Episode Transcript
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Good morning, general, Good morningto you, sir. A lot.
No, we always have a lotgoing on in America, right, and
sometimes you know, as of thisrecording, we are we've learned that we
now have boots on the ground inUkraine, so we have the bait.
I still don't understand why we're doingwhat we're doing, but we now have
reportedly boots on the ground in Ukraine. We have set up our USS main
to be sunk our Gulf of Tonkin. This is our Golf of Tonkin.
We're inviting the Japanese fleet now tobomb Pearl Harbor. What's going on,
Well, supposedly these people are advisors, but that is the mission creep that
you see in these sorts of missioncreep. Right, I always thought that
the creep was Biden. So thewe we have these we live in a
world it's called a post truth world. Now I'm not sure when the truth
world was, but the last severalshows we've been talking about how revolutions and
the history of the world, youknow, in the enlightened world, the
Western world, how revolutions became athey were a movement, they fomented into
some violence, street violence, andit became organized political violence, and then
you have revolutions. And it's whatI studied when I was in college,
when I wasn't drinking what do wedrink Natty lights and revolution yourself. So
in the late eighties, my universityin Oxford, Ohio was a Natty Lights
revolutions political science. That's what gotme through. I never thought that I
would be in a world where Iwould that. I thought that what I
was studying in college would actually comeback and be very very relevant. I
never thought I would be in theworld without Don Rickles. But look at
what we're here. We are wherewhere we're talking today about enlightenment and the
past few shows we've been talking aboutthe rise of tyranny in the United States
and what I call the district.So you have the Village Idiots, just
to recap that's us as we closeout, as we close out this series,
and we're going to revisit it again. I mean, it's just at
the end of the day, thisis no longer just a movement. This
has been a coup de ta onthe American people, the sovereign. This
has been a silent coup. There'smuch silent, been an unspoken coup.
It's a coup to take power fromthe sovereign from the people, and they
are hoarding it. And now they'respreading their power there from the village idiots
there in the eight square miles ofthe District of Columbia, and the district
now composed of the military industrial complexin northern Virginia that Ike warned us about
on his farewell address in nineteen sixtyHe told us he warned us about the
rise of single focus science, andmen and women who have not been studying
the humanities do not understand the classics. They don't understand the the the basis
of a of living in a civilizedsociety. It's it's more the rise of
the experts and the technocrats is whatdo you called. I think they understand
it. They just wonder how tomake money off of that. So you
have the district, the village idiots, the eight square miles in DC.
You have which includes now northern Virginia, the military industrial complex which is a
huge profit hub. One or twoshows ago, we talked about three main
banks, big banks, huge banks, banksters banksters that underwrite they underwrite military
supply companies like Lockheed Martin Raytheon,and you can look at Black Rock,
Vanguard, and State Street Corporation.Look those three up on Yahoo Finance and
the other finance sites, and you'llsee how many assets under management. Take
Do this now, I'm all overthe place. We're going to bring this
all back down. But here weare at the top of the top of
the funnel, right here, okay, And we're going to bring it all
right down by the end of theshow, to the bottom of the funnel.
It'll be nice and tight and concise. The top of the funnel.
I've already explained the village idiots,the military industrial complex, and Wall Street.
Now where there's a place to putyour money in make more money.
That is the bankster capitalism. AndI have nothing against capitalism. This is
not an attack on capitalism. Thisis more capitalism. This is explaining to
the people where your retirement dollars are, your four oh one K, your
pension, Where your money you teachers, firefighters, police, Where your money
that gets pulled out of your paycheckevery two weeks. You have the federal,
state, and low local confiscating apercentage of your wages for the for
the for the good of the wealth, of the of the of the common
and don't forget social Security taking abunch of your wages and not going to
give them back to you. That'spart of the village taking your money,
forget about it. But then youhave the the uh, the delusional thinking
that if I just give X amountof dollars every two weeks to my finance
advice, financial advisor, and thenwhatever they do with it, they work
with a group, who works witha group, who works with a group.
And then somewhere along the way,your your dollar has been split into
so many different little factions, andyou find out that where exactly is my
retirement money? Anyway, and ifyou're lucky enough to have retirement funds,
all right, do you really knowwhere your money is? Do you know
where your dollar is? Do youknow where every dollar is? And your
retirement funds? Well, if youhave, if you're fortunate enough to have
retirement money stowed away, then youmost likely have money with Blackrock, with
Vanguard, with State Street Corp.Which means that they're taking your money and
they have Assets under Management AUM.If you want a fun exercise, type
up, type in your online typeBlackrock AUM, Blackrock Assets under Management General
again R at the top of thefunnel. Got a lot of things going
on here, and we're gonna bringit all down into something concise in a
moment, like the fact that we'retax livestock. What what what is the
what do you think the assets undermanagement for Blackrock are at least seventeen dollars?
What are assets under management general Blackrock? I would say it have to
be several billion dollars, ten trilliondollars. Well, I was right,
just ten trillion dollars not far enough. That's Blackrock, Vanguard, Au,
State Street, corp Aum. Youwill see where the world's money, the
nation's money is in the hands ofthese huge, huge banks. Now they
were that's Wall Street, hand inhand with the military industrial complex in Northern
Virginia. Then you get Silicon Valley, and you get big Tech. They're
part of the district. They're thecommunication platform District West. They are They're
the communication platform, the propaganda wing. And this is all part of this
district infrastructure. Now, I willtell you that there is an infrastructure that
this infrastructure the district is trying tocontrol, and that is the cognitive infrastructure
of the people. It's the cognitiveinfrastructure misinformation, disinformation and censoring. All
three are different, but that ishow they control the people, and it's
misinformation, disinformation, and censoring.Now, what does this all have to
do with Ukraine. We just startedoff talking about Ukraine and we've got boots
on the ground. Always follow themoney, right, so we can talk
about the money piece of war.But you've heard of the fog of war.
It's hard to follow something through adeep fog. And that's where we
are. And I'm going to endthis segment with a CS. Lewis quote,
and then we're going to come backto this no movie quotes. Of
all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercisedfor the good of its victims may be
the most depressive. It would bebetter to live under robber barons than under
omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron'scruelty may sometimes sleep, but it's city
cupidity may at some point be satiated. But those who torment us for our
own goodwill, torment, torment,torment without end, for they do so
with the approval of their own conscience. In other words, of all the
tyrannies that the world has ever seen, the tyranny exercise for the good of
Americans is the most depressive and C. S. Lewis and we could do
a whole show on that cat.It would be better to live under robber
barons because you know they're stealing fromyou. But now we have omnipotent moral
busy bodies that we are living under. C. S. Lewis said that,
how prescient is that? How truthfulis that? Today? And as
Elon gets into Twitter and does theautopsy, when we start getting more and
more of the post mortem on Twitterand you find out just how structurally organized
controlling the cognitive infrastructure of the Americanmind, it becomes, it is escape.
Not even anyone from the far leftis going to be a little remuddies.
After the break, we're gonna divedown on this a little bit more
and we'll see what the General hasto say. Brad Kaffell for the Defense
six' ten to be TV,Hey, welcome back. Shout out also
for our sponsor, flower Ama Columbus, the original sponsor of the show.
And as we get our underwriting underwayto get the show on the road,
it looks like we are aiming forsome cities we're gonna not quite to the
point where I'm going to say thecities that we're going to, but some
obvious cities and then some less obviouscities that we're we're going to be hitting
and saturating the market. So we'retrying to get to Martha's vineyards. We
are gonna you're dying to have ashow, now, we got it.
It's the ultimate trolling event. Thelast several shows that General and I have
discussed the rise of a soft tyrannyin America, that the oligarchs that curate
the narrative to get in power andstay in power. And this is the
district that I talk about frequently.So we've set up this global chess board
for you to understand what's happening thathistory teaches us what to expect. If
you're a student of history, andas history repeats itself or rhymes, it's
closely aligned. You know what's mostlikely. The probabilities are what's coming next.
When we stop teaching history, thenwe have an electorate, a popular
population that just is just kind oflike sheep in the dark. In the
dark, that's what's happening. Usuallyruled so men in power, and when
I say men, I mean menand women are man. But historically speaking,
it's been men have controlled by force, brute force and or by religion
or other institutions that control the mindsof men. Now we have a in
America and in the West, wehave a cognitive entry. So we have
the people. And you see arise of nationalism in South America. You
see a rise of nationalism in Europe. You see a rise of nationalism in
the United States. Is this becauseof Donald Trump? No? Is this
the fact that the people realize thatthey're being played. That's the cognitive infrastructure
that connects us with Brazilians, thatconnects us with Italians, French and English.
And we all know that we areon the receiving end of misinformation,
disinformation and censoring. This is nothingnew. This has just been going on
since we broke the chains of tyranny. Well, and interestingly, we've discussed
this in the past. How subtlea form can manipulation take. We've talked
about what's called the Overton window.Yeah, explain that, and what it
is is the Overton window is whatyou can discuss in public. Anything else
beyond that you can't. So inlet's say the late nineties and the two
thousands. It was outside of theOverton window to talk about UFOs on mainstream
media networks. But now that's gottenwithin the Overton window because we've seen some
of these Navy photos and Navy videosof strange objects and all that sort of
thing. So the Overton window canbe enlarged and narrowed as the purveyors of
what the Overton windows architecture is dictateto us. Let me give you an
exhibit A. This is a verycurrent current events. I step out to
get my coffee this morning, andESPN's on to heal with them fellers here
at the station here at six tenof BTVN. I see that Kyrie Irving
is getting a five game ban afterhe defended his decision to post a link
to a documentary that has been criticizedas anti semitic. This is on Twitter,
all right, so he must thismovie. Not sure what the movie
is, but it's widely regarded asbeing anti semitic. He posted a link
to it, and he's receiving afive game suspension. This is the Overton
window you're talking about. We livein the United States, the land of
the Free, the First Amendment,Numero uno. Why can't Kyrie Irving post
something on Twitter that may or maynot be anti Semitic. When one of
the motivations I had when I wasin law school and I wanted to be
That's when I realized I wanted tobe a litigator and I wanted to argue.
It's a Chicago Jewish lawyer defended therights of the KKK to march and
Skokie, Illinois. Skokee a largeJewish population, some Holocaust survivors live there,
and that lawyer defended the rights ofthe KKK. John Adams defended the
British, the British soldiers who firedupon the crowd of the Boston massacre.
All right, so how unsuccessfully.This is the America we're living in that
an athlete cannot post something on asocial media without losing. Now, a
five game suspension for Kyrie Irving unpaid. I'm guessing that's a lot of money,
probably not a lot for him,but a lot for everyone else.
But then he's also now got togive five hundred thousand dollars to the Anti
Defamation League. He's got to.I mean, this is the Overton window.
This is this is the cognitive infrastructurethat the district is controlling the district,
concludes the corporations. And when you'recontrolling the minds of men and their
voices, we are receding back inhistory to pre Enlightenment era. I'm giving
the NBA a five year suspension forme watching it. They have been banned
from us. So so last nightI'm watching. I've got a couple buddies
and we we get together every nowand then, about once a month or
so. And I've got I've gota home. I've got a home theater.
And when when we built this newhouse, I wanted I wanted I
always want a nice home theater.So we built one in the basement.
We get the movie chair and thebig screen and it's soundproofed. We call
it the Koffel movie. Hoss,I always wanted a buried school bus full
of arms. Stop distracting me.So we get out and we pick a
movie, and sometimes we're looking toget cerebral on it, and we decide
to watch All Quiet on the WesternFront, not the nineteen not the movie,
not the black and white version.This is the twenty twenty two version,
and All Quiet on the Western Front. A few things struck me there.
Now Number one if you're not familiarwith All Quiet on the Western Front.
It's a novel by a German veteranof World War One. So I
place a high degree of credibility andtrustworthiness on the men who write about things
they personally observed an experience. That'swhy I put so much weight on the
founding fathers and their documents, becausethey were there, they were recording this
stuff that you cannot ignore. Butthe book All Quite on the Western Front
describes the German soldiers extreme physical andmental trauma during the war, how they
become detached from civilian life when theyget leave to go back home from the
front. The book was had severalthemes. One is PTSD, but they
didn't realize it PTSD back when hewrote it in nineteen thirty. But really
what I've found was one scene inparticular, and it's when the main character's
name's Paul, is on patrol.Spoiler alert and he spoiler alert, yeah,
but he kills a man for thefirst time in hand to hand combat.
He'd already seen a lot of death, but this is the first time
he killed someone hand to hand combat, and he watches this French soldier die
slowly in agony for hours, andhe's remorseful. Paul's remorseful he's death.
Has stated he asked forgiveness from theman's corpse, and I told, I
said out loud to my buddies togo, that's man. Man doesn't want
to kill other men. Nation states, kingdoms in the name of the ruling
party, the ruling the rulers.They will, they will brainwash these people
and through blind nationalism, some sortof a sense of patriotism and pride.
Like these boys when they are inthis Bucolic German town, they were under
the illusion that romanticized warfare with gloryand duty to the fatherland. That book
was banned all across Europe in theinterwar years. It was considered to be
anti war propaganda, anti war propaganda. I was running a foul of the
war propaganda, right right, antiwar propaganda, which is simply means it's
against war propaganda, propaganda in it. I mean, it's just it's so
obvious. And so when we're inUkraine and we find out we've got boots
in the ground, but we're notallowed. We're being censored, we're being
misinformed, We're being disinformed. InItaly, this book was banned Austria.
This book was banned, the Nazisburned it. Czechoslovakia took it out of
all of its libraries. That shouldbe an alert. Hey, I got
to read this. That scene whenyou saw that German boy who grew up
into a man literally in the inthe movie, you see his transition and
the transition from he's working on behalfof the German of Germany, the imperial
German power, and he sees theFrench soldier and it's kill, kill,
kill, and then it's like waita minute, that consciousness kicks in.
This is where Americans need to betoday. Think for yourself, understand the
propaganda that you are being that thecognitive infrastructure of your mind and your neighbor's
minds are being controlled. And we'regoing to talk more about this here than
the next couple of segments, Sostick around and listen. Brad Kopfel,
the General for the Defense six'ten WTDS. You know, we tossed
around the word enlightenment quite a bit, and does anyone really understand what enlightenment
is. It's to me, Enlightenmentis not a historical period of general but
it's a way of living. It'sa way of organizing yourself. It's a
way of self governing, and italso has on the other side of the
coin, a very limited necessity forgovernment. Thomas Jefferson I consider to be
the embodiment of an American enlightened leaderthat governments which governs least, governs best.
Yeah, so this is what hesaid. When we have our K
twelve, or let's just say highschool kids who are not being taught Immanuel
Kant, Adam Smith, David Hume, John Locke, Aristotle, the Ancients,
the thinkers that existed under either atrue tyranny or a soft tyranny.
This is by design. They usedto have courses called Western civilization. If
we're not teaching, and maybe youcan throw it in the curriculum, but
man, this stuff is hard toteach. You mentioned a Kant or David
Hume to a high school teacher.How it's going to take an amazing teacher
to be able to get those twentykids on board to understand well, especially
because those teachers haven't been taught either. They haven't been taught either. That's
the problem. We have got toget back to the letters of the men
who lived under conditions that we areliving under. And if you still think
that you're being mind controlled, thenyou're disillusioned and you're part of the problem.
I'm not a right wing conspiracy nut. I am that's for you,
this guy. I've been all overthe place, but one constant I've always
had is self rule, self governed, think for yourself, self enlightening,
self enlightenment, and continue to teachyourself. But when we have the NBA
player Kyrie Irving who's being suspended withoutpay for five games because he posted something
on Twitter, find for speech,and there's not an outcry from Americans,
that is the canary in the coalmine. That is absolutely That means that
our social psychological development is now beingstifled to not be able to think for
yourself, to say what you wantto say without fear of loss of wages
or being blacklisted or censored. Thisisn't just in America. This is all
over the enlightened world, the Westernworld, which is why you have a
rise from the right that the leftwants to call nationalists or the fascist.
It's not. It's the populism.It's the people, where the sovereign,
where the bosses. We can't wecan't. What's the word I'm looking here
for. General. Well, youknow, when you're the boss and you
want to and you want to smackback against the people that are trying to
subvert you, that's your duty.So to tell the to tell the world
that there's a rise of nationalism anda rise of fascism is misinformation, disinformation.
These are enlightened people going this istyranny in a soft form, soon
to be a hard form. Itis not fascist to think out loud.
It is not fascist to speak againstpower. It's your duty, it is
your moral duty, it is yourgod given right. Well, and the
left always accuses you of what they'redoing themselves. So what makes America and
the West, the enlightened Western sievesso unique and successful in the last couple
hundred years is that the people arethe sovereign, the one possessing supreme political
power. That sovereignty. If youremember that, you know, if you
know right, So you have naturalrights as Americans, and they're slowly being
eviscerated, just like the frog andboiling water in speech and in broad daylight.
It starts with speech, and Americansmust have dissent. That is one
as Thomas Jefferson said, it's it'sone of the highest forms of political powers.
Yeah. I mean, when yousee the Overton window, you can
need to break out the salt.We cannot have career politicians, which I
call federalists, because they keep gettingus into these avoidable messes, whether it's
war conflict, whether it's inflation,the economy, and the Republicans and Democratic
parties have just taken turns robbing thebank while the other drives the getaway car.
These are the federalists. This isthe district. The best thing we
could do right now is just tohave the ability just to wash everybody out,
like Trump said, drain the swamp, just get rid of it all
and start again. And that's whatThomas Jefferson talked about that he thought that
every nineteen twenty twenty five years wewould rip up the existing constitution, we'd
see what we need, and we'dcome up with a new one. Well,
isn't that what Elon Musk is doingat Twitter? Absolutely, I hope.
So there's there's some chatter that maybehe's part of the district, but
I don't think so. They foughttoo hard gives them Ukraine COVID lockdowns federal
bankruptcy. The list of grievances thatthe people have against its government can go
on and on, just like ThomasJefferson's list of usurpations against King George in
seventeen seventy six. The people arebeing poked in the chest. We're being
dared to speak out, as Kyrieirving. They're provoking the heartlanders, those
of us here between the coast whosee ourselves as American patriots. The federalists
are calling us domestic terrorists. Biden'smost recent speech off the chart, crazy,
crazy, how much time we have? You know, time and be
time man. So what's happened?What's happened? We have an evenly divided
country at this point in time.Probably, I don't know when America has
been so calcified in their positions sincethe eighteen fifties, where there's very little
movement between the two parties. Youhave an evenly divided Democrat and Republican.
But below the voter water line thereare many factions. You have these the
career federalists, the classic liberals,socialist, populist, environmentalists, hydrocarbonists,
abortionists, right to lifers, trumpsts. Those are movements, but those are
also major fundamental issues that divide uswithin our own party. Republicans must win
in twenty twenty two, must winin twenty twenty four, must win in
twenty six. Because the Democrats thedistrict. They have the institutions, they
have education, they have the entertainmentindustry, they have the media industry,
they have big Tech, they havebig business, they have Wall Street,
they had very advertisers Madison Avenue.They have the administrative state, which includes
Justice Department, CIA, the FBI, even the woke military. Those are
solid assets of the Democrats. TheAmerican frog is being slowly boiled, and
it's our duty, it's your dutyto educate yourself, to vote and understand
that yes, there is a warfor your mind. The American frog must
jump out of the pot and finda princess to kiss. So you know,
again, I just I go backto Kyrie Irving's suspension, you know,
I mean, it's just we thatis the canary in the coal mine,
and that's just today's example. Butyou know, people from around the
world have heard of the American dream. They know about the American dream.
There are no other countries with awell known dream tied to its nation.
And that's something that we not onlybe proud of, but we have a
duty to perpetuate it. And theprogressive left, what they're saying about America,
what our own president is saying aboutthe other half of the country is
when he's not wandering around the stagenot knowing where he is, these are
these are charges of racism and generalevil uh on the part of half of
America by its own leader. SoI hope, I hope when you listen
to the supreme leader who's in officeright now and the machine that's behind him
that wants to stay in power,it's you, Your kids and your grandkids
are the ones who are not goingto live the American dream. They're not
going to own anything. They're notgoing to own a house, they're probably
not going to own a car.They're going to live in an apartment.
God, they're going to have ajob and they're going to and and that's
their job. And there's just it'sgoing to be the stifling of the individual.
It's the stifling of the individual.And we we must fight back at
an intellectual level. But the momentthat Paul Pelosi's whatever happened there is is
now being we're being sold that thatis a act of political violence. They
think we're so dumb, and toomany of us are just too dumb.
Anyway, one more segment to goathanks for listening. I'm Brad Kaufel.
That's to the general you're listening tosix to ten at BTVN. All Right,
we're back. So the way we'vebeen all over the place. Haven't
hear a little bit of general,but we've been to hell. We have
to remind. We continue to remindour listeners, and we want and we're
getting this message out that this isthe voice for the people. We are
the concilier, the lawyers for thepeople and for the defense is going to
be in at least ten to twelvemajor US cities in the next price six
weeks, maybe four law mules arecoming to you, and uh, we
we want to we want to continue. We've been asked, uh too,
to stay on message, to stayon you know, Steve Bannon's war room,
they have their signal, they're focusedon. Uh. There are other
conservative outlets and Tucker's got his currentevents and culture that he he highlights and
and that weird laugh in the cackle. Our message is we want to be
a place where you can tune inwith your kids and understand history, context,
understand today, understands what's happening,and that it is not only your
your birthright, but your moral dutyto protect the flame of liberty for your
kids and their kids. We tryto provide a deeper understanding, and that
is the that's the notion for theshow. Uh. And there are many
aspects of that from energy independence.Uh. You know, we're we're high
dr carbonists, I guess so.But the men who started our country knew
they had to have a constitution thatpreserved liberty. And it is that rare
document that supports we the people.And I'm seeing more and more we the
people tattoos because more and more peopleunderstand that the power of the people is
being taken and it's being handed overinvoluntarily or voluntarily to the district. Well,
they don't even know that they're handingit over. So we the people
are the bosses, and it's ourjob. It's your duty to constrain the
natural tendency of government to dominate thepeople. Constrain means to choke out.
Yeah, so our ability to worktogether, we as men and women,
we can work together. We talkedearlier about the movie, the book,
the movie All Quiet on the WayEastern Front, and what I took from
that was German soldier French soldier ina and one of those well, they
were in a like like they're ina bomb pit. It looked like from
artillery shells and it was hand tohand combat. And it started off with
the German soldier stabbing the French soldierbecause he'd been programmed, this is my
enemy, this is what I mustdo. But then with each stab to
the chest, he realized this iswrong. I've been lied to. I'm
not doing this, and then triedto save the French soldiers life too late
spoiler alert, and then prayed overhim, asked for forgiveness. And that
struck me when I watched that,that struck me. So we can work
together. It's government that causes usto get to war. It's nation states,
it's the ruling class. There isno you know, we can look
at Ukraine right now, you canlook at Vietnam, but for you can
look at Korea. But the foundationalpillars that are here in America to make
sure that the flame of liberty thatwe can remain free, our minds free
are being challenged, and it's necessaryfor everyone to understand how this nation was
created and why and how easily itcan be lost. Well, think of
that scene that you just described,and how's there's so much of a larger
parallel to what's happening today. Youknow, this German soldier came into that
bomb crater programmed to think a certainway. He sees the enemy immediately you
attack, and don't we think thatway? Sometimes we see an enemy,
we see this, we see that, and our first our first reaction is
to suddenly just attack and do thisbecause we have been programmed to do these
things and we're not thinking. Weneed to think. Let me bring this
down one more level. General,Okay, this one's we're in the we're
in that, we're in that foxhole. But instead of it being a German
soldier and a French soldier, youhave dark Biden talking about Maga Republicans,
that we are political extremists, thatwere terrorists, that were fascists, that
were I don't know, Neo Nazisworst of all iky and what caused us
to speak out to power to theestablishment. Well, COVID lockdowns, I
would say, our very nature,mandatory vaccines that we knew had marginal health
benefits with significant health risks. We'vecaught the government lying to us so many
times, just on just on COVID, that the vaccines could stop transmission,
that masks were useless, and thenmasks were not useless. We we know
that COVID many people who get it, you know the people we know who,
we know who is at risk ifthey contract COVID. But we know
that ninety eight percent of the peopleare gonna be fine. You're gonna have
a crappy few days. It wastwo years of COVID insanity, and then
you have Joe Biden getting installed intwenty twenty, in twenty twenty one and
twenty twenty two. It's been abuild up to make the people the enemy,
and they're using Donald Trump as theproxy. They're using JD. Vance,
Oz, Blake, Masters, KerryLake, Carrie Lake. These are
proxies for These are the people thatthey attack now. But these are the
proxies for the people. And Ireally don't see too much of a difference
anymore. That we're in a foxholeand you have the pre wired brain of
the German soldier, the pre wiredbrain of the French soldier. But then
in a movement of lucidity, theyrealize, hold on, I reject this.
We're men and I want to carefor you. That's in our heart.
That will come back. But thelockdowns, the social distancing, the
experimental vaccines, the persistent fear mongering, closing our schools, telling the people
they couldn't have weddings or go tofunerals, isolating old people from loved ones,
massive massive economic harm, massive psychologicalharm. A very heavy handed federal
government being run by a know itall managerial class haven't collectively imposed real trauma
on the country. And in twentytwo, in twenty four, we will
not let these perpetrates off easily.Well, they're trying to get amnesty right
now. There's there's been articles publishedin the Atlantic saying, you know,
these decisions, we need to insulatethese people from the from the from the
from the what's spun off of thesedecisions. Well, no, No,
With great power comes great responsibility.I saw that on Spider Man, and
these people are going to have tolive with what they did, and we're
going to hold them responsible. There'sa there's a word that that I'm saying
populate more and more essays and articles, and it's calcification calcified citizens. Calcification
meaning citizens who are politically lined inone of the two parties, and we
are Each party is very predictable,Each party is less willing to vote for
a candidate in the other party.Both parties are matched equally matched in power
that extremely small shifts and voter turnoutor preferences can reshaped the direction of our
country. You have a fifty tofifty Senate Democrats currently narrowly hold the House.
Uh, you get a shift ofa half a percentage point of the
electorate or two points can completely changewho controls Washington, as you will see
on Tuesday. I think once thepeople retake Congress both chambers, and the
people put a conservative, people firstpopulist back in office in twenty four,
whether it's Trump, DeSantis, orsomebody else, it will be the first
people's president since Andrew Jackson, whichreminds me you and I are going to
go visit Andrew Jackson's presidential library.The Hermitage is the each silent Hermitage.
It depends on how French you are. We're gonna go that. We're gonna
get un to see that it amatatwo weeks. Remember it's for the people,
it's for the defense. I'm BradCoffel, that's the general. Have
a great week.