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April 5, 2024 • 41 mins
An anti-American mind virus hit the US in the 50's, gained traction in the 60's, and wound up in the White House in '08. Now it is undeminig the Christian-Jewish relationship.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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If there's any doubt there's a mindvirus spreading across America that was unleashed on
America's campuses in the late Cities tookroute in the big cities, Chicago,
New York, LA primarily like dormantuntil Chicago's very own Barack Obama was propelled
to the White House on false promisesof ending the wars in the Middle East,

has now turned into a full blownearly stage color revolution in the United
States, under the watchful eye ofthe weakest president in US history since James
Buchanan. Remember James Buchanan, hewas the president from eighteen fifty seven to

eighteen sixty one, let our countryfall into civil war, refuse to challenge
either to spread of slavery, which, by the way, our other we'd
been doing that for decade. Refusedto challenge the spread of slavery, and
refused to challenge the growing block ofstates that became the Confederacy. By the

way, Senator Joe McCarthy warnedus,didn'ty of the foreign influence in our culture,
not just any part of culture,but the news in Hollywood culture being
upstream from politics. Now it hasinfected the White House in the form of
the Democrat machine the Biden regimes responseto Israel. This is a very,

very big issue and it is extremelydangerous as the Christian world is being pitted
against the Zionists, the state ofIsrael Judaism. More on that and a
few solutions. Trump Veepstakes, veepstakesgeneral, indeed, Trump veepsteaks season.

NATO turned seventy five. Is Ukraineabout to be admitted to Ukraine? I
mean, is Ukraine about to beadmitted to NATO? I should doubt that.
And then but first, before wego to this heavy stuff, let's
start light, shall we, sir. Certainly one of the best times of
the year, General Easter, MarchMadness, MLB Opening Day, the Masters,

by the way, what's your what'syour what's your MLB team? I
was always a Yankees fan for theAmerican League and the Cincinnati Reds fan for
the National League. Yeah, I'mthe Reds. Spring Break. The Koffles
went on spring break. It's ourfinal spring break. Are our two youngest,
they're twins, our seniors in highschool. We take our spring break,

And my god, is the worldexpensive? Now we're not picking necessarily
the budget friendly vacations. I willsay that, however, you're not in
the r V. I would loveto be in the RV. I'd love
to be, you know, I'dlove to be I'd love to be in
an airstream. Give me an airstream, that would be phenomenal. Uh.

But the influences, the gouging,it's incredible. We were we were down
the Bahamas, not known for beingthe most the most reasonably priced place,
but uh, the the and Iwas with some buddies that do quite well,
and they were also just appalled atthe gouging that's happening. Uh.

Blame it on flate inflation, Blameit on higher input costs. But these
prices that we're experiencing, uh isAnd I'm not Look, I'm not talking
about the gas prices. I'm nottalking about the food prices. We can
talk about all that stuff. We'retalking about when when the people who are

who have the ears of our electedofficials, the people who are writing checks
and participating in this this capitalism,the participating in fundraising and looking for answers,
making suggestions, and we're finding outthat our foreign policy and our domestic

policies are absolutely crushing all Americans.Ninety nine point I'll say five percent.
I think point five percent are stillpretty well insulated. But I've considered myself
to be a one percenter. AndI'm telling you now, whatever's happening in
this economy is getting even worse.And you can't hide from the high prices.

You've dropped all the way down totwo percenter. Now unbelievable, I
mean, and I came from nothing. I made something I've done, work
well, worked hard well. Ifeel for you, right, but I'm
just telling you when the people whoare writing the checks, the donor class,
the bottoms of the donor class aregetting squeezed and getting p like now,

there's going to have to be somechanges. And this is where Trump
is going to pick up steam movingforward, because the billionaires, multimillionaires and
lower class, more affluent, they'regoing to move over to They're going to
move over to Trump. They're goingto move over to MAGA because their wallets
are now being affected. It mightbe a green revolution, it is.
We're gonna talk about the revolutions.But when your wallet starts to get affected,

then you start to get some changes, and you demand changes before you
write the check to the politicians,so they can no longer hide behind their
one percenter donor class, because theone percenter donor class is getting squeezed as
well. Anyway, March Madness oneof my favorite stories of all time.

The eighty three n C State team, Jimmy V's team. I remember,
let's see, I would have beeneleven years old. They went up against
Houston, right Houston by Islama jamaa chem Elijah Want I believe yes?
So in C State ACC Tournament wasjust three weeks ago and they were seventeen

and fourteen on the season. Idon't know if you caught this, but
I want to point this out.Is for the defense of the American people,
with Attorney Brad Koffel in the generaland because this is such an institution
to the American people, we mustcomment on March Madness. In C State
three weeks ago, with seventeen andfourteen, a losing record in the ACC,

five seconds left to play in asemi final game of the ACC Tournament,
five seconds down by three, theiropponents on the free throw line to
go up by four. That dude, and I think it was a Virginia
Cavaliers player. That dude missed thefree throw in C State grabs it.

They win off a three pointer offthe glass goes to overtime. Did the
guy call glass or did he justactass? Game is points? They still
gain the points, three points goto overtime. They win. Then they
beat in North Carolina. It wasthe number one seed and they made it
to the Big Dance. Now they'rein the Final four. Jimmy V's eighty

three team won fifty four fifty two. Did some research on those fifty four
fifty two in the final game overHouston with a buzzer beating dunk by Bailey,
wasn't it great? Great? Greatguess Lorenzo Charles, Lorenzo Charles,
So Jimmy V. Running around onthe court and celebration immediately after the game.

That has been a staple of MarchMadness. That scene has been a
staple and thorough. Bailey, LorenzoCharles, Sidney Lowe, Derek Wittenberg all
on that NC State team. Sowhat a blast to watch these sports,
especially Major League Baseball opening day MarchMadness. Any of the masters coming up?

General, did you hear before ourbreak the world's oldest man died.
He's one hundred and fourteen years andeleven months old. Hear about this,
I did hear about this fully authenticatedsuper centenarian. Super centenarian. Now that's
a mouthful that makes occtogenarian seem likebabies. The young man is from Venezuela

and he was born in nineteen nine. He attributed his longevity to four things.
Five things. Number one, workhard, not angering Maduro. Number
two, resting on holidays, andas many holidays as we have now in
America, we would never work numberthree. And did we just have a

holiday last week? Was it transsomething transsparability, Easter day, trans transapparition,
gender fluid Easter Day? Something likethat. So if you want to
live to be one hundred and fourteenand outlived all your friends, your spouse,
and your and bury all your ownchildren, then he says, work

hard, rest on holidays, goto bed early, drink a glass love
God, carry him in your heart, and then drink a glass of agua
aguar dente and I know everything else. I'm like auguar dente. That is
a locally distilled liquor and it inthe the It was popular during the Gold

Rush in California in eighteen forty nine, we called it here. Firewater.
Love all but firewater. Did yousee how big a glass it was?
I just love the fact that theguy claims that having a glass of firewater
every day, and I go lookat it and it finds out that this
was a popular drink during the GoldRush of eighteen forty nine. So beautiful,

all right. Next, after thebreak the Color Revolution in the US.
It has been underways, gone throughthe institution, and now it is
in the White House for all tosee. After the break? What's the
Color Revolution? And what is goingon between the White House? Democrats of

Israel, welcome back. If youwant to support the show, you know,
you know we're about to say supportpeople who support you. Yeah,
And the people that support us arechess Round Automotive, and they pick up
one hundred percent of the production costs. They don't ask for anything in return.

They don't even ask us to comeup there and buy their cars,
although we have. I am acustomer of chess Round. But if you
want great service, a single familystore, a family with a single store
just south of Delaware, and bythe way, southern Delaware County is turning
purple, so good place. Getup there and buy your cars, support

the Chess Round Automotive Group and getyour American made vehicle. It's a beautiful
American made trucks right now, absolutelyand really phenomenal, beautiful you really,
you really a the Silverados. Youhave to take your dollars to people who
agree with you on important issues.Right So, which is a great segue
into the color revolution inside the UnitedStates of America. General, First,

please help us understand what is acolor revolution? Sir. There's a lot
of different thoughts about what it is, but it's basically a revolution that comes
from without rather than within. There'sa lot of similarities to what's called a
fifth column. It's where back inWorld War One and World War Two they

used to call it ravanchism, wherethere would be like maybe a German community
in another country that bordered on Germany, and so Germany would say, oh,
these people are being mistreated, let'sbring them back in. But oftentimes
now it's not even so much alisenship thing or an ethnic thing. It's
just trying to get other countries tobecome one with you by altering their government

rather than their interests. Yeah,I agree. They're normally thought of as
a non violent protest, trying toaffect cultural changes inside a nation, primarily
with the youth, using university students. Color revolutions swept through Eastern Europe after

the fall of the Russian the SovietEmpire. Color revolutions swept through the Arab
world, known as the Arab Spring. We now have it here. There's
a fifth column in the United States. They are recruiting other students to their
cause and their rallies, using propaganda, use the Internet, use NGOs,
and the United States has been orchestratingthese revolutions to expand its influence all over

the world. And it's a productof the machinations of the US and other
Western powers and what many would callan unlawful interference in the internal affairs of
sovereign countries. Now we have thisinsidious mind virus inside the USA being used
against our institutions. Example many wecan talk about the various institutions, and

on the show, we've talked aboutthe institutions that have been infected by this
mind virus. But now we haveIsrael, Benjamin Netanyahu and how the democrats
and the existing regime trying to handlewhat's happening in Israel. So number one
on the ground. There is acolor revolution underway in Israel to force a

new election to get rid of Netanyahu'sNetanyahu's or Bibi's ultranationalistic or what they call
ultranationalistic conservative government. And the DemocratParty here in the US is getting torn
over Israel's response October seven and Gaza. The left, the American left is
becoming increasingly hostile to Israel. Yousaw the Democrat the White House pushing Kamala

to be in the mouth of thisopposition. Now Blincoln's getting involved. Blincoln
just warned Israel that you may loseour support. They're turning this into a
humanitarian crisis. And by the way, this crisis was started by murderist terrorists

killing innocent lives in the state ofIsrael. They certainly have a natural right
to defend themselves. But now herein the US, whomever is advising Delaware
Joe is telling him, Hey,you're going to be genocide Joe by fall
of twenty twenty four and lose theelection if you don't halt arms shipments in
impose sanctions against Israel. So youhave pro Palestinian organizations that have popped up

on the streets the United states outof nowhere, a bit alarming, screaming
about famine when there's a bunch offat people over there. And then you
go and I've talked to these people. I saw down the short North over
the holidays, and I go upand I'm like, okay, you are
white, red hair, blue eyes. Why are you out here protesting Israel

and pro Palestine, pro Hamas?Because I'm not pro Hamas, I'm pro
Palestine. I asked him three orfour softball questions. He didn't know the
answers. They're they're catching a fringeyouth who needs something to cling on too.
They need a community to get into. They don't know what they are,
what they're doing. You're out theresupporting genocidal chants from the river to

the sea. Palestine will be free. Is calling for the elimination of the
Jewish state, and that is thethe backbone. Well, to be fair,
they're they're calling not for the eliminationof the Jewish state, just to
move it into the ocean. Well, I don't know. I shouldn't giggle
with that. But the far leftfaction in the United States has reached the
minds of our kids, are oureducated kids. Many universities and college campuses

are centers for Palestine solidarity efforts.Biden's been told I'm convinced Biden's being told
that his approval rating is low becauseof how he's handling this issue. This
issue isn't even the top twenty reasonshis approval is so low. You have
people doing uncommitted ballots in the primaries, mobs crashing the gates at the White

House, large university protest. Lastweek, an anti Israel mob materialized outside
the Biden Obama Clinton fundraiser in Manhattan, calling Delaware Joe genocide Joe. Meanwhile,
you know Trump, the rest ofthe country staunchly supporting Israel's right to
self defense, which is a fundamentalconcept. This is why we need to

be extremely careful as to who welet into our nation. I think,
general, and I want to hearfrom you, this is probably the first
overt act of a color revolution Ican think of in US history where the
meddling of a foreign adversary and ourculture is actually taking root and working to
undermine a century's old alliance between Christendomand Judaism. Let me say that again.

There's a foreign adversary that is inour culture, that is in our
heartland, that has taken root andit is actively working to undermine the alliance
between Christians and Jews. Christians andJews. Let me be more blunt.
This is a fifteen hundred year oldreligious war, and we're being told we

were told rather by our founders,who were European ancestors, to stay out
of foreign entanglements and avoid unnecessary alliancesin Europe in the Middle East. Really,
this is why General thoughts, well, you know, the Left has
heard the founding fathers say that weshould stay out of foreign countries, their

entanglements and all that, and theyknow good advice when they hear it.
They just don't like the US takingthat good advice. They're not here to
promote this country. They're not hereto change this country. They're not here
to assimilate. They're not here tolearn their language. They are here to
anticipate in civic virtues to destroy.They're just here to destroy. Period hard
stop hamas has gotten in Hasbala andOrient they're getting so much more than what

they'd hoped for, which was theArab and Muslim worlds to rise up and
destroy the Jewish state. They aregetting so much more. I'm not sure
they even expected this. Pitting Israel'sclosest ally US against them. This is
Game of Thrones in real time.Guys without the good looking girls, without
the dragons, and the white walkers. Further proof that the Biden regime,

the Handlers, and the left flankof the Democratic Party is under the influence
of the enemies of the United States. Immigration, poverty, immigration, squatters,
immigration, crime, immigration, lostresources, not learning the English language,
immigration not assimilating, unemployment. WallStreet Journal just had this on Friday.

Unemployment rate is drifting up. However, we're adding so many new jobs,
why surgeon immigration. Adding jobs fightsinflation. We talked about this before,
which allows the Fed to actually considercutting interest rates, which is another
way to fight inflation. If youput more dollars into the economy, you
better expand the labor pool. That'swhat's happening. If you can reduce those

rates this summer, it helps,It helps the executive in office at the
time, It helps the power theparty that's in power at the time.
So this is another reason they're allowingthese migrants to come in. They're inflation
fighters, and also they are phenomenalfor the census of twenty thirty as they

get more representation. And there's aplace, safe place, safe place for
this. And after the break,I'm going to tell you the safe place
and what we can do as Americansto push back. Thanks for listening to
the show for the defense of theAmerican people. Please share the show.

We've been over coming up on ouranniversary. Eighth anniversary. The show airs.
The show airs Friday nights at sixpm, Sunday mornings eleven am,
and Sundays at seven pm. Andwe're remarkably consistent in what we say on

each of those programs. We dosound like a bit of a broken record,
but we have to continue to stayon the fundamentals and not get lost
with the noise. State of thesignal, the signal, the signal of
the signal. All right, there'san antidote to this mind virus and the
the effort. And if you're justjoining the show, I'm telling you,

in my opinion that the West isbeing undermined by the East, the Middle
East, the Far East, andthe religious wars that have been waging for
eon millennia is here in the US. We are now seeing the efforts to

unshock or uncoupled, decouple the Christianworld from the Jewish state of Israel.
You're seeing it start in the fringeleft, and you're seeing more and more
rhetoric come out of the White Houseand the left. Why because the Color
Revolution that's happening in the United Stateswith the introduction of a pro Palestinian a

Muslim population. And I'm not tryingto say that all Muslims are this way,
and I'm not saying that we shouldn'thave Muslims in our country. What
I'm saying is if you're going tocome to the United States, assimilate into
our Western democracy, participate in localelections, but if you're coming to undermine

our operating system, then you needto be rooted out. You need to
be identified, rooted out, andexpelled, excommunicated from our communities. We
cannot afford to have this level offoreign influence, that is that is attempting

to sever the ties between the UnitedStates and Israel, because severing the ties
today begins to split the Judeo Christianworld, and that centuries old global War
of the Holy Lands winds up cominghere to the US. And it is

there's no mistake that this is happeningunder the weakest president that we've ever had,
probably weaker than James Buchanan, whoallowed us to slide into Civil war.
So James Buchanan got twelve percent,Biden only gets ten. So where
are the safe havens? Small towns? USA? Regular listeners know we are

a huge fan of Main Street USA. We love we're agrarian, Jeffersonian,
small government, small government, andkeep politics local. And one of the
most interesting things about watching the nationalnews when they go to small town America
is how patronizing it is, howabsolutely patronizing. It's all lip service.

Let me tell you, they're greatplaces to live, even if they come
with a lot of works. Peoplesay hello on the street. You can
feel really connected to the community.You get involved, maybe volunteer, fire
department, the church, school groups, town government, that small town culture,
farmers markets, parades down Main Street, civic pride, art festivals,

musical festivals, church meetings, localtheater productions. You know, it goes
on and on. You got yourmovie theater, you got your bowling alleys,
your hardware store, which is oneof one of the first places I
go, barbershop. Yeah, whenwe go to our small towns, and
try our cases. You have theVFW, the moose elks got it all

and it slows down. And Iview our national talk about small town America
is lip service designed to convince othersthat our politicians really care about small town
USA. They don't. Let metell you what small town America has.
Intimacy. They know that the jokeson us. They know the jokes on

the big city people. The bigcities give the illusion of intimacy, but
outside of pockets of scheduled activity,cities are really lonely places, and lonely
places create Those people are very easilyinfluenced because you don't have your peers,
your elders around you to tell youno, no, no, that's not

right. So three things about smalltown USA. They don't trust outsiders,
neither do I. Number two,they skew to an older population, which
equals wisdom and experience. Got tohave more of that in the lives of
our youth. Number three, everythingis local, your politics, your education,

your food, hopefully, and yourword. Your word is your bond.
And as the world gets crazier andthe nation's borders start to shrink and
come to your neighborhood, let metell you, small towns will become a
safe haven for hundreds of thousands ormillions of Americans in the rest of this

decade and into the twenty thirties andtwenty forties. I firmly believe that general
let's pivot. The deep Steak takeon Trump's running mate should be should it
be someone from a swing state,Should it be someone who fits a certain
demographic box. Should it be someonewith a very similar political philosophy, or

is it going to be someone whoTrump just likes and vibes with on a
personal level. It needs to besomeone who is more maga than Trump is,
because that would be the ultimate lifeinsurance policy that if you get rid
of Trump, you're going to havesomeone even quote unquote worse coming in.

All right, well perfect, becauseI'm you are just open the door to
I have a couple candidates that Ireally really like. But do I think
it has to be someone more thanjust a pretty face, because you know
how much he likes those man orwoman husband a handsome face or pretty face.

It has to be more than justa roll r O l E r
O l E. I think ithas to rhyme with ake, So it
could be carry Lake or it couldbe vivakeke I. I you know,
there are the people. I wasa big fan of Ben Carson, but
the trouble is he's listen, hetalks too slow. Well, the thing

I like about him is that thathe's he's more maga than Trump is.
But at the same time, Ithink he's also maybe older than Trump.
I would be horribly disappointed if ifBen Carson gets on the ticket. I
don't think it's gonna Ben Carson.I think his political capital is gone.
Uh, keep an eye on isit Doug Bergram? Is that South Dakota
mayor or governor? Governor? Hecan write a big check, all right.

I don't know that Trump needs abig check. Byron Donaldson, Donald's
sorry, Byron Donald's down. AndI keep an eye on Byron Donalds African
American Uh down in Florida. Magah, Tim Scott, Yeah, well that
he is another mic pets. Christina, Eh, you know, I like

her for the way that she keptSouth Dakota open during the whole COVID farce.
But she did make a she didmisstep on the trans rites and all
of that. I just I don'tknow how you can make that misstep and
not be somewhere in there, youknow, compromise somehow. The problem with
Byron Donald's is the vice president can'tcome from the same state. But that's

easy. Trump just moved to NewJersey, Okay, all right. I
think it's got to be someone wherethere's not a lot of opera research on
them. I think it's got tobe somebody new. I think it's got
to be someone who's going to bea big splash. But the person that
I think it, the person thatI would hope to see, doesn't fit
any of that. And that's JD. Vance Well, I hears it.

Hear me out, all right.He's a thirty nine year old millennial.
He's well spoken, he is eagerto criticize the many mistakes of his GOP
predecessors, and he's called out allthe American manufacturing going to China, wasting

blood and treasure with these nation buildingboondoggles. He's from Ohio, which is
an increasingly red state. But here'sthe wild card. We need Bernie Marino
to win to keep the Senate.JD's fellow Buckeye senator is the highly vulnerable

Democrat Shared Brown, so putting Vanson the ticket would assuredly boost Ohio Republican
turnout in general, helping to propelBernie Marino, shared Brown's opponent in a
race that is critical, crucial forflipping the Senate to the Republican control.
He does represent the white working classthat is the GOP's background backbone. Rather,

he's a fantastic spokesman for MAGA,and he's a practitioner of Magas style
nationalist populism. I think he's justa little bit smooth or more polished Rondo
Sanus, I think that you've gotjd Vance right where you need him,
and I think we should keep himthere, just like Rand Paul. You

start taking too many of these talentedpeople out of the Senate, you're gonna
lose a Senate. We can bringin another red Ohio senator. Not always
easy, not always easy. Hey, this weekend, if you are thinking
about getting a new vehicle, runup, run up to check round automotive.
They have so many vehicles, theyhave great selections up there. All

right, So NATO turns seventy fiveand we're going to introduce We're going to
try to get a series. Barringsome global something major happening, which is
quite possible. We're gonna we're goingto start a series on NATO. We
do want to. We take theposition that it's okay to reevaluate everything every

now and then. I think eachgeneration owes it to the nation to look
at what's working. Interesting you saythat because Jefferson one of his big things
was that each generation should totally throwout the laws of the old one and
start a new one. He neverthought the Constitution would still the original Constitution
would still be in effect. Hethought there'd be about two thousand amendments by

now. So each generation owes itto the future generations. Stop what's not
working, start new things, andkeep doing what is working. NATO.
NATO is the issue de jure NATOturns seventy five. So headline in the
January February twenty twenty fourth issue ofThe Atlantic. I'll read it so you

don't have to Trump will abandon NATO. That's the title, Okay, quote
I've reelected. He would end ourcommitment to the European Alliance, reshaping the
international order and hobbling American influence inthe world, warned the subheading author and
apple bomb. Now, one ofthe things that I do is when I

see something, and most of mytime is spent in reading the left,
reading the globalist stuff, and Ialways want to look at the author,
and I want to check out whothe author is. And apple Bomb,
the author of the article has anair of stun disbelief that Donald Trump would

even suggest that he doesn't give ablank about NATO, that European conflicts are
not worth American lives and that pullingback from Europe would save the US lots
of money. Well, and hemight be right, but who's the author?
And apple Bomb? Before we jumpinto NATO, we want to call

out the people that are propagating thepropaganda of the globalist the ultimate, big
hairy audashaf audacia goal, audacious goalof a world parliament. We're heading that
way, We're speeding that way.This journalist naturalized Polish journalist. She's written

extensively about the history of communism,and she's written for The Economist. She's
on the editorial board of the WashingtonPost. That tells you a lot.
Staff writer for the Atlantic and asenior fellow at the Agora Institute at Johns
Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. To stick with me for a minute.

The Agora Institute. We got todo some research on what this is.
The Agora Institute just recently was grantedsix million dollars by the United States
Department of Defense to bolster civic learning. All right, so so, and
this was in addition to civic learning. The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense

for Research and Engineering, which fundsthis Agore Institute at Johns Hopkins where she
is a senior fellow, and she'swriting for the Atlantic, and she is
calling out Donald Trump for even suggestingthat NATO is not in America's best interest.
Fifty three million dollars have been awardedto various NGOs under something called the

National Defense Education Program. The NationalDefense Education Program is warhawk, globalist,
neo khon imperialism, propaganda civics forthe twenty first century. They're building curriculum
now now. Anne Applebaum, missApplebaum, was born in Washingdeed's DC.

Her fam family immigrated from what isnow Belarus. She graduated from the Sidwells
School at eighty two. Very upitygoes to yale. Enuff said, that's
where leftists send their kids. Bythe way, London School of Economics LSE
we've talked about who started LSE andhow it is part of the original idea

of an Anglo Saxon world from theFabian Society the late eighteen hundreds, the
British imperialists that were conquering around theworld and taking treasure from other nations.
There was not spreading democracy there.It was we do it better than anyone

else, and we're going to showthem how to run their nations. Now
it's the same thing everyone wants Westernliberal democracy, and so if you don't
agree to it, then we'll justbring it to you. She also did
I mention that she's a correspondent forThe Economist, which is the bible for

the globalist, and she is amember of the American Enterprise Institute. Now
the American American Enterprise Institute and theCouncil on Foreign Relations are twins. They're
twins, their siblings. It's builtas a conservative think tank. It is
a neocon globalists using the American workingclass tax system to fund their best interest

of other homelands, or their sponsorsor their crony capitalist in their straight up
global central planning druids. And we'vetalked about druids in the past. These
are the ancient fellows who would studyunderneath the oak tree, and that's how
the oak tree became equivalent for beingabout wisdom. The druids were part of

the Germanic tribes, and the Romanstook a lot of what they learned about
these druids back to Rome. Andso there's that threat here. These people
argue that NATO has been a phenomenalsuccess. And then also this same author
wrote an article in twenty sixteen perpetuatingthe lie that Donald Trump was an agent

of Russia and that Russia was supportingTrump, which was part of a Russian
political campaign to design stabilize the West. She's anti nationalism, and so she
is a fearmonger. But it getsworse. She is a member of the
Council on Foreign Relations. She's onthe board of the National Endowment for Democracy

NED. We've talked about NED.NED starts color revolutions in other countries.
Her husband is a fellow named RadoslawSikorsky. General. Do you know who
what mister Sikorski does. He makesreally nice helicopters, he may He is
the Defense Minister of Poland and theforeign minister. Interesting, so this is

the person who is writing for theAtlantic or the Economist or Washington Post.
That's a member, a teacher atJohns Hopkins, And these are the people
that are creating this color revolution insidethe United States. To be fair,

Poland is a fairly conservative European country. It's not the United States. Poland's
interests are very much aligned with Ukraine. They need the United States there.
But why would I send my sonto go fight for your homeland? Why

would you send your sons or daughtersto go fight for there? Let them
deal with it. That is whatwe're talking about now as we move into
NATO. Has NATO, which wasfounded in nineteen forty nine to face an
entirely different threat? Is NATO obsolete? Have we expanded dramatically the scope of
what NATO was supposed to do?And you know Trump's time in office,

he really wanted to study NATO andinfamously at the twenty eighteen NATO's summit,
he threatened to withdraw from NATO.It never happened. Well, they they
were't paying their spare share, right, But you have the people surrounding him
at the time, John Bolton,Jim Mattis, John Kelly, Rex Tillerson,
who I like Rex Tillerson. Fromwhat I know, these are neo

cons. And if you don't likewhat we're doing on our foreign policy,
then you may be very much youmay be very much more of a what
I would call it, kind ofa paleo conservative perhaps. Yeah, we're
not isolationists. We just want tobe smart about these things. So let

me ask you about this. IsAmerica a safer place because of America's interventions
around the world? In some waysyes, and in some ways no.
And there's a lot of false dichotomiesbeing drawn here. When Trump came in,
he was against NAFTA. Well,how can you be against the North
American Free Trade How can we nothave a treaty with Mexico. Well we

do have a treaty with Mexico eventoday. But we tore up NAFTA and
we got something that serves us muchbetter. Why is it that we can
only do what we're doing now throughNATO? No, why can't there be
another organization that has slightly different aimswe have just we just have a couple
of seconds. Let me let metell you this. There's nothing that makes

money like war. This is howEuropean banking houses are the eighteen hundreds,
and the American bankers like JP Morganbecame unbelievably wealthy and now too big to
fail. Without money, there isno war and no for the big guy.
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