All Episodes

March 22, 2024 • 41 mins
Rigged Democracy got them into power. Autocracy is their plan to stay in power
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Episode Transcript

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The Second American Revolution continues. WhatI'm talking about political power being taken from
the people and courted unconstitutionally in theImperial City by the Imperial Guard. And
more and more Americans are realizing whathas been happening to their country. In
our country, that people are sovereignand we are governed by our consent,

but we have we're being crowded outby the regulatory agencies, the switch up
and voting laws that are designed toget the Imperial City candidate secured with the
nomination and then eventually into the WhiteHouse. Censorship. Of course, we
know all about that here in thelast four years, dark money and the

influence on elections, so all thisbig black cloud continue to grow, and
it not only steps on the toesof the American people, but it's now
kneecapping the American people. And youcan just think about putting, say,
electrical tape on the mouths of theAmerican people to not be heard, and

blinders so they can't really see what'sgoing on. And that is really the
common denominator of everything that we havebeen talking about on the show for seven
years. General and good morning,by the way, good morning to use
good afternoon, good evening. Hello, every time it is hello, it
could be any time at all.Before we jump in on that topic,

there's a few things just to catchup on the current events. There's something
going on in the Middle East involvingBenjamin Netanyahu, Babie. It seems that
though there's a growing horde of activistsin the US, in the Middle East
and in Israel who want Benjamin Natanyahugone. Not sure why, we can

take guesses, but we're going tokeep an eye on that. There is
a wedge developing between the US andIsrael over Bebie. We're gonna keep an
eye on what's going on there.Also, Ukraine appears to be filling its
diapers and having a hard time keepingup the Russians. Our budget is our

budget? Is that? Can weeven call this thing a budget? No
budget's designed to spend what you have. It'd be like going to a budget
rental car and finding nothing but chauffeurdlimousine. So well, our where's our
where is the house? Gop?We're gonna talk a little bit about that.
Putin a shocking victory and his presidentialelection. Much like Gracious Good,

It's just like Joe Biden winning intwenty twenty exactly what they're going to try
to do in twenty twenty four.Rigged election, no free speech, jailing
opposition, poisoning opposition, and usingthe military to bomb other countries, sending
them men to war without men andwomen to war without consent. Sounds a
lot like what's happened in the UnitedStates. We have a flood of immigration.

I'm not even sure we can callit an immigration anymore. It's it's
it's a humanitarian crisis. It isthe total bastardization of the American policy uncontrolled
migration and immigration into the Republic.And we are going to resume that topic
on I believe on our next show, h the Great American Migration. But

I'll tell you here's what I'm comingup with on this general. So we
have a increase in population, sowe have increase in human labor in the
United States. So we need that. Apparently, supposedly, you've got to
have your berths outpace your deaths.You've got to have wagejourners who can make

money get taxed go into the treasury. So we have increased labor growth.
What I'm seeing now in the WallStreet Journal Friday is a chart that shows
that almost twenty percent of American workersare foreign born. Almost twenty percent of

American workers are now foreign born,So that shores up whatever labor shortages there
are for those countries citizens because the'recoming your finding jobs. But it's not
doing a lot for our college educatedkids that are taking on these these crazy
tuitions to go to four year schoolsand only be trained to do one little

thing. And that's for this newinformation economy, this digital economy. And
we're not educating our kids to becritical thinkers. We're sending them to be
like collared and doctrinated computer coders andspecialists in the tech field, or specialists
in the banking and econfield. Andthe American the American youth are not learning

about history, civics, how totitle run a government, how to do
self local government, the humanities arebeing tossed aside. It's it's abysmal.
And so we have the American whitewe have the American college educated youth that
can find jobs, the high payingjobs in the tech world. In the

banking world, well there are nohigh paying jobs because you've brought in all
these other people who are willing towork for I'm talking about the college educated
American youth who who should be ournext generational leaders. But they're being cordoned
off and they're going in. They'relearning how to put together PowerPoint decks for

their bosses, to do pitches,to get money out of family offices,
or get money out of funds,or get money out of organizations to invest.
You learn that, or you're learninghow to you're learning how to do
high level accountancy or computer code writing. Our brain drain is in the humanities

and the liberal arts, the peoplethat think more broadly about society, not
just this little narrow widget maker,white collar widget maker at the bottom of
the socioeconomic ladder are your blue collarand the blue collar wages are not rising
because those are the ones being filledby your illegals. You see them everywhere,

I mean, you see the Youdon't even see a white a white
guy in a construct, in alandscaping trucking more. You don't see you
don't see any white guys on roofs, putting in, putting on roofs,
or sighting, at least in thebig cities. Maybe you see them out
three counties away. But the otherthing that the other thing that the Biden

regime gets when they bring in allthis labor, it helps fight inflation.
Let's talk about this for a second. So when you print more money and
it drives down the value of thedollar, which then causes an increase in
prices, Now that's one half ofthe sheet. That's the only half we

seem to talk about is raising interestrates. The other way to fight inflation
is to put more people into theeconomy to collect those dollars. So you
can put more money into the economyartificially if it can go find a home
in the hands of a labor andthat's what's happening. So it's another way
to fight inflation. Well, there'sanother way of doing it, which is

the way it's always been done aswell, is that with increased technology,
the production cost just naturally comes down. We should be getting a downward yeah
in our costs. Should be gettingthat. The normal projection process of any
economy is a downward turn in prices. I mean you look at the efficiencies.
Yeah, you look at computers.You know, they started out in

the screen TVs. Yeah, youknow they we were ten thousand dollars now
they are one hundred dollars. Insome places. So those those we are
getting an increase in efficiencies that youare getting, you are going to get
a most likely a decrease in thecost of good sold. But we're not
saying that, we're not saying theprice cuts. But when you add this,

when you add millions more to thelabor pool that they've done here artificially
by allowing all these people to comeover and work, it helps gobble up
all those extra dollars, and thatfights. It's an inflationary buffer, and
that helps the administration in power.That helps, so then it increases the

congressional seats and the electoral College votesof certain states, of certain states where
you're shipping those laborers to go liveand work, and you can then shore
up your losses in California, inNew York, you can shore them up
because they're going to remember what partybrought them there. So this immigration is

one of the biggest crimes committed againstthe American people. In broad daylight.
In broad Daylight on TV, Ithought it was stealing twenty twenty and twenty
six in the attempt to steal twentysixteen. A little bit later in the
show, I stumbled across a studythat synthesizes beautifully what happened in Pennsylvania,

Georgia and Arizona. I must getto that. And then a very important
Supreme Court case, Murphy versus Missouri, extremely important that we need to talk
about. And then of equal importance, General Jake Paul announces that he's fighting
Mike Tyson the summer. You seethis, I saw where he's going to

fight him. Yeah, I don'tknow if he'll survive. He just said
he's announced he's bringing a gun withhim. And now I'm hearing Trump is
out digging holes around Marl Logo inhopes of finding oil. We need about
four hundred and fifty four million dollarsin oil. Stick around the General,
Brad Koppel. We'll be right backwith you, so at the top of

last segment, top of the show. Thanks for listening, by the way,
and thank you very much for oursponsors, Chez Around Automotive Group in
Delaware, just south of Delaware,of our single sponsor for the show,
pick up one hundredercent of the productioncosts. Of course, a General and
I take no income from this,and we have no financial interest in the
show whatsoever, and it probably hurtsour professional practices, as much as it

helps our professional practices come in andbe loud advocates for the American people.
You'd think that it would be allpluses, but they're a lot of people
that just sleeping zombies that just thinkthat everything the state does make sense.
State meaning anything at the federal,national state level. The Democrats, the

Demo Autocrats, dem Autocrats. I'mnow calling these folks the dem Autocrats,
I just call them leftists. Sothe dem Autocrats, historically the Democratic Party
that you and I grew up with. I thought that represented the American middle
class, the working class, andthat's very much the class that you and
I came from, blue collar laborersagainst corporate elitism, called out the inequalities

of black, Hispanic Asian Native Americancitizens. They were viewed as being very
utopian defenders of democracy, the gatekeepersof civil liberties. That narrative worked very
well too get them into power.They became the People's Party, and this

really kicked off. Yeah, I'mnot going to go all the way back
to FDR and the Great Depression,but I certainly can go back to what
the Democrat machine was doing in thelate fifties and sixties because it had trouble
with a capital T and which rhymeswith P, which stands for cool.
Yeah. But the Democrats have problemsin the sixties, big problems in LBJ

of course, you know, theirfirst Catholic president gets assassinated. You have
the civil rights and LBJ, whowas no civil rights absolutist Okay, let's
not that clear nor even friendly toit, realizes that he can hop on
that wave, and he hopped onthat wave. Of course he lost in

there and that didn't get him toofar. But the Civil Rights Act sixty
of the sixty four the mid sixties, and the Democrats were in big trouble
sixty eight, seventy two, seventysix, eighty eighty four, eighty eight,
all right, so you can seethat they had there was an existential
crisis with the Democratic Party. TheRepublican Party gets viewed as the evil elites,

and the Democrats' ability to take holdin the nineties was successful in their
ability to control Congress and the WhiteHouse, and they began to steer the
country in their own direction with theClinton and Obama successive regimes, and nine
to eleven put the neocons in powerfor a while, and that just blew

the doors off our foreign policy andwe wound up creating millions of future terrorists.
Back to the Democrats, the Demotocrats, their intervention into the daily lives
of Americans is so deep now thatit's become the norm to our youth.
That's a big problem in general,that's absolutely true. And security for the

homeland began to change to security forforeign allies all of a sudden. It's
more important to pay attention to othernations borders as opposed to our own.
And that Democrat leaders and Chuck Schumeris exhibit A one have increased the power

of the federal government over all aspectsof society here in the US and abroad.
So we can go back to WoodrowWilson, who led us into World
War One, FDR Democrat world Wartwo. The cause of that. Both
of those are very controversial, butthe reality is Democrats were in power when

we went into World War One andwon World War two. Democrats were in
power when we went into Vietnam.And apparently after World War II, our
alliances that we developed, our allies, we got this moral duty, a
moral duty to prioritize the protection ofEurope and the stability of Europe over the

stability and security of our own nation. And these men who became international power
brokers here in the Democratic Party becameinternational. They became patron saints of the
US defense industry, and they foundgood friends with their neocons. And with
this increased power, the Democrats andthe neocons were able to intrude more and

more on protected American freedoms, allin the name of the war on terror,
or the war on drugs, orthe war on Covid, or the
war on Maga. There'll be anotherwar on later. The dem Autocrats love
the state police power, they loveregulations, they love government controls, and

now they are firmly entrenched to theextent that they can change state laws on
elections. And that's what I wantto talk about here in just a minute.
They can. They have the powerof the media behind them. They
can shout down their opponents, theycan censor and deep platform the conservative voices.

And that's the Murphy versus Missouri SupremeCourt case that we're going to talk
about. And when you have morerules and more regulations, that means there's
more men and women in Congress thatyou have to go see to do business
in the United States, which equalsmore money, more power, which brings

up dark money, which we're goingto do a whole show on darkma money
because dark money keeps these people inpower. Well, and don't forget that,
a lot of former CIA and formerFBI go and start working for these
big tech groups doors. Yeah,and then what happens is, uh,
when their friends that are still workingthere call up their friends who just retired

but have a nice paying job overthere, and they get what they want
done, open the doors. It'sOperation Mockingbird all over again. Yeah.
And so once they, once theDemotocrats got in power, they have done
everything they can to stay in power, including with their moderate neo con Republican
buddies, because those folks, youknow, the congressmen, have to run

for election re election every two years. They are on the phone all the
time, dialing for dollars. Andyou know when you're when if you give
too much money to a candidate,you're going to start getting calls and texts
for more money because your name hitsa list. Then what they do is

they go back to lbj's Great Societyand they flip a word from equality to
equity and the Obama Clinton Biden regime. And I think a lot of this
comes out of the Chicago the ChicagoSchool of Linguistics, the Chicago School of

Politics, the Chicago School of Economics. And the guy on the Conservative voice
who's on the front line in Chicagois one of our favorite professors, African
American professor Thomas sol And if youwant to really get a succinct analysis,

if you're an American conservative, lookup anything and everything that Thomas Soul sow
e LLL rights and he will tellyou. He has said that the dem
Autocrats have used race as a bludgeonand equity as the solution. Not equality,
but equity as the solution to repressthose citizens who've become successful in life

using capitalism by labeling them as racistand uncompassionate dregs. So there's the race
element comes in. And we haven'teven gotten into COVID and changing the voting
laws now. Due to constitutional law, thankfully, Barack Obama couldn't run for

a third term. It should havebeen an easy clean handoff to Hillary Clinton.
But they hit a bump in theroad with the Trump bump, and
they hit a Trump in the road. They hit a Trump in the road.
So what a lot of people forgetis that Bernie Sanders was the leading

Democrat candidate until they rigged some primariesand stole twenty sixteen Democratic nomination from Bernie
Sanders. They stole it. Hejust stood there and watched him. He
he watched the whole thing happen thestate of Washington. Look at what happened

to Bernie Sanders in the state ofWashington. He had eighty percent of the
vote Democratic vote in the state ofWashington. So they had to get rid
of Bernie and the Bernie bros.They did that, and then they had
to figure out a way to getrid of Trump. And we know all
about what they've done that and nowthe Democrats have to control who their horses.

And that's why there were no opponentsagainst Biden. They just need a
guy in there that they can justhe's just a weak hand that signs press
releases known as executive orders. That'sall they want, and that's why they
have They want someone they can andthat's why Democrat RFK Junior bailed out of

the Democratic Party because he saw thecorruption was in the DNC. First and
now they're using the same playbook toaffect the entire general election. We're talking
about the Demo Autocrats and how theyrose to power, stayed in power and
just absolutely dirty, underhanded, illegal, unconstitutional, incredible, and it has

been a coup. And I askedthe general during the break, is a
coup a coup of tase that justwhen the military takes over the government,
because the government is it's the peopleand we are consenting to be governed by
our elected representatives. But clearly that'snot the case anymore. Something's happened and

we in the last segment we triedto tried to draw a through line to
show how the Imperial City became theImperial City and it's really gelled with the
Democrats and the Neo cons into thisuniparty. And now they rigged the Democratic
election in twenty sixteen because Bernie Sanderswas beating Hillary Clinton, so they rigged

it to get rid of Bernie.He kept his mouth shut. RFK Junior
saw what was happening, and hecertainly was waiting for his opportunity to debate
Joe Biden. Nope, and solast fall he jumps from the Democrat Party
and becomes an independent. He knewthe corruptions in the Democratic Party first.

And now they're doing the same thingto Trump that they did to Bernie Sanders
that they did to Trump in twentytwenty. But the lust for power within
the Democrat Party is absolute, andit is spilling over into the more moderate
Republicans. And yes, does MarjorieTaylor Green make an ass of herself?
Sure does she do her uh acts? Uh get news. Yes. Remember

Fred Reichert, Uh, you know, way back in the day Record FOURD
his his guitar and you're like,oh my god, it's so bad,
but people paid attention to it.Right, you don't find you the Gills
aren't playing their guitar. You goto go to chess run because that's the
place to go. But with FredReichert and his guitar, like those are
terrible ads. Like yeah, they'rethey're working right. So Uh, the

the democracy uh is being replaced.Uh, the the consent of the governed
is is being replaced with we're nothaving any consent. We're really having no
voice and uh and and for themany long time, the old and the
old tooth Democrat you know, you'reyou're true, true Democrat who actually know

and believe what democracy is. Weempathy with you, we really do,
because your party is not your partyanymore. Well, you know Reagan said
that, he said, I didn'tleave the Democrat Party, It left me.
Yeah. So at this point,at this point, I want to
I want to talk about these elections, all right. I think this is

very important, not think this isvery important. Democrats not my phrase.
I picked up this phrase on researchingit for the week. Democrats are completely
let me read it, so Iget it right. Democrats are completely in
favor of democracy as long as theyget to choose who is on the ballot.
Right, So what if? Whatif? This is my own speculation,

my personal opinion, not the opinionof the general, not the opinion
of iHeartMedia six' ten, WTVNor chuz around our sponsors. What if?
What was on Hillary Rodham Clinton's privateservers was not really the Bengazi fiasco,

but it was the playbook for twentyfifteen primaries twenty sixteen for the DNC
and the Hillary campaign. The DNCand Hillary Team Hillary conspiring to rig the
twenty sixteen primary to get rid ofBernie because Bernie represented the independent or swing

voters, the Bernie voters, yourindependent swing voters were growing and they couldn't
do anything about it. They werehaving a really hard time getting Hillary Clinton
to survive. The Democratic primary inthe state of Washington, the Democrats had
a caucus. Now, we neverreally talked about the West coast caucuses.

The state of Washington Democratic caucus andtwenty sixteen general eighty percent of the delegates
went to Bernie Sanders. Only twentypercent went to Hillary. Now, yes
it's the left coast, Yes it'sWashington. But if you take a random
selection of a million voters in theUnited States and one of the odds that

you know, is it going tobe eighty percent for burning across the United
States? Now? But is hegoing to lose? Is is he going
to go from eighty percent in Washingtonto twenty percent and the rest of the
country probably? Probably not. Ithink that's a pretty good sampling that Hillary
was not very electable, and theindependent voters today are supposed to vote for

Biden tomorrow. This is the fightright now. It's over that independent voter.
And so what the Dems are goingto do is that a vote for
Trump is a vote for MAGA.But it's also a vote for a federal
born ban. If I'm in chargeof the demock of Biden's camp in the

Democrat machine, I'm equating a votefor Trump a vote for Bernie Marino here
in Ohio is a vote for afederal abortion ban. Well, you can
say that, but you know that'sjust not abortion wins. Abortion wins.
Jd Vance won Ohio in twenty twentytwo with Trump's endorsement. He went from

third to first, and he shouldhave. He should have blown the doors
off of Tim Ryan because Trump wasplus eight and Ohio and sixteen, and
he was plus eight in Ohio intwenty twenty. Now we know Bernie is
Bernie Marino is plus eighteen over hisclosest Republican rival Dolan. But jd Vance

eked out of victory because abortion wason the ballot. Now, they're not
whether or not they're going to beable to get the abortion on the ballot
in all fifty states to be seen, but they're absolutely going to tie abortion
to Trump and Bernie Marino, andthose independent swing voters are going to be

told if you pull the lever,push the button, or you don't let
us fill out your mail in ballotfor you, and you vote for Trump,
then you vote for Bernie Marino.You're voting for a federal abortion ban.
That's a big deal, and thatsort of Republican party needs to figure
out how to deal with this.There are not that issue is probably two

thirds of the voting citizenry oppose afederal abortion ban. And so you have
the abortion ban. Then you getinto then you get into the mail in
ballots. General, do I havea couple minute to five two minutes?
Time is time? Okay? Allright? Look at three states, Georgia,

Pennsylvania, in Arizona. I'm goingto make this very simple. In
the in person vote in Pennsylvania,the in person vote for Donald Trump and
twenty twenty was sixty five percent thein person vote, I'm sorry, the
mail in vote in Pennsylvania for JoeBiden was seventy six percent. In George,

people in Georgia, the people thatshowed up in person to vote voted
sixty percent for Trump, The peoplethat mailed in their ballots sixty five percent
for Biden. In Arizona, thepeople that showed up to vote on election
day sixty six percent for Trump.The people that mailed in their ballots in

Arizona fifty two percent for Biden.Hm. That's inter right. So let
me look at it another way,in person voting Joe Biden got If we
had just in person voting, thirtyfour per cent, thirty eight percent,

and thirty two percent, those werethe votes cast for Joe Biden in person
in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizonamail in seventy six, sixty five and
fifty two percent for Joe Biden.Hmm. Maybe there's something about these mail
in ballots. Now. If youlook at Pennsylvania, there's an increase of

registered voters between twenty sixteen and twentytwenty. In Pennsylvania, they added three
hundred and sixty eight thousand registered voterswhile Trump was in office. Out of
those three hundred and sixty eight thousandregistered voters, two hundred and forty two
thousand registers his republic and only twelvethousand registered as Democrats. Trump should have

won Pennsylvania by hundreds of thousands ofvotes in twenty twenty one, hundreds of
thousands of votes more than he didin twenty sixteen. What happened the mail
in ballots? When did Pennsylvania changetheir law twenty nineteen, just in time
for COVID. All right, weare back one more segment ago. This

is extremely important. You'd need tounderstand that Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona
some of the easy numbers to teaseout the mail in ballots Trump, I'm
sorry, the in person votes Trumptrounced Biden, the mail in ballots and
Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona, Bidentrounced Trump. Clearly mail in ballots favor

Biden, especially late arriving one inthe back of a car. So we
now take a look at the computersoftware in the voting machines. Did you
know general that Microsoft Windows is theoperating system on every voting machine in the

United States? Did not know that? All right, Steve Jobs will be
unhappy about that. Windows has hundredsof security flaws. Every voting machine in
the last twenty five years has usedWindows operating system. Easy fix number one,
no more mail in ballots, numbertwo, plain paper ballots like we
used to remember. In two thousand, after the hanging Chad and the quote,

Supreme Court gave the election to GeorgeW. Bush. Congress gave three
billion dollars in states to invest incomputerized voting vote counting machines. What happens
on the very next presidential election twothousand and four in Ohio, we have
problems our voting machines, and wehad some election officials that got convicted for

some funny stuff with the with thevoting machines, count the ballots locally.
Unplug the machines from the Internet,do not have any USB device input.
Eliminate mail in ballots. And whileI'm at it, withdraw from NATO and

withdraw from the United Nations. Westopped sending money to NATO, and all
of a sudden, a lot ofthese wars in Europe might be dealt with
diplomatically. We withdraw from the UnitedNations. All of our money that goes
to the UN goes away. Guesswhat the nngos and the and the church

organizations that are getting government dollars tohaul in millions of people across the border
drives up. Eliminate mail in ballots, go back to paper ballots. How
about one day of voting one day, right, and withdraw from NATO.
We're going to do a show onthat. Withdraw from United Nations, no

more money for either one of thoseorganizations. We're going to do a show
on United Nations and NGOs and whilewe're at it. While we're at it,
the voting identification. You got tohave a valid photo government issued idea
to vote, all right, becauseI mean if you drove there, you

already kind of have one right.And term limits gosh, I mean,
you know these are these are easyfixes. And then a constitutional amendment that
you must have a balance budget.Well, Vivid Cramoswami talked about term limits
and he had a really, reallygreat idea. He said that the way

you pass it is you say toall the people that are in Congress right
now, both the House and theand the Senate, say you people are
exempt from term limits. You canhave as many terms as you can be
re elected to. It's everybody afterthat that will have the term limits.
They have been able to bribe theirway into office, the politicians once dark

money hit, once that became legalunder Citizens United, which needs to be
reversed. Well, do we needto talk about that. We need to
talk about dark money in politics.We have fifty years where this rot has

set in, this virus is setin where our republic came under the influence
and control of a cabal of socalled experts who have assumed power. They
drive policy for self gain at theexpense of the citizens. General Flynn is
exhibit A for that. General Flynnknew, he knew the score, he

had all the intelligence, and heknew what was happening, and they knew
he knew that, and he knewin the right, and so he becomes
a casualty number one in this firstvisible casualty, the first lawfair, at
least the one that we recognize.And then you have law fair and we
say it all the time, butit's so important. You know, Ike

had a mic drop in sixty onein his farewell address. He warned the
nation what was happening. He sawit, He saw it. Whatever you
think about Donald Trump, the polarizingman, it doesn't really matter. The
reality is that Democratic Party in itscurrent form is wholly unfit to govern an
assisted living facility, let alone thegreatest country in the world. That's important

for Joe Biden. Assisted living,Well, that's what they're doing. This
Biden has presided over the worst inflationin four decades. That's not Joe Biden's
fault. Entirely. It's not DonaldTrump's fault entire that's Congress, and that's
our fault for re electing the knuckleheadsalways going in there. The incumbents are

winning ninety five percent of the time, ninety eight percent of the time.
That's on us, that's not us, because we're not paying attention. On
the economy, real wages are down, You've got the influx of labor.
We have a recession, but noone wants to talk about it. We
have a historic supplying supply chain crisisthat is not really being talked about Trump.

By contrast, pre COVID, thestock market was soaring, inflation was
subdued, we were a net exporterof oil and net gas for the first
time ever. Black unemployment was atits unemployment was at its lowest rate since
we started measuring black unemployment. Andhow do you explain what the Biden regime

has done to us over the lastfive years? Four years? And you
know, and on the world stage, Putin didn't march into Ukraine under Trump.
He goes into Crimea during Obomba infourteen, waited till the next Democrat
president to invade again. Hamas doesnot infiltrate Israel and Trump in his office.

You know, there's just too muchto let the abortion issue shout down
the voters who want to talk aboutthe rest of the issues. But the
Republicans are going to have to figureout what to do with this abortion thing
general. And I am curious asto your thoughts on that. Well,
I think that the what the Republicansneed to do is keep stressing. What

they're stressing is that this is astates rights issue. That's that. But
that's the problem. Though the Trumpcan come out all he wants and say
it's the state's rights issue, whichhe has over and over and over again,
and yet the media says Trump wantsan abortion man. Sure, this
is why they wanted Bernie Marino afront of our show. And we've been

Berniecker Bernie Marino backers for three years. His first run in twenty twenty two,
and it was a blowout, Bernieplus eighteen. I didn't see that
company. And I told Bernie thatthe Trump bump was probably worth a plus
five plus six, but I didnot see Bernie walking away plus eighteen.

And so the reason the Uniparty,especially the Demotocrats, want Bernie Marino opposing
shared Brown, because it's not thatBernie is a weaker opponent. It's that
Bernie backs or Trump backs Bernie Marinoand Maga and Maga equals abortion band.

That says all we're going to hear. That's all we're going to hear.
And the Republicans have got to figureout a way to deal with the abortion
issue. And I like what youjust said. And that's what I said
to jd Vance when he ran andI'll tell the story again. I had
donated a give a big check tojd Vance about two months before the election.

I was in the Nashville airport whenI heard that Lindsay Graham had put
out that legislation of a federal abortionban at fifteen weeks I texted JD.
I said, I need to knowyour position on this. He called me
and I told him I thought thiswas a perfect opportunity for him in the
Republican the next generation Republicans to say, sorry, abortion state's issue. I'm

running for Senate, not my game. He goes, Brad, I can't
do that, and he became anevangelical about it. And regardless of your
personal opinion, you're representing the state. You're desiring to represent the state.

The state is not in favor ofthis level of abortion regulation. You need
to change your politics on this,and he disagreed with me. I said,
I want my money back, andthey send me my check back,
thank you. And then we sawabortion clabber the Republicans here and we made

national news an issue one and allthat special election in August. The Republicans
have got to do with abortion,get it out of the way, to
focus on the rest of the meaningfulissues so we can pick up those independents
in Ohio. It has anyway,Thanks for listening. The Great Migration Show
is coming up next week. Thanks. I'm Brad Coffin. That's the general.

This is six end WTVM.
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