Episode Transcript
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General, Hey, we're back.We are. Hey, great seeing it
again. It's when's your next trial? When we should have a trial coming
up together? It's I don't thinkwe've ever not had a trial together on
our docket, and right now wedon't. Oh we do. Yeah in
March. In March, Yeah,back in Union County. That's a ways
outs back in Union County. Sohey, Monday through Friday, the John
and I we are in court doingthe bidding for the people. This is
for the defense of the American people. We are in our seventh year,
started in twenty seventeen. If I'mdoing my math right, I think we're
in our seventh year, coming upon four hundred shows, over a million
downloads, fourteen thousand listeners per show. Thank you for making this show a
powerhouse right here in Columbus, Ohio, in the heart of the Heartland and
the heart of the Heartland in thefuture Silicon Valley of the Hartley, the
Heartley and Silicon Valley. Like that, General, I like it all right.
So let's look at it this way. You can read the news,
the news can be told to you, but at this point in time,
you really have no idea what tobelieve. What's true, what's fact,
what's fiction, what's fabrication? Questionis we know that's been going on for
over one hundred years. This isnot new. We're not the first generation
I have to deal with this.Mark Quain talked about that if you don't
read the news, you are uninformed. If you read the news, you're
misinformed. So our show is anattempt to interpret what's happening using historical context
in your vast Wikipedia brain of historicalinformation and our keen analytical abilities. That's
right, and I think that interpretingwhat's happening in America is so important right
now. If you just closely identify, if you pay attention, what's going
on is you have the race tothe White House is now on. I
don't think there's any coincidence. Idon't think it's mere coincidence that Joe Manchin
pulls out the Senate or pulls outof his office right after this elect the
Tuesday election, and Romney announces thathe's not running. Either there's something going
on the GOP and or the RNCappears to be a mess. I'm going
to talk a little bit about thatwe have this abortion albatross that anytime that's
on a statewide ballot. The Democratsalready have home field advantage. Well,
if you're if you're defining it asa choice or you know, it doesn't
matter, dude, if it's abortionson the ballot, the Democrats have home
field advantage. If you're defining itas it doesn't matter, if you're calling
it the late term abortion amendment,then then you might be doing better in
the election. If I'm running theDemocrat, if I'm right running the DNC,
I'm making sure that you just keepit on the ballot indefinitely. Just
figure out a way to get iton there is it mobilizes. It mobilizes
everything on the left and a largechunk of the right. Right. We
have to look Trump. What doestwenty twenty four look like for him?
I mean, is he just goingto be sitting in a defendants chairs?
Is he gonna be sending at legaltables all year? Next year? Are
we going to have the Republican candidatenot campaigning because he's tied up in court?
And we're going to have the Democratcandidate who can't campaign. He turns
eighty one, by the way,and about ten or eleven days Joe Biden.
He's not gonna be out to goout there and campaign. He doesn't
campaign, So we may have twoguys who really don't aren't there actively campaigning.
Trump's got his rallies? Is Bidenonly eighty one? Have they carbon
dated him recent We have the KeeblerElves the race for second. Why the
RNC is still allowing the candidates togo out on the Republicans to go out
and have these debates. What dothey know? We don't know. We're
going to talk about that. Whyare they still doing this when Trump clearly
has the biggest lead in history,in history. And then you know,
I'm always fascinating what's going to happenwith Glenn Younkin. It looks like he
got sent to the children's table afterTuesday's elections in Virginia. He just didn't
get this way there. That's domestically, that's just here in the United's and
I've even gotten a TikTok. Thenwe've got Ukraine, Middle East, clash
of civilizations, and then what reallymatters to all of us, everything up
up above it we just talked about. Most people don't give a huge rats
rear in we care about the threeeyes, interest rates, inflation and income
all right, that's what we reallywant to talk about, right, and
idiocy. So to bring this alltogether, I have from the Fighting fifteenth
my friend Congressman Mike Carey, whowas elected in on the voted in in
a special election on the one hundredand seventeenth Congress and now full blown one
hundred and eighteenth. That's right,Congressman Carry, thank you for joining us
this morning. That with you,just give you some background those of you
that are not familiar with congress fromCarrey he Is. We're relatively selective on
who we want to bring in onthe show, and the reason is there's
so much misinformation fifth generation warfare.It's out there. But the only thing
we have left is AM radio andour ability to maybe put some text groups
together and complain to each other.Well, don't forget all tech like Rumble
and Odyssey and bit shoot and allthose places. Those are growing. So
we bring in Congressman Carry because Itrust him. I believe that we can
get some good information, unvarnished informationon what's actually happening. They're in the
Imperial City. But by way atbackground, if you don't know who Congressman
Mike carry Is. He is aformer coal lobbyist, and he that to
me, that's a pro that's agood, that's not a negative. Right,
I'm not going to believe the fifthgeneration warfare that somehow coal oil is
bad. Right, energy should beall of the above. Right, we
can be energy independent and dominant.And so Congress McCarey absolutely for several decades
was involved in lobbying K Street ind C, in the Imperial City.
I'm going to put the full disclosuresout there. He is, his background
calling card is being a coal lobbyist. He is remembered, of course,
member of the Republican Party and waselected in twenty twenty one special election.
I think it was Steve Stuivers.It was Sti Divers, Right, he's
a Buckeye. He's a Bachelor ofArts in history from OSU. Born and
reared here in Ohio East Clinton HighSchool, and then also got a degree
in economics from Marion Military Institute.Yeah. It was a So I went
to mary and it was a twoyear commissioning program. So you go down
and you contract with the army,and so I got an ROTC scholarship and
then I mean guard Yeah, there'sbeen a decade there, and then also
a Roman Catholic. Yep, Solet's get all the let's get all the
influences. He's a cool guy,he's a Republican, he's a buck guy,
Roman Catholic. And as we're walkingin, I'm like, Congressman,
is anything off limits? He says, Nope, no, But I'll just
tell you I've been working my tailoff. I've had maybe seven hours of
sleep the last couple of nights.And when I'm in DC, he's working,
working, working, working, andthe sausage is trying to be made
there. But he's got nothing isoff limits. So I want to start
off with this, Congressman Carrie.I want to take a fifty thousand foot
view. I couldn't refrain. Yesterday. Yesterday afternoon, I'm on Wall Street
Journal and I'm reading some of thepost mortem on Tuesday's election and read an
article about the Republican Party and itappears to just continuing to get the It's
getting wiped right by the left.So in my comment was the Grand Old
Party is finally living up to itsname. It is out of it is
out of step with blank. Whatis it out of step with? Well,
I think first off, you justhave to look at the different issues
in the different states. I mean, I you know, I know that
we saw what happened in Virginia.You saw what happened in Ohio. But
I'm saying in central Ohio, Imean we picked up or we kept a
lot of the mare seats in centralOhio, which I thought was positive.
But if you look at what happenedin New York, the message of the
Republican Party in New York was strongpicking up seats. What happened in New
York, oh they you know.So that's the thing about New York.
You're seeing it change. You know, I've always told everybody, and our
new speaker knows this as well.The reason we have the majority is because
of New York. Without New York, we would not have the majority.
So what you've seen as a partythat is energized, mobilized, and you
saw them pick up a lot ofmajor victories across the across the state.
And you've got to you know,Ohio and New York very similar in the
sense that different regions have different typesof issues and different types of candidates.
But the Long Island folks, theNew York City folks, I mean really
did well this year. Awesome.I think that I think the Republican Party,
the RNC, they need to figureout. Number one is is Ron
McDaniel the right person at the top. Number two, they got to get
they got to find a message onabortion. There's just no message. And
you know, I make no bonesabout this. About fifteen months ago,
when JD was running for Senate andI was I remember just texting him.
I was in the Nashville airport andLindsey Graham had just come out with his
federal abortion band. I'm are youkidding me? We're at a Senate race.
You know, it's huge. It'stwenty twenty two, it's a huge,
huge race. And Lindsey Graham runsout, it rolls out this federal
abortion ban fifteen I believe it wasfifteen week And I sent a text to
now Senator JD. Vance. Isaid, JD, this is a really,
really bad issue. And I don'tthink that number one, I think
it just needs to be a state'sissue. Kick it back down to the
states and let the states decide.And then I just saw yesterday on the
Hill that Senator Vance called the aborshipring takes up. So after the break
we do have to figure out howto deal with that and then all these
other issues with Congressman Mike Carrey fromthe Fighting fifteenth right here in Ohio.
Welcome back a Toorney Brad Koffel sixone, four eight eight for eleven hundred.
If you or a loved one comeunder the crosshairs of state, local,
the federals and you need the generalincutorial you need is to come on.
We'll come find you. Where youare doesn't matter. You can reach
us anytime, seven days a week, six one, four, eight eight
four eleven hundred. We are criminaldefense lawyers by education, training, experience,
law mules by practice, and amateurhistorians. Know I'm gonna upgrade our
history. I'm going to say we'rea little bit more than amateur historians.
Well, I mean, an amateurcan be very good. It's just you
know, all you need to beat professional is to be paid for it.
We're not even professional radio guys,that's right. So we're recording.
We record our show here in Columbuson Fridays and it airs Friday evenings Sundays
at eleven and Sundays seven pm.So we get three hours over the weekend,
we try to see what happened inAmerica this week and interpret it.
And we have a very special guestin studio, and we are rather selective
on who we want to come inand be in the show because AM Radio
waves appear to be the only remainingviable conservative voice out there that's not getting
shouted down through fifth generation warfare,which I want to talk about today as
well. And TikTok, and it'sCongressman Mike carry here from the fighting fifteenth.
It used to be my congressman.He took Steve Steivers spot and then
you know, I got jerry manneredinto Joyce Batties District. But we have
to talk about the abortion albatross.My opinion, not yours, no one
else on the show. My opinion, the abortion albatross. Albatross is around
the GOP's neck. And Ohio voters, we know, approved a ballot measure
enshrining abortion rights in the state constitutionand it wasn't even close fifty six to
forty three. Okay, Congressman.During the break we talked about you know,
and I pulled your mic away andjust real quick, where are you
on where are you on this right? And you gave me the answer finally
I've been waiting for. Well.I think what you and I talked about
is that we spent forty some yearstrying to get this issue back to the
states. That is where it is, and that's where it should be.
This every state is different. Everystate should have the ability to make their
own rules. I believe in that. So I don't think this is an
issue for the federal government anymore.Thank you. So you know, what
happened on Tuesday was not the outcomethat I wanted to see, but it
was the outcome that we that wesaw happen in Ohio. And I think
if you look at the map andyou look at where the votes came in
Franklin County, where you and Iboth live, I believe it was somewhere
in the neighborhood about seventy three percent. It was a little lower in Hamilton
County. It was a little higherin Cuyaga County. But again you look
at the also issue too, youknow, overwhelmingly passed here in Franklin County.
Now if you look at some ofthe other counties, it was an
interesting dichotomy, if you will,of the votes because there were some counties
that were closer on issue to thanthey were on issue one, and then
there were counties where there was overwhelmingfor issue one or overwhelmingly against issue one
an issue too. So again Ithink it was a regional thing. But
that is the purpose of the statesand states, right, here's what we're
talking about. Also during the break, Abortion is an issue that brings out
non voters. Absolutely, it bringsout people who historically don't show up to
vote and they're not voting in line. A lot of them are not voting
in line with this audience. That'sright. So you need to be aware
that the Democrats' strategy, the playbookis winning. They crushed the Republicans just
we either are losing the Republicans notwe They are either losing or doing worse
than expected in twenty eighteen, twentytwenty, twenty twenty two, and then
again in twenty twenty three, andthat's not going to change in twenty twenty
four until the voters get tired ofall the losing. So what's the answer.
I think the things I think thatwe're mis analyzing this on is that
this is just this vote has justtaken abortion off the table for twenty twenty
five, we have we have aconstitutional right to abortion in Ohio. We've
been liberal leftists have been saying foryears that if you get rid of Roe
versus Wade, that's it for abortion. Now we've gotten rid of Roe versus
Wade, and now we've got aconstitutional guarantee in Ohio. No longer an
issue in Ohio. All right,So, General and Congressman Mike Carrey,
here's the thing. We have candidatesrunning for US Senate who either are not
defining their position on this issue orthey're defining their position as the Feds need
to have a voice in this.I think that if you're running at the
national level, you need to kickthis issue down to the state. Say
look, I'm running for Congress,I'm running for Senate, I'm running for
the White House. This is nota federal issue. This is a state's
issue. Are so right with it? And and the thing is is,
we have fought for so many yearsto make this come back to the state,
make this a state issue. Missionaccomplished, absolutely, Mission accomplished on
that. And so what the individualstates do. And listen, if somebody
runs a bad campaign, they runa bad campaign. Yeah, you know,
and and bottom line, I thinkthe campaign was was run poorly so
and I do think you are talkingabout issue one here. Issue one,
for sure, I think we havea we have an Ohio Republican establishment.
Uh canker sore. It's a cankersore. And also, in all fairness,
even even though I think the campaignwas run poorly, I think you
also have to look at the amountof money that was spent by out of
state resources. I mean, andI believe that the the forces that were,
you know, against our position,I think were I think over ten
million dollars. More so, therewere there was a lot of money that
came in. I do think issuetoo. You know, when you talk
to people that are under the ageof thirty five that is an overwhelming,
overwhelmingly support the legalization of marijuana.You get people that are our age bred.
I mean in general, I meanit's there's a little bit of difference
with it that one foot in thepast and we've got one foot in that
absolutely right, that's right, that'sright. So the the there seems to
be an ascending third party no labels, there's Joe Manchin. I'm keeping an
eye on Sinunu. I've always beenkind of a fan of Chrisinunu. Something
is going to galvanize, either theRepublican Party or a third party. Something's
going to galvanize. I'm predicting nowthat we have a rise of Islam in
America that will be the next galvanizingforce for American conservatives because the people who
say American Jews, who traditionally arenot voting Republican conservative are now going to
have to be forced to watch FoxNews. If you want pro Israel,
if you want anti terrorism, you'regoing to need to come on. You're
going to need to watch Fox News, and you're going to start reading more
right leaning material because that is thesafe harbor if we're talking about Judeo Christian
values that are absolutely you may notwant war, but war's looking for you.
And it's the rise of Islam inAmerica. And I recall my last
show or two shows ago, SamuelHuntington's Clash of Civilizations. Now, the
Council on Foreign Relations the CFR,the thousand member body that really controls geopolitics
from New York City after the fallof the Iron After the fall of the
Iron Curtain, Council on Foreign Relationshad to figure out, Okay, what's
America's role now. And you haveFrancis Fukiyama, Frank Fukuyama, who said
a new World Order. We're goingto take liberalism democracy and we're going to
spread it all over the world,because clearly this is what's best for humanity.
Makes a lot of sense. Theproblem is Frank Fukuyama's professor at Harvard,
Samuel Huntington, disagreed with his pupil, and he wrote a book in
nineteen ninety six called Clash of Civilizations. He said, as Lee Corso would
say, not so fast. Theold Ottoman Empire, Persia, the Islamic
Brotherhood, they don't want anything todo with the West. They want nothing
other than our money. And soyou start bringing in your way of life
into the Middle East, into China, and you're going to have an eternal
war. And it is That's whereI think, And it's happening so fast,
isn't a Congressman? Yeah, Imean I do think there's there.
You've got to kind of buyfar Kateagain. These issues. I think,
you know, you talk about whatwe saw happen in Israel was Hamas,
which they are terrorists. Bottom line, they are horrible tarosts. You've got
Hesbela to the north, and soyou've got to buyfar kate between being you
know, I have a lot offriends that are Muslim. I have a
lot of friends that are Jewish andthey live peacefully together. But when you
have terrorists, I don't care whatreligion they are, that is what they
are. And I've seen the videos, I've talked to the individuals people that
have went over to Israel to bringpeople back. Israel has every right to
defend itself and protect itself. Andto your point about the news coverage,
yeah, I think you're going tofind a lot of people that are going
to want to make sure that they'regetting the real information and not something that
is, you know, propaganda fora side that simply is supporting people that
are awful people. And we,the people, we are going to decide
how much of a platform you're goingto give individuals that want to come in
and talk about exterminating a race.Does the Does the First Amendment cover that
answer? In my opinion? Now, all right, two more segments to
go. We have a special guestin Congressman Mike carry from the Fighting fifteenth
here in Ohio, and we're gettingan interpretive analysis of what's happening in America.
There's a lot of Clearly, there'sa lot of division. There's I
think every generation, every decade,we're like, God, it's never been
this bad, but I'm pretty sure. And when FDR is running and in
nineteen forty, my guess is thatAmerica was very, very split on whether
or not we wanted to go backinto another European war. And next thing
you know, he's pledging now we'renot going to go to war, and
then Pearl Harbor Boom, We're inthe war. So you just never know
what's right around the corner. Youjust can't take what is being told to
you on the news or papers astrue. Most of us can agree with
that, which opens up the issueof China and its stealth war. We
are afraid of having a war withChina. We are already at war with
China. And I think, inmy opinion, a lot of what's happening
in the United States is a resultof this fifth generation warfare, five G
warfare. China is taking over andhow deep is the People Republic that the
PRC's influence in the United States BecauseAmerica's values are being undermined, shredded,
and cinerated right before our eyes.That is cultural Marxism. Our institutions that
normally give us moral clarity and broadcastthat to the people are universities and major
American corporations. Even the conservative institutionslike banks in the world of high finance
are being undermined. Families are beingundermined. You Christian values are now on
the front burner. So, Congressman, you've been in you've been in the
DC since the mid nineties. You'revery well plugged in, you're hardwired.
You're now a member of the onehundred and eighteenth Congress. What exactly do
you believe is happening to America andChina? Well, I think I think
there's a couple of things. Ithink, you know. Unfortunately, we
had we had a group of eightthat decided to side with the Democrats and
remove Kevin McCarthy a speaker. AndI think Kevin McCarthy, I know he's
been on this show. I thinkKevin was very clear the threats to this
country were our debt right, oureducational system in China. And so we
put together a Select Committee on Chinato look at every aspect of China,
and I think what you've seen.One thing you didn't mention I did get
on Ways and Means, which is, oh yeah, that's a big one.
Yeah, I mean, that's thatis a very important committe. We
haven't had somebody on Ways and Meanssince Pat T. Berry explained what Ways
and Means is pretty much. Waysand Means is the oldest committee in DC.
It's it's in the constitution. Itis everything that has to do with
trade and taxes and energy. Everyaspect of our lives comes through the Ways
and Means Committee, host of allthe spending. How many members, Well,
there's twenty five Republican and then thereI believe seventeen Democrats. But you
know, so what they do isnormally it takes you about four to six
years to get on Ways and Means. We were able to do it in
less than twelve months. When yousay you mean you yeah, well the
team, I mean, you know, I've got a great team. I
do, and some of them arehere with me today. So I mean,
but we've we've been very fortunate toget on that committee. And we
looked at a couple of things justeven this past week you know, one
of the things the ESG and fundingand e FG, ESG and and how
lending institutions are using ESG as iskind of the platform. And unfortunately what's
happened is because of this ESG investmentscenario, you're you're seeing that American energy
exploration are not being able to getthe money they need to develop. You
know, because when you go outand you're doing an oil and gas lease,
and you guys know this here bothattorneys, there's a lot of money
that's required to develop those and youknow, and given the price right now,
they could be very successful. Butyou just can't get the money to
to to go out and develop thoseresources. So Andy Barr, who's out
of Kentucky's got a bill. It'snot going through the ways and means,
but but but we did talk aboutESG this past week. What's his bill?
Well, his bill is about stoppingmaking sure that if you look at
investing and I think Ohio has donea good job with this. I mean,
I think the Senate has passed acouple of bills. I don't have
them in front of me, butjust saying that you can't just look at
ESG. You have to look atthe rate of the return for the investor,
because overall, if you look atESG investing, ESG investing is much
lower than just traditional investing. Soagain it should be up to the individual
we were talking about earlier today.But if you want that is part of
your portfolio, then it should be. If you don't want. For our
listeners, it's the environmental uh,the environmental Yeah, basically that's right.
But I will tell you that thatwhen you look at ESG financing for a
lot of people, it is itis not something that can move this country
forward. And I think it's importantto say this because you're talking about China.
So I wanted to go back toChina with the ESG stuff. Now,
let's make a clear China is notdoing any ESG stuff. No,
absolutely not. If you look atthe amount of China es CH But China,
for example, let's just put thisin perspective. China has permitted more
coal fired power plants than the restof the world combined. Okay, they
are putting online equivalently. Now yougot to go mega watts and all that,
but it's equivalent to about two coalfired power plants a week in mainland
China so and again, so weare know what they're doing. They know
what they're doing, want to win. They have a China First, they
have a make China great again.Yeah, they have a Maca. Yes,
you got someplace right, just makeChina great, make great mcg But
I think what you also have tolook at is this this rush to the
green New Deal and you know change. I'm all for evs. I think
they're wonderful. We've got a bigplant that's coming in in the southern part
of the district. But let uslook at the material that goes into that
EV's and mining is something that Iyou know, as you know, I've
spent a little time around and ifyou look at the material that goes into
these EV's, majority of them arecoming the majority of the materials coming from
China or countries that have that arethe material is being mined by companies that
are owned by the Chinese, youknow, and I go Cobalt is the
number one example. You look atthe the mines in the Congo, for
example, fifteen out of the seventeenlargest minds, which has no that does
not have the environmental standards that wehave, does not have the labor standards,
that we have fifteen of the seventeenminds in the Congo on Colebolt all
owned by the Chinese, So wehave a really bad system. This is
but again, I think Kevin McCarthywas spot on when he identified that as
one of the top three things affectingthis country. And I think, you
know, we had three weeks thatwe wasted, but I think the Chinese
that the committee on that will youknow, we'll have some recommendations here hopeful
Vera. I'm I think our greaterproblem is getting that type of information out
to the people, and especially theminds of the younger generation because of TikTok
and social engineering, misinformation, TikTokand ai quantum computing. This is very
much a deliberate TikTok from what Iunderstand, and I've spent a fair amount
of time listening to multiple sides readingon this and kind of the history of
how TikTok was born and acquired.Musically, and you look at who's on
the board. There's a member ofthe Chinese Communist Party on the board of
TikTok, a major uh UH,a major group of capitalists in Silicon Valley
that are very instrumental big investors inTikTok. I don't want to get sued,
so I don't necessarily want to saytheir name. But they're they're,
they're, they're out there, andthere's a ton of money tied up in
TikTok, a ton of money.My concern is that we are in an
omnipresent battlefield without military kinetic force thatis in every block of every neighborhood of
every city in every state in ourunion. How do we deal with the
psychological warfare that's happening in the UnitedStates right now? How do we deal
with TikTok? Yeah, I meanI think again. I think that's why
we identified in this Congress that thatwe needed to focus on. And I
think, you know, under NancyPelosi in the in the in the House
Stems, and even in the Senate. You know, I think there was
a lack of focus on China beingthe real threat. I think you've you've
seen now what has happened as weas we the Botch withdrawal out out of
Afghanistan, what's going on in theUkraine, what we're seeing with Hamas and
Hezballah. But it's China is righton the cusp of really going into Taiwan,
and we know that we see whatthey're doing, their military spend the
building of these islands. So itis a very very scary position that we
we find ourselves in this country,and that's because we don't have leadership at
the top. Yeah. The whatcaught my attention as last week in Nvidia
had five billion dollars worth of hightech chips yep, that were frozen.
You're not going to China after thebreak, I do, I do want
to talk about the impact of AIquantum computing and what the animation warfare that's
happening, because that to me,this transcends your school board races, This
transcends abortion at the top of anystate wipeout. I'm Rad Koffell, that's
the General. Our special guests,Congressman Mike Carrey. Final segment. I'm
Attorney Brad Kopfel in studio with theGeneral and me is Congressman Mike Berry from
Ohio, the fighting fifteenth District.We are in an information war and you
may not think we're at war withChina, but they are absolutely war with
us. China is taking over.I'm assuming Congressman that there are enough Colonel
Jesups, Jack Nicholson's character and afew good men who's gonna say you can't
handle the truth that are our suspicions, our concerns, are instincts accurate,
that China is deeply influencing United Statesculture and then as a result politics.
Well, I don't think there's anydoubt about that. And I think as
you and I have talked before,Brad, I you know, one of
the one of the committees that Iset on is the House Admin Committee,
which is a very little known committee, but it is the committee that runs
the operations of the entire Congress Libraryof Congress, but also deals with you
know, our museums UH in dC and all the grounds. And one
of the things that we had talkedabout yesterday was we were going to have
to really look at AI as itrelates to elections and an electioneering because we
do also oversee a lot of theUH. If there's a problem with an
election in a state, it comesthrough the House Admin. So this AI
is is something that we are goingto target next this not not by the
end of this year. I mean, we're gonna be hard pressed to get
everything we need to get done therest of this year. But I think
by the way, the lights gooff in a week. Yeah yeah,
So I think if you look atthat, uh let me let me jump
from that to that. But Ithink if you look at where we are
in terms of the AI and inthese quantum computing, uh, that's going
to be an issue that that we'regonna we are going to address next year.
But let's talk about the probably themost important thing because anybody in central
Ohio and I have really anybody anywhere, the two quickest ways that Republicans can
lose a majority is a costly primaryand shutting down the government. And I
have been you know, I workedon the hill in the nineteen nineties when
when Nuke Gingrich, who said itwas the worst thing he ever did when
he shut down the government. Theproblem you also have when Republicans say they're
going to shut down the government,okay, or just Congress, not Republicans,
they say they're going to shut downthe government. The thing you got
to remember is you got two hundredsome of us that are speaking with two
hundred some different voices, and youhave the president who's only going to speak
with one. Now I'm glad Bidenjust speaks with one voice because he has
so many multiple versions of what hesays. But that is why it hurt
us in the nineteen nineties under BillClinton, and you also saw with John
Bayner, and John Bayner was veryclear in the two thousands when he shut
down was the worst thing he everdid, because Obama was able to make
hay of that. So I thinkthe options that we have have been laid
out. One we have a tiered. We have a tiered which would be
a short term funding package that wego to the first of the year allow
us to get the appropriations done.But the tier level is so confusing.
I don't know that. I don'tknow how members can vote on that,
because you know, if somebody who'sbeen around it as long as I have
has a tough time understanding it,I can tell you that a lot of
the rank and file members really arehaving a tough time. So then you
also look at a clean cr whichis just saying we're going to do this
temporary funding and allow us to getour appropriations in place. The appropriations bills
that we are putting forward all havecuts in terms of spending. So let's
get them through. Unfortunately, whatwe had happened this week. We had
two appropriations bill TEA Hut and alsoour Financial Services bill which had some major,
major cuts for the first time inthose two areas, and but we
couldn't get the votes to get itout. So we're sitting here waiting once
again. So we're gonna have toget this. We're gonna have to get
this CR or what's going to happen. The Senate will jam us with a
spending package and every very conservative.This is the thing that really aggravates me.
The eight individuals that throughout Kevin McCarthysiding with all the Democrats. I
mean, they can say they're conservative, they're not conservative because all this has
done is delayed us and allows usto be put in a position that we're
going to have to accept a Senatepackage that's going to have all the funding
in the world. Republicans and Democratsin the Senate love to spend money.
I think there's a lot of Republicanshere my colleagues that want to cut spending.
That's why we we believe in balancebudget. We have an RSC bill
that will will balance the budget inten years. These are solid programs,
and we got to start that throughthe appropriations process. So for the first
time, we've gotten eighty percent ofour appropriations done. We just got to
get to the other twenty. Butwe're not going to be able to get
there in time. So I thinkyou'll see a cr language come out probably
midnext week. The spending issue isour number one issue here on our show,
and it should be, and welook at I was in favor of
ousting Leader McCarthy. I'm not goingto push back because you're a guest on
our show and it's important that ourlisteners hear the other side. Okay,
you're there. I'm not. Ionly get information anecdotally and use my own
common sense and what's happening. Butfor whatever reason, we continued to run
our government on a continuing resolution andomnibus spinning packages. And I believe the
whole reason that is is it's justa thumbs up thumbs down vote. So
there's a lack of accounting on thepart of Congress, and why are you
voting for this. We need Itake the position we need twelve spinning bills,
and I think that was that wasthe issue to me, that really
was disappointing because we were on trackto get all of those twelve done.
Was it the timing period we wanted? No, probably not. I would
have liked to have had these donemonths ago. But by doing what we
did, and obviously once once McCarthywas gone, I've known Steve Schoolise.
I think Steve is a very honorableman. But I was backing Jim Jordan
for speaker when we identified that Jimwasn't going to have the votes. Can
he tell us what happened there?Yeah, I think you've got So there
were a couple of times when Jimwas running. So the first time after
Kevin left, it was Jim andSteve that were going back and forth,
and I made about one hundred andtwenty calls to different members across the country
on Jim's behalf. I mean,I've known Jim since nineteen ninety six,
and I told Sculies, I said, listen, I think you're a finement
individual and a dear friend, butyou know, I've got to be with
my hometown guy, somebody I've knownsince nineteen ninety six. So, but
when it became evident that Jim wasn'tgoing to get the votes and Steve was
It took twenty four hours to realizethat Steve wasn't going to get the two
hundred and some that he needed.So then Jim came back, and then
we spent about a week trying toget Jim over the finish line. And
I spent many many hours. Imean, I know everybody was sending me
pictures because I was with him allthe time. I really thought we were
going to get close, but wejust had a bunch of hardliners that were
a never gym. And then wewent into what I considered to be the
eighth grade, the the eighth grade, well, eighth grade class president line.
I mean, we had eight wehad eight individuals. And listen,
I know everybody in Congress, bothon the D side and the R side,
and there were a couple of thepeople that were on that panel I
had to google. I mean,and they you know, and they're part
of our conference. I mean,I know I knew them, but I
didn't know their background. So youknow, you're sitting there, why is
this person? So ultimately it camedown to Mike Johnson. And Mike is
a very good individual a very solidindividuals. He's he's a very good person,
but you know, being speaker,your life changes overnight. You know,
Mike was a guy that you know, I think total from the time
he's been elected is raised five milliondollars. You know, Kevin McCarthy did
fifteen million last quarter. So thisis going to be we're going to have
to wrap up the fundraising or we'regonna have tot down on the fundraising.
Because again, as I said earlierin the show, the road to the
majority goes through California, and itgoes through New York. And these are
districts, like it or not,that are Biden plus seventeen, Biden plus
ten, Biden plus eight. Wedo not keep the majority if we don't
keep guys like Desposito, lour Youknow, you just go through the list
in New York and in California.So we've got to keep these people there.
And the way you keep them thereis to have the funds to make
that happen. I will say.The other thing that really was to me
was disappointing. You know, ifI do a piece of legislation, I
can't sit on the floor of theHouse and fundraise. Okay, Yet when
I was on the floor and wewere going through this debacle of removing the
speaker. Whether you agree with itor not, I thought it was disingenuous
that the same individuals that were doingthis while they were on the floor,
we're sending out tweets for fundraising,and that was to me that lies in
the face of what we are supposedto do as legislators. So I think
where we are now, We've gota great speaker and Mike Johnson. Well,
I think Matt Gates would say hisfundraising is grassroots. Yeah, well
he's he claims not to take KStreet money. Yeah, he claims a
lot of things. But I willtell you what they were doing. And
it wasn't just Matt it was itwas it was many of those individuals that
were sending out those fundraising pieces aswe're sitting on the floor of the House.
I just thought that was bad.But let's go back to Mike Johnson,
because I do think it's important.He has got a clear direction and
he is going to move what Ithink is going to be a very conservative
agenda. And I think by theend of the year, people are going
to look back and say, wow, Mike Johnson's going to be probably one
of the great speakers we've had,I hope so and with our closing we
got about thirty seconds. We arewe are at great risk of losing the
White House and Congress and turned outtwenty twenty four. What's your quick take,
hot take on Joe Manchin, whathe decided to do. You know,
listen, I've no Joan for adone, no Joe for probably twenty
twenty five years. You know.Obviously I spent a lot of time in
West Virginia. Joe was not goingto win his center race. Bottom line,
there was no way. The numberswere just not there. So I
think Joe is probably going to takesome time and see what life has for
him. But I would not besurprised. It wouldn't shock me at all
if Joe starts going around the countryto engage whether he could be a third
party candidate. Third party candidate's historicallybleeded votes from the man in the Lifehouse.
Absolutely, thanks Joe, Thank youCongressman Mike Carey from Ohio spending the
whole hour when us whole forty minutesrather on our show as generals. Great
to see you again. We'll seeyou next Friday. We'll see what happens.
In America, in the world.Next week, we'll talk about it
and interpret it for you. NextFriday,