps or hurt you. So
they want to put the good guys together. They do
it for television. They want the good guys to come
up eighteen during their prime windows, right, So they do

it to where half of them come up during their
prime windows on Thursday. Half of them come up during
their prime windows on Friday, and then really I think
those are the two main reasons. And then they also
make it to where the worse you are, the earlier
in the day you have to tee off, right, So

they make it to where the good golfers don't have
to tee off early in the morning or late in
the evening. They tee off kind of in the prime
of the day, so it gives you an incentive to
be one of the things.

Speaker 1 (25:07):
Is that kind of right?

Speaker 5 (25:08):
And now featured groups are real big, where like the
national the TV broadcasts had started, and you go to
one of the apps and they have like three groups
and they're always just loaded with stars. They're trying to
get you to watch.

Speaker 3 (25:18):
So they'll do something like they'll say, all right, these
are our Tier one players, and then they draw out
of a hat three Tier one guys you play together,
and then they do it with the Tier twos and
the Tier threes and the Tier fours, And that's kind
of how.

Speaker 1 (25:29):
It makes sense. I had no idea why they would
bunch these guys together. I thought they would spread them out.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
But you don't want to have like the best player
having to play with the dude shooting twenty over par
and like I would.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
With you, lating on you to hack all.

Speaker 3 (25:42):
Over the place you know they want, and especially at
the PGA where there are club pros from around the country.

Speaker 4 (25:48):
Some dudes just aren't as good as the other guy.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
You know, you always give us advice to about just
kind of act like you belong and nobody will question you.
Drew ended up on the putting green with the PG
eight eyes on Thursday, just walked out there like you were.

Speaker 4 (26:02):
On the putting green.

Speaker 5 (26:03):
Now you go check in, make sure they're doing all right.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
So few people high.

Speaker 5 (26:08):
I actually do have to think Ryan for taking some pictures.
I escorted some golfers to the to the range making
sure they're good. Well, no, it's out there, letting them
know what all right to do with their grip.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
What about the NASCAR fight, I saw it.

Speaker 4 (26:19):
Oh, what a great fight.

Speaker 3 (26:21):
First of all, a lot of a lot of angles
to this fight, Channon. First of all, it's Ricky Stenhouse Junior.
If that's not a NASCAR name, I don't know what is.
Ricky Stenhouse Junior. And Kyle or Kyle Busch. Remember everybody
hates Kyle Busch, right, So Ricky Stenhouse Junior gets wrecked

on lap two by Kyle Busch, and he apparently says
on his radio, I'll be waiting for him when it's oh, well,
the race takes two hours, gets out of his car
and he's waiting for He was standing at his trailer
waiting for it. So he meant it and he said,
yes he did. Now, I don't understand how somebody didn't

try to keep this from happening. But then they get
this confrontation and this is all on video.

Speaker 1 (27:07):
Yes it is.

Speaker 4 (27:08):
Now, I didn't.

Speaker 3 (27:10):
See the wreck. Maybe it was Kyle Busch's fault. I'll
just assume it is. But they're sitting there talking and
he's like, you wreck me and the other guy's like, no,
I didn't. And he's like, yes, you did. And the
other guy goes, no, what didn't, And he said look
at the tape, and then the other guy goes, you
look at the tape and then he just punches it. Yep,

he just punches the guy sucker punches it.

Speaker 1 (27:35):

Speaker 3 (27:35):
I'm not a Kyle Busch fan, but Shinn and that
punch seemed a little like what do you do?

Speaker 9 (27:39):

Speaker 6 (27:40):
And the kind of came out of nowhere.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
It seemed like a relatively peaceful, peaceful conversation, not really
screaming at each other. Next thing you know, boom.

Speaker 3 (27:48):
So then they're fighting right like they're like they're going
at each other. They're fighting and they're hitting each other.
Then Ricky Stenhouse's dad grabs Kyle Busch.

Speaker 4 (28:01):
Dad's in there, Yeah, oh dad.

Speaker 3 (28:03):
So the first old guy you see holding Kyle Busch
is Ricky's dad.

Speaker 1 (28:08):
And then Ricky screaming, get my dad, get my dad.

Speaker 3 (28:10):
So then everybody gets broken up, and then Ricky starts screaming,
get my dad out of there. And then dad goes,
I ain't doing nothing.

Speaker 8 (28:16):

Speaker 3 (28:18):
Everybody is going haywire. Then there's a guy on a
truck that's like, get off far trunck, and the other
guy goes, I ain't getting off your trunk, and like
it's just it was such a great melee that it
made me very happy. And like the most legendary NASCAR reporter,
Bob Pokrass I think is his name, That's probably not

how you say it. He's in the middle of it.
He gets knocked down. Oh do you see the old
guy goes flying.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
Through the air. I loved it, drew it was my favorite.

Speaker 3 (28:49):
I didn't even know there was a NASCAR All Star
Race yesterday, but the fight was worth it.

Speaker 5 (28:53):
I didn't know it either. I didn't know there was
a Ricky Eastonhouse, Ricky st boat.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
What is it?

Speaker 4 (28:57):
Ricky steamboat? His dad.

Speaker 5 (28:59):
Big punch for Kyle Busch. I saw where they slowed
it down. You can see his fists just folding his
jaw up.

Speaker 1 (29:04):

Speaker 5 (29:04):
I watched the first punch without sound, immediately went back
and watched again with sound because I was expecting Kyle
Busch to just say the most awful thing about him,
because the way it looks, you just assumed he did.
But it just like it seemed like a fairly normal conversation.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
It feels like Stenhouse is at fault. Shant it, but
they're just talking and then he just punches it.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
When somebody's about to throw a punch, you could almost
see it in their face.

Speaker 6 (29:27):
Yeah, he didn't really.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
I mean, he was kind of staring them down, but
it didn't really do anything that would indicate he's about
to throw a punch.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
He just throws the punch and then he loses control
because he says, you hit my dad. But I feel
like his dad got himself right in the middle of it,
didn't he.

Speaker 1 (29:43):
I think Ricky Stenhouse, also after the wreck happened, parked
his car in Kyle Busch's garage, like purposely in his garage.
We think got something like that. I was just taunting him,
and then he sits on it and stews for two hours.

Speaker 3 (29:58):
First of all, I you would think after two hours, Drew,
you'd calm down a little bit. That guy was still
as hot as he probably was when he Can you
if he was that mad two hours later, can you
imagine what he.

Speaker 4 (30:11):
Was like when it happened.

Speaker 5 (30:12):
He's got two hours to think about consequences. You know,
we're on TV. Maybe I shouldn't do this. Nope, still
goes through with it. I will say Stenhouse and Kyle
Busch not a lot of power behind those. I mean,
he threw a right hook, but it was a little slow.
I don't think either one of them are knocking anybody
out anytime soon.

Speaker 4 (30:29):
I loved it.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
We sure wouldn't be talking about NASCAR, but wasn't for
that fight. I don't even know who won the race.

Speaker 6 (30:35):
Let's just out there and fight.

Speaker 3 (30:38):
And then I loved at the very end, Kyle Busch goes,
what are you angry about?

Speaker 4 (30:41):
We both sucked?

Speaker 1 (30:43):
Yeah, that was the best line at.

Speaker 4 (30:47):
Suck as much as you do, which I thought.

Speaker 2 (30:49):
Yeah, I said you hit like a sissy instead of
saying you'd sucked as bad as me.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
You suck. That's weird.

Speaker 4 (30:56):
That's a weird, Devin, go ahead.

Speaker 9 (31:01):
Hey about the NASCAR fight. If you're not entertained by that,
then you're definitely not from six or six with you.
But at first time, long time, who are so? I
wanted to go back to that photo of col acting
like he's shooting a rifle. Y'all were talking about shooting
left handed and right handed, but for rifle shooting, it

actually doesn't matter which hand is your dominant hand. You
actually have a dominant eye, and that's how you determine
how you hold the rifle to shoot.

Speaker 4 (31:30):
How do you find out what your dominant eye is?

Speaker 9 (31:34):
Okay, So I can walk you to hold both hands
out in front of you arms length. I can tell
them Scotty stop his car, all right, So bring your
hands together where they're overlapping, and make like a little
gap between the knuckle of your like corner finger and
the knuckle of your thumb. Okay, and then are you
with me?

Speaker 3 (31:53):
No, but just keep going okay, like are you talking
about like I'm laying hands at church?

Speaker 1 (31:59):
Pauls up.

Speaker 9 (32:01):
Okay, So your poems are facing away from your poems
like away from your fingers are together, thumbs pointing each other. Okay,
so then bring them together where they're overlapping, make like
a little gap between. Yeah, and then look at something
across the room through that little gap. Yeah, and focus

focus on that object through that hole, and then close
one eye, close one eye, Okay, whichever eye, whichever eye
is open, is your dominant eye.

Speaker 1 (32:35):
Which when that you had your the object doesn't move,
whichever one the object doesn't move is your dominant eye.
I see, I got it. I think I think mine
moves both times.

Speaker 9 (32:46):
It'll move every time, it'll move both times. But whichever
one that you focus on with both all open so left.

Speaker 4 (32:54):
Is my dominant eta is it?

Speaker 1 (32:56):

Speaker 4 (32:57):
I don't know. I tried to do it. It felt
like you move both times.

Speaker 5 (33:04):
I like everyone to hear. They can't hear the caller,
and we're just putting our arms up.

Speaker 3 (33:08):
All right, Well, I'll practice. I'll go back and listen
and practice. But thank you very much. So you use
the dominant eye, not the dominant hand.

Speaker 1 (33:15):
Makes sense because I'm right handed. My right eye was
my dominant eye. I shoot a gun right handed. I
play pool right handed.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
So you if you're right handed, okay, you shut your
left eye, yeah, and then use your right eye.

Speaker 5 (33:26):
Maybe Cow was saying you need makers, not shooters.

Speaker 1 (33:30):
I like that line.

Speaker 3 (33:31):
Oh to me a second, my man, we're this close
to getting an NBA champ two conference finalists right now,
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Speaker 4 (33:44):
If you're new to DraftKings, listen up.

Speaker 3 (33:45):
New customers get a no sweat bet up to fifteen
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Speaker 1 (33:49):
That's a lot.

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I think this is really they're very cool. Promo.

Speaker 3 (33:52):
Deposit at least five bucks, and you'll get a bonus
bet equal to your first bet that doesn't hit.

Speaker 4 (33:58):
So you can make your first bet whatever.

Speaker 3 (34:00):
Amount up to fifteen hundred bucks, and then you'll get
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Speaker 4 (34:04):
That's pretty good, right, good bet against the reds.

Speaker 3 (34:07):
You could download the Draftickings Sportsbook gup now and use
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Speaker 4 (34:26):
DraftKings dot Com, slash basketball terms. We'll take a break,
be right back. Reds are one and eleven in one
run games.

Speaker 5 (34:31):
By the way, it's not good.

Speaker 4 (34:33):
That's not very good. It's KSIM Twitter.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
You'll welcome back Tekey Sports Radio. All right, a couple
of thanks here real quick because you're doing a lot
of time. Tomorrow. The winner of the contest to host.

Speaker 1 (34:47):
Will be here, Yes he will. So.

Speaker 4 (34:50):
Darren is his name. He's from Hazard.

Speaker 3 (34:53):
I think he won the bracket contest and as part
of it, he gets to host for thirty minutes. So
here's how we decided to do this. At eleven thirty,
he has fifteen minutes with you guys. Okay, then we're
gonna come back from the final break, and you guys
are gone, just him and he's bringing a buddy. That

is him and a buddy. Okay, so they're doing one segment.
I'm sitting out the whole thirty minutes.

Speaker 4 (35:19):
I want to see.

Speaker 1 (35:20):
What what y'all? Now, I'll jump in if it's if
I have to. What are the odd Shannon that's happening
one hundred percent.

Speaker 4 (35:27):
But the last fifteen minutes is only he and his buddy.

Speaker 3 (35:31):
Okay, So I would say to you all, the guy
talked to we had a phone conversation.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
Talk to him.

Speaker 3 (35:37):
He's a little nervous. He's excited, but he's nervous. He's
not one of these dudes who's like, I can host
a show. He's more like, oh, we're doing this for real.
So everyone needs to be encouraging today and tomorrow. So
at eleven thirty, he'll do a segment with you guys,
you two, then you guys are out, and the final

segment will be sitting where Mario is watching him and
his buddy do it. So everybody's gonna root on Darren
tomorrow as he tries to host and entertain the KSR world.
But remember, I'm gonna be in Louisville.

Speaker 1 (36:13):
That's what.

Speaker 3 (36:13):
That's the only reason I can't be on is it
really wouldn't work for me to be there.

Speaker 4 (36:17):
And you know, so that's why you guys are gonna
be here to help him.

Speaker 1 (36:20):
Apparently we've all met him. He was at our show
and Hazard right the show we did above that coffee
shop and some office and Hazard. I think he came
to that show. We met this guy.

Speaker 4 (36:29):
So are you excited.

Speaker 1 (36:29):
I'm very excited. I'm gonna say, no, what.

Speaker 4 (36:35):
Do you mean, that's all you're gonna say.

Speaker 1 (36:37):
You know, I wish him the best, and I hope
he does great, but you're gonna help him.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
In the first second, first segment, well, you're gonna introduce him,
so you'll come in and go, Welcome back to Techie
Sports Radio. Please welcome our host for the final thirty minutes,
Darren Darren. And then you guys are gonna banter. Yes,
you know, maybe he can introduce himself, but then you
also you just it's not just me about him.

Speaker 4 (37:00):
You talk about the.

Speaker 1 (37:01):
Sport he's driving, the ship, he's driving it. Yeah, but
you guys are there to kind of uplift it. Sure,
and then the last fifteen minutes. That ship's gonna float
or not on his own. So do you want us
to like toss him that break or you'll let him
kind of do it all.

Speaker 3 (37:17):
You will introduce him and then it's here okay, and
the ads.

Speaker 4 (37:22):
You'll hand him the ad to read. Okay.

Speaker 5 (37:27):
I'm gonna be a good role player. I'm gonna staut
of the way. But when I'm when I'm called upon,
I'll be there for it.

Speaker 4 (37:32):
How do you think this is gonna work?

Speaker 6 (37:33):
Awful? But I can't wait for the ship to sink.
It's gonna be great. It's gonna be a Titanic going down.

Speaker 4 (37:38):
Don't worry about it. He's gonna do great. I'm pulling
for him.

Speaker 3 (37:41):
Seemed like a nice guy six oh six in the
radio house.

Speaker 1 (37:45):
And he got this because he won the he won
that cas Far bracket.

Speaker 3 (37:49):
Challenge, right, and he decided he has a buddy who
wants to do it with him, So they're gonna they're
gonna do it. Let's see, I had one more thing,
Oh the Preakness. What about your boy? Eighty eight years old?
D Wayne Lucas at eighty eight winning the.

Speaker 1 (38:06):
Race, still got the magic touch. Sometimes you know you
can't you can't count him out, so it was kind
of cool to see him back in the winter circle.

Speaker 4 (38:14):
Is that the best? Here's a question.

Speaker 3 (38:16):
Is that the best sports accomplishment by someone eighty five
or older in history?

Speaker 5 (38:22):
Oh, that's a good question.

Speaker 1 (38:23):
That's a great question.

Speaker 3 (38:24):
Is there anything someone that old has ever done better
than him being the trainer? There's obviously no player that old.
Has there ever been a manager that old win something?

Speaker 1 (38:39):
Or a coach you're talking about in your eighties. The
pool of people and we can talk about is very small.

Speaker 5 (38:45):
I can't even say coaches that have coached that old.

Speaker 3 (38:48):
I'm gonna make then it's the best thing an eighty
five year old plus person has ever done in sports?

Speaker 1 (38:55):
Train a winner in a major stakes horse race. It
might be, it is, it might be what else would be?
It didn't have anything for the conversation either.

Speaker 3 (39:04):
That's exactly right. If somebody knows, let me know on
the text machine.

Speaker 5 (39:08):
Perry Ellis at Kansas. That's the only thing I can
come up with.

Speaker 4 (39:12):
I like that one.

Speaker 3 (39:13):
This guy right here had a good question. Did you
see on Friday a player was hitting a golf ball
at the end of the round, his club slipped out
of his hand and it flew into the lake. Yes, okay,
a fan in the crowd agreed to take off all
of his clothes except his boxer shorts, jump into the

lake and get the club out. And it was like
a no name player. But he got in the water
and they showed this on ESPN. There's a video he
jumps in the water and gets the club. So here's
my question for you. This was just like some random player.
Is there a player Ryan that you on national TV

with the ESPN watching would take off all your clothes,
jump in the water and already water have to ride
home in pond water to go get their club for it.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
I'd do it for you, guys. I don't need an excuse.
If I've got a chance to take my clothes off
and get in the water, I'm doing it. So you
do it for any golf any golfer, I do it
for you. I do it for Paul sitting here if
you wanted me to.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
So you're just saying like you volunteer to go to
the tournament and stand there and you're underwear and wait
for people to throw their clubs in the water.

Speaker 1 (40:24):
So you can get them. What a moment?

Speaker 5 (40:25):
What a moment we walked around Thursday. So I Shane
Lowry had lost his seven iron into the creek, you would.

Speaker 1 (40:32):
Have just on Thursdall, Absolutely yes, I would have gone.

Speaker 5 (40:35):
That would have happened, Shannon.

Speaker 4 (40:37):
What about you?

Speaker 6 (40:37):
No, I'd say, go get your own damn club.

Speaker 4 (40:40):
What if it was John Dayly, I don't care.

Speaker 6 (40:41):
John card in there and get it.

Speaker 4 (40:43):
So John Daly, you would not go get his club out.

Speaker 1 (40:46):
Of the wall.

Speaker 6 (40:46):
No, he's got other clubs he can use.

Speaker 4 (40:48):
What about you?

Speaker 5 (40:49):
Only scenario if it's like a Tiger wins something and
he makes the putt, throws the putter in a pond,
and it's got some a little more value to it,
and it has to be Tiger. But even then I'm
probably a nobe. But that's the scenario I think about it.

Speaker 3 (41:03):
I have some pushing and pulling I need to do
before I go on National TV.

Speaker 4 (41:07):
In my boxes, you know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (41:10):
Like, I'm no, and even Tiger, I'd be like, dude,
we'll hire that kid over there, right Like, I'm not so,
but you I give you credit for that.

Speaker 1 (41:21):
I get you know your your clothes are still gonna
be dry. I took my clothes off I could even
take my boxers off. Please don't. It's not on National TV.
Put them back on. Everything's nice and dry.

Speaker 3 (41:31):
Not not on National TV. I wouldn't suggest there was
a there's a video floating around. I almost retweeted it,
but there's a video of a guy getting escorted out
of the PGA drunk and Shannon.

Speaker 4 (41:42):
It looks like Ryan LeMond behind.

Speaker 3 (41:45):
It has his little bald spot right his bald spot.
It also has his like body shape.

Speaker 2 (41:51):
Yeah, did you think it might have been him for
a second when you first saw it?

Speaker 1 (41:54):

Speaker 3 (41:55):
Somebody tagged me and said is this rhyme? And there
was like a half set to me, going maybe it is.
You can't tell from the back. From the back, and
it looks like Drew's escorted me out.

Speaker 5 (42:08):
Someone asked if that's me carry and Ryan it.

Speaker 4 (42:10):
Could have been. You tell me about stocktor w Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 1 (42:12):
You know now is a great time to buy, and
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Speaker 4 (42:27):
There you go. Thank you all very much for coming out.

Speaker 3 (42:29):
Great crowd here, thanks to Paducah, Jessmin County, Lexington and
all the folks I didn't get to meet yet.

Speaker 4 (42:37):
Lawson's here with us all week.

Speaker 3 (42:38):
He's learning right before he goes to Miami and takes
over the lacrosse team tries, joins all the crypto scams
down there. It'll be great. We will see you tomorrow.

Speaker 4 (42:49):
We will. I'll be here, well, actually we'll be I'll
be in Louisville.

Speaker 3 (42:52):
They'll be in Lexington with Darren with Darren, and then
Thursday and Friday, I'll be back.

Speaker 4 (42:56):
This has been Kentucky Sports Radio.
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