All Episodes

April 24, 2024 35 mins

Hour 1 of the Wednesday April 24, 2024 edition of The Armstrong & Getty Show features...

  • Aid for Ukraine is passed by the Senate, and ignored...
  • Mailbag...
  • The lovely college student anti-Israel protesters...
  • Katie Green brings us The Lead Story! 

Stupid Should Hurt:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George
Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty, Armstrong and
Getty and Key.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Armstrong and Getty. It's so hot in here. Is somebody
growing pot in here?

Speaker 1 (00:35):
I'm for personal years. Once we leave the studio, does
somebody grow pott in here? At night?

Speaker 3 (00:41):
It's it's like a greenhouse in here live from studio.
C see you, sor And it's a dilly let room
deep within the bowels of the Armstrong and Getty Show.
You need just no light to make the pot grow
over in the corner. And today we're under the tutelage
of our general manager. Yeah, I was thinking of going

with the other side of this coin, but I found
it too subtle. So our general managers Donald J. Trump,
Trumpety Trump Trump, Trumpy Trump Trump Trump or Trump or
Trump for Trump person, always Trump news, nothing but Trump news.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
So the Trump hating world.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
And I don't know how many of you are Trump
haiters to tune into our program? Do you just get
Are you endlessly fascinated with the guy? Like there's no
limit to how much coverage you can get of him?

Speaker 1 (01:28):
Big Finish now I'm like, God, some Trump business hards.

Speaker 3 (01:33):
Seriously, I try to get news, I want other news,
and I go to you know, non Fox channels. It's
just endless Trump, our big story, Trump something something with
Trump every day?

Speaker 1 (01:46):
Did Judge loses patience with Trump attorney? All right?

Speaker 3 (01:50):
So if you hate Trump, do you just never ever
get tired of it? That's what I wonder, Or if
they're wrong about it? Uh, the appetite, I mean a
lot of news outlets don't have many viewers, so they
could be wrong, right, And as you pointed out, they've
built this enormous infrastructure around the courtroom. They've obviously decided

that's their big spring hit show, the Trump Trials, so
they're going heavily with it and excluding or ignoring all
sorts of other important stories.

Speaker 1 (02:23):
I mean lots of really important stories.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Well, the biggest story that happened late in the day
yesterday was the passage of all those bills, the aid
for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and the whole TikTok band thing,
all past the Senate and go to the President's desk
where he's already said he will sign them all. So
that is a major legislation controversial legislation could be world
changing and certainly deserved some curverage, I would think, but

got none because I don't know. Trump said something about
one of the jurors or something. Yeah, yeah, I would agree,
world changing stuff potentially. The protest to roll on and
again that continues to be a primarily Fox story. It
did get coverage on the major networks, like in the
middle of their newscast, they don't seem to think that's.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
A big deal.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
We're gonna play a little bit later hands and I
dug it up a couple of clips of Joe Biden
talking about Charlottesville back in the day and how when
he saw those those people marching they will not replace
us and their hatred toward the Jews. I just couldn't
stand by and watch that. I'm fighting for the soul
of America. Okay, so not fighting for the soul of
America now when a thousand times as many people are

chanting the Jews have to go because they're your voters
in this case, exactly. Yeah, his side of the aisle
is now threatening the Jews. So it's hunky dory. It's
just fine, and as well, my markey Jack, No, my
markey I guess he talked about being a truck driver
again yesterday. Oh my gosh, all those the long hours
on the road, just thinking about how his uncle was

eaten by cannibals. I mean it had to be lonely, right,
So here's why what about ism for the day. I
guess it's called what aboutism if you did this or
if you do this as an argument, but I don't
understand why.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
It's not relevant somewhat.

Speaker 3 (04:11):
So the main coverage of the Trump trial was he
hadn't enacted what they call a catch and kill program
in which he would pay to have story. He would
pay woman to keep quiet and then the stories would
not be reported. And okay, fine, that's not illegal. That's
perfectly fine. You can pay anybody to keep quiet. There's

no obligation to print stories. That's part of free speech also,
so it's nothing. It's not a crime whatsoever. But that
is seen as just awful. So this former Miss America
or whoever she was, who had sex with Trump, and
she's not claiming shees raped or anything.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
She just had an affair with Trump. She got one
hundred grand.

Speaker 3 (04:53):
If you had sex with Bill Clinton, they ruined you,
They called you a slutty, crazy person. They didn't give
you one hundred thousand dollars and pay some news organization
not to report it. They ruined you in your hometown
and in the national press. They did that to lots
of women that Bill Clinton slept with. So Trump is
just completely not the sort of person that should be

president because of that.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
But Bill Clinton did that all the time.

Speaker 3 (05:18):
And they would ruin women who their only crime was
they had sex with a good looking, young, sweet talking guy,
and they would get ruined.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
But that was fine, and Hillary was in on it.

Speaker 3 (05:28):
I just don't understand why that's not at least relevant
as part of the conversation. They're both disgusting, they're both awful.
They shouldn't be cheating on their wives in line about
it and attacking the women for it, but it apparently
is something that a lot of our politicians are willing
to do. Yeah, principles aren't something that politicians on the
left hold, and there're certainly immoral politicians on all sides

of the discussion. But you don't hold principles, you use
other people's principles as weapons. You pretend you believe this
stuff to attack others. Then when it's your own the log,
in your own eye. Then you have no time for
it whatsoever. You have excuses and obfuscations and the rest
of it.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
It's I'm really tired of. And the neo.

Speaker 3 (06:11):
Marxists are the best at this. Speaking of the protesters
on college campuses, the idea that they will shout and
cry and scream that they're being hurt and attacked because
you're such a mean person, and then they will ruin
people and tear down their careers in their lives and
dox them and put them in physical danger and the
rest of it. All of that microaggression stuff is fake.

All of that, it's problematic, it's racist. It doesn't matter
how you that's all fake. It's just a weapon. Don't
let them use your decency against you personally. If I'm
a woman who ends up having sex with someone who
becomes president, I'd rather get a check for one hundred
thousand dollars and they say be quiet, as opposed to

if I tell anybody about it, they call me a
crazy slot, a money having crazy slut. I mean, of
the two, which is more impalatable. I mean, we can
elect presidents that don't do that. B Obama didn't do
that sort of thing.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
George W.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
Bush didn't do that sort of thing. Lots of presidents
don't do that sort of thing. But if they are
going to do something like that, and we're gonna let them,
how about we treat them somewhat similarly for the way
they handled their personal life.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
Yeah, it's funny.

Speaker 3 (07:23):
It's like we become a nation of attorneys, which is
not surprising because attorneys run America and have ruined it.
But everybody's making these arguments and you're like, wow, do
you actually believe that? Because when it was your side,
you didn't claim that. And if they were going to
be honest, they would say, oh no, no, no, I
don't believe that.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
I was just hired to make this argument. Scale was
cruel to me today. Scale said, I'm not even talking
to you.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
Wow, if you don't care hurting me, If you're hurting me,
you don't care, I don't care. One of us has
to care. And if you don't care, I don't care.
That's what the Scale said.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
To me today. Wow. Yeah, Susan, it was some tough love.
I guess maybe I needed that. Will you come around?
Could have just yelled that you're right? Michael. Yeah, maybe
that's what the scale should do. I should get on
it should.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
Just say fat, or it should shout out what I
ate the day before.

Speaker 1 (08:20):
Should we go through what you ate yesterday? That'd be
a good way to do it.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
As you stand on me, crushing me, I'm sure you're wondering,
how was my weight up? Well, let me remind you
and then go through the hole. Do you remember the cheeseburger?
You enjoy the cheeseburger.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
I'm not done. I'm not done. You remember the pizza?
Was that good pizza?

Speaker 3 (08:41):
I'm usually not surprised, like when I got on the
scale day that it isn't it'll be good because I yeah,
I just I lost my discipline yesterday.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
It happens. What do you do?

Speaker 2 (08:48):
Let's set it up.

Speaker 3 (08:51):
Let's start the show officially. I'm Jack Armstrong, He's Joe
Getty on this is how did it already get to
be Wednesday, April twenty fourth, the year twenty twenty four?
Or life will not be a born twenty four or
I'm strong in getting we approve of this program. Let's
begin then, officially according to FCC rules and regulations. Leaping
into action at mark.

Speaker 4 (09:09):
I want to thank you for such significant support, were
important support, and thanks to Sennat for today's decision. And
I hope that President Biden will sign the law which
is so important, crucial for our lives.

Speaker 3 (09:30):
That's President Zelensky who is pretty happy that the legislation passed.
I'm sure it's been difficult for him and his people
to understand the politics of why it took a year
and a half between aid either year. I listened to
a hell of a debate yesterday about this aiding Ukraine.

National Review, which is one of the oldest, most venerated
publications for Republican politics in America. As listening to their
podcast yesterday and they had a hot debate over whether
or not we should be giving more aid to Ukraine,
with several four and one against. Once again, I say,

if there is a side on the left where they
have disagreement, please tell me about it, because I never
see it on TV or hear it in podcasts. Everybody's
in uniform agreement on everything. I never hear them, no
matter how nutty, I never hear them at each other
really like disagreeing. But anyway, it was some I mean,
people got readily into it. I mean, but the best

argument against that. Anythink, Yeah, nobody talks about winning. Joe
Biden doesn't, Emmanuel mccrome doesn't, nobody does. I mean, so
is the whole thing just to look like we're trying
or it would be embarrassing if we don't. But nobody
talks about how much do we need to win? And
what is our plan to win? That just does not

come up. I think, do we want to talk about
this now? It's it's a big discussion in important we
don't have to. But yeah, I think there are different
levels of winning. That's the very short version of my answers.
There are outcomes ranging from oh, my lord, that would
be amazing to good God help us, that's a disaster,

and we're just trying to achieve a result in that
top tier. Yeah, I was just piggybacking off of the
Zelenski being so happy about us giving the money. But
I'm sure he's wondering, why did it take so freaking long?
If you're we're with you to the end, which is
what the President has said over and over again, he lied,
how does mailbag look? Oh it's good, solid, cool, that's

on the way.

Speaker 1 (11:36):
Our text line is four one, five, two, nine fiftc Armstrong.
So Jonathan Turley of Fox.

Speaker 3 (11:52):
Is not the only legal professor out there saying this
Trump case is ridiculous. Got a guy in the New
York Times today from I think Boston University calling it
an historic mistake.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
We'll read some of that for you a little bit later.
Down this road lies mad No, we don't want madness.

Speaker 3 (12:11):
No, not madness. Oh golly, here's your freedom loving quote
of the day. I was thinking about this because I'm
always thinking about this the uh. A lot of people
don't understand why I call a lot of these people
neo Marxists.

Speaker 1 (12:23):
And it's simple. I mean tweet this later.

Speaker 3 (12:25):
But if they talk about equity and they want to
tear down the system, they're a neo Marxist.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
Okay, period.

Speaker 3 (12:31):
They want to tear down the system and install some
sort of communist utopia, which brings us to the freedom
loving quote of the Day final in the series, from
Nicholas Comez Tavila, the Colombian reactionary philosopher of the twentieth century.
He said, and I quote, violence is not necessary to
destroy a civilization. Each civilization dies from indifference towards the

unique values which created it.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Huh, that sounds about right indifference or contempt for the
values that created it.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
When you said, why do I call people neo marxus,
it's simple. I thought you're gonna say, it's simple. They
love each other. They love each other, Joey, that's funny.
It's so so many of our clips are in my head.
I just the show plays in my own head. It's simple,

it's simple. They love each other. Well, and that had
to be an emotional day because that was shortly after
his dad's brother was eaten.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
By cannibals, right, and before he went to truck driving school.
Come on writing it was a voll little time mail bag.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
Come you can write us notes, drop us and it's
an email email address mail bag at Armstrong and getty
dot com.

Speaker 1 (13:44):
It's a valldal time. His uncle was eaten by cannibals.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
Right, and he wasn't trying to decide between truck driving
school and then finishing first.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
In his law school class. And oh god, it.

Speaker 3 (13:55):
Was being raised by like thirteen different ethnicities there in
Scranton and marching with all the various civil rights groups
all right, right.

Speaker 1 (14:04):
And getting arrested.

Speaker 3 (14:06):
All right, let's see Dovetailing off of Jack's thoughts, Henry Wrights,
I think Trump should show subpoena Hillary Clinton as an
expert witness on silencing women who threatened the character of
a politician. Remember the Bimbo list where they had multiple
ways to silence women, from intimidation, to extortion, political ards, hushwenty,
et cetera. Of course you would lie, just demonstrating the
hypocrisy of the trial. Yeah, I can't believe that has

not come up more often. And then this quote, which
I love. Remember it's just sex according to nineties Democrats.

Speaker 1 (14:38):
That's right, it's a good point.

Speaker 3 (14:40):
Moving along, Aaron Rights, guys, it's time to expand the
Second Amendment. We're going to need rockets and explosives to
protect ourselves from these things. These things, and this will
be haunting my dreams tonight. It's one of those robots
that shaped like a dog, runs like a dog, except

this one. When it gets to where it wants to go,
it's flame thrower throws flame thirty feet. So these arson
dog bots are going to be roaming the landscape soon,
presumably controlled by China or Isis or whomever.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
I saw one of.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
The robot dogs at one of your stores in Vegas,
you know where they sell all kinds of crazy expensive
stuff that nobody would buy.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
They had one of those robot dogs on display.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
It was like seven thousand dollars, but it was disturbing
the way it walked around and moved its head and everything. Yeah,
let's see moving along swiftly the AI beauty contest, Sean writes.
When the contestants rasked what matters most to you, ninety
percent replied with a now cliched answer, achieving world.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Piece by eradicating all humans.

Speaker 3 (15:46):
Esther ten percent said, achieving world piece by enslaving all humans.
That's beautiful, Sean. Let's see. I like this. This is
from Adam from Boise. Hello Jens. Part of the reason
my wife and I left cal Unicornia was the rampant
junkies problem. Everywhere you turn, break ins and people screaming

in mailboxes. Seem the drug addicted had more freedoms and
privileges than anyone else. I remember specifically trying to camp
at Yosemite for a multi day hike, but the park
was quote out of parking permits or I'm sorry, out
of camping permits. If the Supreme Court upholds this grant's
pass law. Does that mean I can camp whenever and
wherever I like? However, inside Yellowstone, on any walking paths,

the head of the Statue of Liberty, maybe the lawn
of the White House. Also, what do they define as
being homeless and camping? Is it similar to Joe's description
of burglary versus squatting. If a junkie sets up tents
on Santa Cruz Beach but has a new Patagonia jacket
and is making.

Speaker 1 (16:44):
S'mores, do the cops step in?

Speaker 3 (16:46):
I guess in the minds of the courts, camping doesn't
involve ghost stories around the campfire, but instead slamming heroin
in front of your local hardworking immigrant bodagan until you
forced them out progress. I guess it's as simple as
if writing a ticket it could damage you, then it's illegal.
But if won't do any good to write your ticket
because you're homeless and you'll never show up prepay at

any there's no point in writing a ticket, so they don't.

Speaker 1 (17:09):
I guess that's the difference.

Speaker 3 (17:10):
And you can get away with anything that is a
righteous screen at him from voices well crafted. My lad
I got turned her away from a National park in
Oregon once myself, because they said it was full late
at night, stopped it was gonna sleep.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
Now it we're full. Now you can you can camp
anywhere anywhere Armstrong and Getty. So, I don't know if
you know this.

Speaker 3 (17:31):
They gave them a deadline in Columbia last night at midnight.
You gotta get out of here. You gotta take down
your encampment. You got until midnight. Then right before midnight
they said, all right, we'll give you forty eight more hours.
I'm not exactly sure what the negotiation is. I mean,
you give them forty eight more hours. It makes it
seem like there's a negotiation going on. I don't understand

what the negotiation. You gotta go, you gotta go, yeah,
but I want to you gotta go. No, the students
have the power, and the universities have long since ceded
that power to the little darlings.

Speaker 1 (18:05):
You know, I could tell you what they're negotiating. I
was reading about it.

Speaker 3 (18:08):
But how many tents you know, whether they'll allow outside agitators,
what will they meet?

Speaker 1 (18:14):
What's just there?

Speaker 3 (18:16):
It's silly speaking of the tents. Also, Mike Johnson's going
today to Columbia, the Speaker.

Speaker 1 (18:20):
Of the House.

Speaker 3 (18:20):
I don't know what he's planning to accomplish, but he's
going to be there today and that should be juicy.
Have you been following the whole what's with all the
tents looking the same story? No, that's the thing. So
if you look at any of these pictures, all the
temps are exactly the same. Like I came across this
snarky tweet yesterday. Yes, Ari, I I'd like to order
four hundred Coleman SkyDome two person tents. Yes, you can

charge it to the grassroots totally spontaneous movement to liberate Palestine.
It's the argument that if all of these tents look
exactly the same, and they do, if you look at
these pictures, I mean, it's hundreds of exactly the same
tents and that aren't cheap, that are set up side
by side. And the question is, Okay, who organized ordering

all these tents and paid for it and everything?

Speaker 1 (19:07):
That's kind of interesting, isn't it.

Speaker 3 (19:08):
And I suppose it's possible that they kind of independently
all got the same thing. I mean, you know, you
can go to various business cultures and every guy is
dressed exactly the same, and it wasn't coordinated by some
nefarious group. It's just it becomes very clear to everybody,

this is the look we're going with the puffy vest
and tight jeans in these shoes, and everybody dresses the
same way.

Speaker 1 (19:36):
So I just wondered, may that is possible?

Speaker 3 (19:38):
It's also possible when the one hundred yard dash and romer,
where is it kind of teris this summer in the Olympics. No,
it's all financed by the SJP, the Students for Justice
and Palestine and the WOL, which is the what the
heck is that playing oldies all day long?

Speaker 1 (19:56):
No, that's not it at all.

Speaker 3 (19:57):
If we call you say WLA plays the hit and
you'll get one thousand dollars WOS one thousand dollars proo. No,
it's a couple of organizations. They're financing a lot of
this radical organization. Well are they actually calling up ARII
with the credit card and ordering all the tents?

Speaker 1 (20:14):
Yeah? Yeah, almost certainly.

Speaker 3 (20:16):

Speaker 1 (20:17):
Do you remember during the Antifa days when there were.

Speaker 3 (20:19):
Mysterious palettes of bricks everywhere they went? Come on, Yeah,
there are these shadowy groups and they're only semi shadowy.
Once you learn about them, you see them pop up
over and over again.

Speaker 5 (20:30):

Speaker 3 (20:30):
Yeah, they provide the infrastructure. They provide all the signs
and the bullhorns and the tents and everything. This is
not a ragtag bunch of students. This is global, or
at least national, neo Marxist organizations that are trying to
tear down the system.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
They will tell you that out loud.

Speaker 3 (20:48):
Yeah, where's that? Do we have that audio that you asked?
That tweet that you sent around the teacher girl, the
professor woman who's addressing the crowd.

Speaker 1 (21:00):
Right, Yeah, which one smart you all are? Do we
have that? That's the one I was thinking of.

Speaker 3 (21:06):
AnyWho, We'll have it for your next segment because it's
it's absolutely priceless. I mean, she explains exactly what's going on.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
We have that, Michael, Great, Columbia calls its current plan
hybrid education. Still trying.

Speaker 3 (21:23):
A lot of odd looks in there, and a lot of
frantic looks looking at screens.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
Let's move on. Yes, So what was I going to say?

Speaker 3 (21:33):
Now I'm distracted. I lost my train of thought. My
train of thought gets derailed very very quickly. You can
put a fifty cent piece on the rails of my
train of thought, and the train will completely derail, flip over,
and burst into flames. Wow, that's quite the scenario we're
talking about. Who's financing that? Okay, here we have it.
Here we go certainly do whatever.

Speaker 5 (21:51):
You can to not work, not go to class, not
do research, or otherwise the functioning of this despicable place.
Until they met the Mack, you all are incredibly smart
people who are so knowledgeable about things like postcolonialism and
Marxism and other theories. It is time for you to

get out of your libraries and labs and put your
theories into action.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
And so there are a couple of aspects of that.
I absolutely love slash hate the whole. You're incredibly smart
people trading college students like seven year olds who need
that sort of affirmation. I will effing tell you this.
Nobody said that to me studying political science. You're such

incredibly smart people. They're like, here's what you got wrong? Anyway,
So moving along that, you're incredibly smart and well educated
in Marxists and other theories. She's talking about critical theories.
It's time to take out your act, out your Marxist
and postcolonial theories. Time to take that to the streets.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
She actually said that out people.

Speaker 3 (23:02):
Actually, yeah, some people actually think people like me are
paranoid about neo Marxism.

Speaker 1 (23:06):
No, she's stating it, don't.

Speaker 3 (23:08):
Work, don't go to class, don't research, act out your
Marxist and postcolonial ideas. She said that out loud, standing
on a platform with a bullhorn.

Speaker 1 (23:19):

Speaker 3 (23:19):
And one of my favorite pundits response to that was,
conservatives have been warning for fifty years that universities were
being taken over by Marxists, and now they're literally announcing
through bullhorns on the quad that the university has been
taken over by Marxists.

Speaker 1 (23:35):
Yes, yeah, well said, but with little attention being paid. Yeah,
I would agree.

Speaker 3 (23:42):
You know. That brings me to something I was going
to talk about later, but now is a good enough time.
This is closely related headline as crime Morrison's in California,
Soros backed group mobilizes against referendum to restore tougher criminal penalties.
There's a huge consortium of citizens and business in California,
including all the big retailers, your Targets and Walmarts, and

all of those are donating money to try to restore
criminalizing crime they're desperate, absolutely desperate to do that. I
probably don't need to go through the litany of stories
of Walgreens closing and CBS is shutting down, and everything's.
Everything in California cities that's worth more than forty seven

cents is locked behind glass and you have to ask
somebody to get it for you anyway. So Californians and
businesses are saying, we've got to put a ballot measure
on there or something. We've got to restore sanity because
it's breaking down. Okay, which brings us to something I
mentioned now and again, the Cloward pivot strategy.

Speaker 1 (24:44):
It has four steps. See if this.

Speaker 3 (24:47):
Reminds you of what's going on, whether on college campuses
or the crime thing. One overload and break the welfare
system that was in the sixties their main goal. So
get absolutely everybody on the welfare roles to the point
that it can't be managed anymore and it breaks down.

Speaker 1 (25:02):
Ghost broke whatever. Two have chaos in sue they want chaos.
Three take control in the chaos.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
These are two prominent sociologists in the sixties became very,
very famous and very influential up there with Sololinsky and
his rules for radicals, so you take control in the chaos.
And then four this is their words, implement socialism and
communism through government force. This is not some sort of

paranoid a Cold war left right wing eed pipe dream.
This is their stated goal. And these are their foot
soldiers on the campuses right now. Yes, and he probably
indoctrinated your kids.

Speaker 1 (25:45):

Speaker 3 (25:46):
But so because I feel like this is less about
anti Semitism than some others do. I think it's more
of what you were just describing. But so the people
that want the chaos, they just latching onto anti semitism.
Like all the college kids doing this don't know that
this is part of a Marxist plan, do they? Some

of them do, and some of them are the useful
idiots who get swept up in the fake moral arguments
behind Marxism, or whether it's workers are being exploited by
the capitalists or black people are being exploited by systemic racism.
It's always a grievance. And yeah, you can get people
fired up because they think they're doing the right thing
or this angle, because all you need is for them

to be they're protesting. You don't really care why they're protesting.
If it's mostly driven by power structure, anti Semitism or
not trans writes or whatever you just want tom you know,
disrupting things exactly this popular Twitter person Matt Walsh twiteter.
The left sides with a mass because it is the
less white group and they see the struggle as one

of the brown victims being persecuted by white Western clonalists.
It's all about anti white racism dressed up in a
slightly different garb. These are all BLM active and it's
literally the same people. I think there's a lot of
that too. It's just you know, you got you got
white powerful people and down Prowden, not down Troden, not
white people. As I said before, if you want to

identify the neo Marxist, do they talk about equity and
are they in favor of tearing the system down? The
system in this case being Israel. Because now the anti
I want to address the anti Semitism things is like
I said yesterday, it might not be motivated by it,
but that's where it ends up. Like why did Stalin
conduct all the pilgrims against Jews? Why do you slaughter

the Jews and the Cossacks and the rest of it?
It's because they were a coherent group with a set
of beliefs that would stand up for themselves. And they
are easily identifiable too as villains, and so it's just
it's useful for propaganda, and they're also they're just dangerous
because you know, smart, educated, and tend to hang together.
You don't want that in a Marxist dictatorship. There can

be only one god. That's the party. Well, we'll play
some of these clips later, but there are a number
of news organizations Hannity did it and who else, somebody
else interviewing college kids there in those protests, and so
many of them, you know, are spouting the stuff, but
their question and they don't have much knowledge about the
whole Israel Jews thing, so they can't be that wrapped

up in it to have so little knowledge about the
actual story. I would think if you were just really
driven to be out there in the park all night long,
you'd know more about.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
The whole Jewish Israel founding thing.

Speaker 3 (28:33):
Right, I agree completely, And that is a hopeful note,
because they have a handful of slogans memorized and that's it. Really,
they've been indoctrinated. They're angry, they're feisty, they're fired up,
but they can probably be talked out of it. The
problem is that several times in history there have been
movements that look exactly like this, angry youth wanting to
beat people down for being counter revolutionaries, and they don't

get talked out of it because the powers behind them
keep them fire.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
We gotta take a break.

Speaker 3 (29:01):
But I also heard what it would What was the
phrase I heard yesterday, but it was something like, they have.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
They have Birmingham envy.

Speaker 3 (29:09):
It's just the you want to be a protester like
you've seen on TV back from the Civil rights days.

Speaker 1 (29:15):
This has been true for my whole life.

Speaker 3 (29:18):
A lot of college kids, they just they're disappointed there's
not some great cause that they can march in the
street and be arrested for, like happen with their parents
and their grandparents, the cool generation. And it's just finally,
anytime there's anything that's even close to that, it's worth
going out there and getting involved in. You don't even
really don't understand why. I just want to be a

protester like my parents were. Yeah, yeah, because it makes
me look like I'm living life of purpose, right, Which
gets to the whole. We got a real problem with
people feeling like they got no purpose problem because you
want to latch onto something that makes feel like my
life isn't just sitting around having fun getting high playing
video games.

Speaker 1 (29:57):
It's got real meaning.

Speaker 3 (29:59):
And not only meaning, but like historical critical. I'm on
the I'm on the the ramparts meaning. Yeah, hmm, that's fascinating. Uh,
maybe you will have to tell us why later. They
gave them another forty eight hours to clear out. I
thought they're gonna send it in the National Guard and actually.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
Just say gotta go. Times up.

Speaker 3 (30:17):
Yeah, I can describe what's going on. It's it's well,
I'll describe it later. All the tents look exactly the same.
We got Katie's headlines coming up.

Speaker 1 (30:25):
Stay here, Armstrong, and.

Speaker 3 (30:32):
They're gonna announce the NBA MVP here any day. Looking
at the nominees that were announced the other day. For so,
it'll be five out of six years the MVP of
the NBA is foreign born five out of the last
six years. Isn't that interesting. NBA worked really hard to
become a world league. I'd say they are if the

best player in the league is from some other count
unless they're going out of their way to make sure
it's always somebody from another cut to build the World League.

Speaker 1 (31:01):
It just occurred to.

Speaker 3 (31:01):
Me that'd be a good way to advertise into other countries.
Let's get the head. What do we call it, Katie's Corner.

Speaker 1 (31:10):
Yeah, that's what we call it.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
No, we don't coming up next hour. I left out
a major part of the Cloward pivot strategy. That will
ring a bell with you. I will reveal it next hour.
Stay with us, Katie who's reporting? What it's?

Speaker 1 (31:24):
The Lee story? Hit it?

Speaker 6 (31:25):
Thank you guys from NBC News. Congress sends Biden a
bill that could ban TikTok after.

Speaker 3 (31:31):
The twenty twenty four election. That's interesting the timing of that.
I don't think that's got anything. I don't think that
was on purpose. But it does allow Democrats benefit more
from TikTok than Republicans do, and it does allow it
to hang around through the election.

Speaker 1 (31:46):

Speaker 3 (31:46):
So two hundred and seventy days that's how long TikTok
has So the deadline would be January of twenty twenty five.

Speaker 1 (31:56):
And nobody's exactly sure how this.

Speaker 3 (31:57):
Will unschool, unbrid and seventy million TikTok users in the
United States.

Speaker 1 (32:07):
That's amazing for ABC news.

Speaker 6 (32:10):
Student protesters begin dismantling some tents as negotiations with Columbia
University progress.

Speaker 1 (32:18):
Yeah, we can get into that a little bit next
hour as well.

Speaker 3 (32:21):
What the negotiations are over with the angry little children?
Why isn't the negotiation you can either be gone by
midnight or earlier. Those are your choices as a past
extending it another forty eight hours from.

Speaker 6 (32:36):
The Associated Press, Moscow court rejects Evan Gershkovic's appeal, keeping
him in jail until at least June thirtieth.

Speaker 3 (32:45):
He's a hostage. It's as simple as that. Putin takes hostages,
then uses him as bargaining chips mack to then they
give up his bargaining chip. Back to the negotiating with
the college kids. It reminds me of how it sometimes
goes with my kids, Like if you know, take out
the trash and then there's complaint.

Speaker 1 (33:00):
It could be take out the trash and do the laundry, or.

Speaker 3 (33:03):
Just take out the trash, you know, similar style of negotiating.
Do you have the wherewithal to back up your threats
and or up the ante if it's necessary to get compliance.

Speaker 1 (33:16):
Colombia does not. That's the fast link they back down.
From Brightbart dot com.

Speaker 6 (33:22):
Migrants secure billions of dollars in taxpayer funding for housing, food,
and healthcare across sanctuary states.

Speaker 3 (33:32):
Yeah, that factors into the Cloward Piven thing that I
left out. Rampant illegal immigration was what they advocated for
in the sixties, to break the system, to overload the system.
Have plenty of evidence that that's working as if you
need it.

Speaker 6 (33:48):
From The Daily Mail, Kanye West plans to launch Yeasy
Porn Studio with Stormy Daniels X and Latest Shock Moves.

Speaker 3 (34:00):
Stormy Daniel's ex husband is a porn ex lover ex lover.

Speaker 1 (34:06):
Yeah, where was that? From Timas from.

Speaker 6 (34:09):
The Daily Mail, Kanye Daily A dude's off the off rail.

Speaker 3 (34:14):
His his wife is a weird unit. The way she
dresses and he parades her out in public weird.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
From Armstrong and Getty dot com.

Speaker 6 (34:24):
The junkies go where the benefits are best Josh Hoover
talks to A and g Oh, that's a good headline.

Speaker 3 (34:31):
I might have gone with junkies go where benefits flow
because things are better when they rhyme.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3 (34:37):
Everything's important rhymes, but it's more true if it rhymes too.

Speaker 1 (34:41):
Everybody knows that.

Speaker 6 (34:43):
And finally, the Babylon Bee winning DeSantis unveils massive circus
cannon that will launch pro Hamas protesters all the way
to Gaza.

Speaker 1 (34:56):
Wow. That's odd, surreal.

Speaker 3 (35:00):
President Biden was in Florida yesterday to talk about their
restrictive abortion policies, to try to make the election more
about abortion, because that's one of the very few issues
he leads on. Expect to hear an awful lot of
that leading up to election day, and tales of cannibalism,
Armstrong and Getty
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